Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, April 17, 1914, Image 4

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After Easter Sale in all Oepartments-MICHAELS In the midst of Easter’s grand showing of women’s apparel were you satisfied with your appearance? Did you feel that satisfaction that a wearer of a MICHAEL’S SUIT feels? You do not have to pay extra for this satisfaction. Our facilities for buying in large quantities enables us to give our patrons rare treats in fashionable wearing apparel. Qualities and styles, as always, dependable to the utmost. * LOVELY NEW DRESSES A charming assortment of fresh, new dresses to replenish the stock sold so readily and rapidly during the Easter rush have just arrived. New crepe dresses, ratine dresses, silk and wash dresses of all good materials, embodying many new features that will create a desire to own one of them. The reasonableness of these dresses is a surprise of no little importance. There are so few dresses alike a description of each would fill pages. How- I ever we have marked them at prices that will soon move them and it is well worth a trip to see these, prices range around $3.50, $4,50, $6.50, $7.50 and up. $15.00 In the llret lot there are snits of all colors prevalent to day; models that are up to-the minute in style. You will see suits priced at SIB.OO, $20.00 and $22.50, but you will find no better values than these suits we are offering special for $15.00 MICHAEL’S “THE STORE GOOD GOODS MADE POPULAR” ATHENS, GEORGIA. Tax Receiver’s Notice I will be at the following places at the time named below for the purpose of jocciving state and county taxes. Aplil “17 Urena Bto 10 “ “ Berlin lto 2 “ 18 Maysville 10 to 4 “21 Baldwin Bto 11 “ “ Alto Ito 4 “ 22 Yonah Bto 11 “ “ I tel It on 1 to 4 “ 27 Com merce 11 to 4 11..1. 1 tl.At'K w ELL, T. K. B. C. PROFESSIONAL CAROS Dr. O. N HARDEN, Office at Residence • ive Miles North-east of Homer. Calls Answered Promptly. Telephone Connection. DR J. S. JOLLY Homer, Ga. Will answer esills Day or Night. Residence call at Hill Hotel. Olliee East side Public Square. S. R. JOLLY ATTORNEY -AT-LAW homer, o*. Office in Court Hovsk J. S. Chambers, m. and. Of KICK IN OLD POHTOEEK’K BUILD ING. HOMER, GA. GOOD RESULTS FOLLOW THE USE OF FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS When run down with kidney trouble, brtharel with bxckache rheu mat lsui.swollow joints or blad der weak ties, you will fiud good results follow the use of Foley Kid uey Pills- J, Wees Bryant, a merchant of Cross Keys, Ga., took them himself and says:—“l have sold mauy, many bottle of them to the entiae satisfactian of my custo mers.” Safe and effective. Try them. For sale by Hill & Brown. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. State of Georgia—County of Jack son. To all whom it may Concern: Notice is hereby given that the firm of Yeargiu-Meeks Cos., com posed of \V. M. Yeargin, of Jack soft. Cos., and C. A. Meeks, of Banks, Cos., engaged in the general mercantile business at Maysville, Ga., Jackson, Cos. was on the 81st. day of March, till 4, dissolved by mutual consent, C. A. Meeks re tiring from said firm. The inter est of the said C. A. Meeks having been purchased by the said \\\ M. Yeargin Cos., and the .said W. M. Yeargin Cos., assumes all liability fr the payment of all indebtedness due by said lirm, and the said W. M. Yeargin having purchased all the notes and accounts of said firm, and have authority to collect the same. The business will be conducted at the same place by W. M. Year gin Cos., under the firm name if \V. M. Yeargin Company. This March, 31, HU4. W. M. Yeargin C A. Meeks. WHY IT SUITS PARTICULAR PEOPLE. Foley’s Honey and Par Com pound is prompt and effective for cQughings,colds,croup, hoarseness, bronchial coughs and for any con dition where the membranes of the throat aad bronchial tubes are in tlamed and raw. Mr. J. B. Wil liams, Trenton, Ga., says:—“l contracted a deep cold and coughed with terrible violence but Foley's Honey and Tar gave me relict at once, and my cough and cold was soon gone. 1 prefer it too because it contains no opiates and is a pure reliable medicine, it suits partic ulnr people. For sale by Hill & Brown. NOTICE SUMMER HOUR Coton Seed for sale,sl.oo per bushel,by C. N. Wilsou, Maysville, Ga. Made two bales per acre last year IAHKS CfPNTT fOURNAL HOMtI.CA., $20.00 The second lots consists of suits which you will find hereonly—exclusive styles and made from all the newest fabrics and fancy weaves brought ont this spring; a wonder ful range of c.lors also. Values included in this lot up to $35.00. Special $20.00. TOLD BY THE TRUTHFUL iVIAN This Is a Story of the Remarkable Effect of Sudden Rains on the Gulf Coast. “You’d scarcely believe how ex cessively damp it is along the Golf coast,” said a truthful man with long whiskers, to the editor of the (fiasco Sun. “We all use rawhide harness, and a real hot, damp day sure does cause the tugs to stretch amazingly. One day I drove down to the river bottom more than a mile from home, and loaded up three-quarters of a cord of pecan wood. “.lust as I had finished loading a shower came up and the water that fell was as hot as the so-called hot coffee in restaurants. Well, 1 start ed the mules, and the tugs began to stretch, but the wagon never budged. 1 drove on home and when I got there the wagon was still down in the bottom and the tugs were stretched out as small as shoestrings. “What did I do to get the wood home? That’s easy. 1 just unhar nessed and threw the gears over a stump in the back yard. Fifteen minutes later the sun shone out, dried up the dampness, and in less than an hour that wagon came creep ing up the hill. Y'es, sir; that’s a fact.” • DOMESTIC ANIMAL CENSUS Figures for the United States Are Somewhat Surprising to Man Who Hasn’t Thought. The United States is much more densely populated with domestic ani mals than is generally realized. In these days of famine prices for eggs it is interesting to learn that there are 280,345,133 chickens in the country, or an average of nearly three fowls for every man, woman and child. They are valued at $154,- 663,220, or 52 cents apiece. Only chickens over three months old Are included in this report. The number of horses, as might be supposed, has not increased as rapidly as the population, but de spite the almost universal automo biles there are still nearly 20,000.000 horses in the United States, which are valued at more than $2,000,000,- 000. It is rather surprising to find that thtre are more than 60,000,000 cattle, valued at more than $1,500,- 000,000. The number of sheep has declined in the past decade, but there are still more than 50,000,000, which represent a wealth of $232,- 000,000. Not the least important item of national wealth is the swine, which number about 60,000,000, and whose value is almost exactly $400,000,000. THE WRONG PARENT. Teacher —Tommy, next time you are late bring an excuse from your father. Tommy—Who? Pa? Why he ain’t any good at excuses; ma finds him out every time—Boston Evening Transcript. BRIGHT SIDE. “Will I recover, doctor?” inquired the pedestrian who had been run over. “Surest’ thing you know!” replied tha ambulance surgeon. “The fellow who owns the auto is a millionaire.” —J udge. CUSTOM HOUSE AMENITIES. “The government has given back all the captured flags. Nice thing, eh?” “Yes; and I understand there’s a movement on foot- to return those seized aigrettes.” INTERNATIONAL INFLUENCE. “Why did your friend take French leave when hostilities began?” “I guess he had too much Dutch courage.” CRUEL COMMENT. “He is a man one will always find in the van.” “Do yon n ''an of progress or the police patrol ?” NOT SUFFICIENT DATA. “Are the running expenses of your new car much?” “I don’t know; I haven't caught up with ’em yet.” REFINED DICTION. Belle ( sympathetically)—Did tise poor thing break her leg ? Nell (stiffly)—Certainly not. She fractured her limb like a lady. $25.00 If you want a suit that is different, a suit that w ill mark you as a specially good dresser, here is yours oppor tunity. Over a hundred models of all colors in this lot of fered at $26. If you have not found the suit you like; or if you wanted a tine suit at a less price, lie sure to see these. Values to $37.50. FOLEY KIDNEY FILLS SUC CESSFUL FOR RHEUMATISM AND KIDNEY TROUBLE Easy to take, quick to give good results, positive in action forliaek ache,weak back, rheumatism, kid ney and bladder troubles. As soon as you begin taking them you feel he lienefit of their healing qua! ities. \V. M. Uoldeu,Bremen, (hi., says:—“Foley Kidney Fills are the best remedy 1 every used for kid ney and bladder troubles, alto for rheumatism. Any person haying kidney trouble. backache or rheumatism should be very glad to find such a wonderful remedy.” Safe and effective. Contains uc habit forming drags. For sale bj Hill & Brown. CxET IN TOUCH WITH U& We own 740 acres eho ce land suitable for general farming, stock raising or fruit and truck growing, near Plant City, Florida's largos inland shipping point; *L5.00 pei acre, you can buy direct,no agents. Moyse Florid i Liad <’)., Flail City, Fla. NOTIC All parties to the es tate of W. S. Edwaids late of the county‘of Banks are hereby noti fied to make prompt settlement of the same, and all parties holding claims against said estate are re quested to render in their de mands, This April 7th., i914. J. H. Edivsed* and S. N Edwards, Administrators of W. S. Ed wards, deceased. Commerce, Ga. Gentleness and Strength. Nothing Is so strong as*. Nothing so gentle as real streng_tw— BC Francis da Sales. Have j-oa read the siardiatr truths in tie Btui FROM THE BALL ROOM TO HELL Get That Royal Tailored Look The best dressed men always wear made to-order clothes. Call and see our samples. J. D. HILL a SON Homer, - - - Georgia. Explaining Why They Got Married. In New York recently a lot of post Cards were mailed to married men ask ing them why they had married. Among the replies was one from a man who wrote: “Please don't stir me up.” Another man answered: “I yearned fer company. We now have company all the time —her folks.” Wonderful Peroration. A lawyer, more fluent In his speech, than careful In hts metaphors, was once guilty of the following perora tion: "Gentlemen, it will be for you to say whether this defendant shall be allowed to come into court with unblushing footsteps, with the cloak of hypocrisy in bis mouth, and draw three bullocks out of my client’s poci& it with impunity.” ,