The Southern sun. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1869-1872, July 13, 1872, Image 3

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BAINBEIDGE. WEEKIY SUN, "news iN TOWN and countyT ' vArxnhwtiE, gT~ ‘ * fUvoKAY Mow Viv., Ji'r.Y j:iTH 1872.* Tlio Tribune. Rea,! the prospectus of th* New York Tribune ; B today's Sun. Ilcmember. 'H » Convention to-day should not be forgotten u any holy- Every on* tdiouid be in attendanqe. Come out everybody. * Stock Journal. \meriran Stock Journal for July is on our t l ',le filled wilh choice reading matter pectdiarly R 'i,,vil to the jdanters of this and aft Hectiona. Popular Foollnpf. Ri.n I’rolte < -oilier, Grand Marshal of the city r i i: mhri'lge, and champion cold water drinker , \|,.!atuf coitnty. hrka announced his intention of i»wirtiu2 Greely, Whether the Council has thu „r*uwork*! °r lot. vi ■' ■ The ConHtiftution. UV solid out to-day in supplement form, tile j, : „tjn(’tusof t hi*grand old champion yf 1 teinocrat- K pfjriri [den. and first'll ass We earn pd* conmieud the Oontitutiofl to one and all of' our readers. s . . t John Lee and bin Water 'Melons. Tliil peculiar piece of lumiauity was ill town thi week via ding writer un ions., lie asked fbr |,i rhoioo ftlfloti u quarter and ton routs.- John .ji good trad* »id we earned homo «go.j*l many dine*- • ,'/V The*t!ovent l«u To-Day. let everybody turn out and attend the Cou vntion ItiHluy. Delegates are to be appointed to 1 1 to Aflnidn,"'and the whole, people should eh'ooso it,in, Como one, come all, to the CdCtH house Hi 12 o'clock. Dane Hall. Thi* faseinathig game eonllutles to hold ntll M\;iv in our city. ' We think wC could pick n nine | u .j, thut could lu-at any of these win-grass clubs inti-'iii-ia. What say you boys, lets challenge Kiinchuily and have *OlllO fun. # Oft'for New York. We learn that l>r. A. T. Jtowne, accompanied hvhi.niteiestiiiffl'amily. leave our city let JV*e.w Wud in 1 few days, where they will spend the muaindi-i tis the ■Rummer. We wish the'clever Uoctor ami family a pleasant trip. . Special Attention U'i- wonld rail special attention to the prospeb t„, j„ 1,1 (l;iy's Si nos the Savftfmah' Morning Nrttii. one of the best daily papers published in the Smtlierii States. Col, Usftll is oferitig i.u ,|i, H.aius to subscribers during the campaign, load. . ■ **■* ' "* “ Clus” and “ Bob.** In our columns to-day will he found the card 'filial immensely popular saloon iu bu-vanyahj r.n lij •• (ius" ami “ Bob.” Vfeftors to, HaVatr ii..!i will liml tliis establishment next duor to the U&nhall House. Pic Me on t-li© Chattahoochee. ii i v was a grand pic nie at Neal’s Landing, < i ('liaftahoocliee river, in the Western poiv •I ill ■ county.on Tuesday last. We coultl not i. ■■ to attend, hut will have a full report of ! iir next wi't k, from our special correspon ; Mr. W. o. I>. We learn that all the parti cipants hail a nice time., Improvements. I he large wooden storehonee. formerly theprbp fr,y "f Maj Bruton, but now belonging to T. B. lUumewdl & Cos., is being moved westward against, tuc Siuvhonse of Mr. Rhrlieh, and on the corner l; l> and Brought oft will lie erected a fine I'Uil Murohouse. This will add to thu of thd'dty. A Good Tiling. 1 Hook it Ladder Company Jias i i ll 1 1>» tint (ity Council to purchase the com -1“0 two 1-a acock tire extinguishers, which, iu ”" ' iv ' n iheir Truck, wifi-lx* used at fires. ' '* a Hood, thing, and we hope tire city will ‘ i t'm. p clearly evinces the fact that the ‘ "id, to be as useful as possible. Water Melons. °>:rcity is completely Hooded with this fruit s h'ive fallen considerably, and as they are nuch of everybody, we are reminded that : I be melon-cholic days have come, 1 he saddest of tin- year • And painful cries for cherry runt, Rhubarb Tinet. 1 hear.’’ r :, u y*u go to Cambridge, Ga, do not fail to u ' "liama House." his the only first-class ou the city. We have been there.—Live l Hues. , '" ‘iss that Sharon knows not only how to ;.i hotel, hut on this occasion kept Keep • p knows what good keep is. ■'Le to puff a deserving enterprise in our 4 " e\en it it, he done gratuitously. •See ad • - c unnns for an advertisement of this first* tiotel—Verb, sat sap . Savannah Advertiser. eny'yijtl a brief but pleaSjant|visit this week r. .1. \\ i the' traveling agent for this 1* is an old resident of this city, and s wvii known .and represents a good "■ ■ hate no dunht hut his visit’'will prove He nil] call on our citizens in the in "t the Advertiser, and we earnestly eom • ! im and his paper to their favorable con odtration. v Weather, Crops. &e. , ‘ "' T Iftst we have nothing special to re»K»rt. na; Wf have been shown a few leaves of eot- I p * 0n lcm f'erhaps a dozen catterpiL 1 ' hear froth several portions of the county • i is destructive a_ynt has made its ap , Farmers in this section are very much a ’ fact, as it suggests\to good to the * oops. ’ . had" in th is immediate section consid i.r v I<U,S rather too much •fc! owing vegetatita. ANOTHER FISH STOitY. Our O. C. f/Oral and Ids Colleaguci on the War Path against, the Finny lVllre. • Men call il.fau. ptasuie. is both. Qm-re do ilot tht trad*, at^mding one in pursuit of the finny trilie outweigh all else? Header you must judge. Wednesday morning, at the jK.t-p’*- of d*jr<j * fre-wd and our self, Weiit into the ilorrowing a boat from«Mr. Humphry, we stru.-k out for the Lucas Sluing, three miles below town. Lot there, but found it too muddy for sufcccsef id fish jng r Crews Orujsed around jn it Und found the lish averse to the luxury of muddy water and w orms, fiat break- i fa«t. (-est for j£he Uartsjhkl spring, two miles further* down -the rivar. Found ft' mulliiy ; but caught a few nice fish. Here a young America we hA«f with us. dropped our knife into the run. This was the eoimnenm-ment of our woes. Down came that kiek-up-behind steamer IJaudy MooiS, sending her waves over our boat, filling her and our dinner with muddy water. Kapid and many j were the curves we said, as we bailed put the ! warm, muddy/water. Tis done. , Our biscuits are i bing out to dry. Try. again fdr fish.' Russell | catches a root, (,'rews the top of a tree and we our finger. Hard thoughts breathed all'round. Try again, with better luck. Shower comes. Russell, ! and ourself dive under Cryvys umbrella, He gathers his line, seatsf himself, in the boat arid watches Ilis cork as intently as an Indian lieu watch (A fyr a minnow;-. The shower'is over.*’ ,AVe eat dinner, and cave for the Arnett Spring, fur ther down. (let there. So does the rakldbut we lisli on, heroically in spike of't. W is not a tree to shelter us frqni the pelt! ng„tl tore on ly, v\ ill the perverse fish bite. They are gloriously lag fellows, iiml we don't miml tfie rSiin.’'s 0 clock I*. M. Wo A-luotnntly ft-ur odraolves away and start back to Iluniplirey’s Ferry, three miles off against y rapid strong current. We move bravely on . without accident, until we en ilcttvm- to avoid u rapid, bv-funning'.untkjr a tree, lying, just above 1 lie„ waft-r. Th» bo yC* dashes through •■(). K." Russell and ourself dodge under, give the limb a hearty push, to inereasobnr speed, ns we pass. Not so fortuyato Crews. 'iTie boat moves 100 fast fur him to dodge. lie grasps a limb and oriqs hold. Too late, the boat sweep* onward,. lie mounts the liii.b ala raepou. We ghunv a! his situation, laugh and turn to Ytjlievo him. The boat having lost her lielmtiiian whirls Toulicl broadside to tlie current mid wo are for a momeut i,4 great peril of being drawn undei by the current, Quick and prompt action avoids the danger. We get our friend from his roost and arrive without accident af the ferry and from there drove homo'in a‘drenohm>| fain. A word about our companions ancl \ya oj^done. , I’or nnenergetic.patient and determined iMyn-man attejided with.lmd lock, ( 1 01. I 'raws is ‘tl-Success. For an impatient,, lazy, lucky one. wo bet on Russell. Of■nirrViwn merits, Wc arc too modest to speak. Let history record them. * • 0 *’ * Grand Barbecue. Thffc is to bp a grand TVarlft'iTue or pi* nie to-, day at (.’amp Campbell, gotten up by the Radi cals. We understand that speeches are to- fie made7iy several prominent Republicans, Maj. R. 1.1 Whittdey among the-mst. L mis Pleasant, thd colored umil agyb-t omthu Gulf road, however, will he the regular appointed orator #f the day. We have received an invitation to be present, and as we have rather a curiosity to know upon what possible grounds any man cim support Grant, we will try and be present. We believe that Radicalism is just now singing ils death song in this county, or rather its power is fast melting away.-and we hope that erelong all good nten who are in that party may see the error of their wiivs. and turn their backs upon* an organization which was foisted into existence by •Iftured andraalice, characterized cftiring its reign by corruption and fraud and Mhicli will soon meet its death because of its own sins. . Visit to Florida. Last Saturday, for a-little recreation, we paid a short visit to the rural, districts of the “Land of Flowers.' 1 We left here about G o'clock m the evening and spent the night in Fowltown. The n'ext inornihg Toiiiid us on the road again.-and after a good ducking and two hours ride, we arrived at our old friend L. J-. Davis’ ho vise. The eottoa crops along the road, in our judg ment, are just tolerable/ some being No 1. while other are N0..0.* The corn, howeyer. is much better than was expected some time ago. The regular cott<«Pbatrerpiliar has not made its appear ance anywhere oh the road that we*traveled, for we took particular pains to ask every farmer we. saw-’ but grass catterpillavs are plentiful. Mr. Davis showed us all over his crop which we call excellent; It is all clean and as regular as deck-work. After partaking of a anti-bellum country dinner and carrying out a rule of etiquette — not to eat and run—we-bidtmr host good-bye and Started for home. Lee Literary Club Met Monday 5 eVeiiihgJ Owing to* the’appearance of rain, but a small audience attended. Very few of the members were present. So few, that the subject was postponed. A motion was made by those present to change the time of meeting to Friday night—carried. This’ was done to avoid a conflict with the meetings of the fire companies to which a greathmmber of the debaters belong. A resolution was introduced,and - carried, empow-- ering the*chair to inflict a small fine on who voluntarily absent themselves. In the event-* they fail, or refuse to pay, to be, on motion, ex polled by the club. 'Subject for Friday evening next, “Were the Crusades beneficial or not to mankind ? t Hr. Harrell was appointed to deliver an address and Mr. Mounger. to read an essay. A Man Found in Flint River. One day about two weeks since a fishing party at a point up the fiver known as "hells state," found the body of a man who had evidently been drowued and had floated down and lodged on a drift at that point, lie was a well dresfcji* man, apparently*. 'dove the middle age. his hair being considerably gray. He had no papers or other clue to his identity upon Uis person. Anjnquest was held'on the hotly and it was buried near the river. * « We have slnbe warned _ that a small strip of paper was foupd on his person, of apml one uireot hint, so addr«as>ii»«Hi »t tanflersviiie, Ga. ' , • T - * . Local Poi»-Gun. Rain. raiu. nun; Splash, »losh, spkish, is tbg 'way Wi- hfive be% treated this yfeek . /...When f- Rlos|dtu-Weut'to -SanuufUh, the conduc tor to stop the train in order that he might get out and go to one of the rear coaches— .. .The little boys have qnit "bathing. They have been awaiting the Baltimore Convention. . . .If Sa -1 vannali wants anew directory we mau j I .who can get it up. Jirnmie Babbie K-ad every I sign in the city on his recent visit.... . 0 Jess Grlf !*tin looked at the base ball t«x> har<l the other day.- and has a redeye Well soon have a city! grown up in weeds, if they are not cut down soou Read tlfe new advertisements iu to-days Si'ji Terrible scarcik> ; of chickens. Country people should set the old hens...., .None oj your <‘fouHh holidays for us” Our ‘■devil’’ says he ia not a candidate for office. • Important to Advertisers. The Srv has more subscribers at this time than it has ever had at one tirpe since its publication. Every one who wishes a wide-awake, reliable news paper should come up and plapk down the cash and get thotiirit. 1 ‘ 4 We are now able to nssert, and we will cheerful ly offer tin iilsjjfciion of our books to prove that assertion correct, that we now have a larger circu lation in this and adjoining counties than nfiy paper ever bud, either bufora or the war.— This is an item to advertisers, and we offer it for their benefit. mi.. Jma ■ Savannali. We paid a visit to Savannah last week, and found- 1 things all right side up with care, though the city is pretty dull. We were there on the Fourth, but eoiildn t discern anything transpiring more than usual, save a boat race at the Isle of Hope, niid ofic or two excursions. The city look ed as if Hhe dk.nA care wuf a cent fur the Fourth ot July—of any otli*r mtyi T'lie merchants are fixing up to do h tremenfi ous business tne coming season, and they will be prepared to offer inducements to our county merchants. v • j. Coiiußcticut JMtitual. The largo and attractive advertisement of this popular (biiipatiy will be fotind iu ourtxilu mbs to day. 1L W. Davis, Fscu hap appointed jigetit for this and adjoining Oofiaties, and. as the MfitifoUs bey lid a doubt one of Alie'Wst' and most substantial Companies in the United States, fie wifi do a good business. Gall and see -him and talk insurance with him, arid in his own elotpieut' uiavniof convince you of the advauteges of .life fiifiui'auco. . , -h Mayors Court. In this beatiful city of oaks lives acolored moke .who answers to the name of- Jolwi Moses.- Now John has a wife whose given name is Nancy.- On Monday last, John became all ftred rantankerous and gu,ve Nance such a wliollopiug as she never had before, for which Mayor Jones charged Johu tiv five' dollars and costs or guard house ten days. He magnanimously clipse the former and paid his tine amid*the inpst tremendous applause. The Now County Movement. Tills movement, which was so rife a short time ago. seems to have had.a damper thrown upon it. and we think it has or will surrender life in its infant days. Jt-isrsimply* a suicidal policy for the people to get anew county over there, and we hope our worthy couutymen may open their eyes, and discover what now appears to us to boa simple fact. A Question or Two. W-e would like to inquire of the Po3t Master at Quincy, Fla., why it is that the numbers of the Sun which should reach their destination through that office are rarely if ever received by the ones for whom they are intended ? We would most respectfully request that this matter be looked af ter, as we are receiving continual complaints from Subscribers in that section, who, do not receive their paper. - - - J "-*- • Catterjpillar. We hear from Mr. Wm. Roberson, that th* genuine cotton catterpillar Has cbmmenced his depredations. - •' A gentleman lately visiting the -Mineral Spring ' Church neighbqrhood, Says the same of the Truluck's farms. ' Locdl Communications: ... . ... . —— *f Bain Bridge, July 11th, 1872, Ed,.:Sun:- , Gan I claim sufficient space in your Issue of to ejay to ask? one or two questions of our city rulers, or any one having a mind to answer them : First then, JVho are the bondsmen of the late absconding clerk of council ? Second, Did he have any bondsmen at all, if ' not. was a bond required of him ? Third, Who is responsible to the tax-payers of the city for the losses sustained by that defalca tion ? 1 would like to hear these questions answered by the proper ones. Respectfully yours, TAXPAYER. * Letter from Mount Pleasant. Mount Pleasant, 1 Decatur Co.* July 11,1872. f Editors Weekly Sun. * . Grass worms are eating all of the corn. Cane and potatoe leaves and vines up, that is, all the late corn, and more especially that planted in new grounds. From lGto 3# on a stalk. They are eating all the fodder off . up to the ear, on older coM * Voun£ Silks e*teß off. ‘SopiF gcoyn is e.-ften in the ear and smells like a fodder field. The health of this section is good. Peach pies and butter milk are all the go hereabouts. We like the Sun down here very much. Kespectsuily yours, , W. J. K. IMi T.\ 1 10 V UoSi.W 00D lil IU \L CASE with. Guise Facy. raticli cheaper thin ttie PINE COFFINS made ti> order, j<»>t tece ved at .the FUKSIIUUE S I«*RE OF <*» ' £. J.HKSi>ER^ON. 1572 I-Sm County—On the first Monday in Angwrt next I will apply to the ..Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of ' Aaihihiatration eu the estate of G. L. Holton late of said county, deceased. 0. A. HOLTON. 3-ts . local AND business-NOTICES. Just look at the.g*<-at redueliwi ia the price of dress gofed|a£ tue Flint TUver Stomas. • Best Jafmncse g,* iui3 30 cents. Black grenadines, colored Ptrijies at 25 cents. I>-no3 and shades at 25 rents. * * Figured and striped bareges at 20 rents. Figured nuv-iin. 15 to 25 cents. 1 arasols at Jo per cent, below New York cost, to close out. also, a full li«e of white goods and figures, suitable for dress, very cheap. John Robinsoq. is the. ufitn who, can do vouf car penter work in tiny ne.i*est slykWi the*che«p«tt jcf any man in this city. Everybody should pat roniie Mr. llobinson. as he is*not only the best work rua.ii. fiut one of the most deserving uteu in country. The besVand. cheapest boots and shoes ean be found at the Flint River Stores, Maria Antoinette and buttoned slippers at 82 50 per p^hr.. Go and sew Them.—Messrs. have jupt reoeived a fine supply of thtih-o \yues and liquors w hich they are * now offeriiig. tp tlie public. IfiiVp in as you are'passing by and see th* boys, they are both polite and ufcver, and will sure ly give you bargains. . * The largest and most selectable s>ati( b boys clothing and furnishing See., found at t*ie Fliut Rivt-r ,Stof*s. Examine before buying elsewhere. JswELRY.-r-The itttentioh*of our readers ip, called to the advertisement of W. V. Subers.the Bainbridge Jewelry man. He is ready to serve you, at the lowest possible figures, with any article in his line of business. He is now receiving daily his new goods, and an inspection of his establishment would be interesting, especially to the ladles. • NEW YORK TRIBUNE * m DURING CAMPAIGN. The Tbibune is not and will nevermore be a par ‘v organ ; but it is ardently enlisted in the c mtest now waging for Civil Service Reform mid for One Presidential term as essential to that Reform. It iicoepts the. Cincinnati PjLufmni us a tone and a too ifilac*ps»f iiivn oi thepolitn ai right and wrong/ the need- and hojies of Ik)--Day, and looks hop>- fully to Universal Amnesty a- essential to tlietss** torntion of a genuine fniterniiy bet-•eon Noi Sonth,%alufcof luutal coulidonco an,l good will be tween White an, Black. It hilioves tin* People are preparing Jo bleak tlie rusty shackles of more bvgone partisanship, and it .hopes for a result next Uotem'-cr vHfh-h will 01-eer^nd'' strengthen the champiot sos Peace mid ifitod Will It will is-uti no campaign erlition. but proffers to all who believe its Inrtiieo (iiffusion may s&rve the tlhVnf Cau-e its editions at tfiu lowest 'possible ;Pl‘ieesi 'The virtual surrender by the Democratic pariy of its hostility to Kqua' Uiglis retardle-s of Coh»r lias divested our cur rent polities of half their bygone intensity. However, partus inUy.WiW-elorth ri-e*o* fail, it is Clear that the fundamental principles v/liicli have hit licet b hoiibniTily distinguished the Repiibrioans.aie henceforth to be regarded as piae* tiettlly accepted hy the whole country. The right of every man io tiis own limits and sinew.- —she equality of all citizens before the :u\#— the inabili ty of a States, to enslave itpy port ion of its! people At 0 dlitjf of hie Union to guarantee to every citizen the full enjryuielu ofMiis Until he hofeits it h.v crime - such are the hrytul aid fli tn fonii'lft’ions of our National edilicr-; and Ted be the hand which shad sdak n dsplact- them. Though not vet twenty .tens old, ti » K publican pa-ty has compleied thedolile fab,it «,f Euiancipatioti. and may fa rlv invoke thereon tin-sternest judgmeui t.f ‘.ian and tlie benignant mile of Uod. Ileucetoiili, tliemissiou (f our Uepublic is op* of Reacdul Progress To pi-Uect tlie weak and tin- nnmbte from vivlenco and oppression-to ox lend the boundaries glut diffuse the blessings Civiliz it ion -to stimulate Ingenuity to the pro «.pcrio.i of new inventions for ecciiumizing' Labor itnd thus enlarging Pidiluction— to draw nearer to each othef'tbe producers of Food and of Fabrics, of Grains andof Metals, arid thus -eidianee the g rins of ludi-Btrv by reducing tne cost of tran-por til ton and exchanges between I "inner* artisans—, such is the inspiring tusk to which this Kat'Oii iow addresses i self -an l by which It would fain contiibnte to the ffiogeess, enlightened, and hap pines* ot our race. To this great hum good work, j Hh I hibunk contributes its zealous, persistent < ff -i ts. . j Auficnlttoo will continee to be more esp-emUy elucdialed in Us Weekly and iSei-s -Weekly editions to widen si me of the ablest and most suc-cei stul tillers of the, s<;il will ..Aeadjy qoutiilmie. No tanker who seriis|3oo wortb ofjqbdnifo' per «u --i.tmrcan afford to do>ithni|f out Miokm Sr pm s, or others equally hfeid and coAnpreliebsive. It he should iea<t hcfthiiig else but what relates to his own calling and i srr wards we believe that no faimci wn ■ can lead at all can affoid t . do without Mim a journal as Thb Trihuns. And we aspire to nuke it equa l)’ valuable to those engaged in other departments of Pr ductive Labor. We spend more and mote m.-nyy ,*>n- out tjoiumns each >• a as our C'Uiut.yAieii’s generous patronage enable us t 0 d O . „,.d .ye are ies.dv-d that oUr issues ot foi mer ve irs shall be exceed, and -q varied excellence and interests b\ those of 1872 Friend* m every Male help us to 'make our journal better and '‘fitter, by heading in your suhsc ipf h-ds and your Clubs ho ihe year just befoi e us. Uallt T bibcse. Mail Snl $lO per annum. Semi AVkeklt Mail Subsetibets, f4 pci annum. Fve copi.-s < r over. S3 each :anex - tia c-'py will be sent for every club of ten seat far «t one iime. . During the Pre*idcdti«l Campaign we will re ceive Six-months SubsOriptiorfsat the same rgtes. terms of the weekly tribune. To Mall Subscribers. One Copy pne T>2 i-5ueg......52. Five Copies, one year; 52 issues..../ —9. I*o One Address, , 3b Copies. I*l 60 taeli. 20 Copies.,.. 1 25 each I 50 C<>pie- '1 00 each. And One hx iU Oopy to each Ctu-W. THB W TRIBUNE. . - Pining tiie Campaign Fve.Copies, or over, to oue vd-ilesa, 50 cents pet copy; or 2 cents per copy per week. * * Advertising Rates. • • Dailt Tbibunf, 30c,, 40c , 50., 76c., ana $1 per Weekly Teibwe, 25 and*so cents per line. ’Weekly Tbib-inb. $2. 53, an 1 $5 per line. Acc<sr<ttmj.ia in the paper. In making ien:]tt inces, always procure a draft on New York t>r a Fo-t-fflce Money Order if pos sible When uei’h'-r oJ these can be pi toured send •he money, b"t a ngisteied.iefter The i e A strati on he baslx-en reduced to fifteen cents, and the present w system has been foiind Hv th'e postal antliuripes to be nearly aO oh-.Uute pro'ection against fosses by na 1- A1 postmasters are obliged to register letters when requested to do so. ipadygnpe . , • . ; Ad lresl Ihe Tribtse New-York- WI’ARSBAIt HOUSE A. B. LUCE, Proprietor, BO4RD THREE DOLLARS PER DAY. S.W ANNAH Gfr , . GhOKOI '—DKCAtCR G*tvty.' - j mmj yx R. MIMS has applied for fi mni on. ant. y 7 apart and valuaCon ol li ami 1 will ttp6n the same <»n tWs -»th aav of j .K. 1 72. at lOo’cmck'. A M . at my office in Bamb idse. .JOdL dQtkNSO-N, Uid’ry* i). r June 22.1872'--2^ lo Naxies of subscribers, i 10 Copies ... $1 00 eath I 20 C-opte.i. ...I i 3-) eac'J. |SO Copies 1 10 each I And UueEsi a Copy j • each Club. •THE DEATH BED OE GEN. £EE. ’M A t>N I Fir KNT»I4 h IS* in dr Engiirving re* i V.q> rosr. ting the death of Gen Lee. The mnily and friends are grcu»e«fren6lvfnl|y aanutid thjfafifl Ite.oL* <l“ath*bed ft is truly- a gem of art, ,on«jJfcW!d shoujd hmg iu the par'or of every South* tAi Ih'ie, S*nt by mail a roller aud po.-dpiiioLm the receipi of 2't cent*. • J. V. A VV. Jl. fiJJUROW. ; ' ' No. 200 Maiu street; * # . Bii-tol, Tenn. BELT’S PATENT SHEEET IRON yilßlilifi! CHEAPEST AND BE*T ROOFING MADE. Nor C'irenl ir* referend a, or.other iiiforuii*tion ad drea* W. 8. BKLjl', Cincinnati, O. BUILDING FELt For and Itißaido- instead of plaster. Felt Carp©rings, etc. Send 2 stam s lor circuiai aedslamps. C- J- Fay. Camden, N*. J. iniuni ■ S4O s'7r> ami $ MfO. GpOB • Sliippid Heady lnr I'se ri.vti • CTunEn «y J. W. CD \PM AN CO., Madison, lna. '■END 4 Oil CTROUL.AR.jiJ NOTICE. SEALED proposa'* will l»e received by the Mayor and Council noon of the ‘.9th proximo, for.the purpose of building a powder magazine. Proposals will be received by F. L. Rabbit. Chair man Finance Committee. Spefifioulionß can be seeu at his stoie. Right to ivjeot any and all bids. . GEORGE W. PEARCE, Clerk ot Council. June. 22, 1872-1-21. ■ 4<OOiroA»iE> l«— —TRA P EjfMAR K——k. Best ‘ HAIR DRESSING AND RESTORER, . Millions say “BTJ’RNETT’SpOCOAINE.” ' YOU 11 DRUGGISTS; HAS IT. , h ijji % M a'.' 1 ■ "*• WHEN THE BLOOD TUfSIIES with rocket like violence to thehead, onnsing hot flushes, vertigo •and dimness of sight, it appertain Bigli that u mild s il'ihrions, cooling and fijnali'zi -g. laxative is re-, guiied. and Takkant’s EmirivusuNT Ski.t«isß Ara uxtHi' should be at once 10 oited to SOLD* IJY ALL DRUOiiIST.S. • cn HAT too. Do not suffer your LUNGS to become laraseg by allowng a (JOTD to becomeveau-d. TWausamift hare died preinat'ue deaths—the victims of Com suuqgiou—by neglecting a Cold. . Dr- WmT Hall’s BALSAM thl LUNGS • Wilt Cine Couch*, Colds and Cnnsumptiotl gnret ami quid er than any other remedy It acts like rriaVc. For sale by all Druggists aud Medicine Derib-r* everywhere. . iJEVV ADYKIiTISEMENTS. AMftgl EEWAED. \. Sj Lj f l l F«v any case of Hiind. Rleedhig, Id | ; Slj t r Ittciiing, or ulce*ated Piles that Dk ■ * B.ino’* Ptj-Ti Remedv fails to cute ft iB prepared tip re-sly to ctire the Piles, aiid rtoth iugelse. Sold bv ftil Dnterg sttt Price SI.OO. \GENT WANTED.—Agents make more foi ftß.than at anything elke. Business light aud pe.mancht Particu'ais free. G. Bti.nsos A Cos., Fine Art Publishers, Portland, >fhiufi. Ug PfvNO CO., N. Y PRICE jfc.l Q A O/No Agents. Circulars fiee . ■■■»’ - RARE CHANCE FOR AGENTS. Agents, we will pay you SriO per week in cash if you will engage with us at once,. Everything fur nished, and expenses paid. Address F. A. ELLS k 00., Charlotte; Michigan. (q BEAT MEDICAL B 0 K of useful knowledge tc T ail. Sent free for two stamps; Address Dr Bonaparte & CO., Cfncinnit', Oht<>. GEO KG f A—Decatur County.— On flic first Monday in Augtist next, I will apply for let ters of administration on the estate of Allen J. Swicord, late of Sdid county, deceased. ' . M. SWICORt). July 6th 1872 3-td. GEORGlA— Decatur County. ON the first Monday in August next, I will ap ply to'the Court of Ordinary of said county, for letters of .Guardianship of the property of Curtis Smith, orphan child of George B. Smith, Late of -id eouet,. W BEACH. July 6, 1872-2—st apphTterm DECATUR SUPERIOR. CQUP.T,: 1572. IT being represented to the Court by the petition of TbomaJ’*f. Allen, that by died of inortguge dab-d loth diy of December. 1870, Addison Boxter. Doctor Thomas and Petgr Si unit. Convev ed to him t#ie said Alien, lot of laud Nos. (357) three hundred an 1 riiaotv-seven. i.e s 60 acres off of the north-west corner and (398) throe hundred and ninety-eight, all in the 2mh distiict of said *>onty for tire purpo-e of %eciuiug the payment of three protnisJry notes made by the said A. P,oxter. D Thomas and P. Stuart, and one of the said notes so m ide to the said Thomas U. AlKn due on respect'ally on the, lgt day*»i’ Jmi nary, the Ist January. 1873, and Ist .fanuarv, 1874* and e%ch fbfctbc snm of seven hiindicd and fifty dollam, «|e fiTsjjneie anon them is a credit of *d .lfar>, Is noV due and unpaid it is ordered that the said Addison Boiler, Doctor Ihornasamt Peter Stuart do*pav into thw court bv the Dt day of the neJt.t tenn thereof, the princi pal interest and co*ts due on. said note or show cause if any t! ev have to the contrary, or tha* in default ther ot foreclosure bft granted to the said •Jhoinus M Allen of sUid mortgage, and the equity of redemption of f«id A. BoXtei, D-c lhomas and Petor StiiiitP theieiu be for* Vet baried an<l that fcrvice of this rule tie i.erfeeted dn sa.d defendants 'by publication puce a month lor four nmnths in ] the Soother Siuf. according to law, givea under mv hand ands- al. . . ’Witfl -s. 4h» lion Peter Stp>sd*r. Judge of said i 01 1 1 ;'j. uSipion, '(U* Western & Atlantic Rail road Company- - OFFICE OF THE PHESIOSNT. * Atlanta, On yhd after this date Night Passenger Traiu t* New.York and the Wrist OL'tWAKD. Issaves Atlanta. .j*. P.Jt r » p* m Arrives Chattanooga 8.4(1 n. iu DAY I'A>StNUSR WAIN TO TUB SoUTll AND WUTT. • OIiTWAUU. Leaves At'anfa 8 «j • a. m. Arrives Chattanooga s Bo p.aa. 14§UTNiN’U K.\ri(E*S T<l NEW Tohk. otrvv.vßDi Leave At'nnta % 4.W p/ui. Ai rive Dalton., 9.23 p. HI. NIGUT F.VSStNUER TRAIN FROM NEW YORK TO THE WhM. INWAIIU. Leave Chattanooga, t 6 20 p Arrive JUAY EASSKNQER ISAIN FROM NEW YOlllC TO THE WET INWARD. Leaves Oliattanooga 8 3Q ft. m. . V yp ACCOMMODATION TRAt». . * INWARD. Leaves Dalton . IJW p. • Atlanta 9 50 a. a* JOSEPH B. BROWN, Presdk * 1872-51 ts * POSTPONED SHERIFF'S SALEH. fVTLL ‘BE SOLD before the Court hou*o fv door in the city of Bainbridgo, on the ft re* Tpe-dav in August next, between the qsual hour* of sale, tlie following property, to wit : . . » 0 e town lot in tlie city of Bairtbvidge, county of Decatur, bound on the Ea-a by stieet runuiuft Noith iiml South in of the residence lots «*C re Li ktiown as thh King & Powell premise* and North by luud ,k*owu oh the F G. Arnetl hyds and bv Flint ljver, on tlie South by premi* ses of B. F. Powells estate and W II Cunvford aud on the West by land* piiiohusd of A. W. Cunning ham, deceased, by H. F. Renton and nbo by Fliftt river, containing two acres more or ient Levin I on a* the property <>f Uiclnml Sims trustee tyr.jL Fannie Bruton and children, tp satisfy t»ne nd county taxti fa at tlio ins.inco of T. J. Jeter Tax Collector vs. said It Sims, Trus’re. H. B. Waugh, Sheriff also, * : •At th© ftntno time and platse, the' following A*, scribed land lot No. 81, in the 21st District, to sitisfy two Justice Court 11 fas in favor of Win. M. Yates vs H. B. Overstreet. L ‘vy made ana *•* turned to me l>y a Constable. R. ti, Waugh, feH’f. SHERIFF bkx'LS. "" WTLL bo sold befhre tlie Court House door in the city of Bainbrlil-’e, on (lie t'nst Tm sd iy iu August next, ( between ihe u*uil Louis of sal* the following property, tojylt: . Duo town lot aid liiiprevenients iii the efty & Brinbridge. Decatur com ty, known us the Wm. ',T Bruton place, bounded eu*t by premises own ed by A ' P Belcher, south by premises of Jacob I tor*, wesi by- street and north by Evans atroat; said picmises o<>ntuinin*g one hml one half acrei iu'»re or less; said property being levied bli HI properly of Wm. I Bruton, to satisfy a saw mill ••r mechanic* lien fl fa, iu lav or of Duncau Mo* Liuglilin vs said Bruton, issued from the Superior Court of Decatur county and rotnrnalilo Octo;l*r term, 1872, Defendant <fii!y notified. • H. B. VYitugl), Sh'®. , ALSO, At the sarrio time and plane, ono town tot «m* (lie liver, in the city of Mainbiidge. Decatur coun ty, kuowu as thy Bruton ware house lot and appur tenances, bounded east by street, souili by lands of B. F. Powell's estate, west by Flint river and north by lands owned by F CL Arnett, ex* cepting and reserving tlie right of .way or fraaehio* of the Allantio aud Gulf Railr md Company rtm* bring thiongh it. S-\ id town lot Containing three acres move or le-s; the satna being levied on as Ihe propsrty of Benjamin F. Bruton, to satisfy » saw unll or mechanics lien fl fa, in favor of Dgncad MoLanghliu vs Bald Bruton, issued from Dtebat*r ‘supeiio*' Court and returnable October term, iB7», Defendant duly notified. 11. B. Waugh, Ph’ff. . ixso; At the same lime and place, lot of land No. 5 in tlie 21st district of Decatur county, levied o* a* tlie property cf the estate of KAt hen Cloud, to * t isfv one Superior Court 11 fa, in favor 6t. 8. * f. Patterson A; Bro. vs. Elias Jones as tulm'r it R< nri ben Cloud: , L. F. Biirket, Dep. sh'ff DECATUR SUPERIOR .COURT, April Term, 1872. SroKiix. S. Dixok ) H u LE NISI TO FORECLO T. H. Aiiams. ) * MORTGAGE. IT being represented td tile Cburt by the petition <of Stokely 8 Dixon, that by deed of dated the Uth dap of November, IROd, Ihomas H, Adams conveyed to, tl*l said Btok-ly 8. Dixon the following dhicribed paipels of l, to wit: All that parcel of land embraced within the following boundaries, to wit: East by lteuben Kirbo’s lot, Sou h l»y 1). J. Diokinson, W>st,' facant lot, twa ed or said to be owjiyd by David P. Lock and North by Planters street, si that fid jn the town of Bain bridge, Dscr.tur county, Ga., for the putpo* of securing the payment of two promissory n«tei made by said Thomas H Adams to the said 8. 8. Dixon oi bearer, one due on tip Ist day cf Janua ty. 1671 and one due oli the Ist day of. January,’ 18'2, for the spin of three hundred and twenty-live dollars (sS2s)*which notes are how dud and unaid. It is order and that the said T. H. Adams do |»o|r into, this Court by the first day of the next term thereof, the principal, iutere.-t and .costsdue on said notes or show cause if any,, he ha 4 to tha cohtraiy or thaX in default thereof foreclosure bd granted to the tiaid Stokely 8. Dixon of said! mortgage and the Utility of redemption of the said T. H Adams tlieiei i be forever barred and appearing that tiie said T. H. Adams tesides out, of the conn ty and that this rule be served oa him by publication in terms of the statutes. Witness the Hon. Peter .f: Bt toilet, Jtldge #f said Court. May 17th, 1872. T. F. HAMPTON,’ Clerk. June 1, 187 2 60 lm-fni PROFESSIONAL CARDS. —— s BI B. ie. O. BOWIK BOWER & BOWER’. ATTORNEYS AT LA#} BAINRRIDGE, GA. OTFIC IN TH COURT IIOtB.’ March 23, 1871. U-1f . CTG CAMPBELL ATTORNEY AT LAW} BAIN BRIDGE. GA All business entrusted to thefr care, jiroibptly if tended to. . . v Office id Court House. oulyl3, if # , . " \T. O. FLF.MIVO. . . ,* , ,J. C. BUTHERFOIOL FLEMING & ItUTII EKFOIID, ATtOftNEYS AT LAW< . BAIFBRIDGE, G-i. , * T. B. Htinewell k, Co’s store! june 29-7-2-fI. OUN W. MCGILL. k. §. bA.rH McGILL & DAVIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW; . iIAiNBRIDGE, GA. (SiT over Peabody’s Drug Store. ja