The Southern sun. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1869-1872, November 02, 1871, Image 2

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TFfE SOUTHERN SUN. Official Journal of Deca+ur County JOH X R HAYES, EDIT OR GEORGIA} A'DVEMBER 2, 48T1 TELEGRAPHIC. V Special to the Sis.] Atlanta Ga. ) Oct. 31st ) “Bullock lias resigned, and Conley, for mer President of the Senate, takes his place. Jno. R. Hayes.” Whit Van this mean ? Has it a polit ical, or only a moral signification ? Is Bullock frightened, or is it some master stroke of policy in the radical party \ What it mean ? Organized. —From a special Dispatch to the ‘Argus/ we learn that the Legisla ture organized on the first inst. Trammel President and Hill Secretary Senate. Fmi h Speaker, and Waddell Clerk House. All Democr its. Our Senators.— Now that the General Ahsombly has convened, and will proceed eooii'td the election of U. Senators, there is beginning to be much discussion afftong the newspapers, as to who those SQimtelti shall bo. Many are the names suggested—names of men both good and true, —names of men who are capable of honoring tho seats once occupied by a ( rawford or a Cobb or a Toombs. But Southwest Georgia may lay just claims to at least one of the senators to be chosen. We come now and raise the name of Win. O. Fleming of th‘s city. A gentleman, a lawyer and a statesman, he could not fail to do us honor; —a thorough democrat he would stand forever by the principles of Democracy; tvould lead wherever the best interests of his country demanded, or the the rights of his people appealed. May Wu-bo liesrd? Newspaper jubilee.— Very so -v papers religious or secular, now published, have be6n in existence more than a quarter of a century ; but the New York Observer an nounces that it will enter upon its fiftieth year in the begining of 1872. It was es tablished as a religious paper ; giving also the most important secular news; and it has beeil one of the ablest, and at the same thne, ohe of the most successful journals In the Country. Thd Publishers announce for the coming year, as a free gift to each of their sub- BQribc'rs, a New Year-Book ; containing a vast amount of information ip regard to Church and State, and all important busi ness affair 5,; a real enclyclopedia, such as any intellgent person wishes to hav al ways al hand. Specimen copies of the pa per an<; Prospectus of the Year-Book, sent free to all who will apply. New Subscibers will receive the paper free until January Ist. A singular tragedy is reported from Switzerltnd. Last Spring the wife of a peasant died at Grison. A few hours be fore her death she took a pill which had been prescribed by a medical man who was attending her. After her death the husband, who was passionately attached to his wife, got the fixed idea th ;»t the pill con tained poison, and that it was owing to her having taken it that his wife died, and with continually brooding over his thought he became quite melancholy, and a fe* days ago took his two children, aged re spective Sand 12 yoars, and beat out their brains with a hammer,after which he cut his own throat. In a letter which was found on a table in his bed room, he stated that as ho was unable to live without his wife, ho had taken the shortest means to join her with their children, in the other world. A Princess of Intrigue—The Bona •fartists. The ex-Efnpress Eugenio contributes to the political speculations now distracting France in the intereguum of the Assembly. The part now assigned to her is that of a second Duchess de Berri, and her visit to Sftain is represented merely as a ruse, the purpose of which is to enable her to cross thte Pyrenees and arouse the peasants of Languedoc, and LaYendee: ‘ Rumor also assigned Gen, Douay to the management of the affair in Paris.; * The mere existence ofSsboh a belief demonstrates that public ojffdioh ascribes entirely different qual ities to tho ex-Einp ess f om those wh eh Gfo go Sand snow aiv ng in he - publ shod and •7’ for the woman who would even m - tate the detemuned, enegetic and talented Dhcheff is not the painted nonentity p c tmed \}y. Madarno Dudevaut In the p<e seat feverish condition of Fi ance eventh s Bto y is unwo thy of notce; for it is un deniable that a reaction favo able to the Empii e is taking place. The wo kmou do not hes tate Rppxp' ess a desire for another revolution, a;:d to add their p efere-»ce for Bpnapa ism rather than the p eseuto>der or things the Em; e oi‘s-po t a t appears in shop windows, a-.d they have, ceased call i g hm J ames. A Ye. deea-i insuriecton m &ht yet b 1 car rod to success by a if fihe had the qua! ties to k.ndle the de- Yvitioo of the ardent peasants. Advice’ Never pay your de t, it is unconstitu tional : for payment impairs the obligation of a contract, and even the Legislature has no pdwej* to da that. Always proclaim the. fault« f others. There should b 1 no secrets in a republican gov. rment. , > S' 'NeverJorgivp an injury, the power of par doning be'oqgs'k) the-Govern r. ‘When you find your passions rising nev er confine or suppress them. llow many boilers have bee • burst by to close an im prisonment of their contents 1 "Whenever you attack your character do it beliined his back, so as not to wound h s feelings. Never give up your opinion, though you know you ar>* w o. g ; tsh W3 that you hav* indepe 1 dence. Temperance is a great virtue ;• therefore always be moderate iu the use of ardent spi’ its. Two glasses of whiskey before breakfast are as good as a thousand. VIN ECAII BITTERS J. Walker, Proprietor. R.H. McDonald & Co.,Drngf?ists and Gen. Ag'ts, San Francisco, Cal., and 32 and 34 Commerce at., N.Y. MILLIONS Bear Testimony to their Wonderful Curative Effects. They are not a vile Fancy Drink, made of Poor Bum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Ilea fuse Liquors doctored, spiced and sweetened to please the taste, called "Tonics,” "Appetizers,” “Restorers,” Ac., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the Native Roots and Herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and A LIFE GIV ING PRINCIPLE, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bitters according to directions and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poisons or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. They area Gentle Purgative as well ns a Tonic, possessing, also, the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver, and of all the Visceral Organs. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, whether in yonng or old, married or Bingle, at the dawn of womanhood or at the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters have no equal. For Inflammatoiv and Chronic Rlienmntlsm and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys nnd Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derange ment of the Digestive Organs. * DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Headache, Rain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad taste in the Mouth, Bil ious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid liver and bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy in cleans ing the blood of all impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of Whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out Os the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions or Sores; cleause it when you find it obstructed or sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, nnd your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPE, and other WORMS, lurking in the system ©f so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle, printed in four languages—English, German, French and Spanish. Old prejudices are dying out. New facts are kitting them. The idea that invalids, weakened by disease, can he re lieved by prostrating them with destructive drugs, is no longer entertained except by monomaniacs. Ever since the introduc tion of Dr. Walker s Vinegar Bitteks. it lias been obvioua that their regulating and invigorating properties are all-suS eftnt for the cure of chronic indigestion, rheumatism, constipa tion, diarrhoea, nervous affections ar.d malarious fevers, and they are now the standard remedy for these complaints in every sca tion of the Union. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. J. Walker, Proprietor. R. H. McDonald A Cos., Druggfsw •nd Gen. Agts.. Baa Francisco. Cal..and 34Commerce st., N.X. §|| 7 fill 3AVAKHAH, FaesesAng ioueiiul invi)ior.,Ui.g mmmmzmmmmmmm These Raters (.re puskiyiiy luiuiu-bh la mmmgmsmmmfimm 'They purify the system, ual aid cum mmammmammam Ilemittent and InteiiaiUent Fcveis, NEavaismassatmamgßttfr end are a preventive of Chills and Fever. nrSaS£SSEBBB«MaSSBeBBBEgj All yield to their powerful efficacy. \tmsssmaamssmmsm\ Are aa change cf Water and llivt. to the wasted frame, and correct all Will save days oi suffering' to the sick, and fiffOPEE The grand Panacea for ail the ills of life. lie LtanM /\"S B iTT E as^S^>«™£ H C22isy fnToung or Old, jpot Single, these Bitters are JT i equalled and have often been S means of saving life. T.RV.OKS BOTTLI. „ Agents ! Head This ! AGES 8 A SALAIi l OF S3O v » Phti \V! KK and Expenses, or al »w a large commission to sell our new and wonderful inven tions. Address M. WAGNER & CO., Maisball, Mich. TiiiTßir Shrewd bur-quiet men can a fortune by re ve.diug the secret of the business tone one. AUdies* WM. WRAY, 688 Broadway, New York* A PROCLAMATION. GEORGIA: va£%. r By RUFUS B. BULLOCK/ Governor of said State. WHEREAS, There is now pending*hi the Superior Court of Hall county, a Bill of Indictment. char ging one John E. Williams with the offense of se duction, alleged to have been committVl upon the person of Margaret Prater, iu said comity of Hall; and. Whereas, The slid William.- 1 , subsequent to his arrest in pursuance of sad indictment, succeeded in making his escape and is now at large: Now. tirerefpre, to the end that the said Williams mav he brought to trial for the offense with which * ° -i he stands charged. I have thought proper to islue t iiis. iny|:>roclamation, hereby offering a regard TWO HUNDRED AND FIFIY DOLLARS lorlthe apprehension and deliveiy of the said John'E. Williams, of the Sheriff of Hall comity, and an additional reward of two Hundred and Fifty Dol !ars upon his conviction. Given under my baud and the Great Seal pf the Slate, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this twentieth day of October, iu the year of our Lord Hundred and Seventy-one and of the Indepen dence of the United States of America the Ninety-sixth. 11UFUS B. BULLOCK. By the Governor: David G. Cutting, Secietary of ' Oct 25-cl3twlt. A PBDCLAKIATION. GEORGIA: By RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor of said S ate. WHEREAS, Information Ims been received at this Department that on tne night of the 21st in stant, the mill of J.R. Ucliidiy. a peacible and law abiding citizen of Jackson county, together with all its fixtures, also, the gin house, and fixtures, three biles of cotton, and a quantity of grain, all being the property of the said Holliday were burned by some persons unknown; and Whereas, It is believed that the burning of said property was done or caused to be done by parties belonging to an organization commonly kn r vvn as the Ku-Klux Klau: Now, therefore, to the end that the perpetrator or pe petratois of the ciitne hereinbefore recited may be brought to a speed., trial, I have thought proper to is ue this, my proclamation, hereby of fering a rewatd of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS for th&apprehersion and de.ivery of the said un - known person or persons with evidence sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff ot Jackson county. Given under my Hand and the Great Heal of the State, at the Capitol, iu Atlanta this twenty third day of Oijtooer, in year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy-one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the Ninety-Sixth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK- By the Governor: David G. Cutting. Secretary of State, oet 25-il3twlt. Jos Clashorn Jno Cunningham. CLAG HORN & CUNNINGHAM IVIIOU>ALE AND RETAIL G R. O C E R S, Also. Dealers in CHOICE IMPORTED WINES, LIQUORS, SUGARS, Cor. Bay & Drayton Sts., Savannah, Ga. ALSO, Dealers in SliipChacdrry ; Stemboat, J\ House and Blacksmith’s Coal—and Importers Liverpool Salt. Orders from the country pn mj>t yattended to. Sep 18-Gni fltljlfegj CHARLES A. DANA. Editor. m gjdtarlWftMi} Stafc A Newspaper oi the Present Times. Intended for People Now on Earth. Including Farmers, Mechanics, Merchants, Pro* fessional Men, Workers,Thinkers, and all Man. ner of Honest Folks, and tha Wives, Sons, and Daughters of all suck. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR t ONE HUNDRED COPIES FOR SSO. - Or less than One Cent a Copy. Let there be a SSO Club at every Post Office. SEMI-WEEKLY SUN. S3 A YEAR* Os the same size and general character as THE WEEKLY, but with a greater variety of miscellaneous reading, and furnishing the news to Its suDscribers with greater freshness, because It comes twice a week instead of once only. THE DAILY BUN* SG A YEAR. A preeminently readable newspaper, with the largest circulation in tne world. Free, inde pendent, and fearless In politics. All the newa , from everywhere. Two ceocs a copy; by mall, 50 cents a month, or 06 a year. TERMS TO CLUB& * THE DOLLAR WEEKLY BUN. 7We copies, one year, separately ad drew'^d. Fear Dollars. Tea copies, oo year, separately addressed (and an extra copy to thg getter np of club). Eight Dollars. Twenty copies, one year, separately addressed (and an extra copy to the getter up of cinb). Fifteen Dollars. Fifty copies, one year, to one address (and the Bemi-W eckly one year to getter np of club), Thirty-three Dollars. Fifty copies, one year, separately addressed (and the Semi-weekly one yearto getter no ofcinh), Thirty-five Dollars. One hundred copies, one year, to one address (and the Daily for one year to the getter nn oi club). Fifty Dollars. One hundred cobles, one year, separately ad- THE SEMI-WEEKLY SUN. Ilye coulee, one year, separately addreveed. Eight Dollars. Ten copies, one year, separately addressed (and an extra copy to getter up of club), : Sixteen Dollars. BEND YOUR HONEY inPostOffic* orders, checks, or drafts on New York, wherever convenient. If not, tnen regisvei the letter* containing money. Address S 2. W. ENGLAND, Publisher, . Jt Can effloa, New York Cttj, — T ; —! GEN’S WANTED for the TRANSMISSION OF LIFE. COUNSELS on the Nature t .and Hygiene of the Mascot*** function. By Dr, Na; beys, author of “The Physical Life of Woman.” It related to the male Rex : delicate hut outspoken ; practical and popular; highly endorsed ; sells rapidly Sotdbv subscription only. Exclusive territory. ‘Terms lib eral. Price sl. Address for contents, &c. J G FERGUS & CO., Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa] • . 7i mrer st., Bottr Yorli. NEW' FA'L AND WINTER GOODS . BELCHERS & TERRELL WATER STREET BAIN BRIDGE, GEORGIA WE offer to the public a large and well-selected stock of Fall aud Winter Goods such as BACON « FLOUR.' « SUGAR, COFFE SALT, TOBACCO. 3B» mm MM MM &»> CLOTHING, BOOTS SHOES, and all kinds of DOMESTIC GOODS, stoves, tin wake. etc. Having made our purchases in the Northern markets, on the most favorable terms, we are able to compete with any bouse in Southwest Georgia or Florida. We keep on hand a large, lot of Bag ging and Ties, of the heaviest quality. We are jm pai'BU to all C run try Produce, giving the highest market prices. Thankful for past favors, we ask our friends and cusuAuor* to call and examine our stock, before pnrchaeJn* «*— who,e. BELCHERS & TERRELL. Sep2l ts Come at Last. j■■■. ' : ' ■ ' i have just received our Stock of Consisting in part of Lvpics’ Dress Goods, Silks, 1 elains, Shawls. Princess Skirts, Hoop ckii ts, kc. CLOTHING, Gentlemen’s Dress Suits, Overcoats, Shawls, &c. CassimeiTs, Kentucky Jeans, Unsets. Blankets, Sheeting. Shirting, aud Staple Goods ot all kinds. Our stock of --vi. * HATS, BOOTS k ollOF.' IS OOMHATfe. A good assortment of Hardware and Crockery. GROCERiUS ! Bacon, Lard, Fiour, Sugar. Coffee, tobacco, With a lot of Bagging a> and Ties, Which we intend selling cheap, for Cash, or to prompt paying customers. We have removed from our old stand to the house owned by E H. Smith, formerly occupied by •’ W. Detumrd Call and ex amine our stock before purchasing elsewhere ; and we think we can make it to your interest to buy of us We have the -Agency for the FlorexC¥£ Sewing Machine, the best brought to nnnket. (pall and “"SepiT-tjy| n,, 'sAiTERFTECD & UICKEIWGN. WE WOULD RESPECTFULLY ASK 'f HE AT- I! teution ut parties buying in this market to OUR STOCK OF Fall & W inter Goods NOW COMING IN, Embracing our usual full assortment, which we "* offer at lowest prices JEb< ” CLD E2CL GLU3 JSk- S*si USEEC , OR TO PROMPT PAYING BUYERS. Among our stock we would mention 5000 yds Prints—new and handsome patterns. 5000ycD. sheeting, shirting, stripes, osnaburgs. 25 pieces Jeans, Satinets, and Cassimeres. Columbus Stripes and Checks, Bagging and Ties, Iron, Steel, Nails, Flour, Bacon, Hardware, Crockery, Hats and Caps. 25 Cases Shoes, . 0 •Every pair warranted as represented. filT* Cash advances'made on Cotton, and prompt returns made. gif* Orders received for Sugar Mills, Kettles, Evaporators, and Cotton Screws. ?ep2l-tf) BARBU' & WARFIELD. C'tF.ORGI— Decat uji Couxtt-Court or Ordina- Ki.Oct. 3r«l, 18< I—On the fitwt iMonday in November all persons interested aieci'ed to ha and appear at my office to show can e if any, why the following described Ruuds should not be de clared pnb.ic. A !J<*ad commencing at the Avlrctt’s Branch on the Eastern line ol th- 914ih dist , G. M .andri n to Patterson’s Ferrv on the Flint river bv Abram Thomas’ t\« Fowlstowu Methodist Church Archy McLauchlin’s. C. J Munnerlvii’s T. J. Jaten>, Bradford Rogers SanU.rn Factor., the Parham settlement and Butlers Mills Also a mad to com. mence on E,stern line of the 9»4th G M nearolu settlement Win. Williams and intersect with the above and scribed road at Abram Thomas’ A iso a l Msid from Ardiy MeLahchl n’s to B iin ondge stage road at the old Bostick place, also a road to commence at the first described road near Archy VlcLauchlin's and ptsdng between, G J Mnnn-rlyn’s and B*n Bird’s over the Muunerlvu plantation to d:s«rict line. JOEL JOHNSON Ox’d Oct. 7., 1871-19-ts n THE CURTAIN RAISED. ' . How it rs done, and wiiodoesit he Almiaßook 192 pages, goigeouslv illustrated with cuts jxjsi ti-ms, &c. Sent by mail, fccur- lv sealed, for fittv cents. Grand Circular free Addrers ■ GEORGE WINCHESTER, 688 Broadway, N, Y. at if ED & jgo, . WMtsak earns 4 «<unrtision Are now receding tlieir very large Drygoods, Groceries Boots and SliLs, L EIATS, CAPS cfc FTTPUs, HABDWAEE. WOOD, WILLOW ADD QDEEHSWAEE, it 15 Bbls. Sugar, all grades, I 5000 Yds. Double AnoW n . 15 Boxes Tobacco all grades, . fmOO Lbs A Tj or 15 B igs Coffee, all grades. 5000 Lb* t? 0 :» , ?o B 1000 1.b.: (b.lrfen H*“ and '’‘“"We™. ioKFC;,' n n rr 8 - 1000 Lbs. l’un-Leaf Lard. bv*ys&. •esgass, visa. sa&Btitss, vtmsss WHISKIES, BRANDIES, <3UNS, • RUM SHU rrnvo. All For Sale Low For Cash. . sep7»6m] JM. r -tiL‘ JBDHL M. t fM TOST OFFISE STORE lew Store. Mew Stock. Hah just opened his store, in the Post Office Building, where lie will be pleased to greet the nml of Decatur ai d adjoining counties, when they can examine one of the btst eekcltd otolks f Merchandise in the market, consisting of Dry Goods, Hosiery. Boots and Shoes, Hat and Caps CLOTHING, Gents Furnishing Goods, Crockery and Glassware, Being agent lor a large Music House, Mr Rosenfeld will older the best music for those desiring it JFasksi, goovsi, |UUfIS, |UouUUugo, |lnwl 'pi 3 BALUSTERS, ETC, JB3S jPBL. M MM. MM M 002 JSM. MM Et JTD , Jf-9 aud 171 Bay Street, (up stairs) Savaunali, Ga., * 43 '” Ai— r -i ~r cue hin,v« tio and see, or send them youteiVw, ROCKWELL & WEST HAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGJJ STOCK OF STAPLE AHB WAMY MY-&OOD; LADIES DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, READY-MADE CLOTHING. GENTLEMENS FURNISHING GOOOS. BOOTS, SHOES HATS, &C., &C. RAVING bought for CASH, and under the most favorable circumstances, we ar« ABLE and DETERMINED to offer GREAT INDUCEMENTS to CASH BUTERB. Call and see. ROCKWELL & whoL — A. J. MILLER & CO, FURNITURE DEALERS Broughton Street, Savanuah, Ga. Walnut Bed Room Sets, Imitation French Sets, -uilor Sets, Bureaus, Washrtanda, Bed- Eteads. Chairs of all grades, Childrens’ Carriages, etc., etc. JOBBING AND REPAIRING NEATLY DONE WITH DISPATCH sep’l4^6in AlilkinS ’ Feutbf * rB, &c. REAL ESTATE AGENCY T GIVE notice that I r,tiU cob tin ue t lie Real Es -Ltate Business .in Bain bridge, Georgia, at. the office of Cleik of the Superior Court, where I can always be when not called off on business, have for sale a large quantity of improved and unimproved lands, plan aliens of almost any si/a;, from 100 to 2'oo acres, wild lands of the best quuli y and well situated for making farms, autl at ngnres, lam prepared to look up and find tl# owie rs of land for paitie*. on reasonable terms A am tderk of the Supnior Court and can iuvesti** te t t at any time. Icm give the niuiket «of mumproved lands in Decatur, Mill -r Mitch./. Ha ke and Early. Titles to ali lauds sold by me 1 g s>d or no sale, all remittance of money «»mptly made These lands are lower now can purchased again. The list below is a portion of fbe lan*' for sale by me. / 27t.h District Decatur county —N<k 106, 107, 118 122. 125. 132, 135, J4G, 147 l«o, 172. 181, 182, 267. 272. 274 22d District^2', 63. %;st 56, 57. 68. 60. 93, 141.172, 174, 180, 1/1,441. 2otli District- 307. lflt’Diatrict-178, /O. 16th District—36, 107. >S4. lf>, I refer to Messi-s. Butts & BrtJ e r. teal estate agents, Macon, Ga. Messrs. Claris Spencer, At* torneys at Law, Atlanta, Ga. Ncf York Southern Land Comyany, 68 Broadway, Net York. I have a few copies of the late edition ofyhGs n;w map of Georgia for sale and I will oiijf r more for pa»-s ties if dt*siie<l. .Parties desiring# find owneis for lots of lands in tne above cunfies will find it to their interest to call on the und#Ui?ned. THOMAS F.P*MI’TON, _ . HPti Estate Agent. Sept. 14,1871-1 C-lia /. TAX NOTICE- T WILL be at Attapulgns. Mouitay, BepL*J» 1 and Oct. 9th ;at Cooper s hhoo. « • 26th and Oct. 10th ; at Vh J v ®7* 27. h and. Oct. 11 th ;at Wright’s Store, od etenWß of Sept 47th and Oct. 11th; »t VVh'ghMni. *” I' S-pt'2B.h and Oct. I2rh ; at Lime Sink, S, .. 29. h an.l Oct. 13,h ,«t “»"g OfC 2nd and 16th ;at Loser Spimg Creek. srdandl7th; at Dickinson s Store, 0 . 18th ; at Ib-ck Pond. <>et. sth and 'Dth, »t» ets Mills, Oct. 6th and 20th; anil B»' nb "“? e ’ J h oth, Oct 7th. 14th. 21st, 23rd, 24th. h. 7th, 28th, 30th and 31st, Nov. Wj 4th, when the books will positively be ciostu. THOS J JKILU, Tax Collector, Decatur County Spot 14. 1871 ic ■ NOVEMBER SHERIFF’S MOKTGAG * I ' SALES. GEORGIA—DECAUR COUNIT. {n WILL be fold before the court house o • Bainbridge, of said county, /Tuesday in November next, t ,etw ~ | .jto hours of sale, all that tract oc P arce u jL |.nl ated in the ciiy of jj.ii abridge, Ul . . e O , |o6 f known in the plan of said city, as ** ar ketstf> commencing at the corner of Clay an' - .| l(;n # and running due cast 106 feet, n>oreo e 0 r south ] 01 1 leet ; thence west, 100 Ie » . ft ; o ng less, to Clay street; and from thence ’ u;6 > Clay street to the starting point, co«t‘ * tb* fourth ol an acre, more or ie** Icvie r j o f I.™ Also, at the same time and place. n ,! o B ij s (lict of Nos 2GI, 2t*B. 299 and a<»o, in the . aid said county, and sto. 2" in the Lth dis ,j g. county — levied o ap the property « , e fifa : Conyers, to sar« \e 8-:p. Court , g> in favor of 7 Sbbii Jk " w&slerifi E. Cynjcr U Also. i jus and place, 1 No. iQJ.ntnij ibt n ujokiot of said land Jemg conveyed by Wm. B°£ w * ( , ate of son M. Couch.tijr’a thbrtghge and b<Ar g.. pro «. 6»A dav of November I8(Ui — levied on a ; or icvty of Wro. B. Cowirt. to «II &<* Scpteail 2d^^^L