The Southern sun. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1869-1872, January 13, 1872, Image 2

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THE SOUTHERN SUN. Official Journal of Decatur Countj JOHN B. HAYES, K. M- JOHNSTON Editors, JAN U ART 18th. 1872 THE LEGISLATURE. The Georgia Legislature met on Wednes day the 10th Inst. From all accounts, the present session will be but a short one— probably not longer than six or eight days. About tbe only legislation which is ac tually neccessary is the passage of the General Appropriation Bill, which passed the last session but which failed to beeome a law for the want of Conley's signature. After accomplishing this very neccessary legislation, a recess will probably be taken until July. ** FISK DEAD Col. James Fisk,/r., one of the most re markable men of the present age, was shot and killed in Jf€w York a few days ago. State at Large* Dan Hice is in Atlanta* The Savannah News of the 2d says: A terrible and fatal boiler explosion of a steam boiler occured on Friday morning last in the extensive saw and plaining works of Messrs. Harrington Brothers, corner Pratt and Fremont streets, and re sulted in the instant killing of three men— one of them the senior partner of that firm —and the almost fatal demolition of the buildings. '1 he cause of the explosion is as yet undiscovered. ’I he boiler was a new one, and it is said to have been in ap parently good condition in every respect. There was a general jail delivery in Brunswick the other day* The negro Methodist Conference for the State, was held in Savannah last week. The Savannah City Council have elected the following officers: Clerk of Council, James Stewart; City Treasurer, J. R. Johnson; < ity Marshal, G. W ■ Stiles; -urveyor, J. B Hogg; Cor_ poration Attorney, E. J. Harden; City bherriff; R. R. Habersham; City Printer* J. H. Estill; Judge of the City Court, Hon. Walter S. Chisolm; Clerk of the Cit Court, P. M. Russell; Recorder of the j City, Hon. William B. Flemming; Chief of Police, Gen. R. H. Anderson. The Savannah Republican says the Span ish cotton trade with that port has grown to large proportions. Two * panish barks carrying 960 bales cleared Thursday for Barcelona. The Local of the Savannah Advertiser, has been moved to tears by a benzined chap wearing good clothes and sitting on a door step, minus bis hat, and “hair stream ing down his forehead,” moves him to a doleful jeremaid and an avalanche of tears. Geo. W. Haines has been elected Mayor of Jessup. Mr. His well known in this city. The mail which arrived in w avannah on Monday night contained four thousand letters. Henry P. Fmith, an old and esteemed citizen of Macon, and for many years Mas ter of Transportation on the Southwestern Railroad, is dead. Gen. Tige Anderson has been elected Chief of Police of Atlanta. Only four candidates are out for Mayor of Thomasville. The Rescue Hook and Ladder Co*, of Thomasville have ordered their 1 ruck. Loafers are abtfndant in Lumpkin. Valdosta Pendleton, Esq., got out a half sheet this week and didn't more than half try. There was a shooting scrape in Valdosta last Saturday, in which three parties, two Deloche’s and a Mr. Roberta were woun ed. Gov. Smith bad a reception upon his ar rival at the Capital. The Melodean stolen from the Macon Presbyterian Church by a negro, has been recovered. A, Patterson has been elected Chief of the Macon Fire Department. Savannah keeps up her reputation by drowning a nigger. Negro gamblers are plentiful in Savan nah* Christmas was rather dull in Talboton* Petty thefts, stabbing, and clubbing af frays appear to be on th^increase in sav annah* Robert Tombs is in Atlanta. Atlanta turns out W- R. Diggers as Chief es the fire Department. Rain still continues falling at San Frfiß cißCO. Mors Reported Outrages, —A man named Clark w»8 committed to jail in Wilroinsfton Pel*, on Friday last, charged with commit ting a rape on two females, and attempting it on three others. One of the victims was a colored girl fifteen years «f age end an other a married woman* FROM ATLANTA* Atlanta January, 10, I8?i . BKNATB A fC* EDI KGS T he Senate met this morning, and several local bills were introduced. Mr. Reeae a renolntirn that whereas tbe Stare School Commissioner in bis letter of last December had made changes Against the present General Aa*»*tnbly,* e of t vo from the Seoate, and three from the Honse, he appoiuti-d to investigate tbe matter. The resolution was adopted. finUSK PR<CKF.DINGB: Iu the House a message from C“»»ley,trans mitting the special elect i«»n ret urns from M won county,w-w* receive*,vid M<*. H. W. Hill, the member elect from that county, was gwortr tn. The resignation of Speaker Smi*b was ac cept* and, and the election for Speaker ae l down for four o'clock this afternoon: Mr. Scot offer'd a bill to revise the rev" euue of 1872:' Mr. W. D. Anderson offurd a resolution to appoint a committee to report aa to the legislation necessary to protect‘ha people from excessive railroad tariff*; The house l4ok a : The DcmoOtat caucus nominated Mr. Cutnining for speaker, and Mr. W. D. An derson for Speaker pro tern: At four <?cl<>ck this afternoon, Mr: Gum ming was elected Bp*ak**r by a m j »r»ty of 135 votes, and Mr. W. D. Anderson Spea ker pro tern, by a majority of 130 v-*t«s; The House did no Other business* WHAT C 'Nt.EY PROPOSES To Do: Cuuley will send in his message at 12 tn: to morrow. He will give way to governoi Smith and take his seat in the Senate; '•UPON TKB oDTER W.tL|,*‘ Tie fl »g is fi\ ing ovt-i lu< Capital to**l iy THK INAUGURATION: G-'V, Smith will be in *ugu/ao*d at 12ui: on Friday: THE GEORGIA WESTERN hAIt.WAT: The | eopte o this section are enthusiasti cally in favor of buiiduig the Georgia Wes tein railroad. The Clumber of C4fmm**rce has passed a resole >on re.qu.-8 lag the Oify 0 lUncil to subscribe one million of dollars id bonds; By Telegraph: FROM NBA’ YORK New Y rk,. January 9 l'hesuspension of Sp'Hgn , Oo'born & Cos. is announced. POWbBK EXPLOSION* RuundboUT, X. J., J tnuary 9.—l’he powder M:x>ug house exploded to day. The mixer and house were blown to atoms* From SalT LAICE. Fait. L*«ke, J miu-y 9. All criminal cases have been postponed till march, foi the rea son that there m no money. Fr.jM Havana. Havana, Januriy 9. -Three Spanish war vessels which have been watchurgsu - pectcd American vessels, have beeu or dered here. Crspf.dks, New York, Januarv 9* Arguelers, th" general agent ot Cuba, d>*ni'*s that Cesp-tjes has left Cuba* Salt Lak«, January 5 --The Federal (Juuit is penniless Pros*cntnui will prosbly be postponed for want of money to pay witnesses* Memphis J unary s.—Mayor Johnson has been r**—ilectsti by 809 mij*rity. Baltim me, January 5. —B* F* Cator, of the firm of Cator Armstrong & Cos., is dead. Central News. At Cleveland yesterday the coronet's jury found a verdict that Carl Martain di-d from eating trichina speralis pork. Mariam** wife and child ate sick, the latter hop* lesaly. The schooner Weser is quarantined at New York with snall-pox on board. Mayor Hall gives notice that tha Prosi*- dent of lh«* Board of Aldermen will act a- Mdyor this week. This is thought to be preliminary to his resignation. The schooner Speucer, from Pensacola, was towed into Boston yesterday. An Omaha dispatch reports swuw falling at Mediciue Bow, and trams again d**ta - lied. GEORGIA D-hoatvr Cot. ttt. A H' Williams has applied for exemption and setting apart aid valuation of Personality and 1 will pass upon the 3*ise on tbe Bth inst at »ffice iu Bdnbsidse. Jannaiy Bth 1872 Joel Johnson Ord‘y. GEORGIA Dkcatcr Cotott. Daniel Humphrey has applied for -x*'mpti*»n:ii« setting apait a Homestead f pers- nattv and r*-aii and I will upon the same on the 13th instant at my office in t ninbiidge* Janaary 2d iß72* Joel Johnson Ord’y GEORGIA DECATUR COUNTY SHERIFF SALE Will be sold before the court House door between the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday iu February next the following proper! to wit ; rhe line of railroad runnin. Northerly from the city of Bainbridg** and know as tbe Baiubridge. Outhbert and Columbus R »il mad. and 75.600 cross ties, more or less, h the property of tbe Bain bridge. Cnthbert and C*. lambus Kaiirovi Company. . Also the fra" chise of ihe Bdnhridge, Cnthbert and Colombo Railroad Company, to satisfy one lieu ft fa in fav.. of Harris A Hrowo, vs tbe Bainbriige, Cuthberi e -1 Columbus Railroad Company. ! H. » Wangfa, Sheriff. GEORGIA Decatcb County gg? * Jackson Tower has applied f.w exemption and setting apart and valuation ofHoKMwteaJ and I' will pass npon the same on the Bth instant at my office m Baiobridge. January 9th 1872. * Joel Johnson Ord'y. - DE'ATUR COUNTY HKRIFF SALE Will be s*dd before the Court House floor io the city of Bainbiidge, lietween the lawful houm of sale, on the first '1 ue«dav in Febumry next one Jot cf land Number 203. in the 20th District of said county. Levied on as the p ope ity of J. H. Thom as as Guardian for L 8. Douglas to satisfy one Justice Court fi-fa, in favor *.f 8. A. Daniel y* said Thoino* Guaidian I evy made and returued to me by E. Andrews Cunatable H B Wsugh, Sheriff. Also at the same time and place lot oPlhnd No 448 in tbe 15th Pis ret of Decatur County Ga. levied on as tbe property J. B Griffin, to satisfy one Superioi C ort fi fa issued from the ff,p».rior Court of WhhfieM County in favor of Cliett and Jones vs said Griffin. L F Pnrkett.Deputy Sheriff Also at the same time and place one House and Ist in th’ Town of Bambridge, on the North by Calhono Street. E t>y Kerbo. D J. Dickinson and West <*y D ; xon. levi»d on as the property of Jobe L. A lams to Satisfy one justice Court fi-fa in fav'ir of Ruben Kvrbo vjs. arid Adam* Lvv made aud returned to*Hie Ity E Andrews Constable. h. B. w»«gh sirer. Also at the *arae time and pllfce 85 acme lot Number 395, iu the 15th district of UeeaturCoflffi* tv Georgr*. the name beimr of hhki ini Xf**viea Ota is Hir property of v\ ill am Pt ter. to aiiisty one Justice Court fi-fa in favor of m. Brasoei vs raid Porter L,vy raaile aud returued to me by A. Parker Con ■table- _ ~, * H. B. Waugh .Hh ff Will be sold before the Court House door on rhe irst Tuesday in FVmruary next. The following |>roperty to wit. The .Dwelling h<>n3ts lhat in tfie City of Bin bridge whereon John P. Dickinson now resides and b< tter kn 1 >wnas the house and Lot Purch .s- by the said Dickios-'ii fr m Joseph Law copfaining one and one ,hal' seres more *>r less its the property of John P. Dinkins to -atinly one super! r court mechanics! leati fi-fa ?n Tavor of 1. M iShitlc against Dickinson. January 6lh 1872 H. li Waugh Sb ff. cniP.TX? A. DANA. Editor. ©Jit Dollar £uu. j • ▲ Newspaper mt the Preeeat Ttma ImniM far Peart* Raw aa Barth. tMSHtftag Farmers. Mechanist, Merchants, Pre> ftaaionai Men, WorXervTlUnkm, and ail Man. aw at Honest Folks, aad tha Wives, Bona, aad Daughters of all such. OVLT oms DOLLAR, A THAR f OMR HUNDRED COPIES FOB, ISC, Or lam thee One Cent a Copy. Let there be a SBO Club at every Poet Office. tnean-wREKLY sun, 89 a year, j *f the aame else and general character as THR WREKLY, bat with a trreawr variety of ■UaceUaneone readme, and tarnishing the newt to its tatwerlbers with greeter tnalmem. because _ U semes twice a week lnetead of onoe only. THR DAILY BCN, 86 A YEAR. A preßmlnenUy readable newspaper, with tua terns* cironiaHon m tue world. Free. Inde- ' peadent, and (earless in polities. All the news aopy; by maM, TERMS TO CLUBS, t TUX DOLLAR WBKS.LY SUN. live ooptes, one rear, r*parately addresrvi, Four Dpllsn. Ten copies, ot.) year.eeaarateir addressM fdu(| *a «xtrn eopy to the getter a? of riani. EJarhi Dellare. Twenty copies, ot>e yeer, teparatelv addressed (aud aa extra copy to the getter op of c:nb). Fifteen Dollars. Fifty eoplra. one year, to one address tend tha ■oati-weakly one year to rotter up of elab), Thirty-three Dollars. Fifty copies, one year, separately addressed (and the Beaal-weeKlyoaeyearto getter nn of club). Thirty-five Dollars. One hundred espies, ose year, to one address Stud tha Ally for ooa you to tbe getter uo of nb). Fifty Dollars. One bnndred oopiea, one year, separately ad* dre*sod (and the Dally tor on* year to thegettei oped elab), filxty DaUitra. THR BRni.WEXK.LY BUN. Five copies, one year, separately addresred. Eight Dollars. Ten aoptee, ops year, separately addressed (aad u axtra copy to getter ap of elm.<), _ Sixteen Dalian. SEND YOUR MONEY tepeat Ofloo ardors, deeha, or drafts #«New York, wherever wareulep t. if not, tueu ragiatot tap letters aoatalalug iaoaey. Address L W. ENGLAND, FnUaber. SaaoAocNew York CRD LIHKA’ Great German Bitters PUREST MEIIICATEa |U“ LIPPM\N’R GREAT GERMAN BITTERS Cures Female complaints. jr REAX GERMAN BITTER’: Cures ‘never well* people. LI PPM \N’S CRF, AT GERMAN BITTERS Will give an appetite. {ST LI PPM AN’S GREAT GERMAN BITTERS gives o „uod appetite. LIPPMAN'S GREAT G iIiMAN BITTERS regulates the bowels. T|p IIPPMAN’S GREAT GERMAN BITTERS excites tbe torpid 'iver Z%T LIPPMAN’S GREAT GERMAN BITTERS ne recommended by the best physicians. LIPPMAN’S GREAT GERMAN BITTERS cut }s net vousnesa *f“ LIPPMAN’S GREAT GERMAN BITTERS 3Ui :s debility ,iT LIPPSIAN’S GSF.AT GERMAN BITTERS prexentselislls and fever. W" LIPPMAN’S fiUEAT GERMAN BITTERS have met with Wonderful success very wht.e. W LIPPMAN’SPYRAFUGE is the great ohSJ. a m fever expeller. Try it. OILOF LIFE should be fc every househoti. Toothache/ Rhenmatism Neuralgia aa* _ife other pains, yidd instantly to Kayton’s Oil r, Jacob Lippman & Bro., Wholesale a r d Retat Druggists. Sivanrah. Ga . an*i wh*»t«*)»j.le houseat lo 71 New street New York have »hr sole right •r manufacture these Bitters f**r the Un>*edState; For sale in Baiubridge at Butts and Peauoby s mdbjDru&* and Grocers generally. PETITION AND RULE 81 81 TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE October AiNosuii&Txex 1871* Belchers and Terrell vsH. L McElvy. Superior Court Decatur County # October 1871 It being represented to by the petition, of BU Ichers and TerrFrf, that by deed of Mortgage dated Dec. 2.1 1871 H L. McElvjr Town lot N*> 7 in Block A. situated iu the Town of Har rell in said County for the put pose of scouring the payment<>f a prouiisory note made by the «-Hid H. L. Mcllvy to-aid 1 :ih December 1870 for the sum ot f**ur hundred dollars which note is now* due and unpaid, and that -aid McElvy ha* removed beyond the limits of said County. Ii is oidcred said H. L McElvy do pay in to this court by ibe first d.iy of next term, ihe principal, interest cost due on 6aid not** or -how cause if any be has to the contraiy, or t'»a* in default thereof iorecloi-Uie be gianted tn the slid Ba'clieis & Terrell of said Mortgage aid toe Equity of t-edemption be forever ba' ted. and that service of this Buie be perfected by publication in »he South btn Sun in terms of the law. 'I his Octo ber Term lt'Tl. Witness tbe Hon Peter J. *tiozer Judge ot said Court - Junuay 11th 1872. - T. F. Hampton Clerk GEORGIA "Decatur County Notice is hereby given to all persons concern ihat Little on Burch departed this life intestate, and uo person ha-* applied for administration on the e.-tite of said Li tleton. and that in terms of the last administration will be vested in the cleik ot.the Superior*>rt, or .gurus Art sttd pr- per pertoo "U tiio first Mo day iaPoby. unle-s -ome valed objector as mode to his appointment Given under my hand and official signature this Ist day January 1872 Joel Johnsn Or‘d. TH BAISBRIDGE FACTORY BAIN BRIDGE, GA. Patronize * Home Institutions- All ve merchants and planters of Southwest Geo - g>a and Fiodda are rr-p j cti"u ly requested to semi your orders to THE BAINBSIDGE FACTORY. Fcr O-nabursrs, sheetings, w olen g rods, vains, &c. lam satisfied that the merchants and plan tersof >ouihe>'j'Geoeyia can save 2) tier cent by buyi'.g dirert fr 'in tit*- Factorv, thereby e abling them to und-rsel l*all(Compßtitors who buy in North ern maik -ts give me a call, I guarantee satisfac tion VV. G’ D. To.ngb free to book agents. Y/e will rerd a handsome Prospectus of «>ur New Illustrated Family Bible, co-dabiing over 200 fine Scripture lilustrutto to my Book Agent, free »,f charge. Address National Pub ishin < Cos., Phila., Pa , Atlanta, Ga, or St. Louis Mo. HISTORY OF The Great Fires l» CHICAGO and the WEST by Rev E J GOOD BPE : D D. D. of Ctiic.*go. 0« yc> nip', tc histo,y. 7(Hi >vo. pages; <>w engiavi'gs 70 c n alrea-y s Id. P ice » 2o< ! ft agent-made io 2< d»ns. p offi «go to sufferers. Agents "Wanted. H g. t*Oi)D3 EiCD A C >., 37 park Bow, New In Publish**! at Baltimore, Md., by SAML. S'NDS&hON. January Aumbers now out, and will b* sent to ey xy Plan'e l . Fanner ao i gardener who wifi -end h s address a-Id a -tamp It i* * live, practical pt per. m ode tby eve.y c uu ly anJtl.v • SubscTp uo-t $1 50 a year. Iu club;, at $?, wiib veiy bb eiaal pr rhiuuv’s! BltlGG' & BROTHERS' Catalogue of t' ownr ami Vtgeiuble a^RLSJfcCRL - and SUMMER FLOWERING BUL' 8, FOR 1872; Now reader, (l. nsidering of ovei 130 page-, on rose-timed papa 1 ', with upwards of 400 sep-r le cuts, .md -is beautiful Colored Plates: ( over a hei.u iful design, in colo b. The richest Catalogue ev< r pub ished -eud g 5 c-nts for copy, not cn«- hiili ttio v-<l ie of the clo ed p’a'ed It. th • firs : order, uutiug to 'io« less than $ , Hie price of Catalogue, 25., will be rounded in see !. New customers placed on the ►ame feting wi'h old. >-* re to old oust mer-i Qual ty of se ds, a pack -* b, p ices, aid p emiurns off. red, make it to the dvantage of al to purchase se- ds of u.(. Bee Cat a O-Ut for extr oidinory inducements. Yon wll miss it if you do u«<t see our Ca alogue before ordering ■'e- da Either of oni two rhromes for 1872, size 19x24 —om a flower plate «'f Buln *u Pl *nt», consisting • f Lil’ies, &c —the other of Anuai, B enial aud Perrenial Plants, guara i eed the. MOST ELEGANT FLORAL CHROMOSE ever issued in this county. A superb parlor or nauien'; mai ed.'d, on receipt of 75e; also free, on conditions specified in catalo ue. Address BRIGGS* BBOIHERB, [Established 1845.] Rochester, New York. BLOOMING r ON NURSERY, ILLINOIS 20th YEAR! GOO ACRE"! 13 GH EN-Hi 'USE ! Largest AssorHß/nt. Best Stock Lov Prices Trees, Shrubs, Plants, Bulba. Stocks, Grafts, Ac lfiO-Pages illustrated Catalogue 10 Onis. bulb Plant, Seed Catalogues, a 1 tor 10agents Who! - Price List, free. Send for these, before buying al QAwVtAYf FI PHfiEnH. Bloemlngton. 11l PR FITABLE BTSIiNRSS Will be giv-n o’ e < r 'wo p rsoi*B,of either -ex, in and adjoining town* by which th y m«y r- alize t o •< !$-dOn t<> $lO. 0 a vear. with but 1 ttle rn'er.- fete nee with ordinary occupation in selling HOUSEHt )LD ARTICLED «>r real merit and n liver sal use. If th«f who e timeis de voted a much L rue* sum may be realized Circu Ins free, giving complete l'stof ar ictei? and 30m m ssious allowed. T. 8. CO*tK& CO., Holoken, N J. A MOUNT? Horse fumised. Ex (JpTwfiF penses paid. H. B. sIIAW, Alfred, Me. AGENTS Wanted.—Agent- make mote mo ey «t work f rns then at anything else light anti permanent. Poticulars fr e G. Minson & Cos., Fine Art Publishers, Portland. Maine 0 PIUM EATERS^hIS cur<d of the ha* it address T. E. CLARKE, M. D. Mount Veru' ni Ohio. HERNIA OR LUPTURE. ' I) 8. kCHEYENELTi’S TRU>B effects the quick" i. e*t cures, with the greatest comfort to the wearer Ha- no “-teal Springs to irritate the per s* n. liece'ves the l ig'ie-t pra ses from all who i u-e ii Recommended by leading physicians- Full direction- with each Truss. Try one yon wll be pleas' and. Sin trie 'trass, $-5; Double i mst, two pads, $lO. Address L. bCHEVENLL, Gen’i Age* t, Athens, Ga- IARGE AND VALU \BLE Plantation For Sale -glying 8 mihs north of LUMPKI>>, JirEWAur Cos , Ga , embTacii g th*- rich lands of the H mna hatebee Creek, 'ihe place is we>l timbered and sat red; a fine Cos to con, gr .in and stuck farm nnsurpns-ed i>y any in this secti n oi the for the fertiliu" ot it- soil The place L- invaluable as a stock farm. Will be ald on rea- nable teuns b> a s plication to 'he undersign* dat Lumpkin, I Ga. Ih* place is well stocked and provisioned. JAKES K. BARNUK. CORDIAL OF tne A T REID & CO, IfMf dtett want! (SomtmssUn fe n6W reefeiving their very large FALL STOCK, Drygoods, GrocerieSj Boots and Shoes EIATS, CAPS db F'XJFIs, BASS WE. WOOD. WOXOW ADD OOEE9SWISE, U 15 Bb!« Sugar f all grades, 6000 Y is. Double Anchor Ragging 15 Poxes Tobacco, all grades. 5> 00 Lb.- Arrow Tien. " s 15 Bigs Coffee, all grades. 5000 f,h-s Pacn sld«a and shoulder* 25 B"xe« *<*iap. assorted. 1000 Lb* Gulden Hams., 50 Rbla Flour, in barrels. loCO Lba. Pure Leaf Lard. 10 Bids Flour, in sacks B®WTE&, CHESSB, FISH* S4tBt»BS, «TSTSfiJ ’W HISKIES. BRANDIES. GINS, . T ** - J toUM and wins, , All For Rale 4*o*r For CaaV • - Y . f / ■ I «.pT-Gmj jtak. T K. Tt JKC J» Ac W3Q, I THE POST-DFFIGE STOB Hew Store. Hew Stock] I m SOSENFfiLB I HAS ju-t opened hif* store. In the Post Office Building, where he will be pleased to greet ihe p*J of Decatur at and adjoining counties, when they can exmniue one of the bust selected itudifl Merchandise in the market, consisting oi Dry Goods, Hosiery Boots and hoes, Hat and Cal CLOTHING , I Gents Furnishing Goods, Crockery and Glassware FRESH € R0O&III Being for a large Music House, Mr Rosenfeld will older tlicl best music for those desiring it iasksi, floors, fp*Js, |Hould urjs, |lcud |oJ BALUSTERS, ETC. “ w*> ■« naoH.B'onn, K*9 and 171 P,ay Street, (up staiin) savannan, ua., ‘l •J3T Keep constantlv, a large xtock of the above articles Go and see, or sen.i them f >orci:dr« H ROCKWELL & WEST I HAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY DEY-GOoJ LADIES DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, / READY-MADE CLOTHING. I GENTLEMENS FURNISHING GOO ■ BOOTS, SHOES HATS, &C., &C. RAYING bought for CASH, and under the most favorable circumstances, aLE and DETERMINED to offer GREAT INDUCEMENTS to CASHBTJj® 1 and see. ROCKWELL & GKOKGlA—Decatur County On the 14th la* 7 of January 1872 I will anplv on (he court of ordinary of said county io> leave t<> amend the sci ed le of my property and add theirs to other property, 8. M. Brown. THIS BBBT is TUE cheapest - ~ Stir Ximpoot & pnflcrn & ©lobe Fire Insurance Co s over S2O 000.000 in Gold. Over $8 000,000 Pays losses immediately after adjustment. The New York Life •Insurance Comp’y Assets $16,000,000. J. E. JOHNSTON a CO , General Agents. T. B. HUNNEWELL & CO., Agents, tO Rainhridfire Ga. I. M. ROSENFELD~ WOULD Bespectly inform the citizens of Bainbridge and surrounding country lie has opened in connection with his store a Where he will k«**p constantly on hand a com plete assortment of mnsic of the latcrf publication from the best composers. His facilities for get ting Music and Musical Instruments are as good as any house >n the country Also agent for Piano’s irom the celebrated man ufactu ie of HALLET & DAVIS AND EMERSON. So well known in this and other countries: and the MABON A HAMLIN OBGAN. He solicits subscription for the SOUTHERN MUSICAL JOURNAL. Musical Monthly, published l>j Lucdcn Ante nrmnuti, g* J m iif m 8 IMS A. (®| C in r We-t and Wat t A. Zcigler is now opening a ll,r f ted stock, which Le places P° * Dry Go #J J boots anusM® 3, 1 HoW** I Clothing, Hats and C»J*» 1 I take g'oa* pleasure prepaied to sell every ll '*" rW i I the cbeaiwst and wt* l 8 B mot o is Quick Salks aud •** beLook to your interests an fat* laying in yow lupp*"*