Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, October 28, 1897, Image 8

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This Surpasses Everything! MY BUYER DONE SOMETHING THAT WAS NEVER DOnE BEFORE. \ ])iu*ohaso < list ( lays every pro> iOu |);irg:iiii ia a ihe shade. You and I inUMt Iciiow il* 8 ( "will for llsolf, -=75 CASES GOODS AT ONE PURCHASE. — $ 9 -hFor * the * Distribution *to * the public for e next * week.9** At sl.lß - Ladies Top Shirts, tailor made, of Brocaded wool goods, plain Cash meres, Boucle, full width and lengl tli. Choice At sl.lß Heal value $3.50 SI.OO and $2 50 Kid Gloves Aa SOe choice. 80 dozen imported Kid Gloves; they are Musquetairs, in street and evening shades. Suedes, 5 buttons, stitched back. Values $2.00 and $.50 Choice at 50c Pair 78 Ladies Robes, no two alike, on front circular table. Values 85c to sl.lO a yard. Your choice at a Yard, l.nki wood Park Near Atlanta l'or the Banks County Journal Not since the Confederate guns in Charleston harbor thundered their iron storm against the seals of Fort, Sumpter, has the country been o startled and electrified, as when a few days ago, the news was flashed j over the world, that the beautiful and j accomplished young Cuban girl Evan zclina Cisneras had beeu rescued from a Spanish dungeon, where she bad hi en held as prisoner by that blood thirsty and cold hearted brute General V. eyler for fifteen long and weary months. The daring exploits of Karl Decker in wrenching' apart the prison bars and setting the fair young captive free; furnishes an epoeli in the world’s history of prison escapes unsurpassed since the days] of night enantry. This spotless j chi Id of (lie blood stained island of Cuba was of a good family and had j been tenderly reared; She was thrown j into a Spanish prison, and forced t > mingle with vile women, for no oilier j cause, than that she repulsed with scorn aid indignation the lustful ail vances of a Spanish officer; tor thus protecting her chastity she was threatened with twenty years penal servitude in a convict camp, far from her native land; none but a monster in human shape could treat an inno cent unprotected female in such a dastardly manner; “No beast so fierce j Out has seme touch of pitv,” but that | is a prerogative that never found j lodgement in Weyler’s breast. Tne j men .vlio risked their lives to rescue the liberty of this fair young scuorita, | deserve the lasting gratitude of the, civilized world; their names are on every tongue and the newspapers ol the land are teaming with their praise. To reckless bravery their daring ex ploit iias only a paralel in the remaik able escape of General Morgan and some seven or eight of his comrades from the Ohio penitentiary during the war. This frail girl now gmi'y rests beneath the stars and stripes; and a chivalrous people will see to h, that she is eared for and protected. The custom of the blood thirsty as sassin YVeyler, who commands the Spanish forces on the island of Cuba, of throwing refined and cultured women in filthy prisons, and compel! them to mix with the lowest dregs of humanity, should be■ branded as the vilest of she vile; it there Is one sen timent stronger than another in die breast of man; tnat will call fourth a ipontanious burst of indignation; it is P 31 -V I i li t**' .V t Stores O<r<*up!o<l 3> • j|BR i the malicious and savage persecution If the opposite sect. That bleeding j and prostrate Cuba, that beautiful 'jewel ol the Antilles may one day be | free, is the earnest desire of every ! patriotic American, she stretches out .her suplicant hand for succor, but no I relief comes; though her spotless gar ments ai'i* drenched in gore, she must struggle on unaided and alone that.! her gallant and patrii tic sons will continue the light until her independ ence is secured, there does not seem to be a doubt; she will continue to flaunt defiance in the face of the rob her chief Weyier and his hired min- ions until they are driven from her shores- Few countries have suffered I what Cuba has at the hands of Spain; ! arrogant, dictorial and oppressive, she I iias compelled the inhabitants of the ! island to pay tribute to aliauglity ana ! pampered court, without even the I semblance of a voice, as to bow their ; unj ist reverence should be applied, j times without number have they pt i titioned the throne f>r redress, and i a change of policy towards them; to all of her pleadings Spain has turned a deaf ear. The Cubans are a brave and chivalrous people: and it is a burning shame that a great country lik ours, has not Jong since accorded to them beiigeient rights. Fulton. THE GRANDEST HEM El >V. ill- R M. Gieove, merchant of Chit - hovvie, Va., certifies that, lie had con sumption, was given up to die, sought all medical treatment that money could procure, tried all cough renie i dies he could heai of, but got no relief: f pent many nights silting up in a chair ■ was indued to try Dr. King’s New i Discovery, and was cured by use of two bottles. For past tureo years has been attending to busmes, and pny J.)r, King's New Discovery is the gran | dest reinecy ever made, as it h is done j so much for him and also for others 'in his eommiuiiiy. Dr. King’s New Discovery is gu iranteed for (Vugh C >!ds and consumption, it. don't, tad Trial bottle free at L. G. Siam Ok JBro’s, Harmony Grove, And !,■ G. Hardman & Bro’s Harmony Gr ;ve, I and Maysviile., Ga. Two rou ON lb ; By spaeiai ariaiigeinenl we off u HOAi ASi> FARM , combination with our jni]er for $1.25. j being the price of hath. That is, for ail new or I oJd subscribers renewing ami paying inadvance we send The Home and Farm one year for 25 cents Home ami Farm has for many yews bcn the leadin'; agricultural Journal of the south i and southwest, made by farmers ror farmers, i Its Home Department Conducted by Aunt Jane, : its C hildren's Department and its Dairy De partment are brighter and bftttr ’ than ever Renew now and get this great? Journal for tin* Homo ami the farm for 25cents. KNIT Underwear. Samples f.iom factories at halt and one third price. An early call for the first choice on second table, is your gain. AT 10c—Ladies’ ribbed cotton Qcst, Fall weight, with long sleeves. AT 19c—Ladies’ fleece .ined Vest with covered seams, silk tape and pearl buttons. AT 33c—Ladies’ ribbed half wool Vest, worth 60c, white or gray. AT 69c—Ladies’ medicated scarlet lamb’s wool Vest or Pants, regular price SI,OO. AT 33c—Ladies’ Egyptian cotton Union Suits, fleece lined with covered seams, silk finished, worth 50 cents. TEN CENT MUSIC Any one of the following mimed pieces of late and popular music will be m uled to any address on receipt of 10 cents, or 1:3 pieces for $1 00. **rrand 'capM.nisi,” Chicago Two-step, Yale March. Black Am s-ic i. 51 uiiiattan B-ach. Libert,y B: 11. n ; gh K-ho-.l Ca dets, Narcissus. not Time in the Old Town, All (loons lr ok Alike to Me, My Gal’s a uiglf Born Lady Baggage Couch Ahead, She Lives on tie flame Street As Me, flue May nave fl.-en Bet tor Days, Don’t To 1 n u- That You Love tier. Sweet Bunch of Daisies, Eic., Etc. Send for complete list. Special dis count to the trade. TEN CENT MUSIC CO., .■ st , JF.FFtRSONV.LLE. IND- SO YEARS’ ■■•y-'-U..*. ' -M&** BXPERiSMOB. .* trade mafike -• DESICN3, CCF-YRICMTS Lie. Anyone sensing n sketch and description may qu.ckiy ascertain, free, an Invention ia probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents in America. We have a Washington a*.-ice. Patents taken through Muun & Cos. recoi73 special notice ia the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully illustrated, largest circulation of anv scientific Journal, weekly, terras $3.00 a/ear, fl.jOssx months. Specimen copies and HAND Book on Patents sent free. Addresa MUNN A CO f 901 Broadway, New York r{E STRONG POINT -boui die cures by Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is •:hat they are permanent. They start from i the solid foundaticu: Purs B'OOlf. AT 69c—Ladies’ half wool Union Suits, worth $1.25. AT 93c— Ladies’ wool Union Suits, worth $1,50. A T 19c—Children's wool ribbed Ves' and Pants, worth 40c. AT 25c—Children’s natural wool Vest ami Pants or Drawers. AT loc—Bov’s gray Merino Shirts or Drawers, ail sizes. AT 19c—Infants’ Australian wool Wrappers with covered seams, all sizes, worth 40c. AT2 21c—Children’s fleece lined Union Suits, all sizes AT 59c—Children’s Union Suits, three-fourths wool, worth 75c. Sven’s Underwear. AT 19c—Natural Merino Shirts, made with ribbed bottom, French neck, silk braiding and pearl buttons, Drawers to match. AT 39c—wool Shirts and Drawers naturrl and camel’s Trail* color, the kind othci sthres sell for 50c; our HARD M A N- SHAN K L E tSSBaSKK , a-r .raaiassi.TKraurfigv fj To the People of Banks county. —From now until January 1 iB RWe will offer some BARK BARGAINS mid invite the people ulb If Bunks county to cull anil see mir goods, YVe have the larges! am.ft ffl Best selected line of clothing, bats, slurbs, shoes anti jieek-jSI P wear in Northeast Georgia, ami our Mdse Company, > , SSPricos ;nv. in jiccord with tin* limps. (;m* i.m.- t gj BAT on, Women and Child n*n\; Slim*?; ctmiw He Kqualled in Price : nd (Quality in * Harmony Grove, Ga. • -/n/. in "Sr af-BHav-iTtv* mT.-. I—II i I W il l r H M : -v-k .A l —'W price 39 cents. AT 50,•—-.Men's all wool Shirt or Drawers, medicated scarlet or nat ural color. AT 75c—Men's lambs wool Shirts or Drawers, white, natural or Camel’s hair coior, light, medium or heavy weight, worth $1.25. AT 98c and IS—Men’s Union Suits, cotton or wool. We begin Monday to exhibit a selec tion of L3O styles tin trimmed new tall shapes. All the new Kibbuns in Plaids and Hainan stripes. New Feathers, Flowers and all trim mings They are rich and rare—and just arrived Friday;. Figured turkey red Dress Prints at 4c a Yard. This is the Man j sKV jggf E p£ °Pi£ /y zl; e* n’t? c, <C, <£, HOW ? 1 ism mm 4 IJ wilf <-XR m ;: ± leihftS iflii Z)u_,o*>2 ‘4*rrf rtmß tdfa <Hw gijtll ssiigs; Jtfff Hjijti ► kS' ao ffi+tl Sgxifl I ,*o valss m li j ls“m * , llie Freislil.NSSS If you need a Buggy call at lhe Jour nal Office. Figured !ndigo blue Dress Prints at 4 cents a Yard. Pride of Laundry yard-wide Bleach ing at 4 1- 2e a Yard Sea Island Per cafes, yard-wide, new*-* 4 d^s'sr 11 *, tltirli fn.ll Khgde.s, the 10c quality, at 5 7-8 c a Yard. best grade 10c dark Zephyr Ginghams at 5 cents a yard. Outing Flannels, the 9c grade, at 5 cents a yard. Flannel Pe’Laine. new fall designs, 12c grade, at 7 cents a yard. Figured Turkey red Dress Flannel ettes, thel2cgrade, at 5c a yard, Mohair, value 15c at 9c a yard. Brocatine Dress Goods, newest de signs, 15c value, at 9J.yc a yard. Shirtings, value 5e at 3%c a yard. Zebra Cloth, value 20c, at 10c a yard. THE NEW YORK WORLD THUIGE-A YY’EEK EDITION. 8 Pages a week. 156 Patters a Year. A paper ns useful to you ns n great daily for only one dollar a year. Better than ever. All the news of all the wrld all the time. Accurate and fail-to every body. Democratic and for the people against trust and all monopolies. Bril liant illustrations. Stories by great au thors in -. very number. Splendid read* ing for women and other special depart ments of unusual interest, It stands first among I 'weekly” paper; In size, frequency of publication end freshness, variety and reliability of con touts. It is practically a daily at the er price of a weekly ; audits vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign countries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. We offer this uneijualed newspaper and The BANKS COUNTY JOURNAL together one year for SI.OO. The regular subscription price of the two paper $1.50 cash. Cut Thss Out and sand it and thirty cents in stamps to the editor of the Banks County Journal and we will send for six ((>) months The Youth's Advo- j cate, Published at Nashville, TVnn. Regular price for six. months is 50 cents, t r one dollar per year. Never before lias such a paper been Per. and for one dollar, if at any price. Remember our , special thirty cents oiler is for new subscribers j only. Read the following, which will explain some of the advantages of Use Youth’s Advocate j and our offer to give a Bicycle, (odd Watch, Scholarship. Etc., free. | The Youth’s Advocate, an illustrated semi m u; Journal of sixtx on large j age* printed on a very high grade of paper. Established IS'.H) Sample copios sent free. V'Ming pcojile. Subscribe for a paper that id elevating in character, moral in tone mid es pecially interesting and i roiitahle to young leo]le but read with interest and profit by pen- j pie of All Ages. Some of the best talent to be i iou id Isas been regularly cmjiloycd for different departments. Xondcnoni-national. ir would be useless for us to comment ou the advantages of such a paper going into every household, where mortal influence and literary accomplish ments should be encouraged and cultivated. I Such tends to prevent yovng people from culti vating the habit of rear ing unprofitable ami j dsmoralizing literature. It is strongly in-, dorsed by Poachers,, Ministers, Business men j rue oi/neai. A Bicyclei, Gold Watch, Diamond King ora! scholarship in Draughton’s FracLical Business College, Nashville, Tenn. or Texarkana, Texas; or a scholarship in most any reputable Business College or Literary Sohoalinthe United Slates can be secured by doing a little work for us at , home. Large cash commission paid agents. Address Youth’s Advocate Publishing Cos., ‘Nashville, Tend , {Don’t ft til to send order for special six months offer as above directed.; NUCififl V~fl ivurov Dvr.-pnr. ...i. I wOK Constipation andlndigestloii. • Hie Liv:i'. Pile-'.- CLOTHING. In Broad St. St ire WE LL SIIIUTISK YOU. 58 Men’s Hickory Working Over shirts. slightly damaged by water; 50 cents. 15c each. 118 Coats and Vests, Cheviots, Wor steds and Fluids, value $lO. \l EACH. 75 Coats and Vests, worth sl2. .A/i: J04.;5 EACH 250 Samples Alpine lints, worth $2.00 and $3.00. AT ><>e EACI l. 190 Children’s Black wool Hats. AT lOc EACH, 175 Boy’s Alpine Hats AT :s:ic EACH. 75 dozen heavy fleeced Cotton Un dersh i rts, worth 40 cents A Tlsc EACH. 40 dozen Moil’s Negligee Shirts, the 75 cep ts kind AT :}!>(• EACH, 27 dozen ribbed fleeced lined Shirts and Drawers, value $1.25 each FOR hhhhhh WILL BE A AND -*>3 ■#' *f" -f* N*L 0^ FOT IT Qua 690 0s RMf' Best o&st Pfi/ces TPS LO&JCSr fc!Stznp9(iiy_ , sttt tyyyyyy