Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, February 19, 1914, Image 2

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BANKS COUNTY JOURNAL I Published Every Thursday at Noon By The Journal Publishing Company A. J, HILTON, Editor. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF BANKS COUNTY EnlereS •> Second CUM matter April 10. 1597, nl lb* PniUflcn al Momor. On., under lbs Act of CnnirtM of March 3, 1579 Subscription SI.OO a Year in Advance GUARANTEED CIRCULATION 1726 CLUBBING OFFER We can give you The Banks County Journal Tri Weekly Constitution and either one of the papers named below one year for $1.75. Today's Magazine, of New York. McCall’s Magazine, of New York. Toledo Blade, of Toledo Ohio. ( ommericial Appeal, of .Memphis, Tenn., .Southern Farm Journal, ol Chat tanooga, Tenn., j Home And Farm,of Louisville Ivy., Inland Farmer, of Louisville Ky., Southern Cultivator,of Atlanta, Ga., < Hher good papers to offer set clubbing rates. Call and see us. Jouknai. Pun. Cos. YOU SAY K MONEY When you buy Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound because just a few doses stops the coughs ami heals the cold, one liollle lasts a long time, and the last dose is us good as the first. Mrs. H. 8. 8. ‘JO Van Huron Ht. Kingston N. Y. says: “Father had. iagrippo and his cough was something tenible and he could not sleep. Foley’s Honey and Tar not only stopped his coughing, but it brought my voice back to me after a severe case of bronchitis and laryngitis.” For sale by Hill A Brown. 81 CCIiSHFULL EVFRYWHFKF People everywhere arc talking of the quick and line results Foley Kidney I‘ills give in backache, rheuma'ism, kidney and bladdei troubles. You can not take them into your system without good icsults. That is because Foleys Kidneys Pills give to the kidneys and bladder just what nature calls for to heal these weakened and inactive organs. J. I). Carroll, Bar rametito, Cal. writes: “It is a pleasure to recommend Foleys Kid ney Pills, as they just worked wonders in my ease.” For sale by Hill & Brown. "My Mamma Says - Its Safe for Children” CONTAINS fJ FOLEY'S HONEY aJ & TAR For Coughs and Colds For Sale by HILL & BROWN A Place of Safety “Your money or your life!’’ growled the footpad. “Take me life!” responded the Irishman. “I’m savin' me money for me old age?" If you keep money around the house, it has been aptly said that you are not saving it hut merely gambling with it ©very night, with the odds not in your favor. It the amount is small, even then its loss may mean much to you. If it is great, the greater the risk you run of fire, burglary or other accident Let us cate lor it. We ate prepared to do SO. The Bank of Gillsville Gillsville, G-a. GROVES L. GRIFFIN. Cashier. The Bold Springs Fox Race. Prof. ( lark’s old Tennessee fox Was a cunning old fox, lfe ran in a ring, to hear the dogs slngr* ~~ They got him in," where the bushes y&rji thick i . ~ _ They made him skip, pretty quick, They got him to where the bushes were-thin; They made him step as quick again. Joe Jolly’s little black, Wouhlen’t let him look back. That old man Tom Mize, Hollered loader than any man of his size. The dogs they got buSy, ; As busy could lx-, Which made the old fox 1 ake to a tree. i'heold fox peorched upon a limb, ; Thinking to himself, who could get him. The boys they came Had to resort to a hook, l'heu they cast lots for his loot, The foot they hung upon a limb Till they could cast lots for his skin. The boys went home in post haste, To tell the other boys of the fox race.—T. B. Mize, Bold .Spring < la. WANTED To rent 7 room house i acre lot on Homer'street in Maysville, (la. any ncee.ssun icpairs w ill I** made. Apply to, .1. A. (lAKUAHI), HKi Forinwalt Htreet, Atlanta, (la. or W. M. Yeagiu, Maysville, (la. Motorist’* Luck. “Well, nilthers, wliat luci. did you have with your new oar?’' aeked .Tar rowey "More than I ever expected,'' said Illither "Juat three minute* after the darned thluK blew up anoth er enr cuine rlouk with a bunted tire, and the owner bought my old tires for ten dollars apiece " —Harper’s Weekly. DIET AND HEALTH HINTS By DB. T. J. ALLEN Food Specialist SUGGESTION TO DR. SAR GENT. Dr. Sargent of Harvard Uni versity, finding that the young man who lived on the simpler diet, excluding meat, etoadily gained over hla brother who lived on the mixed diet, doee not admit that this teat la conclu sive. He believe* that one can have greater energy and aggres siveness on a diet Including fresh meat. Yet all such tests have shown that the exclusion of meat from the diet gives greater physical endurance. It would be instructive as well as Interesting if Dr. Sargent would arrange for such an experiment to test the comparative value of the simple diet in a trial of both physical and mental endur ance. I can furnish a man who will undertake a strenuous In tellectual and physical contest for 30 days or longer, on a sln fle article of food with water only, If he will furnish one who will eat what Is commonly re garded as the best furnished by a first-class hotel while doing the same Intellectual and physi cal work daily. fcAfiftS tot Nil JOURNAL HOMER* GA., FEBRUARY 19, m 4 1914 Pensions To Be Paid Later In checking the pension rolls up for 1914,-it has been developed, that the appropriation made for the year 1014 is insufficient to pay those pensioners heretofore paid, now in life, and the new out-s ad ded for 1014, all at the same time; ! Therefore, after biking the matter | under advisement w ith the (Int er j nor, it has been determined- that those pensioners heretofore paid, that are now in life, should be paid j first out of the funds in hand, and j those new ones approved and ad ded re the rolls for 1914, must be j omitted from the pay rolls for the present, and held over until the General assembly, to convene in June next, can make the necessary appropriation to pay them. The only other recourse would be to pro-rate all pensions, and for this there is no law, and this would do injustice to the most needy on the rolls. Therefore, say Li all such residing in your County, to be patient and abide the time when the appropiution can be make and the money in hand to pay them; For their pensions for 1011 will surely lx: paid. They can rely iijm.ii the honor of the .State* as a isure guarantee for this payment, and t hat it will lx: dune, just as siK>n as the money is in band. With lx*st wistes, I am, Your friend. J. W. Lindsey Commissioner for Pensions. Remove the Cause If you wish to prevent loss, lind the cause and remove it. If you have leen getting more involved every year, stop spending so much aud study and practice more economy. If your land ingrowing less pro ductive, diversify your crops, take I letter care of it, plough deeper and use more manure. If your morals are not what they should l>e and vt ha' real man hood dictates, begin at once to im prove them and be a man. It will (ill you with new hope and iospira tion. If greed and selfishness have gotten coutrolof you change y our course, forget self and do some thing for the good and happiness of others. This w ill make you feel you are not altogether a hog. If you Uvae weak points in your makeup, try to remove them and become strong iu mind and charac ter. Every man who is not burdened with an overdose of ego, and who has sense enough to recognize his weakness can overcome most of his shortcomings and the small things which atliiet so many of us. It requires serious thought, will power and earnest and intelligent desire to do great things and to la* able to see ourselves as others see us. To float with the current, hating no great aims, no lofty ideals and on manly impulses requires little effort or momentum. To do tilings worthwhile demands the best then* is in you. If your life is a failure tind the cause and remove it. — i Clean Homes. Man may Join Atlantic to i’setfle. but the deep will have its revenge*. The elements may lie conquered, but when they rebel It is death to man. ! Fire and water— and the Volturno. King(teonre's son is to "fag” for sen i iors at Ktnn. Ndllng their eggs in the ! morning. Evidently the king business j Is becoming so uncertain that fond fathom wish to tench thei” sons useful occupations The' ibinghter of m Fast Indian prim e insisted on .•h.yv.inj, her own husband, an Indi atlon that feminine Independence is spreading even in a country which In the memory of the present generation homed widows alive on the biers of their hnsbmds. Mrs. Reba Gillespie Mrs. Reba Gillespie died at her home, four miies south of Homer, Feb. lOth, after a lingering illness of several months. She was a sis ter of Mrs. 0. A. Turk, of this place. TO BO every reasonable thing* that will make every customer a “Booster” for this store That is ever our guiding aim and ambition Whether it is selling a suit or a collar button —in the handling of a complaint or exchanging a garment, you will find that we do one with the same pleasure and earnest endeavor to please as the other We realize that your satisfaction depends on ma ny things, and we pay as much attention to the little things as the big ones In buying our goods—in pricing them—-in assist ing you to make appropriate and pleasing selections — in guaranteeing you satisfactory service from every thing you buy here—in painstakingly serving you in every possible way—in all these thinsrs, our sole aim and purpose is to make this such a satisfactory place for you to trade that Once You Try Us You'll Always Stick by Us MRS. J. T. SMITH HAYMVILLE, - - GEORGIA SIOO Reward. SIOO The readers of this paper will Is* pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has Ih*cii able to cure in all its stanges, and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh bring a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cuie is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation o*’ the disease, and giving the pi tient strength by building up the eoMstitutation and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hun died Hollars for any case that it tails to cure. Send for list of testi monials. Address: F. J. CIIKNKY &CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Diuggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipatiou. RACK A (’HE AND RHKI MATIS.M VANISH AWAY Mon and women having back ache, rheumatism, stiff and swollen ! joints are honestly glad to know that Foley’s Kidney Pills a:e sue i cesssfull everywhere in driving out these ills. That is because Foley’s Kidney Pills arc a true medicine andquickly effectivein all diseases j that result from weak inactive kid i ueys and urinary irregularities. Rev. C. M. Knighton, llavauna Fla., writes: “1 suffered intense pain in kidneys and back but after taking Foley’s Kidney Pills all my pains disappeard and tho’ 1 am 55 years old 1 feel like a young man again.” For sale by Hill & Brown. Empire Laundry. We are agents for the Empire Laundry of Athens. Our basket leaves every week. Leave your laundry at oar store. HILL & BROWN. Heard In a Restaurant. First Diner —“Let me see. I think ni order some lamb.” Second Diner —"Don’t! I never erder lamb in this place— it's mutton before you get it Banks County Bank INSURES DEPOSITS, Pays Interest on Time Deposits and Extends to its depositing and bor rowing customers all the banking ac commodations and facilities that any well regulated banking institu tion afl'ords. Call upon us when you need to borrow and remember us when ycu have surplus money. Banks County Bank HOMER. GA. I, X TURK, Pres. K. T. THOMPSON, V. P. O. WALTON, Cashier. Acknowledge receipt of all deposits sent by mail, piomptly Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Time Deposits 100 PER CENT. SAFETY. Are We Your Druggists? If not. why not? Our methods of dealing squarely with all our trading has brought us many new cus tomers. Are you one of them? If not, we again ask, why not? Our customers know that when they buy drugs or merchandise of any kind at our store they get the most value for their money. That is why we believe we deserve your patronage. When next you need anything a good druggist sells, come to us. MAYSVILLE.r'GEORGIA PHONE 18 THE OUAUTY S^ORE “Postage Paid on Parcel Post Packages.”