The Southern sun. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1869-1872, September 07, 1871, Image 1

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VOL. VL THE SOUTHERN SUN. Published Weekly by JOHN K. H A Y EB. Proprietor. Terms ot Subscription; ipr. one year ........... .$2 60 I'ie'Copy . #ix month# :...... ) 60 o#e ;opy, three month* I 00 Advertisements. trill be Innertefi At one dollar per nq.iare for t> e li«t inaeition Libera) rieriiicLori# wll In* made on struct*. Ob tusriesund marriages wlllbech rgid ,»,* same am other advertisements, ’ OF ADVERTISING. So Squares. 1 Mo. 2 M a 3 Mob (5 Mob 12 iios Tiq'iare |4 00 "Won. $9 00: lY 00 f2O 00 800 11 00* 14 (10 20 00 30 00 Z aqiures 12 00 15 00 20 00 26 00 40 00 4 aqnares I 16 00 20 00. 2G 00 33 00 ftO 00 5 square# *0 00 «0j «2 (X) 40 0 60 00 CaquareA 24 00 81 OOj 38 00,48 <0 7u • 0 7 square# 28 00 it Ot), 1 4". SO 66 80 00 (Saqnveß 32 001 43 001 62 00 64 0" 90 <»0 !• squares 36 OOJ 49 Oo! 60 o*»i72 00 100 00 lOsquarea 40 00 6i 00 68 uOjS ► 00 110 (Hi i c»lamn 44 Ou 62 od| 74 00 89 On jgQOQ PROFESSION Ab C A RD§T* B B BOWER B O BOWES bower & Bower. ATTORNEYS AT LAW bainbridge. GA. omcE in tub court iiousb. March 28. 1871. 44-ly r. w r>Avis, ATTORN BY AT LAW* BAINBRIDGE. QA CM* Office over Patter Sou & MfcNrtir’n Store. CBARUCSO CAMPRRLL H 2. CAMPBELL & SHARON* ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BAl> BRIDGE. GA All l*»>ineßs entru.- ed to their care, promptly at tended to. Office in Gon t House. [jnivl3, ly * DR. E. J MORGAN. OFFICE on South Broad. toVfet A VV Dennnr- 1 # .lore. Residence on West Street, Marcti 30-ly BAINBRIDGE, GA MI sr ELLA who us THE SHARON HOUSE, JOHN SHARON, Proprietor Bainbridge Georgia. TR \N>IES BO \R‘ >s3 PER DAY* THE tmverimr public are hereby n«-tifi«*<t that thia hoiwe t««s been < hnr •iifr<>iy repaiied an * n!)*-d an wel! a* 2<*t rid#lih.l throughout, and ten dered one «*f the nnn*t deairatde and ngrebab'e hucl-iu the State worthy the Idreml patrons rt it ha# Uen-tofore r ceived from the or# on tlie river and mi'WKid N • paid# «»r expenses wil be ■paced to uiake the SHAIIOS H 1 'll ib all I hat aliy tone could desire Call an<l test its merits. connection vv tli the Hotel is all elegant SALOON #rh«r* the finest of liquors lire kept C. Hana, . Bsn. J. Lestkb Richmond, Ya Savannah. Ga Ske Ht’bolcsialc *© . Tobacco, Liquor, and Commission House Wm. C. HAYES * Cos. 141 Bay Street, Savannah. Georgia. OFFER special and particular inducement to thto merchants and planter# of Georgia and Fla. _ j W Hides, Cotton and general produce taken in uchange, and on consignment. With liberal ad* tuna quick sales, and small commissions, v e Wpetosharea liberal patronage from the trade no T ls) - THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. He Liverpool & & ©lobe Fire Insurance Co s over $20,000,000 in Gold. Over $S 000,000 Fays losses immediately after adjustment. The New York Life Insurance Comp’y Assets sl6 000,000. j. g JOHNSTON a CO , General Agents. T. B. HCNNEWELL & CO., Agents IQ Bainbridge, Ga. LJ GUILMARTIN & CO., Cotton Factors and • General .Commission Merchants. Iky Street, Savannah, Ga. Usual Facilities Extended to Cus sepß, 18<0sly MEINHAt.D. BROS A CO. Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS SHOES, SAYS, Heady Made Clothing* 6futt*»c«’S luruUhiag 6«odS 111 Bon%kton St. SAVANNAH,GEORGIA, omci B. Meinhard, I g 0 *B2 WHITE ST. I S. Metnhad H. Meiohard,j ° New York IE. A.* W H *% T 1 U If II — - * . .. . JL Bistnarck, Tiliers and Gladstone. These three men hold the destinies of Europe in their Hands. Their abilities are gr* a ai I Lair ambiiiott unbounded, at and t power nlmout uniociatic. Tito influence of trt*s one man power. m« illustrated by tile tine ail'd fail of empire*,. fa a qneat ion of vital importance dp* polilician, and of interest to every etiididit ..f Idatory. Do these three ft -iteamen, merely rtpreaeut the want** of lhr*ir re*p ciive nationa, or ia their individ'* uality so Hifottgiy marked, ho powerful, lhat it ha* ainmped ilkeif Hpoh the form and body df thb age in whieh we live * We incline to ll*e liittbr View Lreaeided t*y »h'* q mar ion. All power tend* to v-utitrabzi * ion. In fact, it CeaaeS t(i He when divided and dietiitinted. Men were made to be governed, and in all ages and conn tripa,. the moat etklightehed And the thoat baVlrorotia, tbby ftttve ill variably thewn a diapoaition to sunender everything felatiVe ,lo lifipj liberty, and the purauit of happi n»'HH, into the hahda of one controlfng potver. The world will never be without Alexan d« r», Chavleniagnea, Rihelieua- and Napiye leoiia. The titnei* will bhang’e of course, )*nt the few master geniuses; raised Up by Ihe ph'iVidehee of God, in order lhat they might become niler& of, have un dergone no essential change. The gt*eAt captains, at a teamen, and priests of to day, possess ambition, stdf consciousness* and desire of domination in as strongs degree as did iheir prototyjites uho rose and reign ed in the ilbskv centuvied of the lohg gbtie past. This proposition is signally illustrated in the lives of Binrhilrek, Thiers and Gladstone. Rr'f >re Bismarck carilM np«in the stage the unity o| Germany seemed like «i dreaht an illusion. But when his master*mind flamed the scheme f«»r ihe aepoinplishment ofihii* apparent impossibility, it at mee seemed feasible, and when lie advocated t’ with all the fore*' of his I’m-sar like nat»i«\ it becttii 0 desirable* He originat'd t •»* plan, carried it int executioh, and lh«* re sult was le ti"W stands before the world as ihe Creator and real ruler of a magnificent Empire, Thieis is not re|)>*eßpnfed the ideas of France. lie is tnakihg FianCt* la preapos him I He is old and foehle, and rrtore pity. 1 Cal weakness may cause him to sUCCUUtb opp< nit ion is rife, »bd cons piracies aft* lit’fwiig* but wi'liall th«* lunmlturtUS hor iors with which France was i.ffi cted, Thieia stands unmoved and se'l reliant —a pillar of Slate curved out of adamant. He hah won (he friet»d.-hip and support of h's and cieiit enemies j lie has repressed civil tur moils* and tin* world now lecgnif-s in France on*y ihe v, fleet toe of Thiers Were he a younger Umn* the result would be Des potism and Empire. Gladstone's career is a still more h*- mu'kabie manilestioii of individuality. He entered public life with one leading idea. He has steadfastly adhered to it through popularity ynd through nhpopularity. In his study, it* Parliament, and opom tin* hustings, he* has boldly »nd fearlessly ad vocated tin* progress of Republican ideas. Ho was made triumph** and his power to-day is as absolute as could be obtained l>> any man in England, in a time of peace and progress Always personally unpopular, he has sUcC , *ed ,, d t by the tm re force of geiptls, ambition and indomitable energy, in revolutionizing the civil policy of England. He never coll i -s#. cended to represent public sentiment. Like Bismarck, he has made public sentiment represent him ! The one man power rules under every form of government, and in every condi tioti of society. There is in every circle one recogniz' and leader, whose right to rule i# either openly or tacitly acknowledged. Public opinion frequently create* a pow«-rs ful man, but it never yet created a Ctesar, a Napoleon, or a Bismarck. These men are tln-mselves the architects of pnblic opinion, and the completeness of their works proves their divine right to rule.— Atlanta Era. Postal Arrangements. —Tne following order has beeu issued by the Postmaster G< n*’ia! : . , . , Au airangemcnt has just been concinaen between the United States and Germany, to take effect on the Ist of October next, which reduces the rate of ioternati-nal postage for prepaid letters exchanged be tween the two countries, by the closed mail via England, from ten to seven cents for each single rate of half an ounce or under Unpaid letters, so exchanged are " be chmgcl «>.h double <l* e-e* rules, »nd the insufficien.lT P»"« with Ihe postage from nnpa*d letters, at ter deduction rs the amoum prepaid, reduction applies to letters aione. -An Journal —iDeVibteti to tlao Xinterests of deorgia. BAINnrUDOL, GA« THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1871. 'Writte i for theToutboiu sfiM BED-TIME. The tricking-chmir’s waiting Mamma, I’tb put up roy bora# and my wag it* My twb littb kittens have fed. t IVt-A'itefl my lit tie white rabbit, Gan tj with head und- r wing, W ill sleep away until morning 'then Va-en ad sw<etly ain^; I said iny prayers to .istif . d igi Wh le you were attending to tea ; » ‘ t SHe g»<«UM my bread*t.‘d bllitet— ‘ omo now ; do please, and rock me: I know yon will tell me some stb ies Or sinu me a sweet little s ng, About God ad his beautiful angels Who never "do any rt-rdug". iLe.. too 4t-e chn talk about ‘Papa* Whdni -he Angels carried h me ; Let ■ aak them to come fbf Us M.imma Ftorhaps they will b* forfe long Come Mamma, the rocking-chair’s ready, And baby boy waiting for you ; No one can rock me so swee'ly, Dr sing me to sleep, a# you db. k; Oakland. Aug. 2'.th. A Pbrtty SpKEck.—The following pretty xjjeech Was recently made by A btido gioom : 1 1’o-day I shake hands with the past. I live henceforth ih ftitUre joysi An uni* known door is opened, and I euter dit abode of beautitude. I am confident of the fu ture. The shadow of the present shall fall upon it even tvheti my bride, and 1 haVe grown old, tnd invest it with sunset glories. 1 limy hot deserve the good I have won, Ii gives itself; and .f not given, no wealth, genius, beauty or wit; no gold on mirth or gem of heaven, is rich, enough to purchase iti Loving thee, my bride, my heart shalt keep its old mentorms like the Bea shell its wallied melody. Love's music steals ou uh like dawning light* which all bVcr the •leaVens spread and invests the world with beatt'y Uiio gltjiy. Tlie road that h and on through the uiik -wn future itnlS dark and dre«ry ; bin celestial Row lights up tlie gloom ; and the fair bride, h«*r spir< ii“s«*lf, a Pen ai .he gate of Paradise, in vites in-* otiwAid to a life ot pufesi pleasun* and diltu h "I b' lteHcence. Payment "F ’•'mh.i. Rills — The payment f.l snmll tn!ls* such as m wspapei sllbscnp tions, is a matier of in ue impiirlance Ilian is usually attach- and to it* There are not a few who, in tunes when business is a lilth* and pres-ed. and i|tw prospect for the fn<nre sire tit more than usuadx unsetth and, will hold on tlieir cash in ha and oil all collectors who wait oft them With lolls In 'call again', while the payment Amlii >1 me give then any seriotlß itiCduXeif-enO • amt would aeeoiim date u large and ib.vh Mg class ol Credits • >lB. We know ol meli-ng, that in a quiet way, would go sofa. - tH giVe aulttiati n to .be uia*kr*ts ih'ouglnni' '.ln e-uililry as ihe UioV'Tsal I'mfi bin hi <*f the < b •g-ltioli a* 1 1|.> first, oportuimy. It all the liule debts f«ir the and seharge of which the debtors m*w liavo the cash actually in hand; We|-@ paiil at once the wheel of business Wtmld lie lu tiriCrtted * and a general j >illty adon prevail thrungh tlie land* Ex. The Anncal Fairs.—lhe times for lin’d* tug Lite great Annna) Fairs in Ibis Sta<e have been so arranged lhat nO one wdl Confl ct wth the otliers. They come in the following ordel : Tt e. Rntne Fair on the 10 e octobel*j The Atlanta Fair, on .the 16 h Oc'oU r, The Slate Fair (at Macon), Ml Octols r. The Cotton Slates* Fair (Augusta)* 81*t Gctobcr. Fair <if the Indtistrail Association of uh*orgia (Savannah), Novemtier 21st* Bb Social —Men who isolate themselves from society, and have no near and dear family ties, are the most nnCont fort able of human beings. Byron says that ‘Happi ness was born a twin but the phrase, al though pretty and poet f c doea uot go far enough. We are gregarious and not im* tended to aratoh through life either in sin gle or double file. Tlie man who cares for nobody, and for whom nobody cares, has nothing to live for that will pay for the keeping of body and soul together. You mast have a heap of embers to have a glowing fire. Scatter them apart and they will become dim and cold. So, to have a brisk, vigorous life, you must h»v# a group of lives to k*-ep each warm, to affiwd mutual encouragement, confidence aud support. If you wish to live the life of a man and not of a fungus, be social, be brotherly, be charitable, be sympathetic, and labor earnestly for the good of your kind. Philadelphia treated the Tennessee «*d* ’ ton Swarf*);. TkePr*f •»y*H ,Tlw Teunessee editorial excursionists were re ceived On Saturday last by Mayor fox, aud afier wards drtveu through tbe park. —Exchange. ’ ’ General Items. The chol. i a is breaking out in new pie ces ih Pi uakia. The crown of England coHtnfnn Riahtonds, aud’is valued nt SSOO,(JOC. feggs are B»'liiirg in San Antonio, Texas, for fiv* c* ntß each. M*‘»r in AabvUlej North Carolina Otk kt $5 pi-r barrell. Water sella at fiveCcblS per bhbket itl AHutin: AD» mocralte paper in Iliaxisaippi b«8 received a club of thlribeti aitbabriUeri. F.ghi hundred and eighty bales of South Atnerifan cottoii Urere sold in New Toik recently. A MaAsd’chtisißta than Lax raised nearly three peck* ni poihtbes this yeas from oue potato of the EiHy RoOe vatirty; The ceiiHiis returns for 1876 shift thfe fhl* ntive poKilion of many cities. New Or leans tails back froth the sixth to the muth. A Michigan jotlritiU ptibliahei a col dmn and a half ot Correspondence iJVhlch bathe to it on a IT xlB sinttglei Early Fr'*sY.—There wu» a Heavy fYo&t oti Mount Wahhingtnti last Sunday morn »tig, tlib teh'gmph wiVe being covered lo Ihe size of A thatt’S arm; ahd broken didpft near tile auHtlbfit There is a physician in tLis bitjr who is so very skillfull that he h#a been knowh to hake snatCU and ftphie bf hid pfltletitS from *he Very grave. —Louisville UoiiHelr. The uekt R'utiubky Legislature (drill stand as follows: House 88 Democrats, 18 Republicans ; Senate, 35 Democrats, $ Repnt'.fcsMia. A majority ot 86 on joint ballot. The failure of the pbUto brop in Ireland and the neWs in regard to tlie grain crop in Europe* it is ihohght will cHU&b thd for* eigfi market to lake up all our atirplas of wheat. Miss Amanda HArtis, a lady in Co 1 limbus Ohio, fell dead of heart disease on Friday night, while conversing at the gate of h* r father's residence with a yortng mau to whom slie was about lo be Plan, r led. The board of health of Mobile, Ala., af ter a careful examination* report that there, in uot n<>r has there been a case of yellow fever in that city thik season, and that ru mors to that eff et are Ulilofitid-di Foinejr suyis Mltese Southerners make a great lusß* about the recent New Orleans outrage.— This reminds us of the little boy Who sard. ‘Ma itiake Bill behave himself j * very time I hit hiffi with thik hammer he hollers ‘—Exchange. Trias exchanges report that three bun dled of the negroes »l BraZ *s county, Texas, will vote htr the Deinoeiatio candi date for OUhgress in the komirtg election. Radicalism is tu a bad way iu the Statte. The Raleigh (N. 0.) Sentinel savs ; ‘CottlptUitfS 1 and K, Fourth U; 8. artille* ry, sent to this city some wet ks ago, now that the election Is over, are ordered back to. their old quarters at Fortress Monroe.* A Paris journal reports that both Russia and Prussia are making extensive milita ry preparation#, p fleeting armaments and colh ctMig enomrous quantities of stores It hints that the \ reputations of tbe latter power are aimed at Russia* MttT F"R DaUaobs.—The Btate« Island Ferry Company which rau the Westfield is a ruined community. Three of tbo con cern will probably get a ttrro in the peni* teiitiary, and already fifty aettoua for dam ajr, H have been ann*»itnfled by relatives of the killed and injor.*d. The New Yotk Evening Mail a*y» ‘the Btwton Tianscript ventures the opifamn that this is tb** cat nival summer for vennin. 1 We would suggest that the editor might, greatly mitigate the ovilsof that carnival,- so far as he is concerned , bv the ufle of a fine-tooth emb —Courier Journal. The Weldon (N.C.) News says : ‘Die workmen engaged in the Construction of tbe new Petersburg track, on the S*»uth side of the Roanoke, are daily turning over a large number of human bones* five to fifteen feet below tbe ground—the last relies of the Indians that but a few years ago, as it were, were wont to roam at lib erty through tb*» section.* The champion glutton of Mobile, Ala., is for the time being ou the sic* Pat. The following application to the physician in charge of the Mobile City Hospital speaks p,r itself i ‘Dr. Barnes—This is th*» man who ate forty-two eggs Ait breakfast and drank one gallon of lager beer J d, » ner »J ate six pounds of beef, two loafefl <rf bread, and dnmk one gallon of lager. He now fcelasick and wishes admittance into the bespit*!/ A correspondent writing froth Dmdon aaya :—‘Prince Arthur ia a very amiable jrtiuog ft*ll*»W—that is, lie always grins, dill fax’-! ike, in public* bow* nattily th the pW»ple, iah‘t km.hrn tb go on dnii-kk, ti* intrigue with Lish nißidelS (ad Wale# did) and likes to play military oti Fahey review occasions. Bht. bo hasn't brains, and d<x ; s not propose to be anything uiors in life tbau a carpet army officer.* A Sets* ni North Carolina.— Gn Friday last ftix white then were marched through thfc streets of Raleigh, jL C., in cdstodyy on a charge of participation ill a Vigilance Committee to brhak up a negro brothel, ahd Shipping this tetnale keeper. The tini ted Stales Marshall marched ttt the head of the procession, openly armed ahd With a Cow-hsde in his hand, while the rßar WAS brought Hp by a patty of Ne groes in burlesque ‘Ku-Klux* disguises. The Richmond Enquirer is riding a fierce raid sgainht the new Yankee aparaius for keeping women's stockings up. That pa per says r *lt shay do Well enough for thoste Indies Who lack Sufficient rotundity of litnh, bill tiilr Virginia wohteh are not deficient in any of the necessary adjuncts that go to make up the petTebt mold of forth, and Can keep their gutters ot» and stockings Up Without resorting to any nbw inventions.* A Bullet in the BkaiN.—lhe Clinton (La.) Patriot describes the cam* ol a mail, known td lifts editor; who lived fur six y< j aia with a bhllet iu his brain. His name Was G. Marston, a resident to clinton. He was a member of the 4th Ijotrisiana, was wounded at Atlanta* Gfc., July 28th* 1864. and died June 19lh 1870- A post-ffiorteht exami nation by Dr. Choppiu disclosed the exts tbiiteof a bullet imbedded in the Soldier's bralti. A Virginia ekciiahge says ; ‘Twenty two yearil ago Tyler Curtis, a youth of fcjUnoVer feoiinty ; in link State, of Dr. Henry Curtift, left ViiginiA to Seek his for tune on the Pacific coast. —He Worked his way to San Prancisce as a common sailor, aud went into business (here without any capital; and now he is a merchant prince, and we hear of his unanimous nomination for tin* mayoralty by the Democratic party of that popnlotts and growing city:* A feW days since a negro woman died ib Sumpter bounty, S. C„ and was buried ib htttief a Singular manner. Fhe has uni ted with a n*-gro fell it reh, but had back -lided, and was not in good standing and favor with ihe brethren and sisters. So, when she became ill, no oue would assist hel* W call in a phyflidiatt; auU she died, probably for want of attention. The ne gro pastor dtiecied that the body Should be placed in the grave head downwards, ar.d , it was done ; because* as he said, ‘She was going td the infernal ibgionS anyhow, aud that was the proper position for her.' An up stiaitt—a short skirL The tools with which ed'tora hew obt their fortunes —the ‘ads*. lati’t it queer that contractors should be employed to Widen streets 7 A good rule—Back your friends and face your enemies. Some husbands though any thing but sharp; are awfully shrewd.^ Most loVers like to be alone—with their sweethearts of course; “Impressions Os Greece* Candle drip pings on the carpet Louisiana wants more coolies. On ac Cdatlt cf the warm weather, probably. A bad fiat taken to an evening party frequently comes out as good as new. Thirteen millions of money were repre sented alone Saratoga breakfast. Why are birds like farmer#? Because they depend upon their crops for support. When halt a roan a right to scold his wife about hia coffee ? WLen he has sufficient grounds* A roan named Tea* has married a Miss Cross. H« Teased her Until she agreed not to be Cross any more. The flowers are no « xc* ption to following tbe fashion: go to a pond and yoo will find the lily pads there. Savannah druggist bad his narte taken off a petition /or a street improvement when lie learned tlist snch would improve the health of the neighborhood. Young ladies are now advised not to put too much oil iu the hair, for tbe reason that it is apt to spoil not only the lappel of the coat, bst also the vest. A Georgia town that never had a lawyer; is about to have one; and prayer meetings are suggested to save the town from snch a sad moral affliction, V ritten for th# B.>nth#fn fbiit. * “LOO CitilN THOUGHTS.** * Life is waning, care# corroding All that tune hath left to mi. Hope# life crushed, tio- all b oken— Yet, Oh! Lbot; 1 tiuat hi thr*. 'Well Tin- w thy preCitouH promise, Fur the lode and burtheued heart > s TVtll I kuow the #tripe# wire oeeded, i My until and fenHhfy joy# to part. Nought is left me, now but nadueik, Bitter > earning# fur th# hast; For idol# slmttered, joy end glsdne##, Like the rainbow'- fleering tost. Yet the summer breeie edtues laden, With thv precious promise# ; And to my ibne heart sweetly whisper** Look floft, thy Sariour heat. Boon from earth, And kAithly trial, ‘the tired, Buffeting #j irit ftbe. Shall reach tbe ih arly gate# Os heareq. And the loved aufi ldet diifes She Tor each crofts, untiuhtbered treOMTei ; For each 11-, a diadehi | For each loss, hosts of Angela, ’J o love and claim y >u at. a friend. N" erttshing eare th#t home can enter— No toil, or death dr Achthghbart; No sorrow nought but j >y nfld brightneas, Hi ith God ana Augei# ne’er tb part. M Oakland, Aug. 27th* 1871. State Netvsi Pike County has 857 white and 578 bla'ok pblLt. Iwo ot the Atlanta at root cars have arrived id that city. A steamship line has been established direct from Savannah to Poitou. The first ground for the Macon street railroad has bs’en broken. Thd Citiibn is Satisfied. A nigger fire company has been organised in Milledgeville. The Darien negroes were discharged by U. B; Commissioner Lee. Little Alice, daughter of Alexander M. Speer, of ! Griffin, is dead. Cuthbert has voted a municipal subscription of f(s< 00 to establish a High School. The -otathem and Atlantic Tifliogritjihi Oompa* ny h<S attended its line to Savannah. 'I he contract for building the Augusta Sc Hart well Roilroad has been ratified, and the work will commence at once. Hon/ John P. King has donated a lot of land, and lttvsty In moritjr, fy fiid in building an Epia copal Church in Calhoun he Secretary of the Treasury has authorised the establishment of the Hatioridl Exchange Bank «f Augusta, Ga , with a capital Os $360,000, A railroad line is being located from Fort Val ley to Perry—the building to be dbbe by the Cen tral railroad. Houston county is in a bad way with bar cotton crop. The hddiei of H Confederate soldiers Removed from the Gettysburg battle field arrived in Bav amnh, recently, froth Baltimore, for interment in the Laurel Hill cemetery. • » A correspondent of the Federal tJnion, writing from the Pome Convention, says ; The general opinion prevailed that not more than three-fifth* of a cotton crop can be made in Georgia the pree ent season. The Super! r Court of Chatham county has de ci’di and that after paying the asignees #2",000 and So’icitors s2,o' 0, the retnaitider of the assets of the defunct bank of savannah l*e divided pro rata among the bill holders of the bank. About the Kimball canard, the Middle Georgian siys : After dill gent enquiry, we oould find no foundation for the report, on the oontrary, we are informed that such riimbr is not crirtent in Atlan ta. Cotton prospects in Pulaski, Houston, Dooly; W lcox and adjacent counting Is very discourag ing If two thirds of a crop la realized, farmer* Will bo satisfied. The Atlanta Constifoiioii oontraffic's the re mark that the Kimball House has been sold, and ►ay*: “The factifa e, that in order to interset our citizens mo’ ein the property, the building ha? heen tran-ferr« - d to the Atlanta tmjjrbVetnent Associ itiou, Mr Kimball retailing the principal amount Os rtock. ’ ’ Two citizens of Atlanta indulged in a bowie» sociable last week. One aot hurt much more weed ser as what the other d-d Many Charlestonians ate abandoning their ‘City by the Sea/ dn SfccOfcnt Os yellow fever. An exchange speaks of a country which is described as ‘out West;* where local papers chronicle the hanging of horse thieves thns; “Mr, jiin Ch'mentson equine abducthr; of Minnesota, was lately the victim of « neck-tie sociable* Urk. Mary Ann Cleveland, of Maqtioketa; lowa, baa Hucd ten sataor keepers in that city for |SOOO damage* done hot bjf furuiabing liquor td her husband. The Universe, the Catholic paper of Paris, in commenting Upon the debate ori Rome in the French Assembly; aaya it W useless to disguise the fact that the cause of the temporal power il lost sh that body. It addsf All odr hope* have been dilip*? pointed W the only nation opon which the Papal power could rely-“the last support falls it* * —-* The Spanfch government has,at the exd pressed desire of the French Cabinet, consented to the retoritfof Commanist# on Spanish soil. One leader 6f theJCotnmnitMits ha* already,’been arrested and delivered over to the French authorities. •.... * : %... . & r ■’ t ill A NO. 15. .!?■ r>tVJ of sums ?