The Southern sun. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1869-1872, August 24, 1871, Image 1

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VOL. VI. the southern sun. Published Weekly by JOH N, U- H AVS S. Proprietor. Terms of Subscr *>tion. ,nr. one year L $2 50 •vr C*>PV' **•* months L . .1 50 ie /'"py. three months.. / I Ot) Advertisements. Will lw? Inserted at one Hollar per square for tl e -•.t inssitfnn Liberal deductions wll W fnade on ltr ,u;t« Ob tiiarissand inarringeu will beeb rgtd , Mine as other ad vcrllsetiients. ft N E.S OF ADVERTISING. yl squ ires. 1 Mo. 2M » 3 Mos 6 Aios 12 .won ■ V|IH I*B 800 11 00 14 00 20 00 30 00 H .iiia es 12 00 15 00 20 OO 28 00 40 00 4«initr-s * 10 00 20 00, 20 00 3.3 00 .<s() 0o r s iuart-H 20 00 S ()0j 82 00 40 0 00 00 , inures 24 00 31 00 38 00 48 »0 7" 0 ’ squares 2« OQ 37 001 4'»00'&6.,0 80 00 s squares 32 00’ 43 00 52 00 64 0- 90 eO inquires 36 00 49 Oo 6'o )72 00 lon 00 ID square* 40 00 s'. 00 68 u 0 8 » 00 110 Oo i column 44 Om 62 00 74 00 89 00 (20 00 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. F, o. BOWER E. O. DOWER BOWER & BOWER. ATTORNEYS AT LAW BAINBRIDGE. OA. OFFICE IN THE COURT HOUSE. M uch 28, 1871. 44-1 jr It. W I>AYI9, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BATSBRIT*JB. <J\. CtT Otlicc over Patterson & McNair's Store. riiAßiiiH o OAMpnrr.i..... H.T. bharon. CAMPBELL & SHARON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BAIN BRIDGE. GA All luininess eßtrus.ed to their care, promptly at tended to. ,■) office in Court House. [july!3. ly DR:e7j: MORGAN. O’-fc'ICE on Houth Rroad, ovet J. W. Pfeftftaf and s-UW, UeM-lenco on West Street. Much 30-1 y feAtSBRIDGE, GA MISCELLANEOUS THE SHARON HOUSE, JOHN StfARON, Propriety Bainbridge Georgia. Tit \NMENI* BOARD $8 PER DAY; THK trftVellnp.public are hereby notified that this lumso has been thoroughly repaiied an 4 rrdn.fl, as well as ref iroisiied throughout, and ren dfosl <>ne of the most desirable and agreeable hnteUio the Slate worthy the liberal patrona e it has heretofore r ceived from the passengers (in the river and rai'road N * pains or expenses wifi hie ‘pared to make the SHARON HotlSE all that any mec add deriM*. Call amt test its merits. irin connection wdli the Hotel is an elegant SALOON where the finest of liquors are kept. C. Haves, . Ben. J. Lester Richmond, Va bavapnah. Ga the firmuiit Tobacco* Liquor, aud Commission iTortse Wm. C. HAYES A Cos. 141 Bay Street, Savannah. Georgia. OFFER special and particular inducewen'sto-wA merchants and planters of Georgia and Fla. . Bides, Cotton and jjfeneral produce taken in 'tchang,. a ud on consignment. With liberal ad uick HU d .suiail commissions, ve 7 ! .'e to siarA a liberal patronage from the trade *o'*. »»«r nor 10 THE BEST IS TUE CHEAPEST. import & Jondoa & 6U»toe J Fire* Insurance Co s over $20,00n.00n in Gold. Over $3 000,000 Bays losses immediately after adjustment. Tie New ork Lifeli sarnce Cdiip y Assets *18.000.000. J. E. JOHNSTON & CO , General Agents. T. B. HUN NEWELL & CO., Agents, ts) Bainbridge. Ga. f . J GUILMARTIN & CO., Cotton Factors, and General Commission Merchants. Bay Street, *'*utoah, Ga. TTsu'al Facilities Extended to Cns sepß, 1870»ly MEINHARD, BROS. & CO. • Wholesale Dealers in 8 SSqSS. STATS, Ready Made Clothing, JuraUfciiig 6ootls 111 Bonzhton St. SAVANNAH,GEORGIA, unci £ j s 0 SB2 WHITE ST. JS. JSelnhad * Einhard; j b New York i*. A* W * - ... " - ' -t ii : * ffF Another North Carolina Town Burn ed Goldsboro, North Carolina, was burned on Sunday night last. The,'burning is generally said to have Iwn the woift of the Jacobinical Society ktlown as the lea* gue. We think tho Republican Extent le** (’ommUti e, < fwl ich Saintn I F. Philips is Chairman should ho held responsible for ibe burning of Goldsboro. On the dav of tho bloody riot at Gu-dshnro, the negroes swore they would hu*n the torPtt:- They swore too that they would burn lire hutel|-Ah re the police imprisoned tho negro who caused the i lot. The fire was applied to flu; hotel; wh'ch burned much of the town destroying property to the amount <jl SBO,OOO. W« have su'd the Republican Executive Committee should be In.ld responsible lor ihe destruction of ihe town. But they will all say with Stanl-'y, * Hold ns resposible and be d— n.‘ These are our reasons for tht* declaration : Phillips sticccedod Holden as chairman of the Executive Committee. This curotnit tee chartered a train acd gave several Ib.iQsan i negroes a fVeo ride to Goldsboro. The negroes were furnished with free ra tions ami free whiskey. When they ar rived at Goldsboro* they entered into a bloody riot, attempting to resene one of their number from the officers of the law. In this attempt one was killed and several wounded. The negroes have been as good as their word ami have burnt lh«? hotel and the town. Without the Executive com •mittee and the free ride ttya negroes could not have gotten to Goldsboro*. If they had not gone there, there Would have been no riot, and there would have beeu no burn ing.. Quod erat demonstrandum. —FaleighSen- TINEL. In the French departments occupied by the Germans, tlie invaders autl the inhabit iants lead a oat-and-Jog life. It rt be not that actual violence is committed by One or the other, every tiling is done by the French* iriou to taunt and ridicule the Germans. In Paris not a German will be allowed into u Workshop. Three hundred of them having been ivfused admittance, have carried their piotest to their Minister. The Paris rab ble stigmatizes all extortioners as Bis* marcks. At St. Denis the Germans coin*, plain at the annoyance caused them by the inhabitants of that jjla&e,' #h‘o' name their dogs, oats, pigs, and goats after command' ing officers. Truly, hero is bad business. It is very astonishing that the French people should entertain feelings of rose hi" incut toward their oppressors. They should accept the situation and bury all dead issues. The French are hot a pro gressive people The RriVsh Consul at Savannah, in his report on the com pierce of Georgia, made to the Foreign office at L »nd .0, and just published, thus speaks of Brunswick : ‘The c<>«st «.f Brunswick harbor is pecu liarly free from the bmks and shoils, aud as the water gradually deepens front the exterior islands, in iti- proportion of a fa thorn a mile, a tfesWei ku wing this can float off and on in safety. Passing the islands and entering St SimonsH* Sound, a large fl*el may float in safety. Brunswick harbor being au arm of the sea, running np only eighteen mi let?, aud cousecjneutly , up to tnifl time having no connection with the interior, there has been but little com merce from it, coastwise or foreign ; but now that the Macno & Biunawick K*ilroad has been completed, connvct'ng its waters with the interior of Georgia and Savannah and the Brunswick & Albany Railroad is in process of construction, this harbor must become in a few years one of the most »m --portant in the Sbuthern country. Ii w the best and most coorritodious harbor sooth of the Chesapeake. Lrrrus Thorns.-TBc sweetest, the most clinging affection is often shaken by the slightest breath of uukinduess, as tne del icate rings and teodrills of the vine are agitated by the faintest air that blows in snmmer. -An unkind word from one beloved often draws blood from many a heart which would defy the battle-axe of hatred or the keenest edge of vindictive satire. Nay. the shade, tbs gloom of the face familiar and dear, awakens grief and pain. These are the little thorns, which; though men of rougher form may make their way through them without feeling them mnch, extremely incommode persons of a more refined torn hi their journey through life, and make their traveling irksome and unpleasant. Al3 l33.cie*poi3.ciei3.t TQurnal —zOe'V'oteci to tiio interests or GoorgiO,. BAIN BRIDGE, GA., TIIURSDAt, AUGUST 24, 1871. Listen to the Mocking Bird "One ot tb«* most uicictul ph .pc* of Amer ican legislation is that which cates for the singing-bird. It is the property of this ciirwister that is* combines in bis nature the useful in etjual proportions with the entertaining feasting vigorously, in fact on on bugs, tootles, moths, fi Id Ijce, and other sndt eueniieg of Vegetation, when i ot charming the air with his dulcet curb's fn Kra»*ce the o<*de Civile, ‘.htuks to the kind provision of its found»*r. the great Napoleon has a set title for the protection of biids, and in some fate legislation in lowa the same mild extension is made of ( the fegis of tin* law—Under , if we mistak*' not, a fifty dollar penal'y, the tomtit, aed bbie-biVd, lark i»nd wren, are at lilierty to chirp utitro ested m oor on It west, and in a plea to the on coming Legislature of Georgia a voice is raised Son'll for the mocking-bird Tlte young of these birds are invariably taken fioni the nest as goon as found and sent to the North and Europe where they sell at high prices, as every brood thus disposed of is withdrawn front production a sensible diminution in the number, of these glorious warblers is tinted, ffecttlcsil boys also, just learning to use a gun, und careless how sweet a voice *is stilled so long as they make ihe feathers unfrequently kill the raocfcirtg-bird with as little compunction as the crow; and then there are others again who trap him though perfectly well assured that the ItiM growu bird cau never accustom himself to captivity, and will beat out. its . little life against tho bats of the cage. Despoiling of the nest, however, is the great wrong. Only a few days since ouf local column noticed a consignment of 200 young birds by one steamer* »ud the figures nu.y give some idea aa the extent to which this spo liation is »*arried. To prevent the vandal Isiu a kindly heart has found room in the Augusta (Ga.) Constitutionalist to call upon the Leg.ih|a4tire of ihe Slate —wh'ch Resembles in November, for some preventive measure, and we trust our American nightingale m»»y not hav* the voice raised in his favor in vain.—N. Y Wold. A New York wholesale grocer, who has become rich iu his business, has lately made the following revelation ; He says bis rule always Was ifrhen h'3 sold a bill of goods on credit to immediately subscribe for the local paper of h's debtor. So long as his customers advertised libei ally and vigdtdtfsly he rested, but as Soon as he be gan to contract his advertising space he took the fact as evidence that there was trouble ahead* and he invariably went for his debt, •&»-,* said he, ‘ the man who feels to poor to m.tke his business known, is too poor to do business.* ihis with drawsLof an advertisement is an evidence of weakness that business men are not slow to observe. Murder Will Oct.—Mourn, who was lynched receiJlty at Onarga, Illinois, for whipping his son to death* is discov- red to hav -commuted other erun s scarcely l*ss atrocious. Sromo years ago a U»y adapted by him mysteriously disappeared,and_there is no doubt now that he was nurd*-red. Still later another lad, working for the same man, was unaecouiitaley missing, and the daughter of Meara n*»w stales that lier fa;her kill him with an axe, and she can tell where he was lurried. Investiga tiotis are nuw in progress, and it is possi* »>le that still further crimes may be uueanh ed against him. - —l ■ " • ♦ Molknivg r (R the Dead— Hie celebrated JuniM Watt, who has lasted the bitterness of grief for the loss of a wife said admir ablv. *Our duty to the departed lias.corrte to a period , but our duty to our living family, to ourselves. and. to tie world still subsists, aud the sooner we can bring our selves lo attend to it, the more meritori ous.* The Fikst Smoker.— Every one knows that tobacco was first brought into repute in England by Sir Walter Raleigh. At first he smoked in private, not wishing it to beeme common ; but sitting one day absorbed iu meditation, with a pipe in his mouth, he called his servant|to briug him a mag of beer. The fellow, as soon as he entered the room was seized with, terror, threw the contents of the mag into Sir Walter's face, and running down stairs, bawled out, ‘Fire ! fire I fire ! Sir Walter has studied until his head is on fire, sad the smoke is bursting out of H is mouth and nose P - 1 " l ‘Thi* world’s a fleeting show,* said a priest to a culprit ou the gallows/ ‘Yes, was the prompt reply, *bnl if you have no objection, Id like to see the show a little long*!. 4 [From the Cmu|prl:ind (Mi ) N-w«, Ani. 14. ] Death of Mrs Yallamligham. We regret tblimionuce of Mrs. tiotlisa A. Yaffandigham—widow of the late lion. Cleotent L. ValUmUghatn, of Ohio—who dies in this city, at tfie t«ai* deuce of her brmher-in law. Dr. R S. Me- Kaig, at half past 11 .v t y t* . M\s. was the danghter of Mr. William McMahon, who was one of the earliest ar.d most influential citizens of Cumberland. Sle* was born in the year 1818, and in 1846 she was married to Mr. VaHandigham, and removed to Now L'S lion, OHio * .but shortly afterward Mr. Val landigham took up h’is re*r<h*ttco in Dayton, where lit* lived to the tirnp of his death. Af erthe burial of her husband. Mrs Val. laudighaio, actufopauied by her son, came to visit her frieiwls in Cumb-rlibid, with the hope that Her health, which was shat* tered by the distreasing death of her hus band, might improve hv being with her ttearest kindred. During the first two weeks succeeding the la then table oeddr rencc of Mr. VaHandigham*s deatli her reason was much affected, bntshe had ful ly recovered after the lapse of a fortnight, and her mind np to the hour of h«r death was as clear as ever. The immediate cause of h«*r demise was dysentery, ' from attacks cf which she has been suffering all summer. • But a few weeks ago Mr. and Mrs. VaHandigham were both in robust health, with the promise of many years before tlterri. To«day both, are wrapped in the cold embrace of death, and of tho happy family they and their son composed, there is only Charley left—a promising young than, Sget! about 17 yt*rtrs. We learn that it is designed to place the remains of Mrs. VaHandigham in a vault at the feose Hill Cemetery, and to remove them to Dayton in the fall; A Beautiful Tribute to Virginia.— ln a speech made Is** week „at Louisville, Ky., the Hon. D W. Vo»>rh<»es, of Indiana, says: ‘lf lon the other hand, was calling wit nesses for tho Democracy ; I would point first to the old State o' Virginia, the most afflicted cf all, the most torn to pieces of all, with her male population driven away, ifer bosom thrashed with the thrashing machine of death from one border to the other. She has emmged as from a fire of ten-fold heat, but she has fallen into the hands of Conservatism and not. Radicalism, and no Ridical, not even Ben. Butler dares wa* his foul tongue or point his fe lonious finger at her. [Cheers.] And this I said to him, too, on the floor of the House. Viiginia, the-very head and front of the struggle on the part of the Sottth —she in whose bosom lies m'«re bnried valor than rn any otln*r ecfnV space of ground the sou shines upon [applause] -where h -roes surs passing th'tse that Homer sung of met aud clashed their swords and bled and died she on whose fate the whole Sooth Imng. who never faltered, tiud when her leaders laid down their swords all others were laid down.* \ Duel with Br iAbsw<»RDS. —Yesterday morning about II o‘ch»ck two young gen tlemen, both natives of this city, met *n the rear of Bur Seville tosettle a tjUafref of old standing with broadswords—cut and tTfrost. AfW fencing /or abo rt fifteen minutes the nhaUenging party rec’ived a severe wound over the left temple, and the combat euded. The wound, which is a cut about three inches long, although pain ful, is not considered and uigeroua. The po* lice arrived on the spot in time to We too late to see the fight, which is reported to have been a spunky one.— N. 0. Oomtn Bulletin July 2t. Agricultural College. —ls Georgia es tablishes an Agricultural College next fall so as to get our 300.000 acres of Congress land, sfie has no ueed to build new college bouses at Athens or anywhere else ; thp vacant public buildings (and public lands too) at Milletlgeville are all ready, auif the school can open in Jannury. So writes a correspondent in the Federal Union of a recent date. To no purpose could the old Capitol building at Mi-ledge ville be more suitably devoted than that ol the contemplated Agricultural College. The saQJo writer states that the State Rome cost $500,000; ftbail the stately old building, with its many confcnriefioes be permitted to crdmhlc and fall for want of nse ? We never look at it without a feeling of sadness for ghwy departed- Let's use it for something*—Saoderstine Georgian. Carput Bagghry to BK IfUOUKATKD is Francs. —The imperial Pailiament ul Get m my has passed u bill, giving the right to vote to every German tweury>oue years of age who shall declare bis purpose before thejptoper authorities to Uccoateß resident of Alsace or Lorraine. By this means it s h ipetl to form a 'loyal* German popula -11 ton in tliese 6nwquere<" VJ ’ t, v * J suffi cieiitly nemeroua to iuflncoce the srutis inputs of. the people. Os course, all the local <«ffi *eiß, all the pickings aud steal ings will be given to the Piusaign carpet baggers. Too Much Trips. —We In ard a good joke yesterday o|i .% promiueut grocery mer chant on East Broad street. It seemA that h** had recently'employed a clerk who has not long been in this country, and bus a rather, imperfect knowledge of its language and customs. Yesterday morning this merchant gave his clerk some money .to go to market, telling dim to got a piece of tripe for breakfast, and invest the balance in.beef and other articles for dinuer. Af ter the necessary absence, the clerk return ed, puffing under the weight of a heavy basket. To hts astonishment he discovered that the clerk bad misapprehended his or der,v for in the place of the small piece of tripe for breakfast, and tlie good roast for <fihn< f with trimmings, he had his basket loaded with tripe in the crude state, not even the fir.-t cleaning having jjcen made. Our readers can imagine tho disgiist with which the employer inspected the contents of that basket. A number of his friends having heard of tiis good fo.rftiue, called to Congratulate him, and ask how be was sel ling tripe. At last accounts, the unfortu nate victim was in search of a negro who won and accept a quarter to carry the tripe away from bis premises.—Sav. News, Advice To-CoTton Planters.— • Willough by/ the New York correspondent pf the Augusta Constitutionalist ,write Bas fol lows,* underolate of August Bth: Wo are having some weakness in cotton. TbitHs entirely due to the pressure of ex isting stocks on the market* and lma no special refeitmce to the future. I can only say to your headers that I would not sell a bale rif cottmi till Liverpool advances to lOd. for middling upland. A special from Romo, Oaf., dated the 11th, to the Augusta Obrouicle and Sentinel Ba > B : ,, From the roporfs to the AgricuUaral Society, 'he indications aso that the cptton crop of Georgia this year will not exceed five eights of last year’s crop. Corn is about the same. About one-fourth the amount of gitipio has been used this year hr compared with last. Greater attention Itas been shown to the improvement of stock, provisions, and home made fertiliz *rs. M *re capital is in vested • in man ufsiCiu ring. More sugar cane has been planted inf South Georgia ihis year than formerly. A Greene county fanner raised five tons to the aij're. Xlm convent ion a<fj >tirned in Ma con, ou Tuesday, night, Octobet 24th, prox imo. A Rf.xabkable Ca-e —We learn that a lady—name not recollected—lesiduig «t or »<>af I'lllon, in tbia county, fell into a trance one dry last week, ami remained in perfectly oucaiMClinua state f«»p thiee anii.nighrs. When sl»e awoke, which was ihi tho monmig of the fourth day, Rhe ar(»sv and w tit aeemmgly unaware of the length of time ehe had alept or remained uWebfHCio** t » all aubfi|u*ry things. She soon after remarked to her family that there would be an unusual amount of sick ness in the country this year, aad that half the people in Georgia would die, and shortly thereafter died herself. Previous tir this sleep or trance, she was apparent ly in excellent health. This is certainly a vary remarkable case, if true.—-[Ex'. A Steange Stokt. —A strange story comes from Prince George county, Va. It goes tiiat a colored uian, who had been suf fering from scrofula, was induced to take live (rugs and splitting them open, apply them to bis peck. This be had been doing for several days and thought be was real 'zing some the strange remedy. While his wiio was dressing his heck, the nead of a green suake protruded from un dor ihe skin aud she pulled it out and found it to be alive and about tea inches in length. * 9 _ "You'd, be tier look oat for yoor boss's feet above Hsre, mister/ said a' ragged boy to a traveler. ‘Why?* asked the geutJe man, uervousty put upgnp, ‘Caase. tbe*a‘s a fork ip the road there, sir/ was tuc oin did reply. t l* pf 'P* * gfS!|yf f*t i ■■ '■ ■ • * * " fa ' * '* * ■** * * What Prcuria’s Victort has Cost m Pwfu>- Tlie fallowing extract from a Gorman paper,. <ikt shows the reverse of the ptctOM W,ho-o bright sid« was seen at Bertie, oa - the- oo casio'h of the triumphal entry of the German ar my In that city : •- ‘ The war has not only Interrupted work, hut hut (Miroyed thousands of plaqes Os week. The four million thalri-s. which are to be spent for the asslstanctf of those who have suffered lev» ace ae a drop on a stone, which, hissing, drop* oo t«i it kh4-.ii an disappear* iu SUiokS. Theushtxll of men of theimdwehr and reserve return to twr homns crowned with victory and oevered with .wreaths, but they find thrnr dweitiem destHfite, their wives iu want, their childmt> neglected, their woikshop* destroyed, their customers dispers ed. their credit shaken and the want of their, maru Ufacture Their rent Is atil l due, Whteh has Hccumalated for eyear. New too!fe hive beeo’ bouchr, which their wives iu tine of distxesa have either pawned or -sold. Materials have ts be laid in on stock, to enable them to enable them, In case of an order being given, to beriti work. Repaiis and clothes are neosssavy. Thb bakers, butchers have trot to lw paid —ls work is not bettun at once the oiy of distress wfil soon be hh distinctly heard as the echo of iejoicing. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TnunffimEh GEORGIA : By BtJFtS B. fittlbCK, t - _ .. i Governor tis daid Sint*. WHEREAS, official information has been vto ceived at this Department that a (harder was o «m mitted upon the body of iofin A . Griffis, in thw county of Heard, on or about the 18th of Neveaw ber, 187 ), by Thomas Tsal, Parohk. Gatrvis, and Susan Ksowtss have fled Irons; justioe; Now, therefore, ‘ to the end that they may ha brought to trial sot the crime* with which they stand charged,- I have thought proper to issue th#my proclamation hereby offering n reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS each tor the apprehension and dellveny of the said Tnaa* Paschkl Guims. and Susan Know ups, with evlr deuce sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of spiff county of Heard. Given under my hand and ths Great Seal of Mm State at t|xe Capitol Jn Atlanta, , this tbfi seventh day of August, in ths ye« of our Lflffff Eighteen Hundred and Seventy one, had of too Indcpendeeoe at the United Stages of America the Ninety-sixth. , RUFUS B. BULLOCK. By the Governor : *• David G. CortiNG, Sec’ry of (Mate. is-4t • . ; a proclamation: GEORGIA : By RUFUS B. BULLOCK, - .. > Governor of said State. , . ' ■ t!: "” * v • - "Whscuas, At the July Tern, A. D. 1*71; at tho Superior Court, betid in and for tbO’ Couatf at Wnsbingtoa, one Jaxm Oxvosd was tried convicted, of the crime of murder, aad Stfriteneed, r by the Judge presiding at mid Court, 1 to be wwu ted, by hanging by the neck unlit dead, oa File day, the Mt day of September proximo, aad was, by order said Court, committed to the )«if of the County of BaMwia, tor aafekeeplng, to aweM the fulfilment of his Mid aenteuee; aad,* : ; > W - Wu' at ah. It has been otttolal ly reported to-dhli Department, that on the night of the 22d of July* 1871, in the City of County 8f BaliA •via, a band of iswlom and di*jftti*ed persons, at about seventy-fire in numW, did; hy force and Intimidation, obtain from the Sheriff at the isW Comity of Baldwin,, the keys of the jafl Os county. ami did ur.lawfully open the mine hod r***. lease therefrom the said Janas Oxvoxa, and set him at liberty; and, -• • t Wukbeai. Upon a previous occasion, to wH-j e» the aiight of the 14th of October. 1869. while tbs said Jam as Oxford was confined in the jail of the County c f Hancock, under an ladiatoseal chaqpinff him wish the mardcr of « respectable eitiaeft Os said county, * hand of disguised and lawleia pea sons, of about sixty in number, did, by Urea and intimidation. obt»ia from the Sheriff es seidQoac. ty of Ha >cock the keys of the said tail, add, ove»- powere l the guard stationed thereat fur the safe* keeping of the prisoners confined thereto, did an. lawfully open said jail aad relearn thiaedreai the said Jamm Oxfoed, and set hies at liberty s and, * Wuerkas, These repeated and fUgraat rlnlettoag of the law, by bands of diagabad genoos, clearly establish the fact. that there lew detonntoalleu ap> ou their part to prevent the said-Oxsefc* from fan., tog brought to punishment for the eriase of which he stands convicted, thereby setting the tows at this State at open defiaaee, find thwarting the ends of j net ice ; and, ” V i. Whereas. It -is the doty of the ExscuNre, aofl the interest of every good ciltoea eLtkia SSato, to. sea to it that the laws thereof am rigidly executed. Now, therefore, to order that the of the-law may he fully vindicated, aad -da this eat that the senteaee the Obmt epea the mid Oxford as aforesaid hay be felly exeeeted, I do hereby iane thb mv prociaasastoa. idniaga Reward of riveThoeseed DoMars far the lienaioh nrfd delivery of the mid Jemaa wafasd ta the Sheriff of Fat ton County. t And X do moreover chart* all aas*r*» sen dvff and ulifluty, in thb fffcite, to be vigilant to oa d«wvoring to apprehend tb a*fd /emoa QN>to I* ssaaa* SSffsESJ Given under my haod ami (heOwn*talent* State at the CUpHoJ ie Atlanta, dagy - ol July. In tba yearof < wrLeaff Mb| Mbh dred aad Woeeoty noo, mafat the fmiaieedaiffi of she United Staten fftoerbatim Itoiiitafa. By tk* Governor Darns #. Oorme, Bmc'rr of Meta taW 30,1871 -8-dt * m i3 IMMMik' *■ "