Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, February 17, 1898, Image 3

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COUNTY DIRECTORY. %ijstlor doart X. L TTHe-ifti,) ’LaWveaceViUe; SoHttoAtstfheral CH. 'Brand, LawreTUle; convenes 3rd ttoliaSY '!■ March and Scptcn.her. COUNTY OFFICERS. 1 Ordinary—T. *V. Ilill, Homer; Court meets f rit "Monday i each month. "Bhori*—J.'""S- Darks, Homer; D. H. Grlflln Deputy. l nrk—Logan Parkin*. Homer. Tax Receiver—J. C. Allen, Youah. Tax Collector—l.. J. Ragsdale, Carnot. Treasurer -W. M. A eh, Homer. '•BuPeyor—Tt'C Alexander, limner. Coroner—Stovall Poole. Viult. ‘COUNTY SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS. . T W. Wooding, Mayaville. Y 1). Lockhart, President. htoaM of Education—A. L.Thompson, (ircsliwn- Ducket, W T Anderson, M.B.CdrW'i-. JUSTICE COURT'S. •Vnderson IHetrict 488-W. <’• J. Garrison J. F M L. McGillard Constll.le. Thursday *>efora second Satitrd. yln each month Gorlin I*iEi*eJ.iai3 -J. S. Conley J. P., I>. F BcalceN. F.. K. M. Sanders constlhlc. Bushville District idS-L. K. Fall am J. V , TV A. Watson N. P., I>- N. Met.all lard Constlhlc Court 4th Saturday In each month. Colombia District tel -A. J Cash./. C ’ll Wilkinson y.F.'.'F. 11, Blalock constib.k, ‘Cciirt second Saturday In each month. Pavids District >7-.T. r. Wade J . I’.. W J Bnrsess N. P.. J . C. tngWro Conatible. Orore Siver'fcistrVct f4-C. W Meadors J. F. J.V Rvans.N, P..U.M. Smith Constable. Court third Friday in each month. ©olden iiiil District'iss-W V. lllae.khnrn J. 1 j J. W. Poyton N.F . .Tide Owen . Constable.;. ?lom*r District *®-W. H.Turk'.r. F.. 11. J %frekrc!l fc. F...R.D. StephonaConstable. Court Second WedVcsday of each month Poplar Springs District 912—E. A. Gillespie; .1 p , A..1 Oriftin N. F., J. S. MeeksCon tipalrte Court ncomlFriday In each month. Waaliiiijrton n'atrict 284—Saul Kocslcr ,T. F M. J. Uapsdale N. I’.,.John Cochran and 'J. A. Martin Constables Court third Saturday in each month. Wiimota District 130 G-M. W. CliHeapio .T. F. H. w Wiley N, P. W. B. Shannon. fSonstahie. Court tl-JrdVriuav n each month. d.oTJG f/hirectoky . Fhtdiita No. us’F. A M Sleets W tfitlhyj night of each montliat Homer .A. ... Tl’kiupsou W M„ M. C. Sanders Secretary HMUnsrsvorth. Np. 355 F. A. M, Meets Fourth Friday night in each month at Hollingsworth, *F. Y . DucKCtt W. M. CHURCH DIRECTORY. V.cyi l'- r ' .lurch, Fourth Saturday ;’hd Sunday n each month, Pastor f’ARMfcL First Satnrfoj- amrt’Sunday in: •each month, hefol y}royc—Seconds Sunday in c:tcli month. bcuioriMt— Third Sunday in each month. AiIOMER Methodist.. First Sunday it A. Mi, Pevs. A. J Fearg. and G. W. irinrr rasters; Also Second Stin 'dav aud Saturday liclorc, at 11 'o’clock A M. 'new SAI.F.M ; Third Sunday at 11 A M and 4Mi Sunday and Saturday hr fora at 11 o’clock A M. 'OIJIJ iSsfe'te."; Fourth Euncfiiy "at ? V M '~ l pilO r F)^S'lONA f L CARDS { N. IlAlM>'F.N r ‘ k. D. ’Kfew'oVlVfn.w- t'ov v itK, VioirEit, ca. . •LB PKRKtSS. AttoRN'EY AT I.AW, VtVirh'er, <di. Prompt ItVtcfAfen -ftiVi'Y! to all Ifii'i •ness placed in my bands. , 11 -4>l. j ■Subscribe lor The Jocrn ae only $1 Advertise in the J 6 U UNA L. Legal Ads. fer 1898, Ranks T/drs-TY,- Ordinary’s Oiftce. Ja'nuAry 3rd 189s to all concerned; The f-pprai sora apiVo’irted to assign tifd set apart • AwelVe months support to Mrs Adlim Slayton, widow of William Slayton de 'coalied out of the estate c. f said decea sed, having fifed 'their report in this ofli Vse; and unlei's sbrb'e valid objection t< said reportbdvhaVfe ’known to the Court on or before the first Monday in Febru ary 1898 the tame will then he appro ved and made the judgment of tin fe.mrt. ($2.79) T. F. ORDINARY. GEORGIA: Ranks Count v.— \Vhi-reas, G. W. D. Harber, admin- YVtrator '<sf Mary Brown, represents to the court hi his petition duly (filed and entered on rsiord that In V.a* fullv adihiVuStritd Mary IWun's; estate. This f& tWitiv to efte aR] per*- <v. 1 ei'iieit; kindled and , red itoin, to MV*tv !.'ait;e, it art\ they wny said i'dmlnistrntor should not lit ‘disci from liis administration, iand receive letters of distn ssloti on the first Monday iVi March 1895. T T. HILL. Ordinary. GEORGIA. Basks Cousrv.— Whereas certain petitioners liaVe Vnade eheir applications to thi court, graving for an order granting the “S— --tad thine it of anew road, commune ing at*, hr n ar Neal Wilhite’s resi dence; and running by the residences Of FI yd Lewallon, M. L. McDonald k. L. Ray and the old Bob Pruitt (place, \hbtifce to the Jackson County line near iVe O, J. Ray place. ;... Whereas Commissioners appointed for that purpose have reviewed and marked out i aid contemplated road and ieporteU to me that said road Will be one of much public utility and convenience Now this is to cite and admonish all persons that on the lint Monday in March next said road will be granted if no good cause is shown to the contrary. Given under my hand and seal this the 31st January 1898. T. F. HILL, (14.35) Ortl’y GEORGIA- Banks County.— Will 1)0 sold on the first Tuesday in March next, at,the Court house in 'said county, within the legV hours of "fiale, to the highest bidder, for cash; '.he following nroperty, Uo- vit: Onn lot of land lying: t Town of Baldwin, rh Batiks County; Block 25, lot No. 9. Levied on as the prop erty of Chas II Manzer, for State and County lax for the year 1897, Levied by J. A. Marlin, L. C. and turned over to J. S Parks, Sheriff. Written notice given, as required By law. This February Ist 1898. '(s'!-(*) if. f,'Parks, Shetiff. POSTPONE l> S A LE. GEORGIA. Banks County.— Will Ift sold on the first Tuesday in March WeXt/kt riie Court house m said mini "tv, wl'diin'the‘letp'l hours of sale, to - J the highest ladder, for rash. The fo! tewing property, to W'it: One tract of'Whd lyntg hi'th "I'2'Oth Dis't GM. of said County, containing One hun dred and fourteen Acres more or less, Adjoining the lands of Mrs. G. W. Davis on he North, Pierce Knox on the Soutu, D. H. P. Garrison on the East, and the County Pauper's home on the West. Vlio land whereon de fendei.t resided in the year 1894. And now rented to ‘Riley Arflin, as the property of defendant Said land levied im to satisfy hit'-execution is sued from *h*he ’JiiStlfce Court ot 12f9th ; Dis't G. M. of Banks County, in fa— vor of W* H. T. Gillespie against I E., SHeridaii. Written notice inven ten ant in possession as the law directs. Levy made by G. A. Fata'ri, L. C. This Ferimary Ist 1893. ($5.52) J 8 Parks, 'Sheriff. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve ill the Hvorld ftp Cuts, Brifises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, KeveT Boros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or monsy tefutided. Price2s cents per box For sale by L. J. Sharp & Bro., TTar iftonv Grove, and L. G. Hardman & Bro., Harmony Grove and Maysville. LOCALS. o—— XOiES OF IyTKI-EST FOIL *Ol’R RKADFRS Pint wwhfiher prevails and farrhers are doing a lot of work, Mr. W. C. Lockhdrt was in town one day this week. Mr. M. L\ Chandler, of Grove Level, gave this offi%e a call' Tuesday, Mi-s S. 0. Thomas, <si Ifeanksmlle, was in town Tuesday, anti gave this office a call. Miss Mav Byrd’, Miss Leila KicTi'ey md Mr. Oscar Adams and Mr. VV. C. Lockhart of Mnysville, attended tho valentine party here Monday night. Carload <)i gans( -*-2 instru iileVlts) j oht received at fed n way’s Music ltd use. Athens, Ga. Vf rite for terms and prices. Miss Lula Avers and her brother Tohn Ayers of Mt Airy were visiting in our towu one day this week and at eneeded the V lentine party man day night. Editor Landrum o, the Coney Or gan Carnesvill -,'.vas in Ilorner and in attendance at tire PopuhSt’s County xecutive doinfei'lVe'sy. fie alsff dropped in to see us Editor Harden made a hurried Vrij ’ down to Athens and Atlanta \as\ Sat urday, mid returned Tuesday evening via Harmony Grove He found Athens ns usual, w.-l 1 supplied with ntanv beautiful young iadi. s. Atlanta is still pushing herself to the front as one of lea ting Southern cities, ffe found Harmony Grove busy supplying our farmers with their 1898 supply of high grade guano, nnd ofcourse preparing to receive their share of the fail business- The mischievous and uglv valentine coming after twelve months silence and sleep was at last a reminder that Monday was St Valentine’s day thanks be untoSt Valebt ine the 14 th of February comes only every 12 months. The Rogers Hardwafe & Machine Cos being a corporation incorporated un der the laws of Georgia and Mr J- T. Rogers having sold his interest in in the biislrieSs t'o t)r. E. F. Adair we have anplivd and been granted a change in the firm name ot said cor poration by the courts to that of BtentOh Adair Ildw. Co-, the business remaining the same except change of tiariie, the new firm assuming all r. spon stbilitles for which the old liable, and all accountp due tile old firm wi.l now be payable to the new Thanking our friends and patrons for fast favors and patronage and asking for a c'rtinnance o' the same, We re yours for bajinesi, BENTON ADAIR HOW. CO HOmer’s New Postffeaster. According to the Atlnnt’o Joifrnal’B Washington news Mr. Roller J - liyar has been appointed to take charge of the Post Office at this place to suc ceed Mr. Paul Hayden, resigned. Mr. t>yar says ho will move the office to his blacksmith and cartiage shop, or tfc an addition thereto; lie ha’s ‘not taken 'charge, and there is considerable surprise at his having TetcNed the appoiutti’.eiit by a Republican administration because lie is one of the staunch Populists of this county, and is now serving that party as the secretary of the ex ecu tive committee oi this conn ’y TiiC-yAung people of Homer and 'Vicnitv met hist Avatvlay night, at the 'resktenc of Mrs. L. Cox and all hands celebrated the 14th of February in great shape. This being Valentine,s day also the birthday of Miss VVillie Cox. All hands seemed to enjoy them selves hugely, and oftottrse they wish birthdays and Valentino days would tfeke together oftener. White' you are in Harmony Grove (all and have your barber work done at the “Parlor Barber Shop.’’ Read the adv, rlisemcnt of that very pop ular establishment, in another colum of The journal. PRUiT: Mrs. Fowler of our town, is suffer ing untold agony caused from a fel on on her finger. Mr. T. E. Midersnn is tearing down old, and preparing to build new barncs. Miss Nettie Mix, Saughter ‘Xf Mr. Yitfl YiiX, died in ’Cornelia lagt Mon-j day, was buried at Nails Creeh T ucs day evening. An infant of Mr Bill Cochran died last Thursday and was burisd at Damascus The farmers are busy haaiing gua no, getting ready to plant five cents cotton, verily the way of the trans gressor is hard. If so much advice had not already ‘Keen given, and it so ceeap, we would with all kindness of heart say what Artimeus Ward said to people about to marry “Don't” Year scribe has been invited to part, he of an oyster stew at Mr. Anderson's v.-'ry soon. Such things siAve as a rent to the wayfarer and sojourner in h {reary land. The follo'wifig letter was picked up; and passed aiVuind the other 'day fori inspection. No owner can "be found for some —Hear Sary;—l toYe you bet tern a mule kicking down i it hill. Packards. Sary I cream of you, ever nice- Ha and ma t a'fcVs on dredful be cat! sc I dont study my lessons at ti'.'ie, but Sary how can 1 study wtWrl I think ot you afl the time I dremp a dream the "other niie when every thing was still, I thought von was slump of gold as bigas Cuutlells mill; Shore as the’ crape grows on the vine 111 be yours if yon’ll be mine. Sarv for goodness sake quit looking at Bill Bry so much- I bate him any wusser’n Ido a greeti fly. Good bye sweetheart Goodbye till Sunday. Your loving John The discovery of McElree’s Wine of Cardui has brought a revolution in the treatment of the common com,— plaints, from winch all women some — times suffer, called “Female Diseases” The belief that these troubles could only be t reated after examinations by physician's, abd frequently oniy cmed by lhe surgean’s knife, was once wide spread. The dread of such treatment, and exposure kept thousands of mod est women silent about their suffering. They preferred the pains and the torture to going Vd a physician about such matters. TO UNITE In THE SILVER v CAUSE The numerous conferences held re cently by the silver men ia Congress have culminated in an agreement on a plan for co-operation with respect to the elections to the next Congress, both House and senate. The silver Kepublioans and Populists held s'. con ference Friday night in the committee room of Senator Allen, of Nebraska, aid agree upon a plan. Every silver Republican and every Populist, Sen ator and Representative; was present, and the OdnteFence was entirely hafmo mens arid uniniruoualy in favor of co operation with the Democrats in elect ions next jail, looking to general co: operation in U)00. There was no oppo git inn manifested to the plan which was proposed arid adopted. This plan is for the three parties to co operate in support in support of the camdates |of each for election to the House and Senate, to fill places now held by each ÜBENA, Cold weather aud rush of business froze us oot lust week but the warm spell has come cut like an old mocca. sin. Prof. Cobb and wifetef Cai'tsesville passed through our jyh'tlen one day ast tV( ok enroute to Baldwin' l)r. Harden has constructed ft Vow barn and is now having s6ii,e audition budded to his ho so Mrs. Carry Cochran is very low at this writing, S. 11. Wilkinson Dr. Lothridge and C. J. Hood and Mr. Bates of Harmony Grove wont bird hunting and they report a good time. Mr. A. Miller, Franklin county’s efficient tax collector was in our section one day this week. Mr- J. E. Vaughn ot otir iieighbsr lias moved to Mr. Tom Wells. We regret to give Mr. Vaughn up hut our loss will be Columbia’s gain- Mr. John Segara had a log rolling one day last week and wc got one more square meal. Mr. John VkinrliE of Hubei sham county has recently married and is going to move in onr section. Xerxes. respectively. There was also a naan: mous expression of opinion during the informal discussion that Mr, Bryan was itii logical eanidate for’the Pres (inency of the co operating silver forces, Cooperation will be encouaged in all sectiods. Ex president Towne, the chairman of the Silver Republecan nation'!'i committee, it was decided, should go to Oregoen for the purpose ot assisting to a co operation between the Democrats, Siluar Rcpublitans an?, Pdpuhsts of that slate for the elec lion of uvo Populist nominoes for Congress- The plan of co opera ion contemplates that where -teats in either House of Congress are now by a silver man in either of three parties the unirol assistance of the three bodies shall he given to 'elect A) that seat a man of the same party as the one now holding ' Tpo Populists in Oongvefj.s have completed tin organization with Representative Bell, of ( "t-ado, as chairman of the joint c.vaeus; Kejnre sentative Shnford, of North Carociua as secretary, and Senator Harris e* Kansas, as chairman of the congres sional committee. ’CIRCULATION OF BANK a AND COINAGE OF MIM S. The monthly sfrlenient J* comp 1 roller 'cf the Currency shows the circulation of national bank notes on January 31 Ydfciii'e been $ 2-0,444.9( 6 u decrease for the year of SS, 563, 179 and a decrease for the month ofs2 485,375. The circulation based on Utii’en States bonds amounted to ■8192 724, 299, a, .decrease for the year of §‘2o, 482, ■tiff. and a decrease for the month ot §3, 421, 794. The iboutiiiy statement of the Director of the Mint shows the total coinage at the bunts during January, 1898, was fo, 129, 010, ns follows: Gild' §3,420, 006; silver, $1,624 000- minor ‘ooinr SBS, 010- The coinage of standard silver dollars during the mouth amounted to 1, 250, 000.— FUNDS FOR TUE STRIKERS’ The beginning of the fourth week of the cotton mill operatives’ strike showed nothing but the same appar cut determination on both sides to stick to their respective positions until the oth'fb yu Ids,' Secretary Cunnane of fee joint strike committee has issued a state meat saying that the total amount of money received up to Saturday, Feb ruard 5, at 9, a. m-, was sl, 345’ •‘ld looking over the amounts received from 'outside sources,” says Secretary Cunnane, “there is every evidence that New England is begin rung to wake. The tme pie of Low ell, Lawrence and Boston in partic nlar givj encouraging signs.”—Sil ver Night Wtttchm'an. THE SILVER MEN TO HOLD A BIG MEETING. At a meeting of tho Democrats, Populists, and Silver Republicans of North Dakota last week, ar.iangc tnents were completed for a big demonstration to he held in Fargo some time in March. A committee of three from each organization it in charge. The committee exjiedts to have T. J. B - • and ex- Congress man G. A. Tor ne as speakers-—Ex. “ dll B 8 CiiTliEF (Jit T 1 i~N BANKS COUNTY JOURNAL ONLY H Dollar PEII ANNUM CASH. Or both the -Banks County JOURNAL An. I the Atlanta Journal for *1.25 bushville. Plowbig is norv in order, so is the ground, the sturdy fanrters arc now turn ing the earth till side down, all around Bushville, looking for gold, (hut not until fall.) Miss Lessic Bishop, the “Electric, Wonder’’ gave the people a very entertaining show of her wonderful power last Friday night. It is cer tainly a mystery. The bright" vieat’ocr has tempt, id some of our gardeners to begin plant ing, wonder if they will have the pleasure of buying Lord as. Mr. L. B. Ray has been suffering from a severe cold, glad to see him better. Several of our girls have been going ta town every few days, alq girls that looks a little suspicious. A number of our t young' people were the rccipb'nfb of invitations to a sociables at the pleatant. home of Miss W illie Cox, Ilocier, on Si. Valentine night- The musical met at the Anchorage iftst Thursday night; The masicianr are struggling faithfully to ’bedf up (he band. On Thursday last, the teacher and pupils cf the Bushviile school highly enjoyed a visit from the mu. h loved atui rnwstjworthy Commissioner. All unknowing tilts good and effiicient officer, is scattering seed during his visits to the schools which are even now springing into life of beauty aud usefulness; and later on will he ma tured into high and noble citizens of our own grand state. Last week was one of pleasure as well as profit, to the pupils of the Bushville school- The society enter tafntnent on Friday afternoon, was enjoyed by the and some visi tors; the most amusing feature being a dialogue, (Playing Grown up) l>y tV/O litr' ■ uir HONOR ROLL OF THE BUSH VILLE STddOOL FOR JAN. Arthur Lewallen 97.7 Addie McCoy 97. Calvin McDonald 9(1.8 Labra Richey f5 7 Edgar Gordon 95 2 Mary Lee Richey 5 61 Robert Forbes 95 Charloy Truitt 95. Helen Brewer 95. : i|g|j Female j i tJ§B| Regulator I > For all diseases peculiar to women and pirl*. J • It Tones up the Nerves, I- proves the Ap- \ t petite, the Bloui, and 'fcives Lite. .] > Health and Strength. It is the ! QUEEN OFTOWCS; ) MAS2S THE COMPLEXION CLEAR. < i I A bottle of “ Monthly" Regulating * i 1 Pills with each bottle. For sale by ' ) ali dealers or sent direct upon receipt of price by ' \ New Spencer Med. Cos., Chattanooga, Tenn. | > LADIES'SPECIAL TREATMENT: m : [ cases requiring special treatment, address, f giving vxmptoms. Ladies’ Hedical De [ partment. Ad\ice and book on Female | Disease.;, with testimonials, free. For Sc!e and Recommended by R. 1 . THOMPSON, Homer. Ga SHIP COTTOiC TO PORTUGAL. Brunswick, Ga*, February 6, —Thej commencem°nt; of anew era in f>>'.'-j eign e! forts through southern ports was marked with the sailing yester day of the Portuguese bark Sereia. for Oporto, Portugal. The Seroia cleared with a eat go from A. E. Maynelo, through the Southern Pine Company She carried 100 bales of unmanufac tured upland cotton and 600 barrels of naval stores, in addition to a good catge* ot lumber. This is the first shipment of cotton exported from Brunswick to Portu gal, and among the few part cotton oa r goes that have ever cleared in sailing vessels from this port. The idea of diversifying Brunswick’s ex ports was first put in operation sev eral years ago by Mr Rosen da Terras Through ii’m various Anu-iican prod nets have found their way to markets in Spain and other countries where they were before practically unknown The intrvducLo.n of American g< .hii, manner has necessarily beau limited, but it is hearing good fruit, The custom house records show for twelve months back a good list, of various commodities exported which heretofoie found no place in the cargoes of outward foreign bound vessels. The result lias been beneficial to the producer as well as the merchants and biokers who handle the goods. Among the shipments referred to were considerable quantities of flour, wheat, corn, tobacco, etc,, and 2(h) of alcohol, which went ruder export bond to Africa. —Ex. „ , v -iwx— '■*,* V-N - v *•••■ Mr, Fitzgerald* Ascent Ot Mount Aconcagua. Mr. Fitz Gerald, tho leader of the expedition which, on April II last, ascended Mount Aconcagua, m the Andes, lias just been interviewed in London. He deser bes the extreme difcc.ull-y and ilangA cf the ' w ent He had to struggle upward in deep masses of rotten, rocky material, in which the traveler slid back lwo feet out of every three he advanced. The party lived for two weeks in a small teuton the mountain side, at an al titude of 19,000 feci. _ The cold was intense and "the \yui<l blew a gale. Sometimes it took two hours to light a fire. Mr. Fitz Gerald says that life at this altitude was extremely uncom - fortable, the dust being very disa greeable, causing an exhausting cough. lie said lie was constantly sick, and the dust storms obliterated the whole sky. The mountain streams were poisoned, owning to some chemical that was dissolved in them from the surface, so that flic water made all the party ill. Rain never falls on the mountain, and all the water had to "be carried up. Of Cos trsc, it froze on the way, and Tad to be thawed out when wanted. At times the view was splendid, the Pacific being stretched out tiefore i them, though the coast line is one hundred miles awk'v. —EL ‘'Fro*!‘everywhere comes words of praise for Chamberlain’s Cough Rem edy. “Allow me to congratulate you on the merits of your Remedy. It cured me of chronic bronchitis when the doctor could do nothing for me.” — Cuas F. nemmel, Toledo, 0. For sale by R. T THOMPSON, Homer, Ga. A CURE FOR HEARTBURN. That burning Sensation in tho stom ach, the pains and suffering which I experienced for five long years, brought on by continued constipation and bil iousness, are almost indesribnble. I tried every known aemedy without ef fect. Finally l tried Ramon's Liver Pills & Tonic Pellets, following the di rections carefully, After taking a few doses I began to improve. I have not used more than three boxes and feel as ‘veil as I ever felt My sestoration to perfect health I attribute solely to the use of Ramon’s Liver Pills A Tonic Pellets, and I only wish I could per suade others to do as I Tlid and be cured.—Logan M. Nalls, Amsterdam, Va. lilsiiii FOR W*LI* f BeA and FOR If through the year. Wmnna j OVH GOODS AJtJS TN£ CZ37 ' ' ' OVM PA/C23 ' TH£ LOWEST ... ONt OF TWO WAYS. The bladder was created for one pur pose, namely, a receptacle for the urin’e and as sneh it it not liable to any form of scase U-xeept by one of two wavfi Thu first way is from imperfect action of (he kidneys. The second way E iioiu careless Ideal treatment of other *• disease s. cat?*"" *:ausi? I'nhoft.'fhy mlim from iinhe:i?thj kidney s is the clilvT t;- use ot bladder tsoubles. So the womb, like the bladder wis created for one purpose, aid if not doctored too min h is not liable to weakness or dissetisc, except in rare cases' It is situated hack-of and Veiy close to the bludi'lir, therfeore any pain disease or inconvenience manifested iti he kidneys, back, bladder or viinary passage is often, by nvestuke, attrib uted to female weakness ar womb tro uble of some sort. 'The error is easily made and may be easily avoided To find out correctly, set your urine aside for twenfv-four hours’a sedaineut ot settling indicM“r. kidney or oladner t rouble. The mild and cxtraordinai y effect of Dr Kilmer’s Swamp Root, the great kidney, and bladder remedy is soon realized . If you need a medic ine you should liave the best. At druggists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle an& pamphlet, both sent fice oy c.alL Menu m The Banks County Journal and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Cos., B’mghampUm, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guaran tee Uh genuineness of this offer 11—19.-97.. See What We Give For Only, 1G L Ceiils. Take —You are given a choice of one of the following articles and The Home 3 monies for only 10 cents. Lofd Lisle’s Daughter, by Charlotte M. Bi-acmc (..Book of GO pages on Crochet ing and Knitting; or a Stamping Out lit of,patterns, many new designs, including ernterpioees,doilies,.etc r . The excellent stories, for which the home is noted, will be continued ; the Fashion and Fancy Work departments will be kept up to a high standard. Kate Santa ro will continue her bright “Off-hand talks,” and every one of the numerous Departments will be mji-eas edtend made brighter, Illustrated Premium List or outfit fpr.canvassing sent free. tHe DOYK PUB. CO,, 141 MBS St. Boston, Mass. fJUSiAN TSA cures Dysper*ia, Rcvulates the Liver. F/las-