The Lee County ledger. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1978-current, May 18, 2022, Image 4

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Page 4A, The Lee County Ledger, Wednesday, May 18,2022 The Cavalry Is Coming Special to the Ledger By Kate Scarmalis The watch-fires of the enemy camp burn bright and long. It is no small thing. The progressive elements keep careful tabs on conservatives. In kind, it is the voter’s job to keep tabs on our officeholders. The elec tors’ choice at the polls has never been as crucial as it has become in re cent times. Casting your vote brings the great hope that a future states man or stateswoman will be elected, not just some Johnny-come-late- ly political hack. How can earnest citi zens go about learning what each candidate stands for? Can we trust campaign ads, glossy flyers, and campaign buttons to give us in- With the possible ex ception of the live oak, the white oak is, in my opinion, the most beau tiful of the oaks. When it comes to the bark and leaf shape and color, the white oak is the hands down winner. Although there is vari ation from plant to plant among trees grown from seed, the white oak can have dark green leaves with rounded, blunt tips. As the tree grows larger and matures, the bark takes on a coarse texture and is light gray in color. With its slow to medi um growth rate, it takes a white oak a while to achieve its potential height of over a hun dred feet. It can have a spread of at least one- half its height, although a width of almost twice the height of the tree has been observed. Despite a rather depth information about those running for office? Currently, Ballotpe- dia lists six Republican congressional hopefuls - Vivian Childs, Jeremy Hunt, A. Wayne John son, Richard Robertson, Chris West, and Paul Whitehead have all registered to run against Sanford Bishop. Fortunately, we have a site that provides resi dents with real in-person information about the candidates. The Dough erty and Lee County GAGOP organized the Georgia 2nd District Congressional Forum, recorded live in Albany on April 23. Didn’t catch that one? Well, the entire forum may now be viewed on YouTube. Interested parties can stream it at lengthy list of potential pests, a white oak can live for up to 400 years. The native range of the white oak extends from Florida to Maine. I planted white oak seedlings I purchased from the Georgia For estry Commission about twenty to twenty-five years ago. They have developed somewhat rugged bark and have pretty foliage. White oaks will grow in many types of soil, but do best in deep, moist, well-drained, acid soils in full sun. White oak wood is suitable for carving and making baskets. White oak wood was common ly used to make cotton baskets back when cot ton was picked by hand. For more information, call the Lee County Extension Office at 759-6025 or email me at com/watch?v=6axykU- cAC_8. Or, for those who hate typing, the link has been made available on the Kate Scarmalis Facebook page. Please check it out. Voters can measure for themselves what each candidate stands for, how each presents his/her candidacy and aspects of their self-pre sentation that will not come forth by simply looking at preformed campaign materials. As a largely conser vative county, which characteristics interest voters in any aspiring candidate? One thing for cer tain is that an effective office-seeker will keep the good of all citizens in mind, one who will address those important kitchen table issues that are so dear to all of us. A viable candidate must take our children’s best interests to heart. He or she will commit to fight to preserve the sanctity of human life for the unborn. One more thing that I look for, as do many others, is a candidate who has been raised to incorporate a solid value system and a concerted work ethic in their char acter, an individual who knows what it means to be American. While candidates from the Albany Con gressional Forum each professed to maintain conservative values, one man, in particular, piqued my interest - Jer emy Hunt. By Harry R. Martinez, Ph. D Prophecy, pt. 3 During times when nations are in turmoil and the rattling of sabers are heard, there is increased interest in Biblical prophecy. Questions quickly arise as to whether the world is coming to an end. Scripture reveals that the destruction of world is not in the hands of mankind. God Himself will bring judgment on the earth. John writes of this in the Revelation of Jesus Christ beginning in chapter six. The dev astation that will occur, called Jacob’s Trouble, will be unparalleled in human history. Yet, the hardness of heart in man due to unbelief will refuse to turn in faith to Christ. “The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worship ing demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood — idols that cannot see or hear or walk. Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts” (Rev 9:20- 21 NIV). However, until that time comes in God’s Plan, every individual who has placed their Diving into the inter net to learn more about his background, I came away with even greater esteem for him. Apparent ly, I stand in good company in my high regard for Hunt. He has multiple endorse ments from national governmental figures, including Mike Pompeo, Tom Cotton, Josh Haw ley, Karl Rove, Byron Donalds, and Newt Gin grich (among others). Without a doubt, Jeremy Hunt has gravi- tas on a national lev el. Impressed by this background, I requested and was granted an interview with Cap tain Hunt on May 11th. Speaking with him was a rare pleasure. His life, his experience, and his outlook hit features that most Lee County con servatives will appreci ate. First some back ground. A Georgia native, Jer emy’s origins place him in a position to see how America has evolved from its past, and how individuals can have a significant effect on determining its future. Born in South Georgia, Jeremy’s grandmother’s ancestors had been freed slaves. In spite of everything, she refused to consider herself a victim, worked hard, and graduated from Fort faith in Christ is a re sistance force to Satan’s ambition to be wor shipped as God. Paul, in writing to the churches in Thessalonica, encour aged them that, in spite of the adverse historical events that were occur ring in the first century, they were not living in the Biblical period called the Tribulation, for that could not occur until the Lord returned and removed the Church in rapture off the earth. “Now we request you, brethren, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our gathering together to Him, that you may not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy [departure/ rapture] comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who oppos es and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God” (2 Thess 2:1-4 NASB). When will Christ remove the Church off the earth? Scripture Valley State University. Hunt’s immediate fam ily stressed selfless ser vice to God and country. His par ents, both evangelical ministers, gave him the footing to aspire to fulfill the American dream. Given his background, I asked Jeremy whether student religious expression should be permitted in schools. “Absolutely”, Hunt replied. “ We have taken God out of schools. Children have become disconnected from their schools and their families, leading to an overall generational de cline and depression in school-aged children.” To secure our families, however, first, we must find a way to secure this country. Hunt is no novice to the concept of “peace through strength”. He cites my favorite pres ident, Ronald Reagan, who reminded us, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the blood stream.” One thing comes clear, Jeremy Hunt is no novice to foreign affairs. During his five-plus years of active duty service as an intelli gence officer, Captain Hunt was deployed to Ukraine. does not set a date, but His words are certain ... “And if [since] I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am” (John 14:3-4 NIV). That is the bless ed hope of every believer. However, that Truth presents a dilemma for Satan and his agenda to establish a one world global kingdom over which he rules and is worshipped as God. He does not know when Christ will return for the Church. Therefore, since the birth of the Church on Pentecost, Satan always has prepared someone to fulfill the role of the lawless one. During the twentieth century some speculated that Hitler, Mussolini or Stalin would fill that role. They did not. Howev er, when the Body of Christ is completed and taken in rapture to be forever with the Lord, Satan’s lawless one will be revealed. His rise to power in the Tribulation is prophesied in the Old Testament... “He [an tichrist] will confirm a At the time, Putin had already taken Crimea. He planned on Hila ry Clinton to win the presidency and saw an opportunity to defeat Ukraine under her weak leadership. When Trump won, his strength as commander in chief forced Putin to draw back. Peace through strength. Hunt’s deployment took place at an old So viet base in Lviv, where he was tasked to train the Ukrainian armed services on NATO doc trine, and how the west “does warfare”. Certain ly the Army’s efforts there have been put to good use. Captain Hunt learned the ins and outs of foreign relations from an insider’s point of view. From the beginning, the measure of Jeremy Hunt’s willingness to serve his country is reflected in his stellar military record. Not only did he graduate from West Point with high honors, but he was appointed to serve as Cadet Battalion Com mander. He obviously had his eyes on the prize, from the get-go. Where his future takes him from here, anything goes. As a leader in the next generation of conserva tives, we welcome him into the fray. First: Take down San ford Bishop. Kate Scarmalis, retired and loving life, is cur rently working on her novel, “Tell No Tales”. covenant with many for one ‘seven’. In the middle of the ‘seven’ [years], he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing [of the temple] he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him” (Dan 9:27 NIV). The demise of the anti christ and his false prophet is stated in Scripture ... “But the beast [antichrist] was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed the mi raculous signs on his be half. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur” (Rev 19:20 NIV). Editor’s note: Dr. Martinez is an ordained minister and was a professor and head of the music department at Florida State University School from 1975 to 2003. He is the father of five adult children and resides in Lee County with his wife, Sara. The Lee County Ledger Established August 24,1978 P.O. Box 715 (126 4th Street) (229) 759-2413 Leesburg, Georgia 31763 USPS 470-310 Official Organ of Lee County SUBSCRIPTION RATES Lee and surrounding counties $20.00 year Elsewhere $25.00 year Publisher Derryl Quinn Editor Jim Quinn Layout and Design Zan Twiggs Advertising Manager Tina Maples (USPS 470-310), is published weekly for $20.00 per year in Lee and surrounding counties, and $25.00 per year else where by its offices at the May Office Building, 124 - 4th Street, Leesburg, Georgia 31763. Periodicals postage paid at Leesburg, GA. POST MASTER: Send address changes on Form 3579 to, P.O. 715, Leesburg, GA 31763. tSp) Printed On member of Georgia Recycled Paper press association The University of Georgia • Cooperative Extension Service White Oak Doug Collins, Lee County Extension Coordinator Putting Knowledge toWorLj ^ The white oak’s beautiful foliage is only one of its attractive characteristics. White Oak Sharing the Word Kate Scarmalis Harry R. Martinez