Southern Georgian. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1866-1869, October 10, 1866, Image 3

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•*’.*;* . Slit fonttam LOCAL OEO.i Wednesday Morning, Oct. 10, 1866. Our Agent in anTumah. Mr. Jno. A. Grubb, our traveling agent, is now in Savannah and will wait on the merchants and other adver'isers in that city in our behalf. Our friends of the Sa vannah press will conler a favor on us by shoeing him courtesy and giving him any assistance they would accord to us iu perwon. Krrata. In tlje 1-sport of the Conimittco on Sunday Schools, Cambridge Distiict Conference, published in our last paper, there were two errors, viz : In the third reason given why difficulties in (he establish, moot of Sunday Schools are not insuper&blo, ap pears the following: *• Your Committee believe that any person, whether male or female, \\hu can fcnul and sing and control the minds of others, (a com petent iu the absence of every other requisite or help except a Testament and an ailuUr' I‘royrr-book.” should read, instead of adults’ Prayer book, "ehtLtt Hymn-book.” Again in the save paragraph, “and leave the Holy Scripture* to do the balance," should he, “ and leave the Holy Spirit to do, Sc.” Augusta Daily Press. This most valuable and sprightly Doily, publish ed by Mr. K. H. l'uuiix, ut Augusta, (la., hu lately been considerably enlarged ami otherwise improved, and will he sent to subscribers ut the unprcccdently low price of *5 00 per year. Southern Cultivator. We have received tl.eOctotwr Number of this most invaluable Form auxiliary. All of our should subscribe ; and the fact should he home iu miud that those who siil>sctibe now get the Novem ber and December Number. free, ns sulwcriptiuns only commence with the January and July editions published at Athens, Ga. D. llcdinond, Editor.— Terms, two dollars per year. Bargains in Watches In another column will lw fouud the advertise ment of the ‘‘UNION WATCH COMPANY," of 148 Broadway, New York, who call attention to their superb manufactures. The fame of this establish ment is world-wide, and their watches aro superior to any othcra made on tlie American Continent. Besides the manner ill which they pay the printer is a sure index of their lilwrallly, lesismsibiiity, and ability to perform their obligations. County Court. Tills Court for October is now in session and we learn is doing a large amount of business. 1 lie efli cient Judge Cbaw.uuo presides. Tho Concort last Thursday. Ora city was visited and enlivened by the Quincy Brass Band hot Thursdoy night, and nlthoughAlley may not have done so well in the “matter o, money," as was desirable, they left us iu the poSscs ■aion-of evidcoce-wwamtiovcrlible thaO-Nim ™|»|W* composed of gentlemen whom the people of lJuln hridge would l>e delighted to honor at n future day with her cordial hospitably, and we up representa tives of the feelings of the community, reiterate the the expressed hope that they will “come again 1" The performance was highly appreciated by those who were in attendance. Scott's Monthly Magazine. Ws have received tho September nnmlicr of this excellent Magazine. As usual it is biiui-fnU of choice reading matter for tho Fireside, the Counting room and the Office Do send ami subscribe for one year. Published ill Atlanta, Ga. Ilev. W. J. Scott, Proprietor. Terms—ss.oo per annum. A Word to Planters and Farmers. Go to Hat ns & Wiujaws and look at their Stock of Fall and Winter Goods. They have a line assort ment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, etc., and lwsides treating you mbjht'/ clever, will sell you goods so cheap. Unit you will go awny witli a smiling face, and the irresistible conclusion that they arc the men to deal with. Another New Building. We learn from the owner, Mr. W.ll. llauuxi.i , that hejintends to, light away, the erection of n splendid litfge new Brink Stout, W the site North of the Utfifrt House; We sreuTpWW /«> many evidence* of prosperity In o«r city, and feoTthat the acti vjly thus manifested In building, is the harbenger of something glorious in tho future for Baiubrhlge. Woltt, some enterprising man erect three comfortable dwelling houses. The demand warrants the expedition. We know of several Antilles who need houses, and can’t move to the place for this.— reason. A gentleman wrote us on this subject iato. ly, and we were compelled to return him the answer that there wero no houses to let. It is a sad stale of affairs, when a person can't procure a house in a place the size of Cambridge, and is forced to forego the idea of going to it on that account. Be stir yourselves, monied men of Decatur and see if we can't have a change in this respect. Savannah Advertisements. Tu* following gentlemen, advcrtlscing in our pa per, owing to the prcßS on or columns lost week fail ed to get a notice at our hands. Oirf asi> Watkins -or as a young man unac quainted with the necessity for spelling typ« Back wards, “dutchlfied'’ them—’’SawTAW A Frao" arc opeuigg an immense Stock of Dry-Good* at It 1 and 113 Congress Bt., Savannah. We can reopmtnoad them and hope our friends will go and see their Stock. -Dealer In Leather, Harness, E. L ifeinuvos- ‘ -m reliable and gentle- Trunks, etc,, will he founa ■ fr(im KOO( l 0 1,| manly as heart could desire. lie i» . . liberty county, Ga., and will he rememts some of our friends. F, D. Smyths A Co.—Capt. Smttu* showed ns through hia atore and convinced us of his ability tov salltiood, os cheap as they cm he perchascd any where. Bond and get a circular containing Ids price*. T. H. Bourn aw ft Cos — Dealers in Crockery and Glaaewbare, will be found gentlemen of unsur pntuftd enett<y, and ready to nerve all who call at their establishment. They aro doing a largo business. Ksriu/s News Detot—When our friend* visit Savannah, ws bops they wont fail to call at this most attractive and really delightful News Headquarters Os the gentlemanly EwriU. yon can purchase papers M any sod every dlaeriptloo, and at publisher's pgfryin- and a small amount invested will procure you a' splendid bundle' to distribute among’ your frasaidsalong the route as you return, *. JEtp.-'. . u Maemhi. Horan.—Our old friend A. B. Deal of «*■“ fsmpn* halting .terra* » ngfce ta itiTs* pie of Hek'l ton,*. Only give hip. a i afcnijjVu our cstirnjte pf him sod Ids ‘ gndd *lrs|p is or<f| drawn %. * : A Dvtis Minn A On.,—ore assuredly naan htf the righf|t!ae,\ ThelbHe or is ly that of a cotmuiaitm Merchant and forwarding Agent. Try them. A J. J. Wot,—Whose very naj|r U guftfcittit to to make him a gentleman with innumerable friend*, certainly rvqnims uo particular notice at out hand*. “May bi* Hhadow never grow less,’* is the earnest whth of all who happen to fall Into his wsy. Ehwin ft Hardkb -Are good and frue,—reliable and energetic, and do u very extensive business in their line. * -J Clark, Joxb & Cos., -Aro at No 1. Stoddard's U>aer Range, making very liberal advance* on the oonMgnmui.U of their friends, liive them a tii.d. Hess and Gcntman.-These gentlemen, late of Baiti more, have a tremendous stock of everything in thei.- line. Our 'friend U. J. I.zsTrn, formerly 6f Uds county, is with them, and is a capital election eer. \N e think he would he irresistible at the polls. Alex. II vkdki-Iln* a large nnd Commission Ware-House on Bay Street, and witli all Alick is a reliable uud business man. boo hdvertlsciqent of Metropolitan Ware-house elsewhere. 1866. TRADE. 1866. STABLE Am WAKQ T Dry Goods, EINSTEIN & ECKMAN, 151 Congress Street, Have now in storo and still opening the most ex tensive stock of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS KVEU RECEIVED, To which the attention of Merchant* anti Deale is is respectfully invited Sept 26 20-Rm NOTICE. SUPEIUNTENDErS OFFICE, A. ft O U. U CO., I Savannah, September 8, 1800. ) ON AND AFTER THIS DATE nil freight coming from and destined to |X)ints west of tlie Ock locknnec River will he carried over this road to and from Savannah at a reduction of twenty-five per cent, on Hie rate* of trans{M>rtutiou from Thomaa* viile. making the churgCH on the Keveral.x-lasses ■* follows : First class, per cubic foot. 11 cents. Second class, per ’OO pom ids \ . V,98 cents. Third class, per 100 pounds 72 cents. Fourth class. per 100 pounds 57 cents. Fifth class, per 100 pounds 40 ceuU. sixth class, per 100 pounds .'l4 <-cnts. Seventh class, per 100 pounds <4O cents. Eighth class, per 100 pounds 2d cents. Cotton, per 100 pounds. 68 cents. H. S. HAINES, Sept 19~2G-tf General Superintendent. SMALLWOOD, IFODGKISS k CO., Ootton Factors ’ AND (6fnfrat (fomntission No. 10 Bfaver Street, NEW YORK. J L SmaLLWoein. formerly Smallwood, Earle ft Cfo. and J E Smallwood & Cos , Now York. Thomas H Hoikikiks, Georgia, 1 Late Gbo W Kourr, Florida, > Hodgkiss, Scott & (3c Dll Poolk, Georgia, ) New York W E are jwepared, through resident Agents, to ad vance on and sell Cotton in all tlie Southern Porte, or forward from these Ports to New York or LIVERPOOL DIRECT, as our friends may prefer. Our connexions in Liv erpool are such as will give our customers all the advantages of that market. [July 18-IC-ly PUNTEBS 5 HOUSE, TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA. THIS FIRST CLASS HOTEL, WITH ALI. MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, IS NOW OPEN. KOR THE DFLeoe-ption of Guests. J. JACKSON & CO., Sept. 12-24-Cni Proprietors. MARSHALL HOUSE, BROUGHTON HTBKW, Hirroanvair, mvomtlA. T 118 first class Hotel has Ix’cn modeled and newly refurnished MM 11 and put in perfect order throughout. j j The traveling public may rest asmiredfißßßSsß tliey will find comfortable accommodation* at thin House A. B. LUGE, Proprietor. Sept 2C. 1860. 20 3m. WOOL CARDING. THE Gotlon Factory licing stopped, our Wool Gaul will only be put to carding wool into rolls, Mich time* ns tho quantity of wool brought for curding will justify. Wool must Iw washed clean and dry, anil in every lard, or lard oil for grease, must accompany thewool - K, - v about ofHfpound of lard for ten pounds ° f ',CU for .•arding . ! nto ro!!s is one-third of the wool, or, fifteen cent, ,>cr i--»nd ... moT.ey. or and. produce us ye need, at the pries' we aro p«)inf, lor article*. g p AV 'lfi TONGE. 26-41] Baiphridge Bept. 88, 1866. __ SAW LOGS WANTED AT TEE I Felioa-xi L.umloei lath'mills, 81X MILES ABOVE “ *l gtpatarWrota, oajtu liwr. WE will pay *8 00 per thousand feet. luml«r measure, for all lag* delivered at our Mills. *9” 1/dS* to iw round, and 18 or 20feet In length To measure not less than 17 inches in diameter at the small end. To ho butted at both ends. CT Terms, Cash on Sept. 26-26-If] Tellenn Mills. lEW a^DODS, FOB T&E Fall and wHiter Trade! a* ft : AOATIB*. Wc are now recetijtig our Stock of Fall and Winter Goods! Wl.ich hag been aellcctocl with great SfErtlt the VERT LOWEST CASH I‘UICKS. Wo are determined to make it the interest O%M who will examine our Stock to Purchase from us. the Sadies Are particularly invited to examinector STOCK OF DRKSS COOPS. OUR STOCK OF STAPLE DRY GOODS. p : u . -c eou.M ... mat rtße. Algo ft pood fissurtroorit o f Ladies', Gents’, Misses’ and Hoys’ Boots and Shoes, (’lotjrinc, Hals ntnl Caps, Blankets, Wood warn, Hardware, Tinware, CROCKERY AND NOTIONS I We shall also keep continually on hand a full stock of Family Groceries. We have engaged the services of Messrs. BEXJ. F. COLBKIIT nt.d li. C. SCOTP, win. arc ever ready to servo our patrons and will be pleased to have their old-time friends to cull. HESS & GUTMAN, Wholesale Grocers, 13C. BRYAN ST. SAVANNAH, GA, fi>* Order* earefnlly filled and satisfaction war ranted in every instance. Sept 26 26 Btn A. F. HAYWARD, OK FLORIDA, WITH E. SIMPSON &■ EG., IMrORI'KItS OF WINES & LIQUORS, COM MISSION M K RCHANTS, No. 17 Dkv St, nka it Bkoapway, mnv loitk. Keep constantly on baud u large spick of Finn Old Whisky. {Jyll-15-8m J. B. HAYES. A J. WILLIAMS HAYES & WILLIAMS WOCf.D respectfully inform tt.K citizen, of Raiubridge and vicinity that they have just received a* now stock of staple and fancy Dry Qoods, Groceries, Provisions, §r., &c., which they offer nt remarkably low price* for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Call and exiuuino our Htock ami satisfy vovrselve* that wi' ran sell gootls cheaper than auy other house Inttyictfry , Je6-10- ly SEND YOUR ORDERS TO A. WILCOX <£• CO., savannah, Georgia, FOR PLANTATION AND COUNTRY SUPPLIES I Wo have on hand and to arrive, Racon, Flour, Sugar, Butter, Potatoes, Onions, Apples, Ragging, Rope, Lard, AND BEARD’S PATENT LOCK TIE! It is manufactured from tho Best Hoop Iron! Thoroughly painted—any length required, no per cent. In Tffiiff and W per cent. Tc«i cost than mm. English Patent and Manufacture. Send year order, to the unrferelgned. Agent, for tho Statu ot Georgia. Try it and you will Iw convinced. A. WILCOX &. CO., Buy Ltreet, Sava.mail, Georgia. Sept,2o 20 ts Administrator's Hale. WILL he Mild by virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Decatur County, on the first TUESDAY in Deocmlwr next, the following hits of land in the 20tl. District of Iterator, vis: Lot* 246, 247, 274 . 275. 280 ; containing (1250) twelve hunched and fifty acres 44 miles south of Bainhridge. and i, said to Iw one of the tx-,t Cotton nnd Corn plantations In Deeator. On the premises arc all necessary twilding*, such ns Barns, Stables, Gin-house and screw, quarter, for fortylaliorers, tino well of water, and the place is ns healthy n, any South. Cleared land and under fence, ulmut ,ix hundred nnd fifty acres, the balance is good Creek l ttn ,; a mill site on tl.c lands. There is also a good quantity o.' Oak, Hickory and other hard wood on this tract. ■«3bw r1 i.| 1 | »-•, ' .2* ALSO, at same sale amt Jav, will be o{fercd three tbowuuid two hundred and ninety acres oc land in the 21 ,t District, on Flint River, Ii hollo* below Bninbridge. It has cleared, and under tepee, seven of elg** hundred acres; ha* quarters and bai.dmgs for fortv or more laborers, a nice dwelling house, •moke and ri.gar housss, fine springs, and nearly a new-built grist pnd saw *lll, needing bnt little re uSgWYjWiri,. ...rewi .‘w* w*. *«».4-v: W II"OI KU IIARKISI Jl. (SAINK*. URftII WIU VUUKN of Niushvillf, Tonlof A«hvillu N <’ of Mncon,(luorghi. Harris, gaines &. co., WH6LESAI.3E QE6(J3E»S, AND DKAI.RRS IN ilifluojs, So6.ifio, tfiflnrjs, oitorn's HIM <JS, SPII’HS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 20 Beaver Street, NEW YORK. Refer to T. .1 Williams & Cos., Bainhridge, Georgia. Harrell. ZeiglerA .. S. M Cox & Cos., “ •• llrs. Il.itts ft Butts, “ •• July 18-6 m jg S.B.U A RRIN(JTON, PKAI.RH IN KVBKY VAP’KTV Os Furniture ! OFFRS FOR SALE AT Kli WA&E-JtIOOIMES, 178 Hroughton Street, SAYAN NAI I. (KOItG IA, A L.UIGB STOCK OF GOODS! SUITED TO A SOUTHERN MARKET. rmcES AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN THE TRADE! GOODS ORDERED BY MAIL OR OTHERWISE WILL BE CAREFULLY SELECTED s PACKED. SPRING BEDS DISTRESSES 1 OF ALL KINDS. Sept2o * fim LATHROP&TO.7 4 139 and Ul Congress St., StWWAII, CEORCU. WiIUt.eSAI.F. ANI. RETAIL. DEAURB IN Dry Ghoods, READY MADE OLOTIiING, bAGE Carriages,lf uggies PHAETONS AND HARNESS. : CHARLES VAN HORN A COMPANY, XO. 9 STODO iiurs liAXGE, opposite post OPPICE, Savannah. Georgia. Woodruff’s Concord Buggies. A (lENIN and the alxwr Mdimtod VVOOIUitTK CONTYIIU) W'tSOIKS. wki, «• u / V «*»»•"«•"* Aim. Agents fnr tlm rclobautrri I*KMAKKST 111 (iiilKS. m>t quality. miuM u I.UIIIK equal H. any now manufactured Also o:. hand, at all timra. lIAIiNKNS „f all .jnal.ti.-a Kv •Hrert shipments from 11,0 factories of Now York, am! imniv of the ordinary cl,ar-« ol shipments we soli at Now York I’ltH'KS IN SAVANNAH (Vt TANARUS, Hi- K Goods! Goods! bmut ru mil Wo arc expecting to receive in it lew days a well-selected Stock of DRY GOODS! Hardware, Groceries, Boots. Shoes, CMXBnte, hats, &«.»■ in iact u general assortment of every article usually brought TO THIS MARKET! 1 Our (foods have been bought ' FOR THE CASH, BY MR. JOHN M, POTTER, who is AN OLD AND EXPERIENCED MERCHANT, and well understand* the WANTS id the PEOPLE. In connection with our Stock, wo itavc a large lot of Bagging, Rope and SALT, which will be sold at the lowest Market Price, We would be glad to see our friends and the public generally call and examine our STOCK, as wo foci confident under existing circumstances, to make it to their advantage. We will also be prepared' to Advance oil Cotton SHIP P E D TO New York. Savannah, or Apalachicola. J. DONAXiSON A Cos. Sept 2G-lf —— E. L. NEIDXiINCr&R Would call attention to his Well assorted stock of Saddles, Plain and Fancy Buggy Harness, CARRIAGE HARNESS. ROAD WAGON HARNESS, STAGE AND WAGON HARNESS, Also, a large stock of COLLARS, BRIDLES, If AMES, TRACES, and oilier articles usually kept in the busisnes, Also, a flue asßiu trm iit of TRUNKS, VALISES, ENAMELLED CLOTII AND LEATHER BAGS. &C. Sept. JOS. J. WEST, Wholesale Grocer and Commission MERCHANT, 151 BAY STREET, CITY HOTEL BUILDING, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, on hind a foil snppjr of BACOH. II AMS, KfcOUlt, COBS, rtSIT, «i4 .11 ettar Groceries, tnifh h« will soil at tbs r«rjr lowest rates• bept. 26-*6*3#t