Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, February 24, 1898, Image 2

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Banks County JoursiL. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF MASKS COUNTY. WALLACE L HaRD'JN. Kj.ITOR AND FuBUSHKIL tint* ft • Subscription. tins Jear gl.OOousti. Kn months 60 cent* rash. Thre months i5 etn. the Vostofflot at Homer Via. as second class matter. Contributions ro solicited, bnt Corrcepon ahmild rrmembsr that hi.urirls of people vre exce ed to read their writing*, therefore they uhotiM bo short ami to tho point. Tbo editor of this paper dee* not hold blmaelf responsible for the views or Lvpres*toi*of contributor*. The JOL'KJIL ts published every Thursday mining andjall copies should be In this office not l.ster lhan Saturday morning ineore publica ti<§-i Address ah ct-mununicatloas to lirtitor, BA.VKS COI~NTY JMJLXAL. THURSDAY, FEB. ‘24. I*9*. FOR GOVERNOR A LJ.F.X< D. OaNRT KR} OF HAI-L COUNTY. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE, II 3[.auk A.;llakdin. M)R CONGRESS, Oih DIST HOWARD THOMPSON Of lIALL. C >1 Allen D. Candler who.* started (Ml, tinder the,most favorable auspice* •f any of his predecessor* has made the biggest “bust” that wtt ever heard *f snd every time he tries to smooth* it ever he makes matter* worse. The Binekshear Times. We fully agree Time* in a* much as is found in the first if lines of the above, and we must admit that a bi' ‘ bust’’ ha* been made; bnt it the bust tip of several political rings that our candidate from Hall muit be found guilty of—and we believe that a ruaiority or about 75.000 of the ]>eo pie of Georgia will tell by their votes that every time Col. A. Lb Candltr attempts to ••smoothe it over ’ he only make* matter* worse for each and all of hi* opponents. L LAKEWOOD, NEAR ATLANTA. Kr fto Hanks Conatj Joa We sre living in a fas', age; And one of startling sensational develop— wonts. So much so that the mind of the writer seems whirling in a tern— pest of confused thought, Ttvo noted, letters hare recently dropped almost simultaneously upon tho body politic, Ilka -a clap of thun der from a clear sky; One from the Spanish minister to the court of Me Hanna, in which it roasted President McKinley in a way which shows up in its true light the attitude ot Spain toward this country; and lays bare the glaring duplicity of Spanish treachery! resorted to in order to pull the wool over the eyes of the administration at Washington. It is not expected the President will take any deeissivc action in the matter, as he is bound hand and foot to tho money power; and tho bond-holding interest of Europe and Wall street, who’s liberal donation to the campaign corruption fund placed him in his present exaultcd position, where he is forced to yeald to the die ta'es of a inonoyed Aristocracy, who have no feeling in jornraon with the toiling millions. The ether letter, written by our “Uncle Allen Candler;” while it does net disturb our diplomatic relations with any other government; Las up - set the politicians all over the great State of Georgia; And caused wide spread confusion in their ranks. The letter contains nothing but a plain, concise statement of facts; at the samo tune it has set the political buzz saw in motion; and brought the ring leaders up witc a round turn. Ail is confusion in their camps, and they are skipping about m every an— and fearful that their occupation is lost. We simply regard the letler as a Truthful exposition of the coroupt methods in politics, which has existed for a long time in our state, which will not hurt the man who had the courage to expose them. The canvas promises to be a lively one from start to finish. 1 have every confidence that L'ol Candler, the fearless champion of true democracy; nnd the earnest advocate of honest methods, will come out with victory stamped ujon his banner. The tnro has arrived when tho pco pie in their majesty must declare at the balot box, who they will have to serve them, and not be subjected to’ the manipulations of packed conven ' tious, The people have become tired of j political stair chambers, ami there is no man in the state who better under stands these matters than Allen D. Candler, no one who can corns nearer uniting the disaffected political ele— menls of the state thud him. In my judgment fie is the only man in the state who can sxtricate the peo pie from the grasp of a hand of politi cal shisters, who have caused a dark stain to rest upon the fair escutcheon of our rommon-vonlth; And if he is elected, which I have not the slightest dolibt, all can rely upon it, that he will! administer the high functions of his high office in the entetest of all the people. I think we all can rest assured of ono fact, in tiic event of his clem >n, that he will not go prancing about ovr the country in palace cars, furnished hv rich corporations. It was the corrupt methods alluded to in Col. Candler’s noted letter that first caused the disruption in the detn ocratic party; and which has contin — ucd to wi len tho brcach/ver since. That there will be some high kick ing, we havo no doubt, but the peo— pie must stem the tide, and all will be bright and blooming in the end. * So says Fulton. The new gubernatorial candidate, Rev. Sam I’. Jones ot Cartersville says ‘the little politicians have been popping up until wo have got a can didate in almost every section of the state—aaJ one from Cartersnlle, Ga,” HjjJMr, Jones is mistaken, when lie says WE have a candidate from Car tcrsville. Because WK have a candi date that IS a candidate right; and we are happy io say that wo will not explode likejlhe Maine,Jnor that little political jackass from Cartersville. which kicks up and bray* at ft time at which he should have been looking for the thoroughbred [democrat fioni Pigeon Roost, Homer and Gainesville. Tiiis thoroughbred is our*candidate Hon. Allen I>. Candler,; of Hall. tV e do not want any little would-be politician from Cartersville to;gel into this ‘d ig’tight,” as it were, unless i hat little Cartersville would-b* politician wishes to contir.ue’to assist tofrun our candidate Col. Candler’s majority up away beyond 100.000 votes in October. HOUSEHOLD GODS. The ancient Greeks lieheved that tie Penates were tbe gods who atten ded to the welfare and prosperity of the family, They were worshipped as household gods in every home, Tl<- h'. usthold god of to-dav is Dr. Kings New Discovery For Consum ption. coughs, colds and for all atfec tions of the Throat, Chest and Lungs it is invaluable. It has been tried fer a quarter of a century and is guaru teed to 1 nre, or money refunded. N j household should be without this good angel. It is pleasant to take and a safe and sure remedy for old and young. Free trial bottles at L G Hard man & Bro; and L. J. Sharp A l’ru’s Drug stores, Harmony Grove Ga. Regular sire 50c and SI.OO. Please mention this Journal. This is the Man j SXVE |gf E ?£0t *lE i ff? %X i * 1 How? Frfei f j? t !%§ HiwJ gf 5 •ga-fiat Rs-OTJ till *Vf w .si *a St: ®±tfi IY J 5 I'll ogsss* <fffn liffi j SacgQsk l-£s>3 Fhli SSsJhPS m us**! *slw W HSil J S'! 3 w * ►.fe&gs 3a3 SES* ll Frd-.fa.N— B j) t- "A few months ago, Mr. Byron Every of Woodstock, Mich., w b*dly aitlic ted with rheumatism, his right leg was swolen the full length, causing him great suffering, he was advised to try Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. The first bottle of it helped him considerably and the second bottle affected u cure. The 25 and 50 cent sizes are for sale by R, T. THOMPSON, Host*, Ga It has now been demonstrated that nine cases out of ten of women’s disorders, painful and troublesome as they are, do not require the attention of a physician at all. “Local tneat ment” or “private examinotions have been shown to he entirely un necessary. The simple, pure wine of Cardiii, taken in the privacy of the home insures quick relief. It is entirely unnecessary for anv woman to suffer from these almost universal complaints. She can get a bottle of McElree’s Wino oi Cardui at tho nearest drug store for ,j],oo and qtiick'v put an end to the un pleasant pains and derangements Thousands of women are Tel! to-day cause they did that. LOCALS. NOTES OFLM KIiKST FOB OFU READERS Sicknet. i. Excuse ns. Cnngi atuiations. 1 ’lease excuse us. Local news is scarce. We need a war badly. * Get ready to fight Spain. A'ot long unttll court week, Look out for war with Spam! Please cxcuro the correspondents. Tuesday was George Washington’s biithday. Dr. W. P- Harden was in tov. n Thursday. Ob! please let us hear from those correspondents. Mr Y. ash Garrison, who lives near Cost, is very low with pneumonia. Mr. Fred E. Harden, of Atlanta spent a few days with relatives in Ho mer bst week. The gubernatorial candidates are becoming very numerous, but Allen 1) Candler will get there. City Council meets next Wednes day night. Let all the connoilmen atlond and get down to busiacss. Next Tuesday, March Ist is the day on which the Populist’s committees fur the several districts in the county meet, and which elect new officers. Miss.JMittie McDonald and her sis ter Mrs, Lee Ray spent Saturday and part of Sunday with friends in Lula and Bellton. * NUBIAN TEA cures Dyspepsia. Constipat ion and Indigestion. J** xiegulatej the Liver. Prioe. 250. The anniversary of Washington’s birthday was very appropriately ob served at the i celetny ia-t Tuesday, by recitation and speaking by the scholars- rJlpiils * gAndlcjnic Pellets, Cure all forms of disease caused by Sluggish Liver and Biliousness. The Pink Pill Cleanses The Tonic Pellet Invigorates The little " Doctor's Book " tells all alwwt them, and a week's Treatment Free, prove* every word true. Complete Treatment, ado. BROWN MFG. CO., N. T. and OrwnevlHo, Tens. Tuesday was a legal holiday for all except newspapers and other papers such as interest-bearing promisory notes, which run along more rapidly than the modern mail carrying trains, which you know runs much faster than some of the subscribers to soup country weekly papers run to pay up for a year's subscription to the same. Carload Oig;:t:s{ --2 Instru ments) j ast received at Conway’s ' Alliens, Gtt. Write tor terms and prices. When writing Please mention this Journal. Whi'e you are in Harmony Grove c all and have your barber work done at the “Parlor Barber Shop.” Head the acivi rtisement of that very popu lar establishment, in another colum. An Uncertain Die cave. There is no disease more uncertain in its nature than dyspepsia. Physicians say that the symptoms of no two cosen agree. It is therefore most difficult to make a correct diagnosis. No matter hmv severe, or under —hat disguise dyspepsia attacks you, Browns’ Iron Bitters wiJi cure it. Invaluaolc in all diseases of the stomach, blood and ncries. Browns’ Iron BiUcrs is sold by ali dealers. SOM ETHIMG TO KNOW. It may be worth something to know that the very best medicine for restor - ing the tired out nervous system tor. healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine it purely vegetable, acts by giving tout to the nerve centres in the stomach, gently stimulates the Liver ami kidneys, and aids these organg in throwing off impurities in the blood. Electric Bitters improves the appetite, aids dilfestion, and is pronounced by those who have tried it as the vers best blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 50c or §I.OO per bottle at L. G HARDMAN & BRO’S, and L. J. SHARP & BKO’S Drug Stores, Harmony Grove, Ga A German has invented a neat little brush for the hat, which has a spring wire loop attached to its back by which it is supported in the crown of the hat when not in use. Perhaps this invention will be of great service ! to the entire traveling world. Cotton. With careful rotation of crops and liberal fertilizations, cotton lands will improve. The application of a proper ferti lizer containing sufficient Pot ash often makes the difference between a profitable crop and failure. Use fertilizers contain ing not less than 3 to 4 % Actual Potash. Kainit is a complete specific against “ Rust.” AH a boat PoUh—the results of !t use by actual ex periment on the best farms in the United States—b told in a little book whicli we publish aud will gladly ■uulfroe to soy fanner in America who will writ* for it. GERMAN KALI WORKS, yj Nuuu St., New York. OUTLOOK FOR OMAHA FUND. Thu Commit it. Marino Satisfact ory Frixwess In Ai.i. Parts Of Georgia. A roll of honor has been prepared bv Georgia’s commissioners to Oms ! Ini’s exposition wl-ich will bear the names of the eoutributi rs to the fund which is being raised to send an cxlii let there from Georgia. The commissioners are pleased with the outlook. Each member lms made 1 dona ion, and they request the busi ness men ot tho state in particular to assist them m raising the requisite sum. The fund will be completed if I 2 000 will contribute $5 each. Tetter. SaR-Rhenm and Eczema. Tiie intense itching and smarting:, inci dent to these diseases, isinstantly allayed hy applying Chamberlain’s Eye am,: 1 kln Ointment. Many very bai. coses have been permanently cured byii. Ii is equally efficient for itching piles and ■v favorite remedy for eoro hippies, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bitea aud chronic gore eyes. 25 cts.per box. Dr. Lady’s Condition Powders, are just xvhat a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the best in use to put r. norB in prime condition. Brice k 1 '.snta per pad vge. A. Paris florist after many experi ments is able to grow chrysanthemums with the odor of the rose, sunflowers with the perfume of the jasmine, and ealla liliies with tho. scent of the violet. How’s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Itawani for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F, J. Cheney & Cos., Props,,Toledo, O We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable m all business transactions ami lin anctally able to cam- out any obli gations made by their firm, Wkst&Trux, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldixo, Kixkav&.Mat*- vi>r, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo Ohio. Hail’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood md mucous surfaces of tbe system Price 75c. per bottle. Hoot by ai Druggists. T< slimoninls free- I bill’s Family Pil’s are the best MSEIREt') I>*s or -.ter! Ifn lhotißn<! 'iiiiiA.* th . , it- '* Rlniosfc iiiiuiliUi* FOR WCfVIfIN’S PECULDR WEAKNESSES, Jrre*r.lnrjt!p* er'l demntj?n*nt. It li*is Irffcom'' lie leading ’•enie ly for thin clais of troubles. itexerta u wonderfully healing. atrongtbsn inj and Eoothiu< iniiucaca upon the nicnatr'uai organs. It cures ••whiter’' *Pf! faliiDK of tho wonih. It stops flocnliog ana relieves sup jsT life &ssti prcsteA and pS‘nfr.l mtnifrFtatiop. {•’or (‘bang© of Life it u the bv*at medicir > made. It is beneficial during pregnancy, and helps to bring cluidrau into hoirrs Barren fur years. It invigorates, atiruu lates, strengthens the whole sys tem. This grsut remedy in offered to ill afflicted women. Why will a;*y woman suffnr another minute with certain relief within roucht Wine oi Cafdtti tinlv costs SI.OO per bottle at your drug store. JTv arlrics. til ain't rrquiring eptf-lnl >.Wtr tinnt, oMlrt.**. qi'Awj the ** l.sulirt’ JVpurtmen<,“ Tht f hattHuoo- l/ -u Med- . <ct m C 1 *~ CkattanvO'ja, Tcnn. Rev. J. V*. SMITH. Camden, 8. C., says: p 'My wife used VYineof Card'd at ho ms | for falling cf the womb and it entirely jj cured her.” [ “Mr. Ward 1.. Smith, of Fredericks town, Mo., was troubled with chronic diarrhoea for over thirty years. He had become fully satisfied that it was only e question of a short time until he would have to give up. Ho had been treated by some of the best physicians In Europe and America but got no per manent relief. One day he picked up a newspaper and chanced to read an ad vertisement of Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, lie got a bottle of it, the first dose helped him and its continued use cured him. For sale by R. T. TIXOMI’SON, HOMER. ■Harden-Truitt. At the residence of the bride’,! mother Mrs. J. S. Truitt about five miles south of Homer. Mass Nettie O. i'ruitt, and l)r. O. N. Harden vere inited in the holy bonds of matrimony 011 last Thursday evemnir at Bo’eloik dev. Mr. Wilson, of Maysville ofilc: “ting, Tho ceremony was a beautiful one, and was performed ill a parlor beauti fully decorated, Mil was witnessed" by inly relatives and intini te friends of the contracting , parties. Tli- bride is considered one of the most beautiful and [ charming young ladies of banks county, who was loved mil admired by ail who knew her, The groom is a Young and promising physician of Homer, who lias many friends to congratulate him upoft this sudden 1 r'ghtning of his future life. These two young people are particu larly suited to ea'ii ether, and may the future hold nothing for them but happiness, is the wish if their many friends, Their future home will be in Ilomer. j Female j Regulator For all diseases peculiar to women and girls. It Tones up the Nerves, Improves the Ap petite, Enriches tise Wood, and gives Life. Health anJ Strength. It Is the Q'JEEN OF TONICS MASKS T2S OOMMCXIOS CLEAR, ft's!S’ s " 1 A Bottle cl " Monthly ” fieeulatlni; riltti Pills with each tottla. For sale By ,-.11 !i jlers or seal direct Upon receipt of price by Lew Spencer Med. Cos., Chattanooga, lean. LADIES’ SPECiAL TREATMENT: m Co-’tfcS requiring v vttment. nJdress. giving syfUptnif,*; I .* ftedicoi Ur- Eartmeni. AJ-. ice r.n.i book on Female •is casts, v.ith testirmviuls. free. Ft Sate and Rocomtrended oy R. 1. THOMPSON, Homer, Ga DENVER I'ACIC SOLD. Denver, Fobfuafv 21-—Standing on the steps of the Arapahoe court, today, Judge W. D. Cornish, special master, offered for side the road and appurtenances of the deliver J’f.eifie Railway and Telegraph Company under foreclosure of lhe lirst mort gage- The property was bought bv Mr. Lowrenee Greer, on h half of the reorganization committee, for ?2. 00U. OCO, there neing no oilier bidders a Good lutTUk ■ From the Clerk of Circuit Ci urt. I’T.KXA.snrsA, Flu., Kelt 28., IS9B. Mr. J. Gbobuic SnuiEß, Tingfist, City Dear George:— Please send abut tie of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. 5 would not fce[ easy'if I knew there was none of this valuable Remedy in the house. I have given it a fair test and consider it one of the very best reme dies for croup that 1 have ever found. One dose has always been suflieisnt, al •hogli I use it freely. Any cold my cniidren contract yenids very redily to this medicine. I can conscientiously recommend it for croup mtd colds in children. Yours respectfully. Geo E. Wolff. Soiu by It. T. THOM I’SON, HoJiSs On. mo;> EY TO LOaN. Mon“3V to loan on real estate for five vears at 6 per cent interest Borrowers to pay ex penses of obtaini? loan, for full particulars call on or address CHAS, M, WALKER, Harmony Grove, Ga. Sour Stomach Cure. A. long time I was a great suffer from Liver and stomach troubles. I had n dull pain ill mj left side under iny heart. At times my side became swollen and the pain acute. Ivly stom a-h was always sour and I would vomit every time I eat. My bowels were very irregular, causing me pain and distress. I tried many things without any benefit. I read of yaur medicine and concluded to try it, and an glad hut I did. I felt better after the first dose. I continued to take Ramon’s Liver Pills & Tonic Pellets until I wa entirely cured. —D. W. Penland, Otto, Macon Cos:, N. C. SPECIAL ATTENTION. o Men, Boys and Little Children, you have something to be proud of, A and Gaean Parlor Barber Shop. First-class White Barbers, who under stand the barber business thoroughly. Also, Ladies’ Hair Dressing, Bangs Trimmed nnd Scalps Oleati -d. Razors honed ahd put ill firt class condition for a reasonable charge. All we ask of our friends is to give us a trial, and you will be sure to come again to tiie Parlor Barber .Shop. Price to suit everybody. We guarantee sat isfaction. W. D. PiERCE, Pro First door below L. J. Shars’s Drug Store on Main Street. Harmony Grove. Ga. A CURE FOIt HEARTBURN. That burning sensation in the stom-* uch, the pains ami suffering which 1 experienced for five long years, brought on by continued .constipation and bib lousness, are almost indesribable, 1 tried every known aemedy without ef fect. Finally 1 tried Ramon’s Liver fills & Tonic Pellet*, following the di rections carefully, After taking a few doses 1 began to improve. 1 have not used more than three boxes and feel as well as I ever felt My seitoration to perfect health I attrilmta solely to tiie use of Ramon’s Liver Pills (1 Tonic Pellets, and I only wish I could per suade others to do as I aid and be cured.-Logan St. Nalls, Amsterdam, Ya. Tiie discovery of MeElree’s Wine of Cardui has brought a revolution in the treatment of tho common com plaints, from which all women some— times suffer, called ‘‘Female Diseases” The belief that those troubles could only lie treated after examinations by physicians, and frequently oniv cured 1 by the SUIT'' an’s knife, was once wide j spread. The dread ot such treatment, I mid exposure kept thousand* of mod i est women silent about their suffering. They preferred tiie pains and the torture to going to a physician about such matt era. POSTPONED SALE GEORGIA. B inks Cottar Wili lie sold on the first Tuesday in March next, at rhe Court house in saidcoun iv, within tiie legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash. The fol lowing Dropertv, to wit: One tract of lurid lying in tli. 1210th Dis’t L Ai. of said County, containing One hun dred and fourteen Acres more or Ess. Adjoining the lands of Mu. G. W . Davis on he North, Fierce Knox on the Soutn, D. H. P. Garrison on the East, and the County Pauper's home on the West. The land whereon de fendent resided in tiie ve ir 1894. And sow rented to Riley Arlliu, as the property of defendant Sind land ievied on to satisfy an execution is sued from nhe J ustice Court ot 1210th I)is't G. M. of Banks County* in fa— vor of W- 11. T. Gillespie against I E Sheridan, Written notice idveti ten ant in possession as the law directs. 1,, vv made by G. A. Fagan, L. C. This February Ist IS9B. 52) J. r> Parks, Sliciiif. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SAL.YE. The Best Salve in the world fo Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt. Rheum, Fever Sores, l etter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and ail Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pat required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or monoy iffumled. Price 26 cents per box For sale bv L. J. Sharp dt Bro., Har mony Grove, and L. G. Hardman & Bro., Harmony Grove aud Maysville. “From everywhere conies xvt i'ils of praise for Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy. “Allow me to congratulate you on tiie merits of your Remedy. It cured me of chronic bronchitis when tiie doctor could do nothing for me.”— Oius F. nemmel, Toledo, O. For sale by R. T T IIOMI’SON, IlostKK.Ga. GEORGIA. Masks County Whereas certain petitioners have made their applications to thi court, praying for an order granting the es— tablishinent of anew road, cominenc ing at. or imar Neal Wilhite’s resi dence; and running by the residences of M .-vI Lewallen, M. E. McDonald H. L Ray and the old Bob Bruin place, thence to the Jackson County ".ine near the O. J. Ray place. Whereas Commissioners appointed for that purpose have reviewed and marked out i aid contemplated roa 1 and reported to me that said road will be one of much public utility and convenience Now this is to cite an*l admonish all persona .hat on the tint Monday in Matvh nc-Xt said road will be granted if no good cans* is shown to the contrary. Given tinder my baud and sea' this ihe 31 st January 1308. T. F. IIILL. ($-1.35) Or.i’y GEORGIA; Banks County.— Will be sold on the lirst Tuesday in March next, at the Court house in s.::-l county, within the iega hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash; the following property, to-wit: Dim lot of land lying 3 Town of Baldwin, in Banks County; Block 25, lot No. 9. Levied on as the prop erty of Chas H ManZcr, for State and County tax for the year 189?, Levied by J. A. Martin, L. C. and turned over to J. S Parks, Sheriff. Written notice given, as required by law. This February Ist 1898. ($3.30) J. S. Parks, Sheriff. A XVon.lcrfnl DkcoTrry. The last quarter of a century records many wonderful discoveries in medicine, but none that have accomplished more for humanity than thdi sterling old household remedy, browns’lron Bitters. It seen,.-, to contain the very elements of good health, and neither man, woman or child can take if without deriving the greatest benefit. Bro ’uj'lrou Fitters is sold by ali 'lsalers. ONL OF TWO WAYS. The bladder was created for one pur pose, namely, a receptacle for tbe uriu 0 and as such it it not liable to any form of sease except by ono of two way* Tin; first way m from imperfect action of the kidney*. The second way it from careless local treatment of othor diseases. CHIEF CAUSE L idle a! thy urine from unhealthy kidney* is tile chief ofluse ot bladder thimbles. So the womb, like the biadder wis created for one purpose, and if not doctored too much is not liable to weakness or dissease, except m rare cases* It is situated back of and veiy close to the bind. 1 hr, ihcrfeorcany pain disease or inconvenience manifested in lie kidneys, back, bladder or vrinar* passage is often, by mestake, attrib uted to female weakness ar womb tro uble of some sort. The error i* easily made and may be easily avoided To find out correctly, set your urine aside fur twenty-four hours-a sedameni or settling indicates kidney or bladder trouble. Tin mild ind extraordinary effect ofDr Kilmer'.-. Swantp Root, the great kidney, and bladder remedy i soon realize ! . If you need a medic ine you should have tbe best. At druggists fifty cents and one dollar You may have a sample bottle and pampldet, both sent flee ny mail, upon receipt of tiß'ee tWJ-Ciiit stamps to cover cost of p istage on tho bottle. Mention The Banks County Journal aud send your address to Dr. Kilmer "v Cos., Buighampton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper gnaran tee tiie genuineness of this offer See What VYe Give For Only IO Cents. ko Notice.- -You re given a choice of one of the foil- sing articles and The Home :i monte* for only 10 cant*. Lot'll Lisle’s Daughter, by Charlotte M. Braeme ; Book of 60 pages oil Crochet ing htitl Knitting; or a Stamping Out lit of 09, patterns, many new designs, including centerpieces,doilies, etc. The excellent stories, for which ths homu is noted, will bo continued; tho Fashion and F mey Work departments will bo kept up to a high standard. Kate San lx r > will continue her bright “Off-hand talks,” and every one of the numerous Departments will be increas ed and made brighter, Illustrated Premium List or outfit for canvassing sent five: THE HOME PUB. CO., HlMilk St, Boston, Mass. NUBIAN TEA cures I>\ spensi.i, ’rflflCy’ Const ip.;. ion sttui T. v.stion jp ato- t.h"> n. ’ r 110 FES SI ON A L LAIt D 8 _ N. HARDEN* M. D. eSrOFt-ICS WlOiT or ruBLIC SSL AKK,, <;a, J. L. PERKINS, at Law, Hoiuor, (ia. Prompt attention given to all busi ness placed in ray builds. tl V:—7 Legal Ads. for 1898. GEORGIA. Banks County,—> Ordinary's Office. January 3rd 1898. NOTICE to ail concerned ; The apprai sers appointed to assign and set apart a twelve months support to Mrs Adiine Slayton, widow of William Slayton de ceased out of the estate tf said decea sed, having filed their report ih this ofii ce ; and unless some valid objection to said report be made k town to tho Court on or before the iir- Monday ih Febru ary 1898 the same il theti be appro* ved and made the judgment of the Court. ($2.79) 7. IL HILL, Ordinary. GEORGIA: Banks County.— Whereas, G. W. D. Barber, admin istrator of Mary Brown, represents to the court m Ills petition duly filed ahd entered on rtcord that he ha* fully administered Mary Brown’s i**tate, This is therefore to cite all persons concerned; kindred and tired' itors, to show cause, if anv they can, a !iv said administrator should not be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of disiu ssion on the first Mnndav in March 1898. T K. Hi I E. Ordinary. GEORGIA. Banks County., Whereas a petition haring been filed to this couit, piaring foi an order granting a change in the Public road leading fioni Berlin Court Ground to lhe Wilmot Fagans old place. Beginning near William Borders’ residence; them e North a straight line to the bend in oid road, a distauee of about jf mile, And, whereas Conimis doners, appointed for that purpose have reviewed and mat ked out said contemplated change and reported to me that said change will he one of public utility. Now, tins is to cite and admonish all persons that on the 25th day of March next, said change will be gran ted, if no good cause is shown to the contrary. Given under my hand and official signature. February 21st 1898. 84. U T. F. HILL, Ordinary.