Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, July 15, 1897, Image 4

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IiANKSCOUMVJOrRWL Official Organ of It inks County WALLACE L HARDEN, Editor and Publisher. ' Hat4*l* of Subscription. One year 'o cents cash or #I.OO on time Rix mouths 25 cents cash or 50 cents on time Entered at the Postofflce at Homer Ga. as second class matter. Contributions are solicited, but Correspon dents should remember that hundreds of people are expected to read their writings, therefore they should be short and to the point. The editor of this paper does not hold himself espousible for the views or expressions of con ributors. The Journal is published every Thursday morning and all opies should be in this office not ater than Saturday morning to insure publica tion. Address all communications to Wallace 1,. Harden, Editor. THURSDAY, JULY 15,1897. In presenting this issue of the. Journal, we feel an additional pride in the same. We fully realize that our •very It iled experience in newspaper business compels us to work the harder ea 'h and every week, trying to imp rove the Journal in every way possi ble. The building up of a young county paper, we fuily realize, is a difficult task and if one is so fortunate as to succeed in this undertaking lie cer tainly deserves the support of such paper’s readers. At the same time he must never for a moment think that there is not great room for very marked impiovements. Therefore we must acknowledge with thanks, dbe receipt of many complimentary re marks upon the quality of the Journal We desire to say that these remarks have very greatly stimulated onr de sire, to still improve, and continue to build still higher. Therefore, we must say that our correspondents thoughout the county are to a greater or less extent res pnnsinhle for tne rising or falling of tlie quality of a paper, and that iu order to continue to raise it, they are as necessary as the plain white paper jtself. ' We fully expect to contiuue to try to improve on each preceding issue of the Journal, and we sincerely trust that our efforts iu this direction wig prove even more successful than they have been in 'he past, and now we desire to say to our contributors that their letters arc the cause of so many complimeuts being pouring in upon the very young Journal, and we feel very grateful toward them for their good wishes and work in the welfare of th Jonrnel And we can do nothing eis e hut hope for a continuance of this the Very best, of p' work. And we ti est that we may he the re cipient of of a letter from each and every one who cares to contribute news articles from Cost, Hollings worth, Grove Level, Hickory Level Alaysvilie, GiUswlle, Lula and Bellton' Arp.Silver Shoal, Banksville, Erastus Jewellville, Yonah, Pruit, Cornelia Phidelta. Alto, Eoyston, Carnot, Eli Harmony Grove, Jefferson, Daniels ville, Cleveland, Gainesville, Atlanta Tampa Fla., or anywhere else that/ the Journal desires from, even to that beautiful resort, Lakewood Park. Ai y,■ it (It s lor] nblicatki w ill 1 e appreciated, arid perhaps you will be the winner of this 82.00 prize. This will Ire doubled next time. You wih have the advantage of a little practice if you contribute between now and Sept Ist next. LAYING IJY Some of xhe fanners of Georgia arc st ill suffering for rain, although The weekly crop reponr just out shows Tbar The rains have been prevalent' over a greater parr of The STaxe. Cotton lias made some improve ment and corn |is rapidjy catching up. Corron is fruiTing well. Peach es are of an inferior variery and tlio erof is small. The reporr for rhe week ending yesterday is as follows: While xhe prevaleuT weaTher con ditious over the state during the | asf week have been favorable to growing crops, them are quite a number of seexions where no ram has fallen and crops are sffering droughT. Corn and eoTTon have improved where rains have fallen and both are now doing well. In a few sections there are complaints of lice on the cotton and some is shedding, but as a rule, though the plant is small, it is nice and fruiting. Most of the corn has been laid by. The fruit crop is short and poor in quality. Pears are al most a failure in most sections. Peaches are dropping and rotting. Wild berries have been eutdown by drought. The hay crop is good. Pastmes have improved and stock is in good condition. With good season able rams the crops will continue to improve and cotton will soon catch ?- CONVENTION’S MTNTJTK.S I The Executive Committee of the Ranks County Sunday School Con vention met pursuant to "call at the j Court House. July 10th 1897. Vice l’residen A. (1. Stapler pi tsiding ‘ On motion to have Sunday School Celebration as heretofore practiced. On motion, appointed committee for preparation and arrangements tor celebration, mid the Convention be re sponsible to de fray all expenses for the same, as follows; L N. Turk: l>. B. Dowdy and Logan Perkins. On motion, appointed committee to arrange program for Friday s Conven tion, as follows- M. C. Sanders; A. \V Henderson and W. A. Watson. The following names proponed to pay in to help defray the expenses lor preparation for Celebration. t vitg Tim’s J. Carr $‘2.00, A. W. Henderson $ 1.00 W. A. Watson $ I On tt;: -it .ii'Ol, /\(lJOtiriicd• Rev A. II Stapler, Ist Vice President Loo as PErkins. Assistant Seot’y. Programme. The Banks county Sunday Sehoo) Convention composed of the superin tend nts, officers and teachers of the various Sabbath schools of Banks county, and each other delegates as they are entitled to under the consti tution. will meet in the Presbyterian church at Homer, Ga - ’ on I* inlay the 23rd day of July 189“ at 9.30 o'clock a. m. Convention will be opened with Singing and Prayer Roll Call, ' Introduction of Visitors; Reports of Sunday Schools; Appointments of Committees; Adjourn one hour and a half at 12 in- Re-assemble at 1:30 p. in. Discussion of the following subjects; Ist. How can we best stimulate an interest in Sunday, School work ? 30 minutes by Drs. V. D. Lockhart, 11. R. Quillian an.’. Mr. M. L. McDonald 2nd. The sacred keeping ofj the Saobath 30 minutes by Profs. Earnest Neal and Baxter Smith and W. T- Cochran. 3rd. Advantages of State and coun ty Associations 30 minutes by Dr. J. Sam Daniel, Prof. H. W. Wooding and Judge A. C. Moss: Promiscuous remarks by the eon volition. Unfinished Business! Report from Committees Resolutions. Benediction. M. C. Sanders, i W. A. Watson, ,- Committee. A. W. Henderson, ) We are all happy to announce that the feeling toward holding the I’h.ius County Sutulai School Celvb: .lion has been grown! v so rapidly during the last four weeks iliat it lias been very I decide, l to hod the Coll vention here on Friday the 23rd ilist, and the Celebi alien Saturday the 24th inst. As there seems to be a mistaken idea afloat that the celebration falls on tne last Saturday in July of each year, we desire to call your spe dal at tention to the fact that accord ing to the provisions of the Constitution governing the S. S. Convention,it is necessary for the celebration to be. held on the Saturday before the last Sabbath in July. This year July ends with Saturday the 31st, consequently the celebration will come off just i b ut one week e ,i“ Her than it usually does. So, make your preparations to be on hand sure. This being the firsi celebration fo,- two years it is the desire of almost every one that this will be the greatest in the history of these celebration exercises. The interest that is being taken in this matteris only partially shown when we inform you that the following Sabbath schoolshave taken prompt ste| s toward making the occasion ane long to be remembered, on account of its inter- esting and instructive features. These schools have expressed their desire for the celebration and have already e'ected delegates to the con vention: Baptitt and Presbyterian schools in Homer, Bushville, Beaver Dam, Two S. schools at Maysville, Mt. Pleasant, New Salem, Hebran, making nine in all. l!y reference to the above programme it will be seen that a good programme has been arranged, splendid subjects nave be.):; assigned to very competent persous, who are capable to, and will no doubt make them interesting and instructive indeed. You ought to lend your valuable presence to such an occasion, and you are expected to be here on Friday or Saturday the 23 or 24th inst. Pont forget to sen and in you Subcscription for the BANKS’ COUNTY JOURNAL At the remarkably low price 50 cents per annum,if paid for in advance, P(piT| STS HAVE NOT DP 1 PARTED FROM QUESTION. Judge Hir.cs says the people's' party lias not liy noi tree s-iivir. lie denies emphatically that they have even departed one inch from their strong tree silver sentiments, and says that he will continue to advocate free silver. The Judge ndmi's that free silver will no longer be mane the main Issue, but lie claimes that it was mver the principal issue, He says the tight is to he made on the currency, but with a view to divorcing the governra t from the banks. He says that he will make a number of speeches through | the summer anvocating the govern ! ineiil owneiship of railroads. Blalock Committee Stiil on Capitation Tax. •Tc Blalock committee of the state ! legislature is still at work investi gating the capitation tax of the differ ent concerns throughout the state. They spent most of the day yester day ascertaining if die railroad com panies were delinquent in their pay ments and the result was somewhat startling. It was found that nranv of the roads ill the state had not paid tin's capita tion tax for a whole year, and some had never paid it at all. A few com panies have compiled with the law,hut the majority have not. The committee is making a full list of those who have paid and those who have not paid, and will present the same to the legislature. While there is necessarily a dvfie - eney on the sttite eiunptroler’s ho >ks, yet the committee does not hold him responsiablu for the non collection of! the tax. It is the duty of the tax receivers in each county to called amount, and Chairman Blalock indi cated yesterday afternoon t.he rec eivers would probably he held ae countable for this seeming neglect. It is the duty of the railroad com panies, however, to include this tax in their regular returns at the end of the ye r, and they may be made to show cause why they also fail <1 to comply with the law. The committee will likely be in session some time yet, as they have much work to do. The capitation tax will not l.e fin ished for several days, as the corn mittee lias to investigate telephone, t, 1 graph, electric lig! t compact s, the agents of firms negotiating loans and ihe lawyers, physiciuus ana den tists, all of whom are subject to this dapitation tax of sio per anuin. Eclipse of (lie Sun. j The people of all sections of the • | L : ; itod alates will £ ,i chance oi I ■ vitm . a ocipse on the i morning of Juiy 2;'. Tim eclipse vvili be one in which ' large portion of the sun’s disc w ill be obscured. This obscured segment, three-fourths of the sun’s face, will be laiger than that of any eeiipse for a nurnb#r of years. The earth will enter the moon’s shadow a few mmutes before 8 o’clock on July 29, and it w ill be 10.30 before it emerges into the full brightness of the sun’s rays. The eclipse will be an nular in mexico ,Cuba and the South Atlaniie ocean. NOTICE. To the Justices of the Peace Notaries Republic and Legs' Cons stables of Banks Cos. You will notice on the first page of this issue of the Journal The County Directory This directory was gotten up hastily, and as some of the names might not be correct, we desire to cal! your attention, and if you find any errors or omissions we will thank vou to let us know' where we aie not correct. We have not the dates on which the respective Justice courts convene, and would also be pleased to receive this information from the Judges themselves. DID VOU EV'ER. Try Electric Hitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not get a bottle now and yet relief'!’ bis medicine lias been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all Female Comphnnis, exerting a wonderful <li reet influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have Loss of Appetite, Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Sleepliss, Excitable, Melancholy or I troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Hitter 4 is the medicine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and SI.OO at L. J. Sliaap & Bro, Harmony Grove, and L. G. Hardman Bro Harmony Gr*ve, and Maysville. If you 'intend to paint .your house get A, A. WHITE LEAD at Hardman Bros. Drug Store Harmony Grove. It is an Anti- Trust Lead. It took the prize at the World’s Fair. It is cheaper than Trust lead and just as good if not bettor Your attention is respectfully called : to the fad that Mr. A. }t. Robertson the old vocable and wide awake j Mounmoi to p i Tomb struio man ufacturer is still in business in Athens- Yon should remember the old reliable dealer when in nl-cd of his class of woi k. Go to A. R. Robertson at 115 Thomas hit, and you will find him all i that is claimed for him to he and liiij, the cheapest Marble Works. Sot'i ll Purely American. Thomas G. Alford, of flic Now York Wo; Id, in reference to The Ex posh ion, says ; “The movr striking feuTures wasftlie crowds: They were pui Ely AmKrieans. It was rafi'Esbing In NortriEin and EastKru chins ir is hot possible to see a crowd so Thor oughly American as Thu uni; lliar grnETEd The PiEsidiiiiT Eiiday. and it puts tin; South abovE any ollu r sec torn. Nashville is distinct ivly an Ann; ricau city. I noticed this riatuKs over the stores and shops, and was stiuck by the names. The South is the only portion of the United States that can be called purely American.” BUG KEEN’S ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Sail Rheum. l‘V\ -r Sores, Tetter, ( hupp l and Hands, Chilblains, Coins, and all Ski i Eruptions, and positively cures Riles, or no pa\ required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. ; For sale by L. |. Sharp & Bro., Ihtr : mony Grove, and I, G. Hardman <V Bro., Harmony Grove and Maysvulo We are glau to say that since the <-n --j largenient oi the JOU R N A L took ihc }):•! pie have been trying t show their Appreciation of the young find wholy inexperienced Editor’s very best efforts to get out. the very bo. t , cleanest newsiest yet cheapest Weekly thiit has ever been gotten out in this or adjoining counties, by their continued yet voluntary effort to have thei-own B A N K S G O 'U N T Y J O U li N A I. to have by far the largest circulation of any woeky County paper in Nertli-east Georgia, by coming in and mvclting its Subscription list one-by-one. Pleas remember that the World is composeu principally of ..Lit tie drops of water, .mi! Utile grans of Sand and that a paps'-’s circulation is com posed of one t üb-erilxT after another lia’ ing Ms ni’n.o v ; , hK*."('| ..vithep : 1 * It.nv >'-r i..-- uaiico o( v; ■ 5 j work. Thanking you in advance for name. T'HEKE 18 NOTHING SO GOOD T here is u -ihiiig just as good as Di king's New Discvery for Consumption Cough and Colds, so demand it and do mil permit the dealer to sell some substitute- He will not claim there is anything Betfer, blit in order fo make more profit lie may claim some thing else to btrfjust ay good. You want Dr. King’s New' Discovery he cause you know it to be safe and re liable, and guaranteed to do good or i money refunded' For Coughs, Colds Coii'-umption auci for all affections ol Throat, Chest rTud Lungs, there is nothing so goon as Dr. King’s New Discovery. Trial Dottle free at LJ. Sham A Bro, Harmony Grove, and L. G. Hardman ifc Bro, Harmony Giwa, and Maysville. A SEWING MACHINE Fit ME We have decided to give away a Sew ing Machine. Commending July Ist for 30 days we will give n chance with every dollars worth of goods you pay us earli for; there wdll be 200 numbers one of which gets,-a New Home Sewing Machine, worth $13.00. Those that don’t gel the mnchiit,; will get the goods at our cash prices, so you can’t loose. Also we lime other machines that wo will sell at a very low figure. Cull to see us. .1: K. STRANGE & SON., Carnot, Ga. - The only SODA FOUNT in H armony Grove is at FI arc! n m a Bros, Drug Store, Get a cool drink of COCA-COLA There and feel refreshed, it Everybod y who is an y body, takes tli e B A N K S 0 6 U N T Y J O U It N A L. \V H Y ? ► Because it ! s the best cheapest and Newsiest L>■; si \V eek I y in-Georgia, —a nil do n’ t YOU forget i t. — We will send you both the weekly Constitution and the Banks County Journal for $1.25 a year cash. rrryr TO THE c 1 ■ ** e i o i THE STKOIAL NOTICF The Weekly Con. i i-l at ion, pub.:!. !i. and at A ! hinla, l hi. has inm'i.meed ils missing word eonteot. Tills is a mid summer seheeme and something to in terest you during the hot seasi.n. It began June Ist, mid closes the Ist of September, covering a period of ninety days. It publishes the full particulars of the sealing of the book (the sentence being taken from the work., of a stan dard author) and placing the book with Col W. A. Hemphill, the Business Man ager of the Constitution Publishing Company, who keeps it in his safety vault and will deliver it sealed, to the committee deciding the contents on Sopteinbos Ist. Ten per cent of the money received from subscribers who enter the missing word contest during till' months of June, .Inly and August will he paid to the per: on or persons, naming correctly (he missing word in the followin' 1 ser.- tlince “W E 11 AVE N() T ‘ ’ ENOU (i H AN 1> .'v K E PH T TO VERY AWKWARD SHIPS PO R W A NT <) P SOM 10.” There is not much doubt in the mind of the Editor . f this paper as to the word expressing that of which lie lui.- not been able to secure enough, and he realize (he very awkward shifts hr is [>ut to for want of same, but lb poin ij to find the very wind the author of the sen tone used in writing it. By special arrangements of the We- kly ConstitutioiT that gre:,i pain-rand our* (The BANKS COUNTY JOURNAL) can be obtained for one year at almost the price of one paper. Not only that; but under our arrangement with The Weekly Constitution every person who takes advantage of this clubbing prop osition, subscribing for both The Weekly Constitution, and, i'he Bonks County Journal an? I, -'5 will be entitled to a guess at the mi. e.::. word. All clubbing subsseriptieiis •iiould be sent to this pajiet- with cue! subscribe I'*.? gur* a mc the missing word, plainly written. The guess and i ho name and address of each subacrib will bo forwaided by ns to The C nsti tutioi). Tlie (.'oii.-iituiion’.-i fi I “mi. rd| contest” clo.sod on the Ist of January, 1 and but oir person Mr. M. Jj. Biiitain, a hard-working school teacncr, guessed the missing word, receiving therefor a check for Y 1,033,50. It second contest closed on the Ist of March, it.; third c-onlcst closed on May Ist, and the Weekly Constitution of Monday, September 6th will contain the anuoucement of the awards in which the cash is to be distrib c cessful guessors in this new contest. Tlie r. aders of our paper who subs-crilie jointly to it and Tne Weekly Ooristiiu iion have free access into tlie fourth eon test just ojfhed ; and it may be tbni some of then will get the money to be disi rit)iitop on the Ist of September. The only condition of the contest is j that every--guesser nmsl he a sul. cribej .md ta';ii!g advantiige of Tlie (nm.-iitn t ion’s off; rwe })," s i ni this oppoi-t unity to all who wi.-h to subscribe to both papers. Kvery person should I have his county paper and o i; general news-paper; and Tin* Weekly Gonslhei i ion, with a circulaiioti of lotJ.OX), it occupies the unitjue di. tinetion of be ing the greatest Amerean Weekly news paper. t Breadmaker \\ Who uses Igleheart’s Swans Down R \ Jj Flour is always sure that her bread JV ' when it comes from the oven will be feathery' light and as white as the flour from which it film ‘ \is made. • A superlative patent flour, milled f jjjf front the very finest winter wheat — *' IGLEHEART’S Swans Down Flour ft the sweetest the most wholesome and the most economical that grocer ever sold. Ask for it at your grocer’s. IGLEIIEART BROS., Evansville, Ind. ■ a , r, DeLOACH 1 -iO ii \ ":i ’ Jl F;I Ve.iGjle fuc! ion, jsL _ /:< fecci Saw Milis, * - \ l.'f. Shins!" Ki> , i-, '“.V-w''B* v v 0-4 I '\ and Planets. , & ■>. 1 .W^'.'T 5 _ Funinesara 1 •' )*' \ , V; ■ ■’ jg’r-'-’ sfi-; Boilers, torn, i • 4a’ , ' V feed and , fv\ -3 {TyW:;-. • - ' S-- -'d-;: t/. tmi,rMitts 1 - r - BaiiTq Presses, 1 Vv-G :• . V '"-8: Corn Shellers i rnciPealiuKers ‘ ' Shaft irnj. Pulleys 1 p.rcictn pricfs. enri Mill Gearing.] '- 1 i 'V.' r,4 - v'VG 4 spfc:4Liv. LARGE C4TALOCIE fRtE. I DeLOACH MILL MFG. COMPANY, Atlanta, Ga., SJ, 5, A. J i . (Sj Washington St., Mew York City. CS £. tll h St, St. tcuis, Mo. .fit ■ r-t? • Those interested in Machinery ,cftn see the handsome 180. Catalogue of the ■Loach Manufacturing Cos,, at this office. NORTHEAST ERN R. R. OF GEORGIA BETWEEN ATHENS AND LULA TIME TABLE No. 4To Take Effect May 18, 1807. SOUTHBOUND NOB IIIBOUND 9 | u | 13 : 14 ; io : 12 D’ly TVlv Su On : :BuC>n : D’ly : I)’ly ExSu j Exyu j Pas’r: X. E. STATIONS. : Pas’r ;Ex Su :Ex Su AM : r M : AM : Lv Ar : A M : P M : P M 1120 : 8 15: 1105: Athens : 1050 : 800 : 10 50 11 40: 8 32- 1122: ( enter r.. :10 33 : 743 : 10 23 12 02 : 8 40: 1130: Nicholson : 10 9 : 729 : 10 05 12 36: 9 02: 11 52: Harmony :1003 : 713 : 935 12 55: ‘.*l7: 12 07: Mavsville : 948 : 058 : 12 24 1 08: 9 25.. 12 1 5: Gillsville : 940 : 050 : 955 1 30: 4O: 12 30: Lula : 925 : 0 35 : 830 AM : PM: A M :Ar Lv : A M : P M : AM* R. K. REAVES, STATE AGENT, ( . :< > VV ROUZKR, of the New Y< i;k I b-r.j.b Tin- E p mi ion sur passed anything I had been led to sus pect. It more forcibly illustrates the progress being made by (lie .South than anv Exposition that has preceded it. I was vary much impressed with the agricultural exhibit. Ihe arraugment of the exhibit is tasteful and the dec oration both beautiful and unique. “GREATEST ON EARTH.” Dr. Milos* ißcf*toratlvo Nervine. Mr. H. T. Caldwell, is book-keeper in the First National Bank of Fulton, Ky. “I was completely run down, My nerve* became to unstwinj? through loss of sleep and worry that 1 felt sure 1 would bo com pelled to pi vo up my position I would lio awake all night long, audit tool, but little — rf*. CauSwell. to shake me up so that I could not. possibly attend to my business as J should. In connection with this I had liver trouble, heaviness about the stomach, and pains in different parts of my body. 1 was also much reduced in flesh. I was persuaded to try Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine. I first procured a triel bot'lo from a local druggist and good results quickly followed. I then procured .i dollar bottle, and by thotimo I liafl used t his up 1 was a different man. I am now on my third bottle and am able to sleep soundly and eat. regularly, something 1 could not possibly do before taking your Nervine. I am now Jully recovered, and do not hesitate to pronounce Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine the urcatcst nervine on earth.” Fulton, Ky. R. T. CALDWELL. Dr. Miles* Nervine is sold on a positive guarantee that t lie first bottle will ‘benefit. All druggists soi l it::t sl, 6 bottles for f?o, or it will bo Gent, prepn id, on receipt of price by the Dr. Miles Medical Cos., Elkhart, IncL Dr. Miles’ Nervine Re . s .‘Tlauh This is the Man PEOPig .*. & %• % ? ji? *.• \Ajy *£ *?*.%- S Uj Si* %r'h'Q> •S'iiil'S' ? IpillM l 5 !li§ |®tlisHa *s*£ a Bs fEm i{ .a M&& Ml lpwS ii Vi ta3s iffi 5 fiarfl .£,423 fi .2 *5-13* rfffj r;- sog^ss Isf if i sallgei fas|f| fig fUfisf fiffi $ Sg-as^S *g§ss m m a M * h®££B 'Ssgk, W mg'Sdfl I O I Sc, S3 &27 Itc j< f.