Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, October 07, 1897, Image 5

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COUNTY DIRECTORY. Superior Court-Judge V 1,. Hutchins, Law • nee? ill*; Solicitor-Oeueral C. H. Hi-und, Law • ni'.Tlll; couvenes 3rd Moudar lu March and September, COUNT! OFFICERS. Ordinary—T. F. llill, Homer; Court meet* tret Monday in each month. Sheriff—J. . Parka, Homer; I>. H. Griffin Deputy. Clerk—Logan Verkin., Homer. Tax Beceirer—J. C. A'len, Vonah; Tax Collector—L.J. Ragadate, Carnot; Treaaurer—W. M. A,h. Homer. Surreyor—H, C Alexander, Homer. Coronor—Storall Poole. Pruit. COUNTY SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS. H. W. Wooding, Maysrille. Y. D. Lockhart. President. Board of Education—A. L. Thompson, Gresham Duckot, WT. Anderson, M. fi.Carter. JUSTICP. COURTS. Anderson District <<ls- W. C. J. Garrison J. P M.T.. McOillard Cotistihle. Thursday before sec oa l Saturday in each month Berlin District 1210-J. 8. Conley J. P., D. F BcalesN. P., F. M. Banders cnnatlble. BushvlUe District 208-L. K. Parham J. P., W A. Watson N. P., D. N. McUalliard Ceustible. Court 4th Saturday In each month. ColnmblaDistrict 371-A..1. Cash J. P., S. H Wilkinson N. P., F. B. Blalock constible. Coitr aeeond Saturday in each mouth. Davids District 207-J. C. Wade .T. P.. W J Burgess N. P., J. C. Ingram Constible. Grore River District 1464-C. W. MeadernJ.l* J. F Evans N. P., H. M. Smith Constable. Cour third Friday in each month. Golden Hill District 448- W P. Blackbnrn J. P J W. Peyton N.P .Jule Owens Constable. Hsmer District 265-W. H.TorkJ. P., H. J Blackwell N. P., R- D. Stephens Csnstalile. Cour Second Wednesday of each month. Poplar Springs District 812-E. A. Gtllesp J. P„ A. J. Griffin N. P., J. B. Meeks Constable Court Second Friday in each month. Washington n'strict 284—Bam Keesler ,T. P. M. J. Ragsdale N. P.. John Cochran and J. A Martin Constables Court third Saturday in each month. Wilmots District 1208—M. W Gillespie J. P. G. W Wiley N, P W. ft. Shannon. Constable. Coart third Friday n each month. LODGE DIRECTORY. rbidelta No. 148 F. A . M. Meets first Friday night of each non that Homer A. L. Thompson W M., M. C. Banders Secretary. LOCALS. o NOTES OF INTEREST FOR OUR READERS. Read the Banks County Journal,— Subscribe tor The Journal only ft Advertise in th J O U R N A L. Read the legal advertisement! for this week. The show was quite a success last week. Mr. Jimmie Hill, formerly of this city, but now of Maysvilie, spent Sun day with his parents, Judge and Mrs. Hill. Last Monday was the Ordinary’s court day. Mr. S. L. Cox is now assisting in get ting out the Journal. Banks County Journal and Weekly Constitution both one year for only $1.50. Quite a number of paople came over from Maysvilie to attend the show. Dr. and Mrs. Locknart, of Maysvilie, spent Thursday in Homer. The County Board of Education met here Tuesday. The following members were present: Dr V D i.cckhart, Com. H. W. Wooding, M, B Carter, Gresham Ducket, Alonzo Thompson. Miss Parrot and Master Fisher Per kins, of near Mt Airy, visited relatives here last week. A pain in the chest is nature’s warn ing that pneumonia is threatened. Dampen a pi ce of flannel witn Cham berlain’s Pain Barm and bind over the seat of pain, and another on tne back beiween the shoulders, alul prompt re lief will follow. Sold by K. T. Thomp son, Merchant, limner, Ga. Call on Ducket Moss A Cos., for a nice stylish hat or pair of shoes; they ca fit you up at a reasonably low pace. Col. Oscar Brown an old citizen of Hoiner, but now a lawyer and citi zen of Lawrencevil'.e, who has been spending several days iu Homer left last Tuesday. The Col. is looking splendid but has a look about hirn which makes us believe he wants to come back to ou>- be.a::<iftrl little town to live. CROUP QUICKLY CURED. Mountain- Gl*n, Ark.—Our children were suffering with croup when we received a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It afforded almost ;nstant relief. —F. A. Thornton. This celebrated remedy is for sale by R. T. Thompson, Merchant, Homer, Ga. Subscribe for the Banks County Journal and Atlanta Weekly Journal both $1.25. notice. The Patrons of the Homer school are earnestly requested to meet at the Academy Saturday October 16th for the purpose of electing- Trustees for said school. This October 6th' 181)7.- L. N. Turk Sect'y Pro Tern 1 . Prof N. A. Moss formerly of Flow-" ery Branch, Ga, and who has had charge of a school at that place for the past four yea-rs, will, on the fourth Monday of this mouth, take charge of the Gillsville School, Customers who buy of Ducket, Moss A Cos., say they get better goods, more of them for less money than they can buy anywhere, Just try them: you can get bargains there. The editor went on a hurried busi ness trip to Athens and Atlanta last fri lay, Saturday and Sunda>: And BARG INS, At Ducket, Moss it Co’s., Hollingsworth., On- In remnants of piece goods of many kinds, styhs and colors. Hats; Men’s and Isoy s, at reduced prices during the next six ty days. Shoes! many kinds, styles and sizes of Men.. Women and Children’s; a larger . tock to select from than ev r before carried by us- all at a reduced price for the next Sixty Days. Coffee; good Green 8 to 10 lbs for $ 1.00. Coffee Arbucles Package, 8 lbs for SI.OO. Jeaii, a big stock on hand- 20c kinds 11 Jets 250 „ 15 „ 30e „ 20 „ 35c „ 25 ~ 40c „ 30 „ 60c „ 38 ~ Come and see for yourself before you buy, and before you condemn us, the goods or the price of them. Checks 5c kinds at 3£ cts Checks 6c „ „ 4§ „ Shirting 5 „ „ ~ 3£ „ ?, 6., „ „ Sheeting 6o „ „ 4J No one customer will be allowed more than one bolt, or 50 yards of these goods nt a time- nor will any' of them be charged at thege prices. Large heavy bed Blankets, prices low for the kind - New Mclntosches, prices exceed ingly low. Diamond, Patent Adjustible Stove Backs; tits any stove Price leduced. 3 Big Bars of Soap for sots, big run. New stock Liver Powders; 25 cts packages at 10 cts. Window Shades in nice new styles and colors Very pretty, prices Very low, Men’s knit woolen under wear, in Suits price lower than we ever saw- We will give good prices for produce of all kinds that we can handle. Chickens and Eggs in better demand than they have been this year. We want all you have to sell. We have large new stock on hand now. Call and see us, we will take pleasure in showing you, wbethei yon buy or not. Read our advertisement every week until after the Hollidays Ducket, Moss A Cos. 4 Hollingsworth., Ga. upon his arrival in Homer he found this office crowded with an unusually large quantity of legal advertiseiny: business, which required appearance in this issue to make them legals, or. his hands. This beiug the most par ticuiar class of work,a that which has to have the most time of any other work we have to contend with; and which as a general rule are kept out of the printer’s office until the very last moment; if they are lengthy ones,such as those that appear in this issue. We hopeour readers win ia'.e these facts into consideration, and patdon us for being a little late this week, also for die few local items. We piomise faithfully to do better in the future, and will send your Journal to your P- Office on time ,unless some teing happens to prevent. 'Vet'.tor. Rheum and Eczema. ,„ 3 ; : ,„i ;,se itching and smarting, inef toli 'ise diseases, iainsumtly allay: -. ..y applv’ug Chamberlain's Eye anr. nu Ointment Many very but. case, have been permanently cured by iv. it ;s equally efficient for itching piles aim i favorite remedy for sore nipples chapped hands, chilblains, frost cites and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box. Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders, are just what'a horse needs when in bar. condition. Tonic, blood purifier Mia vermifuge. They are not food bin medicine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition. Pnco 3.< cents per package. See and read advertisement, of Duckei, Moss & Cos., Hollingsworth, Ga; iu this issue of the Journal, and when yon are iu need of a nice, go’od fine Shoe of any kind, call on them; They can fit and suit you in quality and price. Do You Want Gold? Kveryone desires to keep informed on Yukon, the Klon Ivke mid Alaskan gold fields- Send 10 -. for large Com pendnim of vast, information and big color map to Hamilton Pub. Cos., Indianapolis, Indiana. Notice To Subscribers. Owing to an oversight, we find that in some of the receipts which we have given to those who have called and paid 25 cents for six months subscription, we have dated the receipts so that it makes them appear that the first six months ex pired on September 10th, 1897. V This no. being the case, and as th6se parties are entitled to receive the Joti'rmd up to October lOoli iWt, we vFili continue to send it to all those wb6 baVe paid up to that lime (or for the remainder of the first si'.f months.) We therefore earnestly request all lo please notify us whether they wish to continue to fake the Journal after October 10th, 1897. Otherwise we will take it for granted (halt they wish to do so, and we will continue sending if and shall expect pay for same “He Givctli His Beloved Sleep.” Entered into rest near Homer, Ga. July 24th 1897. Mrs. Nanny Massey, aged fifty-five years. For many years her’* had been a life of severe suffer ing, but her trust la God was always firm and strong; In her life was exem plified the beauties of tnat Religion will' ll she professed to love, now she have u<> doubt about G ds deal ings with her here, arid is perfectly sat isfied that ail were sent in love, and with the steps by which she was led to her home beyond the grave. In that happy home, many things which seem 'lark to us here arc made bright and clear in tile light f eternity, and the Piovidenoe which basin her traps, fer to Heaven deprived husband and children of her example and guidance will, in the great hcreaflei, he made to us bright ns the n.-oiidiiy suit, and we can then sav “We are satisfied- ’ V/o loved her, her family needs her. the church an i Sabbath School, each have u vacant seat once filled by her dearf. rin. The community toowill mi-s her cheerful voice and presence every where. But God knows best what is for our good, and we would give her up cheerfully, joyfully, knowing that she is done witn pain and night for ever, and lhat when the Master s time comes to call us home we shall meet her again ’neath the shadowless trees m the beautiful land of the herciitu-r. Husband; be comforted; she is yours still. Children, prepare to meet her and her God in peace; “Her day has corns, not gone, Her Sun has risen, not st't. Her life Is now beyond The reach of Death or change Not ended, lnft begun, So shall our lived be toon.** One Who Loved Her. Those who believe chronic diarrhoea to be incurable should read what Mr. P. E. Grisham, of Guars Mills, La., has tossy on the subject, viz.: “I have been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea ever since the war and have tried all kinds of medicines for it. At last I fo ;nd a remedy that effected a cure and that was Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diurrhoea Kenedy.” Till* medicine can always be depended upon for colic, cholera morbus, dysen tery and diarrhoea. It is pleasant to take and never fails to effect a cure. 25 and 50 cent size:* for sale by R. T. Thompson, Merchant, Homer, Ga. mmm l |r|g|j Female j tiliS Regulator |> For all diseases peculiar to women and pirls. V It Tones up the Nerves, Improves the Ap •) petite. Enriches the Blood, and gives Life. 'if health and Strength. It is the iQUECH OP TONICS . THE COMrLEXICN CLEAR. l / r- ? A bottle of “ Monthly” Regulating i > illz> with each bottle. For sale by ;■ { : dealers or sent direct upon receipt of price by 1 :ew Spencer fcpd. Cos., Chattanooga. Tenn. LAOIES' SPECIAL TREATMENT : m cases requiring special treatment, address. :*? giving symptoms. Ladies’ Medical De ' partinent. Advice ar.J book on Female jj Diseases, with testiir.onlals, free. for Sale and Recommended by R T- Thompsm, Homer Ga; COME AXIS SI3E US And sec that we can sell you Goods as Cheap.ns you can get them elsewhere. We. have the Latest Styles of Dress Goods and Gent’s Clothing. We want to buy your Chickens, Eggs, Corn Fod der, Peas, Raw Hides, Cotton etc., and will give the Market Price for them. j£® w We have fewNewllome Machines that we will sell AT COST. Call to see us. J. E. STRANGE <•; SON, Carnot, Ga. NUBIAW TiiA cures Dyspepsia ‘Regulates the Liver. Price, fcsc. Write To The PATTERSON MARBLE CO,, FOR CATALOGUE OF MONUMENTS FREE. \’OU CAN SAVE MONEY p,y CONSULTING US BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER FOR ANY Him NIL PATTERSON UHI 111, BUTLER STREET As 1 <i‘, R. R. ATLANTA. GA Sheriff Sales for November. GEORGIA: Banks County. -Will be sold on the first. Tuesday in November next at the Court house in said coun ty, within the legal hours of sale, for cash- the fo'ldwitig properi v. One certain tract of land lying in 1210th District G. M. said county, containing One hundred and fnuuoen Acres more or less A Ijoining lands of Mary Davison oh the North, Dock Garrison on the Hast., Pierce Knox on the So tli and the Pauper’s Home on the West, the land whereon the defende t lived in'the year 1891 a*the property of defeiide.nt. Said land levied on to satisfy an execution issued from the 121t)tli district G. I\l. said county in favor of A. I. Jordan against J. E. Sheridan. Notice given tenant in possession. Levy made bv Davis Dowdy Legal Constable Oc tober sth 1897. J. S. Parks ($4-65) Sheriff. ALSO.— Will be sold on the first Tuesday in November next at the Court house in said county within the legal hours of sale to the highest b:d der for cash, the following property to wit; I’wo hundred and thirty lorn and three-quarter (2,14f) Acres of lan<t lying m Banks County in Ihe (2S4th) District G, M. of said county and hounded as follows: Commenc ing at a hickory corner in the extreme North-east corner ol said land where it adjoins lands of B. C.iudell and John Caudell and running North 00. yo degrees W. 14. i0 S. 85 degrees W. 60 chains, to a Black Gum S. 14.50 degrees E. 32.75 chains, to a rock and stake IS. 02 degrees E 32 chains to a Pine Knott N, 27 degrees L. 10.25 chains, S. 02 degrees L 12 chains to a ruck. N. 31.50 degrees K 3 chains to a rock, 8, 01.50 degrees E 4.50 clis to a l ock, N. 3.50 degrees E 41.04 chs to the beginning eoruer. Bounded on the North by lands of J. M. Garri son on the East by lands of John and Ben Caudell. On the South by lands of Ambo Winn and on the West by lands of David Caudell. Said land levied on as the property ot J. Af.Gar rison to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior Court of said coun ty in favor of Alber t L. Richardson against the said J. M. Garrison the judgement being a special lien on the and described. Notice given as the law directs. This 4 h Jay ol October 1397. (§9.30) J. S. Paris. SherTf. ALSO.—WiII be sold on the first, Tuesday in November next at. tic ccurt house in said county, within tile legal hours of sale to the highest Ji.dder for rush, the fol'owing prop erty, to wit: Three hundred am! six t v four (864) acres of laud more or less iu the 448th Dist. G. M, of said county, and bounded as fol ows: Commencing at a Hickory in the ex treme North East corner of said land where it adjoins lands of John 1> aids and William C. Wade and running S 75 degrees W 21.50 chains to a Black Gum, S 02 W 6b chains to a Pine \ 85 W2l chains to a Kook S 7b de grees \V 6.84 chains to a Pine S 35.- 50 degrees W 31 chains to a Red Oak, N6B degrees W 6 chains to a Sour Wood, N 65 degrees It, 20 chains to a Hickory S 80 degrees E 60 chains to a Black Jack SB2 degrees i£ 17.86 chains to a Spanish Oak S 35 degrees E 10.77 chains to a Pine S 17 de grees E 11 chains to a Rock thence along a ridge 85 chains to a laock N •m degrees E 10 ch-’ins to the be ginning corner. Bounded o.i the North by lands of \Y . (J. Wade, on the E by lands of John Bonds, on the South by lands of John B aids and on the West by lands of Mrs. Mary Joim-r. Said land levied on as the prop city of Wm C Wade to satisfy nn execution issued from the Superior Court of said enmity' in favor of Ihe Brit tisli and Ain-rlcan Mortgage 6 <>■ Limited against the said J, M. Gar rison the judgment being a special hen oil the property described. No lice given as the law directs. '1 iiis 4:k, day of October 18 )7. ($10.53) J. S. PARES, Sheriff. ALSO—WiII be sold on the first Tuesday in November next at the court house in said county, within tiie legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following prop erty to wit- Seventy acres of laud lying in Ranks County Georgia iu the vfioih Dist. G. M. of said county and bounded as follows: Commencing at a stake in the extreme North East corner of said land where it adjoins lands of L. N. Turk and W. C Hill and running down a creek 2'2 chains |to an Kim N. 85.50 degrees W C.SO chains N52 degrees W 810 chains to a Hickory N 55.50 degrees \V 12.75 chains to a Hickory 'N 65' degrees W 4.50 chains to a Rock S 22 degrees W 45 chains to a Rock N 55.50 degrees W 10.80 chains to a Ro<-k S 37 degrees W 2.18 chains to a \Yat<-r Oak S 7 deg-e.s W 9.1-5 chains to a Rock N 17 degrees W 20 chains to a Dogwood N 73.75 E 13.50 chains to a Rock S 58 degrees E 7.70 chains to a Pine S 50 degrees E 4.40 chains to a Rock S 81.50 K 4.25 chains to a RoekN 74i50 degrees F, 8.33 chains to a Rock 8 71 degrees K 310 chains to a Pine 857 degrees E 5,25 chains to a slake and the be - corner. Bounded oh the North by Minis of W. G. llill on the East by hinds of L N. Turk on the South bv lands of Robert Stephenson and on the VV est by l ands of Andv J. l- hit and Gibson Chandler, Said laud levied- on as the property of A. J. Furl to satisfy an execution issued Ironi the Superior Court of “aid countv hi favor of the Brinish and • American Mortgage Company Limited against said Furr, the judg ment being a special lien on the property described. Notice given as the law directs. Tubs Ootob r 4th, 1897. J, 8. PARKS, ($12.06) Sheriff. ALSO.— Will be sold on the first Tuesday in November next at the Court house in said county, within the legal hours of sale to the highest bid der for cash the following property, to wit; A!! that tract or parcel of land in Washington (284) Dis’t G. M. B inks County, Georgia; Adjoining buds of William Poole on the North, of Manley Caudell on the East, other lands of J. .vl. Garrison on the Soutn and of John'Chamders and Hub Kelev on the West" konwn as a part, of the Stephen.' A. Massey lands, with ui'-els anil boundaries as follows: Beginning at a stake thence North 60.75 degrees W. 54.55 chains to a stake originally a rock thence South 29 degrees W. 27 chains to a rock on the old settlement road leading from Damascus church to Hollingsworth, thence with 1 road as follows S >uth 54 degrees E. 3.50 chains, thence So 39.50 degrees E. 220 chains, thence S. 60.50 degrees E. 4 chains thence S 79 degrees E. 5.30 chains to Black Gum thence N. 85 degrees F, 60 elms to beginning stake corner. Containing One hundred (100) Acres more or less- Said land levied on as the property of J, M. Garrison to satisfy an execu tion issued from the Superior C mrt of said county, in favor of the North Eastern Banking Company against j. M. Garrison. Written notice given J. M. Gariison as required by law. This October 6th 1897. (58.19) J. 8. Parks, Sheriff. Postponed Sale. GEORGIA- Basks Cou.njy.— Will be sold on the first Tuesday in No vember next at the Court house m said county within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash the following property, to wit: All that tract of or parcel of land lying in said county on the waters of Middle River beginning at a rock corner on the Bank of a branch thence with said branch to a rock at the head of the branch thence with the land 1 nas of C. Cash and Rob Scott to a Spanish oak thence running a West Course to a stake adjoining the lands of Georgian Ausborn and James Brown thence au East course to a pine coiner at tho lands of Thus Ausborn thence a S. K. course to a Pine corner at the lands of liae.bael Brown and Hub S jolt thence North to the beginning corner, containing One nundred Acres more or less- Said land levied on as lire property of C. W. Crumpton to satisfy an execution issuen from the B inks Superior court in favor of Georgian Ausborn against C. W. Cru nptou This October 4tli 1*1)7. ($5.1)1) J. S. Parks. Sheri If. Pos t po'iG'J Sale. GEORGIA: Hoiks County.— Will he sold on the first Tuesday in November next at ’lie court house i" , aid county, within the legal hours ■ o'sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the-fo lowing pr-perty to wit: One ira-t of laud in said conic y and state i.i the 1464 Dist. G. M, adjoining Louts of H. M. Smith on the east nun Mrs. Monis on the south, \\ . A. Griffin, Col. on est and John Hel ling! on on the north, the place where on defendant now resides, containing ' fortv acres more or less and a settle ment road running from the Her ring ton place to Gillsville. Baid place is well improved there being erected upon it a good dwelling house and necessary out buildings about fifteen acres in cultivation. Said land levied on as the property of Marion Cochran Col. to satisfy three purchas nioiiev executions issued from the Justice Court of the 1464th J)ist. G. M. said county in l'avor of W. A. Griffin Col. against Marion Cochran. Deed filed in the Cierk’s office of said county as required by law. Levy made hv H. M. Smith, L. C , June 2nd; 1897. and turned over to me. Written notice given defendant Ai terms of law. Th s j October 4ih, 1897. Ls66> J S PARKS, Sheriff. Legal Advertisements- GEORGIA., Banks County. To all whthn it may Cdrtcerrw-Mrs S, F. Patterson having applied for Guardinship t the property df Billa M. and Pearl, K. Patterson, miner children df R. M. PattehSoii late of said county dtsvea*cd, Notice is given lust said application will be heard ill my office at 10 o'clock A. M. on ihe first Monday in October ne^t. 1 bis September oth 1897. T. F Hill, , (Printer's fee $2.25:j o*d’y. GEORGIA: Basics County.—To all whom it may cdiicern: A. T Edwards guardian for R. A. Edwards now K. A. dtreetman, and John K Edward* applies to me for letteise* dismission troni said guardianship, and 1 will pass upon Ills applietmn on the first Monday in October next at inv office in Houier said county- Given under my hand and official sig nature. This July the ftth 184 7. ' T.F.IIIIL, Ordjr GEORGIA: Banks County.,—To all whom it may concern- Lovick Oliver and M. E. Oliver administra tors of William C. Oliver, deceased; has in due form applied to the under signed for leave to sell the lands and Two Shares of Stock in the firm formerly styled Rodgers vfe Cos., Har mony Gtev la; of One hundred each belonging to the Estate of said de ceased. And said application will be heard on the first Monday in Novem ber next. This October 4th 1897. T. K Hill ($2.58) Ord’y. Administrator’s Sale. . Will he sold, agreeable to an order of.'.lie Court of Ordinary of Bahks count}', Dcfore the door of the court house of said county, on the first Tu esday in November next, for cash, to t lie highest bidder, the following de scribed property, to wit. LotNol. Oue lot, of land known as a part of the John W. Pruitt place containing One hundred and thirty four (134) Acres more or less. About Sixty Acres in cultivation, with about eight Acres ot creek bot tom land, remainder principally in old field Pine land; On which there is one good tenant house and iic-ess ary outbuildings. Lot No 2. One tract of land containing Two hundred and fifty Acres more or less- One tenant ■ house and necessary outbuildings, j with about thirty Acres in cultivation Remaindar in original forrest. well timbered. Adjoining lands cf W. T. Harbor and Brother, 11. IE Jordan Widow Fowler and others- This property is to be sold to pay debts and distribution among heirs. I*. O. Pin .MAN, Administrator E. J. Rylee deceased. October sth 1837. N O T I C E. Notice is hereby given that anew charter for the town of Homer will bo applied for at the next meeting of the General Assembly. Sept 22nd 1807. Everybody who is any body, takes the tASKSCOU N T Y .1 O U K N A L WH Y * Because it is the 1) ost cheapest and Newsiest f, t" sl Weekly inGeo rg i a an and don’t. YOU forget it. “GREATEST ON EARTH.” Dr. MUej’ Restorative Nervine. fllr. 11. T. Caldwell, Is book-keeper In tbo First National Bank of Fulton, Ky. “I was completely run down, My nerves became ho unstaunj* through loss of sleep and worry that I felt sure I would be com pelled to give up my position I would 110 a wake all night long, and it took but little K. T. CAurtitau to shake me up bo thrft T eotlld not posetbty attend to my business as X should. In connection with tills I had liner trouble, heaviness about the stomach, and palnajn different parts uf my body. Iwa a&omuch reduced In flesh. I was pereuaded to try Dr. Miles’ Restorative Hervine. I first procured a trial bottle from a local druggist and good results antekly followed. I then procured a dollar bottle# and by^he .time I had used this un I was a different man. I am now on ay third bottle and am able to sleep soundly and eat regularly, something I could not possibly do taking yo.uf Nervine. I am now fully recovered, and do not hesitate to pronounce Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine the yrcateal nervine on earth.” Pulton, Ky. R. T. CALDWELL. Dr. Miles’ Nervine 1b sold ou a Sywlttvy guarantee that the first bottlr will benefit, All druggists sell it. at 81,6 bo tlef for 15. of, lV^efe f 1d n ieTa^k^rET£i r ia 0 r f .. P ffce 9r. Miles’ Nervine "“'TLa* THE NEW YORK WORLD- Tfiuidfcd vv&fck ErirridN. 8 Pages wed,. ItO.i'tceis a Yr. A paper *4 Useful to you a* a great daily for drily one dollars year. Batter thirl ever Afl the new* of all Ihr writ, ail the time. A" ate and fair to every body. Democratic and for the peop'e againat trust e-d all monopolies. Bril liani illustration* St -He* by kreatfa thers in -very number Splendid read - ; ing for women and other special depart ! Monts of unusual interest, it stand* first inong“weckly ” paper! lln size, frequency of publication ind freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is [iractjcaily a daily at the pw price of a weekly; arid its vast list of atibshi-ibers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign Coufiirles, Will vouch for the accuracy ! and faitciess bf its news column*. We offer this unequaled newspaper and The BAN tS COUNTY JOURNAL together one year for <1 Ou The regular subscription! prlc* of tH* I two paper $1.60 cash. INDIVIDUAL WEALTH; MMiMbDKttii Leadit With Bank Hold laga. James H. Eckels, comptroller of the currency, has prepared u valuable table of information relating to the national banking system of the United State* from 1864 to 1897. One of the impor tant features of the report is a statement of the average per capita holdings of bunk funds in 1 tiSMI in all the states and territories of the Union. This statement show* that Massachusetts leads all the states, with an nveruge of $120.60 for every person within its borders, while Rhode island is next, with $117.21. The average for New York is $86.18. The average for the United State* Is $73.14. Here are the averages by State*: Maine, $45.88; New Hampshire, $41.85,' Vermont, $58.34; Massachusetts, $120.- 60; Rhode Island, $117.21; New York, $80.18; New Jersey, $43.12; Pennsyl vania. $60.61; Delaware, $42.68; Mary land, $68.56; District of Columbia, $65.49; Virginia, $12.37: West - Vir ginia, $13.70; North Carolina, $4.92; South Carolina. $5.35; Georgia, $6.13; Florida, $12.73; Alabama,s6. 25; Missis sippi, $2.56; Louisiana, $18.24; Texas, $22.15; Arkansas. $2 72; -Kebtncky, $16.54; Tennessee, $18.56; Obio, s4of Indiana, $32 26; Illinois, $89.50; Mich igan, $22.56; Wisconsin. $25.3*7; ‘10wa, $20.48; Minnesota, $29:88; Missouri, $19.87; Kansas, $20.12; Nebraska, $20.20; North Dakota, $20.44; South! Dakota, $11.31; Washington, $23.92; Oregon, $33.16; California, $19.17;' Montana, $86.79; Idaho, $31.33; Wyo ming, $80.41; Nevada, $5.40; Utah, $20.08; Colorado, $56.30; Arizona, $19.27; New Mexico, sls 61; Okla homa, $5.24; Indinn Territory, $5.95; Connecticut, $80.31. The deposits fluctuated, as did loan* and discounts, the maximum being reached in 1892, when they nmonnted to $1,779,300,000. In the following, year deposits declined to $1,466,400,000 and reacted the following year to sl,- 742,100,000. Tho circulation outstand ing in 1860 reached $390,000,000, an<J the highest point was reached iu 1878, the amount being $3-11,000,000. The minimum uinoiiut outstanding is shown to have bertn $ 122,900.000 in 1890. At the close of 1896 the amount hud risen' to $209,900,000.—New York Herald. AG EX 18 WAX'TED For The Official Guide t,o. The KLON I> YKE Country. And the GOLD FIELDS Of A L A SKA. Retail Price SI,OO Intensely interesting and strictly authentic. The actual experien ces of miners and qheir man-cl ous discoveries ot gold. The information contained in this book has tieen carefully prepared from the most reliable source*, and will be the means of leading thousands to fortune in the GOLD FIELDS OF TH E NOR TH. 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