The Southern sun. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1869-1872, April 20, 1872, Image 2

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Uaiahidne Wcefelg £nn. ;8 ” i Official Journal of I>eca*ur County ~ R. M. JOHNSTON,) f Editor*. O. G. GURLEY, } VAIXIWWGE, GA., SfrraDiT Moitxnco, April 20 th, 1872. OFFFICE—Orer Spear t Thompson's Store, t Broughton street. THE SUN will be sent to you our tear at the low price ot two ikm.laks. COMMUNIC ATIONS on rubjecte of public interest, solicited from all parts of the country. Bullock—Tlie Bird Flown. The Augusta Constitutionalist contains a brief notice of the fact that a warrant for Bullock’s arrest was out. The facts have been in our possession for some time, but withheld for reasons of sound policy. It is unfortunate that the matter has crept into the newspapers at this stage of the game. As the matter is out, we give the details. The mortgage of SOO,OOO on tlie State that he bought from Kimball was not dis covered until after the purchase. Kimball secured the State by a deposit of $120,000 of Atlanta city bonds in the Executive offico. These bonds were abstracted by Bullock, sent by him North, soldjby Henry Clews & Cos., and the money appropriated to private ’ -uses. The offence was “ Larceny after a Trust." An affidavit was drawn by Gen. Toombs carefully conforming to the Georgia law, and thereupon a warrant issued for Bul lock’s arrest. Gov. Smith made a requisi tion on Gov. Hoffman, of New York, for Bullock, through Col. John B. Gumming, of Macon, as the State’s agent. Col. Cum ming had previously ascertained the where abouts of Bullock, who has been oscillating from New York to Canada, staying princi pally at Modina and Albion. Gov. Hoffman objected to the affidavit as bping defective, mentioning his objections, gftiong which the chief was that in the ab sence of indictment the affidavit should be very full. On the returns of the papers, Governor Smith re-drew the affidavit, with the State and Federal law before him, and with a special reference to the objections of Hoff man. The second affidavit was very full, covering Ahree - or* four pages of legal cap, v grid frarfred with exceeding particularity. The papers were sent again, and arrived in Albany on Saturday two weeks ag», Gov. Hoffman being absent. On Monday he re turned, and the affidavit was again object ed to. • * -«• At this juncture Gov. Smith lost his pa tience. He telegraphed to his agent to state to Gov. Hoffinan that he was now sat- infied that Gov. H. did not mean to deliver up the fugitive from justice ; that he was convinced he could not frame papers to Gov, Hoffman’s quibbles, and for the agent to withdraw the documents and re turn home. On Tuesday morning Gov. Hoffman ap proved the.inquisition and issued the war rant. ThaSt night Col. Cumming left Alba ny to execute the warrant, but the bird had flown. In Bullock’s stables was found a Bftildl* horse very much jaded and lamed, indicating immediate hard usage. Nothing has been heard of him since. The probabilities are very strong that the delays papers were to give Bullock timeWg£e. Gov. Hoffman, as the case now stena* . unexplained by him, is open to damaging reflection. These are the facts of this grave matter. It will be a satisfactory day for Georgia When the great chief of her Radical plun derers is brought back to meet the justice io richly due him.—— Cons/ itution. What ha* been Proved Against Se cretary Jjyobesou. In the session of the Investigating Com mittee for the last two days the following facts have been proved beyond any ques tion : first —That on June 15,1871, he paid Zeno Secor $23,000 on account of work on nights and Sundays in building the Weehawken in 1863. The money he paid out of an appropriation for deficiencies in the Bureau of Construction for the year ending June 30,1870, in violation of a pre vision in the act ’’that the money so appro priated *omll be expended only for the pur pose of providing materials, carrying on the work, aud paying the employees of the Bureau for which it is appropriated.” Secondly —That in the oontract with Pen nock, of Coatesville, Pa., for iron for two torpedo boats, Robeson pays ten cents a pound for plate iron worth only seven and vme-qtiarter cents, ten cents for angle iron only wbrth five cents, and ten cents for iron beams worth five cents, paying for the ag gregate quanity contracted for about one third more than its market value, the total amount of the fraud being from $37,000 to $13,000. This fraudulent contract was given out without advertising, and without Mkiy knowledge of the fact among iron mama- IsTtfrimr Conclusive testimony respecting the value of thia iron' was given at Wash ington latft evening by Abram S. Hewitt of thu city, than whom there is no higher ; *U .herity.—Aew York- Sun' TELEGRAPHIC NEWS pWeetcd fr >m our Doily Exchanges.] f ’p<vi; l Dispatch to the Savannah Republican.] FROM FLORIDA. Tallahassee/ April 15.—Anarchy moves on apac<. Day this morning issued a proc lamation as acting Governor of Florida, calling on the people to disregard, at their peril,, the acts of the usurper Reed, and to obey him (Day) as the only lawful Govern or of the State. After reciting the facts of the impeachment, and referring to Reed’s proclamation of the Bth instant, and alleg ing that the great seal was procured by conspiracy with, and through the miscon duct and perfidy of Gibbs, Secretary of State, the proclamation concludes as follows : “ Now, therefore, I, Samuel T. Day, the duly elected Lieutenant Governor, and now Acting Governor of this State in the place of the said Harrison Reed, and, as aforesaid, impeached and disqualified from perform ing any official duty, do hereby issue this, my proclamation, an attempt at usurpation of the Chief Executive of the State, and a total disregard of law and good government, add revolutionary in its tendencies. And I do hereby warn all good citizens, as well as the designing, that while the duties of the office of Governor are developed upon me, I shall execute the laws of this State ; and to this end, and for the purpose of sup pressing any attempt at usurpation or rev olution, and to protect the law-abiding citi zens of thi3 State in their civil rights, I shall use all the power in me vested by the constitution and laws to enfore obedience to the lawfully constituted authorities of this State, hereby publicly warning the peo ple and all officers of this State, not to obey, or any manner respect, the pretended au thority of the said Harrison Reed. “In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and in lieu of affixing the seal of the State, hereby proclaim that tho same has been secreted or stolen.” Great excitement exists here, and it is rumored that Reed and Gibbs are arrested by Federal authority in Jacksonville. The Supreme Court convenes here to morrow, when one or the other party will institute proceedings. The general impres sion is that Reed will likely succeed. Leon. Tallahassee, April 17.—The Supreme Court of Florida convened to-day. The case of Bishop Pierce, a very prominent negro politician, came up on an appeal from Leon Circuit Court, where he was convicted of bribery last spring, and sen tenced to six months in the county jail, and a fine of one thousand dollars. The sen tence was confirmed—a most righteous de cision, as the proof was clear. It is thought he will bo pardoned. -- > Governor Reed having sent a communi cation to the justices, asking their opinion as to the gubernatorial contest, the court to-day ordered a copy to be served on Lieu tenant Governor Day, and appointed next Tuesday to hear the argument pro and con. Gibbs, Secretary of State, arrived last night, and says ho will stick to Reed. LATER.— April 17., P. M.—Still claiming to be the acting and lawful Gov ernor of Florida, Day has just—6 o’clock, P. M.—issued a proclamation convening the Legislature in extra session, on Mon day next, the 22d instant. Only five days’ notice being given, it will be impossible for a quorum of the body to assemble in that time. ■ Day is afraid of the Supreme Court and hence his hot haste to get the Legislature together. It may be safely asserted in any event that Reed is virtually Governor. The Legislature, it is believed, will never again go for Day. Leon Foreign News. Geneva, April 16.—The sitting of the tribunal for the settlement of the Alabama claims, opened this morning and terminated at noon. The statement that Count Sclopis presided, was incorrect. None of the five arbitrators were present. Great Britain and the United States only were represent ed, the former by Lords TentertoU, Taylor and Bernard, and the latter by Messrs. Davis, Cushing and Beaman. The official proceedings were confined to the delivery of documents to the sccrtary of the tribu nal, who will transmit them to the arbitra tors. London, April 15- —ln the House of Com mons to-night, Mr. Gladstone, in reply to inquiries from Mr. DTsraelf and others, again assured the members that the note accompanying the British counter claims protested against the jurisdiction of the arbitratiors over the claim for indirect damages. Mr. Gladstone promised to lay the documents before the House of Com mons, TAMMANY ELECTION. New York, April 16.—The Tammany Society have elected the following officers for the ensuring year : Sachems. —Horatio Seymour, John T. Hoffman, Charles O’Connor, John W. Chan dler, Samuol J. Tilden, Edward L. Don nelly, Sanford E. Church, John Kelley, Oswald Ottendaufer, William Connor, Au gust Belmont, Miles B. Andrews and John Fox. Treasurer. —Arthur Levy. Sagamore. —Wilson, Small Secretary. —Joel O. Stevens. me. kellet’s revenue bill. Washington, April 16.—The bill prepa red by Representative Kelly, and which was to-day ordered to be printed, is entitled ”An Act for the farther Reduction of Taxa tion, and the Promoting of Commerce,” and is designed to be offered as a substitute to the tariff and tax bill reported to-day from the Committee on Ways and Means. Mr. Maynard unites with Kelley in this measure, reversing the order of the Com- a mittee on Ways and Means. Mr. Kelley’s bill gives the precedence to the internal revenue feature instead of the tariff feature It provides a uniform tax of sixteen cents per pound on tobacco, and a consolidated tax of sixty-five cents on spirits, but aboli shes the tax on sales, both on spirits and tobacco. The changes proposed will, It is said, enable the Treasury practically to dis band the internal revenue service so for as assessors, collectors and their assistants are concerned. It makes provision for the maintenance of tobacco bonded warehouses under such regulations as may be prescri bed by the Secretary of the Treasury, and abolishes about one-half the stamps inclu ded in cbedule B. The tariff section adds tea and coffee to the free-list, together with other articles which enter into general con sumption, but are not produced in this country. It also adds the ten per cent, re duction of the State on iron and manufae tors thereof, woolen, worsted and cotton goods, and some other articles. This joiht measure makes a reduction of fifty millions of dollars from the two sources of revenue, and provides for a diminution of the force of internal revenue service to the extent of one-half of the number of employes and ex penses. CONGRESSIONAL. Washington, April 17. The House passed the bill regulating internal revenue seizt-i res. fi In the Senate, the petition of the Repub lican of the South Carolina Legislature for a supplemental civil rights bill was presen ted. . ! The bill appropriating fifty thousand dollars for the observation of the transit of Venus in 1871 passed. The bill amending the enforcement act pass. It provides that if by the exists A l&w of any State the-eleeuoi. eommeifcA; on the first Tuesday, not after first Monday in November, 1872, for the purpose of choosing Presidential electors, be required to be continued for more than one day, then said election shall be continued the number of days required by the laws of such States. In the House, the Military Academy Appropriated bill passed. A bill reducing the force employed in the collection of internal revenue was intro duced. The bill to carry out the provisions of the treaty of Washington was postponed for four weeks. The Virginia Radicals. Richmond, Va., April 17. The Republi can State Convention met here to-day, and was called to order by U. S. Senator Lewis. About four hours were spent in discussing the merits of the candidates for temporary chairman, etc., there being four in nomina tions —three whites and one colored. The colored candidate, Dr. D. M. Norton, of Surry county, was finally elected. A com mittee on credentials was then appointed and a recess taken until to-night. Seventy three counties are represented. The North Carolina Radicals. Raleigh, April 17.—The Republican State Convention met here to-day. James H. Harris, colored, is temporary Chairman, and Samuel F. Phillips permanent Chair man. The representation is large. Gov. Joel R. Caldwell was re-nominated by a vote of fifty-eight against twenty-eight for Judge Settle, fourteen for General Dockery and seven for Judge Loan. After the nom ination Caldwell came forward and accep ted in a speech of one hour’s length. The balance of the nominations were deferred until to-morrow morning. The resolutions adopted endorse Grant. The administra tion of Gov. Caldwell declares for general amnesty and takes a wide range in behalf of education. The contest to-morrow for other State officers will be exciting. Res olutions asking the United States to seat Gen. Abbott w ere offered by R. C. Badger. Adjourned. j Death of a Prominent Georgian. Atlanta, April 17. —Hon. E. G. Cabiness, a prominent citizen, and former Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of Georgia, died to-day. STATE NEWS. The Lumpkin Telegraph is braging huge ly over a bunch of wheat grown by a Mr. John Hightower of Stewart county, over two feet high. The Grand Jury of Augusta, have found twenty-seven true bills against resident va grants. A daily mail has been established between Brunswick and Albany, over the Brunswick & Albany road Two, wooly heads runs the trick. The Hawkinsville Dispatch man tell us that Mrs. Louisa Flowers, of that town, is the mother of twenty children, all born in twenty-two years, and twins only once. She was married at fifteen, and the twentieth child was born when she was in her thirty-seventh year. For gourd vines and other stories that Hawkinsville man cannot be excelled. The Wheat crop in the section of country in the vicinity of Dalton promises a fine yield. And from all parts of Northern Georgia, reports are favorable to a fine yield. Commissioner Orr has sent out a circular addressed to the Clerks of the Superior Courts of the several counties in the State, requesting them in each case, as soon as the new county Board of Education is elec ted, to send him an exemplification of so much of the record as relates to the elec tion, giving the names of those chosen for four years and those elected for two ; and also to request the Board to instrnet the Secretary to report the organization to the State School Commissioner officially, as it is effected. These official papers are need ed by Prof. Orr as evidence upon which to issue commissions. —Columbus Sun. From the “ Independent,” published at Lumpkin, we learn that Henry H. Hill, an old and highly esteemed citizen of Stewart, died in Florida on the 26th of last month. Also that the heavy rains on Saturday and Monday last swelled the creeks to a higher point than any previous rains had done.— The Pataula bridge at Pinkston’s on the Cuthbert road was washed away. This is the loss of the county. The Miffs of Mr. T. P. Kimble and Caph B. F. Barge were broken and most of their dams washed off We think the county and individuals have together lost this spring by the floods at least SIO,OOO. The citizens of Randolph county do not want anew Court House. They voted no on the 2nd inst. The Appeal mourns. Thomasville has organized her loafing club. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GEORGIA —Decatur County. OS the firrt Monday in May next, I will apply to the Conri of Ordinary for said county for the appointment of fire commissioners to set apart a years support for the widow and minor children of M. G. Jones, late of said county, deceased. SIMS t( CRaWFOD. Attjr's for Petitioner. April 30,1872-44-It NOTICE. APPLICATION having been made to the City Council of Batnbridge to open anew street be ginning at the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad Depot, running South to the Corporate limits, to be known as East Broad street. All parties interested are required to come forward within ten days and file their objections if any in writing, setting forth the fact* in the case and the reason that impel them to object to the proposed action. 4 r H g JONES> Ma y or< April 20, 1872-44-It _____ TORFNT. A GOOD BOOM over the the Drug Store, of Btrm A Psabodt. Suitabl i for an office or bed-room. ELLA 8. HINES. April 20,1872-44-ts Wantf.d, age\ts-sioo to $250 per month—everywhere, Male and Female, to introduce the srenuine improved MARSHALL hIiWISG M4jfHINE. This machine will stitch. "Lt<***fell tuck, bind, braid, cord, quilt, and embroide r in a most superior manuer. Price only $!o, fully licensed and warranted for five years. We will pay SI,OOO for auy machine, high price or low, that will sew a stronger, more beautiful or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the ELAS TIC LOCK STITCH. Every second stich cau be cut, aud stiil the cloth cannot be pulled apart without tenting it. "We puy Agents sloo to $260 pet month, and expenses, or a lomuiWion from which twice that amount can l>e made. For cir culars and terms, apply to or address, H. MAitSALL A CO., No. 102 Nassau street. Nxw York, CAUTION.—Do not be imposed upon by other parties traveling through the country palming off wort ideas cast-iron machines under the same name or otherwise. OBrs is the only genuine and really cheap machine manufactured. April 20, 1872-44-3 in DECATUR COUNTY SHERIFF’S SALES. WILL BE SOLD before the Court house door in the city of Bainhrdge. Decatur coun ty, Georgia, on the first Tue-day in May next, be tween the lawful hours ot sa'e, the following prop trtv to wit: Lot No. (30) thirty, of the Rainbridge Cemetery lots. Levied on as the property of Jos sepb W. Kendrick to satisfy one Justice Court fi fa, issued from the Justice's Court for the 513th Dis trict. G. M., in favor of the Baiubridge Cemetery vs. said J. W. Kendrick. Levy made and return ed to me by M. liahn, Constable. "H. B. Waugh, Sheriff. ALSO, At 'he same time and place, lots of land, Nos. 166, J 64 and 125, all in the 20th District of Deca tur county. Ga. Levied on as the property of M. A. Harrell, to satisfy one tax fi fa issued by T. J. Jeter, Tax Collector vs. said M. A. Harrell. Levy made and returned to me by M. Hahn, Constable. H. B. Waugh, Sheriff. ALSO, At the same time and place 62 acres of land be ing part of lot 281. in the 2i-th District of Decatur county, Ga. Levied on as the property of James E. Dickinson assignee of W. M. Russell, to satisfy one tax fi la issued by T. J. Jeter. Tax Collector vs said J. E. Dickinson, assignee. Levy made and re turned to me by M. Hahn, Constable. 11 . B. Waugh, Sheriff. AISO, At the same time and place, one house and lot In the city of Baiubridge, bounded on the East by Clay street, on the froulh by Planters street, on the East bv the old Planters warehouse lot, and on the North by Levied on as property of J. E. Dickinson, to satisfy one tax fi fa issued by T. J. Jeter, Tax Collector vs said Dickinson. Levy made returned to me by M. Hahn. Constable. ,H. B. Wangh, Sh’ff. ALSO, At the same time and place, a certain city lot in Baiabridge, Ga., bounded on the east by Craw ford street, on the south by Planter’s street, and known ns the place whereon Jaoob Born formerly resided, levied on as the property of Felix G Ar nett. to satisfy one Superior Court fi. fa. in favor of officers of Court vs. F. G. Arnett, and one fi. fa. in favor of Jesse Osmond vs. said Arnett for wit nesses fees H. B. Waugh, Sh’ff. Also, At the same time and place, lot of land No. 803 in the 16th Dist., Decatur county, Ga., levied oh as the proj»erty of M. F. Perry, to satisfy one Su perior Court fl. fa. In favor of S. W. Patterson, snr viviug of 6. W. Patterson A Bro. vs. said M. P. Perry. H. B. Wangh, SL’ff. ALFO, At the same time and place, one store honss and lot in the city of Baiubridge, Ga.. frouting on Wed street, and bounded on south by store occu pied by Patterson A McNair, and on the north by store occupied by I. Kwilecki A Bro., and known as the store house recently occupied by W. R. Stewait, levied on as the property of Casper Lew is, to satisfy one Superior Court fi. fa. in favor of Haywood Gage S Cos, vs. C- Levis, H. B. Wangh, Sn’ffi, AISO, At the same time and place, one store house and lot in the city cf Bahibridge, Ga., situated on the comer of West and Water streets and known as the store house now occupied by I Kwilecki A ; Bro., levied on ns the property of Casper Lewis, to satisfy one Superior Court fi. fa. in faVof of Coch rau McLain & Cos. vs. said C. Lewis. H. B. Waujh, bh'ff. also, At the rame time and place, one city lot in the city of Buinhridge, Ga.. situated on the corner of West and streets, and known as the place whereon Ca*j»e r Lewis and family now reside, lev ied on as the property of Casper Lewis and Mrs. C. Lewis, to satisfy one Superior Court fi. fa. in favor of Ephriam H. Poole, vs. said Casper Lewis and Mrs. C. Lewis. H. ti. Waugh, Sh’ff. ALSO. At the same time and place, one dwelling house ahd lot, in the city of Baiubridge, bounded on the south by street, on the east by West street, on »ho south by Presbyterian church lot, and on the West by Mrs. Whaley, known as the place whereon Win. O. Fleming now resides, levi.rd on as the property of Wm. O. Fleming, to satisfy one Superior Court fi. fa. in favor of Joseph H. Taylor vs. said W. O. Fleming. H. B. Waugh, Bh’ff. ALSO, At the same time and place, lot of land No. 231 in the 27th Dist., Decatur county, Ga., levied on as the property of Wm. satisfy one tax fi fa. issued by Thoa. J. Jeter, Tax Collector vs. said Police*. H. B. Wangh, Sh’ff. ALSO, At the same time and plaee, lots of land No*. 36 and 36 in the 16th Dist. of said county of Deca. tur, levied on as the property of 8. A. Sodden her • ry. to satisfy one tax fi. fa- issued by ’l. J, Jeter, Tax Collector vi. said Roddenberry. H. B. Waugh, Sh’ff. ALSO, At the same time and place, lots of land Nos. 16, 17, and 25 in the 20th Dist. of Decatnr county, Ga., levied on as the property of N. N. Lester, to satisfy one Superior Court fi. is. la favor of Jacob Blount vs. Radford J. Hammet. principal, and N. N. Lester, security on replevy bond. H. B. Waugh, Sh’ff. Come This Way 1 - AND INSPECT THE Tfll Mil ID DR silt I Dry Good —AND— GROCE RIeJ Ever brought to Bainbridge. We hare now in store our usual supply of Spring and Summer goods to I would call the attention of close buyers ; Consisting of DRY GOODS, WALL PAPER AND BORDERING, ecoeg VEILED CURTAINS, PAPER CURTAINS, HARDw^I HATS, PASTS, LEADS AND OILS, BOOTS I SHOLS, CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS, FLOUR, j BACON, LARD, COFFEE, SUGAR, IRON AND STEEL, NAILS. We Invite EverybtM To call and see us before making their purchases. € LG€S §, WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, MLV»ygARS MUSICAL INSRUMENTS, SPECTACLES, WALKING CANES, TOYS. FANCY GOOD?, PIPE?, &C„ And a full lijie of Fancy Goods, suftab.e sot Holiday & Bridal Presents. For sale by W. C. SUBERS, Next Door to Butts an<f Peabody, Broad Street. BAINBRIDGE. GEO. fy Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired and warranted- mch2-ly O- o Til CEimi CITY. A FiratClaii Democratic family Newspaper. WILLIS M. RUSSELL, Editor. A. M. C. BUSSELL, Assistant Editor. Tho Central City is issued every Wednesday moruiug in the Centrel City of Albany, Ga., the Junction of the Southwestern, Albany and Brnnswick. and At lantic and Gulf Railroads. The Central City Is offered to the Business Public as an invaluable ADVERTISING MEDIUM. It has a circula tion among the very best readeis, andcir-* culates throughout SOUTHWEbJSKN GEORGIA. Subscription $2 60 a Yea". JfHSend for specimen copy. Address WILIISM. RUSSELL, PuMMier, Albany, Ga. ap6 .0 L 0 Georgia—Decatur County. ON the first Monday In Slay, I will apply to the Court of Ot dinar} of Decatur county, for leave to sell all the real estate telouging to Nancy V* Neesmith, deceased. MARTIN HARRELL, Adm’r. April 18, 1872-43-4 t Georgia—Decatur County. ON the first Monday in May. I will apply to the Uouit of Ordinary of Decatnr county for letters of administration on the estate of John A. O'Neal, deceased. „ , MABTON O’NEAL-. April 13, 1872 43-4 t Georgia—Decatur County. ON the first Monday in May, I will apply to the Court of Oi dinary of Decatur county for letters or administration with the will annexed, on the es tate of James M. Donalson, deceased. . CARRY B. DONALSON. April 13, 1872-43-41 Georgia—Decatur County. JOHN C. RAWLS has applied for exemption and setting apart and valuation of realty and per sonalty and I will pas* upon the same on the 22d day of Apnl, at my office in bain bridge JOEL JOHNSON, Onl’ry. April 13, 1872-43*2t ’ 7 Georgia—Decatur County. JOHN C. RAWLS as oext friend of Mrs. Marv t' Rawls, has applied for exemption and setting apart and valuation of homestead and 1 will pass upon the same on the 22d day of April, instant, at my office in Baiubr.dge- JOEL JOHNBDN, Ord'ry. April It, 1872-48-2 t ’ 7 BABSJtf & WABSTELB- New Tin WATER STREET* i BAINBRIWMb H. E. COBT^’I LATE of the firm of ConrtorJ^^B again M Commenced the J* 1 And would be glad to V* *!! 'fl patrons in his new q hand a full supply of g 1 em rmr ** TIN Ware, I SBEET 18 0 - 1 J m Jk And many other thing* GW Job Work done at «*« County of POSTPONED WILL BE SOLD in the city of “-'jSE.rf'H in MAY next, at the kg* l “ H ing property, to w.t: Lott of land, Nos. * • District of Decatur 7 ulo o pn.ptrty vi l ■ rior Court fi la 8. L. n* and B. F. Briycm. Also, at the sa-ne ‘I the I6th Districc of Decs™ 162, IBS. in the 9 lots 359, 337. and 3,1, '".,,1 ca.ur county, »*> *J*JJ Jntt&M Bruton, tosawfroyjJ *£. J<J| of Moore, Jenkins a ■ principal aud Denjiuu Also, at the same **!>!*■ No*. 162 and 1 . t b« * l ,■ No*. 387, 859 pi lot No. 359, mtb.niiWP'S'B county and levied up* 1 „ min K. Bruton, »o f , *• ■ iu favor of M. ■ B. F. Biuton* k f Bei*' 11 '' lj T. J- WILLIAMS til e* Wholesale and Ratal! daalwl 1 Provision! FANCY CROCKS * yyiNES AND I'lM Os tho VERY BEST QUAllTll