Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, June 05, 1897, Image 3

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LOCALNEWS AND NOTES. GATHERED FROM TOWN AND COUNTY. 1 .ittie Items too Short tor Heads But Long: Enough to In terest the Reader. Subscribe for the Journal. Our farmer.: need rain badly yet. Col Pike of Jeffersc n was in town on Inst Tue day. Monday text is the last dry fer giving in your < itv taxes. There will be a picnic at Mt. Pleas ant on the second Saturday in June Messrs J. K. Thompson and .T. J. Manley noli had the misfortune to loose a good horse last week. There will he a picnic at Hellion Falls; also another one at Evan’s bridge, near Gillsvtllc today. The lightning during the thunder storm Wednesday struck the Teleph one wire, but did no damage. County Clerk Logan Perkins is having n nice cottage erected some distance west of the Methodist church. I.ota of tlio farmers are very busy now cutting wheat. We are rejoicing because tin wheat crop in this section is good. Mr. SettiM. Strange of Carnot w as in town Wednesday and had his name added to our fast growing mbscripticn list. The town was filedwith Teachers and j vi si ci t vc lead evs last hat 11 lay, w 1 o came to stand the annual examination of the public school teachers. Deputy Shereff Harvey Griffin was knocked down by a shock front lightn mg,which struck a tree near by where he was standing last Wednesday. Mr John. J. Hill who has been quite sick foi; the last few days, is fast im. proving- Mr Hill also had the mis fortune to loose a goo and horse last T hursday. Mr G. W. Osborn of Cost favored the Journal Office with a call on last Tues dar, and did like many others have Subscribed for the Journal. So you can rcdily see the people (at 50cis per year) get the Journal at (or below) (Jest. Mrs Sallie J Harden, of Atlanta, Ga, Whose health has not been very good for Borne length of time, is spending some time with her son,Dr W. P. Harden of t his county. Her health is rapidly im j roving,she will soon be entirely well. MrGus lt'chej a id Miss Sallie Wii on >.ln-v United in thy holy bonds of matri mony last Sunday, by Squire W. Watson. The. Joumid extends to the young couple its congratulations and beat wishes for their long very happy and prosperous life. Sheriff Parks placed another pris >ner in jail last week —this time negro man who is charged with cheating and swin dling, and was captured in Gainesville, Sheriff Parks is proving himself an ex pert when it come s to catching a prison er. Waxtkd —A good cook to cook for a small family and do other lions: work from June the first. Good po sition and permanent if satisfactory. Address or call at Journal office. The committee appointed by the grand jury is still at work on the county books, hut they are rejoicing because their t: sk is almost com pleted as they have been through nearly all the different departments books. We are very much pleased at the results of a little encouragement of fered to our correspondents, and we feel that we are justifiable in predict Uig that in the near future the Journal will be read by as many peop'e as any of our much older Northeast Ga con-- temporaries. Dont forget to send in your Subescription for the BANKS COUNTY JOURNAL At the remarkably low price 50 cents per annum,if paid for in advance, A Fi iemlly Offer. Lawyer Goodly—“ What’s wrong old chap?” Uglimugge-—“I won a kiss from Miss purtiest on election. She won’t pay up.” Lawyer Goodly—“ Never mind, old man: I’ll collect it for you.”—Truth. BUCK LEX’S ARNICA SAL V E The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by L. T. 8h u-p & Bro., Har mony Grove, and L G. Hardman & Bro., Harmony Grove and Maysvill Great battles are contin ually going ou in the human sys tem. Hood’s Sarsaparilla drives out disease and Restores Health. The Picnic. The picnic last Saturday at Strange’s mill was quite a success. A good size crowd attended, notwith standing the Union meeting at Indian creek and the Public school teachers examination in llcmer on tiie same day. The crowd enjoyed themselves very much, and all seemed more delighted while partaking of the many delicious refreshments which were very tastily spread upon the tabic in a very artis tic manner, and which wus placed in a nice cool shady spot, more than at any other time.. The long jotifney which some of the attendants had made in order to be present at such a time somewhat whetted their appetites and caused every one to partako freely of those things which go along toward satisfy ing ones hunger. It is almost useless to-say that when all had finished ci t ing, the table had the appearance of having had a cyclone experience. Boat riding was freely indulged in and everyone seemed to enjoy it. UKENA. Dr, Hayden and wife and Mrs’ Freeman Martin went to Atlanta Fri day. Dr. bought a large stock of goods which he will put up at Urena. Dr. Lothridge left Monday to visit his parents near Young Harris. Mr. Stephen Furr and wife spent Tuesday night with Dr. Hayden. Xerxes. SOMETHING TO KNOW. It may worth something to know that the very best medicine for re storing the tired out nervous system to a healthy' vigor is Elec ctric Bitters This medicine i.- purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the nerve centres in the stomach, gently stimulates the Liver and Kidney, and aids tiiese or gana in throwing off impurities in the blood. Electric Bitters improves the appetite, rids digestion, and is pro - nounced by those who have tried it as the very best blood purifier and nerve tonic: Try it. Sold for 50c or $1.1)0 per bottle aIL. J. Scarp & Bro., Harmony Grove, and L G- Hardman & Bro., Harmony Grove and Mays villo. HOW TO MM) OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty four hours; a sediment or settling inmates a diseased condition _of the kidneys. When urine stames linen it is positive evidence of kidney taouble. Too frezuent desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are our of order. WIIAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed’ that Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp Root, the great kidney reme dy fulfills every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidnevs, liver, blad der ami every part of the urinary passages' It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in pass ing it or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, anp overcomes that unpleasant necessity of liein compelled to get up many times during the night ta iirinrto. Ihe mild and tlio extraordinary' effect ol Swamp root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wondertul euies of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you shou’d have the best. Sold by druggists price fifty cents and one dollar. Fora sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail, mention The Journal and send your full post office address to Dr. Kilmer&L’o., Bingham ton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the geniiinceiiess of this offer. This is the Man SAVESTHE £ Sk %A j3 %%% How? FREE! a mWm % By giving them fccct and cheapest superior Steel Wire Fencing for all purposes at special factory price. No matter how little cr how much you need, or for what purpose, send to pv headquarters for it. . ill fftj i'jf 33311 - . * eniia ui Ip 1 , ttin itt: i Tin mtt. ■ ! M 1 ifS fi i f I: > AW-W hr i x£rii ill L ml I p . Jon Km Jzg? 1 P.yH& the Freisht.^ssssis w% it and Rhhttmatirm DAvKlim iHta. 1 Nrv Slastew. CARNOT. The farmers arc needing rain badly The y'oitng people report a pleasant time at the picnic Saturday. Wo are glad to learn that Mr. Hen ry Huberts, who has been very sick* is improving. Misses Sallie and Ora Looney are visiting relatives in this community. I heard a girl say she went fishing Saturday on dry laud, and caught a little sinner. Messrs Iluttie Watson. J. T. Mas singil! and Gilford Whitfield have all found bee trees and captured the bees and honey too. We are glad to ham that, Mrs. W\ J. Crow is improving There was a certain girl who asked a gentleman to bring her a beauquet. He brought her a big bud (his broth er.) We are sorry little Leila Brown is in such bad health. Edith. THE POISONOUS ACIDS. In the blood are the direct cause oi Rheumatism. There is no prepara tion so effective in driving out these poisons a? I)r. Drummond’s Lightning Remedies, They have tecetved the unsolicited endorsement of the highest medical authority, and testimonials trom every state. If your druggist lias not got these remedies, do not, take anything else. Describe your ease in a letter to the Diummoud Medicine Cos. New York. -Agents wanted. NEWSY ITEM FROM 11 OL L I N G S W O KT H. It was our very great pleasure to at tend the singing at Damascus Church Sunday. Tue singing was conducted by several class-leaders, all did remark ably wed!, and reflected much credit upon the Society, and upon the young men who have it in charge. There was one piece rendered by the Glass upon this occasion that lias left such an impression upon my mind, I must mention it here. After each class leader had served the time allotted him by the Committee of arrangements the President of the So ciety arose and, in a very impressive manner announced that lie desired to sing just one piece before the close, in which he hoped the entire audience would join. There was a hushed silence for a few moments, every one seemed to anticipate what was coming, when suddenly, in clear musical tones there burst upon the stillness these familiar lines, Dear happy clays that gather around mo still, Oh 1 the old School house that stands upon the hill. I never,nd never can forget. When he hnd fnithed, the emotions of the audience were plainly visible. Oh! how sad, how very pathetic the scene, how many dear recolections these recall, of the old school days with some of us long since passed , but sweet memory clings to us still. I never, it ), never can forget. With salt tears streaming down my face, I thought of the past, I thought of the many little indefinable emotion that I had experienced in my palmiest school days; Of my little scqol-mates among them,of my old Sweetheart, who,unfor tunately for me,is now claimed by the other fellow, of the old swing and play ground. At each new emotion the tears would swell up afresh and the old scene would rush upon me a-new, and then would come the thought of some wrong done,or some time ill spoilt, but the past isbe-hind us. We have nothing but memory up( n which tooling. What does tlio future hold instore, dear reader, for you and for me? After a very eloquent sermon by Rev A. J. Cobb the services for the day were closed. More anon. .B.J.S. As this communication reached this office too late for last weeks issue. \\ e trust your letters will be in this office not later than Tuesday evenings. [Ed] YOtTR PRESENT NEED Is pure, rich blood, and a strong and healthy body, because with the appr oach of spring and the beginning of warmer weather your physical system will undergo radical changes. All the impurities which have accumlated baring colder weather unis' now be expelled or serious consexuences will result. The one true blood puller proiniently -n the public eye today is Hood’s Sarsaparilla Its record of cures is unequaled. Its sales are the largest in the world. A few uottles of Hood's Sarsaj ari la will prepare you tor spring by purifying and eru'i ching your blood and toning and in vigorating your whole system. Those who are troubled with then mutism should try a few applications ,f Chamberlain’s'Pain Balm, rubbing the parts vigorously at each applica tion. If that does not bring relief dampen a piece of flannel with Pain Balm and and bind it over the seat of pain ana prompt relief will surely fol low. For sale by R. T. Thompson, Mcrchan*, Homer, Ga. B* Large catalogue showing illustrations of all styles of fenc ing with hundreds of testimonials from all sections. Address K. L. SHELLABERGER, The Wire Fence Man, 1 70 S. Forsyth St. ATLANTA, GA. NEW S Y NOT E S F R 0 M L U L A. We are happy to announce, that Mr.:, M. t). Dunbar who lias recently been very ill is improving. Miss Bessie Pouneey, one of Bel I Urn's most charming young Indies is visiting relatives in Atlanta. Mr T. M. Tallent, of Athens,formally of Belton was with his family and friends a few hours Sunday. Mrs.G.W. Quillinn, and her charming daughter Miss May,are attending Com mencement at Young Harris. The remainder of the large stock of goods of M. G. Hunt, that Grady Reynolds did not almost give aw ay were sold at public out cry on the 29th. There was an all-day singing at Emm ! two miles from Bell ton on Sunday last, I which was largely attended by the peo ple from our“twin cities”, especially by j t he young^ieople. We are glad to announce that little Myrtle Bryan the 12 year old daughter j of our esteemed townsman, Mr,W. (I. , Bryan who hurt her shoulder quite se [riously, recently is rapidly improving. MrJohn J . Martin who has for the past few weeks been v isil ing his parents ] in Lula,after a prolonged stay in Fla., ! ha; again flitted no accept a position with the Southern R’y, much to the! regret of liis many friends here, and es pecially the girls. Bellton was the scene of a happy wed ding on Wednesday M ly,2oth when Mr Gha’s, E. Blackwell, of Columbus, Miss, was united in marriage to Miss Mollie Victor Echols, of Bellton, by Rev I). 11. Orymes. The house was beautifully decorated with roses, ivy and ferns. But the central and most attractive figure: were the charming bride handsomely attired in a dress of while organdy . trimmed with cream ribbon and he and the handsome groom. Immediately afte r the ceremony an elegant supper was served. There were only a few intimate friends jof the contracting parties present. Mr | Blackwell is an employee of the G. P. It. R. and one highly esteemed by all ; who know him, for his high integrity and the bride he has won ia tlio daugh ter of Mr. T. T. Echols of Bellton and is one who has many friends in Banks county and is loved by all. Their fu ture homo will be in Columbus Miss. M. The discovery of MeElfree's Wine of Cardui has brought about a revolt! don m the treatmeul of the common complaints, from which all women sometimes suffer, caPed “Female Diseases.” The b> lief that these troubles could only bn treated after examinations by physicians, and frequently only cured bv the suiseon’s knife, was once widespread. The dread of such treatment, and expos lire kept thousands of modest women silent about their suffering. They preferred the pains and tarturo to going to a physician about such matters. Ever y1)o and y wh o is an y body, tak es tli e B A NKSOO U N T Y J O U R N A L, W II Y ?. Because it is th e best cheapest and Newsiest Local Weekly in Georgia. It has now been demonstrated that nine cases out of ten of women’s disorders, painful and troublesome as they are, do i ot require the attention of a physician at all. “Local taeat ment” or “private examinotions” have been shown to be entirely un necessary. The simple, pure wine of Cardui, taken in the privacy of the home insures quick relief. It is entirely unnecessary for any woman to suffer from these almost universal complaints. She can get a bottle of McElree’s Wine oi cardui at the nearest drug store for SI,OO and quickly put an end to the un pleasant pains and derangements. Thousands of women are well to-day because they' did that. If you intend to paint your house get A, A. WHITE LEAD at Hardman Bros. Drug Store Harmony Grove. It is an Anti- Trust Lead. It took the prize at the World’s Fair, It is cheaper than Trust lead and just asgood if not better, Liwer Ills Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti pation, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly cured by Hood's Pills. I'hey do their work Hood’s easily and thoroughly. SP*& i 8 Best after dinner pills. 11“** jl| SJ 25 cents. All druggists. ■ ■■ ■ Prepared by C. I. Hood & Cos., Lowell, Mass. The only Piil to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. JEWELL VIL I. E DOTS. We are having some dry weather, but hope for rain. We have been robbing some strong stands of Been. John Greer in building anew house for Mrs Means. The young girls and boys are having a fine time around here. Cotton is sorry, but most of our peo ple are through chopping it. Mrs Sheridan, who has been sick for some time is some better now. Tlr> Wheat crop is n>w ah mt rip’ on on our hands, the crop is a good one. MrDeiit Willlainks and wife visited MrG.W. Wiley’s family Saturday night-. Tlio miller John Hart says he is grind ing a good deal of Com and some Wheat. Look out for the picnic,for Tom Arian will be there .and will try to make a clean shucking of die table. MrT. 11. Carlin is selling some of the .Singer Sewing Machines, any one who wants one can get it from him. The Sunday School is well attended and they have good singing at Nails Creek after the school is over with. If some girl’s sweethearts were to disappoint them they would near about die, so come along boys soon! so you’ve a good liat . It look-: like tlio crows will pull up ail tiie corn. Mease tell me how to stop them. Miihket. A.\s- —You can resort to either of the three splendid remedies. Ist, Either kill the crows or the corn. 2nd,Get your good neighbors to do like tv i- e. 3rd, Head them off, and they will be more than apt to be stopped. Girl Graduates Galore. The graduating exercises of the Georgia Noiiiial and In lustrial Col' !, go last Wednesday morning closed one of the morst prosperous years in the histoay of the college, there hav ing been enrolled during tlio year nearly fou hundred young ladies, who represented O' er one hundred coun ties of the state. Below is given the programme : Grand march (Anhcuser), Misses Cutnming. Prayer.] Chorus. “America” In the school. Essay, “The True Aim of Educa tion,” Miss Annie McCullough. Duett, “Two Pearls of Love” (Pin suti), Misses Gilber and Bush. Essay, “Sidney Lanier” Miss Lorali Harris. Essnv, “The Story of a Wilderness,” Miss Pearl Bush. By special request, Rnphsidy (Liszt), second, Airs. Lamar and Miss Janies. Reading, “Individuality,” Miss Sue Bell .Moody. Class prophecy, .Miss May A.-luirst Song, “The Shower” (arraanged from Ii Trovatore), Senior class. Baccalaureate address by President J, Harris Chappell. Music. Presentation of diplomas by Gov ernor W. Y, Atkinson, Song by the school. Benediction. The bacclalaurate address by Pres ident J. Harris Chappell was one of the best listened to. Governor W. Y. Atkinson was to have delivered the diplomas to the_ graduates, but with a few remarks he introduced Dr. J. M. L. Curry, who after a most interesting talk, delivered diplomas to the following Normal graduates: Mary Lucy Ashurst, Put nam county; Eva Cassele, Liberty county; Lizzie Mae Duncan, Laurens county; Lorah Lena Harris, Catoosa county; May Belle McConnell, Effing ham county; Era Oriel Me Rea, Mont gomery county; Anna Isabel MeCitl lough, Jones county; Sue Belle Moody Oglethorpe county; Mary Napier, Bibb county; Susan Lorina Reppard, Lio erty county; Lela Alberta Richey, Banks county; Pearl Rogers, Warren county; Lou Sanders, Jackson county; Marilu Tompkins, Dougherty county. The collegiate graduates are : Mary Pearl Bush, Banks county; Eunice Camp, Baldwin county; EdnaDurrett Bibb county; Maud Ililsman Gilbert, Dougherty county: Mary Francis Har lis, Baldwin county; Martha Emily ? Hunnteutt, Clark county; Clyde Mel ton, Wilcox county; Sallie Lou Slo cumb, Jones county; Nina Clyde Smith, Baldwin county; Emma May Thompson, Richmond county. A reception was given the board of visitor of the college on last evening at the Mansion, when a great many visitors and citizens had tiie pleasure of meeting this body of representative i Georgia women. Petition for Charter. GEORGIA: Banks County. —To the Superior court of said county: Par. T. The petition of AV. 11. T. Gilles pie, J. E. Strange & Son, O. N. Harden, S. P. Watson, W. P. Harden J. S. Rich ey* R. T. Thompson, J. D. Hill, J. R. Brewer, T. B. Ray, L. N. Turk, W. A. Quillinn A- Cos., Alonzo Thompson, W. B. Hardman, Power & Willford and J. I Pittman and such other persons us may hereafter be associated with them showeth that they have entered into an association and desire to have them selves, their asssociat-es and successors incoporated under the name and style of the “The Banks County Telephone Company.” Par if The object of said corporation is pecuniary profit and revenue, and the business of said corporation is to build and operate a Telephone line from limner Ban!:? county Georgia, to Har mony Grove, Jackson county Georgia, and from Homer via.. Quillian’s mill and W. 11. T. Gillespie s store to J. E. Strange & Soil’s store, all in Banks county Georgia, and to any other place, or places in said state that corpora tors may desire; also power to buy, leave or sell or exchange, such property, real of personal, as may be necessary in the operation of said Telephone line or lines ; also power to borrow money, give notes or issue bonds or other evidences of indebtedness, and to secure the same by mortgage, deed or other colleterals; and to have and exercise’all powers and privileges usually conferred upon cor poratios of similar character and not inconsistent .with the laws of the state of Georgia of of the United States. Par 111. Petitioners pray that said cor porals n hall have powes to lease, pur chase and hold property, both real and personal, to sue and be sued ; to have and use a common seal, and to be fully invested with all other powers incident to such corporations. Par. IV Petitioners show that the prin cipal office or place of business of said corparation shall be in the town of Homer, Banks county Georgia, with branch offices, or Telephone stations at such other place or places as your peti tioners may desire. Par. V. Petitioners further show that the capital stock of said corporation is one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars, which is divided into shares of twenty ($20.00) dollars each: more than ten percent, of which capital stock has already been paid in; and petitioners desire and pray for the privilege of increasing said cap ital stock to Five Thousand ($5,000.00) dollars when ever they find it necessary to do so. Par. VI. Petitioners further show that the officers of said Telephone Company shall consist of a President, Vice Presi dent and Secretary and Treasurer, and also a board of live Directors; all of said officers shall be elected by the stock holders, or a majority thereof, each casting one vote for each share of stock owned by said stock-holder. Par. VII Petitioners desire and pray for the right to make such By-Laws, Rules and Regulations as may be nec essary for the purpose of conducting the business of said corporation. Par. VIII. Wherefore: Petitioners pray for the passing of an order by said court, granting this their application and that they and their associates and successors in offiee, be incorporated for the term of twenty year, with the privi lege of renewal at the end of said twen ty years for tlie purposes herein —be- fore—Set forth. And petitioners, as in duty bound will ever pray etc etc. R. L. J. Smitit, Petitioners Att’y GEORGIA: Banks County.— I Logan Perkins Clerk Superior Court, in and for said county, do lierby certify that the aboveand foregoing is a true copy of the original application for charter of the Banks County Telephone Company of tile in my office. Given under my hand and official signature. This June 3rd 1897 LOGAN PERKINS, O. S. C. M “The Foot •/JjgfofaFl/: says an efn*nent English doctor, ”will carry enough poison to infect a house hold.” In summer-time, more espec ially, disease germs fill the air, multi tudes are infected, fall ill, die ; multi tudes escape. These messengers of mischief do not exist for millions. Why not ! Because they are healthy and strong protected as a crocodile is against gun shot. It is the weak, the wasted, the thin-blooded who fall ; those wh have no resistive power so that a suddea cough or cold develops into graver disease. We hear of catching diseaael Why not catch health l We can do it by always maintaining our healthy weight. ScotH &muUtciw of Cod-liver Oil, is condensed nouriah ment; food for the building up of the system to resist the attacks' of diaease. It should be taken in reasonable dosca all summer long by all those whose weight is below the standard of health. If you are losing ground, try a beetle now. For sale by all druggists at 50c. and PROFESSIONAL CARDS Q < N. HARDEN* M. D. S3?“Office West of Public Square, HOMER, GA. J)AVID *\ STARR, Attorney at law, HOMER, GA. Special attention given to all business We will send you both the weekly Constitution and the Banks County Journal for -$1.25 a year cash.