Newspaper Page Text
Uittle Items too Short tor Heads
But Long Enough to In
terest the Header.
“Over, the river, Charlie.”
Mr. A. G. Bowden -was in town
The public roads of this county arc
'r> a bad fix.
Mrs. Jno. Parks retimed from Au
gusta mondav evening.
A great deal of cotton in this sec
tion will be to reolant.
sj. IJi 11 moved his slock of
goods store Monday
The flowers atme Chenauit house
afford great attraction tor the young
You can now hear the soft tone of
the phone bell at J. I). Hill’s and Dr.
We have been having some of the
coldest weather ever known at this
time of the year.
Mr. Paul Hayden has taken charge
of the postottice whicli he has moved
into Thompson's store.
Rev. Mr. Barnes, of Hollingsworth,
will preach at the Baptist church Here
the 4th Saturday and Sunday.
It Ims now been demonstrated
that nine cases out of ten of women’s
disorders, painful and troublesome as
they are, do i ot require the attention
of a physician at all. “Local taeat
rpent” or “private examinotions”
have been shown to be entirely un
necessary. The simple, pure wine of
Cardui, taken in the privacy of the
home insures quick relief.
It is entirely unnecessary for any
woman to suffer from these almost
universal complaints. She can get
a bottle of MeElreu's Wine of Cardui
at the nearest drug store for Si,oo
and quickly put an end to the un
pleasant pains and derangements.
Thousands of women are well to day
because they did that.
Messrs Lothridge and Anders m
favored 11s will a very pleasant visit
on last Thnrsoay. Always glad t>
soo you gents, come again soon.
Col. David S. Starr, who has been
teaching school 111 I'vanklm county
for the last few months returned Tue*
day. He is again in his law office and
ready to wait on bis clients.
Again our town was favored
a visit oil last Wednesday by Dr. V
I*. Harden whose r 1 orts ihoattbat
all is well in the southern part pi <ur
We are very much pleased to jay
t hat the Telephone line has bWomi
pleted to this place, and that the
work is being pushed forward Aider
the able supervision of Mr. V, T.
Thurmond who is uell up on ilißon
struction of Telephone lines, wßn'ill
soon be talking to our friends wHare
over a hundred miles away. ■
We are pleased to announcejiar
rival olCol. Hugh W. Gilbert Jung
an very promising attorney,
ta, Ga., who has come into our midst
with a view to locating in Floter for
the purpose of practicing bisdiosen
profession, that of law. He w■ ever
tir.d that this is a place inwlni-U
his presence v-dl lie appreciate and
bis unlimited jokes enj >ye So
make your arrange rmn'.sj®* iinain
with us Colonel.
Later —Col. Hugh who
started for Atlanta
seeons to have lreen vea jßorablv
impressed with Banks
county and expressed could
make some necessary
at his old home in FultJ|Pß 'lie
chances are good for hi) Blinking
Banks his future home.
1) uiti i!o wio'er .f ]■ 1'- M
' ‘ •i I *l' 1 ‘ 1 V .' •
,v re .•,].! '.this h Vfi
imwift ... t. paftifig o.
be 1 i w 4 *e
j, ... |i ~>i 1 found
■: until I* igo i liotHe < f
am leilaoi’s C ugh x- .L ■ wlitei
e I ■ ilrnos i ■ • and i.
so.,- 0,1. ■ ~J.• 7, ,J , , goiuplet
re ’ Wh t ub * i ’
■ ■ i .<•> diis ivnitd'. an i von wi:
•oil find and necessary to try several
kinds n-tore vou get redet ‘t '■<
holm in the mark"i for over twenH
years raid constantly grown m favoi
•l id-p< ) ulanty: For sale . Ao n'ldi.-l
cent per bUU* at ,F V T. ihompsoi.
Merchant, Hotnor, G§i. 1
Th ? Picnic.
There will b< a picnic here on ihe
3rd Saturday ir st ' The table will be
set on the publ lc square immediately
after preaching After dinner the
crowd will go t° t,le rivol ' for 'owing
and fishing. '-There will be some
music and Eveiybqdy
home and firing well tilled baskets.
To for Teacher’s Li
fif reuse.
The vegw ar examinaton for this
year will I-fl held at Homer on Satur
day May •uth commencing promptly
at 8 o’clo® a - m - As this is the only
examiiiatfl ,rl that will bo held this
year tho® whose license expire before
May IS® must stand this examina
tion AM plicants not actual citizens ot
Banks (®- standing the examination
•if. Hon®’ will be req wired lo pay one
dollar ® the day of examination.
M H. W. WooDixd,
m County School Com.
11l the blood are the direct cause of
Rheumatism. There is no prepara
tion ipo effective in driving out these
poisons as Dr. Drummond’s Lightning
Remedies, They have received the
unsolicited endorsement, of the highest
medicpl authoritj-, aud testimonials
from dverv state. If your druggist
lias mot got these remedies, do not,
take 'anything else. Describe your
case in a letter to the Drummond
MediA-ine Cos. New York. Agents
Mr. McKinley lias given three
prominent officers to Southern Re
pulifcans. Mr. Gary of Maryland has
been made postmaster general; Mr.
11. Clay Evans of Tennessee has been
made commissioner of pensions, and
Col. Buck of Georgia lias been made
miniter to Japan.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Tins is the best medicine in the
world for bowel complaints. It acts
quickly an i can always be depended
upon. When reduced with it
is pleasant to lake. Try it, and like
many others you will recommend it to
your friends. For sale at 25 and 50
pur bottle by R. T. Thompson, met
chant, Ilomer Ga.
Sale of the Northeastern.
The Northeastern railroad will be
put on the block for sale by the 24 h
of June, but will not be sold lor less
than §298,000, the amount which the
State has at stake in the road. The
law provid’ng for the sale fixes this
date and the governor has no choice
in the matter. He will soon begin to
advertise the property for sale. The
lessee, E. A. Richards, has heretofore
said that he would buy the road. He
is quoted lately as saying lie might,
not do so- —Gainesville Eagle.
Here is a very forcible, yet some
what truthful obituary notice of a
dead delinquent, published by an
East Tennessee editor.
■‘Crock Floods died last night ow
ing this paper for ten years’ subscrip
tion. It is reported that lie said just
before lie pegged out that he was
floating upward. No doubt of it.
Crock had got so low down that ee
had to climb up hdi to g' l into ptu
Sheriff Sales for June.
GEORGIA : Hanks County.—
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in
j June next at the court house in said
I county, within the legal hours of sale,
to the Highest bidder for cash the'fol
lowing property towitp Gnu tract of
land Ling in said county in the 1464
district G. M , ad joining lands of 11.
M. Smith on the East and Mrs, Morris
on the on the South and ot her; the
■ place whereon defendant now resides
containing forty acres, more or less.
Said place is well improved there
being erected upon it a good dwelling
house and necessary out buildings
about fifteen acres in cultivation, said
il levied on as the propel ty * f
d:,r;on Coch t.'.d. t" nt.sfy three
; •Ui'chase niuriev ext* illicit issued bom
jusi’ce cur. of s. itl d.strii't in ’
vor ot VV. A. Griffin Col. against M -
. . Cochran. I,e\,e m-de Iv H. M.
- a,!th L. C. April 4, BJ7 and le
aned to me. Written notice given
and. endant in term of the law. This
April '7. i:.i. 7. J. S, PARKS,
(.*?.). 4D) [Sheriff
¥'JiE Pft3T guarantees thA future
" It is not what we say, but what
Toed’s Sarsaparilla does, that tells the
stoi v Re; jenber HOOD'S C JK-iS
nißl A I weakness easily cured by
N f*k£m Ur. Miles' Nerve Plasters
The NashvilleCentenial Exposition
is a huge success.
The democrats of Alabama have
endorsed W. J. Bryan for 1000.
IN illiam J. Deboe, republican, has
been elected senator from Kentucky
to succeed Senator Blackburn.
A letter addressed “To any res
peetablc attorney” of a Missouri town
was returned by the postmaster in
scribed -‘not known here.”
An intripid Kei.tueky youth re
cently married a woman who was the
mother of thirty one children. Con
fidence must be his stock in trade.
The discovery of MeElfree’s Wine
of Cardui has brought about a rovolu
cion in the treatmeut of the common
complaints, from which all women
i sometimes suffer, cai'ed “Female
Diseases.” The belief liiat these
troubles could only bo treated after
examinations by physicians, and
frequently only cured bv tin* surseou’s
knife, was once widespread. The
dread of such treatment, and expos
ure kept thousands of modest, women
silent about their suffering. They
preferred the pains and tart lire to
going to a physician about such
There are 2,2u0 daily and 15,000
weekly papers published in the United
Slates, and 23 different languages
other than English are represented in
the newspaper press of this country.
The Banks County Journal is a
clean, well printed paper recently
started at Horner, with Milton San
ders as editor. Here is luck to yoio
Brother Sanders.— Norcross Tribune.
Before the horse is stolen, l’urify,
enrich and vitalize your blood and
build op your physical system before
disease attacks you and serious sick
ness comes. Hood's Sarsaparilla will
Make you strong and vigorous and
will tlpel tram your blood all impure
ties aud germs ot disease. Take
Hood's Sarsaparilla now.
Hood’s Pills are,tlie favorite family
cathartic. Easy to take, gentle, mild
25 cents.
The seventh annual convention of
the United Confederate Veterans will
begin at Nashville June 22d, and
promises to be one of the most event
ful meetings the old vets have ever
Mr. lii B Greece, merchant, of
Chilbowie, Ya., certifies that lie had
consumption, was given up to die,
sought all medical treatment that
money could procure, T ied all cough
remedies lie could hear of. but got no
relief; spent, many nights sitting up
in a chair; was induced to try Dr.
Icing's New Discovery, and was cured
ny use of two bottles. For past three
years has been attending L o business,
and savs Dr. King’s New Discovery is
the grandest remedy ever made, as it
lias done so much for him and also
oiliers in his community. Dr King’s
New Discovery is guaranteed for
Cough, Colds and Consumption. It
don’t fail. Trial bottles free at L.
J. Sharp & Bro., Harmony Grove, and
I„ G Hardman & Bra., Harmony
Grove and Maysvillc.
A reward of §I,OOO has been of
fered for the arrest of Hale, the man
who squandered so much of the
Southern Mutual Building and Loan
Association’s money in Atlanta re
Electric Beit Free-
To ini roduco it and obtain agents
the undersigned firm will give away
a few of their $5.00 German Electric
Bolts invented by Prof. Van der
Wevdo, Pres, of the New York Elec
trical Society (U. S. Pat. a
positive cure for Nervous Debility',
Rheumatism, loss of Power & e,
Aildress at once Electric Agency.
P. O. Box 1874, New. York, N. Y.
With careful rotation of
crops and liberal fertilizations,
cotton lands wiii improve. The
application of a proper ferti
lizer containing' sufficient Pot
ash often makes the difference
between a profitable crop and
failure. Use fertilizers contain
ing not less than 3 to 4%
Actual Potash.
Ivainit is a complete specific
against “Rust.”
Our pitnphlefs ars not advertising circulars boom
ing special fct‘ilizer.. but arc practical works, contain
ing the results of latest experiments m this line.
12.-cry cotton farmer should l.avj a copy. They
free for tiro a-hi: p.
0:a m v.\ T :: m.t wor i's.
c. : ... W.% York. j
Says an exchange’: “The only con
cern that has been able to make money
without advertising; is the United
States mint.” But even it got behind
the times, depended too long upon
“everybody knowing us,” and lias
practically been out of business for
four years past.—Macon News.
Those who arc troubled with rheti
mutism should try a few applications
of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, rubbing
the parts vigorously at each applica
tion. If that does not bring relief
dampen a piece of flannel with Pain
Balm and and hind it over the seat of
pain ana prompt relief wd! surely fol
low. l’or sale by R. T. Thompson,
Merchant, Homer, Ga.
An Arkansas editor gives bis de -
linquents a gentle bint in Ibis way:
“It is said that a New York gii 1
kneads bread with her gloves on; but
that is no news to us. We need bread
with our hoots on; we need bread with
our pants oh; and if those subscribers
who are so much in arrears don’t pay
up soon we will need bread* without
anything on.”
This would not be'a largo price to
pav for Dr. Drummond’s Lightning
Remedies for Rheumatism if one
could not get relief anv cheaper. The
Drummond Medicine Cos.. New Yoik
have received hundreds of unsolicited
testimonials from greatful people re
stored to health by the use ot their
remedies, who would not hesitate to
pay any price rather than suffer the
former torture. If you would like to
try these remedies, and your druggist
has not got them, write direct to the
Company. Agents wanted.
First class location for business or
professional man, three quarters of a
mile from public square. Two public
roads and telephone line; about 65
antes in cultivation, same amount
original forest, Barn, Shelters, and
other outbuildings, new and in first
class condition- Tenant bouse, and
two fine wells of water on premises.
Would exchange for town property if
Also about 70 acres of land with im
provements about one mile from Dem
urest. Look out! Two good bar
gains. Call on or correspond wit.i,
V. I) Lockhart,
Mavsville, Ga.
Standard Oil Trust stock sold in
Wail s'reet Thursday at S3OO per
share. This is about $5 per share!
above the highest previous price.
The shares in the trust have risen
forty points within three months
'fhe Standard Oil Trust is controlled
by five men and practically owned by
ten. The real owners are John D.
Rocktedow, H H. Rogers, .John D.
Archbold. Henry M. Flagner and
Willian. Rockefeller.
The trust’s capitalization is nearly
§100,000,000, so that, at the market
price Thursday the are wort ii
§300,000,000—a1l controlled by five
men. Tile trustjias paid within the
last fifteen montns about 40 per cent
in dividends, ami at a •:uv..iog to be
held ii. a few .lays it is expected that
an extra dividend of 10 per cent,
(§10,000,000) will be pa! * in idition
to the regular quarterly dividend of 3
per cent.
Tne fact that the trust has divided
among its few owners nearly §40,000,
000 within fifte 11 montns accounts
for the extraordinary rise in price.
These profits would seem incredible
if they were not a matter of actual
record. The wealth of Monte Cristo
was a trifle compared with the riches
derived from this gigantic and mys
terious trust, virtually controlled bv
a quintet of men who meet daily in
gray granite building in lower Broad
way; in whose offices the voices even
of tile employees are as hushed as if
they were spoking in the vestry of a
A member of the Pennsylvania Leg
islature once declared that the Stand
ard Oil directors built two country
churches for every independent oil
refiner they ruined and endowed as
many colleges as they caused, suicides
of men whom they h:ul 1 tuned.
13 caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges
tion and permits food to ferment and putrify in
lh* stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache,
insomina, nervousness, and, a w b
if not relieved, bilious fever m a
or blood poisoning. Hood’s ® 0 3
Pills stimulate the stomach, ™ ®
rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con
stipation, etc. 25 cents. .Sold by all druggists.
The only Pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
® the cures by Hood’s Sarsaparilla is
[hat they are permanent. They start from
the solid f%.4daiioc Pure BtOOdL
Why the Greeks arc Demoralized
The present demoralized condition
of affairs in Greece is not due to any
lack of courage on the part of native
Greeks, but largely, if not solely, to
the interference of foreign powers
who will not permit Gree.ce to rule,
herself. Under these circumstances:
it is not sat prising that reverses
should have overtaken the Greek'
cause in Thessalv, and that revolu
tionary fires should have broken out
in the eighborhood o’ Athens
Though K;o-‘George has occupied
the Greek throne for something over
thirty years he has never been in full
touch and sympathy with the people
nor enjoyed the confidence to any
marked degree. This is beeausc of j
his close and intimate relations with
the European (lowers, especially Rus
sia, and except for the influence of
these powers some other sovereign
might, today be rilling in his stead.
Being himself the son of Christian IX
of Denmark, King George is related
to the Britbish government through
the marriage of his sister, Alexandria,
the prince of Wales, and also to the
Russian government through the mar
riage of his sister, Dugina the present
empress dowager, to Alexander 11,
father of the present czar, Nich
olas 11, But the king’s relationship to
the royal family of Russia is not re-
stricted to his sister’s marriage with
the former cor. On October 27,1307
King George himself led to the alter
a member of the royal family, Princess
Olga, daughter of Grand Duke Con
stantine, and niece of Alexander 11.
In a double sense, therefore, the king
tof Greece is related to the I>ussian
government,, and as Greece lia“ little
j fondness for Russia, it is perfectly
1 natural that King George should en
j counter; in some measure at least, the
distrust of his subjects. Being united
by such close tics to the various Eu
ropean powers, he lias nothing in
j common with the Greeks and very
! little claim upon their allegiance. In
the veins of Ins children there is not
a single drop of Greek blood, the
mixture being half Danish and half
Russian. This fact should not be
overlooked in accounting lor the re
cent defeat of the Greek troops under
Prince Constantine. It is charged
that neither King George nor his sons
feels the least interest in the present
campaign apait from its effect,
upon themselves individually,'and in
spile of the dramatic part which they
have taken in recent events the peo- j
pie are by no means blind to what:
they believe to be their insincerity.
This explains fully the recent up
rhin" in Athens and also throws light
® ‘ j
upon the action of the king in dismis
sing lus premier a few'days ago and I
permitting the people to name his
But, in this connection, it may be
asked how does it happen that a for
eigner occupies the Greek throne ?
Since ;c)i’••■■ ing iher half-waav auton
omy nr Greeks havo submitted to
the guardianship of the poweis, chief
ly Russia, France and England. Tins
is is because of the fact that on July
t>, 1027, these three powers entered
into a compact agreeing to settle all
difficulties between the Greeks and
Turks, and to stand surety for the
yovng kingdom. By virtue of this
intenvenlioM the powers claimed the
right to choose a king for Greece, and
accordingly, selected Prince Otho,
however, the affairs of the kingdom
did not progress satisfactorily, and a
turbulent spirit broke out among the
Greeks which eventually resulted 111
the king’s dethronemhnt. In 1863 I
when King Gorge, then a mere
stripling, came 10 the throne, it was
over the protest of the Greeks, who
preferred a member of the British
royal faily. The powers, however
refused to ratify this choice, believing
that the king should come from one
of the smaller kingdoms and .lot from
one of the leading powers. Accord
ingly, Prince George of Denmark was
selected for the office, and duly en
tered upon the discharge of its duties
The office is one which pays him
handsomely, 'foreign powers paying
$60,000 annually toward the salary,
and, from a monetary view, the king
can hardly be* censured for holding on
to what pays so ell.
f the new ministry which Premier
Ralli is now organizing succeeds in
quieting the discontent of people,
all may yet be well with the king, but
unless order is speedily res and there
is no telling what the res It will be
Much depends upon the and clop ueut
of the next few days, a..<l wU.iu..t an
ticipating the future, it is best to
quietly await these developments.
Why Aclam Never Was a Baby.
A Sunday school superintendent!
r.t the close of an address on the cre
ation. which he was sure lie had kept
within the comprehension of the least
intelligent of the scholars, smilingly
asked foj questions.
A tiny boy, with a white eager face
and large brow, at once held up his
“Please, sir. why was Adam never
a baby?”
The superintendent coughed, in
some doubt as to vvliat answer to give,
hut a little girl os 9. the eldest of
several brothers and sisters, came
promptly to Ills aid.
“Please sir,” she said smartly
“there was nobody to miss him.”
Mrs. Stonewall Jackson and the
grandchildren of the great confederate
general, Julia and Jackson Christian,
have gone to Dallas, Tex., where,
next week, they will unveil the statue
of fuckson at the base of the first mon
ument m Texas to the confederate
It may worth something to know
that the very best medicine for re
storing the tire and out nervous system
to a healthy vigor isElecctric Bitters
This medicine i- purely vegetable, acts
by giving tone to the nerve centres in
it! stomach, gently stimulates the
Liver and Kidney, and aids these or
gans in throwing off impurities in the
blood. Electric Bitters improves the
appetite, rids digestion, arid is pro
nounced by those who have tried it
as the very best blood purifier and
nerve tonic: Try it Sold for 50c or
81.pb per bottle aIL. J. Scarp & Bro.,
Harmony Grove, and L G. Hardman
& Bro., Harmony Grove and Mays
v ille.
To Our Cor respondents.
We are going to offer as good in
documents to local correspondents
this year as any paper published
There is nothing that will i...prove
your talent more than to write a few
I locals every week to your county pa*
j per. The benefit you wifi derive from
a little practice in saying with your
pen, wliat you think, and the pleasure
i afforded vour family in reading what
you have said, will well pav you for
your time. There are many things
that happen in your neighborhood
that your friends will be glad to road;
so let us hear from you every week.
The rules by which you are to be
governed in regard to ybtir manner of
writing and your signature are the
same as used by all papers*.
It will be our pleasure to treat every
communication with <Le respect.
If this article is marker! in your
paper you are to understand that you
are desired a special correspondent.
'T'liousands cf
women are ‘USSS®
troubled at
vals with pains §9|
in the head,
back, breasts, H
shoulders,sides vhh'!KemH|
But they need
These pains are symptoms of
dangerous derangements that
can be corrected. The men
strual function should operate
makes menstruation painless,
and regular. It puts the deli
cate nitnstrual organs in condi
tion to do their work properly.
And that stops all this pain.
Why will any woman suffer
month after month when Wine
of Cardui will relieve her? It
costs SI.OO at the driuj store.
Why don’t you bottle
For advice, in cases requiring
special directions, address, giv
ing symptoms, “The Ladies*
Advisory Department,* * The
Chattanooga Medicine Cos.,
Chattanooga. Tenu.
• **©©•••••
of CenavillG. Tcxa? says:
“ ! was trouble?! at monthly ..tervals
with t :.rritole pains in mv head ~nd back,
but have beer entirely relieved by Wine
Of Cartiui."
Everybody Says So.
Cascarcts Candy Cathartic, the most won
derful medical discovery of the age, pleas
ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently
and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds,
cure headache, fever, habitual constipation
and biliousness. Please buy and try a box
of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 23, 50 cents, bold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
[O GOD’S Sarsaparilla has over and
la over again proved by its cures,
when ali other preparations failed, that
it is the One True SS.&OD Purifier.