The Southern sun. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1869-1872, January 20, 1872, Image 2

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TOE SOUTHERN SUN. __JL - -* Official Journal of Decatur County —•-.» ■ -• ■■■' LI. BAYES R. M. JOHNSTON Editors. ** . .• ■ ~ . fr, W***"" JANUARY TB7S "LI" 1 - -i gR-'™— ExtCTmvß Secretaries.— -Governor Smith has sppoiutfd J. B. Campbell and J. W. Warren Executive Department Secretaries. Nbrwoo4, the Arkansas man, who shot a s?irl 1 recall3(J sh# wonldeuH marry him, had his case attended to soon afterward by a lynching party. ,Wab with Spain. New York Son iy ' «dre we are on the eve of a wai with Spaiu. ThW World thinks that the preparations arc more in the nature of a war upon the Trea*-i r t * TheLoukiana Muddle Settled —A com' promise was effected yesterday, and sev eral obnoxious bills were repeated, signed by the Governor, and ouly lack the proper p||fi|atsb to become" laws. Another Republican paper is to be star ted iu Charleston as soon as material is received from Now York. As two such enterprises have already failed,it is doubt ful it the now paper meets any bettor fate thaii its predecessors. The Leoislatukk. —Tire Georgia. Legisl ature is booming ahead. Much business. — over one hundred _bills have already been introduced into the present session. It is thought that a recess wUI bo taken in a f<iw days until July. The Central Railroad Fare I ickets.— The correspondent of the Baltimore Sun writes fiom Washington: “The Central Rui road Oompauy of Georgia has been issuing a tioket covering a certain number of fares otrfefr the road, and which lias been used as a kind of currency by the company and by the community. This is in violation of the national banking law*, ami the comptroller of the currency has called attention. The grand, jury on the l 9 th insf., found a true bill of indictmentagainst Edward S Stokes for the murder of James Fisk, Jr., which was to be handed to the court to day. Stokes’equanimity in his luxurious cell in the Tombs, has givet» 4 rise to various rumors as to the probability that by a cun nviigly prepared defence ho may be acquit ted. Matrimony is—hot cakes, warm bods, c&mfortahle slipperu, smokingcoffee, round arms, red lip**, kind words, shirts exulting in buttons, redeemed stockings, bootjacks, hnpjnncßH, etc. Single blessedness is— sheet*iron qniits, blue noses, frosty rooms, ico in the pitcher unregenerated linen, heellosa socks,coffee sweetened with icicles, rhubarb, and any amount of misery. Funeral. —The New York papers oYTyesday are filled with details of the fuueral obsequies of Colonel Fisk, whose remains were removed from New York to 13rattleboro„ Vermont, his native place, for iiiiterment. Over a hundred thousand peo ple participated as witnesses or actors in the so.lemn pageant. The demonstrations of popular sorrow were remarkable. . A Significant Order from the War De farthest —It is reported, upon goodjru* thority, that tho Secretary of War Telegraphed on Saturday to General J»*fferson C. Davis, Superintendent of tire Recruiting Service, to continue Jt rccru > ' jt|hg, and to retain al! recruits in Nt w York, instead of sending them to Western umtlons, us has been the c'riston hitherto. AmMvg «r*hy officers stationed -in New York this is regarded as a sign of prepar ation fyi' possjlije hostilities, induced by At arspeet ot our relations with Spain. EDITORS ALONG THE GULF LOAD. Who has not heard of the Valdosta Gim let? Perhaps some of our Readers hare, btR to those who hare not, we will say that it is a spicy little ten by twelve sheet, its issued''at Valdosta, and edited by the publisher end published by tfceheeditor - In last number, under the above caption, we find the following in regard to the editorial fraternityoi Bsinbridge: Bainbridge claims three. Bussell of the ■Good templars and- avaanah fair notorie ty, editor of the Democrat, is a short stump of a fellow abont five feet sir inches |g his boots, and weighs about 145 pounds, lias a devilish aly liable eye, and supports a puny looking moustache. We wouid’nt trust him farther than you could throw a —feather. Hayes of the Fun is a loag gacky look ing fellow, about six feet six inches under his beaver. A handsome beard, a sleepy eye and a poke-easy walk, idle the bill for him. We wouid’nt trust a bottle of tari gle-leg in his keeping. v ; Johbston*. the Sun local, is an orphan child. .He is a small chubby fellow. One “would judge from his looks that he dieted eiMgiderabiy on pot-liquor, “Bat” they c*ll him because he resembles somewhat a bull-bat, would say more but he is rather fighty-fled* In the language of Rip Vau Winkle, “give that editor a cold potato and let him go.“ lie’s sure to make his mark in the world, if its reaching the standard of an excellent dancer on—what 11 e boy shot at. CONLKY’b PARDONS- Conley has .signalized his laying down the seals of office, says the Chronicle and Sentinel, by acts of Executive clemency exercised toward great State criminals, winch will in all future times, make his name odious to the people of the f?tate. — Previous to this grand* iniquity there was a very large number of the good men of the, State who were loth to believe that he was personally corrupt and dishonest. 1 his class of our people thought that he had never shared in the spoils and robberies of Bullock and Blodgett, but this almost last' act as acting Governor, of extending full and free pardon to these great criminals, and other lesser thieves, will cause a change of opinion on this subject. Conley knows, or all of the people of the State know, that Bullock and Blodgett have dishonestly and corruptly used the money of the State- He knows that the people demanded a fair investigation of .their conduct for the four years, and this the in quiry and punishment of the law, makes Con'ey, in the eyes of lionc-st men, equally culpable as the great thieves who he seeks to relieve. We are greatly mistaken, however, if this attempt to shield the robbers from the punishment due to their crimes will be successful. The power to grant pardons for alleged offense before trial or conviction is one which the people have not delegated to the 1 xeeutive. It is an accident royality where the sovereign power i3 vested in an individnal, but ft can find no deposity in the Governor of the 'tate. ihe people here are sovereign not the Governor. It is true that the Supreme Court by a divided bench have ruled that the Governor of Georgia is clothed with this kingly power Yet this Court was composed of pariizans of the Kadical party and the friends of the late Governor, but now fugitive from jus tice- 1 his Court will soon be reorganized and good men placed on it—at least a ma jority will be men who are sound lawyers and honest patriots These will, we trust, reverse the late decision on this point, and hold that the Executive of the Mate has no right to grant pardons until after trial and conviction. THE APPROPRIATION BLL,* The House went into a committee of the whole on the appropriation ac*, and, after a session of two hours, and a prolonged discussion as to moderation in appropriation lunacy to pay salaries due teachers of com raon school for the last year, committee rose and reported to the House. The bill was then taken up by tho House, passed, and ordered to be transmitted to the Senate as perfect. Toe hill appropriates: TANARUS.) the contingent fund, $20,000; to the printing fund, $20,- 000; to pay the interest on the public debt $330,000; to the purchases o! books for the State Library, $lO 000 to pay teachers of the common schools, $300,000; to pa}’ E. C. Edwards his salary as Solicitor-General of the Northern Circuit, $16,815; to reimburse the Tieaetirer of v\ hite county for the a meant overpaid into the Treasury sll,** 089; to pay the salaries of secretaries of tho Executive Department, SI,BOO each. State at Large. A nigger barber from Americus has been appointed mail route agent on the Fort Gains branch of the South Western Kail road. Now put Grouby on as a brakesman, and the thing will be.did. Templeton’is delighting Atlanta. Come down this way old man John Gardening is progressing in Cuthbert. Cuthbert had an. amateur concert last week, under the direction of Prof. Parsons. The history of Early county still goe3 on—in the News, of Blakely/ The razor is trumps still in Savan nah among the negroes. The Georgia Press Association met in Atlanta last week. J. R. Lewis, the Ftafce School Commis sioner, has .resigned. Templeton gave the Atlanta City Hos pital a benefit. A negro named Crittendon of Savannah, helped another colored citizen named John son to the unknown world a few days ago We print the former’s name with pleasure. Talbotton had a grand Masquerade ball last week. Gorman pronounces it nice. The charming Mrs Oates is now in Co lumbus . The Bal Masque in Macon was a thing of immense magnitude, and huge prepon derosity. The Hook and Ladder .Company, of Thomasville, hod a concert last week. T. S. Hopkins has been elected Mayor of Thomasville. The inaugural ball at Atlanta, was a grand success. It is stated that the pressure on Gov. Smith of applicants for office, is terrible. The Bullock Bam is levied on by the sherriff of Cobb county, add offered for sale* There are three candidates for Mayor of Valdosta. Pendleton advises some of them to ”eome down”. Katie Putnam and troupe are in Atlanta. Yesterday, the birthday of Gen. Lee, was celebrated in Savannah* NEWS FEOAJ WASHINGION. ' » m Washington, January 16, 1813. THE TROUBLES ».jp*henry clews. Henry Clews, in a note to ihjjNew York Bun, denies the charges made by.Tieasnr er him in cs ntuirijfm With his transactions in Georgia Bone WHAT HE BAY.3, He says that the lh<? validity of the "State Bo®r furnished him at various times by the Governor, Comptroller-General* secretary ‘of State,- Chief Justice and .Attorney-General of Georgia, were confirmed by the opinions of eminent legal counsel in New York* THEN and now. Henry Clews, at one time, in a letter published in New York Times,over his own signature, denied that he ever acted as the financial agent of the State of Georgia. But then Bullock had no thought of ruuning away and every thing looked sere fie. he Wants his commission*. - Now that the corn miss ioiefCo I*3*l i« dirty . - ' “■■'s’ «. work are in danger, Clews does not hes itate lo acknowledge that he was the finan cial agent of the state of Georgia under Bullock’s vi. ign. OLD MAN FISH AND THE SPANISH MINISTER. Secretary Fish to-day, in a note to the Spanish Minister here, called ths latter’s at tention to lha late outrage committed on the Florida, and asked *bat he call the at tention of his government thereto. A TR "BABLE APOLOGY FROM SPAIN* Be nor Roberts, to whom the note was ad dressed, thinks that the matter can be ex p'iiined, and that, at any rate, his govern ment will apologize if found iirlhe wrong. THE DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS. At a Democratic caucus last night it was decided that it was too early in the season to foreshadow any party policy upon legis lative matters. In view of the dissension among Radicals upon financial questions, it is considered politic to await further devel opem&nts. Seminole. General News. Ralc’gh lias a negro minstrel troupe which has to Gold d> >ro to »iug . 'Oil the Black Mountain , in the fail of the year, there are apple trees'lull ct deli* cio us ft oil. Tennesse has 9,104,233 acres of improved land, and 13,814,818 of unimproved land. The Kentucky Court of appeals have de cided that the K -ntucky State and Paducah lotteries art* legal inst ;t minus. The great Futaw Ku-kluX case, for sonm lune r peiideng in Mobile, ban ended, and the prisoners, nine in number, have been ac quitted. Akerman, having finally played out at Washington, left the the scene of his blun ders and disgrace yesterday for his home in Cariersville. Bislmp McGill, fur twenty-five years of the Ytgiuia Diocese, is dead, aged sixty two years. Two hundred and foity acres of valuble land lying near the Selma and Qu'f railroad some eight or ten miles from Selma, .was sold at auction Thursday at. from eiglit and a half to ten dollars per acre. Bismarck insists upon the retention of Envoys of Monarchy at the Germans courts Only four millions of dollars is' ait the Government has been swindled out of t>y dis bohnest -agents in the sale of anna by the War Department to the French Govern ment. The Mobile Cotlnn Exchange is being or gan zud very rapidly and very efficiently. I'lie first sale of "future* took place on the 4th, when three hundred hales for Febru ary delivery were sold at Somebody about tiiis time would likoto have that cot ton back. Sew York. January 16* — The rsttlcmcnt of the New Orleans troubles is said to have advanced the Siate securities ten per cent. The Wharton trial ended yesterday as to the evidence, and I he counsel for the prose cution withdrew for they will decline to ask for a verdict of guilty. At all events nobody looks for a conviction. The Yer 1812. — This year contains fifty two Sundays. September and December each begins on Sunday, January, Api and July on Monday. October is the on ly moil til beginning on Tuesday, February begins and ends on Thursday. Conse quently’we have five Thursdays, which will hot occur again until the year 1900 In the year 1880, February - Will have five Sundays, which will not occur again until the 1920. The yea' - 1811 began on Snnday and ended on* Sunday. Tins will occur again ii> 1882, and every eleventh year rh-reaper; TH BAIMIBGE FACTORY BAIN BRIDGE, GA. Patronize Home Institutions- All ye mere! ants and pi inters <*t Southwest Geo - g a and Florida a e rr.-peetfu Iy requested to >en>! your ord'-i>» to THE BAINB RIDGE FACTORY. Fcr O-nabuisrs, sheetings, w oleu goods, yams, xc. lam satisfied that the merchants and plan tens of --oiKhei n Geoegirt -an save 25 per cent by buying direct fr-in the F..ciot \, thereby e abling them t • nnd' rsei i all coiupetitors who bnv in North era mti.k ts give me a caU, I guarantee s&tinfac t oc W. G* D. Toss* 11l Ilf GNUS’ SIMON A. WEIL. •- '■ ■ J '■Xi.jfij/r •* " C in r Ws-t and Water streets, next door toJ. A. Zeigfer is now opening a large and wall-selec ted stock, places on the market, of. Ury Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES, Clothing, Bats aud Caps, Notions, &c. I take great pleasure in announcing that I am prepared to sell everything in my line as cheap as the cheapest, and will give great bargains. My motio is Quick Sales and Small Profits. beLook to your interests and examine my stock foie laying iu your supplies. free to book AGENTS. We will perd a handsome Prospectus of our New Illustrated Family Bible, containing over 200 fme Scripture Ulustratio to any Book Agent, free of chaige. Address National Publishing Cos., Phi la., Pa . Atlanta, Ga, or St. Louis Mo. ” HISTORY OF The Great Fires Iu CHICAGO and the WEST by Pev E J GOOD SPEED. D. D. of Chicago. On ! y complete histoy. 700 isvo. pages; 6') engravings . 70,' po already si Id. Pi ice $2,6 >. 2000 agents made in 2u days, jpiofiv sgo to suiterers. Agents Wanted. H S. yovfc • TP~Ip™~FSII 1 H j lllfiMuyll II I Ihuu >AI, Published at Baltimore, Md.; by SAML. Bands & ON. January Aurabers now out, and "ill be sent to every Planter, Farmer and.gardener who will send h;s address and a stamp. It is a live, practical pi per needed by every c mu'jy family- Subscrip tion $1,50 a year. In clubs, at sl, with vuiy lib eraal premium's! BRIGGS & BROTHERS’ Catalogue of Power and Vegetable sfe® -StC! Jadz: lies , SUMMER FLOWERING BULBS, FOR 1872; Now leader , C< nsidering of over 130 pages, on rose-tinted paper, with upwards of 400 separate cuts, and six beautiful Colored Plates: Cover, a beuuiful design, in colors. The richest Catalogue ev< r published Send 25 cents for copy, not cne bult tae value of the c-lored pia'ed. In the firsi order, on unting to noi less than the price of Catalogue, 25., will lie retunded in seed. New customers placed on the same footing with old. Ute to old crust mer*. Qaal ty of se< ds, a pack an f pi ices, and premiums off' red. make it to the dvantage of al to purchase seeds of us. See Ca'a-ouue for eatrao dinory inducements. You 'will miss it if you do u<>t see our Ca alogue before ordering Seeds Either of om two Chromes for*lß72, size 19x24 on,. H dower plate of Bullions Plants, consisting < f Lillies Ac—the other of Anuat, B-enial and Perri nisi Plmts. guarao.eed t’n9. MOST ELrNJANT FLORAL CHItOMOSE ever issued in this county. A superb pur'or or nauierC; mai ed post-paid, on receipt of 75c; also free, on conditions specified in catalogue. Address BBIGG- & BROTH cits', v lEsiablUhtJ 1845,] liocliester, New York,. BLOOMING ON NURSERY,“ILLINOIS 20th YEAR! COO ACRE'! 13 GKr.EN-Ht >UnE ! longest Assortment. Best Stock Lot? Prices Tree 3, Shrubs, Plants. Bulbs, Stocks, Grafts, &c. 100-P sges illuMrated CatalogaelOCeuts. Bulb Plant, Catalogues, ad for 10 cents. Whole- Price List, free. Bend for these, before buying elsewhere. F *1 PHOEVIX. Blasnalngton. 11l PR FITABLE BUSINESS Will be giv l n one or two persons,of either sex, in and adjoining towns by which they may realize fro ?i S3OO to siOoo a rear, with but 1 ttle interi sere nee with ordinarv occ"pati<>n in selling HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES of real merit and universal irsß. If the whoie time is de voted a much R rger sum may be realized Circu lais free, giving complete list of articles and com missions allowed. T. H. COoK.& CO., Hoboken, Jf J. - an 7 rt/T AMOUNT? Horse furnised. Ex penses paid. H. B. fcHAW, Alfred, Me. ~~~ T”<xENTS Wanted.—Agents raake more A. mo ey at work f rns than at anything else Business ight and permanent. P.uticulars free G. Stix son & Cos., Fine Art Publishers, Portland. Maine OPIUM EATERSwK enr-dof the ha "it address T. E. CLAEKC, M. D. Mount Verti n! Ohio. HERNIA OR EUPrUBET I) S. SCHEYENELL’S TRU'S effects the quick- V est cures, with the gre ‘est comfort to the wearer. Has no "teal Springs to irritate the per sn. Receives the highest pra-ses from ali who o-e it- Recommended by leading physicians. Full direction- with each Truss. Try one you will be pleased. Niugle Truss, $5; Double Tiust. two pads, $lO. dTOrder- enclo-i' g Cash, promptly fi led. Address L. SCHEVENLL, Gen’i Age- t, Athens, Ga -IJRGE AND YALU vELE Phmtati-n For ’•hie b miles north o 1 I.tJMI'KLN, "S.bwakt jCo , ria , embraci g tin rich lands of the JPmna ! hatebee Creek, the place is well timber*d and wat red a fine Cos to con, gr -n amt st -ck farm nnsur -i» ed l-y any in Ibis sectn not the htate for the fertiliit ot it- soil Tiie place i.- invaluable as a stock farm. Will be sld on reas nable teims bv a; p ication to-he undersign-d at Lumpkin, i Ga. 'lhe place is well stocked and provi-ioned. AMES K BAKNUM. Hi ni .m him® 1 WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTIOI OUR ENTIRE STOCK OP Dry GoodSj Clothing,'Boots andJShot HATS otinci C* aps, 5-AN6Y ■ BBY On Monday the22d inst, will be sold at ~n, our entire stock of good Bainbridge. he goods will be so din lots to suit purchasers without reserve, there will be an entire change in the business; therefore the stock must and wii closed out. tt 1 ■=».■. as to jmsme and secure good bargains ike aewii c mmence at 10 and continue from day to day unti the eatii stock is so dr TRIE ST & KIGLANDE % AT REID & CO, and (ftommteswtt |WcKliatti re now receiving their very large Drygoods, Groceries Boots and Slioi EIATS, OTYPS cfc HAESWiKE, WOOD, WILLOW ADD QOEEHI 15 Bbls. Pugarj-kll grades, 15 Poxes Tobacco, all grades, 15 B >gs Coffee, all grades. 25 B >xes Soap, assorted. 50 Bills Flour, in cartels. 10-Bbls Flour, in sacks. isj'rr&a. csiisu, fish, s&rbi&is, oystsf; WHISKIES, BRANDIES, GINS, RUM AND WINE. All For Sale Low For Cash. sep7-6m] rMT mm "T wm wrm snshts, §om, |lcu’fl ¥ BALUSTERS, ETC, JOS iKLu TiC JEM. mMz, MM M. «Z 2 A »»** 1 109 and 171 Bay Street, (up stairs) Savannah, Ga., • *ijp», tirS" Keep constantly, a large stock of the above articles. Go and see, or ROCKWELL & WEST HAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF STAPH AND FAN€¥ URY-G# 0 * LADIES DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, READY-MADE CLOTHING* GENTLEMENS FURNISHING GOO C! BOOTS, SHOES HATS, &C., &C. t HAVING bought for CASH, and under tho most favorable cifi unu _. an BOfi aLE and DETERMINED to offer GREAT INDUCEMENTS to B 1 and see. ROCKWELL 5009 Yds. Double Anchor Ragging. 5--00 Lbs Arrow Ties. 60<>0 Bacon, sides and shoulders, 1000 Lbs. Golden Hams. luCO Lb«. Pure Leaf Lard.