The Southern sun. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1869-1872, November 30, 1871, Image 2

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THE SOUTHERN SUN. Official Journal of Decatur County JOUtf R. HAYES, R. M. JOHNSTON, Editors. Ii ii i ii ■■ ■■*■ 11 ' 'll ' i " Georgia. NOVEMBER 30, 1871. Advert! sc mnts. Will be Inserted at one dollar per square for the first insertion. Liberal deductions wll be made on Obituaries and marriages will be charged tVtome as other advertisements. Savannah Fair. We had the pleasure of attending the Savannah Fair last week, »nd s -eaking from actual experience, we pro- ounce i a complete success, eclipsM-g, by far, any other thing of th» knd ever held withi» the boundary lines of the old Empire State. There were more people present, and, we are reliably informed, the entries far <x ceded those of tt*.- Ptat Fai r. The grounds of the Industrial Association a e not ytt c mplete, th -t, however, proved no dr v back to the Exposition ae they were »m --ply competei-tjo insu- e the entire success of the fair. The race track, though rather heavy at present, is a magnificent one> and by the aid of a little improvement, wil rank among the finest in the country. The exhibi ion halls are very large an-1 commodious, and during the fair were chock-a-block with every variety of man ufactured and other art cles. A greaternum of catch p nny shows in one local ty, we dc’,l rem- mbei to ever have seen, wh le other places of ; musemen' and money ma king were in superabundance. Everybody was there and everybody < Ise, and where so much was to be seen how can we be expect ed to tell all. some few r;>ces took place during our stay, which were sp rited. A foot race between Indian w rriorswas also a feature of the fair. Westou, the walkist, showed the people how to tramp, making five miles in an hour, a half mile of the distance backwards. Two of the bes bands in the Counr'y were in attendance Well, to sum the whole thing up—as w e are rn a hurry—t was a big thing, and we wish to remark, hurrah for the Savannah Fair. The Editorial Attendants at the Fair- While at the fair last week, weof course were a constant visitor at the “editors home** at the fair grounds, and we will now try and give an accout of the press gang where we went. The first “Captain of the pm” whom we that beautiful 'sun shade, knowu as Harris, of the News. He wa navigating erratically around one of the exhibition halls, looking as if lie w s hunt ing a Good Templat’s Lodge, but feeling as he expressed it—as if he had either been run over by a cart or kicked by a mule.— Harris is one of the best fellows in the world, aod deserves to live as long as we do. J. Jt. Christian, editor of the Lump* kin Telegraph, and whole sale dealer in live rabbits, was also ou band. Gorman—yes, that man Gorman, he was to the fair too, as was a)sb Christian, of the Cuthberi Appeal. Those young orphans, Frank Evans and Charley Pendleton were jerked into the editor’s saloou by Gentry of the News, at the same lime we were. Captain Davis, of the Lake City Press, we also had the pleasure of meeting. Os the Savannah gang J. H. - Fstill Esq , Col W. T. Thompson), of the News,Messrs Beard and Kimball, of the Advertiser and L&motteof the Republican, we bad the good fortune to take by the baud. Legislator Proceedings. —The members «f the Legislature havefir.aMy concluded to let their per diem, remain at niue collars per day. Just as we expected. The bill to repeal the act organizing the District court has been passed. The bill to repeal Akerman** obnoxious •lection law has passed. The repeal of this law provides for an election to be held in each precinct in the different counties, as hereafter, and not exclusively at the county town. The bill to-authorize married women in this Stat«) to sue for the recovery of a pen alty in the nature of damages against any person selling spiritous liquors to the hus bund of the plaintiff while intoxicated, and making one hundred dollars the liquidated damages, in such cases, which shall be the •ole property of the wite. Passed by a vote of yeas 15, nays 12. The Legislature has decided to take a recess on the sth cf December, to llih Jan nary, and then to* meet to inaugurate the Governor elected and wind up unfinished business. A Bill to allow maimed soldiers and blind persons to peddle without license has been passed. Binnnnxis Factory.—We call special attention to the advertisement of W. D* G. Tonge, the en. ergetic manager of the Bainbridge Factory, The Bainbridge Factory guarantees to furnish to merchants and planters of Southern Geo<gia, goods at much cheaper rates, than they can be purchased at in Northern markets Patronize Home Institution, and thereby build up ths manufacturing interest of our own State We commend the Bainbridge Factory to the merchant* of bouthern Ga. and hope he will be patronized. State News. Atlanta, loast of 30,000 citizei sand 150,000 dorgs. The major portion of the citizens, might also be classed upon (he dorg lis>. The Savannah Fail- h; sprovjl an entire success. Dawson is intere ting herself ab ut a new h el. A masculine youth of the colored w y of looking at things, shot and killed a youth of the same persuasion, in Atlanta one day last week. Cuthbert steps to the front with aP. - t to twenty-eight i- ehes lo- g. 'I he dwelling house • f Mr George H r rel, five miles from Griffin, was destr yed by fi e on Monday night last Th- Brunswick Appeal a ys, that it is probable hat the de ands of the co tract ors of t e Brunswick & lbany R i road Company will be se tied n a short time. Hon, David Irwin of Cobb c unty, is suggested for Goverror, Alb Any 'is complaining about dull times. The Albany News, contains the f llow ing: Settling Up*—We are pl« sed to learn that th planters of th s s ction are deter ni edto square accounts. Many of them have f- led to m ke cotton enou h to pay up, but they are unwilling to struggle un der the incubus of debt any lo ger, and a e turning over mules and other property in liqui atio-v of claims against th m. The present cutlook indicates a great re duction in the c tton acr age next ye r.— I he syst m of advances an- , liens on c ops wll be ,in a g eat measnre, abandoned, nd the more s nsibel policy adopted of circum scribin'- pla ting within the limit-- of avail able means. Should th good se se of ou pi n ers, or the stern 1 gic of necessity bri g a' out this - - suit, we may expect once more to see the count y p operous* We clip the follow ng from the cuthbert Appeal: Homicide. ~We informed that ad ffi culty occure lii Clay county, nea the Cal houn line, on Saturday last, b we n J spe Lewis nd Eldr and e Fain, in which Fa n struck Lew s on the head and killed h m We have not lea . ed the i articulas. Sandy Ba tlet was acquited of the charge of th mu and i of an unknown person at the hospital in his city las sp ing. He was zealously, ably and gratuiously uelend Captain T. Bartlett, of Jasper county, who attended our court for that purpose. In this trial and result,is to be found a vie dication of the truth, that the colored man’s best friend ’.*> his funner master. We know of no instance when 1 hke services ha**: been withheld when they have been n quiri'd —Macon Telegraph. The body of a young man by the name of George Jordon, was found receutly near Newnan, on the Rad road track. Tht- Phy sicians gave it as their opinion that he was killed and placed on the track, ae be had other wounds on bis pet son not inficted by the engine or cars. , Lumpkin is disposed to put on airs over a H pnond potato. Hym' its doings aro extensive in Hancock county. Geo. Pag' 1 , member elect of the Legisla - ture from Lee county, has been found guilty of voluntary manslaughter and sentenced to twenty years in the penitentiary The Washington correspondent of the Savannah Vews says; “It is officially an nounced by the Census Bureau that the population of Georgia consists of six bun dr**d and thirty eight thousand nire hun dred and twenty-six whites; five hundred and forty-five thousand one huud>ed and forty-i wo colored; forty Indians and one Chinese—total!, one million one buu died and nine, which gives to her nine E ectorial votes, two Senators and seven members of Congress.’ Democratic Nominating Convention A convention of the Democratic Party will assemble in Atlanta on Wednesday the sixth day of December next, at ten o’clock a. m., to nonwua'e a candidate for Governor. By direction of ihe Slate D*ru otratic Executive Committee. Clieffi-rd Anderson, (Jaw man. By the above it will be seen that the Chairman of the D moeiatic Committee, Dicatur County should call anneting a once, for the jurpose of tj poiuung d< le gates to the Convention to be held in At lanta, to nominate a candidate for Gov ernor. Secret Mission of Grand Puke Alf.xis.— A dispatch from Washingotn to the New York H era and says that reli able information of the real objvct of the visit of she Grand Duke Alexis to the United states, reports that he Is charged with a mission of an im portant and and Meets character to our Government, beiug nothing less than a proposal for an alliance, offnisive and de tensive, between ;he twi nations. AEu > rope an war is apprehended, and Russia be lieves that with the active aid of ♦he United Slat. e, or assisted by gn * xti-nsivs pi ■- vateering fleet under Russian It-Utrs of maique she could devour Europe. A Wrong Move. —The telegraph informed Ugbatuiday nightfftat die Democratic rmnr,- bers of the Legislature were about, to bold a caucus to dt ternrne on the propriety -of their making ;l nomination for governor* Tire is a false step. Two or tim e weeks ago, when they had the implied consent of the people to* their making a nomination, they deebn* dto act. We believe there would have been a general acquiesce nee “In their action* Now it is too late. A cob vention has l-ecn called by au'hoiity, by—a body that had the eXclrnive right to siil one, for they w< tv the chosen repreaeuta*. tives aud «p< k-smen of the party, and any step igworin their action is both i.rreglar and wrong While there was doubt at* to w hat should be d-<ne, the D mocratic legis lators might have acted, but now that* authoritative appointment has been made, lh* y cannot act, either with a proper res pect to tint state Executive Committee, or without serious confusion. L t th p. ople throughout the Stateigo to work at once and appoint delegates to the Convention on the 6t?t proximo; ?w|jen this shall be found inconvenient fcon» a**; shortness of time, let the counties request their rt pre»« htatives in the Legislated lo act as delegates. This plan will secure a full Convention and preclude all conflicts and mißundeistanding.-«Sav Repulicau. The United States SenaTorship.—The following protest was submitted yesterday m «h- Senate of the General Assembly, and placed upon the minutes: Senate op Georgia. November 4, 1811* The Undersigned duly electee, and qual ified Senators of the State of Georgia do n >vv most solemnly protest against any ac «ion of this body, attempting to fi Ii the office of Senator of this State, in the Senate of the United'States, lately occupied by Hon* 11. V. M. Miller, and whose' term of office has expired, for the following reasons: That the General Assembly of‘his State, at its last sessi. n, to-wit, on the 15th day of February, 1870, did, as appears by the journals of the two Houses, fi ! l said • ffice by the el•■•ctum Jute lion. Foster Blodgett ihere and ai y flection now held as, in our jadgtn- ut , taiicorist'tutlnnil and vo *l. Vv r e respectfully ark that tins prot«-st lie filtered on the j urnals of the Senate. Signed J,M . Column, 4ih Distre*.;F.O, Welch, IOtli; W. L Clark, 7th; T. G. Cam hell, 2<i. George Wallace 20it-; James B. Deveaux 21st ; J. FI. Anderson 23rd; Tho mas Crayton 12th* The same protest was submitted in the House, signed by twenty odd m-’njbers. Tfl BAINBBIBGS FACTORY BAINBRIDGE, GA. Patronize Home Institutions- All ye merchants and planters of Southwest Geor gia and Flo'ida are rrnpectfuily requested to send your ord- is to THE BAINBRIDGE FACTORY. For O-nabimrs, shee’ings, W’ oleo goods, yams. &c. lam satisfied that the merchants and plan tevs of Southern Geoegia can save 25 per cent by buying direct fr im the Facto rv, thereby enabling them to undf rsel I f all,competitors who buy in North ern markets give me a call, I guarantee sati.-fac tion W. G* D. Tonqe GORDINAEYOf?:ce, Decatur County On the 13th day of December next all person* interested are cited to be and appear at t»v Office and show cause if any. whv the*following mad should not be declared public. A Road leading from the Bainbridge and Talahagsee retd a', a point between An*ioc > Church and the Blount School House thenc'-on the Old. Blount trad to E ias Jones Said read to be continued by the 720 Dist to Whigham 21 A, &G. R R Joel Johnson Ord’y. DECATURCourt ot Ordinary Nov 23rd 1871. t AlexW. D. Williams.has npi-lied for exemption of personality and setting apart and ruination o 4 homestead, and 1 will puss upon the same a 4 12 O’clock M. on the 4th day of December 17J at my office. Joel Johnson Ord’y. DECATU R.— Court or Ordinary Aov 27th 1871. Jolm H. Pullen as next, friend of Mrs, .Tappenia Denard and her minor children, lms applied fur exemption ct peisotii lity,and seiting apart-and val uation of li'ime stead, and I will png.-upon the same at 11 o'clock M. on the lith day of Decem ber 1871 at my office Joel Johnson Ord‘y THIRTY YEARS’ EXPERIENCE IN THE TREATMENT OF Chronic and Texual disease. A PHYSICAL VIEW <>F MARRIAGE. The cheapest b<«>k ever published—containing nerrlj three hit dred pages and one hundred and thirty five plates and engravings of the anatomy of the human organs in a state of health and dj**- ease with a treaties on early errors its deplorable contequeoces upon the mind and body, with the author's plan ot treatment—the only ra ion. Hand successful mod-*, of cure as shewn by n report of cases tieated. A trn hful advertiser to the married and those conten plating marriages, who ‘otertain doubts of tht 5r physical condition, sent free of pos tage Vo anv address on rte ipt of twenty live cents in stamps or po- al euneiicy, lay addre sing Dr La <' i '.o\ r X, N<>. 31 Malden Lane, Albany, N di The HUth» r may be consulted upon any of tbe alseases upon which his book treats, either person Yly or by mail, and mediciues rent to aru. part of the world. WANTED for the TRANSMISSION l F LIFE. COCNBEIJS on the Nature and Hygiene of tV Marci* ine Function. By Dr. Na, hev*, apti.ur of “The Physical Life of Woman.” It teiutes to the male sex ; hut outspoken } practiea) and pupulai; highly endorseit : sells rapidly So'dbi subscription only. Exclusive t.riitory. Terms lib eral Price $1 Address for contents, &c. J. G. EERUUb & CD., Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa, 11l ■ 6011. mMT PR*C=*=■* smos a. weh. C in r West and Water streets, next door toj. A. Zeigter is now opening a large and well selec ted stock, whichjhe places on the market, of Dry Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES, JBS3 SFBLSOSffi^ Clothing, .Hats and Caps, Notions, &c. I take great, pleasure in announcing that I am prepared to sell everything in my I’ne as cheap as the cheapest, and will give great bargains . My motto is Quick Salks and *mall Profits. Look to your interests and examine my stock before laying in your supplies. GEORGlA—Decatur Countr. B. S. Mann, as next friend of Mrs.,£ 0. Dickinson h s applied f >i exemption of personality and setting apart .and valuation <>f homestead, anti I will p,.se upo.i tlie <iiiT at 12 o’clock iju, oo the 21st day of Nov J 871 . ai my office. Joel Johnson, Ord, , nov 16 2w GEORGIA Decatur Oouny Mrs. B A Jone has applied for exemption of personality a< and set’' ting apart and valuation ofhomestiad nd I wil 1 pass upon the same at 12 o’clock t , on the 21st Nov. 1871 at my o fice. Joel Johnson Or ly, no v sth 1871. GEORGlA.—Decatur County. A. J. Lasset“r lias applied for exemption of personality, set, ting apart and valuation of homestead will pass upon the same at 12 o’clock, m, on Ist day of Nov. 1871, at my office. Joel Johnson. nov 11th 1871. Ordy, nITw FIL' MD WHITES GOODS BELCHERS & TERRELL WATER STREET BAIN BRIDGE , GEORGIA 11 JE offer to the public a large and well-selected r V stock of Fall and Winter Goods such as BACON FLOUR SUGAR, COFFE SALT, TOBACCO JK» CLOTHING. BOOTS SHOES, and all kinds of DOMESTIC GOODS, STOVES. TINWARE, ETC. Having made our purchases in the Northern markets, on the most favorable terms, we are able to compete with any houee in Southwest Georgia or Florida. W@ keep on 1 and a large lot of Bag ing and Ties, of the heaviest qualitv We are gr. pared to buy Cotton and all Oiuntry Produce, piving t’>e highest market prices. Thankful for gast favors, we ask our friends and customers to pi an and examine our stock, before purchasing else calere BELCHERS & TERRELL. whep2l ts I. M. ROSENFELD. WOULD Respectly inform the citiz ns of Batnbnuge an<i surrounding country that he has opened iu connection with his store a 3X/i-u.sioal Depot Where he will keep constantly on hand a com plete assortment of music of the lat*’*t publication from the best composers. His facilities for get ♦ing Music and Musical Instruments are as good as any house in the country -ilso agent for Piano’s irom the celebrated man ufacturie» of HALLET & DAVIS AND EMERSON. So well known in this and other countries: and the MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN. He solicits subscription for the SOUTHERN MUSICAL JOURNAL. Musical Monthly, published by Ludden & Bates Savannah, Ga. Agents ! Read This ! \V E VV ILL FAY AGEN S A BAL4K / OF S3O PCF or a | ~ w a commission to sell our new *ad wonderful inven tions Address M WAGNER*, CO., Marshall Mich ’ .i Mims mi but quiet men cart make a fortune by re vealing she secret of the business to no one Address WAI. WRAY, 688 Broadway, New York, A T ItElb & CO, I Skates ak tawissi* Ase now receiving their vei*y large* FAX.IL, STOCR, Drygoods, Groceries, Boots and Sho« EIATS, OAPs db EAEDWAEE. WOOD, WILLOW 00 QOEESSWIB 15 Bbls. flnear, all grades, 15 Boxes Tobacco, all graded. 15 B igs Coffee, all grades. 25 B >xps Soap, assorted. 60 Bbls Flour, in barrels. 10 BMs Flour, in sacks «mraa. cheese, raa. si**nres, W HISKIES. BRANDIES, GINS. RUM AND WINE. All For Sale Low For Cash. C > . t sep7«6m] % * +M* K*. K *32 THE POST-BFFIGE STO R Hew Store. Hew Stock. t m mumwm® HAS just opened his store, in the Post Office Building, where he will be pleased to greet the p&.n|i of Decatur and adjoining counties, when they can examine one of the best selected stock* 0 f Merchandise in the market, consisting of Dry Goods. Hosiery. Boots and Shoes, Hat and Cans CLOTHING , Gents Furnishing Goods, Crockery and Glassware, FRESH € BOGSBISS. Being agent for a large Music House, Mr Rosenfeld will older the best music for those desiring it Jtokr*, §ms, §fiud]s, Jftvtl §055 BALUST ES , ETC, JOBS A. IT JR. mMz. JBFB JSt BET3 JR JET* 69 BX » , IH9 and 171 Bay Street, (up stairs) Savannah, Ga., Keep constantly, a large stock of the above articles. Go aVid see, or send them your oiden, ROCKWELL & WEST HAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF STAPLE AND EANGY BRY-&0OD; LADIES DRESS GOODS, / NOTIONS, yAp-x j READY-MADE CLOTHING. GENTLEMENS FURNISHING GOODS. BOOTS, SHOES HATS, &C., &C. bought for CASH, and under the most favorable circumstances, we mu ABLE and DETERMINED to offer GREAT INDUCEMENTS to CASH BUYERS: Call and sea. ROCKWELL A WEST. mu of non. Gkn’l Superintendent's Officb, I Atlantic and Gulf R R-, Oct 29. 1871 j On and after Sunday, Oot 29th, passenger trains on this road will run as follows.* SXPKXBS PASSENGER. Leave Savannah daily 3.45 D m Arrive a. Cive Oat. TlmmasviUe 3:85 a in “ Bainbridge.. 6:25 am “ Albany 7:25a in Leave Albany at 6:50 ptn Bainbridge 8.30 1> ni “ ThomasviHe 3.1.80 p m “ Live Oak. 115 am Arrive at Savannah . 11:.6 p m ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Savannah (Saturdays excepted) at 11:00 p m Arrive at Live Oak (Sundays excepted) at 1.-OOp m I,* • ThomaevHl* ! 8 lopm r . Aibany...., 7-.30 pm ;; ThumasviUe .V.';'V.V.V. 11:55 tm a • J j,ve pin f* S*v*»\i* h (Mondays excepted) at 2:45am hi* is t he "D'y train making close connexion at Live Lak for station* or, J. p. m.r. r. werit of Ljve * Oak. Close Conriexion at Albauy with trains ou Southwestern R R H. S. Haines Gen’l Snuji’t, - - V ,/ e FOR RENT large and commodious store fililWL *- House si 1 uated ou Water street, situated opposite Shu** o „ House, for ro.dr occupied by B F. Colbert & Bro. ror terms apply to n C X.u .or.*.*. H * SATTERFIELD. Oct 6tb, 1871-19 ts GEORGIa— Decatur Cocxiy.- Whereas W. H. Perretr administrator of Wiley H. Bai bonr represents to the Cotfrt that he has ful lv administered said estate; this is therefore to cite aH persons concerned to show cause if any they can why said administrator should not he dis charged tiotu his administration, and receive let tern cf dismission an the first Monday in f*eb 1872. „ Joel Johasoz Ord'y. Nov. 9-td fiTonX!* ? onl,le AncW Bagg iri , oi-POLbs Arrow Tiss. BM “s., ftacon.-sidrs imd 01. ii 1000 Lbs. Golden lOCO Lbs. Pure Leaf Lard. BORGlA—Decatur Own- MRS, R Pick’tt has applied for Exempts* and setting apart. and •alnaton ot Hom* stead at and J will pa»s upon the same on the », dav of November next at iO o'clock at n.y office **»*»■ JoaJOHKOX OrJT.D.O.; Oct-31st 1871* J*~> ~ f . GEORGIA—PBCATmt Countt. . w VV McDaoriiel as next friend of Mrs Ciionne • Hanna has applied for Exemption ana apart and valuation of Homestead and I wil [** upon tlie same on the 13th day of November or at my office in featnbiioge. n « J»el Johuson ord’j V u Oct. 28 th 1871 __ - Administrators Sale By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Hancock ('ounty GaJ wi 1 be sold bef° Court House door in the city of ®?m jn "f. the first Tuesday in Dec. next, within tn houye,of sale the fol - wing real estate to Fv no Win the 14th District; no’s W)UK in the 16th District; ith Di st' ict; no’s . 3fT : jfa uJv iVhfi 2Lst lust; ros f> ■fa z.b \)jk. WL I idcewvfijmrity flaS Bold as th*< erty of the estate repre ented by the n " j O . for division« lerms cash, purchases to 1' J atampoimd lifeMl j B 1 & Z&4oi*V*» Tbomasdecd, r oct. 2oth M7i. jfy - " GEORGlA—DkcatueCopstt. f rtr perral- , James West app ied in proper for™ 1 of nent letters of Administration sh lh e inter* John Weat dec'd. this, is to cite all jfnmfitf ested to appear at my office, on the jjf n shy in December and show cause if afi)' y^„ tßß tetl w permanent administration sboirldnw ® WitnesS-iny frhnd official OrdJ* * . JOELJOT 8t/ * Nov.JMd j —-* ~TfiE CIiBTAINM!i?.W. How it js done, and whodov'V, ... posi 192 pages, gorgeously illus^ 1 , I*4 for WI tiwtis, &c Sent by mail. (fPW * „ ’ m cents. f § 011,011 188 Broadway, >* Tk^