Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, June 02, 1898, Image 4

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[A LIE NAILED. Cornelia, Ga., May 20th. 1898. Hon. F. C. Tate Dear Sir: 1 uu dorstainl lliit a charge in being made i;ainst you in the Gainesville papers an account of ihe appointment cf J. :: i ;ig at Cornelia. This is my po.-t --office r ; t Kinff was appoint and on v.r re omntendation and il.c n- of n m.uoiuy •>: the tlomo v rat getting mail at this office. Any statement that other influences sc cured King’s appointment is lintnie, and in justice to you I make state ment and you are authorized to use this letter as you sec proper. Yours truly, Jas \V, Roberson, jib- king’s affidavit. GEORGIA: Banks County.— Personally appeared J. T. King who on oath says that he is the person named in the affidavit of P. J. Shore. which affidavit of said Shore appeal’s in the GainesvilUe Eagle of May 19th 3SOS. That he was appointed Post Master at Cornelia Ga., in 1898. That his appointment was made <n the recommendation of Col Jas. IV. Rob erson, of Habersham county, one of the patrons of Cornelia post olliee, and on the endorsement of a majority of the democrats getting mad at tin' office. The statement that I paid, or agreed to pay, P. F. M. Furr or any other person any money or anything oi value to secure my appointment as post master is untrne, nor is it ti uc that I was appointed through i!<e in iluence of P. F. M. Furr. J, T. King. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 21st day of May 1898 T. F. llill, Ord’y 13. C, MR. FURR’s AFFIDAVIT. GEORGIA: Ranks County.— Personally appeared P. F. M. Furr who on oath says that ho has read the article in last weeks issue of the Gainesville Eagle m reference to the appointment of J. T. King for post master at Cornelia Habersham county. The statement that I received from said King or any other thing of value to secure their appointment is an ab solute lie I had nothing to do with King’s appointment nor did I ask fur or try to secure King’s appointment. P. F. M. Furr. Sworn to and subscribed before me, tiiis May 21st. 1898. A. J, Guifein, N. P. A J. I’. A LETTER FROM MR. WOFFORD, Hollingsworth, Ga , May 21st 1898 Editors Journal: Please allow'me j ££• in your paper to say that the s• . nt it: the artie’e ui refet i. c ; f- ;;u appointment of J. T. King t master at Cornelia Habersham ?y in last weeks Gainesville Eagle s out of whole cloth. King was ■ r .tinted postmaster at Cornelia on recommendation of Col. Jas. IV. Rob erson who is a patron of that office, and myself and a majority of the other democrats there. Mack Furr had nothing to do wi'h King’s appoint ment, and this whole article iii th e Eagle is a dirty, stinking, campaign lie, and shows how low and mean some people can be and how far they will go in tlier efforts to advance the cause of their candidate. The statement in regard to a quarrel between Tate, Furr and myself are as untrue as the dirty lies in reference to Kin’s appoint ment. Tate has all along been my friend and I have been lus. He is a pure upright and honest gentleman, and has made the people onc> of th best members of Congress they have ever had. Such lies as are ground out e-s. u week in the Gainesville papers can and should have but one effect with ail honest and fair men, and that is to make votes for Tate. Yours truly, A, P. Wofford. A Cure For Dyspepsia, T was troubled with liver trouble, & my stomach was out of order, it after eating my breakfast would throw up what I eat. ft went on this way fo about two years. At last, after trying other remedies w ithout any good effect I was induced to try Ramon’s Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets, After using one or two boxes I found myself in a healthy condition. I use them occa sunnily yet, always when in need of prills, i consider them the best pill on the market, and feel safe in faying they are the finest things ever used. John Ltvesay, Luther, Hancock Cos. Tennessee. WANTED-ANIDEA of some simple Ming to patent? Protect your ideas ; they may i-ing you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEll ril/ltN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, ill. C-, for thei- J. 1 ,800 prize offer. England Our Friend. There is no doubt of Great Britain’s purpose to stand by us in the trouble we are having with Spain. Tim imli cations ot such a purpose are cropping out all the time- Mr. Chamberlain, tlu* English colonial minister, in a speech at Birmingham on l-riday even tig, is quoted as saying that ‘i m n* ■ may he, even war i:f . ’ 'e. v pnrshased if a ; as as t! n. Jle < aie-e the Stars and Stripes ami the Union Jack should wave together over an Anglo- Saxon alliriicc-” Cecil Rhodes, one of England’s men, in a recent interview, said that England should see to it that the other Powers of JKurope ni l not undertake to rob America of the fruit of her victory at Manila. Fur ther along in his interview, speaking j to the British government, lie said: • Strike a bargain with America and you may he beginning the great An glo-S ixon compact of the world, reaching in significance an effectual commercial federation of the English speaking races ” France is with Spain in the pend ing war and Germany would. like to dictate to us the policy to be adopted in respect to the Philippines, but if Great Britain gives us her moral sup port, no one of the other Powers will interfere with us in our war with Spniu- We will he free to do as we please so long as we do not intefere witn the established riguts of other nations—Ex. The Last of Them. The death cf General Henry R. Jackson removes about the last of the men who were prominent in Geoigia politics hefor the war and took an ac tive part in public affairs during the t cession period. General Jackson outlived nearly all his contemporaries in that stormy time and died at a ripe old age, re taining his mental Jp ig>r to tho last and presarving up to a short time be fore liia death a remarkable degree of physical activity. He was the associate or opponent of many of t ho strongest and most in fluential men in Gaorgia’s history and may be called the last of the old guard Njw they are all gone. George W. Crawford, Howell Cobb, Robert Toombs Alexander and Linton Steph ens, Benjamin If. llill, Joseph E. Brown, Ilersehel V. Johnson, Chad s J. Jenkins. James Jackson, Alfred 11. Colquitt, FI; V. 31. Miller. Warren Aiken, Martin J. Cravdord, Henry TANARUS,. Bi nning and Henry R. Jackson, these mi n were ail prominent on tho stage of action before lhe war, in t'-e events winch led up to it and transpired dur ing its progress and in the trying days that came later. They made a noble group and illustrated their state. <' .1 has hem remarkably rich in run of genius and power, and those whose names ve have mentioned had much to do with making the his.ory of tho state and shaping the course of events during their lives. Georgia will be fortunate indeed if she shall always h ive such able and faithful guardians of her honor and interests.—Atlanta Journal. Hundreds of thousands have heed introduced to try Chamberlain’s i Cough Remedy by reading what it j has done for others, and having tested its merits for themselves are to-day its warmest triends For sale by R T. Thompson merchant IKmer Ga. A Lcttar to .lane, Tht followirg letter from ore of tlie new recruits avns-found rear Fort McPherson: “Dear Jane, I’m in t’-ouble. I’ve done enlisted in the army, an’ I’m sorry fer if I wish I was hem;- I ..ip, will you do me this one fax t? i Write to the war department an’ tell j ihe President the cbildreu is down with tlie measles, and your old r’ is broke out ag in, an you nt. me at home. FVdl you do this mm h fer me, June? Oh, Jane, I’m in deep trouble! Jane— my dear Jane— | if the children ain’t got the measles, J send ’em over in the Green neighbor , hood. The Greens is always got ’em, lan the children’ll he shore to ketch | ’em there. Will youdo this fer mi’, Jane? Ob, June, don’t forsake me! Ain’t I your husband?” —F. L. S. in Atlanta Constitution. CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Arc Ton Weakness manifests iteelf in the Joss ol ambition and aching bones. The blood- is Wfii*ry; the iissues are waiting-—the door is J •incropened (brdisease. A botileof lrn Bitters taken in time will restore your cfcrengiii, sf>othe your nerves, make your blood rich and red. Do yon more g o&d than ail expenti ve special co>: of medicine. Browns*lron Bitters Is bcM by.cli dtaJers. Kchscribe for fl.e Journal. SAGASTA EXPLAINS. The ministers, m full uniform, ap peared in the fenate today. Owing to the circnmsta'iees the new cabinet is already nick- named tho “circutn stancial cabinet.” Tho premier Seni or Sagnsta,,explained the ministerial crisis and asserted that the new ministry will continue the policy of the former one. lie related ho v Spain did everything to avoid war until America, violating all recog nized diplomacy, attacked Spain with an injustice unp.ieoodented in the annals of civilized history and com pelled Spam to respond with war, which Spain would continue a toute oulrance (to the utmost) until an honorable peace is obtainable. 1 Ties,” the premier continued, “i. a strong policy, and th Q new govern ment will also energetically conduct negotiations with European and other states.” In the chamber Senor Sagasta repeated his senate speech- Senor Silvelo, leader of the dissi dent conservatives, replied that his section of tho conservative party approved the policy announced by Senor Sagasta and would support the new cabinet. Senor Romcroy Robledo, leader of the Wevletite faction, presented an interpellation, maintaining that tlie other government was in a crisis I and that die present cabinent was in . ■ a crisis Senor Romeroy Robledo then pressed Senor Gamazo, minister of public instruction, public works, agritulture and commerce, to disclose his individual opinion and to say how far he indorsed the ministerial policy of the reconstructed cabinet, insisting that it' the present were a continua tion of the former policy then Senor Gamanzo,-unless he hid thiown over his forme’- theories, ought to bo m tho opposition and not in office- Senor Gamczo replied that without abandoning his political ideals he had accepted office patriotically and would cany out the government programme, irrespective ot his owni personal theories’ Senor Sagasta explained that the cabinet change was clue to the fact that several ministers were “ill anti extremely fatigued after the recent anxieties.” He Mad t’ne cabinet found itself confronted with war or dishonor, and accepted tile former, adding solemnly. “The Spanish government will never accept pence if the torrito rial integiity of Spain is not main tciiied and otherwise Spain is deter mined to fight a taute entrance.” (Loud cheers.l Later Senor Sagasta promised a day to debate the Red Book. Altogether, however, the debate was disappointing to the chamber and to the crowded public galleries, which had expected sensational scenes. Senor Salmcron made a speech vigorously attacking trie cabinet. In taking possession of the arlmi l-ality, the new minister of marine made a patriotic speech to the assem bled officers recalling “the splendid example set by our sailors at Cavite io cl } iug for Spain” Lieut. Arture deCarratza, the former Spanish naval attache at Washington, Das arrived here. He is quotes as saying be was closely watched in Canada by agents of the United States government. Advices from Manilla say' the sit nation there has improved. Capt. Gen. Angusti it is added has regulated the price of provisions. It is also reported from Manilla that the foreign colonists have sent the capt-general expressions, of sym pathy with Spain. This is markedly the ease with the Germanly colony, and the action of the German is said to be due to orders received by the German consul from Eerlin. I ALL WOMEN Should know that the “Old Time” itemedy, xgxx ! Is the best for Female Troubles. Corrects all i Irregularities in Female Organs. Should, be j taken for Change of Life and before CbUrf-Birtb. Planters “tfld Time” Remedies have stood the j test for twenty years. Ma®b only by New Spencer Medicine Cos., Chat tanooga, Tennessee. Foi sale and reecuimended by R. i THOMPSON, Homer Ga Don’t Neglect Yonr Liver. Diver troubles quickly result in serious complications, and the man who "neglects 1 iis liver has liitle regard for health. A bottle of Browns’ Iron Bitters taken now and (lien will keep the liver in perfect' order. If tlie disease hits developed, Browns’ Iron Bitters will cure it permanently. Strength ax vilalitv will always follow its use. Brown*’ Iron Bittc/s is sold by all dealers 1 ■ . RAttPILLS ' Pellets. Cure all forms of disease caust and by a Sluggish Liver and Biliousness. Ihe Pick T ill CknSISCS The Tonic V. jf; ■{'. . The little "Im-c . ’ - ; ~:t them, and a vve 1. ':':t e.: . ’ every word trio. l'< n-: leti Trealmcut.sTC. EHOV.N MFC. CO., ft V and Cracncville, loan TliiG Id the Man -hg Sa MS TEE P^nr,., , 'V#° rn-v u & v •'O -A I A. ft f, - >, Y- Sjt. 3 h K \ •/ &A : ' */ a a a %v. 4f liO’.V? /. >i an I J - ' ' ? 1 ; : I rl - nT-T i !'' ; ; ■ - Y opCM b : i;= ■Xr • ' A A “XI ' -"X *-r: •i' o, J • / i- < <* -• l I - ■ ■ : v . . *** J \ ...jin e•’ '• . " -' ,• * *:iOC- * • . ‘ i '* ; j L: :• ** • HOTSPRINGS OF ARKANSAS TIIE MOUNTAIN-LOCK ED MIRACLE OF THEOZAIiIiS The hot waters, the mountain air equable'clirnate and the pine forests make Hot Springs the most wonder ful health and pleasure result in he world, summer or winter. It is owned endorsed and controlled by the U. S. Government and has accommodations tor all classes. The Aldington and Park hotels and GO others and 200 boarding houses are open all summer Having an altitude of 1000 feet it is a cool, safe and nearby refuge dur ing ihe heated term in the south. For information concerning Hot Springs address C. C. Cooley: Mana ger business Men’s Leugue, Hot Springs, Ark. For reduced excursion tickets and parlicuiars of the trip see local agents or address W. A. Turk, Gen’l Pass. Agt., Southern Ry„ Wasliinton, D. C, UNTARALLED OFFER. Free Flower and Vegetable Garden. For a limited time any oiid of the fol low ing !' mi :■ will be sent, absofut Iv free, p-.a paid to any one sending fifty cents for one yi ar’a subsc.iiption to “SOUTHERN LIFE,” a monthly Magazind for the liomd. printeg on fine ])aper, profusoly illustrated, ably edited—“a Literary Gem ” I’rerniums A 12 Packages Fnest Varieties Sweet Peas. 812 Fine Tube Rose Bulbs, “Excelsior Pearl-’’ Cl 5 Named, la beled, Gladiolus Bulbs. D 6 Named Roses, Hardy Climbers or Teas. E 5 Choice Hardy Pinks. El 2 Full s:ze 5o Packages Garden Seed o . G 12 Fine Bulbs. 8 Paekkags, Flower seeds, or, One Year’s Subscription to “Suocess wrth Flowers.” Send at once to SOUTHERN LIFE PUB. CO., (Ineorpora’ed,) Nashville, Tenn Sample copy of ‘Southern Life” 5c Agents wanted m every t. wn and vil lage in the South. AfefMS t* ttteKUXNDIKEi Prevail tr.'usf'ie ? chosen with\ 'Otf CK&M* JUV.MENT. wM^mM tf \ sAr"-\ fife ■ wi 4 fft > ; v ml ■■ itptfe^yß ! f r f '.\ ■ r c Consider—if yrm can keep the wet ont and, 'A cl your rillo iL will not rcMtxoicf rceze. Only \V | Marlin Repeaters | ° have Solid Tops, sh oriel ine water like a > duck’s back. l^i-paoeO ,£Utntout) * tcils all about them. Lp-to-date inf r i . rnatiou about powdfcu’sdd.tck and smoko- ./ i, less; proper td/.eB, quantities, bow to lou'i; of ballets, !• id, alloyed, ; w jacketed, eoft-nosc i, mushroom, etc.: b j \'G traicetorhs, velocities,penetrations. All *• £■ calibres 22 to4s ; ho roforHrmB and *. Xc , i.ikX> other things, including many trade ] - . : secrets never before given to the public. v 7 J l'iee if v'>it will send slumps for post aoe to !. : V/ Ihe Firearms Ce„ New l'avcn, Ct. •Vj ~4w. N >i-' r ''s/C''#sj* : /+'A *'•" An Old Idea. Eveiy day strengthens the belief of eml nent physicians that impure blood is th< cause 01 the majority of our diseases. Twenty-five yenrs ago this theory was used as a basis foi the formula of Browns’lron Bitters. The many remarkable cures effected by tli is famous old household remedy art sufficient to prove that the theory 13 correct. Browns’ Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. Subscribe ior Tpe Journal only Si A Clever Trick. It certainly looks like it, but there is reuly no trick about it, Anybody can try it who has Lame Back and Weak Kid neys. Malaria or nervous troubles. We mean ho can cure hinself right away by taking Electric Bitters, 'Hu's medicine tones up the whole system, acts us a stimulant to the Liver and Kidneys, is a bbood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, Sleeplessness snd Melancholy ■ It 8 purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores the sy.-dem to its natural vigor. Try Electric Hittei- aid In con vi-nced Hurt they are a miiwe! -■.•<r.-ker. ! Every ln.ltle , ■ :an e<si. 0.1 f,Dc. i bottle at L it. HA lii A MAN a illiU.S and b ./. ,SILiUP Vi BltO.S Drug Store HARMONY GROVE, Ga | THE HEW WAY. ; mm ! Jl male diseases " E c U only be \ ' treated after -‘lo- | ■ W-i"'* ) ca * exarr.tna- R ! liM tions" by physi- f ! tff J! clans. Dread of | such treatment | ) kept thousands of g modest v/ ! silent about their | [ jSi'v:/ suffering. Their.- | t-LejYy troduction of | Wine of Cardut has now demon- g i strated that nine-tenths of all the j! cases of menstrual disorders do not require a physician’s attention | at all. The simple, pure Vi ELE^ r ) 1 m P Tfiiu Bii r. w ■ I i taken in the privacy of a woman’s | * own home Insures quick relief and I * speedy cure. V/omen need not | i hesitate now. V/lne cf Cardui ro- t J quires no humiliating examina- f J tions for its adoption, it cures any I; r disease that comes under the head f h cf "female troubles" —disordered k | menses, falling of the v.omb, f 1 "whites,” change of life. Itrr.-.kes r women beaut,.ul by makir-g them | well. It keeps them young by P keeping them iiealthy. i-l.'jOat 6 the drug store. * For advice in czsts requiring’ sprc-'-.l g directions, address, givi..; rymptorr.s, g * the "Ladies' Advisory Dcoari • em," I The Chattanooga Med*cine Cos.. Chatta- | noega, Tenn. | W. I. ADDISON, M.D.,CaTy,Kiss., seys: | “I use Wine of Carriui extensively in L * my practice and find it ni. ost excellent h i preparation for female troubles. M 1 Tfim OITD CSI /H> X-4 ■ n] J 0 | .yillii j yitj) jj/ 1&I1 .1(ut nil Answer mm A *y Illtf Question ■ . V7j; Ehcyclojiaia Ask it. & Standard -M American & Annual. Wg§> CENTS Ready Jstft. /, 1893, Qn All News Stands. Si J ’ A S J! A c? & St S 3 Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. jfrdjSp 0 The most wide!” sold Annual Refer snce Book and Poll Ural Manual published. THE WORLD, 3 Pulitzer Building, New York. SILVER THE ISSUE IN 1000. Money the Pricing Instrument. Givillzaticn and Progress Have K?pt Step With Money Supply in A!! Ages. The Money Question discussed in the light of experience and history. TlieSilvci’KniffM-WatcliaD. w The Reading fiiinctallic Paper *f America. r. S. Seualor W. M. STEWART, Editor. A correct account of the doings of Congress given each week. A family paper for the home and fire side. All the important happenings of the week, condensed, in news columns. A large circulation in every Etate and Territsyy. Subscription Price, I§l Per Year. Send for sample; agents wanted. Published weekly by the Silver Knight Publishing Cos., WASHINGTON, D. C. * tAfONDERFUL are the cures by W Hood's Sarsaparilla, and yet they are simple and natural. Hood’s Sarsa parilla makes PURE 61309, I cußi'coHSTiamo}^^ 25? 50 DPt^3GUTS 7 \do AT T]fFT?T V t*> r,,re fl,, y rase of constipation. fascnreta arc th Ideal taxa* f HDuv/liU 1 t'jL I UUnu/lli I Liul/ (ho. nerer crip or critic. but muse chjt natural resnlta. Sam i’ ilc anil booklet free. Ad. STKRIJNG RF.MROT ( 0.. Chirneo, Montreal, Can., or flaw York. in. : HAVE YOUR BUGGY repaired >'• PA IXT ED R- J. DVAR <sc CO-, OKI Buggies and Wagon made good as new. \Ye do all kind of work in Wood and Iron at reasonable prices. Gzzxzpw pggqpi a g Mi 'lpa Banks County Journal —FOR WILL BE A Llv Local AND. GOUKTY PAPER - .‘ii At. Rb JLaEv JEbI FOR IT IT No one concern Bicycles ln tho !l 1 world, some excel jl | In one particular. mkfa _yTv- Others In another. \, As§jr 11 | Thoro are many iWjl and grade determined by J 1 Sunt C. O. D. with privilege of examination on receipt ! of 'TS 00. Money returned less expressage if not accepted. _ - v i