Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, March 10, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. i. LARGEST STORE IS ORTII GEORGIA litlllL IS. Bollsalb hi mms NOTIONS SiSfflS iUi'A will do well to Rot ou price: before l.ui\ in MICHAEL BROS - Athens, Ga. INQUIRIES AND ANSWERS fit ate A''Tii'uli(:r:'i jtK*nt K-;r --ril.shcs lui'yr.ii j? 1 i*. QncStTOX. I li'.’.’i •* what ; • 1 ■ :.• 'tho ITcbrii.'.rv report aWat' ■ ; ' ruf '<-" Of the corn K’T'ii'o, have wasted heretofore. r; a.v glv-. lie more* infuni/atiuu an t?iis s-. ■ 1 • ‘ After tlie stalks are OiroditO. h>\v ;• -t - fodder kept, and ivhat •> its vaiae? C;:’i it T-e % fV • i . * !•: witheret usi 11 g any ■■ l ■ v • - ami is t her*; any to. mil. * A ... . ; - Ai Vied the fodder may t>o h< ot hi ; •••in: Or any dvj place, nut 11 need* di’ -v taking care not. to rli.-unrb th*:' for no mat io r bo*.v dry e‘ seem, there is av i:*:• t:• u'T• •Tiff ju-. to cause, a shirk? T nil*■nrer : a. -u.• ti:ft fodd<. ** i•' Jis .•:- ■ l e>• : ’• •'. lueut-r* tiou vc••*.;*. A is *t: • e • m feeding t;• • .'••' ' • f*ho\vn by ■• • • . . ' : Oe-tfconvr-'-d r n. .- host qr;-i‘.'*:.y . ha •• A ■ A KxrK-riiicu'. . \ •..* . • this: f..*y;r* ).•• . :: r - '' • It has t! J'.ir as "hi u . ■ :r. mi niC •*:••■. in i n*.d ike • • : V- " ■ ' ; of ‘’Co: >•: -••>• lowing i. . p.l • letins ;nr*v- l > - • you t- : k<. i. that list. Y c-m n ire • . Bake-.'.n In J .. suV s *fra<s fedij 5 to" i > auiug of tUe lAefK ' o'. otiik'.iuir me corn .stake for stock food. It is tm; almcsst mover sol practice in the son' ll ro gatlter and cure tho blades. mu’ haivest the -s of corn, leaving the entire stalks m tho Held to prove an aim* at unmitigated nuisance and obstruction in the prepara tion and cultivation of the land in thn succeeding crop; and winter homos ami i Liboru aril in retr-sits for moors that v.-iil ! lie ready to atta-dt such crops. ospa-i.i’iy it it shall bfii :m in.. -roji of o on. ers have habitually oo.’isi-ior'-i : i: rise part of the crop as of no pm< ; i • il va'm-. Indeed, coni stalk's, especially of the large typos of coni planted in the south, ! are of little available food value because of the mechanical condition. Even in the north the old method of feeding tho 1 stalks (“stover”) without any mcchaui ’cal preparation was but little less waste ful mid slovenly than leaving them ir. tlio fields. But the use of machinery for preparing the the corn stalks, shred ding them into a coarse hay, is rapidly ext nilinsf. A uatnhor of very effective machines may now be bad at a; -if-rata prices, thai will convert the hard, flinty stalks into a soft, easily masticated sub stance, vert similar in mechanical con dition to coarse hay, that is readily— : even greedily—eaten by horses, mu ret uiid catfio. In Bulletin No. 2d. already referred to, the whole subject was discussed at soma length, showing bv experiments made, and by analysis that the value of the naked stalks that are generally left in tho field, alter harvesting tho oiu-s, shucks and blades, amounts to fully one sixtli of total value of the crop. Bulletin No. 8(1, published last ,'a.l says further on this subject: The station has just finished shred ding tho corn stalks front five acres of corn. Tho crop was very much injured by tii? extreme heat and dr. nth, ami the yield of grain was cut off at bast 25 percent. Tho corn was cut down just above the surface of tiro ground dug-. 28, and immediately shocked, placing about 150 stalks in each shook, and tying the top of each shock with twine. No rain foil on the shocks and tho ears were husked out Oct. 3, and the stalks immediately run through the shredding machine, being apparestidy perfectly dry. The yield of the five acres was as follows: Shelled corn 155 bitshels. Shredded stalks, or stover. 14,000 pounds. Confitr.ied on fourth |>as e : THE massm . | |K!MC ofth^ Abovre^/^d Vja DY |VLES CIARETIE COpyRtOMT. !R97 BK R F. FENNO VCO f . t Y. a i.a% ■> u Du yoo pn-sii,: . in no t \;)liijjatioir/ Do y;ui in tituch ynam !i ; j: himt l know not- whni H.;'ru];lo .1 duly to )io:ir rV ] )., you i.. ■ p 'to yoi.r ey.sieniiitio fuo'JU / For tiio lust 'tiuio, do yon still persist ii; tiiis?" “I l.nvo iiotliiuj;—nothing—nothinst to toll you," Dun tin cried iu-n aort of rage. ‘‘Oh, tvell, .TacqnesDantin"—ami tho luagiKtrate'H voice was grave and sudden ly solemn —“you uro from this moment arrested.” The pen, uplifted till this instant, ft 11 tpnu tho paper. It was an order for arrest. Tho registrar looked at ‘the man. Jacques Jhuiuu did hot move. Ills expression seemed vague, tlio tive-1 exprets iou of a p>. rs'.n who ‘dreasns with wido open eyes. il. (jinory toiVK'd one of t);o olectrio buttons above his table and pointed Dan tin out to the guards, whoso shakes suddenly darkened rh • doorway. “Takeaway the prisoner,” ho said shortly and mechanically, and,over come, without revolt, Jacques Dautir. allowed bimsolf to be led through Ufa corridors of the; palais, Baying actlifau-- compreheadtrft nothing, stninbiing co casiotmliy like mt iu'toxioated man or ii ist. CKAPTEK XT. M. Beninrdct was triumphant. He wont homotodiuui rin jubilant mood. His three little girls, dressed alike, elnspcd hiir. round tho neck, nil at the same time, while Stine, iiernardef, al ways fresh, t ailing and gay, held up her face with its soft, round, rosy checks to him. “ My littlo otii-s,” said tho officer, “I biTievo that I have done well, and that ray chief will iidvuneo uio or give mo soil," acknowledgment. I will buy you seme bracelets, my dears, if that hap pens. But. it i> not the idea of filthy in cn- which fees firgtd me ou, and I be lieve that I liavo certainly inn.T.i a gri at sirido in judiciary in-.rum ion, all ow ing to my kodak. .It would bo too long n ospliibatton and perhaps a perfectly useless one. 1 .' r.g go to dinner. lam as hungry Is a wolf. * ’ Urt tiv'.'j trill;.-, icitl* - fjood nppotifn, W4*rcly to u.)i hovr tbo .*is.-Lis.- , iii wus uiitloi* !<jck and l y. Tbnan bad been measured and hud became a nun. her in tho coliccticn, always iiiciviiMiig, of accused perrons in tiro catalogue oou tiuucj each dry f"r the lnuseum of crime. "Ah! He i* hot lrsppy.” said Her liardut. betlvw'U two spoonfuls of wap. “Xot-hitppy, not happy at all. Mot hap py, and astonished —protesting, more over, his innocence, as they all do. It is customary. ” "Hut,” sweetly asked good little Mme. Bernaidet, “what if bo is inno cent?" And the three little girls, rais ing their heads, levied at their father as if to repeal, th- ir mother’s question. The eldest- nmrmttrci.l, “ Vivs, what ii inanima is right?” liornai'det shrugged Ins shoulders. "To hoar thotu, if ouo l'stened to i them, ono would believe them all ’■ : c'.ufc and tho crimes would have to , commit tin mec'vos. If tills one 1s Inno cent, I (Emil lie ast'oiii-rhud as if I should f:;i- snow fall in Baris in .Time. He v.ii. bave to prove that be is innocent. Tin. -e things prove* liiAinS!’\nx. Givo me i.oniv more soup, Metuuie. ” As Alms. Bcrnardet turned a ladb.fe ; of hot soup into her lui.-.baiu* sue softly asked: “Art; then; no ■ . cent duos condemued? Do you u. ; eVive vourrolf?” Bernurdei ."‘l ;; satit-g. “I t. mot say. No one i..•• .. lil’ln, tic- ■ i The shrewdest (!*• . themeolve!.; ti.iy aru sometimes de j but it is ..■ very rare. As well f i sr. j that it cots not bnpjien—lit-snrqu-. -.. ] yes (and the three little girls j wide thou - large '. hit; eyes us at a play). j the T.eficrques of the Courier do Lyon, , who has laaii;* van vve*op so many limits ; i.r, the; theater at Montmartre. One would iikv; to revise his trial to reinstate him, but no ,ue lias 1 ;l able to do it. i have studied to - trial. By my lai!h. I swear, 1 would oondemu him still — •Ah, what good soup!” "But this ouo today?” asked Mine, fcarimniot “Art tboa certain? Yvhat is his name?” “Dautin —Jacques Bautin. Oh. ha is a gentleman—a very fini! man, elegant indeed —some Bohemian of the upper class, who evidently needed mousy and who— Novelo had some valuables in his safe. The occasion made tho thief, and there if is.” I “Papa,” interrupted tho eldest of the three little girls, ‘car.t thou take us to i see the trial when ho shall be sworn?' 1 "That depends. It is cot easy l will i try. I will ask. If thou wilt work hard — Oh, dmne,” said Bern aide f, “that will be a drama!” “I Will work hard. ” On the. mornir.g o: Feb. 20. ldOo. \,.i sick wdiH rb.euujttt-ito.n, aud lay in beil until May 2!st. vh-. I got a bottle ot Cha-.nber'ttin’H Pain Bairn. The iirst application oi it relieved me. a1,.i03t ~io3t cuvir-lY froi he pain and the second afforded complete relief In a short time l was Me to be up am’, about again —A. T. Korcauv. I-uver. e. Minn. | Sold by 11. T. . Thompson., Homer, (.hi. lIOMEiL GA., THIKSDAL MAIM’II to, *BOB. At dessert, after ho bad taken hie Coffee, he allowed liis three littlo girls to dip lumps of sugar into his Kiracer. Ho threw himself into his easy chair; “Ah,’’ Iwtsdld, frpctttng n paper. ho gave a sigh of satisf.'.otion. like a man whose daily, wearisome tasks uro huhiud him, and who is catching n mo uieut’H repose. "Ah,” ho said, opening (• paper which his wife hud placed on a table re ar him, together with k little glass of cordial sent to them by Homo cous ins in Burgundy, "I am gtring to see what has bane*. . - ft and wh‘B‘t tbese good jouilralists have invented about the af fair in the Ronlevard de Oiiehy. It is tme, it is a steeple chase between the ro ticrtors and r.s Sdinctimes they win the race in the mornings. At otlmr times, when they know nothing—ah! Then they invent, they embroider fchoir I,in ter) oc " A petroleum lamp lighted tho paper which Bcrnardet uni >lded and began to read. "Let us see what. Luteco says." He suddenly rcmcnibi-vcd v.iiatPaul Bodier had said to liini, “Bead my journal." Tliis woman in black, found 111 tlie provione, did she really e.-.i.-t? Had the novelistwritten a romance in order to follow tho example of bis friend? He looked over the paper to set, if Paul Kodier had collabonit*-.d, as his friend had. Bernardet skipped over the headlines and glanced at tbo theatrical nows. "Politics —they are all the same to me—ministerial crisis—nothing new . about that. That could as well bo pub lished iu yesterday’s paper as iu today’s. "Tho Crime, of the Boulevard do Cliehy. ’ Ab, good! Very good. Wo snail see. And he began to read. Had Paul Bobi r invented all the information to which ho'bad treated tho public? What was certain was that tho police officer frown ed and now gave strict attention to what, he was reading, as if weighing the reporter's words. liodkr had i.-publi, bed tbo bi<tgniphy of tho ex-consul. A!. Ilovero had ti * mixed iu Booth America l.'i - iol-vit dramas. Ha was a romantto >. r.-on about whom more 'is. ho mVvt titure in Bur: v Ayi* s was knewu. Tho rc r,firt.x bad gained be int'cmsie o Ivoiu an Argentina journal, tla, Pswiiso, es tablished in Paris, and whose editor, in South America, had visited intimately the French consul. Tho appearance of a woman in black, these viflts made on iixed dates, H3 on RnuiversuriCH, revealed an intimacy, a relationship x'orhr. ps, of tho murdered man with that unknown woman. The Worn .. vr,s j'wnug, - legant and did not ,; v- in >i,v7s Rodier hud set himself to disco. I.*;,:* .-etreut, her name, and per haps, ti.un.ka to her, to unravel tho mys tery Till cr.vckload the murder. ‘‘Here ! That is not very prooiso iu formatio!-. ” thought the police officer. But it at blast awoke Btscnardot’s carios ity and iuteiligeuce. l\ Solve Ino prob lem, but it put ono. ?.!. Uo Sartiues' famous search for tho wouir;;; -cue nat urally to Paul Rodicr’a pen, and ho finished t&o ntffiol'o with somo details about Jacques Dantiu, tlie intii.arite, ihe Only friend of Louis Pierre Ha vre, and tbo report! r, when ho had written this, Was still ignorant that Dantiu was uu-. dcr arrest. "Tomorrow, ” said Dcr a: a ’--t to itim eelf, "ho will give us Dantin’s biogra phy. Ho tells me nothing new in his re port. And yet”— Ho folded up the pa per and laid it ou tho tubia, and while sipping his cordial he thought of that mysterious visitor—-tho woman iu black —and tub! himself that truly tho trial roust bo there. Ho would sc.' Moniche and his wife again; ho would question them; he would make a thorough search. "But what for* \i u bava tho guilty man. It is 100 to i tbo assassiu is behind bars. The wciaai, might be Su accomplice. ” Then Bamardot, filled with passion for his profession, rather than vanity—this artist in a police sense, thi3 lover of art. for art’s sake—rubbed his hands and silently applauded himself, because ho had insisted, and, as it were, com pelled At. Gitiory and tlio dwlors to adopt his idea. He, tho humble, un known suboffl- it. standing back and simply striving to do his duty, had in fluenced distinguished persons as pow , orful as magistrates land members of tho i academy. They had obeyed his sugges j tiou. The little Bernavdc-t felt that ho j had done a glorious deed. He had : xpo j rirncod a ?fr<-mr - - lviction. wb.ich would .not tjo denied. TTo lmcl proved that had born eiutoiierod only ti chltmiiii n;s n reality, it" hail ncocni plislmd tx ncoNiing inipossibiiity. ib li;id evoked the dead man's sac-rut even from the tomb. “Arid Ml Minor? thinks that it will not help his candidatnre at the acad emy! Tie will wear the green rolie, and ho will owo it to me. There aru other, who owo low Horn ‘ttsinpr t ■ • i. ' With his fariultj for believing in his dreams, of in'; his visions appear, realized and living—•> ftv.' .■ vloU iu such a mail seemed like '.ho: ‘ a: . o hal lucination of a poet-—Burnavrief did not. doubt for a mornont the reality U this phantom which had appeared in the retina of the eye. It was nothing more, that ejo removed by the surgeon's ronl 4nl, than an avenging mirror. It ac cused; it overwheliued. Jacques Daniil) was found there in all the atrocity of his crime. “When I fbink, when I ihini: that they did not wish to try the experiment! It is made now,” thought Jlerimnlot. M. Uiuory had strong!,: reen.-mneud cd that all that part of the eitumiuntin.u should not bo made public. Absolute si lence was necessury. if tho press could have obtained the slightest information, every detail of tiio experiment, would have becumo public property, and tho 'account would have been embellished anil made as fantastic as noKsihl". This would have been a deep mine for K<l;oir A. 800, who would have worked that lode well and made the I'lirisians skad der. How tho ink would hose been mix ed with Bovere’a blood! :t was well understood that if the s .sp-cted man would in tho end confess guilt the result of too .singular scientifically in credible experiment should bo made known, but until then absolute silence. Everything vV.cJ. had been said and dene around tho dissecting" at Hie or in the examining magis trate's room v. nub'! remain a- ct. liut vvouitl Duntiil ccinfess,- Tho next tiny after AI. Giuory had nut him under arrest Bfeniardc-t bad gone to the palais tor news. Ho wished to con sult his chief about tho ■‘Mvoniiiu in black," to ask him what lm thought of the article which had been published in tho paper by Paul ltodicr. JVI. !,'■>.icbo at tached no great importation to it. “A reporter's infermatioh. Very vagus. Tliero is always a woman, p;.r bleit, iu tho life of every man. But did this one know Dun tin? til") i ems to sue Vi;,,ply tin eld. abandoned triend. anti who came occasionally to usk >.i,.l of 'tho old boy”— “Xhe wornau noticed by Mcirichc is young,” said Beruardet. “ Abandoned frieicls are often young.” iU. Bericho replied, visibly enchained with his ohsi rvation. As for Dentin, ho still maintained hie yibitioato silenci . TU p: r c-a.-d ::i I’.ud i'np i.vtons au Brr.v.t for which there was no motive, anil ho kept tho haugh ty, alm-j: t provoking attitude of tb"H<- Whom tho chief called tho greatest cul prits. "Murderers in redingotes heiievo that they have sprung from Jupiter’s thigh and will not admit that any ono should arrested except those who wear smocks and peaked lints. They believe in i:u aristocracy and its privileges and threaten to have,; removed. lou know that very well, Bernavdot. Then, as time pusses, they become, in a measure, calm and meek as little lambs; then they wiVimp-r and confers, llautin will do as all the others have done. For the moment, he howls about his innocence and will threaten us, you will see, with r, summons from tua chamber. That m cf no importance.” The ciied thou gave the officer feme ii ,;trt; 'tions. He need not trouble him ■ cif any more just uow the Dan tin affair, but attend to anuthi r matter of boss importance, a trivia! all,'! -r. Aft er thotnurdc-r audhisosperieu'- sat the morgue this muiP v seemed a low one to IJcruurdct. But each duty Ims its antith esis. Tho police officer put into this petty affair of a theft thy same kuil, the same sharp'attention, with which he had investigated the crime of toe Boulevard do Glichy. It was his profession. Beruarlct started out oil ilia quest It was near the Halles (iu;u*kefs) that he had to work this time. Tho suspected man was probably one of tho rascals who prowl about day. and night, living on adventures, and without huy honm; sleeping under bridges or iu one of tho hovels on the ouGkirt? of tho ' Sue do Vonisc, where vice, distress and crime tlcurishoiL Beruardefc flket' questioned the owner of tho stolen property, obtained all tho information which he could about the suspected man, and, with his keen scent for a criminal aroused, he glanced at anything—men, things, objects that would have escaped a b - practiced oyo. lio was walking slowly along toward tho Permanence, looking keenly at tho pasßcrsby, the articles in thft shops, tho various movements iu tiie streets, to eee if ho could get a hint upon which to work. It was his habit to thus make use of his walks, iu a promenade he had more than once met a, client, past or future. The toys tied before bis piercing eyes, toforo this fat, jolly little man with tho mocking smile which showed un der his rod mustacha This Bright which he inspired mado him laugh inwardly. Ho knew that he was respected, that ho was feared. Among all these passersby Who jostled ''ini without knowing that be was watching them ho was a pow er, an ntiknown but sovereign power, lie walked along with short, quick steps and watchful eyes, very ranch preoccu pied with this affair, tbifikiug of the worthless person for whom ho was seek j iug, but. tie stopped occasionally to look j at the wares spread out in some bric-a -j brae shop or m some bookstore window. I This also was his habit and his method. ! He ran his eyo over the illustrated pu | pers lying in a row in front, over tho | socialistic placards, the sougbooks. He | kept himself au courau! with every thing which was thought, seen, pro claimed and sung. “When on? qov'-nv," thought Tler- 6ea ts Th e H’ i©nd I k e Mr. A. it. Thomj r-. of Marysville, Tfl.,has found mm re valitabio discov ery than bits yet. been made in the K.'on dike, for years hr suif-nvd untold agony from ronsmnnl inn acconipanied by hem orrhagpi l . and was a ••.•..•lately cured by D 1 v!c-'slSw it, v vi r, for Com um pui,n, cTiiigle; and > c c, lie declares that g<)id is of little v alu< in cohipari son to tlii.- marvelous euro, would have it oven if it coat a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma. .Ji-oiuhitis e.nn ail other throat ".ml lung affection.? tire positively ou/ed |jri>r. Kiiig's Mew Ilia-. c.'V.'ry for Consumption. Trial bottles bodies flee tit J.. G. Ikmlnit'.ii &■ Tiro’s mid I„ J. Sharp & BroV Drug Stores lIAR.MOX Y GROIT,, OA. nardet, “000 ought ro have tho habit "I j>oing afoot in tbs stri. ct. Quo .can leai u nothing from t 1.19 depths ef a coup'? driven by a roachiimn wearing a tiic;il ored cockade.” Ho was going ;o the prefecture, the XVrntsnchco, win .1 iu the Hue dcs Bon - KnfaCts ho wav in stinclively sttvaoted to a sir p wind-.w whororusty oUlormr. tattered imifnrnis, worn shako*, garments wilhout value, snioky pictni-.m, yellower! cngravingH and chanro ornaments, rare <id copier, of books, ohl romances, ancient books with oaten bindings, n mass of dissim ilar objects—lost keys, belt buckles, abolished medals, battc and cons—vote mixed together in an oblong •"••ace as ' a sort of trough. On either side cf tl b "ho vimio hung some soiled unirom: 1, a zount ' - vest, an academician's old habit, logo brious with its ccnbrcidcries of green, a soiled costume which lit and been worn by some Pierrot at the caruival. It was, in ail its sad irony, the vulgar “hand mo down that!” which makes ono think of that other morgue whore- tho cloth ing has been rejected by tho living or abandoned by tho dead. lb tfijorridt rraa r nf n molau choly t?m)xraiiu r.t >u> r a drearoer, and ho did not fcivo much tinio v > t)o tear ful side of tho I'ut In? was pos i?ess(.d of :i ravonotifi curiosity, and tho sight, liov.c* ■- frequent, of that film}) window always attracted him. Wish, moreover, that sort of iiiaguetisui which the searchers, great or small, intuitivv. ly foci —n collector of knickimucks, discoverers cf nnknown countries, book wthis bent over tho volumes at 4 sous apiece, or chemists crouched ever a re tort—Bcrnnrdet hud becli suddenly at tracted by a portrait, exposed as au ob ject raver than tho others, hi the midst of this detritus of aM'.riVlom*! !usury or ; of past military glory. Yes, among th3 tobacco boxes, the ' belt buckle, tho Turkish poniard, ; ’ViitchfH ivita bcoUvii *■>-'ri, i piuco .Tapancso ornamcntM, i\ iiiiinfu;p;- oval iu f'lnii, lay thoro—?ori cf ; medallion without :•* fr ini**, cud at firK j sight, by Kingtilal* rft'rav tion, it drew ! and hold tho attention cf tho t v':'-.' 1 olTic: r. “Ah!” paitl Beruardefc oufcloiiu. * f hut this is ginguhu*. ” - Ho h-iiucd lonvavd urdil Idr nose ! touch ini tlio cold gUiMs aud : * fixed j ly at tlii* picture Thi? ; . puiafiajr,. m la cge as oik J a h uul, vran tl.lo perrr-u: ol Ia man, and Bora aid of fully iicl’.cvod at I tlio first look he •iro-.i-d vhc Vc-vsoia • whom the j er had re \ i du • . 1 Ashi shallow foil ucross the vrindow * Bernardot coaid unC ih \ ■ r • • ■ . '1 :■ z duocth iu tho j•' I 'l : • fai ' • Yji : ' 1 ! Mte; ,i to • -no tiid.* :• ii hv (..or.ld Iv. ■•i' V viow. ■ .ilr dly. there could i be no doubt-, the oval painting was cer ! taiuly the poriraifc of Jucduc:; L'.uit'n, j now of n rixi'e. Tin re was tho ; same high forehead, the pointed heard, : of tho sr.3 color: the hiaek i tightly buttaiir and up a?*.d edged as tho neck with tlio ir.*.m?W’ino of a white linen ‘rfc-Bar, giving, .u nifinbiing a and übl , till lainti , t trooper, of h t; word mu an, of st Gub-ard (a. partisan of tho Duke of Ordof the timo of CloT'ofc. ironiothiiig cf v> co? noho :nr it* pahit, without- doubt, in h:* quality of amateur phofographor, inucU cccns tomed t< ritici • • re not a perfect liken* *s, 'Hcvnardefc found in this picture i flartßiig rosomblancc fo Jacqut s Dantiii. It was tb" very man | himscli. Hu appeared his thin | face standing out- from its pweeiilsh black ! f-iomln r l uokgn.uud; the poiso of {ha ! head displayed the smite vigor s i:i thv i original; tho clear cut icatiwoM b.-okod i energetic, und I iio skin had the sumo I pallor which was characteristic of Dan j tin's completion. This head, adndraldy painted, displayed n iislunishiug life— like ir.icnhi: U iu*ii La:v •: clone ’y - master linud, no doubt f t at., ai ; i though ;:l this portrait .Jac<y .and Dm . looked somewhat younger—for instance, tlio hair and pointed heard showed no silver; streaks iu thorn tho resem blance was .so marvelous that Her nardet I immediately exclaimed. “It- is he!” | And mofrfc certainly it- was Jacques j n.-mtiu himself. The more the cfhcer j examined it tho inoro convinced ho be came that, this was a portrait of the | man whom ho had accompanied to tho j cemetery and to rr' son. But how could j this picture have coxno ralo ibis brie-a -! hrao shop, an* of whom could the dealer i liavo obtained it? A reply to this would ■ probably not be very difficult to obtain, and tho police officer pushed back the door and found himself in tho prescnoi of a very largo woman, with a pale, puffy face, which was rurrouxidcd by a lace cap. Her huge body Was enveloped in a knitted woolen shawl. She Wore i spectacles. To to continued next week* Diseases Gf the Gle-Jtl r>ut tie-rvea. No one need suffer with neuralgia* Tits difiniwe ie quickly and •peniianem ! y cured by lirowna* Iron Bitters. Eve*y diwase the Hood, nerves and stomach, Hiroui* or othervrisc, surcauibs to |ro; Bitters. Known and used (’or r.early .■ quarter of a century, ii 3tft:ls io-d::y rbro- naior.g onr mo t vala* 1 rrinedi;-^. Brovui' froa Bitter? is coW by Hi Jesters. fl \JS* from ■x .My SOF Is n journey tlint was never made by better Y*4r, iU ...T flour than Iglelicart’s Swans Down—the ,i;,,j*].ji : j|| |L . that makes the whitest, sweetest bread and the ft* cake and pastry ever baked. Boil and climate never combined to ' W prodwee choicer winter wheat than that from which this pecrlcst’B ' h patent flour is milled. IGLEHEART’S Swans Down JPlmsr ii' more economical than flours that cost less, because it makes better food and more of it. Ask for it and notice the brand when buying. IGLEHF/ART BROvS., KVAySVILLH, IMP. Keating SlcicieS. STRONG POINTS; Du rah 1# Roller Chain. Less HFriction, Greater g-Speed? Light Weights, Creat Strength And Durability More IS ociern Practical improvements Than canlfoelfound lon anv Mother wheel * # a * * -a 4*#***-^ DEALERS WANTED. KEATi N't Wiiito l, COMPANY, MIDDiHTOWN C*) )'■ , •' | *~~~l , DeLOACH 1 y jf S S) VdriffWff Friction, -1 Waai? JS, Feed Saw Mitts, 3WR&mm. -$L W- ShinuteMS!* i ggs ' : ” tolAyto ESAD"" ' '• : ' - to"-” v;';- -f -l'ors '•■ ■ if' •• ' h . cad ?*a Htiflors, A''':¥v'vVh£..' ... -.••AY ■. {Jhaf*ing, Burleys 7 r -?’*;*• to-:*-. and Mill Gearing. - SAW sh-ako A sfcoau*. .- -?= LARGE CUAKSbE f l ’ r X. OeIdACH iVikL MF% COMPANY, Ailaott?, 65., O'. S. A, ■ I IS? \v.,v'?(jwn Si,, title vVi Cm. If! S. (!-!* H , St. l: 5, Mo. .. 4 Tlio- - ioiyrc-.toti in 'hi-ibb Vy ,cii s. .-”r- Hundsor'e i#-S7 'Jnthloguc of (lift n 4anufttCtt:ritt (k*„ :;t title of ec., ' A. R.ROBERTSON ; fin ami men ts and Tom bstonelWdries* ATHENS, <IW - .'A s iavoTaiways ‘on hand? fand for sale a large stock of MONUMENTS as-.. TOMB STONES —At it 6c k n o;t to it rr 1 c-e s.—-— —• It () \ u Jf K>;T S . Tl>3l n, HFA 1) ami FOOTS TON Er An and fR A D I.E TO tt S. • i should always go nnd see R O 15 E 1. 1 S 0 N S statl get ids jnicfis i’eruembor ROIJFRTSOX Pays till the Freight to your nearest depot. A, 11. 110 i> KRTSO X., \ 115 Thomas St.,' Athens' Ga. NORTHEASTERN R. R- OF CEORCS& BETWEEN ATHENS AND LULA TlMfi TAftLFNo2. I’d take Effect Oct. IS. ICC 7, • ; AIUTHDOE'ND N<.nnium“N.n > -A —rp— —-*W : —rr.r-ff- r i*-V#|| : - - iwiily ltidiy ißily XOlmitlASSKtalS BASUMMU STATiOA’S- l>j A.M. I*. '* A..M.1..V V-. Ah. A.K r, ro sir. ltd'. W bills F j 1 ’;?. *s! Aif s.; u r.c ... Kni'iiuuiv Uno-®..,.. !??y < [, v 5 vi; scXtTr.v.v.v.vv.v.' ' I K TtV. i™t -h . • NO. b>.