Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, December 25, 1913, Image 2

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BANKB COUNTY JOURNAL PnkllikU Every Thursday at Noon C. A. MEEKS, Publisher OFFICIAL ORGAN OF BANKS COUNTY Entered at Second Clatt matter April 10, 1007, at the Fetlefllce at Homer, Ga., nnder the Act of Ceadrett of March 3, 1(79 Subscription SI.OO a Year in Advance GUARANTEED CIRCULATION 1726 MIXED METAPHORS. Some Geme That Have Been Dropped In Flights of Oratory. Id ,iie palmy day* of spread oratory, when language was far more llowery and figurative than it is now, it took a cool head behind a vehement manner to steer a safe course among similes and meta phors. Absurdities were frequent, and laughter marred many a perora tion, yet, carried along by the speak er’s earnestness and fire in delivery, the most wildly ridiculous meta phors often passed unnoticed. At a memorial meeting in honor of one of the most famous of Amer ican orators- Wendell Phillips -a magniloquent speaker referred to the spirits of the great departed, which, on leaving this earth, “wend each its way, swifter than a winged eagle, loftier than a soaring falcon —sweeping across the mighty spaces of the heavens as a glorious comet sweeps, rushing ever onward, forward and upward to its goal in Abruham’s bosom!’’ Oratory of that type—even with out the mixed metaphor —is a rare survival from the fashion of an earlier time. Eloquence is more re strained and less ornate nowadays. Yet even in the simpler style of our own time public speakers of ex perience, as well as blunderers and beginners, occasionally slip up on their metaphors. Any schoolboy could correct the errors that some wide awake English reporter bus noted in the recent speeches of emi nent British statesmen and poli -1 icians. “Wo are told," said Walter Long in a debate on an education bill, “that by such legislation the very heart of the country has been shak en to its utlcr.most foundations.” St. .John Broderick, in the house of commons, talking of the mobi lization of troops, declared that “among the many jarring notes heard in this house on military af fairs, this subject at least must be regarded as an oasis.” Mr. Asquith, the premier, did better, lie said that “redistribu tion is a thorny subject, which re quires delicate handling or it will tread on some people’s toes.’’. And it was Lord Curzon of Kedleston, former viceroy of India, who declar ed optimistically: “Though we arc not out of the wood, we have a good ship.”— Youth’s Companion, They Misunderstood. A man who did not articulate very clearly was present on the first night of a very badly written and worse acted play. A number of friends present, full of compassion, applauded at the end of the play, and the man of deficient articula tion was heard to call for the au thor, who came out to bow his thanks. “What in the world did you yell for the author for ?” asked a friend of the man. “1 didn’t. You misunderstand. 1 was yelling for other.” —Ladies Home journal. Anglo-Saxon Folly. Four Armenians sat in a Man chester park the other day watching the bowling green. Their calm faces betrayed no curiosity. But when someone paused by them to watch the game the oldest Arme nian rose and put a polite question: “Sir. please, do they pay money to do that ?” "Yes. they pay money.” A flash of amazement passed over the Armenian faces. One could see that, for the first time, they realiz ed the folly of the Anglo-Saxon race.—Manchester Guardian. "A1 at Lloyd'*." At at Lloyd’s is a colloquialism frequently heard, bat its i me mean ing is a mystery to many people. 1 u the early days underwriters at Lloyd's wanted to know the condi tion of ships before effecting an in surance of the vessels or their car goes, and they cna iged captains to inspect the ships. If a vessel were sound in hull it was placed ;n Class A. if satisfactory in equipment, which in the bygone days of wooden sailing vessels included sails and ropes, it was classed Al. —London Telegraph. Rapidly Aged. Client (to matrimonial agent - —i mi‘—- -unT mi *■ You showed me this lady’s photo last year and told me she was twen ty-five, but after making inquiries I find that she is over thirty. Matrimonial Agent Well, you gee, her father died lately and that aged her very much. —Auburn (N. Y.) Citizen. World’s Oldest University. At Pekin is the olde* university in the world. It is ••idled the “School For Hie Sons of the Em pire.” It- antiquiiv is very great and a granite re/i-ler - 'insisting of Ktone columns. ■' in number, con tains the name- . f UO.Omi graduates. London Globe. HOWTO BANKRUPT TIIE IKK,TOILS. A promently New York physi cia.ii .says, “If }t wei not for thin stockings find thin sole shoes worn by women the doctors would prob ably be bankrupt.” When yuu contract a cold do not wait lor it to develop into pneumonia but treat it at once. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is intended especi ally for coughs and colds, and bus won a wide reputation by its cures of these diseases. It is most ef fectual and is plea ant ami safe to Lake. For sale by All I Rulers. Expensive Taste. A woman wine ! --•••r In France Is said to earn nearly $2r.,0u1 a year, as her aervlceg arc In rood d< rnand Not many women havi adopted this pro fession. but a half dozen or so have been famed lor their power It take* a rare sense oft: to hable to tell as soon as a <i;. p ot wine touches the tongue In ji t '■ ■< part of the world the grapes arc groan -*♦*- - Ell II IS CASE EXACTLY. “When father was -ick about six years ago he read an advertise ment of Cliamlierlain’s T ablets in the papers that lit his ea-e exact ly,” writes Miss Margaret Camp bell of Ft. Smith, Aik. “lie purchased a box of then and he lias not bein siek since. .Ms aster had stomach trouble and was also ben efited by them.” For sale by All Dealers. Children'* lump! r Clo ; P. rk. The Pushkin Park, the only chil dren's playing rrour nt • topol, which was opened by pttbl • - n-erlp tlon, has been closed by lmlnlstra. live order becun " the children’s laughter and shoutin. Interf cd with the work of the pnl e .uncials la Ihslr chancellery.—Pall Mall Oawetbe PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. O. N. HARDEN, Office at Residence Five Miles North-east of Homer, falls Answered Promptly. TELEPHONE Conn I ITION. DR. J. S. JOLLY Homer, Ga. Will answer calls I>. \ or Night Residence call at Hill Hotel. Office Fast side I’uldu Square. S. R- JOLLY ATTORNEY -AT-LAW Homer, Ga. Office in Court Hot sk Ci ATLANTA, CA. Open June 30, 1913 The South's finest and most modern hotel. Fireproof. 306 rooms, Rooms with running water and private toilet SI.OO pr day. Rooms with connecting bath $1.50 per day. Rooms with private bath $2.00 par day and up. Finest Rathskellar, Cafe and Private Dining Rooms in the South. , J. B. POUND. Prs. J w T FTTON, :-l£T. I Am t L f r*V KAJNKSrcODNTI JOURNAL fIOMER/GA.. DECEMBER 25, 1913 CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is not aquick medicine. It was prescriti ed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a reg ular prescription. It is composed of the tx>st tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, act ing directly ou the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in ouring catarrh. Bend for testimonials, free. Address F. .1. r IIENEY &CO Toledo, Ohio. Sold by till druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. “Literally” Habit Yet Again. We read of a writer In a weekly paper being ’’literally Inundated with congratulations.” The congratula tions tn question must have been of the gushing or sloppy sort. ('A l I KOIiNIA WOMAN SERI OCSLY ALARM I.T) “A -short time ago I contracted a severe cold which settled on my lungs and caused me a great deal of annoyance. I would have laid eaughmg spells and my lungs were so son-and inflamed I Iwgan to be seriously alarmed. A friend rec ommended Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, saying she had used it for sears. I bought a bottle and it relieved my cough the first night, and in a week 1 was rid of the cold and* soreness my lungs," writes Miss Marie (ierlier, Saw telle, Cal. For sale by All Dealers. Wind Was Busy. A child's way of reading Is to turn the leaves and Ray he is reading. Little Bruce, four years old. was one day watching a catalouge as the wind was gently turning the leaves. He said In a meditative way: "The wind Is reading ’’ My Mamma Says - Twaf? it’s Safe for /QjPgg Children’ CONTAINS (111 4 SV. / /8r > X A no / OPIATES Z§s^ FOLEYS Money f 004 TAR |For Coughs and Colds For Sale by HILL & BROWN Homer, Ga. Finds Cure for Epilepsy After Years of Suffering "My daughter was afflicted with epileptic fits for three years, the attacks coming every few weeks. We employed several doctors but they did her no good. About a , year ago we heard of Dr. Miles* Nervine, fL*.■ ,nd 11 ccrtalnly • n' l L ~ ha a proved a (. ■, | blessing to our 'J - v little girl. She is , "'| i l now apparently n , f- red and Is en- I | ’ \ / :■%. joying the best I Jt, } f J of health. It Is i. it K-. v\ I ./ over a year sine v\\\ • * she has had a N V fit. We cannot speak too highly of Dr. M!!es’ Nervine " UHS. FRANK AN PERSON. Oi mfrey, Minn. Thousands of children in the United States who are suffering from attacks of epilepsy are a burden and sorrow to their parents, who would give anything to restore health to the sufferers. Dr. Miles’ Nervine is one of the best remedies known for this affliction. It has proven beneficial in thousands of cases and those who have used it have the greatest faith in it It is not a “cure-all,” but a reliable remedy for nervous diseases. You need not hesitate to give it a trial. Sold by all Druggists. If the first bottle falls to benefit your money Is returned. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, 104. HEADQUARTERS FINEST G-IFT GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES What to Give—and Where to Get It Settle the question right now by making up your list from these suggestions—Then come to our store and see the goods before buying. We know you will decide in favor of buying them here. For class, quality, and low prices our line is the finest to be had. We are proud to be able to offer such a splendid collection of gift goods. Toilet Bets < 'omb and Brush Sets Military Sets Manicure Sets Smokers Sets Brass Goods . Cnt Glass Fern Dishes Jardi acres Pictures Chandler ® JacKson Pharmacy Maysville. Ga- Announcements- For Tbeaseree I announce my candidacy for the office of Treasurer of Banks county, subject to the primary to be help when ordered by the au thorities, I will appreciate your confidence and vote, and if elected, will render the best service possible. The injuries recived by my son last November, has fallen heavily on him and myself, and I need the fees securing from the office to suppoi t my family. H. C. McDonold. To the voters of Banks County:— After the many solicitations of friends from different parts ot the county 1 announce myself a can didate for the office of Treasurer of Banks County subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary to bo called later. Respetfully, W. A. Wilson. For Tax Collector After careful consideration and having gained the assurance of the support of a number of the l>est citizens of fhe county. I have de cided to be in the race for Tax Col lector next year and will e-reatly appreciate each and every man’s in fluence and support. A ery Respectfully, R.G. Wallace. 1 hereby announce myselt as can didate for County Treasurer subject to the Democratic primary w hen ordered. I respectfully solicit the vote and confidence of the citizens of the county and will feel grate ful for the same. If I should lie elected I would put forth every ef fort to make a good efficient officer. Respectfully, S. M. STRANGE. CURED OF LIVER COMPLAINT “I was suffering with liver com plaint,” says Iva Smith of Point Blauk, Texas, “and decided to try a 15c box of Chamberlain’s Tablets, and am happy to say that I am completely cured and can rec ommend them to every one.’’ For sale by All Dealers. /&¥'&■ .2? mmil ■ \ Vases Fine China Waterman’s Ideal Fountain Pens Nunnally’s Fine Package Candy Perfumes Mirrors Baskets Leather Goods Grove Level Drainage District Petition to establish and incorpor ate the Grove Ijevel Drainage Dis ’ ~ trice No. 1 Bauks County, Ga., J. A. Borders & Et. Al. ’ ’ Notice is hereby given that the board of viewers appointed by the court for the Grove Level Drainage District No. 1, have this day i filed their preliminary report with the Clerk Superior Court ot said County in accordance with the previous order of this court, passed on the 14 day of July, 1913, whereon said board of viewers report that the proposed drainage is practicable, and that it will benefit the public health, the public highways passing through said proposed district and will !>e conducive to the general welfare of the community, and upon consideration of said report this court has found the same to be true. Tuesday tith, day of Jan., I!tl4, has been fixed by the court as the day upon which said report will lie further heard and considered, at which time the undersigned, as a court, w ill convene in the Ordinary’s Offiice at Homer, Banks County, Ga., at 10 o'clock A. M., and will then and there consider and pass upon the said report of the viewers. This the 14 day of Nov., 1913. C. W. GILLESPIE, Clerk S. C. B. C. T. F. HILL, Ordy., B. C. In the Great Baltimore Fire The so called tire proof buildings were among the first to fall, but the insurance made good. That is why the Bank of Maysville carries Depositors’ Insurauce. This Bauk car ries the fire, burglary and fidelity insurance usually carried by banks to secure themselves, and in addition to this car ries DEPOSITORS’ INSURANCE to protect YOU. This Insurance covers all money placed here either supject to check or on time deposit. We pay good interest on time cer tificates of deposit. We Solicit Your Business J. A. Sassar, President, H. P. Camp, Y. P. M. C. Sanders, Cashier, Ds. E. C. Jackson, Y. P. BANK OF MAYSVILLE, Maysville, Ga. Reeult, However, le the Same. a Occasionally a man finds h-lmself la' debt not because be la dish meet, bat because he is a bad haa4 at mental arithmetic. MANY SUITABLE ARTICLES AT LITTLE COST Tie Racks Books Stationery Bibles Games Toys Dolls < ’alendars Post Cards Tags, Seals Dread of the Actress. There is nothing more palatal to an eotress than to appear on the stage looking as old as the really la |§M JtMUtA