Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, September 09, 1897, Image 6

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Legal Advertisements- GEORGIA., Bauks County. To all whom it may eoncern—Mrs S, F. Patterson having applied for Uuardinship of the property of Bula M. and Pearl, E. Patterson, minor children of R. M. Patterson late of said county deceased, Notice isgiven tnat said application will be beard at my office at 10 o’clock A. M. on the first Monday in October next. This September Gih 1897 - T. F. Hill, (Printer’s fee $2.25.) Ord’y, GEORGIA: Banks County.—To all whom it may concern: A, T Edwards guardian for R. A. Edwards now R. A. Stredman, and John E Edwards applies to me for letters ot amission from said guardianship, and I will pass upon his appliction on the first Monday in October next at my office in Homer said county- Given under my hand and official sig nature. This July the sth 18? 7, T. F. Hli.iL, Ord,y PR 0 FES SION A L VA RI) S (\ N. HARDEN’ M. D. cyOFKics Wkstof Public Square, HOMER, GA. j)A VID 8. STARR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, : HOMER, GA Crucial attent ion given t© nIJ business. Noe. 22 JT. JLi Perlnns. Attorney at Law. Horner., Ga, Bicycles at Yourowu Pr ice. No reasonable offer retused. Alt guaranteed for one year. Our refer ence any Bank or commercial agency. W rite f. r catalog. THE MANUFACTURERS CLEARING CO., P 26 to 134 Van Purer, St, Chicago. Illinois. UKADY SCHOOL Cotton is opening rapidly. Mr. J C. Acrey is preparing to build anew house. Ciops ar@ looking very well in our section, fodd. r is about ready tor pulling; We are locking for j. me mere weddiagsio Lue> ap soon as money gets 10 circulation here. Messrs. Tcm Dobbs and Billy Brown toofc a flying trip to the sing last week up at the Cnrryhea school house, they report hayeng had good time. They surely must have; judging hr the smiles they both brought back en tbeir faces. ir. J. A. Martin is building a fine | gin bouse near Urena postcfiiice on Tate creek t we think be will do a good business there. Ma. F. W. P. says he is going build a house and bring bis best girl home. We wish him good luck' Mr. J. E Whitfield who lives near old Middle river postoffic now has a fide new buggy, he.srys If some pretty girl will say “yes” they will become as oca. Some girl bad better say yes quick to be sure to not get left. Well! I will class by sayiDg the Banks County Journal is the best and finest County Weekly paper in the North-eastern portion of the finest Qf ali Southern states, Georgia. L. Moses. 1o late for last week. ONE 0F TVVQ WAYS * The bladder was created fur one pur pose, namely, a receptacle for the urine and as snch it it not liable to any furm of disease except by one of two ways. The first way is from imperfect action of the kidneys. The second way is from careless local treatment of other diseases. CHIEF CAUSE. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys is the chief cause ot bladder tsoubles. So the womb, like the bladder n created for one purpose, and it' not doctored too much is not liable to weakness or dissease, except in i - . ■ • ca ses 1 It is situated back oi anti veiy close to the bladdlir, therfeore any pain j disease r inconvenience manifested in j the kidneys, back, bladder or vrinarv j passage is often, by mestake, attrib j uted to female weakness ar womb tro- j üble of some sort. The error is easily ■ made and may be easily avoided To i find out. correctly, set your urine aside ! for twenty f "ir honr- a sedament or j s- j; <r :n> ■ i-> kidney or bludnei | . t r .abb Tne .nl'.n! extraordinary effect of Lr Kilm, rY- Swamp Root, the great kidney, anti bladder remedy is soon realist! If you need a med’c jU ii'o sbou'c b.-ve the best. At druggists fifty c*u a.if one dollar You may ha - e a sample bottle and oampb'et mth o-n - oe mail. .1 i ii.uK- Ootintv J'TF.NA.L ss t • Dr. Kilmer & Cos., Bingiiatnpton, N. Y. The proprietors ©f this paper gnaran. tee the genuineness of this offer 11— lb— 97- Chattanooga Normal University. Will Sustain the Following Depart ments. General Courses.* Pnmanship, Teachers’ (Normal Course proper), Commercial, Short hand an 1 T’y powritibg, Elocution, Scientific, Special Mathematics, Spe cial Language, Spcial Science, Classic. Special Courses, Telegraphy, Kindergarten, Art, Normal Kindergarten (for training of teachers), A Coiniete Conservatoiy of Music. School the entire your ex. cept the month of Augus. FOURTEEN DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS. EIGHTEEN iDIF-FERNNT TEACHERS. AS SPECIAL FEATURES of our school pupils ina y enter any time, select such work ns they and pursue their studies as rapidly as their ability will permit. In any rog ular couse ws permit such substitu tions aswill enable one to make a specealty of any line of work desired. TUITION in the regular De partments is SI.OO per week, payable for a term in advance; in the Special Courses it depend upon the work ta ken. No tuition will be refunded, but for a continued illness ot more than two weeks.a due bill will be issued for the time lost, good for any future ti me. DIPLOMAS. To any one completing any of the courses above mentioned, a dipjoma will be issued indicating the workd one. HOW THE SCHOOL IS GOVERNED This is not a reform school; ther efore we have no set rules. We desi rathe attendance of is ties and gentlemen, anti we expect to treat them as such. We are willing to ad vertise in regard to tha conduct of I students’ and the privilege of asking the withdrawal of any one who does not conform io the usual deportment of a lady oifgentlcmen. EXPENSES. It is an object of the school to impress practical economy in every department, flood board can be had fr, m $1.50 to $2.00 per week and room rent from 50c to 75c per week, thus making the entire cost with t-u j lion $3.00 per week. To meet these low ales is absolutely necessary that all bills be paid a term in ndvan ce. We will refund money paid for board or room rent, but charge lOcper wetadditional for thetinie, if less than om term. Text-books may he rented from the text-book library at 10 per centof the retail, tbns saving a great deal in the expenses of books School begins September 6, 18S7 for next school year For father inlor ation addres DR. H. M EVANS, Cbatanooga, Tenn. Vou will notice the advertisement of the Chattanooga Normal Universiitv above, read it very sarefully, and il you decide to want to attend theUn- Ivereity and take a thorough course, and if you have not the necessary money to pay your expenses, you can go to work ight at your own home, getting subscribers to tbe Journal, and we will give to tbe person who sends us the largest number of cash paid up subscriptions to the Journal at 50 sir from now until Sep. Ist and theraftec SI.BO per year to any addrsesuntil July lstlß9B, a scholarship for 48w’ks schooling at the Chattanooga Normal University. Thisis well worth your attention. It is a school for both ladies and gentlemen, mid if either a lady or gentlemen gets ns the largest numberof subscribers for the Journal we will sive this scholarship free of We Will gl re Him BOiiiMaiMii]! charge. So think about it just long e nough to arrive at the conclusion that it is a chance of your lifetime and that you had better try to win this $50,00 by just a little work. Cash must ac • company all orders for the BANKS COUNTY JOURNAL NUBIAN TEA cures Dyspepsia, Constipation andlndigestion. A F Regulates the Liver. Price, £se Resource, Screven Cos , Ga. —1 have been subject to attacks of billion:- r-olic for several yerrs. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is the only sure relief. It-acts like a charm. ’ One dose of it gives relief wheuall other remedies fail— G. D StiAitP. For sale by R. T. Thompson, Homer, Ga, This is the Man E |™E PEOP le a i /// M fjmf# ' yyy By giving: best and cheapest n*7 Wire If racing for all nr. yones at fact ry price. Ko vv 'ov bow • ittl'* or how much you naed, or i‘c • what purpose, send to ;<i lor -.t. LOCAL NEWS AND NOTES GATHERED FROM TOWN AND COUNTY. Llttic Hems too Short tor Heads lint Long Enough to In terest the Reader. Advertise in the J O U U N A L. Gallon Ducket, Moss & Cos., for Syrup Barrels and Kegs. News is somewhat scarce this week; but whst there is of it you get on the regular scednlo lime. Col John L. I’erkins has returned to his in Ml Airy tor a stay ot about two weeks- Mr. J. N. Hill can now be seen in u.icle Sam’s office in Maysvtie- where he now serves as Ist Assistant 1 ost master. Mr- Hill is also engaged in another line of business with Mr. Bid Martin; We wish Jimmie much suc cess an 1 greatest joy in Ins new, But very interesting as well as instructive vet lucrative p s.t.on. Just one week from next .Moudaj ibe Banks County mill of Jusliot; tut -ter the very able management of our miller, Judge L. N. Hutchins will be gin to grind and turn out justice to tbe unjust aud the just alike in pro portion to what is due both. Mr. J. C, Allen of Yonah, Ga., who is out efficient and jolly Tax Receiver, and who bus not been in too County j seite for some weeks, is now with us: fora while. He appears to be much pleased on account of Ins having fin ished the larger part of his work for this year, The night for holding the exhi lotion at Bnshvilie school house lias been decided upon; It will be on next Friday night the 10th insl. A good programme has beeu arranged which will be listened to with great interest by a large crowd. Let all who can d<> so, be on hand Sec advertisement of Ducket, Mess & Cos,, Ho-lings worth, Ga. In this is sue of tile Journal. If you are tu need of a Hay Rake or Mowing Mac hine, call on them before buying Thay handle the McCormirk- the best Ma chine made. TO THE PUBLIC. I have moved my Dental Office to over W. C - J. Garrison’s Store- Respectfully W. G- Sharp, Dentist. Mb-ysville., Ga. BRUIT. Postmaster Bill Martin of Mays - ville was ill our town to see friends. Coti .n picking has begun in oil) .section; Mr. John Seilers ims a bale already out. Mr Joshua White was in our I own last week. Josh says them Eyes were not right: News is scarce in this town at present, but will try to scare, up seme for our mxt letter. Mrs. Tern Anderson visited her sister, Mrs Seaborn Ducket of Hoi! ingswoUli last Sunday, ])r A, 11. Stapler’s school has closed at this place, aud will begin a •lin on the first Monday in January: There was a men iage over the river la the neighborhood of Urena last, week that did not suit, the “ol i folkst’, hence you car. heat al! sorts of haecl things. Guess, 141, ... B9ok-Keeiilii,Bi!singsi, PHONOGRAPHY, ! Situation ysf ? c- : , m ■' \i%2V •u Adi WjL. A i.! < i !•>, S U \TH, !.EKif:CTCSU, NY., For cir:uUr -f 1 ? fani • rand re c - RSiblo JOmmCOUBE O? ft UNIVERSITY Aw"*./L .V ’■j/'-jt:’ Hi .-- 1 ?*>i i:'. r.trMiSliWY* If'-M’s to ' "vk’iuD'-; -n positions. • i .>f Fit:.' 4s/r *;<'■*: i ill. liminy To;- . ; i;.• . . r ! r.i f :r- . Of >-N. ’h '■;'TT’ t l-;- .••..r;i r . aiid TT,SjteciaHis?* ; ■ - indei seal, . ... i- if detired. . .. r • SfifuL , • . - . • r <, 't*& OMf| ; f• 25 ,Zi ~ r\-1 ; l t K GTO N: KY. TwO FOll 05* 12. By spat-ini ariangtnu nt we ofie j MOM r a si) I 4 ARM Jn combination wi li our paper foi' j 75 cents, SI.OO being the price .f both That, is, for all new or old subscribers renewing and paying in advance, we send Tue Home and Farm one ye.,r for 25 cents Home and F.inn has for mariv years been the leading agricul tural Journal of the south add south west, made by farmers for farmeia Its Home Department conducted by Aunt Jane, its Children's Department and its Dairy Department are bright r and better than ever. Renew now nd get this great Journal for the om. v >\- J ‘[, ■ " • * jL.arf h catalogue shewing i V u . rati or s o i all styles o f ft nc- \ v . h hundr is of testimonials m all aecMors. Address X. L. SHDLTiABEBtGES, The Win* Fence Man* 0 S. 3?orsytb St. ATfrXWTA, GA, COST. We arc needing some rain in our at present. Cotton is on a boom this Week, the patches look like snow banks. Mi- Jim Connally is attending mee ting at Hleastint Hill this week; w, re glad th have such men come in our midst. Bov’s Holcombe and Barnes have been faithful in their good works at Pleasant fill this week; there has been some accessions to the church. Messrs. Abner Wofford and Abner Alexander were attending Pleasant Hill thes week; they are clever boys, and we like to welcome them in our section. I am almost destitute of sometning to write about this week; hu* will try to do more next time Will close lor this time; with the promise to ever work iu the cause of the Journal' Gambetta. I! \ H GAINS,! At Ducket, Moss & Co’s, lloiiingswiirrh, Ga., for the week only, fiom Monday Sep* 6th 1597. Ut-moruber these goods can not be bovght in the market at the price they are offered. No one will be allowed more than one fau't or 50 yard, of these goods at tins price, nor vviii any of them be charged at these prices. Checks, 5 cts kinds at 3| cts. b * o n Shifting; 5 cts kinds 3;| els. Sheeting, fi ~ ~ 4f „ • Best New stock Liver Powders, 2o ets packages, 12 cts. Three 3 bars good soap 5 i ts. BIG BARGAIN! These prices are for the week only, or until balance of these goods are closed out. Como to see us, we will give you good price for produce of any kind we handle. Cull and see us, we will take pleasure in showing you the goods v-hethei you buy or not. We have anew stock now or. hand Ducket, Moss Cos, lloli.i XGSWORT H., Ga. Pie: se remember that you cannot get the Barks county Journal after r'ejit 10th, for 50 ets. But we earnest ly hope you will continue to take it at §l, per year, cash in advance. Owing to over crowding and bad ver,_ iilatich, the air of tbe schoolroom i.v often close aud impure, ami teachers and pupils frequently suffer faom lung and throat To all such we would say, try Chamberlain.* Cough Tc-medy, For Toughs, colds, weak lungs and bronchial troubles no other remedy can compare with it. Says A. C. Freed, Superintend-nt of Schools, Prairie Depot, Ohio; : Having some of the efficiency of Cham berlain.s Cough Remedy; I have no hesitation in recommending it to all who suffer from congas, lung troubles etc.” For sale by R. T. Thompson. Horner, Ga. We will send you both the weekly Constitution and the Banks County journal for $1.75 a year cash. Tetter. Salt-Rheum and Kcw“dua. The intense itching and smarting, inci dent to these diseases, isinstantiy r.i iayed bv applying Chamberlain's Eye anu Skin Ointment. Many very bat. cases have been permanently cured by it. It is eqn ,;iy eifioient for itching piles and ■i favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box. Dr. rally’s Condition Powders, are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier .‘.ad vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the test in use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 85 cents per package. For sale byKT. Thompson: Homer. Ga. Write To The PATTERSON MARBLE CO,, m Cal! at the Journal Office FOR CATALOGUE OF MONCMENTS FREE. .In.'/ I'frrmalion J''ur n,i>he(l (it tun Office. I YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY CONSULTING US iJFioRE PLACING YOU!! ORDER FOR ANY THE BUTLER STREET , , ’' - , V fr, . URENA. Dr. F. M. Loth ridge visited Sliver Shoal last Friday. We had cpiite a pleasant shower oil last Monday. Fodder pulling and Cotton pick ing is li e order of the day. There is but very little sickness in our community just at present. Mr. Emory Jordan and wife, of Hollingsworth were in our sectiouen on last Thuisday. The report is current that Miss Nancy Caudell and Mr. Tom Dobbs are married, but vve can’t confirm it. Th report is current that a leu year old boy killed a school teacher in Franklin comity a few days ago It is riporled that there was quite a hail storm on the head ot Middle liver, which did considerable damage io crops, especially fodder. The republican Congress with McKinley backing them have cene a good deed; for they have lemembeiei the masses of the people, anb put the women on the free list. Tiie all day singing at Connor's, was largely attended and enjoyed by a!i who were present; The basket dinner was very nice, and added much ! o tue enjoyments of the and .y. Mi Bob Williams has just fii isbed anew feed house, whtc h he calls a 1 Silo’, lie has Ids machiu ry in, and rei and ' fur work- he expects to ,ut a- L'OtU twenty- five acrcS of of his corn and store- it for feed. , . I Mr. 11. B. Rice has rieeived bis commission, and will take charge o( the Urena posh-flier soon. Hugh is tin only Democrat that is holding office under a Republican president; I sup pose ha comes m under the Civil sei vicc law. Anoaher run a way, but nobody hurt. Mr. Henry, loberts stole Miss Monday Marlin Tha.ndap morning and went to Rev W, A Scoggins’ where they were married. It seems that, the boys witnout exceptions are taking advantage of the new tariff law-. We feel confident that our effi. i ent edUor will not be criticised for raising the price of the Journal; for ws fee! confident that the subscribers to tbe Journal do not wants- mething for nothin". And ,ve wish the editor succivs; v. e must not only pray, but we must lend a helping hand, which •,vo believe .Mr. Harden will try to show bis appreciation of: by constant ly improving our county paper- Xerxes- THE GRANDEST KEMEDY. Mr R. M. Gioeve, merchant of Chil howie, \ r a., certifies that he hud con sumption, was given up to die, sought all medical treatment that money could procure, tried all cough feme dies he could hear of, but got no relief, r pent many nights sitting up in a chair was indued to try Dr. King’s New Discovery, and was cured by use of two bottles. For past tnree years has been attending to btisines, and says Dr, King's New Discovery is the gran dest remecy ever made, as it has done so much for him aud also for others in his community, Dr. King’s New Discovery is guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and consumption. It don't luii. Trial bottle free at L G. Sharp & Bn/s, Harmony Grove, Aud L‘ G. Hardman & Bro’s ..Harmony Grove and Maysvilie., Ga. % fU J&, aa * | I I MSI Female is | Regulator n & t : or 1! diseases peculiar to women and girls. ] J K Tones ur Vrr v 5, Improves the Ap- if petite, Linrichefl t:;c Blood, and gives Life, ] [ '£• Htalti. ciTd Strath. It is the IC'JEEH Of Tonics l! g MASS* TEE COKPEEXIOH au>. i I & r&rs S A Iwuieof " Monthly ” Regulating l > f HU'5. s IMIs *:• each bottle. For sale by * > ■- "): .'cal f . or son* direr! upon receiptof price by ’ ' f. new fpeneef Hot!. Cos., Chattanooga, Tana. , j * LAOiES’ SPECIAL TREATMENT: in W cases requiring special treatment, address, 'f giving svmptums. Ladies’ Hedicsl He® vf partment. Advice and book on Female Diseases, with testimonials, free. JL t'tr Sa c and Recommended by K. T- Thompson, Homer - Ga; “Mv boy came nomc from sclu o cue (lay wi h his head bad!;.' Ulcerated mid bleeding, and suffering great pain,’’says Mr Iv.J, Scimll, wish Mey er Bros’ Drug Cos., St Louis, AJo. ‘‘l dressed the wound, and applied Chamberlain’s Fain Balm freely. AH pain ceased, and in a rerarrkahly short time it healed without leaving a sera. For wounds, sprains, swellings and rheumatism 1 kuow of no medicine or prescription equal to it. I consider ii a household necessity.” The 25 and 5o cent lizes for sale by R. TANARUS, Thomp. son, Homer., Ga. SUBSOHIBEFOE Tli K BANKS C O U STY .T (* V R N A L ill & Vniiobte rdcffoa, 'C l and/ieseisi 3 *i ~i' ' ’* U:.c fr.!j.s, _ . ac. jad l-e Wte-a,, ' m S',oF;r, LJfcyx . -iT ' rstrrs. t- .. a,. u .r-.a. 'l i; ni&zr*; i " sav • 4 : m\ asw *::\i i\. '^ -**** i AHG£ r.tTALO'U?IE fSff. r? 3LOACH alrjL MFG. COMPANY, Atlanta, C-v - c. S. A. j y. W) : WasMnat(ia St.. H*w Otf. I!f S. lilh St., tj, loci*, Mo. v M Th o >r* interested in Machinery ,can see the handsome B't'7 Catalogue of the DeLcaeh Manufacturing Cos., at this office. "f* Bio /A -i\ _ ysg#* f'4> iri' ' t ms. §OS± W/Bi:. 1 STROM Gr POINTS: Durable RoDe? Chain. Less Friction, Greater SSpeed, Light Weights, Great Strength And Durability More Modem Practical improvements Than can be found en any other wheel ******* ******* DEALERS WANTED. KBATING WHEEL COMPANY, MIDDLETOWN., CONN. The kirn? of all putt ut flours. \ Made from the finest winter wheat. For bread and .;**s*•'/pastry. Ask for it and ac cept no flour that uas not Up. '•**'*** /. . 11 IGLEHEAKT Bltoa, iSSui® tlllS UlcvilU. jivausviile, iniL FORTY barkers per day. i-b-in Term., Scot 3,1892. DRU JMOND MUDiGIN E CO., Now l DTK , Dour Sira:- Inclosed p’.vise lin<l our CoT'-k f-.*" ten dollars on the medicine sent u.- for our cooper. It is not en tirely free of the soreness in joints and occasion:*! pubis iivono e-houuev, but is able to make forty barrels per day, and chini:,,*:*■ more Cottle v,,.* cure film, so please si;i*' We le: l .* CO aJ fait*) in your medicine. e:: .u* * ■ 1!A KRIt; & RUtilJO. Mannfnlt ui'oiv of CclotnwteJ Erin Lime’ I S YOU HAVE ANY FRUIT SAVE IT. You ohm never tu if when you will Lave any more The Best Fruit Cans and tr e Cheapest E ruit Cans, at Ilardinan Bros., Drug Store. Also ij I•.i!’d Fi nit Trim-ring To.vdera. THE NEW YORK WORLD THUICE-A WEEK EDITION. 3 Rages a week. 153 Patters a Year. A paper as useful to you as a great daily for only one dollar a year. Better than ever. AH the news cf all the wrld all the time Accurate and fair to every body. Democratic and lor The people against trust and ail monopolies. Bril liant illustrations Stories by zreatau ihors in , very number. Splendid rend ing for women and other special depart ments of unusual interest, It stands first among" weekly” papers /n site, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tacts. It is practically a daily at the le.w price of a weekly ; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign countries, will vouch for *he accuracy and fairness of its news columns We olfer this uueqnsled newspaper and The BAN fib -Of v 'j JOUR' AN together one year (or it The regular subscript:on price hr h r • • .50 0.:. A, AGENTS WANTED For TJie Official Guido to 1 The KLONDYKK Country. 2 And the GOLD h LEEDS Of ' ALAS K A . 1 Retail Price P, OO Intensely interesting and strictly ' authentic. I'hc actual expert en ; ces of Rimers and their mar' el- - ous discoveries of gold. The information contained in this : book ha# teen carefully prepared from the most reliable sources, I and will be the means of leading thousands to fortnne in the GOLD FIELDS OF TH E N O RT H. The book contains 3ho pages and ! is illustrated with 32 full page . photographs, *abeo especially 1 for this work, and also 8 nag s i. ot official map# We arc the sole 1 publishers of “The Glacial 1 Guide to the I.lonclyke Country;’ i any other publications purport -1 iug to Vie it me Imitations. 1 Our uiual Commissions, i Send 50 cents at once for cum f pletebook, togat c with agents’ i outfit. v AY. B. CONKEY Company, f 341-351 Dearborn Street, v CHICAGO., 111. The Atlanta Weekly Constitution's 4th big Missing word contest has just closed: without any one being tbe sue cessful guesser, They now have even a more interesting contest running. So watch forthc flew announcement in our next issue. We are of ihe ninion that there will be slotl $ 2, 000,00 dollars to be given to the one who guesses right this time. You can get this paper, a guess and the great Atlanta Weekly Constitution for $1,75’ 1500 DOLLARS REWARD, | For ny <* se of Kl* im u y i s.n ■/.!, t ch ?.*n - I not b#> omwl with fh\ Pi itmmoitcFr : I RemuD is-** >*nrt r v j t-irmnl ; relievos m* drco ; toed. Rector** stiff • *ir -.• 1 and hardeoeh ious'i* '• f ■. r -. | gist b.’iJS l*' t got It, do 7: ;!• . thing • •'ani •lA. - Ci , inU - l v J ■ .*>* *'■■*:*. tirk* x Tpc .I.rc- . . f: f :*(••• I :V • ; \\ * •• •' V :;M', .and. • -• • - Ywck