Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, March 19, 1914, Image 7

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ft, o S o AfMo BiSrlJas, CoiiV'lUCiPß.liKliiposlo BOi f f B r t H rliantc t Pihca do Soo. d!i+j&ZJ3ur Ntw YORK. '? Jjl§j CASTOrij ALCOHOL 3 PEK CENT. AVcgelnWi’ Preparation forAs similaiiiigihcFiXHlaiKjßt-gula ling tlic Sioraarhs amißowefci Promotes ness and liesi-Coaiains neitkr Opium .Morphine nor. Mineral. Not Narcotic. Jt.'npe j/o/j arZMnmmt flsofAu Strd~ Mx-Snum * 1 flbcMit&dts- / AxstSmf* I U> Carkmult s*Ja+ ( Hirm Srfd- 1 ) Aperiect Remedy forCimsfipa lion, Sour Slomach.Dlarrhuea Worms ,Convulsions.Fewrish ness and Loss OF Sle£P- j Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Guaranteed under the Foodfm exact Copy of Wrapper. Young People We want to extend a special invitation to all the young people ol this community to open an account at this Hank. You are cordially invited to come in and have the reason explained to you. You will find a delightful surprise at the simplicity of keeping an account; and we assure you that the business training, savings habit, and finan cial keep thus obtained will be invaluable to you. it is not necesshry for you to have a large amount to deposit—we open an account for any amount, however small. We will be pleased to see you at any time. You need the services of a strong, clean, progressive bank. We can supply this need and will appreciate your business. Baldwin State Bank BALDWIN. GA. Growth is a Sign of Health The business of the Bank of Maysville has increased 40 per cent within the last year. This proves that this Bank is in a healthy condition. The year just closed was a very successful one for us. AYe attribute this to the ex cellent servit e we give and to the fact that all money de posited with us is INSURED AGAINST LOSS. This INSURANCE covers both deposits subject to check and Time Certificates of Deposit on which we pay interest. \Ve have a very strong financial backing which enables us to aid our customers at all times. We Solicit Your Business J. A. Sahkar, President, H. P. Camp, V. P. M. C. Sanders, Cashier, Dr. E. C. Jackson, V. J\ BANK OF MAYSVILLE, Maysville, Ca. 800,000 POTATO PLANTS Grown in Commerce To Contract 25c Advace per Thousand Also Quantities of Cabbage, Tomatoes, Beets Celery and Pepper Plants for sale. K. N- SHARP, Commerce, G-a. Jonannef’s Frost Proof Cabbage Plants Are known as the best to be had anywhere by thousands of experienced buyers, and are offered to you at prices - Yi-- 1 LOWER than you pay for common, inferior plants. WILL EWE ALL VARIETIES. Plants tied in bunches of 25. y&L PRICES: 75 cents for 500 lots; SI.OO per 1000; 500 U and TiiS/V iJ over 85 cents per 1000. -* Jolanntts early giant argenteuil asparag’js ROOTS, one year and two year old, $4 per 1000, $1 per 100. '*^ count and satisfaction guaranteed r Low rates by Southern Express Cos. Cash with order, please. * For a profitable crop send your orders early to ALFRED JOIANNET, Box 156. MT. pleasant, s. c. GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind Yen Have Always Bought Bears the \ 9 Signature /Jj ot # f\ Jp’ In rv / Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TH* CKNTAUR NEW YORK CITY. BANKS COUNTY JOURNAL HOWE*, GA., MARCH .19 1914 Tax Receiver’s Notice SECOND ROUND I will be lit ;li> followii s places at the time named below I t the • purpose of it em in ;' state and county taxes. March * ( llt 1 *o(Is s(ure hhi II '* *• Siabui n Chambers Ito 2 1 will be at Homer all eon it week. 11. .1. Hi \CK\VKI 1.. I'. 11. lb C. Lag; il j x dvt A DMIMSTK ATOM’S 8A I K. Georgia—Hanks t omit} . By virtue of an order from the court, of Ordinary of Hanks Conn ty will be sold on the lirst Tuesday in April l!M I at the court house door in said county el Homer be tween the legal houis of salt' tot ho highest bidder foi cash the follow ing described real estate to wit: One one-fourth undivided interest in a certain Hlict of land lying in lhe26sth His riot G. M. Hanks County one and one lourth miles north wist<>t Homer, Ca., on the juiblic road icaiiii g from Homer to Silver Shoal, (la., and atljt intng lands tit I'. K 11 ill. Mis. S. O. Watters, Hid N Crown n.l C. I'. Masst \ containing lilty-tnO acres more or less. Said one h mill in tert'st in the above ih ser.iicd tract of land to be soltl as tin 1 property til' the estate of \\ . f. Ma- e\, late ot said county tleet a ml lor the pur pose o I pitying the indeiitcdncss oi j said estate and lor di- . i'.mlion. This Mart I. Uh, l!H !. C. I . MAS 1 V, Atltn’r. of the estate of \V. T. Massey, tlreHl. Georgia—Banks County . To all it may concern. Take notice that li i Aephcns, et al, have applied Ii an order seeking the e-iablishin- id ol anew troail wiiieh has Oren laid out anti marked conformal >iy to i.ov by commissioners duly appointed and a report thereof made on oath by them, saitl commissioners commenc ing at Broad River church and iu tcrsecting with the Habersham county line 1) miles u iengt.h mul to connect with an w road in Stephens county. Now if no good cause be shown to the eoniuu v by persons interested in this matter the order will be granted by the underftignod at the ofli<•*■ ol the or dinary in saitl county on the lirst Monday in April IDI 1 <Manlisliing said new road. 'J His 3rd day of Mart h 11)14 . T. F. llii.l, < )rtlinary. Empire Laundry. Wc are agents i >r Hie Empire Laundry of Ala ns. Our basket leaves every week. Leave your laufidry at our store. HILL & BROWN. Wt3" Hubby. “I know my husband Is thoroughly a businor.n man," i i-murkctl the know tog wife, ‘‘for whenever be receives a letter from me lie reads tbe postscript to see how much money I want” Money to Loan Money to Loan tin fai ins at 0 per cent, for any length of time from 3to 10 years. You can get the money now and make the pay ments due during the fall. R. T. CAMP, Carnesviilc, Ga. Free FSower Seed Haitinks’ Tells You About It Jf you are engaged in farming, or If you plant only vegetables or flow ers, you cannot afford to be without the big catalogue published fresh and new every year by the great South ern seed house, H. G. Hastings & Com pany of Atlanta, Ga., and sent abso lutely free, postage paid, to all who write for It, mentioning the name of this newspaper. In this catalogue we tell you of a splendid offer of free flower seed to all our customers, five magnificent varieties that mean beauty about your home and a pleasure to wives and daughters that nothing else can give. This catalogue tells you, too, about our big cash prize offer to the Corn Club boys of your state. It tells all about our fine yielding varieties of com and cotton—the kind we grow on our own 3,200 acre farm. Tt tells about the best seeds of all kinds for planting In the South. It should be in every Southern home. Write to day and let us send it to you. H. a HASTINGS & CO., Atlanta, Ga. —Advi. 1 Announcements. Announcements MUST be pai ! for in advance. Ten lines will cost you *5.00, and 25 cents will be charged for each line over ten. For Treasurer 1 announce my candidacy for theollice of Treasurer of Hanks county, subject to the primary to be help when ordered by the an jlhoriiies, I will appreciatt' your I confidence and vote, anil if elected, will render the bestservice possible, l'he injuries recived b.v my son last Noveinber, has fallen heavily on him anil myself, and 1 need the fees aecuritig from the office to support my family. H. C. McDonold. 'l’o the voters of Hanks Uounty:— After the many solicitations of ! frientls from different parts ot the 1 county 1 announce myself a can didate for the office of Treasurer of Hanks Uounty subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary to lie called later. Rospctlully, W. A. Wilson. 1 hereby announce myself as can didate for Uounty Treasurer subject to the Democratic primary when ordered. 1 respectfully solicit the vote and confidence of the citizens of tin 1 county and will feel grate ful for Hit'same. If I should be elected 1 would put lorth every ef fort to make a good efficient officer. Respectfully, S. M. STRANGE. I hereby announce myself a can diihite for I he office of Treasurer of Hanks County subject to the action of the Democratic Primary to be called later. Good words and cn couraoeinent from friends in all parts of tht' county have caused me to make this announcement, and i respectfully ask the support anti in (I ueuce of the good people of Hanks. J. A. Hill. I hereby announce myself a can delate for the office of Treasurer of Hanks County and earnestly ask t he support of the vot era of the same. Respectfully, W. L. Agree. 1 respectlully announce myself a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Hanks County subject to the Democratic primary to be called later. Thanking you for past favors I earnestly solicit your influence and will appreciate your vote at the primary. Respt. J. K. Chambers. I h re by announce myself a can didate lor theollice ol Treasurer of I’.ank County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held in 11*11. The people of Hanks County have borne their part in educating and preparing me for life’s work. 1 would be glad for an opportunity of showing my ap preeiation in return. J need the office, and with the assistance of my wife 1 am fully qualified to dis charge the duties of the office. If elected, I will take great pleasure in serving the people. 1 respect fully ask the support of the people of the County. Joseph. M. Jones, I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Treasurer of Hanks County subject to the action of the Democratic pi imary to lie held in 1914, and respectlully solicit the influence and support of the citizens of the county. J. K. Bellamy. To the voters of Banks County: I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Treasurer of Hanks County subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held in 1914, i respectfully solicit the influence and support of all the white voters of the county and promise, if elected, to devote my entire time to the duties of the of fice. Joe A. Mize. To the white voters of Banks County. 1 hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Treasurer of Banks County subject to the action of the pi imary to be called later. If elected, I promise a faithful dis charge of tin duties of the office and will stride to make my deal ings with the public pleasant for all. Thos. B. Burns. 1 hereby annouuce myself a can didate for the office of Treasurer of Banks County subject to the action jof the primary in 1914. I promise a faithful discharge of the duties of the office and will strive to make | my dealings with the public pleas ant for all. I respectfully solicit the vote hud influence of all the j white people of the county. H. F. Mii.lek. I hereby make official announce ment of my candidacy for Tax Col lector of Banks Uounty in the next I >cmocratio pri maty. Elect me one term and let me prove my efficiency, and then il you, the voters of Banks County, see (it to give it to me a second time I will greatly appreciate it and will then leave it with the “boys.” Very Truly, IDG. Wallace. 1 hereby respectlully announce myself a candidate for Tax Col lector of Banks County subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary to be held in the year IS) 14. If elected will strive to do my duty respectfully to all men and make a special feature of the collection of all special taxes. Rrsp. Submitted, L. .1. Ragsdale. After consulting with my friends in various parts of the county and having given the mat ter careful considerrtion, I hereby announce myself a candidate for Tax Collector of Banks County subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary to be called later. 1 earnestly solicit the support and influence of all tht void's. If elected, I promise a faithful and efficient administration ot the du ties of the office. 1 will Make a special effort to see that all citi zens entitled have a chance to qualify asvoters. Respectfully submittei 1, .1 AWSis W. Cochran 1 respectfully announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Col let tor of Banks County, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary to be belt! in 1914. Your support and influence will lie great ly appreciated. Respt. Fred Rucker. For Tax Receiver. To the voters of Banks County: I hereby announce myself a can didate for Tax Receiver of Banks County subject to the Demoeiatic Primary to be called later. I solicit the vote and influence of the people. Thanking my friends for past, fa vors. Respt. M. W. Gillespie. 1 earnestly ask the suffrage of the people of Banks for the office of Tax Receiver subject to the ac tion of the coming primary. 1 so licit the vote and influence of every white man in the county. If nom inated and elected 1 promise the people a faithful discharge of duty. Respt. Claud J. Smelley. For Sheriff George M. Barden for Sheriff. If I don’t have time to come around, to the honest voters of Banks county who are willing for an officer of the law to execute pa pels according to the oath that we all have to take, regardless of friends or votes impartial to any one. I like any man who is will ing to do unto others as they would have others do unto them, in any way. I don’t have any pets at home nor abroad. Every good man looks alike to old George and we are always glad to have our friends come around when they are in Ho mei. We never have done any thing more for the voter than we tlitl years ago when I never thought of county offices, and I don’t want any two sided man’s vote —for several reasons. Such people will deceive anybody and do things that an honest man would not think of. I never have tried to take ad vantage of anyone for his vote in anyway or will fever do so, if 1 can't get an honest majority in the next primary election. If 1 did it would be very embarresing lor me to have to serve the people in the court house or in many other places where the sheriff of a county has to go. Wc appreciate what our friends have done for us and will thank you lor yoiu :i II nonce in the primary this one mm. lime. It is well understood uol only in Banks county, but all ove good old Geor gia, I try to treat my friends bet ter after these primary elections than ever before. Respectfully, Your Friend George M. Barden. I respectfully announce my Self a candidate for the oiliee of Sheriff of Banks County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to lie called later. If electel, I promise a faithful dischaige of duty. Respt. W. 13. REYNOLDS. To the voters of Banks County: I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Shcii.'f of Banks County subject to the com ing primary. I respectfully solicit the influence and support of every white citizen of the county, and if elected promise a faithful di-charge of the duties of the office. ,T. O, Wood. For The Legislature I respectfully anrnilnce myself a candidate for re-election to the lower house of 15c C ■ ! ,i.'Su ture subject to the I Vnmi-imie pri mary, the date to In n-r.ied later. If elected, it will In my one pur pose to sen e all my pie to the best of my ability. Respect fully, Tom E. A. oei: in. ■■■■■■■■■■■mi'':' - - - a r>~. * - *--wcxsammHßtn-r.7m FIRST Cl IA NCR GOING IV Fresh Grocei > AT W. H.®J. C. KILL'S We carry a complete line of Staple and Fancy- Groceries:. On r goods are guar- at oed to be Fresh and the best that can bo bought. COME AND SEE US at Maysville, i LAST CHANCE GOING <M !' Peculiar Bed Companion. Lain Karim Dut, a Hindu barber who died recently at Meerut, had for tho last thee years Blept every night with two pet pythons coiled up beside him tn his bed. Stop In Atlanta At Hotel Empire Opposite Union Depot on Fry or St. Renovated and refurnished throughout. Eeserv: tines made on application. Hot and cold water, private bal hs, oleetrii Mas and elevator. First class accommodations .<’■ extremely moderate rales. Euro pean plan 75 cents up. John L. Edmok i-,on, I’ropictor. dockinsTwelu For sale at Cornelia, Ga., Termes.:e > ;nd Kentucky mules. Will be here until April Ist, 1914. When in Athens Cal l at Tho Manhattan Cafe 114 College Aver.uc An updo-date Hstauiant v where CLEANLINESS is the waichw ird. Everything the market affords anil polite w,liters to serve you. State of Ohio, City of Toleilo,i Lucus County. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partnered the lit m of F. J. Cheney & Cos., doing ness in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and.every case of < -al urrh th ttcan not be cured by the use of H A LL’S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subs :rili ed in my presence, this <>th day of December, A. D.; (Seal ) A. W. GLEASON Nortay Public. Hall’s Catarrh (Jure is taken i i ternally and act directly upon the blood and mucous surface, of the system. Send for testimonials, free. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hail’s Family Pills for con stipation. PROFESSIONAL CARG> Dr. O. N HARDEN, Office at Residence Five Aliles North-east of Homer. Calls Answered Promptly. Telephone ( lon nin > no> DR. J. S. JOLL : Homer, Ga. Will answer calls Day or N rht. Residence call at Mill Hotel. Office East side Public ; (uare. S. R. JOLLY attorney -at-lavv Homer, Ga. Office tn Court House .