The Southern sun. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1869-1872, November 23, 1871, Image 1

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THE SOUTHERN SUN. ' l — <t " ' 1 ■■ JOHN R. HAYES, • - PKoi’ftFTOtr. Terms of Subscription* Copy, one year, *f 2 so One Copy, nix months -q One Jopy, three month* f)0 BubserH>iioft» Strictly in Advance PROFESSIONAL CARDS. bower a Bowfia. Attorneys at law bainbridqe, oa. ornci im ths covnr uontv, VfaVch 23, 1871. 44 _ ly R. W DAVIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, bainbridoe. G\. W* Office over Patterson & McNair'* Store. tTBABLER O CAMPIIKIX f. SHABOJ*. CAMPBELL & SHARON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BAIN BRIDGE. 0A ’ All business entrus<ed to their care, prom oily at tended to. Office iu Court House. [jtilvlS. If DR. E. J. MORGAN OF F ICE on Houth Broad, ovet J W Dennatds rtnre. Ueridenee on West Street. March 80-1 y BAIN Bill DUE, GA. B*V\VM\H DIRECTOhY O B GOO DALE, Denier in Butter. Cheese and F • Laid. 141 and 142 Rav Street. Savannah Gi. We make the above articles a i-Pkcialitt If yon wish anythin* t»i< e in om line, and at the lowest rates. give us a ti ial. _ Oh.dc- Butter and La;d in 6, 10 aud 20 lb. packages, foi Family use. IL F.\LK k CO., one price Wholesale and Ro • tall Ctotldn* WaiehoHse, corners Congress, Whitakei 4rSt Julian Sts Sivaumh.Ga A large a.s.»nnient of Ftirnislii'ig Goods Hats. Trunk 1 , Yuli* ■■*. Ac.. »<lwavs on hand M •nitfachny 111 Clinch st , Ne* York. Goods made to order at the shot tent notice rl EO. W ALLEN, Importer of Cmckerv, Ohinti T and Glass wire. Oil Lamps aid Chimneys, Sinves. Tin and Willow W lie, and Fancy articles, House Furnishing Goods of eve>y description. 167 Bi iiigiiton st reel (between Jettersou & Mont gomery) Savnn.iah. Ga. Sept 28. 187*. 18-ly. IJ GUILMARTIN k CO., Cotton Factors an j. General Coininis-lon Merchants. Bay Street Savannah. Ga. Usual Facilities Extended tn Cun sejiH. IHTOsIy HO | ELS. THESiVVn H 0U r E, JOHN SrtAttON, Proprietor Bainbridge Georgia. T i N'IEN fid vfi> s.l feu pay. traveling public are herein ii'ddied that I this hnu-e has been Inn -uglily rcpuln and and rcfit..d. as well as ret rnishe ! through -tit. and u*n dered one -d the most desirable and iigreeab'e but. Is in the B'ate worthy the liberal patrons e it ha* heretofore r ceived from the passen . el's on tin; Viver ad ihi mil N linin' *•' expenses veil be spued to make the S|| \RON II df-iE all that any tn e c odd dettie Call an l test its merits. pSTTn connection w tli the Hotel is an elegunt SAi OO where the tioesi "f liquors are kept ALB ANY HOUSE, MEitItFJK BAUNE-S Proprietor Albany, Ga. hmise is well furnished and * very way B prepared foi tlieacc ol the tiaveN in* punlic : enure satisiactlon guaranteed Ihe table is svpp'ied with the best the enunttfy can at f nd. and ti e seiVantsare nnsurpassed in polite ness and atte tido io tbe wall's of guests, ibnm* bu-ses couvev piissvligelS to and from ibe dirteteut tad roads promptly. Charge to suit the times, august Gist ts. « TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC THE MARSHALL HOUSE. Savannah, Ga. IT HlB FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. Is situate! on Kroiigliton Stuet. and i* ctMtventvnt *«» ‘he ImsiaeS* part "f the Citi. I'ninihuses «nd give Wngot's will always he in attendunce at tne v ui .us D,.p..ts and Btvanilxjsit lan- w» ci.nvvy passenge sto tliß ti"tel The iK’st LIVKKY STABLE AO’OMMODATIOHS wi’l he found adj ’ining the House , The on letsig i. and wi I sp re neither time, trouble cor expense to make his guests Comfort aide, and tondei this House, in every sub-tautial particuiar equal, at least to any in the State TbeKate of Board \m bren rrtlOtifd lo $3 prr day. A, Ii Ll* I. MISCELLANEOUS. the best IS THE CHEAPEST. flu Jivftpoot & goudon & Fire Insurance Co s over S2O 00< 00<» in Gold. Oyer f S 000,000 lu6'««e immediately after adjustment. Tie New Tort Life Insurance Comp’y Asset* *l6 000.000. j E JOHNSTON ft CO , General Agents. W. B. HUNNEWELL A CO., Agents t .., \ Bainbridge. Ga. FOR SALE. I offer fd| sat* on reasonable terms two etas r II 3 t A bl£s together with cuestM balls. _ .» . Oue of the tables It a four and the other a six Parties applying ea cau g* * a bargain \ 3. F.COLBE T Propfctor bamuuiga baloo*. funtlicui fm VOL- VI. savannah cards. Jos. Claghorn Jue Cunningham. CLaGHORX & CUNMNuIIaM, Yholb-alk axd retail 6 R O C E'R s. 4lso. Dealers in CHOICE IMPORTED WINES LIQUORS SEGABS, Cor. Bay A Drayton Sts., Savannah, 0a ALSO, Dealers in Ship Chai di ry ; Ste mV»at. House and Black smith's Coal—and Importers Liverpool Salt. Orders from the country pr< mpt hDil'l O Sep 18-fim Dew, ORFF, V/ATKINS & CO SAVANNAH. Bep2l 3ra C Hayes, * BEy. J. Lestkr Richmond, Va .-savannah. Ga &!b SttJhoksalc Tobacco, Liquor, and CoiilMission House Win. C. HAYES & Cos. 141 Bay street, Savannah. Georgia. OFFER special and particular inducements »otlie merchants and planters of Georgia and Fla. GW Hides, Cottou and general produce te.'eii in • xebange, and on consignment. With libeial ad vances. quick sales, and small commissions, we hope to share a liberal patronage from then trade generally. old MEINHA.' D, BROS & r 0 Wholesale Dealers it. BOOTS SHOES. HAtS, Ready Made Clothing, JurnisUinß <£>cotls 11 i Biiv&h'on St. SAV WN'AIf.GEORGIA ofFtCK H. Meifhard. \ gO A 8. WHITE BT. \ S. Melh M. Mein hard. ( New York 1 E. A. J MILLER i I'D, F RUITHRF tEALERS 'Br aiglitop Street, Savannah. Ga Walnut B and R -<>ni Sets. Imitation French Sets. ? ilir fset,-., Biiieaus, Waslisttinds, Bed* Mtads Cliaiis of al> grade.-, Childicns’ t’airiages, etc., etc .tOBHJNO \NI> RKFvIL’ING NEAH.Y IM» v - K WI I II IH-F V IVH Matr a- Miikiltg. Feather*. Upholstering, &c. sep 14-on*3 B J. LESTER* COMMISSION M Kl?Clt'NT and ''ealtu in Liquors, Cigars, Tobaccos, &c i SAVANNAH, GA. nOv96m AN OLD h-" I .t‘Lt Ui-i. nut JOHN OLIVE , PAINTS i OILS, PUT Y And all Fainteis' Matciials. SASHES, HLI \D> a.M) DOORS. House ami Sign Fainting. No; 8 Wh t.ker st ] Sivannah, Ga. sepl4oom. A. M. Sloan J H. w loan A- M-SLOAN & CO COTTON FACTORS. mil MIICIITI AND AGENTS FOR IHE CELEB UAI ED Etiwan and Soluble Sea Island buanos. CMGHdRX ASP CUNJHNGniII RANGE BAY STREET- SAVANNAH GA august 10 1871 ® in ’ MARKET SQUARE HOU.^E. S ivannah, Georgia. No. 174 Bryan Street. taINKST wine*, ales, liq"0»e and lager l*c«r al < » X VMHI hand. Connected w.tb the eftah lisUu.eiit is a ri-st class l. o Tin A'ley l» x4oa valentine baslek. Proprietor. 1 6m Books, Stationary. Music. IMP« BTED Books, Stationary. Pianos. Organs. Strings, Music aud Fanc> G "do, DIRECT FROM EUROPE T BE \ I NORTHERN PRICES! Large stok of School .Books, Slates, ' . T York Wholesale Pt ces T\av>« a'd Al on •«»»» «" s ' c - ' ,uhD “ Ud Guittr °*- Sop 14-ly h.IIXBBinOE. g 4, NOTEMBKK 23rd 1871. J. A Pbitlijn. John j. .McArthnf, M upg-unerv 00., Ga. J. HAND, Aincricus, WITU— John A Phillips & Cos, FACTORS AND Com’sioii Merchants No. 102 Bay Street. Sav mnah. Ga. Ur L'beral urtvanc* s made on c >t>ignment| of Cos ton and Produce Bagging aud Ties or i tc-i. Agents for C'ber«iH ake Guauo. Ref re nee* : C. Ejfing A (k> , Geo. H. C. Wayn*. Savannah. | Sip-21 LADIFiS’ FURNISmvG GOODS! iß'i Brougton Street, OPPOSITE sT ANDREWS HALL, SAVANNAS T IE U S DKFSIGN ed begs to nritiotitice to 'inL that he now ~~r3t has on hand a full sb/ck FURNISHING GOODS ! Dre»ses. and Moruing Wrappeisof nil kirds. White Garments of all kinds, Underwear. Children*Suit*, all sorts. Orfcetg ! French and German make H K>p»kirte ! of til styles, made t<* order. In uioi every special!* for which his establish ment lias been noiedj will be tonnd at the pre-ent p ace, iincl olfe ed at Lowest Prices The pub ic are inv ted to call. B. M UARFUNKEL. So, 21-bin WHOLESALE MD9UIST, No. 21 VV intaker St., Savannah Ga j AOK.NT Foa fcOMSIOi K, FhRRE k CO’S Genuine Wethersfield GARDEN SEEDS, I papers or in bulk—to Dealers. Gardiners or Frtllli I’S. i *T CetitenholP- World Renowned Swiss BitteiS sep2Dfim John kku.y & co., 100 Brougiitoi! St eet, WIK'LK ALV AND SETAIL FURIIITIfRE DEALERS, SWANN AH. GA. HAVING Jr at a>d Special advaotHges in tlii-r line ot G> ‘ls iiiet beg the attention of the public Looking glares, clocks, to >!-mnts. etc. »lwa son baud. GW ippnsite st. Audr- ws Hud up .-tails. •sep2B-6m MJSCELLASEOUS SBAHLE3 a. DaXA. Editor. She §allar A Newspaper of the Present Times. Intended fsr People Now on Earth. Inclndin* Farmer*. Mechanic*. Merchants, Pro* ftsaional Men, Workers, Thlnkera, and a;l Man. ner of Honest Folks, aad th* Wives, Sons, sod Dao&hters 0 j ,aoh. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR t ONE HUNDRED COPIES FOR tdO* Or less than On* Cent a Copy. Let there be • •30 Club at every Poet Office. SEMI-WEEKLY NUN, SO A YEAR, Os the same sise and general character as THE WEEKLY, bat with a areater variety of mtseeilaneona ret dine, and famishing the news to It* so ascribe rs with greater freshness, because U comes twice a week instead of once only. THE DAILY SCN, 80 A YEAR. A preSmtnenttv readable newspaper, with tj»* lirfoii circaiatloQ m uio worio. Frw, tfioa Rodent, end fearless tn politics. All the news >m everywhere. Tv * cent* a copy iby mall, 30oaBtaaB>onUt,orSO a year. TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY NUN. Ten copies, ovj war, rensrateir addressed (a-4 an extra oopy to the getter «p of clno f. Bight Dollars. Twenty copies, one fear. Separately addressed (and an extra copy to «*• Fifty year, toon* address tend the lySeyearto fettencoicia''), •» Thirtr-ivo Doltare. One bnndred coulee, one veer, to me eddrets C«d the lmlly tor one ye*r w'herrrter aTol eiaoy. Fifty litiitn# One hundred ooeiee. one y>ar. separately ed* THE SEMI-WEEKLY SUN. Kmeomm.oneyem.mpmrnelgMdngeJ,^ Ten copies, one ve*r eeperatetv edarmeed (aad •a extra copy to getter up of dnh), . sixteen Dollars. SEND YOUR MONEY In Post rffiee orders, cheek*, or drafts oo Few Torts, wherever C!*nvetiient- If not. toea ngisusi tae letters ooataiulag tuoaey. Address L W. ENULANU. Pahtlsbe^ San office. New Tort CKp Administrators Sale I)Y vtrm* o*' an •r ! e from th- c-nrt of Orfliha > r\ **t Df‘l A«*o gla # ’I 1- «d'l <*n ,h» fi’st T es ;»v f*nJ nna*y »«xt e Cion H**ose .!**.* in Ik '"«» '» B'''!”'^ r Q; vtwe* ii the tec»t * : *le h*-tn>aft if** K-tl V .te 'el "• i R " '-he E*». of Hen iet'a McE v n tio-.nt 1 NB. 3*i aid 31. ! **i »c-i* s **f 97 •> in th. 14’h D"t and i-in. ne 'he ( ha'tah"**chee p,‘ n t Mon. Al- Lot do.UL 16 Diet, of Decatur lema of sale, cwh. j|cEj.ves adm’r. Akcrniaii iattn astuteaiutesman. He is ati almost shrewd. True, he ia not a w ; *e man. because wise men ate always good moti, and Ak> rtnnn is not a good man. But ho has son e scttlt-nrsk, which answer's the purpose of «»»£ tssi»y, atid entiLles him to move along in tin* abnormal groove into which a pt.’culiar late has p tidged him; A i recelit evideiute of his , cut«*ness iS Ihention ••d by the Washington cot respondent of the IttmiaViilr Lodger, It seems that *‘iti*ceiits ly a commit tee from S 'UHi Carolina’, c «n»s posed <»f men of £rea; we g it , called upon ine ex-rebel General akeruian, now \tlo'- neysGeiietal, piesenled a stronir p*t.i«ion in InVor of ’he pardon of iwu persons who had been wrongly convicted under the Cot,« gu ssional election law irt the base of De bit ge and Bigamy Brown. The Attorney- General declined to go into the merits of the case; as he sdid lltete were to be a large number of convictions of Democrats in New York, slid he would not allow any Republican to lie patdoned now for tear i’ would be used as a teasoii why the D-mo* erals shou'o pardoned hei'-afler. The c -m --mittee ttig and that ii was not just to permit men improperly convicted*, to enable the President to Miff* n up his own back lor another uini rliff r lit case, and 'lie pardon i.f B >w< nls ing all et.ded; Aket instt saol he wan ed rt to be und* rsloon that was Ills oft*.ir; that BroWll had Mi. Giant pmnnse it, a lid the Preeideni was not di.*pos*d io cany it olf; and held it l»aek lot* a week, bn fitt ti ! y a'lOwild ii to issue.’ Thk Ku- Ki.uxO* mm it tee —How Evidence Obtained. —The 0 •egiessiotta* Georgia Ku KlnX tlommiitee, that ha* been si; • iug at At'auta with tl'sed doors, adjmnn *d Wednesday, after having examined over a litiudn and witnesses, many of the mean* st class* Bu for the viu ilamv--, many of the Democratic menth ts. Senator Bayatd and Representive V ohees, no rebutting evi -I* nee boiild h-.«Ve lireh taken; Horace May ti aid tttid liis HSsoeifite li.TR Vented tlicit sp’een against tVi** Sta'e, Evel'v slul - for* lour years has been raked up, and 4b*‘ same disordi r presented in iiifT rent shapes. Tin- troops f'Miglit nobly inl\- iti".’ The hilteiest evidence has been giv en bv * itch nrgioes as turner and will* Radicals as Sell itoi B tick. The C 'list lint i* ti say s* One batch ol dii ty Itegpo girls swore to one of their number being beaten so as to bed-ridden for fotir wet km The cross «x --ufhitiH'n.n brought out that in fotir days the negro women walked fif'een tni e to * frolic. And the safne party « f petjnred wench* s were S* e,i Counting 'heir pay S3O or S4O each, and chuckling and gigging over their gains,and Vowing to. send others tip to lie f**r hire. No proof was obtained of a general Ku K nx organization. The < n*y thing of iln* kind, a local affair was sh*>wc to have in •ts nn tid'ership two Radical iev« line as-e.-s --ms. The bod V "f 'he outrages wile in disputable shown to be connected wi it ' - ileile distillation and Utterly outside of p - lilies. In the mountain counties, where illict d'S'iHing is car-ied on, the nn-sl <*f the vili'-nce occurs and was proven to be don© to protec* the and mid I-nr and their c<>t- C'llifederat* , One ex F 4 * d*Tfil officer named Lyons, a lb publican And ii large Radroad cotttrae tot, given S'lele Aih ev d**"Ce to 'hr* order of thfi S'siie. F.x Govern *r B uwn, Bmi Hill aili! Liltiofi ?ephetts were summon'd before tits o<»nfni!ttet* dud test - fi*-d Strongly for th*» people; But the trouble ts the evidence Ilf one peijurtd scamp g u*B fmtftcr tliati that ol fifiy tinthlul ones. The Queen of elg urn refuses to pay her m 1 iner s bill 0f67,'W0f., on the groan J of its exorb tancy. General Fitzhugh Lee was eelcted, at Richmond, and Taursdiy even ng, Presi de tof an associa ngform3dof the su vivo sos the V ginia division of he Con - federate army of Northern Vigi a, and General Edwards Job son ad Jas. A. Walker we 6 elec ed V c pros dents ”Why don’t he coma ?” she said, as she stood denssvely flattening he nose atanst he window pane. ’’Who love?”asked papa, laying down a frightful and ygoot s bill wi h a sapp ese oath. ”The Graad Jnke papa yj. m him'.” mat ered the aged bll payer, an meandereb awkardly from the room. — New York Star. ‘‘J nv,‘* hm'i! • laudl'udy to her help fh*- oth >r 1.101 ning, 4 was 'here h.*v Hre m th kitchen b.M l.ight «2 le V-n w* re -it* i-2 Ul .f» •*o* ly jn>* a spai k ,n»a •U»,” ’**♦* reply* Ihe landlady l«v ked snapici mslvat J. nny, but the innocent darlioing went on übbiug and h cumiug * Katy Railing. * We li» ve a great many severely things about President Giant,* hays th*> ?t**cksi<ui (Cal.) Journal, “and betm ceu ennui fur sating the following from that well and wid'dy-knoWu Rcpublici) paper the Cincinatti Commercial, we hope no one will charge a Democratic paper with tin* just severity toward the herd of Lo.-g ITr inch; ‘* Al»i*ve all others stands the selfish, ego tistical, ignorant official who owe- 1 is el evation to the feet that he was the unfeel ing instimnent in hands of the fiendish Stanton when he hurled huge masses ol fresh trot ps upon the thinned battalions of the dying Confeueracv, and has no more approhensit n-* of the Great Hepublio which he represents as Chief Magifttrale, than the worm has for the greatness of the dead Ik* ro on body it fattens,'* Military Rule ix "'ouTn Carolina — Words and Worse — s was presume!, mill tary rule in South Carol nahad culmi >- ate in the i evitable outrages of an irres ■ onsiblo and drunken soldiery. The fol lowing statement is mand by the eliester I iejjorter : ever 1 days ago a series of outrages were perpet at and upon soma of the hiost respectable citizens of Uniou by th troops s ationed at that point. A number of the business men wera placed i • durance on the charge of being members of th, Ku- Klux. fter locking them up, and threat ning theni .with death on the mo row, their capto s then proceeded o the homes of their pr soenrs, and, under the plea of searching for the iden ieal men tha were already ncarcerated, they entered the most private apartments of the iadie3. ma king sad haoc among fine dresses anb toi le articles. Os course fheft was commitad and insults and indecent language pre ailad. fter volunteering to the ladies the i formation that ”in he morning thoi relatives would ufferdeacli,” they < bpari ed. 0 e of the lad es lost a fine gold watch and eha n. I his liasnot yet been Recovered. Oil the mor ing following the n ght of their arres , the commandnat of the post and smisse the prisoners, s ther werechar ges br ugh against them then. While these arrests were being m de, the troops (aXJn.ted States ma slial was in the eoin pa y ma e threats frequently that if resis tance w ere made hey would lay the town in ashes. Now comes he strange part of t a sac ion ft r ho release of th pris • on rs, the authorities stated that it was "onlya runken spree ” ' notice was gent to the pubiishor of he Unionville I mes to the efiect that if he dare i pul sh any hing in regard to the affai they would fire Ihe to n and sw ng him to a post,. We under stand th t lie’townc unci have now taken he affairs in ha and. An investigation has been g ne in o and the evidence duly sworn to. printed in pamphlet form We aso lear • that copies of this pamph le have been forwarded to ' ttorney Gene ral keman and District Attorney JD: T. Corbin War in Ecr pe imminent. — A Washing ion *p’ cial of the 8-b to the Savannah News says’ 1 . , Semi-official information received here Irnm Europe, treats of tile Certainty us an impeding war lies ween Prussia and Aus tria on the one hand* and probably between Uu-tda and Franc** oil the oilier, to start with. The writer, a man of prominence, who is thoroughly ported in European poi lnic-ij Hays the al’jance of Pm-sia Htid Austria is an accotnp'i-had laet. The preset)i Ensperor of Russia has re pealed t •*• everiuies made oy Ntcho last lot’haHWthe T.-fith, of Fratice, ill 1829, and which the latter decline to accept, tnese «,verinr**i lirtvp b'- en accepted by tin* pn s'-ni French Government and til*; pre- I ie n trios were n»t'H *d by ill*- R'epieseu t a rives of France and Russia at N'Ce on October 21 I<i confl-in rliittl of these state m, i is w l! know that military pre paraii<nis «r lining ma le in Germany on ill** in >*l i x’ensive scale, and all .he arse n «ts and Government wo k*h"ps aie taxed lo thetr nim »t c-*p icily. Russia is also on paring for wa< on « scale a most incn - and b e. Ape set ipt ion of the feuban of Morocco represents that personage is a most nidov ,b'e character. He is morose unconelj| f a l.ard drink r, c a ', » ZV and SO ign«»r*ut ibai he cannot * vni wr*ght his own name In some r* sfH*cfs his indolence acts as an a»t dtite to Ids cmeltyr l«»r he frequently f ,iia, *mt *if sh**«*r lazine-s, to perpetrate deeds*«f violence upon which be baa alieady resolved, THE SUN TERMS* BAI ES OF ADVERTISING. No Sqnim 1 Mo. 5 M”* S Mes 6 Mo* if Miai “Zjua.v #4 00 f7oo «hi|sO^ 2 sqna es 800 11 00 t 4 «> SO 00 12 Uo| I*o6 20 00 2C Ol* 40 00 4 squares 10 00 20 00 20 00 33 00 50 OU 5 square* 20 4**), ;.S 82 00 40 0 GO 00 6 squares 24 <V» 31 oA 38 00 48 l;0 To 7 squares 2? <V) 3" OOi 45 O 0 >''6 oO *0 00 8 squares SS 00 48 00) 62 00 G 4 0- *0 OO 9 square r. 00 4000 IGOOOjS 00 to»> 00 l O squares 40 00 MOO 08 utVRo 00 HO 0O i cobkom 44 00 caooi T4U>B9 w* t*o 00 NO 26, Variety. A dry goo *s firm on church street t'ses domestic invoice. Measures are on fool for fct'dcking the open plains and prairicH of the Weil ,with trees. The hilarious moon was to chated ftft the cleaiing-adlee last uigt that ehe got quite full over it. <• mailer how prosperous thefr baaioeti may be, whalers and lard makers alwaji hive trying times. Anna Dickinson hHs pocketed by ber lec’nres since 1860, the sung little sum ©f SIB,OOO, and olive Lgan who has beed lecturing three years $40,000. At the lunatic asylnm of L**opoldiißehi # Hungary, forty or fifty male inmates, whose csRM kre tidl hopeless, are drilled twice ft week in mditiary tactics, for the promotion ol tin ir r cuvery. Two interesting agri-nliiifal enterprise are in progress — one the cultivation of otangeft in California, and the other the establish* ment of au oltVe ou tho St Jehu River ill Florida; An illiterate ifaflner wishing to enter some animals at an agricultural exhibition wrote to the Secretary as follows; ‘*.Ui6 ciiter me for the beat jack ass. lam sure of taking the premium.* 4 Boston has I*l4 churches,of which 27 Are Unitdi iau. Flu- M« thodist c«>rne next with 22. The Baptist have 17 churches—the same number the Romaiiista; the |Kpisco« paliaiis 16, and the Presbyterians T. When Troy was in its infancy they pro* ported christening it Vandrbayden but better consei prevailed. Since that time ft curefit statistician has learned that 2,306 barrels of ink and 153 years time has been saved in writing her n»mc. The I'i'Asthned Lord’s Prayer will te fouud si Subers’. Juid the thing for parlor ornament. Faitu or am Isklitb.—The Washing* ion Star says. Mr. H. L, Strasburger, of Georgetown, has received a letter from hia sin tit Rock Island, 111., in which lie say* that the only lioudfe standing in the north ern part of lire city of Chicago belongs to a very de voute Hebrew, who, when he saw the fire, went to the. Synagogue, took th L’orali (the five books of Moses) to bii house and, sitting down, read it calmly while the flames were ragn g all arouud dwelling and even burned Hid butii and tho steps of his house. ——- -in ii ii ■ i «w»i - ii ■ The Newark Advertiser gives the fol; lowing : The wondeifiK flight of the carrier pigeon Tempest to Mohtclar., N. J., was noticed some time since* We have uow to. record the fltill more extrftordiauary time of wo other birds seiit home. Tile following nots were found on them on their arrival : Dear Father— Sept. 15, iß7l— Laf. 27; ring, lo N., 79 deg 30 W , 1,004 statoto hides from Montclar, N. J*—l will let the male bird Tornado go with this bote aft exactly nine o, clock A. >f.. New Pork timo I let the bird T-oopst go bn the 10th* Shy roue up about 50 0 vards high* and ilien made one tremendous [doling to the North, and wan out of Right apout as quick as a fla-di n/lighting* Harry 0* Bi.eecker Dear FAtßEtt Sept. 21; 1871 —Lai. 2t5 deg. N., long 93; deg. 5 W., 1,506 statute miles from Montclar, N. J.—l will let the old birds Typhoon go Wilt this note aft exactly eight o clock A M., New York limp. He is 4 powerful bird but he has a feat fol j.,b bn hand* He must go through it or perish*. AU Well. Habry C Bi.hkri. T ie bird T »rnsdoarrived at Montclar tho same day at two o , otoek anp seven minute P M . , making over 196 miles an hour. Typhoon arrived the same day at three o* clock and Any four mi nuts P. U., and fell dead on his arrival, but he brought the notO iu the unprecdcuted tithe of? 02 an hour. Go to Subers’ and see the beautiful Confederate Note Metnorium, W. C. Hubkbs —lt has been our duty for some- t r me post 'o write weekly notices of this enter p> ising y.'Ung merchant, and considering that it is in behalf of his well deserving merits, it is a pleasure as wed as and ty. Mr. Haber* has, by bis cb se and prompt attention to businew, fair and clever dealing gent em n'y deportmentand with al, straight forward course, Ingratiated himself into the confidence and e»teem of the entire peo ple of the community until now. when he etandsf eminently popular with ell classes. Mr. SuW has also built up his business to one of a firT class standing, and now,he haa the pres ding over one of tbft nest Jewlry Mbf meats in Southwestern Georgia. Call in Vw*