Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, October 21, 1897, Image 9

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COUNTY DIRECTORY. Superior Court—Judge N I, Hutchins, Law encevllle; Solicitor-General C 11. Brand, Law tncaville: convenes 3rd Monday in March and September. COUNTY OFFICERS. Ordinary—T. F. Mill, Homer; Court meet* first Monday in each month. Sheriff—J. S. Parks, Homer; I). 11. Gridin Deputy. Clerk—Logan I'erkins, Homer. Tax Receiver—J. C. Allen, Yoeah; Tax Collector—L.J. Ragsdale, Carnot; Treasurer—W. M. Ash, Homer. Surveyor— R. C Alexander, Homer. Coroner—Stovall Poole. Pruit. COUNTY SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS. H. W. Wooding, Maysville. V. 1). Lockhart, President. Board of Education A. L. Thompson, Gresham Ducket, WT. Anderson, M. li.Carter. JUSTICE COURTS. Anderson District 4r> -\V. C. J. Garrison J. I* M.L. McGillard Constihlc. Thursday before sec oud Haturdi v in each month. Berlin District 1210—J. S. Conley J. P., D. F ScalesN. P., F. M. Sanders ronstihle. Bushville District 208—L. K. Parham .T. P., W A. Watson N. I*., I). N. McGalliard Constihlc. Court 4th Saturday in each month. Columbia District 371—A. J. Cash J. I\, S. H Wilkinson N. P., F. B. Blalock constihlc. Com* second Saturday in each month. Davids District 207-J. C. Wade ,T. P.. W. J Burgess N. IN, J. C. Ingram Constihlc. Grove River District 1464—C. W. Meaders,T. | J. F. Evans N. P., H. M. Smith Constable. Cour bird Friday in each month. Golden Hill District 448 \V P. Blackburn ,T t J. W. Peyton N.P., Jule Owen- Cih-m’iV. Homer District 265— W. H. Turk r r , IT. .! Blackwell N. P., R. D. Stephens Cor Second Wednesday of each m > ■ Poplar Springs District 012 E. A. Gili • J.P., A. ,T Griffin N. P., J. S. Meeks Const; Court second Friday in each month Washington District 284—Sam Keesler J P. M. J. RagsdaleN. P.,John Cochran and ,T. A Martin Constables Court third Saturday in each month. Wilnmts District 1206—M. W. Gillespie J. P. G. W Wiley N, P. W. B. Shannon, Constable. Court third Friday n each month. LODGE DIRECTORY. PhideltaNo. 148 F. A. M. Meets first Friday night of each n>onthat Homer .A. L. Thompson W M., M. C. Sanders Secretary LOCALS. o NOTES OF INTER EST FOR OUR READERS. SUBSCRIBE FOR TII E BANKS COUNTY JOURNAL. ONLY $1 Dollar PER ANNUM, CASH Read the Banks County Journal, — Subscribe for The Journal only §1 Advertise in the JOUR N A L. Mr. Logan Perkins made a flying trip to Atlanta and back last Monday. Rev. and Mrs. T. J, Wise of Cor nelia, Ga., were visiting relativ; s in Homer last week. Banks County Journal and Weekly Constitution both one year for only $1.50. Rev Mr. King is to preach at the Methodist church in Homer on the sth Sunday of this month: let every body that can come, do so. Mesrs. G, W. Wiley and Tate were in our little town on busines last Thursday. Call on Ducket Moss & Cos., for a nice stylish hat or pair of shoes; they can fit you up at a reasonably low price. There was quite a large attendence at the Presbyterian church in Homer last Sunday to hear the farewell ser tnon delivered by Rev Mr. Barber. Customers who buy of DucKet, Moss & Cos,, say they get better goods, more of them for less money than they can buy anywhere. Just try them; you cart get bargains there. Subscribe for the Banks County Journal and Atlanta Weekly Journal both $1.25. See and read advertisement of Ducket, Moss & Cos:, IT line"' Ga; inlthis issue of the Join - when you are iu need of met* fine Shoe of am kind, call on They can fit an'J suit you iti quality and price. Mr R. T. Thompson reports r-it he has already ginned nearly 200 hale of cotiali this season with Ins gin at this' platie. This, we believe does pretty well, but must shy that it has required considerable night Work to db that much ginning since this gin WaS'started late in this season. At the meeting of the patrons of Ilomer Academy there occurred quite a change all around; there being four new Trustees elected to fill as many vecaneie s, caused by the depart re of Dr. V. D Lockhart, Col Oscar Brown,- R. N. Emmet; and by the res ignation of Mr. L. N. Turk. These vacancies were filled by the election of Messrs J. D. Hill, W B. Mason, Logan Perkins, and Jasper P Ayers. They also unanimously elected Mr. Joshtla S. Chambers' as teacher for next term. Quite a bad-ccident happened to little Norman N. Harden, the next eldest son of Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Hat den on last Thursday afternoon that near resulting fatally. The little fellow was in the lot and watching a servant girl milking the cow, when a horse belonging to one 0 f th" neighbors eurne up and jumped into the lot; little Norman knowing that this horse did not belong there, tiled to drive him out by whipping it. As no grown person saw' tluj accident it is not known just what happened, is to* whether the horse kicked him, oi ran over the chih!; But be that ns it mey, the chihl received n severe b.oiv on the right loitfer jaw which shows that tne horse’s shoe cork cut, a Imle through and badly fractured the jaw bone. The child hied profusely, hut is resting very well at present. CROUP QUICKLY GURKO. Moi-xtatn Ulkk, Ark.—One children were suffering with croup when we received a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It afforded almost instant relief. —K. A. Thornton. This celebrated remedy is for sale by 11. T. Thompson, Merchant, Homer, On. BARGAINS, At Ducket, Moss & Go’s., Hollingsworth., Ga. In remnan’s of piece goods of many kinds, styles ami colors. Hats; Men’s and Hoy’s, at reduced prices during the next thirty two days. Shoes! many kinds, styles and sizes of Men. Women* and Children’s' a larger lock to select from than ever be;ore carried by us- all at a reduced price for the next 32 Days. Coffee: good Green 8 to 10 lbs for SI.OO. Coffee. Arbucles Package, 8 i lb:; for SI.OO. jeans, a big stock on hami- 20c kinds 11 Jets 25c „ 15 „ 30c „ 20 „ 35c „ 25 ~ 40c „ 30 „ 50c „ 38 Come and see for yourself before you buy, and before you condemn us, the goods or the price of them. Checks 5c kinds at 3J cts Checks tic ~ ~ 4J ~ Shirting 5 „ „ ~ 3J „ • u *? JJ Sheeting 0c „ „ 4f ~ No one customer will be allowed more than one bolt, or 50 yards of these goods at a time- nor will any of them be charged at these prices. Large heavy bed Blankets, prices low for the kinds- New Melntoscbes, prices exceed ingly low. Diamond, Patent Adjustible Stove Backs; tits any stove Price teduced. 3 Dig Bars of Soap for scts, big run. New stock Liver Powders; 25 cts, packages at 10 cts. Window Shades in nice new styles and colors Very pretty, prices Very low, Men’s knit woolen under wear, m Suits price lower than we ever saw- We will give good prices for produce of all kinds that we can handle. Chickens and Eggs in better demand than they have been this year. W e want all you have to sell. We have large new stock on hand now. Call and see us, we will take pleasure in showing you, whethet yon buy or not. Read our advertisement every week until after the Hollidays Docket, Moss & Cos A Hollingsworth., Ga. Tetter, Salt-Rheum .and Eczema. The intense itching and smarting, inci dent to these diseases, is insi antly allayed by applying Chamberlain’s Eye ana Skin Ointment. Many very bar. cases have been permanently cured by iv. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box. I)r, Cady’s Condition Powders, are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food hut medicine and the best in use to put , horse in prime con u 4 Price : < cents per packa. c6mi nd see us Ands< e that w ca • < foods as Cheap a.-; yon car', get them elsewhere. We ha ■ of Dress We want buy Eggs Corn Fod der Pea- f:-iv. Hides. Cotton etc., and will guoihe Market Price for them. have . few New Home Machines that we will sell AT COST. Call to see ns. J. E. STRANGE & SON, Carnot, Ga. CARNOT. Gathering corn is the aide-of the day. Mrs. Sallie Grown is on the sick list this week. Mr. Mem Crump was in our com munitv on last Saturday. Mr. L. Z Welch is now looking very much pleased over a ten pound girl. Messrs John and B. AnricT are go ing to erect a nice dwelling near here We are sorry to learn of the death of Mr. Gunn. Wo extend to the re!— atives, our heartfelt sympathies. MADRIFT). — On last Saturday, Mr. Gilford Whitfield to Miss. Kim ball; The groom is 50, the bride ‘JS years of age. We ate glad to learn that Mr. L. R. Patterson and family have moved back home again, We gladly welcome them back to our community. Edith. NUBIAN TEA cures Dyspepsia, wW Constipation and P Regulates the -Liver. S-VDa., LDc VRKNA. We are having fino weather. We are glad to note that H. C. Moss is improving. There is a lot of ’possmns being caught, around lure this season, Mr. 11. lb Rice has returned fiom the convention and reports a good time. Corn gathering is the order of the it ay We wish somebody woiihi have a shucking for we want, a square meal. Mr iC liter as we are not nrijunin ted with you hut have heard tna! von was a single man you need not dc spai”, for as long as the iiglu holds out to btirip the treacherous loyer may return. \ cars mav go hv and almost centuries pass,' but yet there is a chance for you to get a good looking wife. 'l’licMcKinley tariff bill is now in I full torco over here again; tivo more weddings in our tour: Mrs. Amanda Hughes arid Mr. Crofft ici Hill wi ic married at the bride’s home Thurs day, Mr. S. O. Keslnr officiating Despite the fact that the couple was octogenarians, yet they scented as though they were only sweet fixteoti. We congratulate the old but seeming young couple. ALo Mr. Gilford H Lit fie li 1 and Miss .Dina lvimbrcil were married at the residence of Mr. R- 4’. Crump on Saturday night. As 1 am late r will stop hoping that you will get this in lime income out in tins issue. Xkkxes. Those who believe chronic diarrhoea to be incurable should read what Mr. I’. 10. Grisham, of (mars Mills, Lit., has to say ion the subject, viz.: ‘T lmvc been nsufferer from chronic diarrhoea j ever since the war and have tried all kinds of medicines for it. At Just I found a remedy that effected a. cure and that was Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.” Tips medicine can always be depended upon for colic, cholera morbus, dysen tery and diarrhoea. It is pleasant to take and never fails to off";-* a cure. 25 ami 50 cent s'z.-s for . :! > by I', T. Thompson, Merchant, Ilt-mer, tia. As much and as successfully as the average woman loves to work upon the key boards of Pianos or Organs; Site will doubtless he somewhat sur prised to learn that of 1-1,717 makers of pianos and organs in the United States; Only 337 of them are females. 1 insiiva v Jjglj Female \ tjflj Regulator ' For all diseases peculiar to women and Kiris. 1 It Tones up the Nerves, Improves the Ap petite, Enriches the Biood, and gives Life. Health and Strength. It is the ■ mzm of tonics MAK23 THE COMPLEXION CLEAR. f A bottle of “ Monthly ” Regulating: l. JiiiaiC, it Piiis with each bottle. For sale by all dealers or sent direct upon receipt of price by how Spencer Mod. Cos.. Chattanooga, Tenn. LADIES’ SPECIAL TREATMENT: m cases requlrire . rocia! treatment, address, giving symptoms. Ladies’ Hectical De partment. Ad - , ice ar.J book on Female Diseases, with testimonials, free. For $ and Pacorn “ruled by R. T- Thompson, flamer Gfi; Write To The PATTERSON MARBLE CO,, FOR CATALOGUE OF MONUMENTS FREE. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY CONSULTING US BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER FOR ANY llTtm HIS, Tin: mni V'pvp; iiipiisp ns mmm lDm BUTLER STREET And R.R. AI I..WTA, G.\. 500 DOLLARS RKW \RI), For any -a.; •> of Rheumatism v. Rich can not la cured with Dr. Pi-imimolil’i. I lali'ning Remedies. Jptom.-.l and cx tei-iia! ; relieves at once ; cure guaran teed. Restores stiff joints, drawn cords and h.-u-deneb muscles. If your drug gist has not got it. do not lake any thing else. Send description of your case, take the ?.agenly and secure your own treatment Free. DRUMMOND MEDICINE CO., 34 Nassou St, New York. Among the 55,904 persons engaged in sailing the vessels of this country you cannot find more than 99 of them to be females. 1* IS L I TANARUS: Mr. .Tim Scoggins was in town lasi Thursday. Col, A. P. Wofford anil wife were in our section lasi week. Mr. Mike Oliver, of Miltoti colinty is in our section again. Mr. John Blackburn’s mule throwed him one day lust week and broke his arm. Mr. Thomas and Miss Alice Ducket visited Mr. TANARUS, K. Anderson slid family last week, Jim King was in to see os last week We are always glad to see him as he is a jolly fellow. Mr. Dillard Harber, one of the lead ing merchants of Harmony (iron; was in our section last week. Mr. Groff Hill and Miss Mundy Hughes were married the Mill V.'e wish them a long ami happy hie. 0 ■ ;e'i about all i ickeil eut in this | - e.. lion and some of tin' u urn i's are 'a— ginning to prepare the-laud for sowing < wheat. Dr. F. M. Lothridge passes through town about three times a week and gets back at a late hour. About Christ mas this will change. Prof. G. W. Coffee was shaking hands with his many friends in this section. By the way there is some talk of the Republicans nominal mg George for rep re:.", illative. Gun ss. 141, ELECTRIC BITTERS. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, hut perhapse more gene, orally needed when the languid, exhaus ted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has of to a averted long and perhapse fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely imam nteracting and freeing the system from from the malarial poison. Headache Indigestion, constipation, dizzines.. yealeuld to Electric Bitters. 50 cent arm SI.OO per bot tle at L. J. Sharp and Bro’s Harmony Grove. And atL li. Hardman A Bro’s Harmony Grove and Maysville. * X-r NUBIAN TEA cures Dyspepsia a-ndlmligestiuii. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25c. CULJIP. Cranklin County, ITEMS. We are having sum: rain now and we are glad to see if, too. Mr. Mat Wiley and wife visited Mr. Jim Crump lait Sunday. .Mr. E. P. Crump has been hauling corn for Mr. J. Vein r all this week. Mr. Jack Yerner made 2.000 bun ; cileti of fodder 19 loads of corn and will get about five bales of cotton, he used one horse. Air. Rich Miller ploughed 2 little mules and will harvest 7.UUU bundles fodder, 50 loads corn, 10 bale cotton and oth :r things. Mrs. Bob Williams died on the 7iii lust and was Lurried at the family Lurrying ground. We exleu !to the bereaved family our sympathies. Mr. Daniel Martin will iiavcst equ ally as much as Rich Martin witn the same amount of force. And oilier* ; are making equally as good crips iu [ this section. Mr. Frank Vcrncr carried some cot ton to Toccoa this week. He Ims path ered his corn cron which consisted ot a out f. rty tiv horse wagon loads, lie also umbered it; bales of notion it other things to tedious to mention He made ail of these with two little mules. Sam HunsOK. A few weeks ago the editor was to ken with very severe cold that caused him tube in a must miserable condi tion. It undoubtedly a bad case of hi grippe and recognizing it as ilan gerou.'s ite took immediate steps to bring about a speedy cure. From the ndvt riisement of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the many good recom mendations included therein, we con cluded to made a first trial of the med icine. To say that it was satisfactory in its results, is putting it very miidiy, indeed. It oete like magic and the result was a speedy and permanent cure. W e have no hesitancy In recom mending rids excellent (lough Remedy to any one ofliicted with a cough or cold in any form. —The Banner of Lib erty, Liberty town, Maryland. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by K. T. Thompson, Merchant, Homer, (in. N O T I 0 E. Xotice is hereby given that a nfw ch.artur for the town of Home r will be a jniied nr at the next meeting of t.h ■ <Ti eral AsscMnld-.. St !-l -lind 1897. Call at the -Journal Office and SUBSCRIBE fOr It OR llaxe Your neighbor do go for you WHILE IN HOMER; ONLY jU.OO. Or both the Banks County JOURNAL And the. Atlanta Journal for $L‘-‘f> L.isxal Advertisements- GEORGIA: Hanks County., —To all whom it may concern' Lovick Oliver and M. K. Oliver ndministra toribf William C Oliver, dcuciised; has in due form applied to ihe under signed for leave to sell the lands and Two Shares of Stock in the firm formerly st vied Dodgers A Cos., liar mum Gievi',< In; of One hut dred each belonging t.o the Ijktulu oi said de ceased. Ami said appliculion will be heard on the first Mondav in Xovein her next. This October 4th 1807. T. b, Hi i.t. ($2.58) Ord’y. Sheriff Sales for November. GEORGI A: Hanks Coi xty. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in November next, at rile ('olirt lions" in said coun ty, within this legal hours of sale, for cash- the fo'lowing properly. One certain I rai-l .if Iml lying ill 1210th I bstriel 1 1 X! C"i.m . containing (): eh, no red and i •; : ’ ■" 11 Acres n.i"e or ir*..-.. A' joining iamls ■it A I;. ry Davis n mi the North, Dock Garrison on the Hast. Pierce Knox on the Soulli mol the Pauper’s Home on the \i cst, the land wiiernon the deb mien l lived in the year I Si)4 as tile property of defendeni. Said land levied oil to satisfy an execution issued from the 1210th district G. M. said county in favor of A I. Jordan against .1 H. Sheridan. Notice given tenant in posses: ion. Levy made by Davis D'lwelv Legal Constable Go toiu r stit I' : 0i. J. S. Harks (zsLGS) SH KKirie ALs'O.—- Will be sold on the first Tuesday in November next at tile Court ii juse in z il l county within tile legal o. stile to the Highest b.d iter tor cash, ilic loliowiiig property town; two oundred ami Lturty foul and tn.i'e-iju.irter (231 j) Aon sol j lain ly ,ng ,n Bunks looi.nty ill tile ' ( —S-tln) I / .sti'"'i (i. M. ot said r.ziniv | ' * | aim hounded as Coiijmellc | uig ai a Hickory corner hi tlie extreme | Noniii-east corner oi sa.u land w here it j a*.jo ns lauds of H. C uiili il and .John . .... .oil and running Norm 60.70 • oegiVss \V. 14.0) S. So degrees U. ! u . iiaias, to a Blame Gum S. 14.00 j es K, 82. 1 5 cliams, to a rock ami j i stake tv. 02 degrees E 82 chains to a Fine Knott N. 27 degrees it. 10.25 | chains, 8. 02 degrees E. 12 cliams to! .truck. N. 31.00 degrees E. 3 chains to a lock, S, 61.50 degrees E 4.50 eh* to ft i uck, N . 3.00 degrees I’, ■, 1.64 c-n* to the beginning corner. Bounded on the N ji lb by lands of J. Al. Gam son on tilt: East oy lands ot John and -Ben Cauileil. Ou the South by .lands "I Ambo Winn and on the West by lands of David Caudeli, B;tid land levied on as die property ot J. Al. Ga rrison to satisfy an execution issued from Hie Superior Court of Saul coun ty hi lavor ot Albeit J.. Richardson against the said J. Al. Garrison the judgement being a special lien on the ■ and tli scribed. Notice given as the law directs. This At It Jay ol Ch-tobt: 1897. ($9.39) J. S. Parks. 8h rif ALSO.— Will be sold on the first. Tuesday in November next at iVe j ccurt house in said county, within Lite legal bouts of sale >o t lie highest bidder for cash, the foeowiug prop erty, to wit: Three hundred and sixty four (3(54) acres of land more or less in the 4-18:li Dist. G. M, of said county, and bounded as foi ows: Commencing at a Hickory iu the ex treme Noitl) East corner of said land where i.t adjoins lands of John i> aids and William C. Wade and running 8 75 degrees W 21.50 chains to a Black Gum, 8 02 W 60 chains to a I’ine N 35 W2l chains to a Rock S ,8 de gre-.s W 6.3-1 chains to a Rule's :Ib. 50 degrees W 31 chains lo a Red 1 Oak, N6B degrees W 6 chains t- Sour Wood, N (>•'• 'leg il-. 2.- ■ to a Hickory S 80 degrees ]£ 60 chains i to a Black .lack SB2 degrees K > 7.86 ch.litis to a Spanish Oak S3y degree.-- j E lo.TT chains to a Pine 8 17 de-1 glees E 11 chains to a Ro, k thence j along a ridge 8u chains to a Rock N : 211 degrees E 10 chains to the be- | ginning corner Bounded on tin-[ North by lands of W. C. Wade, O 1 the Eby iands of John Bonds, on j the Soulh bv lands of John B'm.isj and on the West by lands of Airs.. Alary Joiner. Said land lev iei] on as the prop erty of Win C \\ a c to sal Ist' .in ezei-iilion i.-i-iu-.l Iro.n tiie Sup'-noi Court of s,iid count vin favor ot iic Bril tilth and Am-r.can Mortgage Go. Limited against the said Win C. Wade the judgment being a special lien on the property describee:. No lice given as tlie law directs. This 4th day ol October 1897. (*10.53) .!• 8. PARKS. Sheriff. Administrator’s Sale, Will lie sold, agreeable to an *r,lsi of ilie Court nt Ordinary of Jacksuii county, oefere the door of the court house of s lid county, on ihe first Til esiinv Xiu ovemher next, for cash, to mic highest bidder, the following 1 1* - scribed property to wit. Lot No 1. One lot, of land iknown as ’ part of tiie John \Y. ]*rui t place eoiitaining One huudri and and rh rtv tour (IDL) Acres more or iess. .-\bout Sixty Acres in cultivation, with about eight Acres i>t creek bot tom land, remainder principally in old field Pine land; On which there is one good tenant house and necessary outbuildings. Lot No 9. One tract of land containing Two hundred and fifty Acres more or less- One tenant house and necessary outbuildings, with about thirty Acres in cultivation Remaindar in original fnrrest. well timbered. Adjoining lands of W. T Harbor and Brother, U. H. Jordan Widow Fowler and others. This property is to be sold to pay debts ami distribution among heirs. P. O. Pit i man. Administrator E. J. Ily'ee deceased. October Ci h 1897. ALSO.—WiII lie sold on the first Tuesday in November next at the court house in said county, within the legal hours of saie, to the highest bidder for cash, the fallowing prop fifty to wit' Seventy ayres of land lying in Banks County Georgia in the 205th Dist. (i. M. of said county ami | hounded as follows: Commencing j at a stake in the extreme North East confer of said land win re it adjoins lands of L. N. 'Turk and \V. C Hill and running down a creek 22 chains to an Elm N. 85.50 degrees W 0.80 chains Xo2 degrees \V S 10 chains to a Hickory N 55.50 degrees \V 12.75 chains to a Hickory N 85 degrees W 4 50 chains to a Rock 8 22 degrees \Y 45 chains to a Rock X 5.1.50 deg;ccs Vv 10.00 cliams to a UiH'k S 07 deg 1 i's \V 2.1 b chains to a Water Oak S 7 degrees VV 9. If chains to ,1 I.u;k N 71 degrees X\ 20 chains to a Dogwood X 73.<5 E 18.50 chains to a Rock S 58 degrees K 7.70 chains to a Pine S 50 decrees El 4.40 chains to ti Rock S E 4.25 chains to a Hock X 74.50 degrees K 8.38 chains to a Dock S7l degrees E 310 chains to a I’ine S 57 degrees K 5,25 chains to u stake and the be ginning corner. Bounded on the North by lands nt \\ . C. llil! mi tile East by lands of L. X. 'Turk on the South bv lands -f Robert Slcplienson and on (he XX cst by lamls of And'. jj.Eiirr and Gibson Chandler, Said land levied on ns the pmuerty of A. J. Fan to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior Court of said countv 111 favor of tlie Hrittisli ami American Mortgage Company Limited against said Fuit. the judg ment being a special lien on the property described. .Notice given' as the law directs. This Octol) r 4tll, 1 BUT. J, 8. I’A D KS, ($12.m7) Sheriff. J Ai.SO.— Will be sold on tin first | Tuesday in November next at the Court house in said county, within the legal hours of sale to the highest, bid der for cash the following property, to wit: A:! that, tract or parcel of land in Washington t‘2S4) Dis’t <5. -M. Banks County, Georgia; Adjoining ! lands of William Poole on the North, jof .Manley C.iu.lell on the Hast, other , lands of J. .and. Garrison on the Strum and of John Chandlers and Huh Keley on the West' konwn as a pait of the Stephen.- A. Murry lands, with meets and boundaries as Pillows: Beginning af a stake thence North 00. hi degrees W. o [.oo eh iins to a stake originally a root thence _ South Hit degrees VV. 27 eh uns to a rock on the o;d settlement road leading from Damascus church to Hollingsworth, thence with said road as follows South 54 degrees E. chains, thence So hi).so degrees E 2 20 chains, thence S- oU.nU degrees Id. 4 chains tlienee S 1 79 degrees E. 5.d0 chains to Black ; Gum tlienee N. 85 degrees E 00 elms to beginning stake corner. Containing One hundred (100) Acre's more or less- Said laud levied on as the property of J, M. Gum son to satisfy an execu tion issued from the Superior Court of said county, m favor of the North Eastern Banking Company agamst j, M. Garrison. Written notice given J. 51. Garrison as required by law. This October (sth IS.<7. ($8.10) ). S. Barks, Sheriff. Postponed Sale. GEORGIA; Bamicjs County.— Will he sold on the first Tuesday in November next at the court house in said county, within the legal hours >if sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the to lowing property to wit." One tract of laud in said eoun'y and' state in the l-fo-t Gist. G. M , adjoining inns of H. M. Smith on the east ana Mrs. Moiris on the south, W. A. Griltin, Coi. on West and John Her— ringloli on the north, tic place where on di fondant now r. sides, eont cuing t.urtv acres more or less and a settle ment road running from the Her ringpon place to Giil-vilh*. tsaid place is weli improved mere being erected upon it a good dwclhi g tioiise and necessary out building-; about lilti-. u acres in cuiiivaiiou. Sail 1 land h vied on as rhi' prnpwtl v id’ Marion Cochran Cod. to sali-ly three! purchas in .lie' -xieuli .ns i-sued from the .) native Court of the 14(i4th I Pst.. G. M. sat I county in favor of W. A. Griffin Col. aguust Marion Cochran. Deed tiled ;n the Clerks offit a of said county as required by law. Levy made by H M. Smith, L. C, June 2nd; 1*97. ami turned over to me. Written notice given defendant in terms of law. This (>cti>her 4th, 1597. ,0 GOi J. 5. HAKES, Sheriff. \ pain in the Chest is nature’:, warn ing that pneumonia is iliseatencd... Dampen a piece of flannel with Uiuim oorlain’s Fain Balm and bind over the seai of pain, and another on the back between the. shoulders, and prompt, re lief will follow. Sold by R. T. Thomp son. Me: . mi.' I linnet*. G.i. rn o FBssioy. i l < a rdh Ij, X. HARDEN- M. D. £ fkt: Wi:stof Pi-bug Square, HOMED, CA. [) AVID s. STARR, Attorney at law. HOMER, GA [ Special atte lition frun to all Luimss. J. L. PERKINS, Attorney at T..>.w, ilor.ier, La, Prompt Alton t ion giv?n to s* * I f j ness plricou ift my I|.. . ?! . . SEVEN STORES:. DESTROYED IJX THE I’IKH l\ MATSVII-Lif LAST NIGHT. f.oss"* Heavy, Insurance Small Being Old , .>,000,00. About one o'clock hist night u bright light was seen ii die direction of May sville bv several persons im luding the editor of the Journal who, he to re any news had been received in Home ; predicted that Maysville was ben g burned badly. 'This morning ive find that the fir < was thiieh more destructive than was I expected by one at so distant a place as Horner and who and sec the boa vens ilhmiiiatcd for miles around. It was a pi c tv sight; hut wc are sorry to learn that the lire started in place occupied by Chailcs Christo r,^" and that the flames spiv a [ until 7 buildings had been c uni I' tely destro yed. Thereby lauisiiig scver'l thou sanc dollhirs lo go up in tinnkc. The sufferers from the fi lines are. Yarbrough & Nichols, XV. N Bales," Yeaigiu & Soil, ( li as. Cri ler, S'uiilll it White, John Aerial, and L. G. Hardman & Bro. Drug Store T!IM SOCI \fSLi:. The Sociable which was given on last Tuesday night, at the comfortable home of Mr. Martin L. McDonald regardless of the very inclement night, was attended by a sh'fheieu'tly large number of young people to make ic a most enjoyable, and long-to-be re membered occasYn. of great pleasure, for those who were present. We can but sympathize with those I who were barred of the pleasures of enjoying some splendid mu-ic, and in eat ing some parched goobers which wi re simply delicious; and all of this, in addition to the greatest, pleasure of all, that of conversing with some of the charming young ladies until an unusually late hour for depicting had come, to badly disturb these pleasure seekers, and makers Some of who did not attend,on account of the disagreeable weather, also all of those who did attend are very desirous of having another such occasion in the near f iture. am! they arc all united on tho suggestion that it be at the same place, and all wish' for a beautiful night next time. THE M'W YORK WORLD THRICE-A WEEK EDITION. 1 ‘ages : w ? ;k. 156 IKaoers a V•i :• A paper as useful to you ns a gyent daily-for only ore* dollar a year, Better than ever. All tin.• Lews of all the svriil nil the time. Accurate arid fair to every body. Democratic and for the people against trust and ail monopolies. Bril liant illuisi rat ions. .Stories by great au thors in -.very number. Splendid reed ing for women and other special depart muntsof unusual interest, " ;apers In si/e,' frequency m publication Mid ft- .diners. variei\ and reliability of con tents. it W practJ-aliy a daily at the aw price of a weekly : and its vast list uf snbreribers, extending to every state and territory of the Unji ii and foreign countries, Will vouch for the accuracy and fair.'ess of its columns. We oiler tliis uhequuled newspaper and The. BANKS COUNTY .JOUUNAL together one year fur -fl.uu. The regular subscription price of the t wo paper $1.50 cash. Seven Months With Fever. Wonderful Recovery of Health. Mr. Baird’s rapid and marvelous recovery from a mere skeleton to his normal weight, 270 pounds, was surely the fuUrtt test of the grandest strength-giving and building-up medicine ever produced, namely: Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine. J. H. Baird. "Gentlemen—l wish to express to you my gratitude for the great good that Dr. Mile k’ Nervine has done for me, I was taken sick with typhoid fever and I laid in bed for seven months. After getting over t he fever I was thin, nervous ana tireel, i and did not regain my lost strength, j tried 1 several proprietary medicines, arm. mi ally, after having been reduced in weignt to IdO pound*,] began trying your Neri'inc, and at once began to improve. vVas H ntiU'j entirely tured, ar.d today I can say I never felt bet T>r in all ir.y life, and i’Uis is r.iy normal weight, as l measure t'i feet 54 inches in height." South Bend, Tnd. .T. H. BA ’H*). Dr Miles* guarantee t hat the. first bottle ttlll 3c.1l 1t a* Cl, u bettUfc. i <- - dr . vT-ii{*>es?,r t. prepaid; od rorehjt m rfv tin*;;;. Mile* Medic al Ci tkcar . mU : fc>r. inti is’ Nc tvifce