Southern Georgian. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1866-1869, October 10, 1866, Image 1

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naifftfr ' 4if ft'm Cl ■ iA J£ nr U hblhtaf Every Wcdafety laniag. PUBLISHER AND PROPRIETOR. to - ■ ■— ■ * . TERMS: One copy, one year. (3 00 One copy, six months 1 50 One copy, three months.. I 00 ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. Advertisements. All advertisements sent to us for publication must be marked with the number of insertions desired, or the period to be published, and accompanied wijth the amount required for payment. When advertisements are continued for one month or longer, tbe cliargo will be as follows: 12 Months. 1 6 Months. ■I . I | 3 Months. 1 I Month. Number of Squares. .1 $4 00 $9 00 sl4 o 0 S2O 00 8 12 00 18 “0 33 00 46 00 4 18 00 24 Oo 38 00 53 00 6 20 00 35 00 45 Oo -00 00 10-1 Col 35 00 55 On 80 00 jot tu 201 “ 60 00 80 00 130 00 200 00 m Communications (V* interesting subjects, connected with the ad- vai£ei«S.»nt of fur Seolig»rwiH thankfully lecelved, and when worthy published. Originial Contributions are earnestly requested. Correspondents in Savannah, Mocon, Apalachicola, New Orleans, &c., will reap a rich harvest by Inform ing the people of South-Western Georgia, through our columns, of the state of their markets for the purchase and sale of Cotton. Breadstuffs, etc, We will gladly publish such information. All letters to be addressed to GEO. A. IMDRICK, Proprietor, Bniuhridge, Ga. ' Cil THERE RE HARR KKSSHG t ' • - The waters kiss the pebbly shore, The wind* all kis* tbe hi]is; •The sunbeams kiss the tulip hud For the odor 4t distills. The dew-drops kiss the rose at morn, The ccreus due at e*ve ; The fern and flower, in circling diAp, Their mystic beauties weave. The moon beams kiss the clouds at night, 'lhelitarrgemsddss the sea ; • While shadows dr«M»y, soft andTight, Arc kissing on the lea. '.» The xmihyrs kiss the budding pink, •That blooms on lieauty’s lip, And tuder blasts, through coal and chill, £4* 3 % * Tlfe wiiidft. the Wares, theTOMding ftoNvcrs, '** The laughing, merry rills, Ase kissing ail from morn to eve, And clouds still kißß the hills. Even Heaven and earth fit* meet to kies * ' so-do you ? .THE MASTER-PIECE. ‘■lt is my mastcr-pjecc,” sighed my friend, the painter, as he withdrew front a dark,* dnisly corner Aof hie studio an unframed tanval. and gently Wiped from its painted surface the accumulations that tong neglect had permitted to gather upon it. “This I consider my master-piece. Critics and patrons ' may not think so; but as it is neither for exhibi tion nor sale, I care little for the opinion of either class."' . •' ■ My eye fcfl carelessly upon the worlc; but in stantly I became fascinated with the sweet face that lay before me. How shall I describe the contour of that all hut angelic countenance. The mouth was small, almost to deformity, and behind the half opened lips of carnation, wreathed with a weary-like smile, could be ssen teeth of pearl. l*he forehead was not „high *rior vet too low, neither bold nor broad, and yet its polished surface gave evidence of more than womanly intellect accompanied by much differing. The deep blue eyes, peeping from be neath long silken lashes, from which there came to inc a soft, suffering light, confirmed the impression which the brow seemed to indicate. The soft cheeks fvad a luijf-fudocl expression on them, as if the bloom of youth had, by rough usage or the world, been rudely brushed away. The nose was delicately drawn, and gave to the otherwise contradictory language of the entire face, the thought that suffer ing had never been the companion of her whose lineament* were thus sihhkmly brought befbie me. f llie milrNajhich was redundant Und of ft dark golden shade, rolled itself into natural ring lets and half-shaded a throat and neck that were as alabaster. Over the whole was thrown a combined halo of youth and purity, that was as refreshing to look upon as is water to the thirsty lips of the trav eler in the desert. As the eye gradually fell to the bust, surprise was naturally expressed. That and the rest of the body, so far as tbe canvas gave it, was clothed in rags ! The posture was recumbent. The small, delicately, shaped hands were clasped together as if in prayer, aud the sweet eyes were turned heavenward, where were gathered sombre clouds, charged and about to fill the intervening space between and the kneeling figure with countless Hakes of snow. rfs this a fancy sketch -a dream ?” I asked. “ No.” was the answer. ”lt is reality. The story of that sweet face is a sad one.” “ Tell’it to me," 1 said 'lhe artist turned aside and was silent. "Wliat was the story?” 1 again asked. Tills time the painter looked at me, and while his lips quivered, replied : •■ft is the old story; neglect, love, death. When many years younger than I anr to-day; when my heart was filled with ambitious desires; while I vet dreamed of a future; while life was young in me, and the world, in my inexperienced eyes was an Eden, 1 (net her ,in the position I have placed her) whose portrait is before you.” “Well,” I whispered, us I waited impatiently for the words of friend, who had again my turned his fate from me and the canvas. “It was a stormy, chilly evening in the month of he resumed. "There was seasons** hodr oTdayfTglif left, when passing up one’of our fashionable si reels, I beheld near the stops of. a nch man's dwelling a figure kneeliug as if in prayer.— Curiosity impelled me to stop and watch the move ments of, by her garments, one- believed to be a beggar. • ‘BiuW-d'id X watching, she arose to andi rigged shawl \Wper»oft was afiotif to move away, when either from weak ness or the slippery condition of the walk, she fell violently to the ground. ti o u I Ij c r nKo uj i an. Devoted Particularly to the Interests of Western Georgia. NEW SERIES! “I Impulsively rah to assist the mendicant. It was then I scanned, for the first time, the features of the poor girl. I need not say they were beantl ful. but I could never portray the piteous look she gave me as I raised her emaciated body in my strong arms. Nor can I point the feeling that possessed me, as I said, in an agitated voice : “ ‘Are you hurt, my child f ” ‘No, sir,’ was the faltering repiy*- “I oould see however, that it wgs with much dif ficulty she could stand erect, .and there was a pallor in her face that frightened me. , i *v Bore airyou nfvTwcd. “There was a struggle, and then came faintly to my ear— ■'T “ ‘I have no home.” “‘No home—no home!' I cried. ‘Great heav ens ! k it possible,’ T murmured, ‘that so young, so beautiful; and so delicate, should be friendless!’ 1 agath looked fn her face, aiild now the dreadful truth seemed to flash upon me, that tbe sweet waif I still continued to hold by the .arm, was starr ing- -starving! “ ‘Have you eaten to-day?’ I asked, abruptly. "There cainc ho answer. The body of the girl drooped, and again would have fallen had I not sus tained it. “Fortunately, no one was in the street at the time and therefore no throng of idle spectators gathered around to disconcert me. “ I placed tbe child on the step as best I could; and ran to tho area of the house. There I signalled oue of its women-servitors to come to me. In a few ■words iTeqnesfed that theStfSnger might be admit ted to the house until I could find a can iage in which she could be conveyed to my apartments, where uiy sister would gladly receive and nourish her until she was prepared to assist herself. “ The woman very reluctantly submitted to my request, although I could sec she was not without fecting. " I'm afriad the missis’ll scold me,’ she said; ‘but m help the child in.’ “Tcu initiates had not elapsed before I had my* yet insensible burthen in a hack, and was driving w ith her to my rooms. "My kind sister, without an interrogatory, assisted me in placing the littlo beggar on her own bed, where I left her to the tender care of a woman whose whole soul was steeped in pity. Restoratives were appljS«L l’ut It was nearly a week before the girl waa strong enough to Bit up. Her convalescence was slow. Indeed, she never fully recovered from the had in the days preceding found ney, in tlie conversations we hud togeth er, naturally intelligent. In temper she was as sweet as ir visage beautiful, aqd I loved her—loved her with a heart that Dad no 'dro6s in* it. Her pain fii his tor) i date hid to relate. It' would lie only a rehearsal of fiii’ndleßsnesg, want and misfortune.— Through all her sad trials, however, she had pre served her purity, her native nobleness of soul, and in.nure simplicity oi character was a being to be worshiped. “You have seen such, sir, I presume. We meet now aud then in our pilgrimage angels incarnated— angels who are beyoud the posihility of human Btain. Meta was one of these. “My good sister learned to love her as tenderly as if indeed she were of her own blood. “The child was a natural artist. She had true genius. Her aptitude was wonderful. She seemed to absorb knowledge. Intuitively she accepted of all that was good and true; while, as dross dis engages itself from the pure ore by want of affinity, nothing injurious could attach itself to her. "I worshiped her, adored my Waif, my Meta. “The thoughts that filled my 60ul trembled on my lips, and I saw behind the sadness tiiat filled her eyes that her love for me was as mine for her. “t knew not then tbe reason, but with soft, gen tle words, while her lips quivered and tears clouded those glorious orbs which .1 have but indifferently placed u|K>n the canvas, she said me nay. “ ‘Wait, George." she murmured in her low, mu sical voice, ‘wait, my friend, my preserver, for the end. There is something whispers to me night and day that this may not he—that despair would come of it. And yet, oh my kind friend, I love you with all my being,’ “Aud as the artless girl—scarcely yet eighteen— wtthbift oneTn lhe wide earth she could claim ks kindred—spoke, she placed her small hands in mine, and looked np in iqy fact with so touching an ex presssioa that'l could not hut kneel at her feet, and pray that Heaven would preserve her to me.” Tbe limner pn»«3 and pla«o tk hit ms ■ m sa foce. The strong man was moved to tears. I did not dare to look toward him; Bbt as I glan ced at the portrait new bcautic revealed themselves to me in the transcendantly beautiful face. “At length months afterward,” he whispered, “the reason Meta refused my hand, refused to ac cept me as her husband, and, thus give me a right to establish my claim ever as her true friend before the word; was revealed. “Gradually, for those weary months she had been waisting away. She had bravely concealed from my sister and myself the dreadful secret. Even before 1 had asked her to be mine, another had sought aud claimed her as his own-even Heath. “Day by day, like a flower rent from its parent i stem, she withered before us. She was beyond the j reach of human aid. When we vainly thought the ! dreadful disease that had seized upon her hod re-; leassd its hold, she smiled and closed her eyes, wliils i my name lingered on her lipa, to reopen them on earth. '' “And thus Meta died. “We returned her body, my sister and me, to-it* parent earth; bat it was long before either of us could he persuaded that the angel we had entertain ed aud made our own bad gone to that better land, where, I trust, I shall meet her and be with her for ever. " And this is the story of the beggar girl’s por trait. ... ( “It was not until years subsequent to her demise that I could trust myself to place on canvas her features. I have painted her as I first beheld her —kneeling before the door of the rich man’s man sion , praying to God for.sncflor in that hour when her body wee perishing from wants” The artist tenderly took the canvas-up. looked at it with tqg|stt eyes, and then put it back in its old corner, where no heedless visitor oouid seo it—a gem worth more than money could purchase to him who "painted it. BAISBRIBGE, GEORGIA, WEdAmMRBJO, IS6S. Artificial Limbs for Maimed! Sol diers. The parties interested are referred to »he order from the Governor, to be fonnd in onr columns this morning. It is Important that there bo no delay among our maimed soldiers in taking the prelimina ry steps for securing this bouuty of the State. That each may know exactly what is required of him in order to avail himself of the privilege of the Act of the Legislature, we copy tbe 2d aud 4th sections, ar ‘fe. Be it further enacted. That whenever any maimed, indigent soldier or officer, who has become so maimed in the service of the State or in the ser vice of the Confederate States, while a member »f any Georgia military organisation, it shall he lawful for such soldier, or officer, to apply to the Ordinary of the county where he resides, for an order to ob tain such artificial limb, or part thereof, as iris maim ed condition may render necessary; which lie shall bo Entitled to receive on complying with the condi tions of this act. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, Tiiat every such ap plication shall contain a personal description of the applicant, designating his age, color of his hair and eyes, his height, and any other distinguished maik calculated to insure his identity, also the company and regiment to which he belonged, the place and time of receiving bis wound, and hIR present busi ness or employment; which statement shall la) sworn to by the applicant,]and the facts verified by some citizen of the county known to the Ordinary ; all of which shall he kept by the Ordinary as an office papAr, and a copy 6f the same transmitted to the Comptroller-Ueueml, accompanied with the certifi cate of the Ordinary, that hebelieves the statements to be entitled to credit; which %pplicution and cer tificate shall be filed in the office of the Comptroller General. The Act further provides that upon receipt of the soldier’s application and Ordinary ’s certificate, the Comptroller shall send to the Ordinary an order up on the manufacturer at Macon, which shall be trans ferred by the Ordinary to the applicant, and upon presentation of tiie same at the manufactory, tbe limb shall be dlliverod, aud the party must sign a receipt Tor the same, stating that it suits his condi tion and is satisfactory, which- is.necessary in order to enable the manufacturer to draw hispay from the Treasury.— Macon Telegraph. * T Executive Order. i ***s99 Sept. I The report, of the Committee of Scientific Sur geons, appointed to examine samples of Artificial Limbs submitted to their inspection, by diffcrcut manufacturers, ha .ing been received, the contract is awarded to Dr. Douglass Bly, for bis Army and Navy Leg, his Kocllor Arm, as the lowest bidder, “ taking into consideration quality as well as price,” in the language of the Act. Anri the said Douglass Bly, having executed a contract which Is of file in this office, to manufacture said Limbs in the city of Macon, parties having procured the necessar) cer tificate os provided In sections second and third of said Act, (which may he seen by calling on the Or., dinary,) may apply to the Contractor and he sup plied. Parties applying are enjoined strict compli ance with the Act. Dr. Bly requests that the Ordi naries communicate to him at Macon, the name and address of each person to whom they may issue a certificate. CHARLES J. JENKINS, Governor. A ModzsT Man in a Pbzdicament .—Mr. Tom Loughrin is noted all over the city for his modesty. He stands six feet two in his stockings, and at least six feet of him is made up of modesty. At an early hour yesterday morning Mr. L. was making his toil et at his residence on Prate avenue an i .Walnut street, he was standing in front of his mirror, with only oue garment on—and that a rather short one and had lathered his face preparatory to mowing his lieard, when li« was startled by a shrill scream from Biddy, his servant girl, and his wife called to him that Bridget was on lire. Mr. L , with an admira ble presence of mind, seized a quilt from the bed, and, reaching the bottom of the stairs at two jumps, soon enveloped the flaming damsel in the folds of the quilt, and smoth -red the flames befere the girl was seriously injured. While Mr. L. was thus en gaged, some dozen ladies from adjoining houses, hearing the screams of the girl, rushed in to see what was the matter. They arrived in time to see tTre sm ss—z.. 1 o--r .....a.giJ- ' r — looked around and saw the ladies, and, remember ing that he had not finished bis toilet, went up stairs a little faster than he had come down. The ladies tittered, and at every titter, Mr. L. accelerated his speed, and when he reached his room he was covered with a profuse persplratiou. He says it was the most embarrassing position he was ever plaoed in, aud hopes never to be caught iu such a fix again. ALqho Loo* Ahbad.—A cotemporary, turning his visage to the future and the misty distance of two hundred years, sees and describes the following : Scene —House of a citizen in New York. Time— A. D. 2065. A telegraphic message has been sent to a servaut, who presents himself at the window in a baMoou. Muster—John, go to South America, and tell Mr. Johnson that I shall he happy to have him sup with me this evening. Nevermind your coat, go right away. In five minutes John returns. John- Mr. Johnson says lie will come ( he is obli ged to go to the North Polo for a moment, and will call hero as he comes back. Master—Very well, John; now you may wind up the machine for setting the table, and telegraph to my wife that Mr. Johnson witl be here presently.— After that, John, you may dust out the balloon— I have an engagement in Loudon at 10 o'clock, John disappeared to execute these orders, while his ma - ter steps down to the West Indies to get 4 flesh orenge«®;. ■•»•■' if•■ AfT* - Get married, woroasil never pause is gootlihtit better. Pew handsome men are coral for 4jjadh pxc?pt to bieuk vvivea’ I Krafts with fail in t>n«X t“t MiWtiously. ■r« . to - Bup - p,,ri; died in the army. » -■ Mpte wtoh all day aid Bess. hlrtjk thc iiigHpßpjpttf a scanty living, infers ache and.jay eyes pain foe. ' . CoUjri-sa bureaus fur the sup- My Bshapil was a while man, and thtfy tell ndlftd plucc at the election will be tilled by a rSjii'o. I wfelii had a vote. I wijhlcj east it for the Government my husbaikl'dti-d to maintain. I do£t Iciiqw Imw it is, hut they tell m« the retjnlliot) was put down and the L;nion pfcsoi’fjad! and then .the Congressmen at Washington say lhe Uniouds divided, and can only bo restored by making negroes equal fstli white Theyfsel lhe iiegrnog ftee, and now tax white .people to I carj'l understand why j t*S||»it)}>t'Hod to work f>r a living, and kept at The Jariff J bill, will' pay'Gfty cents miirejor a pafr Thomas, a dollar tporefor,a lirßiii'fofeiJnine, ton cents a pouipltmore for cofiVe, and nrake all the pork, p4>titiV>esj, arid audit articles us the farmerisrajse, which is one consolation to If tlriUa wasn’t So many officers, and they didn’t vtt such high salaries, these high tariffs'Sfcoold not be needed. I tntbijt wash to-morrow for tho income tax assessol|; It will be a hard day’s work. He pay me fifty cents for it. He gj|tß four dollars a day for tax as sessing. . I wtji' harder thsm he does. AVhaiwiH I do with the fifty Sumutneeds a dress, bill l it. 'WdAfve n« hotter. m ik' fc’ * . . N" ci ftee. v No tnfat. Sfillfe is SitjV. I muss o[>end the Joy miyltbiue for trim; imt drugs are taxis! so high, it will buy but little. I don’t know wliut to do. Winter is coming, and wc have nothing ahead to prepare for it. The Postmaster says wc can go to the poor-lioate. A poor-house for the wives and families of soldiers. A bureau of negroes. If we were negroes the Government would care for ns. Things are not fixed right. We have a white population and a black Congress, The population ought to be made black, or lhe Congress white. Hut my candle has burnt out, and I must retire to my hard bed tor a little rest. My God protect us, since we are forsaken by those who took away n.y husband and the father of my helpless children. Forsaken by those who induced him to vi il lint eel. Forsaken by those who promised to care for ns iu his absence. —Holmes County (O.) F.irvier. Szczssioj a Massachusetts Doctbine —The follow ng extract, from “ Townsend's Encyclopedia of the Great Bebpllion,” shows that Massachusetts ill times past ns now. favored the policy of obstruction when it was desiled to add a State to the Union : “In Jainary. 1811, the author of this reminis cence was dt Washington. The question of admis sion of Louisiana, then a Territory, into the Union as a State, l»as under consideration. “ Mr. I’nfdrus was the delegate to Congress. He was a Frenchman, and could not address the House in English Mr. Poindexter, the delegate from Mississippi, was assigned the duty of presenting and advocating' the admission of Louisiana into the Union as a State. “ Jusiah Quincy, member from Boston, opposed , b . i,,, - with groat vehemence. He denoun ced the purchase of Louisiana and the general princi-1 pies of the {Jefferson and Madison administrations , and said it night he necessary for Massachusetts to secede from, the Uniou—’Amicably if we cau, vio-' iently if wv ; aMist.” A Fact South Printing. — At a second-class hotel, iu wink lbrt, Kentucky, a few days since, a ljlnt.giij on lured the liar-room, and in pitiful nittes told the bar-keeper that her tiiotherstetjLhi'T to get eight cents. ‘Eight .limts?’ said the bar-keeper. ’Yes, slT •What and lies your mother want with eight C?nts? I rjrin’t owe her anything.’ ‘Welt sawl the < itild ’father spends all his money here for rant, and we have no bread to-day. ■ Mother wants to buy a loaf of bread.’' A loafer suggested to the liar-keeper to kick- her o|lt, ‘No’ said the bar-keeper; Til give her mother the money, and if Iter father comes back here again I’ll kick him but'.’ Such a circumstance never happened lie fore, attd.inaj never happen again. Human ity owes that bar-k. e, ’pcr a vote of thanks. -T_ * A correspondent writes that he was rc ceutly invitod tit *u .1 o, clock lunch at the Fifth averine nraidnnceof a New York Broker. He was' ushered it)to a magnificent apart- 1 tnent and ; seated at a gorgeous table, decked In alf Aho paraphernalia of a good diiifior'. n'he'bdl of fare included six tootses, Jeer V■< '• ** "of. VOL. L~liO v iL ,*> T « yfs - * [fftom the Philadelphia SnudayMercury.] .* .Whither Arc Wc Drilling? It is but about a year that the people were engaged in the most formidable civil war that ever occur red.- That conflict of arms \v>a a terrible blow to the interests of the country. Wc are still feeling the effect of it. -Yet'affairs were beginiiing to spring up agaiirw .-The signs of glowly reluming jatiifiduatoTstAi “'‘ivrb'iif" %r r » 1 s ‘» .-ProMswore rXTklsr forward,' hopvtuily, to a fn I" at” BnaJT‘e-oßflllMMi»»>ii* ofi gi im_. - prosperity. 'The agriculturist expected l«» fin'd -again a good market for his produce; tne merchjßjt a ready demand -and jjfompt payments tor his gfobds; (lie " mechanic and manufacturer, increased' > ?mploymi'tit aud profits, and all trusted that anew and bet ter career of industry and trade was about to dawn upon us. But the cloud of another and unexpected strife is already overshadowing the land.— It may, for all that t tty of us call tell, prove more disastrous evqn than that one from which we were just emerging. Sectional discord and contention; a turning of the minds aud hearts of one-halt of the people against the other; tin: engendering of doubt nnd jeulottsy aud alienation between tbo North and the South, mid the fearful possl-* bilitius that may grow out of this porteii liotts state oi affairs, are conditions which threuten the nation with more embarrass ment and distress, iu its mere economical interests, than ip- has ever before experien ced. Things are so circumstanced jest now that no man, however s:.gacious and far seeing, can foretell wliut tiie next month"or the next week, or even the next day may bring fortlu,' And it is this feeling of un certainty and apprehension as to what may be thdTsMie of the next hour, that is creep : jpg-tgjKMUling like a liluck menacing clo.ih)«HßW' :, V disaster over tiie mind of our wfioitrfteople and gradually det<fryy ing their fifth yi jiie future and paralyzing their. enfofS(&R '-All ordinary grounds of speculation ’arc no longer reliable. The merchant.Ciijfutirl foresee what may bfi the vicissiludes' pf business in the uext half year, and fcfitweauot, therefore, how to pro vide against them. The manufacturer and mechanic are iu the same perplexing pre dicament. The man who Iras his means in -A” Lr.r.. *— v ; ■II —.— of peace and prosperity,-is getting nervous and timid. In short, we arc all losing uni trust in the stability ol anything. Asa natural consequence ol all this, capi tal will lie drawn in, trade retrenched, labor thiown out oi employment, tiie customary channels of commerce radically altered, sc: entities of all kinds, not excepting those of the government, depreciated, enterprise am! speculation discouraged, confidence and credit destroyed, and, as the last result, in dividual insolvency, failures in business, the crush of great financial and industrial corporations, aud general ruiu and stagna tion, will follow. We do not say that’this calamitous state of things has yet come, or that it will cer tainly come. Hut we do say that it is threatened. We do say tiiat causes aud conditions in our social and political rela tions arc now at work which, unless effec tually atid speedily removed, will inevitably plunge ns into all, and more than all, the trouble we are rather deprecating than pre dicting. And now let us ask—From what docs it all come? To w!mt are we to trace the fever ish state of the public pulse and that gtad unl but obvious decline of confidence in af fairs,which is now witnessed iu the Stock Board, whispered on‘Change, and felt and acknowledged in all the avenues and de partments of trade, labor, and enterprise? To nothing, certainly, but the continued agi tation of the negro question—formerly to emancipate him, and now to elevate him to social and civil equality with the whites.— This pernicious controversy has long divi ded the country against itself, ami seems destined to divide it indefinitely. It is the bane of our peace—it is the source ol our sectional strife and alienation—it is the cause which, if not put down, will pisefurie -M i-t-nnf-r nfleutjqii 5T the. Ouvvruraci.t to the real concerns and interests of lhe nation and derange all the relations of its indus try and commerce. Tho union of the S a Urn u tty be restored in form; b.tU confidence, af fection, and friendly intercourse between the people of its two great sections, the North aud the South, will he utterly and forever broken up, and thus the Confederacy will be morally destroyed. Sait in Fattening Swinf.. — A correspon dent states some interesting experiments to test (he use of salt in fattening swine.— He selected two pair of barrow hogs weigh ing one hundred pounds each. One pair received with their daily allowance of feed two ounces so salt, the other pair sitrilurly fed, none. In the course of a week, it was easily seen that the salted pair had a much stronger appetite titan the others, ami atter a fortnight, it was increased to two ounces each. Alter four months, the weight ol the salted hogs was three hundred and fifty pounds each, while that of the unsalted, five weeks later, reached only three hundred pounds. The experiment was repealed with almost the same result. A correspondent feeds young pigs according to (.licit age, a quarter of an ounce daily to breeding sows, very littlevdnriug pregnancy, and in tho heat of sutqtncr, withholds it in a degree from all, as it induces thirst aud liability to disease. A curate having been overhauled by his bis(g>p for attending u bail, the former rc pßed, ‘li|y Bird, I Wore a mask. l ‘Oh, we3,‘ returned die bishop, 4 that puts r a now face on affair.’ The General Seiurc/in r. —A pni r of b right eyes with a d<>zcn glances, suffice tosuhduo a man, to enslave him, and to enfiatue him— to make Hun even forget hip; they dazzlfe ninoeu that the,past becomes straightway dim to him, and he so prizes them that ho Vpmld give all his life to possess them.— * hat is the dove of dearest friends compar tftl with this treasure? Is memory as strong *s : expectancy? fruition as hunger?gatitudo 4wpesire? I hpve looked at royal diamonds web rooms in Europe, and thought JBkgWgrs ha’yg been made about them; Mo ®l“K(ivereigi.s deposed and strangled for ncm, or ransomed with them; and daring Insf in digging out the tiny shiny toys, that lupine no mire thaij tfiehilttnuaoh my hat,- Aiajl so then- are cither glittering baubles (of fare water, tixi) for which men have Tieen sept to kill and quarrel ever since tuuu ,kiud began, and which last for a score of .years, when their sparkle is over. Where ire those jewels now beamed under Cleopa tra’s fprohead? Siring of Kcu«i*. A while ago a farmer in Virginia lost his wife, and out of love fur her memory called Ids estate' ‘Oleumary/ A neighbor having with the same >«HuaUy, desirous of kbepiug before him the impgo ofh!sjlihi\ umptc, amt IttTs rn itttu newt now; 11■7%l 1 ■7% name of JGlenbetsv Qcioities. — A tea | iv without sound .{ li* like a knife without a . die*. Wotds without like hosts with out seed*. ■\. '/■ t Features without grace ate clock without a tape. j * A iund without l*/ws is liken cat .without her claws- ' A man witlihiilja wife is like a tprk with out a knife. ’ ± A woman without a man is I ike .a handle without a.pan. A quarrel without fighting is like thun der without liglTtuiiig. irjk ‘Well,’ Sambo, Is your .tftuefeh a good farmer?’ ’Oh, yes, tp 1 be a Ijlerjjrgood fanner, lie makes two crops ite/infi year.-’. ‘llow is that, Sarnl^’ ‘Why, he sell all,his hay in de full, and makes money oncej de spring he 6ell all de hides ob de catile.dat die for de lack ob de hay, mid lie make money twice.’’ -> •'A doctor lately informed ins friends, in a large company, that he had been eight days iastfltl* coup try. » out of the party; ‘jt has _bceu announced in the Tijau*.’ • v ~ < said the «luc.torywtrctt|hliig his neck importantly;‘pray in wMH’terms?’ ‘Well, us well as I orfn remember, in the fallowing: ‘There were last week seventy 1 - “seven deaths less lhltn_ the week before 1’ Vfjiv Dead —A gentleman ‘in passing Milford church-yard, obesrving the sdxton digging a grave, addressed hjfti wtOi-WOb ‘ VVt'll, how tr< >es in yuiirline, ‘Very dead, reply A housemaid Silv ej t>S*s for il a. NeW Zealand p.r\ '“i% with the prwH .Vmn SWC Vi . . to leave her*"iiervent in the uninterrupted discharge of her duties, need apply.’ . An admirer ot a distinguished clergyman twenty years since, remarked in his. praise, that ‘President Holley was au excellent preacher—be uevi r put any religion or politics in his sermon.’ ‘A Little Incident.’— -The Cincinnati Com mercial recoids the following'Kttle incident as having occurred while the President was at Pittsburg: ‘A little incident occurred during t,he banquet, which excited considerable amuse ment. A small tiox addressed to llis Excel lency the President of tile United States, was brought into the banquet room. At first fears- were entertained that the box contained a torpedo, blit, after a brief con sultation, it was resolved to open it and see the contents. The lid was forced off, and instead of a torpedo, there lay the harmless but lifeless body of a duck. In fact the President’s gift was a‘dead dock.’ Southern Steam I.ine to Brazil. —The American and Brazilian Steamship Compa ny, incorporated by the Legislature of Ala bama, has opened an office at Mobile. The first vessel of the line established by the company left Mobile last week with thirty seven passengers, mostly emigrants, for the Brazilian Empire. A gentleman was one day arranging music for a lady to whom he was paying his attention. ‘Pray, Miss M.,’what time do you prefer?’ ‘Oil,’she replied, carelessly, ‘any time will do—but. the quicker the better.’ A glasgow antiquary recently visit, and L it araet Castle, and asked one of the villagers if lie knew anvtbiug of un old *lorv about fho building?’ ‘Aye,’said the rustic,' there was anilher auld storey, but it fell down long since.’ The conversation at Holland House turned upon first love. Tom Moore compared it to a potato,' because it shoots from the eyes.’ ‘Or rather,’ exclaimed Byron, ‘because it becomes all the less by paring' George Column, getting out of an liaeknev coach one night, gave the driver a shilling. ‘This is a bad shilling,’said Jarvey. ‘Then it’s all right,’ said George with his inimitable chuckle;‘yours is a bad coach.'— A saw-filer in the country puts out a sign in the form of a hand-saw, with the words Saw dcntist’paiuted on it’ A boy speaking of the greatest man ho ever saw, was told by his mother lie must always except their minister. A few days after he rushed into the presence of his mother and exclaimed, — j ‘Mother, 1 have seen the greatest lic.g | down town that 1 ever saw, except our minister.’ A man called another an extortioner for suing him. ‘Why, my friend,’ replied the man who brought the suit, ‘I did it to oblige you.’ ■To oblige me, indeed—how so?’ ‘Why, to oblige you to pay me.’ Soft Soar for all.— For a lieutenant, call, him captain,* for ft middle-aged lady, kiss tier, and shy that yon mistook her for her daughter; for a young .gentleman rising sis teen, ask his opinion respecting the com parative merits of a razor; for young ladies, if you know their color to be natural, accuse them of painting.