Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, January 15, 1914, Image 2

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Brides and Bridegrooms It seems that the newly-weds are making our store their head quarters, and to those who have not visited us, we issue a special invitation to visit our store and inspect our mammoth stock before buying. As it is here you will find everything to furnish your home complete. Bed Room Suits Our special $23-00 consisting of large roll top Dressers, large bevel mirror; roll top Wash Stand with bevel mirror. Bed six feet high with large roll top and foot. All solid oak. other suits $17.00 to $75.00.00. Safes See our famous line of G-rabbs’ Safes- The greatest line of Safes on the market today. $3-75 to $7.00 While the Christmas trade made great demands on our stock, we are receiving large shipments every day. and we can offer you bright new goods. Our lines of Mattresses, Springs. Pillows, Blankets, Comforts, Window Shades, Cutains, Bed Lounges and Tables are complete. 1 Our years of experience in buying, enables us to offer you the best lines at the lowest possible prices. Leader in UndertaKing and Embalming IVI " 1 ■ W VJ E. W\ UudertaKing and Embalming COMMERCE, GA. BANKS COUNTY JOURNAL Published Every Thursday at Noon Ily The Journal Publishing Company A. J. HILTON, Editor. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF BANKS COUNTY Entered ai Second Class matter April 10, IMO 7, at the Postofflce at Homer, Ga.. under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870 Subscription $l.OO a Year in Advance GUARANTEED CIRCULATION 1726 Newsy Corner The weather is cold up here at this writing. Mr. John Turner went to Lula one day last week on business. Mrs. Amoy Massey has been spending several days with rela tives in (Gainesville. Mr. Dock Garrison made a thing trip out towards Gillsville last Saturday evening. Rev. Gordon Whitley has moved to this place, we have two preach ers here now. Mr. Sling Wells was on our streets Sunday courting his best girl. Sling's girl says she is sorry his mama makes him go home lx 1 fore dark. .Mrs. W. T. llydor. from near this place, has been visiting her son-in-law, Tom Boling at Gaines \ i 1 le. Mr. T. O. Smelley visited J. T. llyder Sunday afternoon. Mr. Jack Voiles was on our streets Saturday on his way t>soe lus Unt girl. Mr. John Turner of this place si,\ he still swaps horses. We are sorry that Warden Grown is going to get out our little town. T he girls are looking for him back any way. Mr. Lewis Morris went to Lula one day last week. Lewis says he is some driver. Susie. FOR SALIT CHEAP One high grade Xormiui buggy with RUBBER TlKl-is and leather quarter top. Quiek shifting shafts complete. Buggy still in crate. M. C. Sandebs. •j-t Maysville, Ga. SMITH-HILL Miss Verna Smith and Mr, Clark Hill were happily married at the home of the bride in Atlanta last Sunday, Rev. A. J. Sears officiat ing. The bride is a charming young lady who has acted as tele I phone operator at the Kimball j house for several years. The | groom is a son of Mr. and Mis. .1. 11>. Hill of this place, and is eon I nee ted with a cotton linn in At j ianta. He is one of the rising I young business men ot that thriv j ing city. We extend to tlie happy couple our best wishes. First National Bank of Come lia.Ga Elected Officers The shareholders of the First I National Bank of Cornelia held j their annual meeting in the Hirer tors room on January Kith and | elected the following directors: T. ; 11. Little, G. B. Irvan. G. W‘ j Grant,A. M. lladdon.C. W. Grant, I*. V. Duckett, 11. C. Stovall, W. 11. Jarrell, A. M. I.ane, W. B. El lard, B. W. Grant. immediately after the meeting of the stockholders the newly elected directors met and elected the fol lowing Officers for the ensuing year: T. H. Little. President, G; B. Ir ! vin, N ice President, C. \\ . Grant j Vico President, A. M. Haddon, [ Cashier and C. 'I. Smith, Asst. I ashier. A BanK Case From BanKs County In Court Yesterday morning Judge Brand over-ruled a motion for anew trial ; in the case of T. E. Atkins against Mrs A. P. l.inderman, from Banks superior court. The trial jury had rendered a verdict for the plaintiff. The case was a suit on a note. — Athens Banner. Men to Let We have three men in jail, if anvoue wauts them, come and make V>d iret them. Uw. M. Baruejj. ! Banes county journal homek/ga., January*.is, m 4 Chairs For fifteen years we have sold the famous Brumby line of Chairs which we believe to be the best on the mar ket- All have steam bent rockers which will not break RocKers SI.OO to SIO.OO Each Dining Chairs SI.OO to $3.50 Each ‘‘Vacation’’ is Snrely a Misnomer For Judges “Vacation” Ims no literal mean ing to a judge of the superior court in these diggins. Judge Brand yesterday considered finally and passed upon no fewer than seven c ise-s—“lu vacation,” the papers s-iid. ,Si tee several days before Christmas —while everybody has been holidaying he lias lieen turn ingout work—“in vacation.—Ath ens Banner. Noth k Ni w Bkidok. < i Kokh i a—Banks ('ounty. Banks Court of Ordinary sitting for county purposes. It becoming necessary to build a lattice bridge across the Hudson river at the oid Wilson bridge site in said eouuty SO ft. iu lenght for the traveling public, costing more than can be built by private parties or the eon viots: It is therefore ordered by the court, that the same be let to the lowest bidder with good and solvent bond. All bids shall In* sealed and filed in the Ordiuary’s office by 12 o'clock m. on Saturday Eel). 14 1014. The right is re served to reject any and all bids if advisable for the county's interest. Specifications to be seen in the Or dinary’s oftiioe. T. E. Hill, Ordinary. When a candidate buy votes he always pays cash iu advance and then often fails to land the coveted little piece of paper. It takes a lot of hard work and great expense to ruu a newspaper and therefore' I think we are dne as much con sideration at the hand of a candi date as the fellow who only votes for so much per, and this is the reason we are inserting announce ments only when paid for in ad vance. I don't mean to sav, nor even insinuate, that auy man in ! the race now would buy a vote. 1 Far from that; but I am simply stating the tacts about how votes are bought in Atlanta and Ohio. Not Hanks county. Oh uo. COME! CONVINCE YOURSELF EVERYTHING we sell you must reflect credit on us--must satisfy your every requirement in the particular service for which it is intended. It must enthuse you to the point that you will recommend us to others. OTHERWISE we do not want to sell you that article- MERIT alone, counts with us. and on the basis of value we want you to judge how much of your business it pays you to give us. TODAY is a good time to get started on this right meth od of buying. Investigate! MRS. J. T. SMITH MAYSVILLE, - - GEORGIA Parlor Suits We have a large line of Parlor Suits, upholstered in Crushed Mohair and real leather. SIB.OO to $33. Rugs We have just received several large shipments of Rugs and Art Squares. They are the prettiest pat terns we have shown this season and that is saying a great deal. Rugs 50c to $4.00. Art Squares $7.75 to $25.