Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, March 31, 1898, Image 3

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COUNTY DIRECTORY. BapWior Cnrt - Jivlvto *“ L Hatching LuwienoevtlUi; Ko!ici.ot-iitm nii CII BianU, Lawreni-.! ni.le: conv. nc CrU Munili. in March and Hep Wr. COt;N't V <>. HCBKr*. 'Ordinary—Y. V. Hill, Homer; Court, u.reti ftr. Monday in month. Sheriff-J. H. Parka, Homo*'! !>• !!• ,iri(v Deputy. Clerk—Lopm etkiin, Ihmwr. Tax Hneulvrr- J. Allen, Vo; ah. Tax Collector—l..J. Itnßsdale, Carnot. Treaiumr-W. M. Ami, I.' jm.t. SUrveyoi—ft. O Alenandor, Hi.i.ier. 4 nrorer- P'nvf'l Ven’c. I’ruit. counts: schoolcomkibsio:: krs. 11. xinrlim;, Maysyil.. ]). Lockhart, l’u-Bi lent, 'lioaifl ofEduca: inu~A .1.. Thompson, C.reahsr- Ducket, v; T. Ainlcr.-un, SI. B.Cartcr. Ji. STiCD COLT.'! tf. Wniler.M.'i DDtri t 40.',-W. C. !”'* " yl t. C,u.til)o.'nv bofor# i...oii-i tiuturd yi.tench month. *tsrU> Dtor’ S2W S. 'J -Bi’..;’;sX. V., F. ?t.Bai< cm cimalible. A Wntrml N’ D , f>. N. V.c< 5 all Coastfdc com i.4„h Satur.iay in each monel *jn|.,„ iti ilric* ;m—A..T. tasli.T. IL, K. ;; c. „k.) ah s’ .' ; !" h n- r Court . ouii Saimaa? hi e.c L no.ul:. ■JMtids Mstriel ;.n7—A. C. Wade J. I’.. AV.c ?.. J*.. J. C.. Ingram C.mstihle Orov-a KlVer Dim,' tHU -C. "A* M cider rj j. y BvaiH N r., M di.iiti,Conutahle Court third Friday in car, month.' Golden HT nutria* *M-rW’ad, J. ' j. tv. Peyton N. V , Juie om>n cc.wuhl *Hemer Disuiul 2iw—W.\ J. I'-. ’ Blackwell X.P..K.D S.a, hr is' .r. Court Second Wcuitisda:. ol'ciei, uoath Vin.lar Springs tilatrlot e?-B. Dlllesi.U ' j.r., A. j orifflti M. I’., J. 8. Mirks C... 1 • Btsbii Court -:ecoi... i'rld.av in each moull; Wa*J :■ ■■. .. ‘a 2M iam • •• M.lhipsdali :* .John an and. V Martin Coos': hit Court third : a , day in cadi men'll. ..... . riltri-t1.6-M. W. Oilh-a'iit J P. G.vtvtile;, N. I* \V. *K. Shannon. Conn’ i.uc. Court third KrWsy a e. eh munch. I.GDGE DiKKi TC'RV. I'hhlelUjNo. US F. A. M Moots tlrat I'rhlny nieht of each ir.onti at Homer -A. 1.. Taoiupson ty, M. c. Sicro.ary HOllinjpworth. X-< .".V, V. A M. Met ta Fourth I ritiay jr-pht. in rail! uioutii at liolU.>sworAi, V. Y. Due.-; ,'t '.V. M. CKI’KCH dIVKCTdiIY. HOV'-l: 1 . aurci'. ao;r' c h..iuri:a.. aud Sunday i,; ,-■ a luoii'.h, -1 J. T. Pr.rr.cs. WCARSM'I r 'rs Savor.'; y am! Sim,.. y in each month, l.ciri (irore —Seei ud Bunrnr in .; ,;h n;or<h. Deimirr.a.- Xi :rtl Sunday in each month. SICMIiU Veil oi’is: 1 vs' S-.-Miny A. M., Furs. A..1 scars, an.! G.VV. Griner. Pastor; Also Serovd Ntm- Uav and Saturday fcelore, at 11 o’clock A :■!. MCVT SALEM:Third .Inutla: it II A M am!4ll; S:.u 'ay aiurday tiefora at U o'clock A M. CtLD"!ti;TnLI.; Fourtl; Sunday at ?!• M liUCKt.iiN'S AKNiCA SALVE.. The Best Salve in tire world f< Cuts, Bruises Sores, Uicnfs, Stilt Ith.-mii, Revet Siytvs, Tetter, Chaj.d/ and Tftuuis Chiliriaius, Corns tlitd til! S’ti.'t Kit> jit ions, so! p’lsiUveiy uures Piles or no ptt) req’.iirn!. It is jdttu'diifwti to give perfect .aiisfaelion or itioroj t “tuiideii. Price 26 cents per box Voreale by L. J. Shtirji ot Bro., Hsr-, ?u div Grove, ami L G. Hsrilinan fc Src., ILirmouv Grove r*i;d Mttysvdic. VJIO.I'ESSIO.VA L CA HI'S ri_ N. HARDEN M. D. T t y*Qif£cß Vtor Pcrlh HOMLii, S > J. L. PERKINS, Attorney at 1,.'.w, i: —-• < •l'-'o-npt uttenticrv gp-<fn tu !•■■■- ----- ffess placed in >, ; in sds. . - ' • tirEtl'cr. jmdl.-digestion k • Kemdato--- the T_i''>.;. Ihva. iii ■ _ Legal Ads. for 1893. GKO HO! A. Cou.v.'W, Whereas ft , c-1:t-1 ■n ha been lih-d : Yn tide con;i, unoing io? an order granting a change in hi- Public road kadim.' ftm Berit? Court Ground i<- <i-.B i'o •; Fr>/ ins i' ' place • .g . Y.’illiam Borders’ ■ ;• Voitb strrii/ht lint ß ia. ■’ r,>--d a rli .auce of i .', ' a;-ca: Ccluru:s • ;■ . I f,.r thfd purpose vi >1 -it I • :I KvU cut reat ‘.viupiaticri -ch • .t- ami report'-! to me iliac siiiii change wilt U. one uf p Alio utility. Iv r.v. this is to cite and admonish fdi p.-i-sont, that oa the 25th day of luarch next, said change will be gran if,-;, if-,o good cause is shown to l-Un contii-vy. Given under my hatul and official signature. February 21st IBM, $i 11 T. F. HILL, Ordinary, N O T t C li , From and alter Apiil Lit oil Legal Advertise • .its thal appear in the Hanks County Journal mint be -'•■ 1c: before the second insertion ot l! advertisement will be in." -e. Alt Persons will 'deas., bear thss in mind at aii times us !' if p •s-ib'e bring the cash when you wish to bo giu mi .advertisement. By ao doing yon wi : very greatiy oblige Tours o'*ejient.iy Banks Count? Journal. Mu -1, in ISOS. A Card. To the legally qualified voters f Banks County. I vvidii to say fiat this lie?rig Rogt 't-r t'on year, r will wait on tie so tiint •lay wish to register du 'ing liolirt In VTarcli and will give ona call at inch District in the County, during tin months of July and August. Under the law it is not, necessary ltegistar before a piimai’y Election. L'on't full ts Register before the guiie.rnl Election. Krs;n. Sti'.imi’.e 1 L. J. llagi-dnle, T. 0. Biciki Cuun'iy. Letters Of Oimi ssi n GKOIiGfA: Ba:i;<s Count i* Wheiiias I. X. Turk, \dniinistrtor •tebonis non of .John A. Walker, rep. •fdetits to 'lie Court in 'llls i.eiiiion, inly Sled .".mi enter, tl on roeord, th■;. he i;::i> :uiiy p.Purr.iate.rerl John A. Walker estate: This is therefo-e to .•it--! all persons,.'.oiie.* rnid,kin lied an creditors, to show cause, if any t’,VPy an, wliv said AdininistruLor uhuu’il. •oi lie di (charged from lure adminr: tr.’.tloil, ai'd rc-ceIVC iettera of disiiilii diu on ilia firm il.delay in July. iS9S. T. T. HILL, 6r:.T. Di 310', ’ HAT 1 V EX Sic U TIV K co vi :h itt >■: *: . Ihe Executive Comm it tee wi Bank s County met pursuant ti j- call if the tihaii'm-'H . and ordered; That Jlti'sstnjeelitgs be held in eaoli Militia district, on July the if.tli, for lie; purpose of stleclitig five ( 6 ) del egates from each district to attend a Count y Convention at Horner on the IGtii day of July; to elect delegates to the Senatorial Conveiuieiv V: uto nominateeaiididaiesfor P p/c er/.a ti'. e, aud County officers. R C ALEXANDER, W. B Mason, Chairman. Seel’y. *•100 Reward *lO9, The readers of w ill be p-Dured to !••:;.:-n that Chore is at least on- drcr.a od that s.wiß-e i'.’i:. been able to pare in all its . tages, and il;at is Cata rrh. Hall's Catarrh Cun is the only posit ivf cure know n to the nu-cUeul fva t iroity. Catarrh t :ing.a constltutioim) disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Mall’s Catarrh Cum is ti--.fc.t-!) in terim liv. <::*“ cly upon tUa Wood and inue<:.)*•!TA: cf the sys* -i.i, Ci'-'e’iV dißti-cy:tr.i 1 •untbitu.n .-f the div--■■(-. and giving the putieni strength by building uptiieeui;. tiruiiun and assisting nature in doing its work The. proprietors in ve o much faith in ’.is curative powers, that the.' offer Or..' Hundred Polit-rs for any oast", that it fails to cure, diet'd fur list oft; .-'! - uionmls. Address.l. Otr. 'j’.u.OiK), SMd by all Druggists, ?Scents. 1 Jail’s Family nils arc thvs bast. TH ,S ST.Vi SC ••tDAV fCVidOL C O N V E N T TON'- Eve: - v SUnday.sel.o<>! in t!io ‘ tr.te ls cordiaffy invited to send '1 do'-.-g.i.tef ic titt State Convention which wii! be in !tl iii Gainesville, 2 April lath. The local committee is very dcstrous of getting the namer- ot sdj dile at .... sooti is pbc ibie. Lipi the super ufsndmitr, brs hind e ncugb teto attend to the natter a! :.-j -".-d forward me 'he names of the dotrea’vs seieoted. It. J. Fj:. rt t:, Secret ;ry of*tee. P K. Religions papers Will pit-fist copy. Pica.w giye aib-iHu; to the Si:inlay School Convention lii.tice, .vi.tuh :.,j j;eMik ybov“. I have beep reqnes od by an oSfce' ..f ilic State Ass.-ciathm to try to get goo.l delegation from 1. -.-. Uc Count;, H. P.~ Ql TELIA N', IWc’ it. tiki Cut;ole S-S Association. At Horn r. i-rotn I..iie Protectionist, M: Ait./ ■'... Hou Ho,van' Thoinpaui deliver?.'! ■uiotber political address last Tub: ■ day at the court house during the dinner boar while vvns ad journed. Co:ojlimes:':trj to 31 r* Thompsoii, Judge I{a>hc:iiscontinued thfi i.dji.urr.iti. r.t tv- c-. tra Lour to give tbs ho ’.orshle gcntlvna.i rn opportunity to shoiv h:s famiiairity with publi l -a.’f iim. While we do not agree with the gentlcndu on j-olinonl questions, we could not do him the injustice to st: te that ’he did not make- a 'rniondid eFoil. H.- was listened to wiih markml attention aed lits fame as a.i orator is being spread abreft over the comity. The pe ’,-ic ad::.iru ability. 11l neat . 'f . i-,e ESlond iVr(-c. No oae need eufier ttiMi neurfiij- -. i'.iis ■ii* r..-- is qui ,kiy and r. y out . and hy lirotrnV In.a Bitters. Every - ! iu use . the blood., nerves amt ston All, o!--o ! jr otherwise, succumbs to Browns’ Inn. Bitters. Known aud used f or nearly a quarter of 4 ceiaury, it stfcnis o-dsy P--, . most among our jar*t valued rr> •?!’>. ; Srotrui’ X.o# ftittera is sold b. 7 all dealeia. LOCALS. NOTES OFINTKIiJLST FOR OUR REA DIRS Wet weather. Court week in over. Six months fill n -xt court. The gi-tind jury found nine true LiH . bead tin: grand jury presentment, in this issue. Mr. A. M. Crtidei.L. cf Carnot was in town Wednesday. Candid.'! t. a tor ruinous oillfetl ar becouiim' numerous. Col. Oscar Brown made a first etna, solicitor Last week Airs' f tniiler is visiting iiev s in It,'. A. li. Sh.pier of ftrultt this vv.-vl:. Bora to Mr, un-i Mi s Ath,'., m Sunders. r. tine baby boy, Last Wediiesiiiy. V -and X T a-vl w . B ! iitaiiv spent Sstui ivy in ’.lvim-r. UiN. Barden was appointed t,y l I .he H ra;.d jury nseoumy physicim;, I Squire if.. v.. Clliespie and Biily I Wifey ; r Horn ion VV<du isdaj. Mr. Terrell Cochran vhe Ives sev end mil.'!, cast of Momer very in ui present. The Journal will be sent iu am | addreiis t..r il dO oer year. Sub ; saiiw fi.r it at'd gi t the news. The Hoinity i/emoeratie Exeeutiie OvHi.iif ttee held h uir.Cfing on Tuesday in court v. eek- tie y decided to hold a mt; 'oiivention instead of a prima ry’ to neminate candid tes fer eonling enectiell. The of a largo major it v of mu i-übiiribers will expire ivith the ibtii iia_. of Aplii next' Wo miv ask th t I’vhiio you ait iUvhiilng uourt ‘ - ’ please a fit fl.isofnue Au l renew virtir subscription; If you nre due this paper lor Hiivertiaing. you know it, therefore it is siut lieecssary for you to be ru minded of that fact. If you will please cad! rind piv up 'vliut you are due, wA \V?ii dvi'taiiii v considci it at, a fnvoV. Hr,.Thor- ,T. ii '.' -. tl the ir.i.,fur!a'):' to gel quite • *•' . red nst Snt , by H f.illi'PT 1 T'.;' .-I, I'i I■! invito -Ami; •: / .. i, P V ,-f t'r, ■!: ahicb lender, and him uticoiisci iu- for fi'.Miiie i.U is living ■ ■■*/ well at v-eiti-ip, \V(. desire to acknowledge the receipt of tin i.rv.tation ?-, Le pr>.:;cri' ut. ,hc prndnalino- exercise; of. Thv A ir.uta I: -ii.'al .iiega wki .-h tool, pi aw on tin* 2‘Jlli ina* ic the Grnnd 0p..,, a Houso of Atlanta. Tl.u<jLb ( Air E. Pitlujaa. 2,ir‘ J. D- Hill ii a/, purchased the Btw rcs denoC which 31 r. Logan I fctis hasb<en occupying on the toy cf'cliL hill of; Lula Avb" V fcfily u tan he said Homer is about to get in to r. Loom. This icwn i i: ccr f fiinly on t!:c qmt-t order no.v, since, court weet; is a thing of the past. Spi’dr i ii- .aboilt herb; is it not tbo early for it? Tito format taking ou a tiful green. Poplars >3* not get left by any oth'-r trees, they ar now *iimost a irrcc-n as tiiey will be th : } T)r. J- S. Daniel has about comple ted his ne o .illeo, tiitil ii;..- ;t pti.utvu wrooh ui Acs; i... a mighty nioo app'-n-aucc. Col J. L. Perkins 5b how rtry con veniently ua rived it) tbo Grand jnrv room, ami ha - < -*”'•“s •• t-'-v -p peaiani’c to be puto ito that I'o-O;-. Keep uin a <;>-)d stats o. repair, A ■ Ph-oi!! nil appe-nrfitice-) it looks .11.0 .. a . -beti e; -.V-n \ aid. tin '■ is to he Collipoijjjp to *:cr free doni - The hi’-,'a 1 news is that Ihe hni.t-d S ftu's has List 'riven Spain C- i h: it; which ■ kc Cut it reel If she i/: war is - >st act t.i. 5 Your time is almost ' ut sc, plea. oali and pay up }•.-,r eiihsci rp'.ion to tide Journ'ah It appears ilke hiiiiy o? the rend of the Journal who owe for :t and who wti'i in H'-mctt court week for .r-t u--, and left Without culling ... . his < thee to ' KrtUe* J /lends this will never a- ! pay what U. O if U call. But please don't forgi t us, We have to t -iy.whut we owe, Wi: t hr,:, become cf our earres uondi i'ts: There rue seme of then: .hat Lave not been heard of since .way back yonder. Curnoi, Bush vi"c Cast. Jewell"ilie. Grove Level. Holiiugi-worth, Print, ti ti other ph* •es should .H e rcpr'-sentol iff. each . • sxue >f this paper by a good letter 01 !cai iiapp'-nings. So, et us hear iioia iiici. .f hesu places; and'more, too. SUBSCRIBE FO 1? T H £ 1 B NKS COUNTY JOURNAL ON7.Y H Dollar PER ANNUM CASH PRl'fT. HO! LIXCSWOKiH: tuO FOR OS 10. liy jfCfha ' ..a . oe -.f HONjr 1 . and FA KM I. 'ou.bbrati'm wiih .-I. lafK-r : .. 1. , f..'.0 being t!i . f Imtli ritat is,furall ....... ” • A .We soiii! Tho :- r nii j c y: r s ■fobfc ! { ;t-a HI for ':••* ” t‘. •* M*r' ■ ’;'(•! r.i-M . ft! . ■ f 3-1 1 MoHr.irv-tov, ni.v.ic : Tu-.y.w ~s }l ; !>j>;inn*CTw. •r*!.-- • A*• :a • ' i;s CbiLircn's u* urf t>o : .;. 4 ; . r - ' ’ • •' - - 11. •fW i*.- . ut .' J •: ••" _cr i v .c il-.t-.Ysr.u :lic H. =■ a . • ..t-s. li/iye irou’)iem oj ASiy oiv ?X- ■' S.'a,3iO <IOiIHC -1 iOki -aO .a V.v-i ,-"'.l a■ . > ’; W’l-h A' ' - • ' illit Ai.i i rid a: /) --. ! . ;i ..s ". - )■• hj .1. • '-a Riul A roc- i- .tu - 1 ■ t- - nU. ) : I* - a•- i-< -i. * -- this -. H **i to any address L.y i.-ail three ti! c*?*. IL HZ? (~nzi x k --; > . i.-. n ■ . m A Octet 3/wB vk IWtbcPeople Vf AGE 5 W ANTED Kvo-v.-'AC’- . •-. ' ’ - '• •;'*■<! A- .- -V-‘ •.. .> . : : I . h ■■ Mo ic >,c in: di ;A. . , ■ ■- - ,-■ .-.a. I- u lho. a.-oh- . •. •. < ,il ..II •:- I p.tbi, v. .!/::■ IT ~. : .I'. ...... C.* of tt:ry i ■ REAI I i>Ar UiOir HAE’TCS -A i- pme oi oi t best wwrkifSk a -at 11 i: g i c:t: v- •• o-t.-\ ■ i v 1 v,. .A -’ -a ■ 1 ■■■■' ' “;' 1 - . I-loeMJ 1 . ..... t every m ■ sole: '.20 -g■ J.) • UO, 11. .; .S? • * is. Fiji;; ’-‘ltltii (uum I Iyl i\-.. :./., ./■ r l *. . ■- -■ . 13 canis !, mt>: tly hindi ' • J. 11. Ham ' ■- 1 . ■ r.m.le i: ui-;-ii-:l;’-> >s I: th --. / d-q • c-STivaing fox ■ -• hit;-, 1 ■ Sian count ; Tex., is i ilhig ; ■ ■ e.1.t1.a r-..e i.i i-f-i 4‘.;jiies a v.,-. :.. T’iY V. Ui: it •■>;'! /s,u-.i..A - irtATj . all th .. ..- i'l * ••*; !•*. a '.-.* t :• I . •.. Witte . Iff r.isvge ; u ; / of Bnaut'- 81l Fuil-T’agc, Ti ; *-s.t'i.':s. ) l is a i.. • • and ladles ant! gciiiiem; i< •vho can aivc all or a part £- their tims L,. lAcii/Vlii. : } i,:i --•:a use sums of 1 nncy i iralllng it Av r.LL-.-. AN f i'.; OT/ : hii>''!!pr '.lie dill '■■ty • : i.hidi::.;,! -■mu' ■ jni.C'. uu*:. * i r.ijees to Work with, vi i: ■ sent i n clptof 50 •seats. Till, iwigniUcern nailery - I portraits. alone, in the pres ;•.-ti. worth cua.ithe . vV? ftiriiiili it at far less than .•niiuaT 1 ■!. !■ uiiinnie*u r v. ■■■■.* ab vise you to order quick y, and get ex clusive control of the Lest territory Address ROYAL POBUSHIKe tiO*. Utn aid ttJLJli’f *V£J, VI. Please mention this .tournsL . Jt jt-\ • —— •••• ■**>**■* riCMVA, Seme farmers are ]>lar.tipgeorn. Mrs. Win Waril is or. the sick but, Mr. V. VV' Marlin came very hoi r losing his fine hoi sc m.u day this ■veek. It looks ay though sjiring " irh all ■ s clnrnis whs here again Ths .vdh? his be'ii wift'ng the we.>t .'ra o r .nee of i!m flow, is to ns f; r some (Lays past* The gentle bn" ze wafted us the news of a in*, party mi the iC.irrt, but we failed to get sufficient itifor- ! lion to tell anything about it. The icjioi tis that, the jiarm smrted from , Hollingswoi th. Sev. ml from cur seotiou sttendfd court last week- Some were jurors : • ithers went to swap horses More 1 claims lo have seen that aivfui uni • mal vvliieh l'hu people drcr.J so mod (the and liml tiger)- • The report is rife in our neeUon that Col. re v 1 ’‘.<e is nrv ,ign ■/ 'gc to Cuba slnirtly witli a eocj tuty 'of v.Mrrior'i P> j ‘b Cos army. \Ve A.imue ills Col’s patriolisin and I'.ero lain out rathe: and übi Lis Citpabi-iiies. Rarrrer.s are ar a rule up vvi'di llveir .voili. 'LI) yme most leuth for plant ing eoltoti seed, and by t:- way llu cotton Clop is going to be the .• ‘ i ; tins sectinr for sonif y> v. > pa: i : is the price deor ..sts the ; "educ - tion iiioreiiscii. Bi careful how yr.u slio t v,l:i!e mbit li nting or idow .you fell tiic revs hi!., ilerdiig for rna may •voui.d a cvi'dubvte. '/’hey • >■ •' im ueniUF, 1 tn>ghi nay chins, ntiVn borlcss but 1 Ihir.k I'iietnjr ,ru' win in our section- X TO KX It Ja, or i uid ho h.igl i d‘.‘M.-l’y im i'diMU m plea- ,' ;,L Oi to nil r-; an .at vi i■ drug .mi of Aleyevs v Lshiemnn, ■" . '' t.v, Gt.. ■ . loiny to. doitt.v -o. ■ ; ..'o. .e -,y t'ne followi - . . t • • . 'a- a "In my -:<ti . ye-'.''s’ eoi... iiie drug b - ics 1 " va lev v call i ■ ,■ ■ . a* cried a neditiii • : , £l svv as ~ >,d ■la.l'l'.'-nii ns Li; -V v" 'n s • C!t' e; r;i t;!-'; In..- rij-.i.. a.'!*'- *‘.y. Noli liy K. T. I ■ . Horn..'!'. ’’ " It m>,v bscti d'e nonf.lva.ied that line - int. o ei - mi’.fi onic ■ taey arc, do ;ot r :ve t."o I )'.'.‘-.'.tin of hysu-ifiii at all. ‘‘Local tacat ne:'' : or “private exammcUom hav e been-silo ivrf to - 1 ly 1 .:■ . avTb .:: ) 111! ■ Cardui, taken in the privacy of the hi del :. It is entirely unnecessary for any woman to staffer from these .-ihtiu.l a. iiv ■ ■ ■ npiainis. ffhe can - ; l.,uic .vlePilrco’s ’•Vino oi t.'ardui .it /li*- lvar.'st drug store lor sl,bti -t: 1 ou;, k'y put. .'in end to the un pleasant J its and dfihoqrc!:.-. u’.j ■;> )usands of women arc veil to-my oaus..- they ii.t that. ; . . GGEST OFFER. YET o 0 —o o THE BASKS COUt.TY JUtUiNAI. AND THE TWJCE-A-- WEEK I/ETKOIT FREE i’RESf- BOT H PAPERS ONE -YEA R FOS -.INLY 51.h0 THE •: 3- WEEK ' TROI F FitEE ITtKSS Deeds no :. . acttoi Its spec ci . by . - ts lit'tvo given il a 1 i w.di I*l putt ti >n. ! ■ short, it is <n.e of the ek*an< st, brightest and in.-si. patl't-.'.-ltsliod. No pains <>r . bi tt>miyd in keeping up ts pres wit, big 1 stuna: rtf. ]cc:::cf.-'.'t-i, Unit !.-y tailing a a van oi th ooi.t’-!o.ati.,i:. lot: .1. copies of t "ru it.v: c oi'.-.ry l*"'. .oid 10-: copies of FEE ! -oHH f-'ilEK.b 1515 pai.H.i;- f. t (.Hy—f.i.H' SDO - G . . J _) if. s'lfi TUI l PREI A YNCAL YE.'.S. BOG .-1 ANi> . .IGiAH.G.. H IhJS. COE F.ECT CC-GCiSH COOIPLETF.- OVER A. WO CGPH-hS OF 1807 iO JK S ' HA - - K iCH‘ . n ficcurati r.nd ■ 01 Boo! ilei'wesioc Unit tells you nil you want to know. There will not be a usiless p-igc ;n if. A Pi::.-tical iidUcator and l: nd Buck of . foruiation on fv.iij-.ds Htatistio‘>l, wWiff, ii; lorical, j'->|iticai and to.- riculturfii; likewise a Rook of rciig.uar Fact and genera! I racticul iffrer tii-ns on everyday affairs of Office, iloroc er.u f-irm’ \ co.iv of tills book wii! be sent to •tii ti.i.s i:- ’•.-mei-RiUqy and Bcint ]"<{ fli oeiffs ad-iitional for maiiir u expenses, waking m ah' " e b-..-oic will 1.-e ’cuniishe.d about Decem ber £5, loliT. Copies of tin: ouok v. ill be sent fo all taking advantage of this offer, as soon after above date as ijos.-.ible.. Pm not lie-lay, ia:l 1 -Re advantage o'. this remarkable liberal offer whic.u we rni'.ke for a limited time only, by ape ciul arrangements with the publishers. we sen. Loth papt/s a lull year for yl .00, mid you can have a cop vof the book by Sending 15 cents additional Address The Ranks County Jcuiinai, Homer, Gu. PUIS Hied IN .i ... . j Continued from Sc olid page j party ns declared in the l aijoual plnt ! form. If you stand with mo on this I platform we are agreed and there in nolllilig fords to discuss. If however, i yon do will meet vou and dis cisa our dit' .fences. i lam in favor of the free isn 1 n ili-n ' 'fed eoiPHge of both gold and silver without dir, riiniimtiou against ii her i and without asking tkn oormUsion of i- , •* Lng’aiid or any other power on earsh ' If yhr agree with mo in ibis ihciv is I nothing for ns to disc u.<s. If veu are opposed to the r< s ora ion of dd uer coinage, tins makes n iirue and f will e- ga..c witii you to discus , our dlftnroli :es, i urn in favor of ilte most rigid too nr,my imd the lowest possible iatc of taxation comdaiibm witu !:ie boner, <l : gmty and credit of the state and the obiigutious she Ins assumed to her g -imols and pensioners. If you agree with ; ie in Uiis there is ucitaiur. for us io t'wi n-s. If you are ooposeu to it, I w"l moot yon -u., .ium-uks the impor ttiUya at nil :i>,,TO, and. esj ec’a lv at his t: me, of economy and low tax s. I nm in favor of meeting nut cqu..; and exact justice in the courts and in the legifiaiure, to nil classes of r ,c i'’ suns, wi.uc. and ii..,,k ..ion i. ! v,itii> .AL lia'i'.'!i a i-'.iiim cither H you agr •* with me; in tli>n ; there ir f.o .to Gis i eus.r If ton are opposed lo it, I will meet aud discuss it. i am iu favor oi clean methods, and honest polities and fair elections. If j you ,’ "o in favor of those things, there i&noUiitip; for >;s to us. ';-' u yi-u •are opposed to t’ eni, X wiii meet > :>u ’ and dise.ius Uum v.v.e vou. 1. an: opposed to whal is knov. 1; . rim; rule, which praait-aily de1,,;.0s th,, poeph. of .nil choice i.i sell cuoo oi j.uLlie, otliews t( lliey mt.tled .iiidcr tin- low. L you nrc in ho. or of ri rule l ill w,;’ iiiert you and ttiueusi it v h you. i 11111 opposed iu the use oi ini-.itt.y to contri’l cieclicns. i:\e-u ire opni,;;;;d to iIS list; fur tiS . II :.'u:C ) there is nothing for us to debate, if you arc* b, favor or it, i will meet you and discuss the question will? you. If you agre? ‘.v’lli me-, as i rts;une y •: os -t!i d:e ft 1-- <-r., L ;uroouti t.ons, tiiA-i’: ::;-c no pn.ieipics in which the ; ropie of t!::.-; Slate av: iuiy e.-ted . ; us to discuss, r.r.c a “series of joint icuatcs t.,i'.n!q' out the .'fate' would ■ uoucssarily boa sfines of personal coLtroveisies and would u-. ouec d.-geu crate into a series of mud flinging eon testa In which a school hoy would be my equal and a blackguard my sups . riur. They would u-.-ithcr 1 cm -nstrale yourr.'.ni-ss m-r iv- uroltness for the I i/iiicc oi goucroor, but wou!d| as has -c ill tnc ■ e sueb •- ,;.:u i" Georgia p.n-t, rvvn - und lim biiiieing up of ft- lions in our party, tb.tnagi.ig to it tnid the inter c- ui the people. 'Yrc-cnal riva’ry ~iiu pqrsoual ;.n'j itioii slmiUd nt-iter b allowed to control our action when great (oancipias ami ifa<- iulerosis of l- Si tie and tnc p-.-ople are at stake. These are my view honestly enter \ lamed and frankly < xprcsn.ed. In tiicm : hehevi' i art right, and “i Wou jri ratH<-i be rigat tiiau to be’’ govern •;r We should ali ro.t ember liiat so .-00 R as the Dimo; ;.its do a-c winch one o! us -s ,0 lead the fig' - acpuust o ' enemy, &li other Dc-moc r.iti r.iiist r-iily to his suppori li av: sa old svuol everything c:.I -nlate 1 • -y; tidca biUerness, as such debates fi-ways do, .unapt ettr l &c vc?, end rererve ot:v Strenirh lor the jontes". with the enanij of 1 Dcmccuftcy. - Ij.jwevei-, l m;B' >s wr*nf .'<nd you 1 may he : : / v tint! my 01 nr "pi i uuoi;.-, liu: Hon. it. j,. lieioer, and s.t" • re;;:, witi ii;,: ;u,d agree* with you ;p lias .(, st; and. .1 veo from Use public i j ij .n..he but alroudv a. oi-jitcu j your chaiieuge lor a series oi j -iut de ; i.atcs throughout the Bute, 1 and 1 siso notice lust both ot you have accepted liu- I'iviiuliuu from the Decu-untie j-./ccmive uomailttec u, 3J uscogee •roea'-,} to engage ua j .-int dtscussioa at Columbus at uadi tune as you and he may agree upon. Eat eniertaia ;i--g my present views I prefer to a .vaii me results upon the patty which nece.-uiilib be tna'lifestuil from ‘•l!:c series of ioint debates through out ttic State ’ which you and he u-t.-e already agreed to o:.g ige in, and ! if later on hi the campaign, alter part ! of the “scr es of j ant debate*’’ ue- H-- on vou and the Bon. R. J„ iiernei hum beeli made, I aiiou.d be CUUVIII coo that vou aim be arc right and 1 am w rong, and it would not interfere to much with your utlicia! duties, I .-.'ill with pleasure, take up lho q nea lion or ar.-.uigiug Some joiot dooales between us. Very tru.y yours, Aolun Lb Oanouer Carload i>!ffaas( 4S instru ments.! i ist received at Conway’s ilusio House, Athens, Ga. Write 'or tortus anil prices. Con federate \ Organze At Homer. The Confederate vet< vans of Banks county met pursuant to a call of tho • ‘ lUHLiU'C-r, on last Wednesday, and o'sr iniwd >he )>. O. Candler camp of CoaiVd-rate Veteran*. Tins was . pv liml "ary ncij;ng ,vul \V., Oiliy lor li e pu. pot'e of UKI lg .(•Ule steps 1.. .ward „ t .i,i. ui .cUl !.' 11 Ailion, '.vii'itd v. Li take p’ • on the Second .Saturday a; April (utn.) Ajlg’di: i-.lie.ts are hereby ;eijier. and to attend the Ajiril meeting. 'ibis C'uiili H named in honor . f l ap'a/n L'aniei CL Candler, who no" - i: ml! tin first com|muy that w t •.lie Army f-oni Banks eou..ij; T. e Worid re, omie.i Banks Got v: v Gs.apds, V no f being rh’.ui<i to the n.vvo!'-’' , fa ■Ly un -- a, 1 on toys ilv contide’ice Lid ca * seiji <,f ins neighbors U-ia. M , Hum pb.i'oy . ■ popuiiii’iniiM' • of .'wanton, O.iio, and under dull- of J.-u. iT, 1j93, j.o writes j fob ovst " i f'i < b to cor* tit) to our appreciation of Chamber la.n’s Cough Ilemedy. My family aid neu'hbors have tested it, and know it U ini exrellent mrdy for couglis and ml T.-George W. Humphrey.” by . i ,'1 homp-on. Home.. CLi. i.'i Si.l(.,iuiuiii , ... L’toema Tfid ‘.iteiji.. .tt ii -tip ind snlaf trij,*. met .• : n there.f*:.,eases, i.- lii.-iwintly allayed '.spiting Ciiagdierlahi ’ s live ano Skin Ointment. Many very baC cases •i. . •. ..iis ■. utsimntly cured by iv. It equally e:Ucient. for itching piles and . remedy for soro nipples, ci. ;p : !"'d hands, chilblains, frost bites ieg ionic soro eyes. 2-5 cts. p c r box Dr. Cnay s (leadi'ioi Powder*, arA ulSt n’ilai :k;1:-i llcudo whlTl ill o ndi' Ton is, blood purifier aud V- mifipre. Te -y are not food but , -i i.,g., : * t'st in use to put a i;i>v pa; uo cuuditiuu. Trictt • .'juts ]kv fisj \ge. -i l s \ f L+ >t’ Cj 4 -v, i- ' r-r r "v.'i’-A . ' .* UJ , ”• 11. 9 -IS - i J-J- r ■ •' -r - • ,• *•.;* -\t ( r-♦*<*' - ftU .: r' r ‘ : ,f ? l.tii .* •• t'- ’ r " ; "Me S'OtJ.i lUe tt '•;*’ f-*rrfy seti, an low / “M-d '• r.e Cos., ]■ or suh and recommended by TifOMPbOy. Homer Ci I L S li 5 ii 8 f, A { Iss 11HK C_Jjg, 1 Shu s, open bosom, Biiiits with coil-' r and cuffs, ltlb: (l’laited or t ancj ) Shir!-., plain, 1W Collars, 5F£ Cuffs, per pair, *> G Ties, W Nigiitsliirts, 3 Off Undersbii'ts, 'rawers, ID Hocks, per pair, 5c Handkerchiefs, 5c Bilk liumlkerchiufs, ' c Y, lute Coals, H'd Api-niis, 5c Ledies’ \Ynista, He \\ bite Vest.-, 20c White Pants. lio to f'Pc 'idlileclutiis, L/C yhy/lnus, Ic i Towels, 5c fl beets, * sc • ,!!.i\V •" /ip. i•. I '<l 5 aim Cur!ahis, V 6 :o 3:1.00 . ioiac tiu au.'t G; 1 ntah. We Clean and Press Geiiticn.on a gaits Equal to New, SLSU. \Y 3I BAUER, Fropnetc-. You Cau Leave PacJiorjes at 07. Ofi-us, lie 'dll foreurUYe sttme. Ttos io tlic Man j ..--A SV v ; f*EQ&rr ,, # pm %% i , fry ,> v -b'l v< O r f \Wii mmfrA si i (fi ISyoASS lit!? lililli 'Si' £ § tas m i Sii •'Sa-'J-J Jki pji Rijrk iv c >'l |g<M -H Sfeiwi n3O * '.S'!- J 3 ,'j I ' j 59 *