Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, October 21, 1897, Image 6

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COUNTY DIRECTORY. •ipwtarCourt—Jade* U L., Hutchins, Law tee* Till* ;>lieltor-Gncr*l C H Brand, Law •■•Wrllla: canwi trd Monday in March and •aptambwr. county orncßßs. Ordinary- T. F. Hill, Homer; Court meet* •rat Monday In each month. Sheriff—J. Parka, Homer; D. H. Orifflta bepoty Clerk—Logan Parkina, Homer. Tax Bacelrer-J. Cl Allen, Yonah; Tax Collector—L.J. ttagadale, Carnot; Traaanrar—W. M. Aak, Homer. Surreyor—R. C Alexander, Homer. Coroner—Btorail Poole. Pmit. COt l TIT SCHOOL COMMISBIONEIIS. H. W. Weeding, Mayeyllle. ▼ . O. LackhalW Prealdent po,ad efKdueatHh—A L. Thompaon, Gresham Dock*,%*. MkAklkon. M. B.Carter. IffiWhol COURTS. Anderson BIMTIot 485-W. C. J. Garrison J. P M.L. 'OoSttitde. Thursday before sec and Saturdaytn Act month. Berlin DlatrietlklO-J. 8. Conley J. P., D. r SealaaN. P, ft. W. Sanders constlble. Buahrillk (kWrtct SO*-L. K. Parham J. P., W A. Wat Sea R. P„ D. N. McUallUrd Ceastible. Court tthffatunlay In each month. CoUtikMaDistrict 371—A. J. Cash J. P., S. H Wilkinson N. P , r. B. Blalock constible. Cour second Saturday in each month. DarldsiUistnct JOt -J. C. Wade J. F.. W. J Burgess 5. P., J. C. Ingram Constible. Orore Riser District HB4-C. W .Headers J. P J. r Ivans N.PoH.M. Smith Constable. Ceur third Friday in each month Golden Hill District i4*-W P. Blackburn J. P i W. PeyteuN.P., oale Owens Constable. ttenise District 2SS-W. H. Turk S. P., H. J Blackwell N. P., ft. ti. Stephens Constable. Cour Second Wednesday of each month. Poplar Springs District M2-B. A. Oillesp i. P., A. J Griffin J. P., J. S. Meeks Constable Court second Friday In each month. Washington Diatrict 284—Sam Koesler J. P. M. J. RagsdaleN. P., John Cochran and J. A. Martin Constables Court third Saturday in each month. Wilmots District 1206—H. W Gillespie J. P. G W Wiley X, P. W. B. Shannon. Constable. Court third Pridar n each month. LoDOt) DIRECTORY. PhldOltaNo. 148 F A. M. Meets first Friday nlffbt of taeh monthat Homer .A. L. Thompson Ift. M., M. C. Banders Secfetnry. LOCALS. NOTES OF INTEREST FOR OUR READERS. —o— SUBSCRIBE FOR THB BANKS COUNTY JOURNAL. ONLY |1 Dollar PER ANNUM, CiSH Read the Banks County Journal, — Subscribe tor The Journal only $1 Advertise in the J OU R N A L. The weather is fine, it being neithe* teo warm or too cool. Banks County Journal and Weekly Constitution both one year for only *1.50. Dr. J. S. Daniel who has been visi ting hi* 'ld unit; fir the past, several days has returned to Homer. We have it last had enough rain to Settle the flu.t; but we c.n now begin to complain about mud and lots of it. Call on Ducket Moss A Cos., for a nice stylish hat or pair of shoes; they cat fit vou up at a reasonably low price. Dr, F. Lothridge the genial young physician, of Crena, spent Tuesday afternoon ami night with friend* in our town. Mr. G. Barden, one of our pro gressive farmers who lives about ttve mile* from Hornet is erecting a nice new dwelling. Customers who buv of Ducket, Moss A On, say they get better goods, more of them for less money than they can buy anywhere, Just try them; you can get bargains there. Subscribe for the Banks County fournal an! Atlanta Weekly Journal both *1,25. Mr, € N. Chambers, better known as Bud, left Homer hurt Monday for Atlanta,- where be intends to study Dentistry, prabaWy at the Atlanta Dental C*il<“isr>*. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs J. S. Park* and family will be sorry to learn that both, Mrs. Parks and bet daughter, Mis* Maggie ire very sick with fever, but at this writing are doing Very nicely, and improving. See and read advertisement of Ducket, Moss & Cos., fl 'llingsw'orth, Ga; in this issue of the Journal, and when you are tu need of a nice, good fin* Shoe of any kind, call on them; They can fit and gait you in quality and price. By the tweet sounds of tie hound barks at nigh ts around Homer one is these nights deeply impressed With the fact that some are hunting Opossums nearly every night. This reminds us of how much we used to enjoy huuting fox,-deer and Wild crts ■way down in Florida. The sociable at the residence of Mr. f. J. Hill on the evening of the 4th inst. was largely attended and greatly enjoyed by every one present Several young people had the pleaaare ef attending through the means of a genuine old fashioned straw ride, the vastness of the pleas ■rea fkua derived can better be real ised while riding than we can express with pan and ink. ’Twaa a beautiful night and the pleasure* of straw ride we are sorry to any are not foud often enough. The sVvning spent at Mr. Hill’s splendid home was spent in several most enjoyable games and was spiced with some goad singing And music. HOLLINGSWORTH. Some re speekintf of gathering corn soon. Mr. Ben Brady says he thinks it wont pay to rush cotton on the market this aeMon. We are orrv to note that Mr. Rufus 0. Moss, postmaster at Harmony Grove, is confined at home with sickness. We are glad to know that the Grand jury took into consideration the small schools of the county. All day singing at Harmony Church on the sth Sunday in October. Every body come and bring dinner. Prof. Terrell will sing at the Line school house the first Sunday in Nov. We understand that Mr. Bud Wof ford ran a rattle snake into a hollow log and he set the log on fire, the fire caught out and did considerable dam age. I will try to write more next time. Success o the Journal and editor. Magnolia. CROUP QUICKLY CURED. Mountain Glbn, Ark.—Our children were suffering with croup when we received a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It afforded almost instant relief. —F. A. Thornton. This celebrated remedy is for sale by R. 1. Thompson, Merchant, Homer, Ga. BARGAINS, At Ducket, Moss & Co’s., Hollingsworth., Ga. In remnants of piece goods of many kinds, styles and colors. Hats; Men’s and Boy’s, at reduced prices during the uext thirty nine days. Shoes! many kinds, styles and sizes of Men, Women and Children’s; a larger stock to select from than ever belore carried by us- all at a reduced price for the next 39 Days. Coffee; good Green 8 to 10 lbs for $ 1.00. Coffee Arbucles Package, 8 lbs for SI.OO. Jeans, a big stock on hand- ‘2oc kinds 11 Jets 25c „ 15 „ 30c „ 20 „ 35c „ 25 ~ 40c „ 30 „ 60c „ 38 „ Come and see for yourself before you buy, and before you condemn us, the goods or the price of them. Checks 5c kinds at 3J cts Checks 6c „ „ 4J „ Shirting 5 „ „ ~ 3f „ ,> 6., ~ 4J „ Sheeting 6c „ „ 4| ~ No one customer will be allowed more than one bolt, or 50 yards of these goods nt a time- nor will any of them be charged at these prices. Large heavy bed Blankets, prices ;ow for the kinds- New Alclntosches, prices exceed ingly low. Diamond, Patent Adjustible Stove Backs; fits any stove Price 1 educed. 3 Big Bars of Soap for sets, big run. New stock Liver Powders; 25 cts packages at 10 cts. Window Shades in nice new styles and colors Very pretty, prices Very low, Men’s knit woolen under wear, in Suits price lower than we ever saw- We will give good prices for produce of all kinds that we can handle. Chickens and Eggs in better demand than they have been this year. We want all yon have to sell. We have large new stock on hand now. Call and see us, we will take pleasure in showing you, wbethet you buy or not. Read our advertisement every week until after the Hollidays Ducket, Moss & Cos A Hollingsworth., Ga. Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema. The intense itching and smarting, inci dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain' s Eve and Skin Ointment. Many very bat. cases have been permanently cored by iv. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, cliilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box. Dr. Cady’s Comiitian Powders, are just whaA'a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the best in nse to put a horse in prime condition. Price cents per package. CARNOT. Mrs S. J. Hix is on the sick list- We are glad to learn that Mr. L. R Patterson is improving some. Mr. S. M. Strange is Wearing a big broad smile; Its another girl- Turnips are almsst a failure in this section. We have been to one cornsliucking and got anotner square meal. Mrs. Annie Ausburrt is spending the weeei in this community. We heard a girl say the other day that Payne cauget her spout the heart We presume she will seen recover. Owing to the shortnen of the cot ton crop, the busiest of the season is now over with for this \ ear. Mr. W. J. S. Mimy, and Miss Mira Brown visited relatives in H armouy Grove last week. Edith. UKENA. The post office lias been moved to 11. B. Rice’s Mr. T. E. Anderson visits our sec tion pretty often. Sheriff Parks and Judge Hill were in our section one day last week. The gin and shingle mill in our section is doing a good business. We have had a very pleasant show er after a long and protracted diouth. Mis. Bob Williams died October 6th. We extend our sympathies the bereaved family. Dr. Lothridge has some Sunday patients, but we are unable to say bow they are progressing. Wc are glad to hear that Mr. L. It. Patterson who lias been so low for the past two weeks is improving. Messrs. Rice, L. S. Sellers and A J. Cash are attending the Campbell iite convention at Winder this week. Our town is on a boom. Dr. and Paul Hayden hare bought a part of W. A. Martin’s land. The Dr. and Pa. 1 are very energetic men and we wish them success. Tne correspondent at Urena is very desirous of learning from the Bush correspondent, what has become of the young lady who was so very much “Astronomica’ly inclined as to be sighing over tne loss of missing starr”? The reason for desiring this information is, that a stray star has been lost and wandering around in the neighberhood of Urena for a long time; and is glad to learn that it has about been found again. I guess I had better quit for fear this will find the waste basket. Suc cess to the Journal. Xf.rxes. Those who believe chronic diarrhoea to be incurable should read what Mr. P. E. Grisham, of Gaars Mills, La., has tossy on the subject, viz.: “I have been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea ever since the war and have tried all kinds of medicines for it. At last I found a remedy that effected a cure and that was Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.” Th|i medicine can always be depended upon for colic, cholera morbus, dysen tery and diarrhoea. It is pleasant to take and never fails to effect a cure. ,25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by R. T. 'fhompsOß, Merchant, Homer, Ga. Platmrs Female lUI Regulator For all disaases peculiar to women and girls. It Tonea up the Nerves, Improves the Ap- B:tite, Enricheo the Blood, and gives Life, ealth and Strength. It is the QUEEN OF TONICS THE COMPLEXION CLEAX. rnrr I Ahottleof - Monthly" Regulating rfttXa Pills with each bottle. For sale by al! dealers or sent direct upon receipt ot price by New Spencer Med. Cos.. Chattanooga. Tenn. LADIES’ SPECIAL TREATMENT: m cases requiring special treatment, address, giving symptoms, Ladles’ Hedtcal De partment. Advice and book on Female | Diseases, witli testimonials, free. For Sola and Recommended by R. T- Thompson, Horner Ga; COME AND SEE US And see that we can sell you Goods as Cheap ns you can get them elsewhere. We have the Latest Styles of Dress Goods and Gent’s Clothing. We want to buy your Chickens, Eggs, Corn Fod der,Peas, Raw Hides, Cotton etc., and will give the Market Price for them. We have a few New Home Machines that we will sell AT COST. Call to see us. J. E. STRANGE & SON, Carnot, Ga. Write To The PATTERSON MARBLE CO,, FOR CATALOGUE OF MONUMENTS FREE. TOl7 CAN SAVE MONEY BY CONSULTING IIS BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER FOR ANY minim urn. THE PAHERSOK- Mill t, BUTLER STREET And Ga, R. R. ATLANTA, GA BUHtiVILLE The much needed rani has come at lat, Mrs. Smithson, of Wekltninister, S. C., is visiting her daughter Mrs* John Brewer. Mr. M. L. McDonald’s gin has been steadily running for some time. He was so rushed with cottoti that he has put up anew gin. Mr. Sam Cartledge, of 1 la, Ga., has been visiting his cousins Mr. Luther and Calvin McDonald. Several were invited last Thursday night to listen to the good music at Air. Henry McD-mald’s, All seemed to enjoy themselves. Some of our young men are so thorough going that they are up and at work by day light, this certainly speaks well for our boys. Sociables arc the order of the day, there are several in view in this sec tion and the young people are antici pating'a jolly time. Air. J. W, Harmon has sold his farm to Air. John Fleming. Mr. Harmon and family will move to Walker county before a great while Our high and mighty official Pres. McKinley in his annual message to congress will congratulate the people on the return of prosperity, just such thrifty farmers as we have in Banks would bring prosperity Ur any nation. Mr. Henry McDonald in spite o' the dry weather a tine crop of upland corn, als# good crop* ot other things. Mr. M. L. McDonald on a little more than half an acre gathered fif teen two horse loads of fine forage from the Spring sowing of Blue gra s and German millit. Mr. T. B. Ray is a fine manager for he realizes n stir plus from his farm every year: From the quantity of goobers be has stored away we might appropriately call him the boss “Goober Grabbler” of Georgia. Air. Brewer’s fine Jersey cows will fare sumptuously this win ter for his barns are even now over flowing wi.h fullness: His well ter raced an<l carefully cultivated fields speaks plainly for his management. Ophelia. - NUBIAN TEA cures Dyspepsia, Constipation andlndigestion. 4' Regulates the Liver. Price, 250. CRUMP, Franklin County, ITEMS. The weather looks like it might rain bebore very long. Mr. John Tabor of Toccoa was in our Town last Sunday. Our people are at present about up wuh their cotton picking; People in this section are now gath ering their corn crop which is good. We are sorry to learn that Alia Bob Williams is very sick at present. Mr. and Mis. W. B. Shannon spent last Sunday with Mr. AI. B. Wiley of this place. Last week was covt week over in Carnesville, quite a number went from this section; some of them to wap horses. Mr. M. B. Wiley and family visited his sister Mrs. Margaret Pool last Sunday, he also carried his family to Toccoa last week and had some pic tures made to order People of this section are about through grinding their Sorghum cane and making syrup; You know that goes well with hot biscuit and fresh yellow Jersey butter; you cau bet. Opossum bunting is the order of the nights in our section at fresiiet; they are getting fat, they art are making our potatoes get-about. Bill Tub. A few weeks ago the editor was ta ken with a very severe cold that caused him to be in a most miserable condi tion. It was undoubted!v a bad case of la grippe and recognizing it as dan gerours he took immediate steps to bring about a speedy cure. From the advertisement of Chamberlain’s Gough Remedy and the many good recom mendations included therein, we con cluded to made a first trial of the med icine. To say that it was satisfactory in its results, is putting it very mildly, indeed. It octeJ like magic and the result was a speedy and permanent cure. AVe have no hesitaney in recom mending this excellent Cough Remedy to any one ofllicted with a cough or cold in any form. —The Banner of Lib erty, Liberty town, Maryland. The 25 and 50 cent Bizes for sale by R. T. Thompson, Merchant, Homer, Ga. Call at the Journal Office and SUBSCRIBE fOr It OR Haxe Your neighbor dt to for you WHILE IN HOMER; ONLY #I.OO, Or both the. Banks County JOURNAL And the Atlanta Journal for $1.25- . Legal Advertisements- GEORGIA: Banks County., —To all whom it may concern- Loviek Oliver and M. E. Oliver administra tors of William C. Oliver, deceased; has in due form applied to the under l signed for leave to sell the lands and Two Shares of Stock in the firm formerly styled Rodgers & Cos., Har many Gt#ve,Ga; of One hundred each belonging to the Estate of said de ceased. And said application will be heard on the first Monday in Novem ber next. This October 4th 1897. T. F. Hill ($2.58) Ord’y. A pain in the chest is nature’s warn ing that pneumonia is threatened. Dampen a piece of flannel with Cham berlain’s l’ain Balm and bind over the seat of pain, and another on the back between the shoulders, and prompt re lief will follow. Sold by K. T. Thomp son, Merohant, Homer, Ga. Sheriff Sales for November. GEORG I A: Banks County. -Will be sold on the first Tuesday in November next at the Court house in said coun ty, within the legal hours of sale, for cash- the fo'loxving property. One certain tract of land lying in 1210th District G. AI. said county, containing One hundred and fouiteen Aen.-s more or less. Adjoining lands of Alary Davison on the North, Dock Garrison on the East, Tierce Knox on the South and the Pauper’s Home on the West, the land whereon the defendent lived in the year 1894 as the property of defendent. Said land levied on to satisfy an execution issued from the 1210th district G. AI. said county in favor of A. I. Jordan against J. E. Sheridan. Notice given tenant in possession. Levy made by Davis Dowdy Legal Constable Oc tober sth 1897. J. S. Parks ({,4.65) Sheriff. ALSO.— Will be sold on the first Tuesday in November next at the Court house in said county within the legal hours of sale to the highest bid der for cash, the following property to wit; Two hundred and thirtv-foui and three-quarter (234|) Acres of land lying in Banks County in the (2S4th) District G, M. of said county and bounded as follows: Commenc ing at a hickory corner in the extreme North-east corner ot said land where it adjoins lands of B. Caudcll and John Caudell and running North 60. 75 degrees W. 14L0 S. 85 degrees W. 60 chains, to a Black Gum S. 14.50 degrees E. 32.75 chains, to a rock and stake S. 62 degrees E 32 chains to a Pine Knott N. 27 degrees FI. 10.25 chaias, S. 62 degrees E. 12 chains to a rock-N. 31.50 degrees E. 3 chains to a rock, 8, 61.50 degrees E 4.50 chs to a rock, N. 3.50 degrees E 41.64 chs to the beginning eoruer. Bounded on the North hv lands of J. M. Garri son on the East by lands of John and Ben Caudell. On the South by lands of Ambo Winn and on the West by lands of David Caudell. Said land levied on as the property ot J. M.Gar rison to satisfy an execution issued from th# Superior Court of said coun ty in favor of Albert L. Rteliardson against the said J. M. Garrison tli judgement being a special lien on the land described. Notice given as the law directs. This 4th day jf October 1897. ($9.30) J. S. Parks. Shcr ff. ALSO. — 'Till be sold on the first Tuesday in November next at the court house in said county, within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following prop erty, to wit: Three hundred and sixty four (364) acres of land more or less in the 448th Dist. G. M, of said county, and bounded as fol ows: Commencing at a Hickory in the ex treme Noitli East corner of said laud where it adjoins lands of John 15 mds and William C. Wade and running S 75 degrees W 21.50 chains to a Black Gum, S 62 VV 60 clmius to a Pine N 35 W2l chains to a Rook S 73 ile grees W 6.34 chains to a Pine S 35.- 50 degrees VV 31 chains to a Red Oak, N6B degrees W 6 chains to a Sour Wood, N 65 degrees E 29 chains to a Hickory S 80 degrees E 60 chains to a Black .lack SB2 degrees IS 17.86 chains to a Spanish Oak S 85 degrees. E 10.77 chains to a Pine S 17 de grees E 11 chains to a Rock thence along a ridge 85 chains to'a Rock N 29 degrees E 10' chains to the be ginning coiner. Bounded on the North by lands of W. C. Wade, on the Eby lands of John Bonds, on the Smith by lands of John Bonds and on fhe West by lands of Mrs. Mary Joiner. Said land levied on as the prop erty of Wm C Wade to satisfy an ezeculion issued from the Superior Court of said county in favor of The Brittish and American Mortgage Cos. Limited against the said Wm C. Wade the judgment lining a special lien on the property described. No tice given as the law directs. This 4th dav of October 1897. (*10.53) J- 8. PA-ftK-S, Sheriff, ALSO. —Will be sold on tha first Tuesday in November nett at the court house in said county, tvithin the legal hours of sdle, to the highest bidder for cash, tlio following prop erty to wit- Seventy acres of laud lying in Banks County Georgia in the 265th Dist. G. AI. of said, county and bounded as follows: .Commencing at a stake in the extreme North East corner of said land where it adjoins lands of L. N. Turk and VV; C Hill and running down a Cheek 22 chains to an Elm N. 85.50 degrees W 6.80 chains N52 degrees W 8.10 Chains to a Hickory N 55.50 degrees W 12.75 chains to a Hickory N 65 degrees W 4.50 chains to a Rock S 22 degrees W 45 chains to a Rock N 55.50 degrees W 10.30 chains to a Rock S 37 degrees W 2.18 chains to a Water Oak S 7 degrees W 9.15 chains to a Rock N 71 degrees W 20 chains to a Dogwood N 73.75 E 13.50 chains to a Rock S 58 degrees E 7.70 chains to a Pine S 50 degrees E 4.40 chains to a Rock S 81.-50 E 4.25 chains to a Rock N 74.50 degrees E 8.33 chains to a Rock S 71 degrees E 310 chains to a Pine 8 57 degrees E 5.25 chains to a stake and the be ginning corner. Bounded on the North bv lands of W. C. Hill on the East by lands of L. N. Turk on the South by lands of Robert Stephenson and on the West by lands of Andy J. Furr and Gibson Chandler, Said laud levied on as the property of A. J. Fun to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior Court of said county in favor of the Brittish and American Mortgage Company Limited-against said Furr, the judg ment being a special lien on the property described. Notice given as the law directs.- This October 4th,- 1897. J. S. PARKS, ($12.06) Sheriff. ALSO.— Will be sold on the first Tuesday in November next at the Court house in said county, within the legal hours of sals to the highest bid der for cash the following property, to wit; Al! that tract or parcel of land in Washington (284) Dis’t G. M. Banks County, Georgia) Adjoining lands of William Poole on the North, of Manley Caudell on the East, other lands of J. M. Garrison on the South and of John Chaniders and Hub Keley on the West- konwn as a part of the Stephens A. Massey lands, with meets and boundaries as follows: Beginning at a stake thence North 60.76 degrees W. 54.55 chains to a stake originally a root thence South 29 degrees W. 27 chains to a rock on the old settlement road leading from Damascus church to Hollingsworth, thence with said road as follows South 54 degrees E. 3.50 chains, thence So 39.50 degrees E. 2.20 chains, thence S. 00.50 degrees E. 4 chains thence S 79 degrees E. 5.30 chains to Black Gum thence N. 85 degrees E. 60 chns to beginning stake corner. Containing One hundred (100) Acres more or less. Said land levied on as the property of J. M. Gariison to satisfy an execu tion issued from the Superior Court, of said county, in favor of the N orth* Eastern Banking Company against M M. Garrison. Written notice J. M. Garrison as required by la*9 This October 6t,h 1897. (58.19) J. S. Parks, ShjSj Postponed Sale. GEORGIA; Bavks C Will be sold on the first TtJ November next at the courlM said county, within the Ifl of sale, to the highest. the following property mm tr.i' t of land in said coiinS in the. 1 464 I)ist. G. ,’fl lands of H. M. Smith® and Mi s. Mot ris on the j Grillin, Col. oil West rington on the north, tI J on defemiant now rea| fortv :i<-r-s more or ilient road mnningß rington place to § place is well mipflg| eieote I upon it a g'H and necessary null fifteen acres in 'A land levied on as 1 Marion (iochran CnH pun inis money fri mi the .1 nsi c <AH Hist. (t. .M. sicßb W. A Griffin M Cochran. Dec! ollic# of said l AjjS law. Levy irnila I line ‘Jndfl over to me. defemiant in leM l )ct( dim Ida 1-■ ,666) jM 501) IM)| jf tor tiny nee ofK he nimfl K tenial : I'a.H teed 1c -I . m ' a -I B ■ jjV I 1 ■ M Administratcr’s Sale, Will lie Sold, agreeable to ait order of the Court of Ordinary of Jack.sort county, Hefof-e,the door of tin- Court hb'llSe of said courtly, (ill tilt! first Tu esday in NovetUbci- next, for cash, to the highest t>id<ft!h; the following de scribed ill-open r 1.0 wit. LotNo 1. One lot iif land known as a part of ♦ lie John IV.- Pruitt place containingUnc hundred and (hirty toujt (134) Acres more or less. About Sixty Acres in cultivation,- With about eight Acf'fcs ot cheek bot tom land, remainder principally in old field-Pine land: Oil w hich there is one good tenant house and necessary outbuilding*. Lilt No 2. One tract offlandcontaining Two' hundred and fifty Acres more or IcSs - One tenant house and necessary Outbuildings, with about thirty Acres in Cultivation' Rejnaimlai- in' original fuf-resC well timbef-ed. Adjoining lands of W. T. Harbor and Brother, It. H. Jordan' Widow Fowler and others. This property is to' lie sold t< pay debts affcl distribution arfisng heirs. P (1 Pittman, Administrator E. J. It vice deceased. October sth 1897. N O T 1 0 E. Notice is hereby given that anew charter for the town of Homer will lie applied for at the next meeting of the General Assembly. Sept 22nd 1897. NUBIAN TEA cures Dyspensla, wUR Constipation and Indigestion. Jc Regulates the Liver. 'Prion, fSa. Everybody who is any body, lake s the lASK 8 0 O' V N T Y J 0 U R N A IV W II Y ? Beeal us e' if is the be st Cheapest and Newsiest, bv! il Weekly in Georgia Anddon ’tY OU forget it. THE NEW YORK WORLD* THTUCE-A WEEK EDITION^ S Pages a week. 101 l I ’a tiers JF A paper a- useful to yon f daily for only on,- dollar yj than ever All the news of iMm all lln- time. Aceiirale iinij body Itemoeralie and 'M’i against Irus: 1 and all limit illu-rra ion-. thor- 11 ,-ry ni:j(r i"g for a -I!-"!; -of unil-ARp ll lands ■ m size, f v M •'■sic - -f t-Mils. [ f ■: e\V pi-i'-/ . - a■ •■ ‘ , 1 -f -nli f ad ' *- eotr am ~ '' a