The Southern sun. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1869-1872, December 07, 1871, Image 2

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THE SOUTHERN SUN. JOHN P. HAYES, K. M. 33a± tiloricate Georgia ■'• DECEMBER 9th IS7I, *• 1 * *»" ' . CHANGE OF DAT, It will be observed that the publication day of the Svish a* been changed to Satur day instead of Thursday as 'heretofore. We do J&if for many jeasons of conve nience to ourself, and at the solicitation of »|mnbers‘of our . P ■ rzz=r-~=Z . A Base Trick sonviUe (Kla) U ion, in arranging the s tates tdb'ter Democratic govcrnments, h.s this .mission to Estimate 'he losses of all the people of Georgi* by 'he ‘mancipation of their si «v «, and to demand of Congress compensation theres r.” Now, i is a noto ius fact—no doubt well k- own to the writer of the above, ! h t the m tion referred to was made by a Radical * enator - that it was reported against by a 1) mocratic Committee, ad the Democrats of the i- enate voted un nimously to sus tain the r port—and that the only votes for the mbvement were east by five Radic als, including 'he negro members ? Will tlie ed tor of the Union be hon est enough to g ve th se sets to his readers ? We shall see.—Sav Republican. The es lu ion here re'erred to emimted from Maj. B. F. Bruton, Senator from this (the Bth) District, ad, as th • hilarious dis position of the gentleman is so w< 11 known, it can easily be determined in what light the-document was intended. That weeping mothers son, Harris, of the* Savannah News, has offered a glass if Mike’s Old Artillery Punch to the grand Duke A h xis, while he himself proposes to take whiskey straight. How impudently polite that child is getting to be. Methinks I see his royal,. crooked-tongued highness engulphing the punchy contents of a glass ware vessel, in measurement a solid pint, with Pinky just back of that singing, with that enterprising young voice of h s, ‘'who will care for expenses now,” and taking notes on the situation. Fatal O ld—Frost and snow arc play-* fuff sail havock with human lifeout west. In Kansas five buff.ilo hunters and large numbers ofeattle were froz ?n to death during the recent storm. In the canons of Little Cottonwood, Utah, the loss of life by the snow slides was greater than at first re ported. Quite a number of persons are believed to be lost. In Montana Territory two companies of the Seventh Infantry were caught in the’ storm and compelled to camp out. Many of ttie men were se verely frost-bitten. FROM ATLANTA. Hon J. M. Smith, of Muscogee, the present speaker of the House, has been nominated for Governor. Several other candidates were brought forward, the choice of Mr Smith, however, was by a large majority. Now let the Democracy roll him up a handsome majority. A Washington letter to the Baltimore Sun says: “Those Republican Senators and me.nbera who have arrived here, and who have expressed any opinion, do not expect, that much important business will be done this sesisn b-yond passing a bill reducing taxation and the genet a! appropriation bills The supporters of the Administration ex < press their confidence in the nomination and relection of Grant, and declare that most of the President-making f>r the ses s on will be confined to the Democratic side The anti Grant Republicans do not appear to develop much strcngch in tfie HouseJ indeed, it is said there are net half a dozen who can be counted on, while Messers* Sumner, Schurz and Tipton are the only Senators postively known in the Senate to be against Grant's re-nomination. The Democratic Senators are very generally op posed to joining hands with the anti-Grant men until the latter show some postive organization that would warrant a coali tion on the genera issues before the people It is ev-dc-ni Dial tiie<e : s to be prec' ? tate action on the part of the Democracy in Cons giess on the Presidential question, and it is doubtful if anything positive results from the caucus to be held early in the session. The feeling at least now appears to be that the lesser should come to the greater. Oraxgks.—Notwithstanding the crop of oranges will not be as laige this season - as that of last, in this city and vicinity the fntit will be large and better quality. The orange trees are looking better and more promising lhau they have since the year 1835. Our citizens are giving more of their attention to this fruit, and we feel sure that their efforts will be crowned j sqccess.—St. Augustine Examiner. conceptions tlio tli@ poopls ject, says: ”We are sorry to see th tt thebillrepealing 65. Ihe attachment to these forlorn relies of larbarbm is to us a wonderful and in comprehensible .fact. Oil every photoso phical principle, in th first place, money like evey other merchandize should be left to adjust is own price under the laws of supply and -lem »nd, and there is t o more reason for fixing its value by law • ban for attempting to establish the value of corn, cot on and bagg ng ;n the same way. Sec ondly, th • attempt to regulate it in that w- y >s a total failure* I he law says . seven per cent, but even eve y law giver violates it, and the rates of interest in commercial transactions in Georgia vary every day from eight to thirty per cent, and are so quote 'in all the papers It will be safe to say that the law is invariably and totally disregarded. Pray tell us then, where the ruse of it? and what other effect has the law than merely to embarrass transactions in money—bring State authoricy into con tempt—obstruct the influx of external capital into Georgia, and. so add to the price by diminishing competition? We trust the Georgia Legisla ure will get out of that rut, after a while.” : P; • •• ~ 1 ' """ State at Large. A United States soldier was d.owned at Fort Pulaski, the other day. Fitzgerald, the revenue defrauder has been pardoned by the President. On last Sunday a gun went off in Macon —and so did a young ward of the nation. Mdllc. Ronzeta's Pantomime Troupe and Macon are in friendly contact. Pendleton wants the Valdosta Thespians to corne out and act. Such things will happen in a small town. The Temperance people cf Valdosta are on a bender. Pendleton says “»hat the favorite drink withjjgood templarsMs pepper Sass.” Per - haps. Firing into trains on the B. & A. Rail road is a favorite amusement. A bill has been introduced into the Leg islature Exempting married men from poll tax. Think of it old bachelors. Savannah is crying for blood oi more police. Richard 111 times is in Savannah.— Henry Gilmore. Haight’s circus is again in Georgia. Banibridge is in his line of travel. Fast driving in the street is still on the programme in Savannah. The Ladies of the Lutheran church in Savannah are to have a fair. A skating rink is in full blast in Colum bus. Do come c’owu th ; s way and rink us a little. The Savannah hotel waiters have been on a strike, and some of them on the boot of C,,i Davis, of the Screven House. An Agricultural Museum is oo the tap iu Macon. Atlanta is begging for boot blacks. Henry M. Law is lecturing in Atlauta. An attempt has been made, though un successful, to rob the express company in Savannah. The New Era has been furnished a local item—two prominent citizens made taigets of each other. Murder in Jackson County* On tuesday night last, Mr. F. *H* G Long was shot and killed at his home near Marianna. M \ L. was one of the best cit izens of Jackson county. He was a model tarmer and highly esteemed. He yvas con servative in politics, but not active, and it was not supposed that he had an enemy in the country. He had gone out to house some sugar and while waiting to have it brought op he was fired upon and killed. Circumstances pointed to some negroes as the criminals and three of t;:em have been arrested and are now in jail* Tite murdered man was the brother of Judge T. T. Long of the 4th Judicial District—Tallahassee Floridan. In Houston, Texas, every street carcon uctor is an officer of the law, empowered to arrest any onemibehavingon his beat,which is his cat, I WhxUhT ml f Ne^ f Fernadim thinks she offers Bufcerioijwf f. . '• >£.;' \ . 7 j iracuoua lor ± \ * \ * j Archibald Oarraway, a well known land j esteemed ciiiseo of Sawauuee county «^gd "The deanth of Hoo. Wm. E Anders Marianna, is announced. He was quifc a prominent citizen. * 1 Archibald ‘i*.Bankß,:Esq.,of GaimjvUjL is dead ::'L “ v '*Tr • i: ~ 'kTlfft: . ’JUS Fern««dina it having some kind of a mil road built: ■ The people of Leon county are paying Aeii taxes promptly. Dog fights are popular in' Jacksonville. •Mr. William Rutledge, of T.ilHhafefeo was killed by an engine tender at St iVJTps recently. • * ’ Cheney, of the Florida Union, wanpPfto bi- p<*simaster ai Jackson to that cffict ftrftr friends* ~‘* i ilfciTtr r era. iln: weather has been rather fsivoi»l}jjj> fTir thtjjgathering of the pen t' ) crop, aid cutting and boiling cane We do.’bf oil, - fathave improve-! every favui lib* nous mm , oid tin jb<» n*~-n ! > a fa r reward to industry. *’ _ . . M: Hew son® jr m msL.maz:jsE:sa SIMON A. WEIL, C in r West and Water streets, next door toj. A. Zeigler is now opening a large and well selec ted stock} which]he places on the market, of Dry Goods, BOOTS A\l) SHOES, OK- MIL MG2 JHL m'jE3 Clothing,'Hat§ and Caps, Notions, &c. I take great pleasure in announcing that I am prepared to sell everything in my l ; ne as cheap as the cheapest, and wili give great bargains. My motio is Quick Sales and Small Pbofits. Look to your interes'sand examine my stock befoie laying in yonr supplies. RULE S I SI TO FORECLOSE MORT’GE. 0 iH. W. Hkbbiso, ) Decatur Superior Court, vs f April Term 1871. S. E. Conyers. ) It being represented to the Court by the petition of Haeson W. Herring that by deed of mortgage, dated the 27th day of November 1869, Samuel E Conyers conveyed to the said H. W. Herring, ]< t of land No. three hundaed and two (302), and six acres of land of lot No. one bundled and ninety nine (199), in the 19th District of said county and State, for the purpose of securing the payment of a piomisovy note, made bv the said S. E. Conyers to ‘he said IT. W. Herring or bearer, dated the 27th •lay r>; November 1869. and due on .he Istdav Jan uary 1871. for the sum of iwo hundred iii:u uiivi three deliars, which no'e is now due ami unpaid.; It is ordered that the said Samuel E. Conyers do paj into this Court by the first day of the next term, the principal, interest and costs, due on said, note, or show cause if any he has to the contrary, or that on default thereof, foreclosure be granted to the said Hanson W. Herring, of said mortgage ftnd tire equity of redemption of the said S. E. Conyers therein, be farever barred, and that ser vice of this rule be perfected on the said S. E. Con yers, by publication In the Southern Sun once a month for four months, according to law. Peter J. Steozieb, dec7 JSCAC, It appearing to the Court, by the return of die Sheriff, j.thnt the defendant resides without the State, it is ordered that service be perfected by publication according to law. P. J. Slrozier, J S C AC. A true extract from the minutes of the court T- F. Hampton, Clerk. LJ GUILMARTIN & CO., Cotton Factors an • General Commission Merchants, Bay Street Savannah, Ga. Usual Facilities Extended to Cos sepß, 1870 sly V ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Mfe virtue of an order from the Court of ©rdinary sis Decatur county, Ga.. will be sold on Thursday, Sie 14th day of December 1871, at the residence Illtthe late job D Gibson, of said county deceased ■'mfihft Chattahoochee river in said county, the fnWl iin i— l ' property of the estate of the Job D. Gibson. Sold fpr the benefit of heirs pgkd creditors, Terras cash. decTlt M. A. Gibson. tpß|N|> fit wold before the Court House door in LFF the city of Bainbridge 'Decatur County nSeorgiiiOu| the flrsr. Tuesday in January next, Mlgjttpeen the usual hours of sale Lot of Land Num-- -16 in the 2lst district and Ntibber 413 in Ihe (rDiVrict of Decatur 0 » unty Levied on as the fgplpert} o? Cheever Sims & Cos, to satisfy one Dou- Superior court fifa in favor rs the Marine flptnk of Georgia vs Cheever Sims & Cos H. B. Waugh, Sherifi, jglfof Decatur county. ft GEORGIA Decatut Gounty & James Craven has applied for Exemption and luettimg apart and valuation of homestead and I Lwill pass upon the same on the 15th inst, at 10 [ Oeloek at my office in Bain bridge, Joel J.'hnson Ord'y Decatur County, Georgia Decatur county On *he first monday in June next I wifi apply to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell fractional lots of land No 857, and 359 in the 20th Dist of Decatur County part of the estate of A. W. Cun niugham Deceased Deo 4th 1871 P. F. Powell Admr. DEOATUR Conrr or Ordjnaky Alex McD, Williams,has applied for exemption of personal'Ky andTetting aside and valuation o homestead, and I will pass upon the same af 12 O’clock M. on the 13th day of December 1871 at ' my office. Joel Johnson Ord’y. GEORGIA Decattjb County Court of Ordinary at Chambers. Dec 4th 187 . Thomas J, Dollar having applied to be appoin ted guardian of the person and property of minor heir of Putman Hicks, (his is to cite all peig *ns concerned to be and appear at the January term of this court and show cause it any. why Thomas J Dollar should not be appointed such guardian. Witness my official Signature. Joel Johnson Ord’y.. GEORGIA Decatur C >unty By virtue of an order of tlie Superior Court of said county grunted at tfie October Term 18*1 Will be sold on the first Tuesday in January next at the court-house door in the town of Bain bridge between the usual hours of sale at public outcry if or the purpose of partition and division. Lots and fractiora! lots of land Numbers thirty-five 35 and thirty-six 36 in the fourteen District said countv aii:l Nilnilitu's tv.o hundred and tlii ft _<even 237 two humjiW aiio fo-> \» *ghr and three hun— dr« and ,-hii y 33" in the »w«-». v Distsict of Said Conn! 'of LVcam-t cool,lit log in the aggre gate six hundred and twenty »five acies, the undi - vided thiee fifth of all of*>aid Lands, ae-the prop erty of Byron B Bower the uhdividual one fifth of said land as the property of the heirs of WilTum Donalson deceased and the undivided one fifth of Land as the property of Mary Cloud purchaser paying for deeds and stamps this december Ist 1871. Dimcan McLaughlin. ) George W. Pierce, j- Commissioners. %. Janes M. Smith, J G E f . )RGIA Decatub County—By virtue of an or der from the Co - rt of Ordinary of said connM .will he sold on the first Tuesday in Dec.‘lß7l. a* the Court house door in said county, be ween tjje legal side hours, the billowing lots ot 'land belonging to the e.-fate of Na'han Wi liams dice ased, being lots 394 and 8971 in the 19th dist, jTeims Cash. JOHN B. WILLIAMS. \ Oct. 7, 1871 ID-Im k Agents ! Kead This ! - Vv ILL OF SS.Q »» TES W-FEK and Expenses, or Strfilip Commission to roll our new end wonderful inven tions. Address M. WAGNER & CO., Marsha'l, M'ch. S HILLIOI KLMS ’ Shrewd but quiet men can make a fortune by re vealing the secret Os the business to no one. Address WM. WRAY, 688 Broadway, New York* Administrators Sale I) Y virtue of an order from the court of Ordina > rv of Decatur County Georgia will be sold on tbs first Tuesday in Januaiy next before the Cruit House door, in the town of Bainbridge Cos. Gi. between the legal sale botirsall the Real Estate belonging to the Est. of Henrietta McE’vm consisting of L-og nos. 298 and 223 also the frac tional Inis N s. 330 and 331. Ten acres of 97 ail iti the 14th Dist. and form!tig the Chattahoochee plantation. Also Lot no. 114, 15 Dist. of Decatur leans of sale, cash. W. J, McElvbn adm.r. FOR SALE. I offer for sale on reasonable terms two clas billiard table together with cues and balls. One of the tables is a four and the other a six pocket. Parties applying ea /, can get a bargain. 3. F COLB BUT ‘Q-tf. Porprietor Exchange Saloon- THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. 0 SHr pwtrool & fontton & ffilobr Fire Insurance Co s over $20,000,000 in Gold. Over $3 000,000 Pays losses immediately after adjustment. Tlie New York Life ‘lnsurance Corar/y Assets $16,000,000. J J. E. JO3NSTON s CO., General Agents. 1. B. HUN NEWELL & CO., Agents, Bainbridge, Ga. TBE NEW DISINFECTANT » m ilium Nu TCISON'”S ODORLESS, ' POWERFUL DEODORISER AND DLSJNFT2CTNT. RELY HARMLESS ND SFE, ARRESTS AND PREVENTS CONTAGION. T T sed in private dwellings, hotels, restanrannts public seboos, hospitals, insane asylums, dispen salons, jails, prisons, poor-houses, on ships, steam- T\ ***** in tenement-houses, maikets, for water cm sets, uriuais, sinks, sewris. cess-pools, stables, A jpecifio in all contagions and pestilential difiv eases, as cholera, typhoid fever, ship fever, small pox, scat let fev- r measles, diseases of animals, & c . Pupa led only by ’ * «ii & C0 *’ 176 William St., N. Y. bold by all druggists, MARKET SQUARE HOUSE. Savannah, Georgia, No. 174 Bryan Street. wines, ales, liquorg, and lager beer al ±. ways on hand. Connected with the estab lishment is a first-class Ten Pin Alley: Box 459 VALENTINE BASLER, ProprietoJ A T KEID & CO, tortmud ®ottnuissiou gj mllanis Are now receiving their very largo stock. Drygoods, Groceries, Bools and Shoes HATS, CAPS cfc K’TJBis, HiRDWAHE. WOOD, WILLOW ADD QOEEDSWAEE, j> 15 Bbls. Sugar, all grades, 15 Boxes Tobacco, all grades, 15 Bigs Coffee, all grades. 25 B aborted. 50 Bbls Flour, in barrels. 10 Bbls Flour, iu sacks. mt via, cans®, visa, sa&ssnis, utmis WHISKIES. BRANDIES, GINS, RUM AND WINE. All For Pale Low For Cash. * •»ep7-6m] jm- rar nr*., m: mm <mz. ' THE POST-OFFiBE STOEfI Stew Store. New Stock. !i aasiHFiis HAS just opened his store, in the Post Office Building, where he will be pleased to greet the we i of Decatur and adjoining counties, when they can examine one of the best selected oJT 1 '! Merchandise ia the market, consisting of 6lU '"* 5 0 Dry Goods, Hosiery, Roots and Shoes, Hat and Cans CLOTHING, Gents Furnishing Goods, Crockery and Glassware, taisa € RGcsßiEs, Being agent for a large Music House, Mr Rosenfeld will order (lie b.est music for those desiring it ' 1 ‘ 1 ■ ■■■ ■ .... . i , sashes, §am, fluids, |lni’d fuss BALUSTERS, ETC, . - «MS* -■*- * «**• *mx **' 109 and 171 Bay Street, (upstairs) Savannah'Ga,, Keep constantly, a large stock of the ahovo articles. Go and see, or Bend them your d’l)'. ROCKWELL & WEST HAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF STAPLE AIL WAMY MY-GOdD, # LADIES DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, READY-MADE CLOTHING. GENTLEMENS FURNISHING GOODS. BOOTS, SHOES HATS, &C.,&C,, RAVING bought for CASH, and under the most favorable circumstances, we ara kBLE and DETERMINED to offer GREAT INDUCEMENTS to CASH BUYERS. ?all and see. ROCKWELL & WEST. mu of mm. Gen’l Supfbivtendent’s Office, } Atlantic and Gulf R R-, Oct 29, 1871 j On and.after Sunday. Oct 29th, passenger trains ou this road will run as follows: EXPRESS PASSENGER. Leave Savannah daily ....3:45 p m Arnve at Live Oak 2*oo a m Thomasville 3:35 am Bain bridge 6:25 am Albany. 7,.»c„ , n Leave Albany at ' WWV.V.V.'.UGo p m Cambridge 8:20 p ra Thomasville 11:80 p m Live Oak 115 am Arrive at Savannah ll::5pm ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Savannah (Saturdays excepted) at 11:00 p m Anive at Live Oak (Sundays exceptod) at 1:00 pm " Thomasville 3:10 0 m Albany 7 : 30 p m Leave Albany 7:50 am 'I hom.isville 11:55 am Live Oak 1:50 pm at oavannab (Mondays excepted) at 2:45 oin I his is the r, n!y train making cJose connexion at Live Oak for stations on J. P. M.R. R. we st of Live Oak. Close connexion at Albauy with trains on Southwestern R R H. S. Haines Gen’l Suup’t. lm. FOR RENT rgTITAT large and commodious store V 2 | UpjL JL House situated on Water street, situated opposite. Sharon House, for m dy occupied by B F. Colbert & Bro. ror terms apply to _ x „ H. SATTERFIELD. Oct sth, 1871-19 ts GEORGHa—Decatur County. Whereas W. H. Perrett administrator of Wiley H. Barbour represents to the Court that he has ful ly administered said estate; this is therefore to cite all persons concerned to show cause if any they can why said administrator should not be dis charged from his administration, and receive let ters cf dismission on the first Monday in Feb. 1872. Joel Johnson Ord’y. Nov. 9-td ’ 2S&SZ!?£*~**+ lOCO Lbs. Pure Leaf Lard. ORQlA—Deoatcr Cocntt- MRS, R. Pickett has applied for Exemptufla and setting apart and v a luat on of f Hot* stead and I will paps upon the same on the > day of November next at 10 0 clock at n.y •' BaU “” idß6 - JOEL JOHNSON OrJ’y. L. C. Cct-31st. 1871- GEORGIA- Decatur County. ® W McDanniel as next friend of OaioliM Hanna has applied for Exemption ftl . apart and valuation of Home: tearl and upon the same on the 13tlr day of Nort at my office In Balnbrldge. « r 1 Joel Johnson ord’y v. u Oct. 28tb 1871 Administrators Saif By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Hancock County Gai. will be sold , b ® . e 0 [ Court House door in the city of Bam 'i es j tire first Tuesdny in Dec. next, wllbl “ ... fa horns of sale the following real estate l o ■ no. lin the 14th District; no’s 109 _ > • '. •„ 187 268, in the 16th Distric t; no*.***** pj the 20th District; no’s. 321 351 352 3< 350 146 355 in the 21st I)jst; ros 2 1 f*‘ ‘ 24 58 16 23 66 212 59 3152556 6% 1 ' List, of Decatur County 0a- as »“ erty of the est te tepre enti dby the u» 9 { , (lf sos division. Terms cash, purchuSvS to » . stamps and title deeds. g A tor’« Jas. Thomas dec A Win, Dicicimon Oct. 26th 1871. GEORGlA—Dkcatur Cocntt. erm * James West applied in proper form J£j e nent letters of administration rn ‘ j„t ; John West dec’d. this, is to cite all pU B ‘jj or ’ ested to appear at my office, on the j* 19 J in December and show cause if nny 1 j , w p‘ W permanent administration should net befc him. . Wit Dess my hand and official dgujUJud,/* JUELJOHbSO> Nov. 9-td THE CURTAIN. BAIgJw * How it is dyne, and who does it. h e cuta, P°\ 192 pages, gorgeously illustrated w i©d, f° r * tions, &c. Kent by mail, securely j cents. Grand Circular, free. AdnypEß, GEORGE WINC ay >\ T •88 B- J