Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, October 28, 1897, Image 5

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COUNTY DIRECTORY. guparlorCourt—Judge N. 1,. Hutchins, Law •nnevllla; •olluitnr-Osner*! 0 H Brand, Law eix'ttvilla: convenes 3rd Monday in Maloti amt September. COUNTY OFFICERS. Ordinary-T. F. Mill, Homer; Court meets first Monday in each month. Sheriff—J. 8. Parks, Homer; D. H. Griffin Deputy. Clerk—Loiran Perkins, Homer. Tax Receiver-.?. 0. Allen, Yonah; Tax Collector—L. J. Raeadale, Carnot; Treasurer—W. M. Asli, Homer. Surveyor—R. C Alexander Homer. Coroner —Stovall Poole. Prttit. COUNTY SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS. H. W. Wooding, Maysvllle. V. 1). Lockhart, President. Board of Education—A. L. Thompson, Greshaio Ducket, WT. Auderson, M. It Carter. JUSTICE COURTS. Anderson District 415 —AY. 0. J. Oarrl .on J. P M. 1,. McQillartl Constible. Tborsdav before sec end Satin <1: yin each moi tti. Berlin District ISD--J. S. Conlcv J. P„ V. F Scales X. p„ F. M. Sanders constible. Bushville District2oß—L. N. Parham J. P., W A. \Vaf ■ N. p I. N. McOalllard Constible Court 4 aturday in each month. Columbia District r.TI- V. .1 Cash.!. P., S. H Wilkinson N. P , F. B. Blalock constible. Cour second Sauu lay in each month. Davi. i District 20T -.1. C. Wade J. r'.. W. J Burgess N. P., J. 0. Ingram Constible. Grove River Disc •1464—C. W. Headers J. P J. F. Evans N. P., H. M Smith Constable. Cour bird Friday in each month. Golden Hill District44B—W. P. Blackburn J.P J. W. Peyton N.P .Jule Owen- Constable. Homer District, 265—W. H. Turk J. P., H. J Black-veil N. P., R.D. Stephens Countable. Cour Second Wednesday of each month. Poplar Springs District 912-E. A. Gillesp J.P., A. J. Griffin N. P., J. S. Meeks Constable Court, second Friday In each month. Washington District 284—Sam Keesler J. P. M. J. RagsdaleN. P . John Cochran and J. A. Martin Constables Court third Saturday in each month. Wilmots District 1206—M. W. Gillespie J. 1 ■ O. W Wiley N, P■ W. B. Shannon, Constable. Court third Friday n each month. LODGE DIRECTORY Pliidelta No. 143 F. A. M. meets first Friday night of each monthat Homer . .. L. Thompson W M., M. C. Sanders Secretary LOCALS. NOTES OF INTEREST FOR OUR READERS. o Read the Banks County Journal, — Subscribe tor The Journal only *1 Advertise in the JOURNAL. We are glad to see Mr. J. W. Sumpter out again, he is looking a little worsted but is still in the ring. Banks County Journal and Weekly Constitution both one year for only $1,50. Hon. J. K. Thompson left early Wednesday morning for Atlanta. He goes this time to represent us in the Legislature which is now in ses sion, Call on Ducket. Moss & Cos., for a nice stylish hat or pair of shoes; they can fit vou up at a reasonably low price. The sermon which was delivered by Rev J T Barnes at the Baptist church in Homer last Sunday ws listened to by a large crowd, and it was a good sermon taken from tht 10th chapter of Genesis. His text wag, "Weary not in welldoing.” NOTICE. All oweing us will p'ease come at once and settle; we are needing the money. ‘ J. C. YEARGIN L SON, Sr .ysviße, O Rev. ?. L. Tehwrd preached a very inte.estiog .ermon „po,i, "lie o nibe.r Lot's wife,” taken from 'ho 7th chapter of St L”ke. He made setue p ,y word pietnies r 'f Lot and his wife fleein? f"”Ti Sodom and la'd stress u*>'n Lc*'s wife, who was ait at, tie from danger, but looked bach, and turned to a iUar of sa't. Customers who buy of Ducket, Moss &to„ say they get better goods, more of them for less money than they can buy anywhere. Just try then.: you can get bargains there. Subscribe for the Banks County Journa' an 1 Atlanta Weekly Journal both $1.25. Mr. Jimmie N. Hi'l is now in Homer. He has retired from his business in Maysville. Jimmie must have been verv successful in hi< bus inesv while there, as be r.ow sports a brand new suit of cloth se. But then we must not forget tha‘ Maysville had aburning recently which may accorn for that. See and read advertisement of Ducket, Moss & Cos., Hollingsworth, Ga; in this issue of the Journal, and when you .ire iu need of a nice, good fine Shoe of any kind, call on them; They can fit and suit y o u in quality and price. We have a nice line of all kinds of Coffin Trimming, Robes etc., also a hearse, Millinery Goods, Ladies Capes, Cloaks etc., Trunks and Notions. J. C. YEARGIN & SON, Maysville, Ga. You s’re respectfully requested to read the advertisement of the Jlard mau-Sbankle Mds.- Cos., of Harmony Grove- Read what they say to our people. You will do well to inspect their goods before buying. You will find these gentlemen always ready and willing to treat you right aDd give value received for your money. SUBSCRIBEFOR THE BANKS COUNTY J O U R N A L. ONLY $1 Dollar PER ANNUM, CASH CENTER ITEMS. ' < The dry spell was broken yesterday by a refreshing shower. We are expecting Ur. Win Cooper to give us a sociable before long. We will be more than deliihted to see the always welcome invitations, as Misses- Ant u aud Queue are .-.ucn eniertain youug ladies. Ve are vety sorry to say that the deatn angel visited the home of Dr. and Mrs. Baisden last Wednesday and . >ok from their midst their sweet J little girl, Annie Lee. We extend to thtn our heartfelt sympathy. I! ■ sen, vn uresiched at the arbor Sunday was greatly enjoyed by all present. The levival held at the methodist church last week did a great deal of good. Mr Church, oi A'hens, who preached, being such an excellent lecturer. Mrs. Sallie Maddox, of this place, has just returned home froiu a short visit, to her son, Mr. Joe Maddox. This is (juite a trkat, as she is 85 year* ybars of age and seldom ever vis’t*. Connie and Gwen. MARRIED. —Several of the friends of the contracting parties were great - ly surprised on last Sunday morning when they were made aware that a marriage wo-id take place in Homer on that day*. The contracting parties were Alias Eliza Slayton and Mr. Arthur Black well. They were united in the holy bonds of matrimony about 10 •'clock by Rev. T. J. Barnes, in the presence of a few friends. The ceremony was performed at the residence *f Judge T. F. Hill, and the young couple im mediately'aftei being married attended the Baptist church; after church they returned to Judge Hill’s where a de lightful dinner was served. Of course tb young couple looked happy be yond description. They will make Silver Shoals their home in the future, Mr. Blackwell having been a y xideut of that place for some time past. The Journal extends congratula tions and best wisher for long life ai i much happiness, good luck, great prosperity. COME AND SEE US And see that we can sen you Goods as Cheap as you can get them elsewhere. We have the Latest Styles of Dress (roods and Gent’s Clothing. We want to buy your Chickens, Eggs, Corn Fod der,Peas, Raw Hides, Cotton etc., and will give the Market Pr.ce for them. |#"We have a few New Home Machines that we will sell AT COST. Call to see us. J. E. STRANGE A SON, Carnot, Ga. Tot :r, Salt-Kheum ai 1 Eczema Toe; ■ jnse itching and muting, inci ;,*nlt these diseases, isi uintly allayed •a, dying Cl.:: iherlain' s Eye -nr or.ia . litinenr Many very ba< e..Be hove b e.i permanently cured by it. T 1 is equ iiv efficient .'or itching piles and a favt foe remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and ch.. do sore eyes. 25 cts. per box. Dr, Uaflv’s Condition Powders, are just I,‘w? 1 rse needs whm u had condition. T< J- bloo* puriaer and vermifuge. They are ,ot food but medicine and the h st in use to put. r iic :,e iu pim > condition. Price isents pe. _ ickage. Write To The PATTERSON MARBLE CO., FOR CATALOGUE OF MONUMENTS FREE. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY CONSULTING US BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER FOR ANY TIIE PATTERSON BUTLER STREET And R.R. AILANTA, GA NOTI C E. Notice is hereby given that anew charter for the town of Homer will be applied for at the next meeting of the General Assembly. Sept 22nd 1897. Call at the Journal Office and SUBSCRIBE fOr It OR Jlaxe Your neighbor do so for you WHILE IN HOMER; ONLY sl.oo' Or both the. Jianks County JOURNAL And the Atlanta Journal for $1.25. FRUIT: County Surveyor Alex nder w*’* i" our section last week doing some surveying. Hon. J. K. Thoingson and Judge T. F. Hill were in town on business one day last week. Mr. Cross McConnell, of Cornelia, was in our section la*'. Monday. Mr. Gilford Whitfield ami Miss Nina Kimbrell were married on Sun day the I7th inst. Mr, J. A. Whitfield has the fineßt hog in this *e< - 'on. Somebody went to Mt. Airy from our section last Monduy. Well, by the way, somebody else always goes. Guess who it was for it wont do to ni names yet awhile. Mr. J. W. Hooper says its a nine pound hoy. Harrison Stranye and Tom Ander son went to Baldwin Ust Thursday 141- CKOIH* QUICKLY CURED. Mountain Glkn, Ark. —Our children were suffering with croup when we received a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It afforded almost instant relief.—F. A. Thornton. This celebrated remedy is for sale by K. T. Thompson, Merchant, Homer, Ga. BARGAINS, At Ducket, Moss Co’s., Hollingsworth., Ga. In remnants of piece goods of many kinds, stylc g and colors. Hats; Men’s and Boy’s, at reduced prices during the lies twenty five days. Shoes! many kind styias and sires of Men, Women and Children’s; a larger . took to select from than ever beiore carried by us- all at a reduced price for the next 25 Days. Coffee; good Green 8 to 10 lbs for $ 1 .00. Coffee Arbucles Package, 8 lbs for SI.OO. Jeans, a big stock or nancl- 20c kinds llicts 20C j, lb n 30c „ 20 „ 35c „ iZ 40c „ 30 „ 50c „ 38 „ Come and see for yourself before you buy, and before you conderu i us, the goods or the price of them. Checks 5c kinds at 3J cts Checks Gc ~ „ ~ Shirting 5 „ „ ~ 3J „ ?, 6.) „ ~ Sheeting 6c „ 4J ~ No one customer will be allowed more than one bolt, or 50 yards >f i these goods r.t a time- nor will any of | them be charged at these prices. Large heavy bed Blankets, prices j ;ow for the kinds- New Mclntosches, prices exceed ingly low. Diain .i. 1, Patent Adjustible Stove Backs; fits any stove Price l educed. 3 Big Bars of Soap for frets, big run, ; New stock Liver Powders; 25 eis packages at 10 cts. Window Shades in nice new styles and colors Very pro!ty, prices Very ’ow, Men’s knit woolen under wear, in Suits price lower than we ever saw. We will give good price* for produce of all kinds that we can handle. .Chickens and Eggs in better de;na..d than they have been tms year. We want all you have to sell. We h ave large ni w stock on hand now. Cull and see us, we will take pleasure in showing you, whethet you buy or not. Read our advertisement every week until after the Hollidays Bucket, Moss A Co.' Hollingsworth., Ga. Those who believe chronic diarrhoea to be incurable should read what Mr. P K. Grisham, ot Gears Mills, La., has to say on the subject, viz.: “1 have been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea ever since the war and have tried all kinds of medicines for it. At last I find a remedy that effected a cure and that was Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diurrhoea Retr edy.” Tills medicine can always be dependei upon for colic, cholera morbus, dj en ter) and diarrhoea. It is pleas mf to take and never fa ls u effect a cure. 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by H. T. Thompson, Merchant, Homer, Ga. r S? ; r!h f i. /.* a l. ii t o osf. cotton planters mo han five million dollars an nually. This is an cnorrhou. waste, and can be prevented Practical experiments at Ala oama Experiment Station show conclusively that the use of “Kainit” will prevent that dreaded plant disease. Otir pamphlets are Pol advertising cireulars boom ing special fceiliacrr. Pul are practical v ks, cout- ' tn< the results of latest experts .its in Otis 1 Every cotton tarmur should have a copy. They art tsrnt tree for the asking. GERMAN KALI WORK’-. 93 Nassau St., New York. URENA- We had considerable rain Tut Jay Sorghum taaking is over in our section. Mr, T. E.' A. was in our town Thtusilay. Mrs. Mattie llix died suddenly at her home Monday. Dr. Hayden lias bought ' a large bill of dry goods recently. Some of the b.ovs went 'possum hunting the ollie- night and caught a , poleca . Little Join! Ctflgg happened lo a very painful accident VV'dne. day, he, fell from a bush and broke hiu arm. j ... • I A bale of cotton spontaneously dis ! appeared from Mr. Bill Cochran’s j Sunday light, and male its way to loccoa Ly night. Mr. H. B. Rice is huriying to get done picking cotton so he can dig Ids potatoes, tor his potato patch is in I bis cotton patch. Deputy Sheriff Griffin waft l’> our town Friday oii legal business. Mr [ Griffin is a good man all over but not much of a runper. Dr. Lothridge yisili and lloaier Fri day. It seems tlmt. Homer has two Doctors and yet Dr. Loth ridge has so much business-over there Mr, Paul Hayden is preparing to build a dwelling on the land be re cently purchased; so girls look out for I guess he will want a house* .. ‘t 'er Keep \o Scott's Emulsion in Summertime arc you. resources for the summL ? Have yuu in abundance of health stowed away for the long, hot, deplet ing davs, or does summer find you lo ip vitality, run down, losing flesh, and weak? Scott’s Emulsion of Cod-liver Oi! will give you the proper reserve force, because it builds up the system on a solid foundation. A tonic may stimulate; S ’’s Emulsion not only "b vs.” it sustains. It is a wis prey'd ton always to have ai east a small bott’r'* of' Scotty Emulsion, in the house* Unopened, it will keep' mdefin itet-y. Tightly corked- after using, kept ir a cool place, it will regain sweet lor weeks For sale by all druggists at ...50 Cents ni KKLCmATISM. is promptly relieyed.and quickly cure l , by Drummond,s Lightning R#msdy. It is pleasant to take, aetimmedi. eh is net injurious, dor , not disturb dig estion It is for rheumatism only in all its torturing forms. Describe your case, send $5, and we u 11. ship to ye ar express office two large bottles, one month,’: treatment, with special direc tions. Agents anted. Drummond Medicine Cos., 84 N issau St, New ! v ork. It is reported that Mr. Bryan's lect ] ores and his book have netted him about $150,000 since McKinley became president. The. eloquent Nebraskan i doesn’t seem to have lost much by his defaat. The jury in the case of Mrs Gov. Atkinson of West Virginia, charged with forgery, failed to agree. Sam Jones was 50 years old ot the IS. He celebrated the event. The pullman Car Company t-ii’l out $2,8000,000 in dividend; >ast year. Alabama Populists are said to be thinking about returning to the Dem acratic party. The fir t shipmont of Amerii an bet ter to Germany inis arrived and brought 1 a good price. A former uorje Bit glmnitc i, \. V , p. 1" is n . p f >" an til ull V .3 IgL is tjf the •: .iT.-'ll.t i-ng tr ci ko in i;>. ,c sc is of .n louclj’ rural homos. Tti. v. . SI,OOO in mot ay locked "iu he. irutik u. safety. Ouo day a poor .turnip ca > along begging for food'iuid. work. Tuc good farmer and his wife pitied ihb poor starved tramp.” The) ..'bought bin anew suit of clothes. They hired him tc work and treated him as one of tiia family. They were kind hearted people, this couple. One nilming the farmcY went out early, ou business. The poor trai 'it came into the house, knocked tire mistress of it down and hot id and gagged her and threw a bag of apples upon her back. She was T 2 years old, this woman who had been kind to the stranger. Then the man whom th 1 farm people had helped broke open the aged lady’s trunk, took her SI,OOO and made off with it. Let us pity the poor tramp, all of us. Let ns pity still more the ru ral inhabitant who keeps large sums of money at his home, beeanse he is such Bn idiot. Cubans who have had expert’- -s for the last century of Spain’s prom of “reform” government see in Sonor 8 g.ista and his new Liberal cabinet only a pretext for inducing the United States to hold off its intervention in Cuban- Spauisli affairs. Perhaps they are risrht. GItOVH LEVEL. Cotton picking is nearly over ii ur section. Somebody from the anchorage vis ited Harmo-.y Grove this week. The infant that was left at Iloh. J. K. Thompson’s lust August di<i a few day s ago. There once appeared an at tide in the Journal fr ui Hickory Level. We would be glad to bear from there again. W- understand that the editor’s overcoat was in Maysviite on this side of Ihe railroad and fortunately escaped eiermuion. We admire the letters from Urena and Bushville and would be triad to bear from tiiein every weak. Urena is regular but Bushville is scattering -id far between. Mnysville bad a considerable fire Wednesday 2lltl 1 > whi "h did coiiaid eruble damage. We trust that they will rebuild with brick and thereby reduce risks; As we havent tune to write every weeit we would be glad to l ead a let ter 'rein Grove Level every week that will excel this so don’t look for any more from us. Judging from the number of Jour mils that come to G'ove Level P. O. the Journal is read by quite a num ber of our eitizi n. c and those who do not take * ■ >.i ' and * I'lhwibe a: n i . to s V- . niMieistand that a xilroad is talked of from Lulu to Homer. We would like to snow the sentiment of the people. If they would commence w>‘h the Journal thev would find out bow the people are on this qucGi.m which is an ah important question to die people of Banks county. The people of this section art sadly disappointed ir. not seeing letters from our two railroad t< wns, Mavs ville and Gillsville: VV’h- :t that someone atiirt give us the news of those places ti.rough the columns of the Journal; surely it can’t be jeal ousness of those people toward H .iner Let’s hear from you The SORGIA. Banks County.,— J. T- Ponds l as applied for exemption of 1 rsoualty, and s”riing apr and val nation ot liotn; tend, and i will , ss upon the same at 12 o’clock mon he 9th day of November 189 ?, at my office. (147) T. F. llii.l. Ordinary. GEORGIA. Banks Couxii .—; William Sailor., has applied for cxem ption ot personalty, and netting apart, and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the same at 12 o’clock m on the 9tn day of Nov. in her 1897. ($1 35) T. F. Hill. Ordinary. A few weeks ago the editor was ta ken with u very severe cold that caused him to lie in a most miserable condi tion. It was undoubtedly a bad case of iu grippe and recognizing it as dan gerours lie took immediate steps to bring about a speedy cure. From the ,T. ertisement of Ohamherlain’s Cough Remedy arid the many good recom mendations included therein, we con cluded to made a first trial of the med icine. To say lint t it Was satisfactory P ’ s results, is putting it very mildly, indeed. It oete like magic and the result was a speedy and permanent l ire. We have no hesitancy in recom mending this excellent Cough Remedy to any one offlieted with a cough or cold in any form.—The Banner of Lib erty, Liberty town, Maryland. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by K. T. i Thompson, Merchant, Homer, Ga. i has demoßwtPTted ton thruftand | tiuias that it a . ost infalliblv ■- \ • : rt ii a wea:- nesses, iwimuMnliii-urMW • and ' I it, h- : become 'he leading remedy j j fo.’this r,las. v>a trouLle. It exerts t, wonoeri'uUy h aiin/, streiigisien ! >:i*j and soothing influence upon I th. menstrual orgaiiJ. It cures I “whites.” anc' fnllitirof the woinb. It titops flood: '.g aud relieves kup j I ! Bfe jrW xSt ! ? reseed and painful menßtruation. or Change of Life it is the beet medicine made. It is beneficial durinj pregnancy, and helps to I bring children into home 9 barreu for years. It invigorates, timi- I lutes, srrengthens the whole sys tem. This great remedy is offered to all afflicted .women. Why w’l ' any woman suffer another minute ! wilh certain relief within reach ? Wine of Cardin unlyccosb + sf per | bottle at your uru* s ; ore, 3 For atlrtre. in . :-r reqt.trinrr et ’ciai dirt* I Mms, address. ; rind .symptoms, the “Lillies I A&viaory Deport me The Chattanooga Mid I iciiie Cos., Chattanooga, Tenn. Rev. J. V.'. SMITH, Camden, S. C.. say; \ “My wife ued Wlneof Cardul at home i for falling c womb and It entirely cured her." l sal Advert sements- GEORGIA: Banks County.,— To j ail whom it may concern- i.ovick I Oliver and M. E. Oliver administra tors of Will un C. Oliver, deceased; lias in .lue form applied to the under signed for leave to sell the land and Two Shares of Stock in the firm formerly styled Rodgers A Cos., Har mony Giave, a; of< hie hundred each belonging to the Estate of said de ceased. And said application will bo heard o i die first Monday in Novem ber next. This October 4th 1837. T. !*. Hn.i. ($2.58) Ord’y. Sheriff Sales for November. GEORGIA: Banks County.-Will be sold on the first Tuesday in November next at the Court home in said coun ty, within the legal hours of sale, for cash- the fo'lowing property. Out' certain tract of land lying in 1210th District G. M. said count?, containing One hundred and fomteen Acres mo -c or less Adjoining lands of Mary Davis m on the North, Dock Garrison on the Last. Pierce Knox on the South and the Pauper’s Home on the West, the land whereon the defendent lived in the year 1894 as the property of defendent. Said land levied on to satisfy an execution issued from the 1210lh district G. M. said county in favor of A. I. Jordan against J. E. Sheridan. Notice given tenant in possession. Levy made by Davis Dowdy Legal Constable Oc fiber sth 1897. J. 8. Parks (4.4-65) Sheriff. ALSO.— Will be sold oti the first Tuesday in November next at the Court liuuse in sai l county w’thin tile legal ln.ur.-i of sale to the highest bid der for cash, the following property towil; Two hundred and thirtv-foui and three-quarter (2.44 J) Acres of lying m Banks County in the (284th) District G, M. of said county and iKnmded as follows: Commenc ing r.t a hickory corner in the extreme North-east corner oi olid ad where it adjoins lands of B. Caudell and John Cuudell and running North 60. 78 degrees IV. 14. t0 8. 85 degrees W . 60 chains, to a Black Gum' 8. it’ 1 ' degrees K. 32.75 chains, to a rock and stake 8. 62 degrees E 32 chains to a Pine Knott N. 27 degrees FI. 10,25 chains, 8. 62 degrees E. 12 chains to a rock. N. 31.50 degrees E. 3 chains to a rock, 8, 61.50 degrees li 4.50 dit to a rock, N. 3.50 degrees E 41.64 chs lo the beginning eorner. Bounded o.u the Nirtb bv lands of J. M. Garri son on the East bv lands of John and Ben Caudell. Ou the South by lands uf Anibo Winn and on the West by lands of David Caudell. Said land levied on as the property of J. M.Gar rison to satisfy an execution issued from tb“ Superior Court of said coun ty of Albert L. Richardson ! : .. ■ said J. M. .varrisou the juia b utne.., being a special lien oil he land described. given as the law directs. Thie -ith day ol October 1897. (89.30) ■). 8. Parks. Slier ft' ALSO.— Will he sold on '.he first, Tuesday in November next at the 1 court house in said anility, within the legal hours of sale 10 tfie highest bidder for cash, the fol'owing prop erty, to wit: Three hundred and sixty four (364) acres of land more or less in the 448th 1 list. G. M, of sai.l county, and bounded as fol.ows: Commencing at a Hickory iu tin ex treine Noith East corner of said land j where it adjoins lands of John Binds! and William C. Wade and running S 75 degrees VV 21.50 chains to a Black ! Gum, 8 02 W 60 chains to a Bine N 35 W 21 chains to a Bock S 73 de grees W 0.34 chains to a Bine S 85.- 50 degrees W 31 chains to a Red Oak, N6B degrees W 6 chains to a Sour Wood, N 05 degrees K 20 chains to a Hickory S 80 degrees E 60 chains to a Black Jack 8 *2 degrees E 1 7.80 chains to a Spanish Oak S 35 degrees E 10.77 .'liains to a Bine S 17 de grees E 11 chains to a Rock thence along a ridge 85 chains to a Rock N 29 degrees E 10 chvins to the be ginning corner Bounded on the North by lands of W V. Wade, on the E by lands of John Bonds, on the South by lands of John Bonds and on the West by lands of Mrs. Mary Joiner. Said land jet ied on a> the prop erty ox Wui C Wade to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior Court of saidcbimlv in favor of The Brinish and American Mortgage Cos. Limited against the said Win C. Wade the judgment being a special iiv.ii ,>n toe pioperty describee. No lice given is the latv * directs. This 4th dav of October 1897. (810.53) J. S BARK.B, Sheriff. Administrator’s Sale, Will he solil, cgroeablt* to an tinier of the Court of Or : in-ry of Jackson enmity, Dt-foro tlie tloor of the curt liouse of sanl county, on the first Tu esfiny Niii orember next, for cash, to the liio-licst iiidiler, the following 1 1- sefibed property to wit. Lot No 1. One lot of imi’l (.known us n pint of tlie John \V. Brui t place containing One hm.tlreil ami thrt) T four (i34) Acres more or less. . About Sixty Acres in cultivation, with about eight Acres of creek bot tom land, remainder principally in old field Bine land; On which there is one good tenant house and necessary outbuildings. Lot No 2. One tract of land containing Two hundred and fifty Acres more or less - One tenant house and necessary outbuildings, with about thirty Acres in cultivation Jemaindar in original forrest. well timb’ ; Adjoining lands of W T H I Brother, 1 11. Jordan \\ . 1 vler and oth is. This property is to be sold to pay debts aud distribution auio-tg tie’ •*. I*. '<> Bin MAN. Adn’iiiistmtof■ .J. Rylee deceased. • October stb 897 ALSO.—WiII lie sold on tha first Tuesday in November next at the court house in said county, within the legal hours of sile, to the highest balder tor cash, the billowing prop rt,y to wit/ Si ventv acres of land lying in Ranks County Georgia in the >th Dist. G. M. of said comity amt ■ muled as liillou..: Commencing at a stake in I lie extreme N’ortii East corner of said land where it adjoins lands of L. N. Turk and ,\V. C Hill and running down a creek 22 chains to an Film X. *5.50 degrees \V 6.89 chains N.52 degrees \V 8 10 chains to a Hickory N n.i.50 degrees W 12.75 chains to a Hickory N O-i degrees W 4 50 chains to a Rock 8 22 degrees W 45 chains to a Rock N 55.50 degrees W 10.80 chains to a Rock 887 degrees W 2.18 chains to a Water Oak S 7 degrees W 9.15 chains to x Hock N il degrees W 20 chains to a Dogwood N 73.75 16 13.50 chains to a Rm-k S 58 degrees- E 7.70 chains In :. Pine S 54 degrees K 4.40 chains to a Rock S 81.50 K 4.25 chains to a Hock N 74.50 degrees K 8.38 chains to a Rock S 71 decrees I'. 810 chains to a Pine 801 degrees E 5,25 chains to a stake and the be ginning corner. Bounded on the North by lands of W. C. Hill ,ti the East by lards of L. N. J urk on the South bv lands -if Robert Stephenson and on the W est by lands of Audi J. F’tirr and Gibson Chandler, Said land levied oil as the prooertv of A. J. Fun to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior Court of •mid county in farm of the Brinish and American Mortgage Company Limited against, said • tin*, the judg ment being a speed I lien oil the property described. Notice givell as the law directs. This October 4t.h, 1897. J, 8. PARKS, ($12.06) Sheriff. ALSO.— Will bo sold on the first Tuesday in November next at the Court house in said county, within the legal hours of said to the highest bid der for cash the following property, to wit; All tint, tract or panel of land in Washington (284) Di. t G. M. Banks-County, lieorata; Adjoining lands of William Poole <:• , the North, of Manley Can,lull o.i e East, other lands of J. ah Garris, i on the Soutn and of John Chamders and Hub Kelev on the West’ konwn as a part of the Stephen' A. Murry lands, with meets and boundaries as follows: Beginning at a stake thence North 00.75 degrees W, 54.55 oh tins to a stake originally a root thence South 29 degrees W. 27 chains to a rock ori the old settlement road leading from Damascus church to Hollingsworth, thence with said road as follows South 54 degrees E. 8.50 chains, thence So 39.50 degrees K. 2 20 chains, thence S- 50.50 degrees E. 4 chains thence S 79 degrees E, 5.30 chains to Black Gum thence N. 85 degrees K. 00 elms to beginning stake corner. Containing j (/1,, hundred (100) Acres more or less •Said land iewed on as the property o! TANARUS, M. damson to satisfy an exeou | t:- issued from the Superior Comt |of j. ;„i county, in favul’of the North- I Eastern Banking Company against J. M. Garrison. Written notice given J. Al. Garrison as required by law. This October Gth ISJ7. (83.19) J. S. Barks, Sheriff. Postponed Sale. GEORGIA: Banks County. — Will be sold on the first Tuesday m November next at 'he court house in said county witbm tile legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following property to wit; One tract of land iii said cotin’y ami state in the 1464 Dist. G. M, adjoining land:, of H. ,M. Smith on the east and Mrs. Moiris on the south. W. A. Griffin, Col. on West and John Her rington on the north, the place where on defendant now resides, containing forty acres more or less and a settle ment road running from the Her rington place to Gillsville. Baid place is well improved there being erected upon it a good dwelling bouse and necessary out buildings: about fifteen acres in cultivnuo... Said land levied on as the property of Marion Coclnan Col. to satisfy three purchas money .executions issued from the Justice Court of the 1404th I list. G. M. said county in favor of W. A. Griffin Col. against Marion Cochran. Deed filed in the Clerk’s office of said count y as required by law. Levy made by 11. M. Smith, L. C , June 2nd; 1*97. and turned over to me. Written . notice given defendant in terms <>t law. This [October 4tb, 1897. ,0 00) J. 8. BARKS, Sheriff. A pain in the chest is nature’s warn ing that pneumonia is threatened. Dampen a piece of flannel with Cham berlain’s Pain Balm and bind over the seat of pain, and another on the back between the shoulders, and prompt re lief will follow. Sold by R. T. Thomp son, Merchant, Homer, Ga, PROFESSIONAL CARDS () t N. HARDEN 4 M.'i . B3P""Offic* West of Public Squake, HOMER, ©A |)AVID <\ STARR, Attorney vc law. HOMKR. (U >■'!*< ini attention j_*ja it to all buhft *s*. \mv . 21'— J. L. PERKINS, Attorney at !./•, Um. Prompt itinrtrcn t'iven to all biwi ll.' pia<*i*d in my hand*.