The Southern sun. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1869-1872, November 23, 1871, Image 2

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THE SOUTHERN SUN, Official Journal of Decatur County nlorlcige. Georgia. November The Calhoun Times hoist lh<> name of General. W. T. Wofford for Governor. Wonder when those North Georgia chaps,- will come to the conclusion that South Georgia, is entitled to a Governor once in a hundred years? Burglars are ro common in Savannah, that the city papers hardly take notice of thorn. Liogarda Dramatic Troup > are trying to make things lively in Atlanta. Gorman, of the Tolboton Standard continues to “free blow” railroads and ho tels— go id idea John, a dollar saved is a dollar made. Tj! Joe Brown, urns the Geoagia Legisla ture, about a8 successfully as he does the State Road* The cards havo been dealt and green backs are trumps, Joseph holds the winnig hand. “Oh! Ye Gods, the giftie gie us' To see ourselves, as others see us, is a piece of verse, that some of the members of the present Legislature of Georgia, should take due notice of, and govern them selves accordingly. The Atlanta New Era says, “We need more business and less politics.“ We fully. agree with the Era, on that point; but it i-s very strange that said journal did not come to >bat concl u M when the radicals were domiuant in Georgia. Strange things will happen sometimes— for instance, to see R. L Me Whorter, the late despotic radical speaker of the House of Representatives voting with the Dt-mo<« cratic party, Bob, after serving out your present term you must take a back seat; we fear that your placid smiles will never more be seen in the Legislative Halls of Georgia—you are to. big a pill for the Democrats to swol low, and to' nauseating for the stomaches of.the par.ty that elected you* Old tel you are ‘‘gone up.‘‘ Home! Acain.—After an absence of over a month, we again fiud ourself seated in the editorial chair. We have been to Atlanta, associating with the members of the Legislature; but we hope our friends will not think less ol us for it, as the major portion of them are a clever set of fellows, and are perfectly willing to take wjuit little Bullock left in the State Treasury, being as they came in after the feast. We return thanks to the gentlemen who have contributed to the editorial columns of the Sun, during our absence; also to Mr. R. M.Johston, ourefficient associate The Legislature has resolved not to elect State House officers until after the Gubar uatroinal Election. It has been decided by the Legislature, that there was no legal election held in Calhoun County, last December. Anew Election will be ordered. H. I. Kimball.^-While -in Atlanta, we conversed with quite a number of the most prominent cttizens'of the place, and nearly all us tin m seemed inclined to the opinion, that Kimball, would soon re 1 urn and aratigf all of h«s business transactions satisfac lor tally. GoSS. —The family of Rufus B. our de funct Gpvc*ruor left Atlanta, about ten days ago; whither they were going, know one knoweth, exoept it be the knowing ones. John GormrPJ, of the Talboton Standard comes* out luridly and says, that Pikes dis play of dollar goodV, exhidited at the Ma con Pair, eclypses any thing he has ever seen, the P. G. in G, not excexptrd. Toting ladies think of this, and if the great pedes trian tries to inveigle von into the holy bonds of matrimony, recollect he has said, that the articles exhibited in a dollar Store possesses more charms for him, than all the P. G‘s combined. . The Worrenton Clipper, is grumbling, because the merchants of Worrenton do not advertise; a good many papers in the State are down with the same complaint. Dotit worry your-3elf Bro. McGregor, all 6nch, wilt soon or late go up that enormous spout, and their places suplied with enter priseiug meu* R. D Sliropseire lias been after Jas A. Demour, the present Edito of he Ma con Daily Citizen, with a sharp stick. He makes him sign the following • ote, which we find n the 1 elegraph. & Messenger of the 15th inst: Macov, Ga., Nov. 9, IS7I To whom i may concern: This is to ac knowledge that my note to Mr- Jno* R. Grffin, > f 9th Instant, contain several de libe ate and ntentional falsehoods, in so far they late to R, D Shro shire, and Ihe * epy whooly and u evuivodally ret act said statement and acknowledge that I Wd. • Jas A - DamoUr The next presidential Election: The time for this grand epoch in the his tory of ameriean politics is drawing near. The whole wo Idle looking on with breath less anxiety. The crowned-heads of Eu ■u ope, for a hundred years have regar 'ed a amexdca with an eye of suspieio and fear* They regar it as a fearfhL among ihe vicenage of their Tieaedifary tyranies. When other country's have sought to bor row from ur free institution,s they were set upon by princes and nobles, of all Eu rope. That there is a tacit confederacy of all hes against free republican gove.. 1 * ment and institutions, he most causual observers of political history cannot deny, i hey have sent their emis ries i u<» our land, to endavor by all he wiles and a ts that ngenuity and despe atio * could de vise,, to sow, bro <<!cast the seeds <*f a rev olu' on and a centralized goverme <♦. they sought the near s road t > the acc mplish. ment f 'heir m ssio : and design. They have ] layed upon the ambition and cupid jti s< f p litical leaders, ih yh re snt ihoii- prices of h blood, in royal state, to accustom the eyes of he fre man to t e 8 ght of royalty itself. Fif y years ago the whole <-f Europian royal y and nobib ty, could have passed thro gh the enitre length an 1 bread h of free Am erica, with out creating the least sensation* To-day Tiie c-uning of the prince, of Wales, or the Russian Ah*x : s, is s Mind ed fourth as a grand triumph* This thing-, aye, these things, are big with {meaning;— They show how well the Amercan mind is prepared for a coup cle tal .” When oui highest officials whoso ambition is unbom d od, ire, thus su 'rouu led,courted and sup ported by all royalty combined, what may one not expect, —especially, when these of ficials have at their command a \oweiful navy, a powerful army already, drilled and schooled to the work of usurpation oppres sion and tyranny, and a powerful party to back them; with these resourses, to say nothing ol a powerful monied arristoeracy clamoring for a centralized government, and ready for any change looking in th< direction, who regard the poor tax-pav ers only as instruments of their great de signs, with a large section of the country subjugated, yoked and powerless, whai may not Grant and his adherents do? Who could oppose. Let the American people think of this ere it is too late, lest when the final blow is stricken they will be pow •erless to lesist. If coming events cast their shadows before,” what o»-s the onward and continued march of military law in the (South, that too just on the eve of a Presi dential election, in which the present in onmbent has himself out as a candidate foo Shadow. It means one of two thing- . that the bayonet must control the ballo box in the coming election, or that a foothold must be gained to completely overthrow the goverment and erect the throne upon the ruins of our free institutions and graves if «.ur farthers. We are not with the assertion that these predictions and conjectures are but wild chimera, We hope it may prove so. We had rather be a false proffit than a dupe and a slave* When we see the clouds over shadowing the earth, we naturally look for rain, and when we see the nation's army being dispersed over eleven states of the union, with all the powers of a conqueror in an enemy’s country, the chtr ehes and the tempi 8 of justice,converted in prisons, into which hundreds of American citizens are east, as so many malefactors, —this too without a legitimate cans -.’ We caunot see anything good in the horrible picture,- In the absence of a patriotic cause for these violent acts on the part of the President and his party, vve cannot but adhere to our conclusions—that a terr ible evil ; s in the winds. Where is the power to save us! First, in thf ballot B >x—then if that voice is stifled with bayonets let the West and North suggest the remedy* But before we see this remedy proposed, let us go to the polls, felling that every patriot expects each man to do his duty. Conlkys Vetoes Tas Election Bill.—As we expected, Coiitev, the usurper and ac iitig Governor of Georgia, vetoes the bill passed by'both branches of the general ass embly bringing oti the election for Govern or to fill the uuexpiied term of Rufus B Bullock. Conley bases his vote upon the ground that tha Constitution of the Stat*', in the sectiou authoiizing the Legislature to pro vide for filing a vacancy in the office oi Governor by special election doesuot confer power on the Legislature to fill a partic ular vacancy*, but only to adopt a genera! law upon the subject*, that his right to ex ercise the duties of executive officer is a vested right which the General Assembly cannot disturb. Trammell is the legitimate Governor of Georgia and the General at-s m y shold so declare him. Since the above was written we have received a special Telegram that the ♦lec tion bill has been pissed over Cuuley's veto. FATAL ACCIDENT- A Young Lady Killed and a Young Man Dangerously 1 njured by a Kim away Horse on the Thunderbolt Hoad We are called upon to chronicle this njorniug one of those fatal accidents which arc both terrible and hcarUrendsriug in tlreTf naJure7 Y'-sferdav afternoon abmt five rdciock, whileMr. William H. Cole bid Miss Mary Conway were reMjfning ftTm the funeral of Mrs. Preudergast, the aUtfcitefi I6.tbebuggy4n Which they Jvere riding became' unmanageable and tftrew them on but the same time turning the vehicle over and upon both the yojingman au l the young lady. ! T-wi>,g'eritle*nen, wtli* were comirig to the citv, and who were just turning tile bend in the Thunderbolt road, near tire Crjthedral comet at v, witnessed tire accident,, and at once hastened to the relief ol tire 'luntorl truite suffers.- Mrss Conway waij lying under one of the wheels of the butrgv which had faHtu upon her, while Mi* Cole was lying in the road, speechless and unable to move* They were token to the side of tlvekoad and cared fore. In the meantime, their friends, .who were some distance aheafj and nearer the city, had observed the hors* run past them without the bugyg, and, infer ring that some uutoword circumstance had occurred, thej returned to the scene <jf the ten loble accident. Mss Conway an 1 Mr* Cole were 'ken i lace i in carriages nd brought to the city where they eceived every attention th t science could suggest. I" the youn > ladv‘s c se it • rove 1 to be of no avail, for, fter -emaining u con sc us until h ls-past s x o’clock, she quietly breath and h i 1 .rt* Sh • w s attend and by Dr. Kolock. 'I h • yonn .- mm sd mi porously if no% mor ally injurtd. He is attended by Dr* Bulloch* Miss Maty Conway tvaS 'he daughter of M . M. C'.EW-'y, oar- of the clc iks at th- Pulaski Hous , aid he s s'er < fMr Rtch aid Cmw y, wh 'isa cl Ts: at the Atla-i t c and Gulf R..ilroad depbln- was a mos' ftm i bl<* aid estimabl ■ you ig Jany, iti dh-i s >dd tr aid untimely death isd pi >n and by a veiy lng<* circl • of friends and acquaintances*--miv. N ws: • ' From the griffin (Star. Destructive Fire in Griffin ! About five o'clock on Thursday morning, the alarm of fire was given, and in a few minuets it was that the store of W* H. Roberts was almost wvapbed in flames, aml‘before the Fire Companies Could get on the spot the store house of Henry Burr was on fire, with the wind blowing from the northwest with such fury that it made it very difficult to stop the p’ogiessof the fire. But our <ffioieui Fire Dep trunent went to work with a determination to saae the property of their fellow citizens; and by hard work the fire was checked in the store of Henry Burr. And we don’t behove t hat any other set of men in the .world would have done the same work that wasd<me by ihe griffin fire department in stopping tin fire. The store of W H Roberts, including the stock and everything was destroyed. The store hr ose of Henry Burr was de stroyed, and all his goods were consumed or damaged. The following iH an estimate ol the losses: W. H. Roberts* loss SGOOO, insurance $4,500, in the Franklin Insuranc Cos ipain of Philadelphia; Henry Bnn*s loss $15,- 000, insured in Home and Con*'m- to n insurance Company of New Y<>rk h»i sl, 500, Moss & Williams' for $2,000; Misonic Lodge, winch was ■•vet i In- store of Roberts, lost $4 000, insured foi $2,000; J. M* Glass, merchant tai'or, who occupied the (Vent room of the Masonic Hail, np stairs, 10-t $3,500, no insurance; A. B- Pelps, next door u> Burr's building, lost by moving goods, stealage, etc , $3,000, insur ed for $2,000 in the Liverpool & London & Globe, W . J- Knicaid, loss, dauuge'ol goods, SI,OOO, W* \Y* Wa kei & Bro., loss, damages of goods, $1,000; « v V. Dew.-* loss, damages of goods, SI,OOO. The whole block of buildings would have bpon destroyed had it not been for one of. Silsby's Steam Fi'*e Engjn lately pnichas, ed by the city, in tlie hand of the best set of buys in the word Our efficient Cheif Engineer, Abel A. Wright, was at his post, promptly, as ho always is. The fire is supposed to be the work of ariucendiary. Old Folks at Bomb —Ou tite list instant, Justice William M. Butt married Reuben* Donaldson, of Gwinnett county, to Mrs. Polly Bryan, of tbiscity. The bridegroom was 76, the bride 66,and the Fqua'r 68* The ceremony was performed in a bouse that was erected before the war and escaped the torch of sLermou. Atlanta Constitu tion. THIRTY YEARS’ EXPERIENCE IX THE TREATMENT OF Chronic and Texual disease. A PHYSICAL VIEW OF MARRIAGE. The cheapest bonk ever published—containing: nerrly three hundred p iges and one hundred and thirty five-plates and engravings of'he anatomy of the human organs in a state of health and dis ease with a treaties on earlv errors ils deplorable contequences upon the mind and body, with the author's plan ot treatment—tha only ration I and successful mode of erne a-shewn by a report of cases t*e ited A tru’hful advertiser to the married and those contemplating umrrtag?s.‘;v tro-- U ' tut a doubts of their physical condition, sent free of pos tage to any address, oti receipt of twenty-five cents in stamp's >r po-ia l currency, by addressing Da La C'uOYx, No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N di The* author may be consulted upon any of the a'.seages upon which b>s book treats, either person-. Yly or by mail, and medicines sent to any part of the world. WANTED for the TRANSMISSION OF LIFE. COUNSELS on 'the Nature and Hygiene of the Mtt'Culine Fa act ion. By Dr. Napheys. author of ‘•The Physical Life of Woman.” It’relates to the male sex ; delicate hat outspoken * practical and popular; highly endowed ; sells rapidly So ! db\ subscription only. Exclusive ten itorv Teitns lib eral Price sl. Address for contents. &c. J. G. fcERGUS&CO., Pobllshevs, Philadelphia, Pa. Agents ! Head This ! VTV WILL YAY AGES S A KALAtIV OF s3tl It PER WEEK and Expenses, or al <wa luge commission to sell our new and wonderful inven tions. Address M. WAGNER & CO., Musha l. "M'ch. Tim hum' Shrewd but qniet men can make a fortune by re vealing the secret of the lousiness to no one. Address Wli. WRAY, 688 Broadway, New York. Advertise mnts. Will He one dollar per square for the a ti ah deductions wll be made on contracts. Ob tuf/T-s and marriages will be charged the a«*uie as otheh adveriißeoieuts. PROFESSIONAL ?acuj 111 iif fill. SIMON A. WEIL, C r We-t and Wab v r streets, ncx l door toj. A. Zeigter is now opening a large and well selec ted stock, whichjue places on the imuUet, of HiT Goods, 800 S AND SHOES, «-'arat.®L®ffZ3.aK3 Clothing, Hats and Caps, Notions, &c. I take g eat pleasure in announcing that I am piepared to sell everytbios in my lute as cheap us the cheapest ami win give gce.M, bargains. My mot o i.« Quick Sales and Small Profits. Look to A our iniere-'S aud examine my stock bet'oie laying in GEORGIA Decaf it.- Count . S. S. Mann, as next friend of Mrs. E O. Dickinson, h s applied for exemption o' personality aud setting apait and valuation of homestead; and I will pass upon the same at 12 o’clock in , ou the 2lstdayof Nov 1871, at my office. Joel Johnson, Orel, uov 16 2w GEORGIA Decatur Coon'y Mrs. R A Jone> has applied for exempt ion of personality ad set ting apart and valuation of homes* -ao and I wil mss upon the same at 12 o’clock m, on tne 21st Nor 1871 at im o See. J. kl Johns n Or y. no sth 1871 GEORGIA —Deia u'- C >unty. A J. Lisseter has applied for exeamf'on of perso iafity, and ict ting an nt and valuation of homestead a I will piss upon the same at J 2 o’clock, in, o-v 21 si day of Isov. 1871. at my office. Joel Johnson. nov 11th 1871. Ordy; nlTw m . AND WINTDa GOODS BELCHERS & TERRELL Water street BAINBIUDGh, GEORGIA Wt E offer to the public a large and well-seleCted » » sock of Fall aud Winter Goods such as BACON FLuUIt SFGAH, 1 ’ COFFE 13 SALT. c ;• V'.’ TOBACCO clothing, 3 BOOTS; ' : -A-1 SHOES, and all kinds of DOMESTIC GOODS, STOVER, TIN WA'IF,. ETO. made our purchases-in the Northern m tykela. on the most favorable terms, wo are able i to Compete with anv buuacin Geoijsi t or * Florida. We keep on hand a large lot of Big i. in rand-. Ties, of the heaviest quality We are ; git pared to buv Corton and till Ciubib v Pro’nee, ; htgnesr market.' prices. Thankful for j g ist fitvo s, we ask our triends and ; cus omers to [ pi and examine ou:'Htr*ck, pnvhnsin" el-e- BELQHERB & TERULLL. whep‘2l ts a : ; j e. ** « r > ' - - C:.-- * Ai. * 1 I. NORQSENFELD. Respectly inform tfao * citiz ns of ' u Cambridge an I surrounding country that he has opened in connection, with his store a is/£ IDepot Where he will keep constantly on hand a Com plete Assortment of music of the lab-t publication from the best composers. Hrs facilities forget «jg>Mwsicand Musical Instruments a>e as eood as any house m the country also agent for Piano’s irom the celebrated man ufacture- of HALLET & DAVIS AND EMERSON. well known in this and other.countries; and the ’ mason & hamlin organ. He solicits subscription for the SOUTHERN MUSICAL JOURNAL. Music*! Monthly, published by Ludden & Bates, savannah, Ga. <&vocftoana ©ommissiun ■• t | ||| ; ; - Are now receiving their very l arg^ -STOCK, Drygoods, Groceries, Boots and Sk^ EIATS, CAA\.IP~i db I^IGTFT.s, HARDWARE WOOD, WiUOW AND ODEESiWAEt |g 15 Bhls. Fuigar, all grades, 6000 Yds. Double Anclmv • 15 Boxes Tobacco, all grades, . r.r.00 Lbs A,rmv Ties Ka^,n S -15 B igs Coffee, all grades. 50n0 His. P.acqn. Jil.r . ln .i ~ 25 Boxes Soap, assorted. 1000 Gilrlqn H um. .. ri * 50 Bbls Flour, in barrels. ( fOCO Lbs. Bute Leaf Laid JO Bbls Flour, in sacks *t9»*S»i"C«2SSS, ftsa. SASBIHES. WHISKIES, BRANDIES, GINS. . 7 , RUM AND WINE. ‘ ■ All For Sale Low For Cash. sc.p7.6m] J9L. r J*A JMBL JES'JUft THE POST-OFFtr: STOB Hew Store. Hew Stock, t9K &98EH7SUI HAS just opened h's store, in the Post Office Building, whe'e he will he plenspd to fppet tlie r i of Decatur aud adjoining counties, when they can examine one of the ksl t'eltiltd iknh-1 Merchandise in the market, consisting of Dry Goods, Hosiery. Boots and Shoes, Hat and Carl CLOTHING, Gents Furnishing Goods, Crockery and Glassware, taisa « aecsans. Being agent for a large Music House, Mr Rosenfcld will Older tlie best music for those desiring it J*ashes, ||Mriß, gUdo, |lnrcl |’osj #. BALUST ES . ETC, Mm Mu am. jx mm wmm «zs jkl jeh oitn, If.g and 171 Bay Street, (up stairs) Savannah, Ga., &T Keep constantly, a largo stock of the above articles. Go and see, or semi them yoßroiden. ROCKWELL & WEST HAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF STAPLE AID FANCY DDT-SOOD; LADIES DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, READY-MADE CLOTHING. GENTLEMENS FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES HATS, &C., &C. RAVING bought for CASH, and under the most favorable circumstances, we ABLE and DETERMINED to offer GREAT INDUCEMENTS to CASBBVTW& Call and see. . KOCKWWj£B±- ,Cfiie9 OF SCHEiULE. Gks’i. SuPFETNTFNDfINT S OfIICE. 1 Atlantic and Gulf R R-, Oct 25),. 1871 j On and after Sunday. Oor 20th, passenger urtiUs on this toad will run as follow*.- BXPrEsS PA'SE.SGEB. Leave Savannah and aily ».3:45p m Auive at Live O. k. *>j i0 rt m “ TiiomasviHe 3 3-jam Baiubcidge. .6:25 am “ Albany 7:25 am Leave Albany at ...6. jo p m 14 Bainbiid£e.. 8:20p to “ Thomas vi11e.....» 11.30 p m “ Live Oak 115 a m Arrive at Savannah 11:j5 prn ACCOMMODATION TCaIS. Leave Savannah (Safurdavs excepted) at 11:00 p -u Arrive at Live Oak (Sundays excepted) at 1.00 p oi 44 , Thomasvrtie .... ~,1. 310 pm “ Albany 7;30p m Lepm AlVauy... i>.«:sii am : h Thtfuiasvilte.T.A . ..-. .Us 1:55 aim “ Live Oak ]:st> pin Arrive at Savannah (Mondays excepted)at 2:45an0 ihi.- is the only train making close connexion at Live Oak/or J. P. M.R. R. we.-t of L>ve Oak. Glos6 Cortiiextbn at Albany with trains ou Southwestern R R H..S.’ Haines Gen’ l Suiip’t. lm. in .a ) . - FOR RENT aFIIHAR latgeuF-ud cnnwnodioHs store JL House nilualed.on W;iier street, situated opposite Sluunp House, for mal v occupied by B P Cu.tert & B»o.. For teims apply to O ‘l Hi SA'l TERFIELD. Oct sth, 1871-19 ts GEORGlA—Decatur County* Whereas vY. H. P.-nett administrator of WUef* H. Bin hour represents to the Court that he has (ul lv tul min islet ed» said e.-taiefthts is therefore to ciieaM persons conceiued lo show cause if any they can why .said administrator should' 1 ptibe dis charged 15om his administration, and rpQei/e let— te 8 cf dismission >n the first Monday in PebTßs72. JokJ. Johxbox Ord’y. Nov. 9-td i'> . ■ EO VH \ —D 2catoh C«v*tt- - , ES, R. Pickett has aop'vd f«« Ex ®Uui»f j\l and Belii"it apart and )$ s»ead npnn the ®» m 1‘ ’ J lfficeiE (lav of November next al 0 C:ot JOELJO9S6OS Wl.« Oci-Slst 1871- G EO'• CU-DecaturCoom t. IV LcL.ionid as next l.ieod of Banna has nppUed for Exemp'" 1 ' apa- tand valuation of Home tu upon the same on the 13Hi day oi »t my oVce in J(jhtson d .,t.C Oct 28<h 1871 —--T Admiuistiafors® By virtue of a dec ee of theSi'P . Hancock County Ga-. ’wilbe f .° R Comt House doi-r in the city o * k| the fi 'I nestl >y iu He?. *** ’, boa sos sale the forming real no. lin the 14th D.sfrict; nos 187 2GS, ill the 16 (h District; T the 20th Di-t.ict; no’s. 321 S-A** 9 3;>|) 14'i 355 in the 2dst Dist; ro« . f 24 58 10 23 60 212 ,59 I I>P ts f D st. of Decat-ir County Ga- e;ly of the est .te lepre-euted foi division* Terms cash, purchas stamps and title deeds. B Johns® Jas Tto-jJji Wm. Dtc^’ 00 Oct- 26fh 1871. GEORGlA—Decatur Cocsiv- f oT pe^ James West app «ed in f ® lbe e= t4t * nent letters of wto* P er '°\»'ni John West deed. this, is to ci t« ■* fl .t Jlo* fitted to appear at my 0D ill Decemhe- and show cause permanent administration shu him ‘ . ~iil’»taiv-_i i Witness my hand and Nov.9-td i Ti r E cli RTTof a .41 ? EfV tiuns, &c. Bentby W’ 1 : Af j.?resS