Southern Georgian. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1866-1869, October 10, 1866, Image 2

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PfMl of (he ghorinea* ml the < rmp. Estimates of tlie cotton crop heretofore have been baaed, tiist, ipon <l*e extent of I the Ist.d planted. Mod secondly, the * state of the weather, tin’ ravage* of worms, 4tc. Hut one niuiitfi of tin* now cotton year having now expired, wo are enabled to com pare actual receipts ao far with those of for mer year*, and we find the great fall ing off indicate even a shorter crop than '.lie lower estimate* have named. Imat year ia not a fair year by which to make tho comparison, because the roitou brought to market during that p eriod waa tho savings of several years »>f many plan ters, and the ri suits of the good fortune of those who, dfsrcgaiding the general rule, planted largely of cotton last year. Rut the receipts of Hcptember of this year are even far l>elow those of September 1805; and the total receipts of 1865-6 were only about 2,500,000 bales. Our tile for 1860 lias been misplacud, and we cannot thirrfure compare results with that year, indeed the press discontinued, early in 1861, the publi cation of receipts of that year’s crop, and tberforo wo could m>t h>>g keep up the weekly or monthly comparison of receipts with that year's business, if wc had our file at hand. Wu fall bark, therefore, upon 1850 60, as the only cotton year with which a tair com parison can be matte Mi u-i. usSn- greatest ■ -CUirTpr- in.dug year in our history, the ' , .eg •' ported at 4,064,417' bwlc-i of upland New Obuuks.— Receipts of September 1850, 140,000 bales; of September 1866, 10,- 496 -only a little over one-fourteenth the receipts of 1859. Moiiii.u.—Receipts of September 1859, ab..ut 46,006 (three days in the enrly part of tltc month estimated); of Semptember 1866, 3,498 bales— about oue-lwelfih of tlie ruheipt* of 1859. Savannah.— Ueeeipts of September 1859. 18,300 bales; of September InOfl, MS' bales—nearly one-half the receipts of 13;>9. The rccr-ipts of the three principal sea poit* tlnij altuw an uggrega'e average of not inure than out-ttv( lflh of the receipts of 1859 All the lines of transportation that • \i-t --ed in 1859 are new,, in .ija-raln-u, ;■ i-■ ■- tie water communications have been i * ti is year tliun then. In addition to tins there in ver before was sm li a pressuie np.-n plaliters to sill their Cotton as then lias been this year. If want of money could •hurry the crop forward, that stimulus has been greater this year than ever before. — The only consideration that might make tlie crop later in getting to market thin vein than in 1859, is tlie backwardness o|»tlic crop, toil that 'is a condition that seiionslt affects its amount, amt is nuutlu-r fuel stig gMtlve of it very short crop. These figures, mi our estinistiim, are pi oof N' 1, ■liiubU' of tin* grvill iiK’ot rrcliU’HK <•! tlm luplirr 4‘« H of the cr«*j» «•! iliib to the u«*<*ui.m*v i»f ih« ulli-nl iniimutCH m.nlt\ - Coin mini* . ilPlffl [Fiohn the Soutnerii * 'ultiv.vt.o ) Kr-i Tons SovTiir.RS fVrnvjiToH:—\V*? an (innitli, (uml no u|>|H. a aianct* of rain no*,) to huHi mi extent, that l« w eart iiiako enough t*» «!•» them longer than “Chriatimia many not aolontf-- . im.m with a* t!nn to help out; lor it i» al;..ost a tail* I believes I promised to give you tnv plan of kef pmg Potatoes, which i h flu.* ehrapcMt, 1 think, unJ certainly tin: I’ve ever hvi n trie«l. I tunhl a pen of iogM, any desired length, a:nl live feet wide, ftlim U**cnH the tiak horn hulking,) four to six t«*«*t high; hew st down cveulv on the inaich', no that the walls may he ceded 01 dauUai hinootidy, voVev the whole with a good and have ft fifnall door in the end. When thin is done, rain** the bottom with stunn* five or six inches high; c.»v«i thene with dry wand, to keep them from cutting tire potatoes, wliirli may now la* put in, begimng in tin* middle,- t hree or lour inches of dry saml must be pine-fd between them and the wr.11.--l hoiiic tiin. h have » plank for this purpose, raining it up as the|s»tatoea are put in. keeping the spur between tin' plank and wall well till el in with the sand, win h will run down through the potatoes a* tin* plank is rained 1s t them remain ho until freezing weather, wli ii you can readily cover entirely with the dry sand, deep enough to keep them from being * hilled. Some attention may be nee* canary f*»r awhile, as the* sand will »• uitinue to disperse itself among tlietji, ami leave the top nakfa!. There should be no leaks in tie* root There is but little waste in tho sand when once proeuied. Like the house, it js always ready, aad at tin* spo*. Henc •, tile '•eapnef «»f the plan. The philosophy of » plan, is the uniform bmp iatuie it i*n* —, while it absorbs, ami ran icn off* the , vc inoiatuii! that may be in the potn to. 1 have Iricil this plan satisfaetoi dy* for 20 years ly. It w»s suggested t«» my mind by wcirig hogs rooting up sound potatoes in the sptmg. Yours, truly, T COLQI’ITT. 'it'sky T« Uf v. ('iirrofl rn., (t’l., Aug. DM, 11100. I* S—NVill some one give the exact mode of kreping potato vine* through the winter for the next spring** planting? ! Int 2 Items. Tin* Governor h<s given Pr I).mgl !»ly, of Augusta, the contract b» furnish •i rli‘ ial arms and legs to imhg« nl (m*oi - aim al l lost their limbs in ('ouh derate oci v«* < ih‘. I*. ih about to establish a m;iiui!a l«■»y in Macon. \Ye trust tin* mxt b*gmtit»*re wilt so amend the law na to lurnish all tie ntiiimeil stddiers with substitiit«‘s for their limbs, without regard to their pent* niaiy combtioii. It in a debt the State just* |y ow es them fur their service* ii» her bi half, and W4* feel sure no taxpayer will objiet t* * uu appropriation for such a worthy object S«'MKTIIIV4i WC ALU Ol iillT T*> K SoW —The Treasury Pepariincut will not recngiiw as full value torn gn*ei:bj»eKrt. It any part of u bill is lost, a discount is made in proportion to the iiiisitiiig portion. Tnke au example-—ton*• fourth of a live dollar greenb;n kis torn off, tin* value »and the note IM-Wimtli blit 15. A fifty dollar *ieei»b:»eh in lliO a nine condition is worth s3l 50, The name* of the signers may he big-biy w r tien upon the face of a bill, but that w II not avail anything ij s jiortioti of the note »* hist. Tlwre may b* a ieos.«i» # niul it is pmt> ably s good one, why this e is tnade, but wc caondt »vv tue ucLeesity of it 3:he #rprgum. KEY. I>R- W. H. HOOKjaH, EttTOR. ' 1 _ : ife-. ■ ~-.IL.- -- - J|pu" - HAIUBKIObIk 6i:OSGM t Wednesday Morning, Oct. 10, I§6G. Tlic C'rUift. , f ; Tnm ht« period* in tlx- life of every man when the whole of hi* earthly Interests cfbwd intoasfn k'lo moineat, *t«<l alien his goo-1 or ill fortune for life, dep**i*JU uj>4»n a HofiUuy d«-n*»un of his judg ment. decision properly m.ule, an it tic I* at t-nce on the hb'hwnv to opulence swf dtsflmWlori hut, If ignorant of the right w.iy, and pa*>ioa Is al lowed to ufiuip the pliu*e of reason, then, the golden moment Is lost, uud the individual Udootifcd t*» j>ov* erty, s<p|slor and obseurlty. If not to disgrace; This reumik Uas true of ih6 State os of the individual. The Government of the United States is at thin moment thlough one of those c rises which are always more or lo s dsngcrou.<s. and in this in Mtaucc. intensely >o. If there ever was* time, there fory 4 when wlmluui, dircrelion and impartial waa detnniuhM. ftftwls Wir tlm*.* The (iUestion hc fom OA JLmoAiaaS allowed to choose their own liule-s. make their own laws, and sustain the Constitution a* It was framed by our Fathers; or whether that ?:tcred chaiter of our liljertles shall ho ignoinl, and in its place the trill of a Junta etevatel into the dignity of organic law, and the lights id the State#, n# organic bodies and independent sovereignties, forever * lost. The question is fairly Mated, there can be no ruhldli* ground. IVcHideol Jolnk#on has taken his stand for fho Constitution, and a few Senators and Represen tutive# of tlie present (*ongi4*>a, have ranged them* selves on his side. They hare published ft platform of principles by winch they intend to administer tho (aovormuent, and which recognises the Sover eignly of the Statefiunil their light lo regulate their internal affaiis, and at the same time limit* the au thority of the Executive ami Legislative depart inents of the General (Jovcitimmit, anil presciibea for them their lioumis. This theory of Oovcrnment in a# old as tin* Constitution, and is that by which it inis hern adniinistereii through the tnMie period of its prospeilty. On the otlier liand, thiwo op|>oMd to ih«’ I’iesident am! Ids “ I’olUy" are denying ten •'fates the liglit <»f representation, add are enfoidttg ihis high-bunded measure by "rx po*t fttc/o Unr> t " made h r flint purpose they are for increasing the I town of the Gem*nd Oovernment, and aiithori/.iug OongreiM to legislate on ami control t!i<* domestic Kinrcin# id the St ites. 'liiey me also in favor, in all cu#<*#, when the Constitution ills*# not harmonise wit it whut is called “ Sot thm n Ideas." of dmuging | it, so as 14• conform to the ' higher law," and fore* ! ing on Sonth**rn men ami States their infernal the wry of ailmildstmtion. *llic jH iiod, in which these changes me sought to Is? uiade. is enough to alarm any lover of his country, and lead him to doubt tin* honesty of puijM>*e «»f the whole party. Ale the puople »*f the whole counik v ready for the question have they, in the spiiit of justice to mankind, and what will lrt* Irtut loi tin* inteiests of the world, de. t ided which of these two thcotic* will t»e cnuducivc *t" ’ w ** ■>*'• tlfc' •-<! to jhe w hole Ujj4)nig l -W.. 11,i..1 not. The Southern people liave T* en placed bv the lo»tuiH> r»f war, where their voice cannot Ijeautlior itativeh heard , and those, who iue supposed to have a liglit to speak, me in a lumJ sta'c «*f mind tofnune a just judgineut on the question. It is, t hoiefore, as it most frequently happens, that, when the hour cornea for innkiog a decisive st.wid for the glory of the nation, no one is ir.uly, and the tyrant sci/,e. h the prize, anil the libcrthw <»f the nation me lost for ever ! Congress has tho poiref in itjf own hands to give |M(w to the whole countiy, t<» weigh out evgu handed justice to every State, and through them to every iiidividuuk if they wore #0 minded to do ; ir diHsl tiiis might have been dona last winter if this Mini* r-iiigicpr* had nut US'**! its gigantic power to preve it it and to thwart the cfl nUof the l*rcfiiient made in tl»«t direction. Ix*t the. pt*op|e remember this, and when tin* time abaJi come and come it will |. t them visit U|K>n the heads of these tyrants the lew aril of their treason, and the (»od of justice will yet reward the friend# of jawc with liberty, j»losjH*rity and unu>u. A HOlfl «>f lllvlec to (lie l'|’4*4*€lall'll. Tub clone of the year i* now lu*raldc»l by tiie np proju hos cool wcatlier, and we from an impartial standpoint ls*g to oflera reumiU ou your status, aid hoj c the desire we here expi >» for voiir weifaie, wilj be taken a h the ofTering of «>ims whojian no o jcetlin advislng’you othei wise than our duty as a journalist would dictate keeping in mind the neceddity tha* you Ihi our fricmlsand we y<»ur*. 'I he time will shortly anivo when you must find a home for another year If you have done well in your present employ, stay where you arc, and by every prl ncijde of conduct, strive to make yourself all that could be desired .Many of you think of moving to town, and in idleness squander what yon hftva made by your lalmr thi# year. By every coo si’!«imtion of wisdom, foresight, care, and of those v»hn depend upon you for a snppoit, don’t do it.— Mnkr* motit-j ne»t yvai. t»v «*»/*.»y H nm ay ymn UsJy. iVstfr yoursclvea to advanceJ the ngiT ciiltural inteiest —for upon n good nop next year dcjHUids your prospeiily nt:d the prospciitv of our | count iv. Make your contract* now, ami when the \ new year w Is in Is* at your post to fulfil its every : provision. Is*t no amount of penumslon onthc part j cf profligate and iriespoiiMible parties mislead you j into mi pawing you can live without work ; or that you ca.» evade the #te:n and (Khtcc# of law, and not work. Kvery man is amenahle io the o|H'iations of the vagrant laws, who, without visa hie means of sup|w>rt, Idles away his time in loafing. You must cither work or be protect!ted for vagran cy. 'ilicu take our ml vice and go to woik boueatly and fait’ fully. tliir paper. \V» < onitncnced tiie puldicatlon of liic (JtonciAX, is all know at that season of the yi*ar when Imsl no« ppmcrallv. throughout the country, with thd excepti.:.n of iatn ing. Is tuatei tally atfected by the luaclivity of m*»m > matter#; nod foiling sneli was the < »■«•. we wlsluat t«» keep uistvc thciur f.*.» an * then to a m«»t vigorowi rampalgti again#! the j*och u of th« Ksuiinv public, fairly foieing every head of a family t*» atibonfbe for the |Ki|«rr, situ ply on thexcpfq of merit. We rue now leadv to do that very thing, and we warn all person# that i•«»w U the lime to Hubncrit#*. In a wivk or two we will enlarge the pM|H*r by the addition of FOt>U umie oobimtui in width mu I ueai ly TWO in length, and having mode ni r.uigemerU with rwlLUde geuth men ia HAVAxNAH. Al’AbA i and NEW OHLK.\NS t«i furnish u# letters weekly containing the new#, politlcul, Otmmdal ami eointnervia!, there U no doubt 4»f our ab lily to m ike the OKoitaiKx the h##t |#»i# r lu BouQi-»ra»tvrn tleor* gift. i 'lbe price of the paj>er will he thr wmjfi n# here* t. fore, on It TIIHF.K IH)UJUiS l'Wt YRAB, aft«r, all the#* jMblilion# HTt Uiaib* ; and let uaftliggcst to those of our friend* who have already j procure u* one oilier name, and tgill# iw thereby j to du «t«b more than we at CM»«e •* ®“T . *j« Our prmut jwUktfku <Uy U m iab#&o|£«.{ llu>t wc <l. tenniiiy<t lo (iwog* ttl« tiagi 3T|te delivery hum* W«!no«d.y to Th«rat*yr, «nit|fcante { JsprflMli.rtSAci* 1 ’#*’ Wmk Bu»%6cr»rfjl«WrdMtly Dink i St-w Ort/xuS^} XV'St are to prelent the | luclm communicated to Mr. Hukhell, i# mu Argus, by Col. C. J. Mcs.NEju.YK! " Hy Through the agency of the firm of JlTiKi' Miiqhell & Cu„ of New Oilman*, rangentenl has been made by Which thMW!i ‘bill* of lading can l>e signed from any)Brt on the Chattahoochee river, and alsoSpm j any Uuiiibridgji*, h r “arttots Mt M.sft a>er«q.~. Return freight will be delivered points •t-flvlS’ per barrel. It -KnOyw*- that point* further up tlian llainbri4»,»!sd C’-en to AlH;wiy, will be in the same way for additional rate of Bmpr bile—np freights to correspond. Tt® ui rangenicut lo go into effect the mfdaje October. We give these facts for the*4g;nc fit of the enterprising firm lo wdio* the public are Indebted for the farilitietdlic* offered to those who desire to trausfittltliidr Hading to the city of Now Orb arts. The arrangement lias lieen made fi>r ilw diuvcry of their cotton at the great cotton toliket at the mouth of the Mississippi. Papers and Docvmnts Kxecited is tiieKoltu BF.EORE TUB EsTAIILIStI«EST OF CuJJ.ECTION 1»1S. Titters. —A dispatch from Wasbinglon'says: 'ldie new intermit revenue law contains u provision that all pnpets which where exi-* coted in tlio insurrevtiocary Slates before the establishment of collection dig!rids therein, which are invalid for want of stamps, may lie rendered valid by sfiixing the prop er stamps at any time bolore the Ist u) .Jan uary, 1867. Tennessee Politics.—Here is an itefti from an east Tennessee paper; "Sara Smith, a Kiecdnian," Decatur, Tenn., is informed that bis eornmuuieation in re gard to tlin next I’tesideney, cannot up pear in tliesu columns, tm account' of its personal inuendoes. If lie wants it to see light, wu would advise him lo send HT’to tlu- Nashville Press and Times, as it is the free negro organ in this Stale. We are informed the lands figniorlv reserved West ol llie Apalucieola River for the benefit of the Pensacola and Georgia Railroad, Company, are now held fly the l . S. Register at this place to be subnet to location tinder the recent Homestead Acl Under said Act no entries are allowed ex cept for actual settlement mid only 80 acres to each set tiler.— .Marianna Courier. Cholera in Kihofk.—Choleis has reap peared along tho French and Itaiiau sea boartls at Marseilles ami Naples. In Mar seilles an alarming increase has talcew place. More than sixty ilu»v\m occur daily, Bcatler ■ I.g over the whole city, without least lislinefion of district. ‘ ‘No n an living is authorised to speak for me in political matters. I want every man to vote according to his own judgin’ lit, with out inllnetico fiuin me.’ — (jeneral Grant. TELEGRAPHIC. Washington News. THE MONEY AND COTTON MARKETS. i.\Ti:it I’uon into pi:. N !•: VVS GKN KIiALLY ! Washington, Oct 7.—A dispatch from the ! Capital ol Oregon says that yestuday Us j Legislature virtually expunged tlie former | passage oi the ('onslitultolial Ametidment bv a vote of -1 to 23. 'New York, Od. 7.--The steamer Geo. ! Cromwell, from New Orleans, atrived t>e | day, having on board iheetew a." l passeu* ! gent of I lie steamer I) In. I \\ elates, i also the crew ol' the schooner Minnehaha i The Dannie! Webster was from this port i for Mobile, and encountered a lie-.vy gale, i eausing her to wouniler off tlm const of | Floridiu, Ort. 3d, and the Cromwel took off alt her passengei sand mew while die Web ster was sinking; no lives lust, the crew ; of th(! scho.nii r Miuiiehii!. i were | eked tip j at sea on the 5 h lust, having abandoned , their vessel also. Arrived, steamer Ls, from I brig Mary Ellen, Irom t'uik's Ul.nd. The I latter rejso'ts falling in with brig Slowness, 1 from Wilmington, lor Pu t AuPrince, with ail hands sick; but wauled no Assistance , as they were but thirty miles m... 'lo. Island. New York, Oct. 7. !t is said fuat dolin : Mitchel writes, from Palis, declining to have any further coni w itjl James Stephens and his Fenian in.ivenietjt. it is stated that Stephens has Chartered a targe steamer, lately, for operuous of a tiuns-Atl.intic character. Se New York, Oct. 7. Lust nigl.mheestab lishmcnl of Voglit & Cos., p irceUypdcalers, on Crosby street, was destrotp.'(jJ»y £rc.— Loss over $200,000. The two lower stores, cecupktl by C. Godfrey Gunther, were *dum»gsd to tj»e amount of $50,000. The tire communicated to St. Patrick.r Cathedral, which was destroyed." Several valuable pictures were saved, hut others, and the line organ, were consumed. Loss, $150,000. The edifice was built in 1811. Washington, Oct 7. —Cooley, Coluniision er of Ind.nn Affairs, publishes X letter, r ( .. signing that position. His nucuest|ur> —Col. I.iuis ft. Hogg, of St. Is mis—had previous ly been uenoyiled. [Cool, iSrtlMy.] Cob Kelly uml CaptAiu McCsfii rty, on Saturday, presented the Resolutions adopted at a late meeting of funner l.\ S. soldier*, in New York, declaring tint ‘the honor and dignity of this country wero cntnpnscd in our foreign relations, bv tiie.actibn of Min ister Adams utid several Consuls, respecting tlie Fenian, movement. The President rufer-i red llwnr to {Secretary Seward. One of tlie delegates replied they lia.d iro confidence >n< Seward, and it was useless toseo'hliu'i—Tip' intervN>w was mutually j See.istaty Sgße»rd\»health is ed to-tf.iy* . .(BILtaL y ’ .S*hTi frit i <•! Mme *' .a ;> a I; cowhide tl»e editor of • lyn (.V. TANARUS) ■ 4H* Can’t do jl hcraeil? Surelf* wo.aatf <]t',nu)ncr%}*iid blusters, i*it,slje doets lot nobodfllo-het cSwhidiogipt hf«t v should Wphle U» noifetonl j’4he «i --tor of Jhe World,’ *but the world Prentice. isarHrd, 3jfes#»l<^uf gW " At bin residence. on Siprinjr Creek. on the Ist Inst., of (VngreUve Chill, Judge 11. B. Ovsimtiuct, aged 67 year*. -Snc Administrator's Safo. Wild, be sold by virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Decatur County. Geor gia. <»u the First Tuesday in December next, before the Court House door, in Bainbridge, Georgia, 1.H48 Acres of loud more or less—in the 21st District, twenty miles betow Ihinbrldjte, lying on Flint Riv er. It lias cleared alsait 200 acre*, the istlance in nisuls consisting of Fine, Hickory. Oak and Ctsiar, a Two Story Dwelling, a Kitchen, and other out houses . also, a good well of splendid water- neve- Inis failed Two Mill Sitis,' Warehouse, and Steam- Wnt I/inding. and Ferry at ttie same place. Auv person wishing to see and examine these land, wit! call oil the undersigned, who will show them the premises and lands Terms, one half cash, the latlaneo in one year's credit at interest and secured by mortgage. Oct lu-28 dial] W.U J. HUTCHISON, Adm'r. BARGAINS IN WATCHES! rpm: IXIOI WITCH CO.. mrtTuifiM tmvn*. 140 Broad* J 1 way, New York, offer their ciitlie stock at U*n than rmd, foe ™*h Thin nfToidu a rare opportunity ft.- (Iraler* winking to ivplenink for holiday tra<4«, to delect from a variety, unsurpmuMxl for iklmet£ of dewfgn, timekeeping qualitie*, kiu! real worth. SOT.DIKUS* WATUIfES, European ma<le. iti Stont Silver and Hold Plated Owe*-- warranted correct thnckcepeiv iK-autifully engraved, white dial aud fancy flushed hand*; a Kuperb ornament, price, i»er o4*-e of nix, S4B. The name, gold plated, per iiX ne of xix. #IH HOED ONLY BY THE CASK!— We do not deviate from thin rule upon any condi tion. liIINTINd SILVER WATCHES, Knglfali move moot, perfectly ad* unfed, and warranted correct timekeeper*: iteautifnlly ntout double ouh**. white dial and fancy nut hand*. Sold only by the nine of mx. price SO7. Thin i* the cheapest realjv good article in the market. furnHdilng a atoiit bunting durable watch, wldch WILL KEEP HOOD TIM E, at a MODDRATK PUB K. In j oat ice to many retail dealers whom wo art* tujpplyipg. those watches will not l*e wild to any on<j at retail, or in quantity iws« tlTan a ca*e of six. GOLD PLATED WAT movement as above, and is previsely the same style of watch, with the exception that these are heavily vUttssl mt enwposition per ease of six, $57 SWd <*»/* hp the ran, / Mil" -* •’ HUNTING hfLVEK WATCHES, in superior fin lulled cases, full engraved, such that readily sell at retail at from $.5 each upwards, per case of six, s7*2. Same in gilt esses, per half dozen, $72. Solti on It/ In/ the ctvtr / I.MPROVED HEAVY SILVER DUPLEX ( HUO NOMEI EltS. jn full ruby action movement. Those wishing a siijM-rior time piece. that cun l»e relied upon in all seasons and weathers, ahmild buy thin. For iUilroad mull aud others leqtiiriug ail accurate : tium-piece this is unHUrpnt>sed fused in Ixiat silver in a handsome and durable manner, per case of six, $204 A sample will be sold for SBS. These watches ictail at fnm $75 to SBOO. AMERICAN WATI-11K8, of our own manufacture’ and warranted. Two ounce Silver <'uses. Have the running apparatus of any watch in existence Per case **f six. SIBO. Single out- s4*4. Retail at S4O and upwaids. Also Gold ami Silver Watches, a Superb SUn'k of Silver Ware, and Gold Plated and (Jilt Jewelry for Country Merchants, Peddlers, Ac. Hood* sent to any part of the country hv Express, <\ <) D. to he |Ntid when received. Older at ouce. No advances requital Send t**r Circular. UNION WATtTf CO.. 140 Broadway, New York. SHARON HOUSE! BAINBRIDGE, fiKOKGIA. I Til 1 S FIRST-CLASS HOTEL IS AGAIN OPEN. | • j Thoroughly renovated and prepared for tho recep tion of guests. JOfll MUML j Oct. 8.-U proprietor. ATROCLASIATIOi>. state of <si:okc:i«. BY ntAltt.iy J. JENKINS, GOVERNOR OF SAID STATK: w H ERE.VK, official iaformation has been re- j y y •vived at this Department that a Homicide was i*ommitte<» :*P thcCoutityof Pulaski, on the 12th of S<*ptember, imiti, u|h»h tiio body of Joint* M. • Kami, by MARION .SANDERS, and that said San ! tiers has lied from justice, I have thought proper to ! issue this, mv Pixvlaination, hereby offering a re ward of Two Hundred Dollars for the apprehension | and delivery of said MARION SANDERS to the I Sheriff of said county and State. And 1 do moreo ! vcr. charge and nxjuire all officers in this State, dr- I il and military, to l»e vigilant in endeavoriug toap- I prebend the ajiid Marion Sander*, iu order that he may be brought to trial for the offence with which he Ktandii charged. j Given under my hand and Great Sal of tho Stab*, * at the Capiol in Miiledgeville,, thin the 22d day of September, iu the year of our Lord eigh- I teen hundred and *ixty-»!x and of the Indepen dent of the United State* of America the nine- I tv-first. CHARLES J. J ENKINS. 1 By the Governor : i N. 0. lUwrrrr, Secretory of State. DESCRIPTION. Morion Sander* is ul*o*jt 28 to 80 year* old, f> feet ; 10 or 11 iiichea high, sandy hair, and whiskers wl»en worn, florid complexion, blue eyes, hag a scar on the i left eye-lid, making a small notch -also a j scat aero** Luf left car ranging down hi* neck, two or j ; three inch eg Get, a, iB6O. 27—34 300 Dollars Reward! TN ADDITION to th« rewnrJ offered by the Oover -111«». the UH.lersigoid wilt pay $306 for the wrest nuil deltveiy to thti. Sheriff of Pulaski County, the i snid Marion Sanders us stated In the Governor's gpro- , chiination. JOHN H. LOVK, I nnwk'msvilln, Ois., Rapt, S?~Rf f ’ | l fsTiiuinhridge UedMkn, tlutlman Banner, and , Kuterjirjip, publish three ttauis and WM|E&, to LEASE :JpptmcHAßlf I Bninliilgv. pt near Milford, Ga . having IW* ! oplk ami M ev* way ready *>r nett r«'vr * col iivSoii. from to gjoa tboosar.d ai-Sea. dshe next yt£& or will pulSnifl*, once, and sattafavurrily secure the peymenta in ta stalmenta of one, two and three years. Places al ready Stocked and Equipped preferred. (V* if >he figures and terms are mad* to suit, payments will be made in Cotton or Gold. # >Xr. Addre-^ Core of Nat Harter*, 27.1t] Milford, Ga. BRING OUT THE BIG GUN AND LET HER RING ! GOODS I TUMBLING! Glad Tydijngs! Great Joy!! FALL AMD WISTEB GOODS! LARGE STOCK! SMALL PRICE! ! LITTLE PROFITS ! !! GO TO THE “ (L ; mj)iw $Hm, ” OF ALLEN, GRIFFIN & CO., AND f.sarr? that OOODS ran be purchased CHE A PER Off I HEM. than at any other House in South-WcJrW Georgia. They have A FULL STOCK— 530,000 IN GOODS! Tin- most COMPLETE ASSORTMENT ever brought to BAINURIDGK, which will bo exchanged for C* otton AND COUNTKT PRODUCE, of all kinds, BANK DILI A, GREENBACKS, and GOLD AND SILVER, at A PREMIUM. Oqt-3 27*4t FALL AND WINTER I FRESH ARRIVALS. &. COHEK, HAS ju*t arrived from New York, w ith a large and complete luMottment of every kind of Dry G-oods! COTHING, i , h QOTS. SHOES, fIATS, FANCY OOODS, N'OTIor 73 ’ GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &c. Tim attention of Planter* and others is earnestly called to hi* endleas variety and excellence of Goods. Jl© also ha* a fine assortment of WHISKY, BRANDY, GIN, Ac. I#" CALL AND SEE. „£j Oct. 3d if ESTRAY SALE. X\f ILL be sold iiefore the Court-house door in v V Baiohridge on the lirat Tuesday in Novemttcr within the usual hone of Sale. 1 Sorrel Mare Mule, with a mark on the right shoulder resembling a brand, about 4 feet 6 indies high. Also, at the.same time and place. Two Oxen, one White and I)uu speckled, the other Red. Sold as Estrays. S. W. PATTERSON, Oct. 3-tds Deputy Sheriff. NOTICE. CLERK'S OFFICE, INFERIOR COURT, I Baisbbiixii, Gaoaeia. j PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until the 16th instant, to build a BRIDGE over Mna quiito Creek, on the Road leading from Bainbridge to Mount Pleasant. The Bridge to ire at least 12 feet wide and of sufficient height and length to se en re It against high water. 2t J. H. COLBERT, Deputy Clerk. 8851 1. ""v '■ ' ‘i’ BAINBRIDGE, GA., .*0T351* t »oS l Ob*A PAdgU'SU*' Are dally receiving, vhi SAVANNAItAND APALACHICOLA, A LARGE and complete assortment of all classes of GOOD*! which will be sold at tbs LOWEST PRICES They are ptepared to ship COTTON —” 1 ‘ • TOOT /. palachicola. New Orleans, Sayannab, Jacksonville, N York or Liverpool -and will make liberal advances on all PRODUCE | placed in STOUK, ot in their hands for shipment. 1 . j Oottori, Gold, Silver, Bank notes, Bacon Lard, Hides, Tallow, Ac. ke, will be taken by them in EXCHANGE : GOODS highest iarket rates Sept. 26,