Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, December 11, 1913, Image 2

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BANKS COUNTY JOURNAL Pnbliihed Every Thursday at Noon C. A. MEEKS, Publisher OFFICIAL ORGAN OF BANKS COUNTY Enured •• Second CUei matter April 10, 1897, at the Poetofllce at Homer, Go., tinder the Act of Concrete of March 3, 1879 Subscription 91.00 a Year in Advance GUARANTEED CIRCULATION 1726 11. looks likti Banks County is about ready to lock up the doors, throw away the key and go out of business. The county claims to be busted, so busted that they can’t muster up enough money to hold an adjourned term of superior court. Judge Bland was petitioned to postpone or rather call of!' the adjourn term of court set for this week in banks for the reason that the eounty was not financially able to stand the expense of court. The paupeis home has also been sold to be applied on the indebtedness of the county. This is indeed an un fortunate situation for this good country. The county should pros per with the riwt of the world and will no doubt get back on her feet again when it has time to take a second hold.— Lavonia Times. It is said that a petition was cir culatrsl recently, signed by many prominent men of Hanks County, to have the county abolished, giv ing parts to Madison, Franklin, and Habersham. It hasn’t tieen so very long since Banks Superior Court would ad jo urn about the second day for lack of business. The Carr Hoy* 1 litigation seems to have come like a tidal wave, eiigulling the eounty. Besides, the county owes about #30,000 on road machinery.— Gainesville Fugle. Tax Collectors Notice. Third and Hast Hound. Dec. Hth Pendergrass’ store !> to 10 “ “ Tom Bellamys store lltot 2 “ * “ Tom Coffee’s store 2to 1 “ oth Crump's store Bto 10 “ “ AVilmots 12 to 3 • “ W. M. Thomas res. I to r> “ 10th Wright’s mill 0 to 10 “ “ (ilasure’s store II to 1 “ “ Davids 3to 5 “ llth Howard Vaughn’s 8 to 10 “ “ H. F. 801 l ton’s store 12 to 2 *> “ 11. ,1. Blackwells gin 4to ft “12th J.H. Hardy’s stole OtolO “ Joel Bonders store 12 to 2 “ 13th W. P. Harden’s 8 to I 1 will 1h i at Homer from the Kith to 20th. P. ,S. Will have Registration 1 looks. If you want to register, come in person. N. Z. Chandler, T. C. H. C. Dally Thought. That load become* light which >8 cheerfully borne.— Ovid HOTEL ANSLEY ATLANTA, CA. Open June 30, 1913 The South’s finest and most modern hotel. Fireproof. 306 room*, Rooms with running water and private toilet SI.OO per day. Rooms with connecting bath $1.50 per day. Rooms with private bath $2.00 per day and up. Finest Rathskellar, Cafe and Private Dining Rootne in th*- South. J. B. POUND. Pres. IF. LETTON. Mgr. A SAY, Aw’ Urr FT ' f -s i | WEEKS TO •.,v.^ The Tune Is Short l or Buying Christm is Presents. Do It Now. Tofcent Two horse crop three miles north of Homer on Cornelia road. K uown as the .1. C. Fagan place. W ilt rent to highest tdddei for note and approved security at Homer first Tuesday in Dec. C.,\. Mkkkk W. It. Ah it. in Adin'r J. < . Fagan estate. Very Like Him. SometlmoH children are more ob servant than th''v are credited with being, blttle Rob's motlrr, for In stance. was telling a visitor how "mas terful" another neighbor was In hts homo life when Rob, unnoticed beside her, put In his It' lie oar. I don t think Mr. Tate D so awful bossy, mnnuna," ho remarked suddenly " 'Course he does a lot of talking, but he never makes Mrs Tate do a thing she <1 Jeih’t wunti r, I've noticed that.’ HOW TO BA N K HURT THE D( H TO ItS A promcntH New York physi clan says. “If it were not for thin stockings and thin sole shoes worn by women the doctors would prob ably be bankrupt.” When you contract a cold do not wait lor it to develop into pneumonia but treat it at once. Chamberlain’s Cough Hentody is intended especi ally for coughs and colds, and has won a wide reputation by its cures of these diseases. It is most el fectual and is pleasant and safe to lake. For sale by All Dealers. Immense Output of Bibles. As an Illustration of what the Bible output of the Oxford University Ureas Involves, It might In mentioned that the skins of 100.000 animals are used every year for the covers of Oxford Bibles alone, unit sheets of gold aro required for the gilt lettering Fit II IS CASK EXACTLY. “When father was sick about six years ago lie read an advertise meat of Chamberlain’s Tablets in the papers that lit his ease exact ly,” writes Miss Margaret Camp Ih'U of Ft. Smith, Aik. “He purchased a box of then and he lists not been sick since. My sister lead stomach trouble and was also ben efited by them.” For sale by All Dealers. Limit of Vndnese. Fighting and t:i uling tor youi own hand la a Lad cams It played tr men. but an abominable gama r du’i * b> vi'aue I’Mhun PROFESSIONAL CAROS Dr. O. IV. HARDEN^ Offic;> at Residence Live Miles North-east of Homer. < tills Answered Promptly. Tki.kphon e Conn kciton. DR. J. S. JOLLY Homer, G-a. Will answer calls Day or Might. Residence call at Hill Hotel. Office East side Public Squ are. S. R- JOLLY SATTORNEY -AT-LAW Homer, Oa. Office’tn tVI K r llovsk BANKS CCUNTY JOURNAL, HOMER GA.. DECEMBER 11. IRIS CATARRH CANNOT BFTCTJRED with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is not a quick medicine. It was prescrib ed by one of the best physicians in this country fogy ears and is areg ularprescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the Inst blood purifiers, act ing directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in ouring catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. Address F. J. CII EXEY &CO Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all druggists, 7f>e. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. Strength of a Nation. The foundations of a strong and vir ile race are laid In the rural districts, and. If agriculture be allowed to de cay, no development of Industries in the heart of the town will atone for the loss to the nation of that greatest of all industries which makes wealth while it creates manhood. Bercy Ai de n. CA 1 I FORMA WOMAN HKRI OI’SLY ALARMED “A short time ago I contracted a severe cold which settled on my lungs and caused me a great deal of annoyance. 1 would have bad caughing spells and my lungs were so sore and inflamed I began to Ik seriously alarmed. A friend rec ommended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, saying she had ustsl it for years. 1 bought a liottle and it relieved my cough the first night, and in a week I was rid of the wild and soreness my lungs, ’ writes Miss Marie Oerber, Sawtelle, Cal. For sale by All Dealers. t>. Mill'.' Anti l‘aln mil. for h*ck, hr mi For Sale by HILL & BROWN Homer, Ga. Constipation, if Neglected, Causes Serious Illness Constipation, it neglected, leads to almost innumerable complica tions erecting the general health. Many cases of ''V typhoid lever, f appendicitis an and f ~ other severe dis- I fl'i.v s£l eases are trace able to prolonged 'f* cloy ting of the A _v howcls. Regard ■y** • J the etTects o f constipation. C. \ '5 (f/ , i., t was ■ flliotr.l Xf Jaaf / . I with constipation ' * —-—* Rm ) biliousness for ye. - - Mid , vmes became so bad i tv■■ M br. one .in -on-clous. I have been found in that condition many times. I'hyrldana did tiot ecem to be able to do me any go nt. I w ould become week and for days at a time could do no work. Not long ago 1 sot a box of Dr. Miles' laxative Tablets, and after using them found I had never tried anything that acted In auch a mild and effective manner. I believe I have at last found the remedy that suits my case.*' Thousands of people are sufferers from habitual constipation and while possibly realizing something of the danger of this condition, yet neglect too long to employ proper curative measures until serious ill ness often results. The advice of all physicians is, “keep your bowel* clean,” and it’s good advice. Dr. Miles’ Laxative Tablets are sold by all druggists, at 25 cents a box containing 25 doses. If not found satisfactory, your money i* returned. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, In* HEADQUARTERS FINEST GIFT GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES What to Give—and Where to Get It Settle the question right now by making up your list from these suggestions—Then come to our store and see the goods before buying. We know you will decide in favor of buying them here- For class, quality, and low prices our line is the finest to be had. We are proud to be able to offer such a splendid collection of gift goods. Toilet Sets Comb and Brush Sets Military Sets Manicure Sets Smokers Sets Brass Goods Cut Glass Fern Dishes Jardineres Pictures Chandler ® Jackson Pharmacy Maysville. Ga- Announcements For Treasurer I announce my candidacy lor the office of Treasurer of Banks county, subject to the primary to be help when ordered by the au thorities, I will appreciate your confidence and vote, and if elected, will render the best service possible. The injuries recived bj my son last November, has fallen heavily on him and myself, and 1 need the fees securing from the office to suppoit ray family. H. C. MoDonold. To the voters of Banks County:— After the many solicitations of friends from different parts ot the county I announce myself a can didate for the office of Treasurer of Hanks County subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary to be called later. Respctfully, W. A. W ll,son. For Tax Collector After careful consideration and having gained the assurance of the support of a number of the best citizens of fhe county. I have de cided to be iu the race for Tax Col lector next year and will srreatly appreciate each and every mau’s in fluence and support. Very Respectfully, R.G. Wallace. I hereby announce myself as can didate for County Treasurer subject j to the Democratic primary when j ordered. 1 respectfully solicit the I vote and confidence of the citizens of the county and will feel grate-! ful for the same. If 1 should 1w? elected I would put forth every ef fort to make a good efficient officer. Respectfully, S. M. STRANGE. CURED OF LIVER COMPLAINT “I was suffering with liver com plaint, " seys Iva Smith of Point Blank, Texas, “and decided to try a 15c box of Chamberlain's Tablets, and am happy to say that I am completely cured and can rec ommend them to every one.” For sale by All Dealers. Vases Fine China Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens Nunnally’s Fine Package < andy Perf u mes Mirrors Baskets Leather Goods Grove Level Drainage District vs. J. A. Borders & Et. Al. Notice is hereby given that the board t.f viewers appointed by the court for the Grove Level Drainage District No. 1, have this day filed their preliminary report with the Clerk Superior Court ot said County in accordance with the previous order of this court, passed on the H day of July, 1913, whereon said board of viewers report that the proposed drainage is practicable, and that it will benefit the public health, the public highways passiug through said pro posts 1 district and will be conducive to the general welfare of the community, and upon consideration of said report this court has found the same to be true. Tuesday Utli, day of Jan., 1914, has been fixed by the court as the day upon which said report will lw further heard and considered, at which time the undersigned, as a court, will convene in the Ordinary’s Offline at Homer, Banks County, Ga., at 10 o’clock A. M„ and w ill then and there consider and pass upon the said report of the viewers. This the 14 day of Nov., 1913. C. t\'. GILLESPIE, Clerk S. C. B. C. T. F. HILL, Ordv., B. C. In the Great Baltimore Fire The so walled lire proof buildings w ere among the first to fall, but the insurance made good. That is why the Bank of Maysville carries Depositors’ Insurance. This Bank car ries the fire, burglary and fidelity insurance usually carried by banks to secure themselves, and in addition to this car lies DEPOSITORS’ INSURANCE to protect YOU. This Insurance covers all money placed here either supject to check or on time deposit. We pay good interest on time cer tificates of deposit. We Solicit Your Business J. A. Sassar, President, H. P. Camp, V. P. M. C. Sanders, Cashier, Dr. E. C. Jackson, V. P. BANK OF MAYSVILLE, Maysville, Ca. Result, However, le the Same. Occasionally a man finds himself in debt not because he is dishonest, hut because he Is a bad band at mental irltbseUo. MANY SUITABLE ARTICLES AT LITTLE COST Tie Racks Hooks Stationery Bibles Games Toys Dolls Calendars Post Cards Tags, Seals Petition to establish and incorpor ate the Grove Level Drainage Dis trict No. 1 Hanks County, Ga., Oread of the Actress. There is nothing more painful to an actress than to appear on th* stage looking as old as she really Is.—Mad-