Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, November 25, 1897, Image 5

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COUNTY DIRECTORY. Superior Court—Tilfl{s N. Li Hutchins, Law snceviUe;oUcitor-Ooneral C H. Brand, Law encHvllle: Qpnvence 3rd Monday in March aiiii September, ; ' , . COUNTY OUF'K RPS. . .. Ordinary—T. r. Hill, Homer; Court meets Srat Monday In ejuili in<tW!| Sheri It—J. S. Parks, Ifomcr; D. 11. drUßn Deputy. . v . clerk—i'erkins, IT-mi'er. Tax Receiver—J. C:. Allen, Yonali; Tsi Collector- 1..,1. liagailule, Carnot; Treasurer —IV. M. Ash, Homer. Surveyor—K C Alexander, Homer. Coroner—Stovall Poole. J'rnlt. CJI'NTY SCHOOL OOMMIJMHONEHB. . 11. u. Wooding, Maysvilie. V 1). Lockhart, President. . ltoar<VotF.iluca'iop^A‘t,.Thompson, Grceliam Ducket, WT. Anderson, M. Il.C'arter. JL'STrt’KCOHHTS. * Anderson DUtri j4K —W. C- -J. Harrison - T . P TS. McOilisrd Coilstibie. Thursday before sec anil Siturd; yi-i e*eh month. lierlin Distriot I‘2lo-J. S. Conlev J. IV, 11. K ScpiesN. F.,?F. M.Sanders cmistikle. liushville District2o3-1.. K. Parham J. I> , W A.tVaUon V IV. i). X. SlcGalliard Consul,!e "Vourt 4th Saturday iu.eseh inonth. ■ ColnmoisDistrict 371 A. J. Cash J. IV, S. H VilkiusonN.P:, F. B. Blalock r:ntible. Cour second Saturday in each month. _ . Davids District 207—J. C. Wale .1. IV. W. J Burgese N. IV, ,T. C. Ingrain Constable. Grove River District 1-IS4 -C. W. Meaders J. P -J r grans N. P„ H. St. Smith Constable, four Bird Fridsy in each month. . .Goldenlllll District4lß—W P. Blackburn J. P V. W. Peyton N.IV, Ju:e Owens Constable. Demur District 265—W. 11. Turk, J. I’., II- -I Blackwell X- P., R. D. Stephens Constable, four Second Wednesday of each month. poplar Springs District 012-TV A. Gillesp J.P.. A. J Griffin X. IV, J.S. Meeks Constable Ceurt second Friday in each month. Washington li : striot,2B4- v -Sain Iv.ieslcr,,. . 1. MJ. RagsdaleX. IV, John Cochran and A. Martin Constables Cirart third Saturday in e?.ck month. > Wilmo;3 District 120 P.-M. W. Gillespie .T- I G. W Wi.ev P . VV, B. Shannon. Constable. Chert tbird Friday n each month. • lodge directory. Ph Melts No. 148 F. A. M. Meets first Friday night of each monthat limner A 1,. Thompson 7 U , M. C. Banders Secretary LG'GA'LS. - - NOTES on MEREST FOR OUR READERS. o Read the Banks County Journal, ~ Subscribe tor The Journal oniy $1 Advertise in the J O U K N A L. 'Banks C-umiy Journal and Weekly Constitution both one year lor only. 'J 1 TiO. \Ve would be more than pleased to know what lias ' become of our ve'y able and willing corps of Journal cor respondents; they all seem Jo have forgotten their letters to the Journal .arc very iiit’.'rest;!‘g' / wiien ro“civcd./ but arc greatly missed when they are not printed every week. We sincerely trust'that such will not occur'again very *BOOII like it is tais VeekjNvften till of thcSn it a ems, kr-vf agreed to disappoint the editor this does not disappoint ti e editor only, It. disappoint hundreds of.out regalaij readers, and we venture "to s.*y vou (our eoiTcspondeut) are more disap-, in not seeing news from other parts of the county than almost an v one else, ' and we trust your more than welcome letters will again begin to make their weekly appearance on Saturday ’or Mondays; And vve will now thank •) on in advance for the same. [Ed.] Miss. Jessie Harden of Atlanta, i.- v isiling iicr brother Dr. W. P- Har den near Homer. Ur. and Mrs. C, C. Daniel of Dan lelsville visiled tneir soi; Dr. J. Sam 'Daniel in Homer last week. C;'l( on ])m'ket Moss A Cos., for a ’nice stylish hat or pair of shoes; they can fit lon up at a reu'idnn'bly low price. Coftu ds low, but pacer cspeiisip. are high. W* cannot continue to run •paper on primuses, nor an over due 'siubsocrplkm, so please come aiul help us our. Please Cai; and pay up your subs 'cription to tbt Journal. If yd’.i cannot call at this oflk- please send subsenp 'tiou mail, ( nw is 'ihc litre v/ben vour Stfbscriptitbs fall due and should "be paid, so dotit disappoint us. The Wrought Iron U mge men are afill making their o;.ils up,.,; () m fann ers and ci'ergetj-allv trying to con- i he best raii!*v HOLLIN GSWORTII. BARGAINS, “At Ducket, Moss ds Co’s., '''Hollingsworth., Go. In remnants of piece goods of many 'kinds, styles and colors. Hats; Men’s and Boy’s, at reduced prices during t'.io next twcl o days. Slides! many kinds, styles and sizes of Men, Women and Children’s; a larger stock to select, from than ever bet ore carried by us- all at a reduced price for the next 12 Days'- Coffee; good Green 8 to 10 lbs for $ 1,00. Coffee Arbucleo Package, 8 lbs for §l.OO. Jeans, a big stock on band- 20c kinds 11 Jets •25c „ 15 „ 30c „ 20 „ 35c ~ 2o "40c „ .30 50c „ 'BB ' „ Come and t;ee for yourself before you buy, and before you. .condemn u: ; , the goods or'llie price of tlic-m. Checks 5c kinds at 3f cts Checks (Jo „ „ -1J „ Shirting 5 „ „ ~ , Bjf „ J! d*, 5, ,> Slicetirfg Go „ A , 4f No one customer will be allowed more than one bolt, or 50 yards of th"Se goods r.t a tune- nor will any of them be elvr.rgecl, nt these prices. Large heavy bed Blankets, prices low for the kinds- New Melutopclies, prices .exceed. inidy low. Diamond. r * u Adjustible Stove* Dicks; ntb any stov Price icduccH. 3 Big Burs of Soap for Sets, big run. New stock Liver Powders; cts packages a't 10 cts. iWU v - • Window Shades iu nice,new styles and colors Very prettv, price's Very, low, Men’s knit 'woolen under wear, iu Suits price lower than we ever saw We will •give good prices forproduce of all kinds that we can handle. .Chickens and Eggs in Vetter demand than they have been thin year. We want all you have to sell. We have large new stock on band now. Call and see s, we will take pleasure in showing you, whethei you buy or not. "Roadcur advertisement every week until after the Hollidays Ducket, Moss & Co.' lloli.ixgswortii.. Ga. SO 51 ET 1 ft *t? ’TO KNOW. It may be worth something to know that the very best medicine for restore-' ing*the tired opt nervous system ton liraßliy vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine, is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to tlie nerve centres in the stomtteh, gently stimulates the Liver and kidneys, anci aids these organg in throwing off impurities in the blood. Electric Bitters improves die appetite, aids Jlffestioii, 'and is pronounced by those who have tried it as the vers best blood purifier and nerve, tonic. Try it. Sold for 50q. or,f 1,00 per bott.e at L. CL, HARDMAN '&.Bf{o.’S, ana L. : J. SHARP & BUG'S Drug 'Stores, HakSeony Gboye. Ga. •ancxanßEatn'-sia w-' ururnraiixiiam.i2Jai4^'' The three-yoar-old hoy cf .T / Johnson, of Lyffn ’Center,, 111., is sub ject to attacks of croup. Mr. Johnson; savs lie is satisfied that the tfinely use oi C.hemberiain’s Cough Remedy, dur ing a severe att.rck-, saved his little boy’s life. He, the drug business, a member of the firm of Johnson Bros, of that place; and they handle a great many patent medicines for throat and lutg diseases, lie liad all these to choo e from, mn skilled physicians ready to respond to his call,but selected tins remjedy for use in lusown family at a time wijen his,ch.i:ld s life was in dan ger, because he ’kffevv ft to be superior to any otlier, and fario’ns the country over for its cures of eroffp. Mr. John son says this is tlie best se’Jng cough medicine they handle, and that it gives splendid satisfaction in all cages. Sold by It. T. Thompson' Homer, Ga The Journal wants Severn cords of good drv seasoned wood., and it. wt 1 pay $1.0(1. per,cord for ilie same deliv ered tills office. If y--u have wood for sale, and if you wish to subscribe fur the Banks Countv Journal with any of tlie fallowing splendid Week Ties; you car. do To ami pay for them ■bgvood. ■fen A this JOt’ll*). L SI "9 Ml We are deirtfns of having our subs crihers come in and pay up their sutys eriptious to this paper. We are ob liged to have a large amount of money with which to meet some obligations before Jan Ist 18!)?, *We therefore trust that you will come in nnd Day so that wo can do our creditors right by paying them tip. HO L fit HOLD GODS. The ancient Greeks behoved that tr.e Penates were the gbds'ivho jitten the wefthre ami prosperity of tiie family, They were worshipped as In.useliold gods in every home. The householdgod of to-dav is Dr. King's New Discovery,. Eox Confiim ption’coughs, colds and for all afiee lions of the Throat, Chest and Lungs it is invaluable. It has been tried for a quarter oi" a century and is guarn teed to cure, or.njoney refunded. N’a household shogldbo .without tins gooff j angel. It is pleasant to take and a | safe and sure remedy for and young. Free trial bottleV, at L C Hard man A Bro; anu L. J. Sharp it Bro’s Drug stores, llarmouv Grove Ga. Regular size 500 and §l.ob. Your.attention's respectfully called j ip the advertisement of the‘'Parlor ! Barber Shop” now located up stairs in j the f. P Wood building in Harmony i Grove, in another eolum of this paper. It will begrattiiying indeed to the j many Banks County patrons of Har- | mony Grove and who have their oar- ] her work do-ie there, to le .rn that : vou i an have this work done there in goodsp.leby Mr Pierce and his while ami very able assistants, Mr Pierce guarantees "satisfaction. but he does not guarantee that you’i not take .. short nap wlnle K receivong a shave in lue Parlor Shop. Try tdiem If you need a Buggy cal! at The Jour nal Office. It will be gra tifyiug to the ihahy* relatives and friends of Mr. Ffeefcan. L. Martin, who was arrested one day last week near Harmony Grove, to learn lie was on yesterday set free ... His ease hefrig dismissed from the Washington Dis Justice Court for want oPorpseeution. Mr. Martin is a well know n and popular young man and, liis many ifiends were sorry in deed he got in this trouble; and will triad to he is now out of it. Lnmps ? L?mpGhim- TieYS. <J * |sY’a lb*lt Ii \ , K'Pi r*-, VaTii i!lsos< Brushes Spon ge s MUSICAL ’x'yjST HUM ENTS, And’a lot of other thing too tedious to mention can be hail at HARDMAN A BROS-. Drugstore!, CfceSper th’ el where. The discovery of McEliree’s VV ir.e of | Card ui has brought about a revolution •hi tlfa treatment of the common com ulaiuls i'l’om which aii women some times suffer, callab “Famale Disease?,’ 'Die belief that i hose laoiihle.s coukl only qe lrented after examinatious by physicians, or.d frequently only be cured by the siirgeym s knife, wtis-. ouoe wihespreab’ Th? d.reap ot such treat ment, aud exposure kept thousands of modest women silent about their sull ertug. They jireferred the pains to add torture to going io a p i ybH ir.n bout such miners. We are trow having Mine healthy j and cool weather which is a splendid reminder of mat far away ami frozeb Klondike gold region; but wliat is the use worrying about Klondike’s gold? Win! we have enough gold in these red bills and rich valleys of Georgia and otuc-r southern Colcon producing | states to make every man woman and child of America vastly null if the far i tners of the isouthem states will only' forethought to see that it few yen’:; befoi’e will I • e >■ 1 ,•- 1 1 *>i \• n , Legal Advertisements- Administrators Hale, Acres'* ble to nn of the OoV rt of Ont tusry of Cotiily, Will tic si>lilt auction lit the Court llouae clporof Bsihfce t'miaty, on thu Itrsrruevtav in lleiVmbcr next, .within the !ega t hours of #l'e. the following property, to-w i’: All tract or lot of laud situated it. the Dw G M Banka 4'uiintsr;hou>uld by Umdaoi Cuh ln Proke- tile estate ol* Thqnms .lonian ’.la’ ‘ Evunsand Bonds; amt fen the olil home „la, 1 • ,lUi.s hot; o t’ontaini'iF t:f, acres morn or h- '• Hold a the propercy of I'lishaTliotnas.dec’d ’i n,cot sale (o .- half c:,oh balance dins November Is’ , VW. -**! for tale piven oieftwteM t.tht’tt withs P’J interest fnom Ante, rhis N. vembet "rd. 1 \V. a . THOMAS, Administrator. ,I,i; ■ i: Ia ■ IlixMs Cdi’Ntv.- 1 1 all whom (I iiVnav concern ’ Jehu 1..-Telford bavin- ;.|s pli-fl for guur.rt’’ tvthipot the person*. r.l prop erty of Frank T. and Whiter L. Richey, minor children of J .S. Richey, late of said ountj. deceased. Notice is given that this applica tion mil be heard at n.y office on the Aral Mon ilay in December next. 'T'iis Vuvcmbci lst • T. F. .DILL, Ordinary. Danks (Vn nty.— Toall wlioni i (j inav conceu: AvM. Miller has id due form applied to the for F’-mahtm let. tors of administration op the estate of J. H- Miller, late of said county, deceased, and I will pass upon said application on tlic first Monday in L'eeen:her. 1397- Given under iny band and oftioial signature. November Ist. PD7. T. F HILL, Or*’?. D l ORGIA: Basks Cm sty. -Toad whom it Gmaveoneern: John I. i-lford has m due form applied tu the under- coed tor permanent letters of admin .stratiou on tho eataie of J. 8. Richey, lab; of said county, deceased; and I tip in said application on the first 'Monday in December l>7. • - Given under my hand and official signature Nov. Ist, 1837. T. F. HILL, ord’y, ..Lviyi", -HVVBI'"C*IV. -to alt wit m It Gmayconeerii. Mrs Fl’( VatU-rson. Guar dian hlvs indue form applied t > die lor leave tosel ltwo un(iivd;d interest | in the Dower of Mrs. Amiinda l'attersoa hclonK ino- w her wards Iltiiaand I-ear! Patterson and said a;,plication wl’.l be heard on the fust Monday in riecemner next. November Ist’ ’.837. ($2.01) T. T. inLt, Ordinary. GEORGIA.. liANKsfocxiv; The keeping of the paupers of Banks Ocunty for th- .eir ~V U I be let to the lowest bidder at tlie Court I louse door in Homer on the Brst Tuesday in December 1807. The right to receive or reject all b’.tb ,s U i •o tlicOrdl iarv. NovembdrUt 1337. (32.34) T J- lIH-R. Ordi-lrn ah:iin istk.Y%irs s ? IL. Af rveffl'le Vi an.Ofjlor uf ibo ( of Ordinary of Banks County, v and! be sold at auction at this t d’.’.i’t house door cf saiH co'j’r.ty on the brst r l ucs J day in December Bpxt, -vithin the; ; legal hours of sale tlve following prop erty, to wit: One tt’fct of bind lying lin Banks County on find.-on River, | known as the 'Viliiam C. Olivet place, j and two shares of Slack One hundred ! dollars each, in thu linn foinievly i styled Rogeis Hardware and -Machine ! Com] any hi the Tcwn of Harmony Grove, Georgia. sf,' V 1 land is well improved; ancl containing "Eighty live a eres more or !es; All of said ti act of la’.id out side of the lyidow's Dower will be sold as the property of William C. Oliver .E ceased. Sold for the pur pose of paying debts- and distribution amongst the heirs. icJ’ius Gash. This Ist November. 1857, r ovicic 6 Li' I’R, ~ and M. E, OLIVER. A'hiuib • rat ora, BANKS SHERIFF’S SALES. *. t * Will "be sold on the first Tuesday ni December next at tlie Court house in said county, within the legal hours of sale tor cTsli; the 'following property (to wit.) , (Joe Cue i inti’ undivided interest in remainder,, in a tract of land consisting of toiu h’U’dred Awes move or less lying in said couuty o„ Hudson River, adjoining lauds of J. A Richey J. Iy. Thcmpsoiy , A. v J.San | tiers Knd C, It Cwiii on the West, the land whereon .Joseua Owen resi— ! Jed at tlie time of Ins death. Sa’.d i place is well improved Said interest !,levied on as Bi'e property of, J 0. ! Owen in remrinder to-sstisiy Iw'o fi ft’s, [issued from the Jestiee Court of the I goßtli Dial G. M. of said county. One !in faVov of C \V. Hood against J. O. .Owen thy other in favor of Long ■>. "Billips ami against J O Owen. iVritten notice given tenant in posession in terms of tile law. This November 3 1897. ($5.28 j J- S PatkS, Sheriff. BANKS SHERIFF'S SALE XVUI ha sullen the first Tuerdiv in December next, within the lejrai hours of sale, before tlie Uoorfor cash • tli n following (leseri bed-Diyperty, to-uir: T’vo hundred and .seven A' i'es of land in the two hundred and sixty fifth ! district Georgia l Militia UouDdi’dlimTh by lands owned and b y .fosse D. East by lands oivoed anu;|osesscd by W. Rucker, South bvlandrcT'ned r>. 1 Hosessod hy ('. Vi. Hood •jnd West by lands owned and nosossed by Joseph raisons, a: L illy described as follows. : beginning af a stone where tills land corners w Tt..,„iomi w Rucker, and UGOROLA t Banks County. —John .1. Gillespie has applied fox- exemption of personality and setting apart and Valuation of homestead, and I. will pass upon W-same at J 2 o’clock in. on the 15th day of December 1897 ut my of-; flee Nov '.Mth, 1897. T. If. BILL, Ord’y. GEORGIA! Banks Coumtt.—< John G. B.C- bus applied for exemp tion of personality and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the same ut !"2 o’clock in. on the 15Ui day of December.; lot* 7 ut my office. T. F. HILL, O and y N O T 1 C M. J .i To Debtors Auil Creditors* All persons lia\ingdcinftnl>: against the estate of Jacob S. JiUJicv of Ranks County tlece’scd. arc luTchyHofifieU to ivuder in their deth inls to [ the undersigneo according to law, And all : persons Indebted to said estate will please make payment as tlu ir claims become due. November Ist 1397.. * vJojjn U. Tklford. T°n por i\ Administrator (92.01) of Jacob S. Richey. All persons having demands against the estate of William Oliver late of Ranks County arc li.-roby notiii.vl to render in their deinaads to the uudersigned according to law. And all per son-’-indi-bteal to the said estate are requtred to make*, ni'.'Veil tc This Ist Nov. 1837. I.oyick Ot i viiu and O'- rer ($1 .<!) Admi xof AV. C. Oliver, dcci jeed. GEORGIA; Banks Coi.ntv Will be sold before the court hoiiti door, in tlic town of Homer, banks County. Geo,, within the legal hours of side, on the first Tuesday in Dee ember, 1897, the .following described pr&pmtv, to wit: Cue farm lying iu a body consisting of oire three and nine tenths (103 9) acres iu T’aiiki County, Stale tof Georgia, on the r/aters of Hudson River ami lioun ded as follows; - North by lands of T. B. GiilTiiij. Norm East fcy lands of Sirs Napey Massey; South' East by lands of Jessie Pritchett itud . t; .ou(h West by lauds of Win. J. ljritehet; and lbe waters of Silver ’Creek and said farm being the same now owned and ocettpjul by James 11. Pritchett Levied on and to be r.r tbei property of James H. Pritchett under and hy virtrse of a fi.fa. issued from the Sup erior Court of Banks County, Geo, upon a juiigntent obtained at tho Sept arnbeT term, 1397, in favor of Mrs. C. W. Driscoll vs. Janies H Piitchett the same being a special lien an 1 j Judgment on said property deed to I James 11. Pritchett having been filed.| and recorded In tho Cleik’s o.ffice of( said State and County for tiie purpose of levy f.rd sale before this lew was made. Vi’rittcn notice .given tlie de tendanl, James H. rritdfett, a'n fsre qnireii bv Jaw. This the third day of November, 1897. J. S. PARKS, ($7..!7) Sheriff CO ’.IF AND SI3E LB ..1 ice -"ini’t we c:i■ ell you Goods ns Cheap ai? you e.-m-iet them elsewhere. We have tlie Laie-t,,Styles of Dress < loods and Gent's Clothing. Wo want toliuy your Chickens, Eggs, Corn Fod der. Peas, Raw Halts, Cotton etc., and v i!l. .mo+he Market Price fpy them. -ar We have a fe.W New Tome Machines that \y.e vill soli AT COST. Call to see us. J. E. STRANGE & SON, Carnot, Ga. ONE OF TWO WAV . The bladder was created for one pur pose, namely. a receptacle for the uriiig jin! 113 sfip'a it it not liable to any form of disease except by dftc of two ways The first way is from imperfect action of the kidneys. The second way is from careless local treatment of other diseases.- - , CHIEF CAUSK. Unhealthy nrine from unhealthy kiduevs is the chief cause ot bladder t.sou bit*. So the womb, like the bladder wIS (.Sealed for one purpose, .And if net doctored too much is not liable to weakness or disease, except in rare cases 1 It is situated luck of and very close to the blnddhr, therfeore any pain disease or inconvenience manifested in he kidneys, back, bladder or viinary passage is often, by mestaUe, attrib— fttod to female weakness ar womb tro uble of some sort. The error is easily made and may he easily avoided I e find out correctly, set your urine aside for twenty-four homy a. sedament or settling indicates kidney or 1 ladncr t'roufyb. The mild and extraordinary idfect ofi)r Kilmer’s Swamp Root, the great kidney, and bladder remedy is soon realised . If von need a medic ine you should, have the host. At druggists fifty cents and one dollar Yiirt may have a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free oy mail. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in tlie world fo Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, EA-vat.Sore’s, Tetter. Clupped Hands, Chilfdair.s, Corns, and all Skin' Eruptions,'and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money r-lunded. Price 25 cents per bo. v For sale .by L. J. Sharp K Bro., Har mony Grove, and L. G. Hardman A Bro., Hitrmbhy juui Maysv ll'.e NUBIAN TEA cure Dyy.popsla Constipation a ii J** Regulates the Li”c-r. Price,Sse. LIMBLESS COTTON. In another col urn of this isvuo of the Journal you will find an article which was'published in the Atlanta Constitution of Nov 2nd, which very mildly expresses the advantages ot u new kind of Cotton, which has the very appropriate name “Jackson's; Limblkso Cotton”. While there are. Doubting Thomase: everywhere; file; Editor of the Journal must admit i he could not bclievo tho newspaper reports abou 1 this wondeii'ul species of cotton rmtil lie bad seen the plant itself.. If ut uoyy, since it lias been our good fortune to have seen this cotton, anil knowing where it was in cultivation and knowing tho owner of the land on which it now grows. We feet that it is a duty Yvc owe to the people of this section to say tin! owing to the extensive advertissing of this new kind of cotton which they claim will produce about four hales i of iii:t cotton to the acre of ordinal) Georgia lands, and Which w e douot doubi in the least•liecause’t.uciging by the stalks j.ow on exhibition m tin offices of Messrs, Eady, & Hamilson 1 of Atlanta, we cannot believe other than that it will produce that much, and owing to the remarkable demand 1 for these seed and because there are but a few hundred bushels of them on the market this year, orders are in creasing every day, therefore, in ol der to get supplied with these seed it lis necessary that you send in your ox ders at once: You can order through this office and we w ant to this entire section well supplied with this fine variety of eoitcn. i£ II! A At AT ISM. is promptly relieved r.nd quickly cured hjj Drummond,* Lightning Remedy. It is pleasant to take, act immediately is not injniious, docs not disturb dig’ estion It is tor rheumatism only in ail its; torturing forms. Describe your I case, sir;-;. ?-5, and we will ship to your [ e xpress office two large bottles, on© | montlqs treatment, with speciu! diroe tiouu. Agents wanted. Drummond Medioine Cos.. 8-1 Nissan St, New York. 1* tips "now been demonstrated, that nine cases put of ten qf women s disorders, painful and troublesome as they are, do i.ot rerun re .the attention of a-physician at ail. “I.oca! ta.eit ment” or “private cximinotiojis have t?een slfowti to .be entirely un necessary. The timt-le,'Cure wine o! Cardrti, taken in the privacy os the home insures quick relief. It Is entirely unnecessary for any woman to suffer from these almost : universal complaints. She can got , a bottle of McElree’s Wine oi Oardui ‘at the nearest drug store for , $1,59 ! and quickly put an end to th e un. i pleasant pains and derangements Thousand’s of,women are well to-day ’ because they did that. , ‘ The wors'. coin 7 ever had in n y life was cured by Chariiderlain’s, Cough : Remedy,” writes W, 11. Norton, of j Sutter Creek, G’nL .'.'This cold left me with a cough and I .Was expectorating . all tho time. The Remedy cured me, and I wads all of my friends when | troubled with a cough of cold to use i , I for it’ vvill do them good.” Sold by : 11. T. Thompson. Homer, Ga. NG'RfTHE&ST ERnI i;3?f.\VK! N AT I TI M !•: TABL 0 x,,0 yyM southbound" Daily Iw.ilv fcaily N'WlI JUKA.STKIIN^I i:\su A M r.M A M,: v H 530 8 15 n up vr ■{ i' Uft S4fi 1136 7 i‘. 9 If! 1101 llniM 7 AO ? 17 15 07 sir* 9 ar 15* in .^9 h ,K) 9 4*> 12 3n AM I’ M A W \r , K. K, !• EaY hi, Swte it tNolioe. The Board of Education will meet ! at Homer on Tuesday November 30th Int. 10 o'clock a. m. to select otiamera tors (o lake the suhbAl census. , An plieants are requested to tie prfaeiT. as tiie work ni’il c >ii-nencc at once. II W \Voojus.;, Connlv School C *mmi*nou#v.' ... mo:\ i:v TO LOAN. Monsvto loan o,i real estate 't v • .. for five years at 6 „ per 'cent interest. Borrower to pay ex- , penses of obtainig loan. for fuJj particulars cal! on or address: CHAS. M, WALKER, Harmony Grave, Gil Write To Th%! PATTERSON MARBLE CO 1 ., FOR (Ai VLOGUi: <rt m o.\r MENTH FREE. YOl CAN SAVE MONEY BY CONSULTING I'S BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER FOR ANY mm ii mill Tin; uiiu ft.’ BUiT-FR STREET And H.R. AILANTA, GA. SUBSCRIBE VOR TUB BANKS COUNTY ' J (> U K V A L , ONLY $1 Dollar I'KK ANN I'M, (JASI* The Canstil.udon is now running its Sixth CetitesL A change to guts* the missing word is given to ail who subscribe ami pay $1.’25 in advance for the Constitution and tills .Fount* for one year. VfEGIAL ATTENTION Mo*n, Boy.s and Little Children, you ! have somethin# io bo proud of, A and Clean Parlor Barber Shop*. First -clas-: While Barbers.,, wlo uuder i-iund the barber bit inc-us ■ Uorouglilv. VUo, Ladies’ Hair Dressing, Bangs Lriinined and .Scalps (.'leaned. I’azOi-s FAmed slid put in firt class i.oiidition for it reasonable chtrgc. All we n.-k of our friends is to give its t; trial, and you will be sure to eomc ngpin to the Parlor Bsi her Shop. Price to suit everybody. Wo guarantee sat isfaction. •*> . W. D. FISRCt, 'Pro Tp-'tnir-' of the'T. I’ Wood BfciMing, Harmony t3ri ( Ci The ten. cent cotton co is not yj-t thirty days old, but her name is Ufs th>; topic of many sonvers.itioi * in almost every state and county in the 1 t:icn. and it is Very gr. Uifying lo know that those most interested in our worthy farmer's welfare are the ones that in our candid opinion will see to it Tite Ten Out Cotton Company (which is undoubtedly thpir most true and very best friend) t ill he crowned with success in v mar future; ami then >ve \vi; J . all be more than happy while Itiddtng .ali 5c Cotton • -Farewell, 'farewell forever HOW TO ('I KK BILIOUS COLIAi.. I sufi red for Weeks with colie arid pains in my stomach caused by biiious | ness and hud to take medicine all the while Until I usod Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera su'd Diarrhoea Itemody wh k ft cured me i have since recommended it t o a. good many pcotthi. Mrs. T But lev, Uairhp.ven, Conn, Persons who are subject to bilious eolie can ward i-tf t-.ii: attack by taking tin’s reliteiv a soi..n as the first symptoms appeal oold by 1L t liioinpson, Unner. Gtk, l‘liO /• !£'A’.V /OX.'iJ. CA2iiZ\ < 0. >w HARDEN'- \l. D. | ■ |