Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, May 01, 1914, Image 5

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The Functions Of This BanK are broad and comprehensive. It receives deposits subject to check, pays interest on savings ac counts and certificates of deposit, sells exchange on all parts of the world, makes collections in any part of the country, loans money on approved security. Business and presonul checking accounts are invited. RESERVE AND CAPITAL A savings account answers both purpose It is a reserve lor times of hardship, weakness, and want, It is a capital for use when a business proposition offers. Baldwin State Bank BALDWIN. G-A. \ UESMAYI2 ’ I9I4 \rJswf Great as to Numbers | <9 —Magnificent as to Detail—Miles in Length. One Hundred Shrine Patrols in Fancy Costume. One Hundred Bands of Music. High Dignitaries of the Order. Thousands of Shriners Afoot and Camel-Back. Most Spectacular Event of Its Kind Ever Witnessed in the South. The public is not only cordially invited but will be greatly interested and entertained in witnessing this superb event. Reduced Fares From All Points. Greatly Augmented Service. SOUTHERN RAILWAY, Premier Carrier of the South. For Complete particulars as to (ares and schedules, oemmunicate with SOUTHERN RAILWAY TICKET AGENT. We Have Plenty of Money This Bank has behind it a DE POSITORS’ G-UARANTEE FUND which now amounts to more than Three Hundred Thousand Dollars. This INSURES against loss every dollar deposited here- We pay inter est on time deposits. We Solicit Your Business J. A. Sakhar, President, H. P. Camp, V. P. M ’. Sanders, Cashier, I)r. E. C. Jackson, V. P. BANK OF MAYSVILLE, Maysville, Ca. Southern Railway Premier Carrier Carrier of the South EXCELLENT PASSENGER SERVICE TO ALL POINTS Excellent Steel Day Coaches Magnificent Pullman Sleeping Cars Dining Cars If you intend to make a trip to any point in any direction call on nearest SOUTHERN RAILWAY Agent or write R. L. BAYLOR 0. P. A. Atlinta, Georgia: BANKS COUNTY JOURNAL, HOMER,GA., * dvortisements GKOHGiA Banks County 'l'o all whom it may concern Take notice that II B. Moss et al have applied for an order seek ing the establishment of anew road which'has been laid out and marked conformably to law by Commissioners duly appointed and report made on oath by them, said road commencing at Pott’s store in the 1580 District G. M.. said county and running a northerly couise through lands ot K. P. Jones, \V. I’. Artlin and 11. Baker Moss near a cotton house across Little Nail's Creek on the said road laid otl’ and graded by Warden Frost, troin Hollingsworth to T. E. Anderson’s, one and one half miles long. Now if no good cause be shown to the contrary by persons interested, the order will be granted by the undersigned at the ortiee ot the ordinary in said county on the first Monday in May 1914 establishing said road. This April 3rd, day lit 14. T. F. Hill, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Banks County. To all whom it may concern: T. P. Wilbanks having, in prop or form, applied to me for per manent Letters of administration on the estate of 8. D. Wilbanks, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin fof 8. D. Wilbanks to be and appear at my office with in the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why permanent admininistration should not be granted to T. P. Wilbanks on S. D. Wilbank’s estate. Witness my hand and officialsig nature, this lith day of April 1913. T. F. Mill, Ordinaryr Georgia— Banks County. To all whom it may concern: Thompson Allen, Jr., having, in proper form, applied to me for Permanent Letters of Administi a tion on the estate of Mrs. Mary W. Joiner, late ol said County, this i to cite all and singular tlie crcdi tors and next of kin of Mrs. Mary W. Joiner to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why perm anon tadrn in istration should not be granted to Thomp son Allen, Jr., on Mrs. Mary W. Joiner’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature, this 6 day of April 1914. T. F. llill, < >rd’y. Georgia—l! auks county. To all whom it may concern: Mis. L. .1. Martin having, in proper form, applied to me for per manent letters of Administration on the estate of W. T. Martin, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of W. T. Martin to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to Mrs. L. .1. Martin on W. T. Martin’s estate. Witness ray hand and official signature,.this 9th day or A(n il 1914. T. F. Hill, Ordinary. Ukokoia—Banks county. To all whom it may concern: J. G. Kay having in proper form apptie I to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of \Y r . Jones, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the cred itors and next of kin of W. Jones to be and appear at my office with in the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administiation should not be granted to J. (J. Ray on W. Jones’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature, this 6th day of April 1014. T. F. Hill. Oidinary. - - NOTICE- All parties indebted to the es tate of W. 8. Edwards late of the countyof Banks are hereby noti fied to make prompt settlement of the same, and all parties holding claims against said estate are re quested to render in their de mands, This April 7th., 1914. J. if. Eowivuns and S. X Edwakds, Administrators of W. 8. Ed wards, deceased. Commerce, Ga. Discipline. If thou wouldst be happy and easle In thy family, above all things ob serve discipline. Every one in It should know their duty; and there should be a time and place for every thing; and whatever else is done or omitted, be eyre to begin and and with Sod.--William Penn. Special Hosiery Offer Guaronteed Wear Ever Ho siery for Men and Women LADIES’ SPECIAL OFFFR For Limited Time only— Six pair of our finest 32c value ladies, guaranteed hose in black or and colors with written uarantee, SI.OO and 5 stamps jor postage. SPECIAL OFFER FOR MEN For a limited time only— Six pairs of our finest 35c value 'guaranteed hose with .written guarantee and a pair of our well know n MEN’S PARADISE GARTERS for one dollar and 5 stamps for postage. You know these hose; they stood the test when all others failed. They give real foot com fort. They have no scams to rip. They never become loose anti bag gy as the shape is knit in, not pressed in. They are guaran teed for fineness, for style,’for su periority of material and work manship, nl>solutely stainless and to wear six months without holes, or anew pair free. Don’t delay send in your order before offer expires. Give correct size. W EA R-EVER HOSIERY COM - PANY, Dayton, Ohio. - - DISSOLUTION NOTICE. State of Georgia—County of Jack son. To all w hom it may Concern: Notice is hereby given that the linn of Yeargiti-Meeks Cos., com posed of W. M. Yeargiu, of Jack son. Cos., and C. A. Meeks, of Banks, Cos., engaged in the general mercantile business at Maysville, Ga., Jackson, Cos. was on the 31st. day of March, 1914, dissolved by mutual consent, C. A. Meeks re tiring from said firm. The inter est of the said C. A. Meeks having been purchased by the said W. M. Yeargiu (Jo., and the said W. M. Ycargin Cos., assumes all liability ( r the payment of all indebtedness j due by said (inn, and the said W. M. Yeargiu having purchased all the notes and accounts of said firm, and have authority to collect the same. The business will be conducted sit the same place by W. M. Year gin Cos., under the firm name < f W. M. Yeargiu Company. This March, 31, 1914. W. M. Yeargiu C. A. Meeks. EVERYTHING™# MAN NEEOS $1 Comple’e Shaving Outfit $1 I O Articles I O To advertise our Universal Shaving Outfit and our Uuversal Products wc will for a limited time only, send this well worth $3.00 Shaving Outfit for SI.OO. We sell our products to the con sumer direct and therefore you save all agents’ profits which as you know are very large. I Hollow Ground Razor. 1 5-inch Lather Brush. t Razor Strop, Canvas Back. 1 Nickel Easel Back Mirror. I 33-inch Barber Towel. 1 Bar Shaving Soap. I Box Talcum Powder. 1 Decorated China Mug. I Aluminum Barber Comb. 1 Bristle Hair Brush. Agents need not write. Each outfit packed in neat box SI.OO. Coin or Money Order, postage 10c extra. UNI VERSA L PROI>UCTS CO., Dayton, Ohio. Teachers, Notice. The regular State examination will take place on Friday and Sat urday, June 12 and 13. Primary and General Element ary Reading Course: Manual for Georgia Teachers, from C. S. S. free. Allen’s Civics and Health, Ginn & Cos., Atlanta., Ga., SI.OO Colgrove’s, The teacher and the School, Charles Scribners Sons, Temple Court Bldg. Atlanta SI.OO High School and Supervisory Heading Course: Manual for Georgia Teachers, from C. S. S. Free. Hollister’s High School Admin istration; Southern School Book Depository 121 Auburn Ave‘, At lanta, $1.35. Allen’s Civics and Health, Ginn & Cot., Atlanta, SI.OO. Respectfully, J. T. Wise, C. 8. S. Critic*. Asrnes —“You saw Belle's wedding gifts; hr- •v was bar stiver markedT" Etbei I'rcm the locks of it, I should oy moi! of tt w* marked dowm." PREMIER ‘‘Non-Puncture” Auto Tires Guaranteed 7,500 Mile Service e These tires bear the greatest know n mileage guarantee, yet arc sold at a price even less than tires of ordinary guarantee. This guar antee covers punctures, blowouts aud general wear. Guarantee cov ers 7,500 miles service against ev erything except abuse. These tiies are intended for most severe service. Orders have been received for these tires for us in the United Suites Goverment Service. Asa SPECIAL INTRODUC TORY offer, we will allow the fol io widg prices for the next ten days. TIRES—TUBES Tire Tube 28x3 $ 9.20 $2.00 30x3 10.25 2.30 30x3 1-2 13.50 2.80 32x3 1-2 14.05 3.00 34x3 1-2 15.25 3.20 31x4 17.00 3.25 32x4 18.00 3.30 33x4 19.50 3.40 34x4 20.40 3.00 35x4 21.00 3.80 30x4 22.00 3.90 35x4 1-2 20.00 5.00 30x4 1-2 27.00 5.10 37x4 1-2 27.50 5.15 37x5 32.00 5.40 AII other sizes. Non-Skids 20 per cent extra. 5 per cent discount it payihent in full accompanies r and if two are so ordered, shipping charges will be paid by us. C. <>. I), on 15 percent of amount of ord er. Our output is limited, so we suggest early ordering. We sell di. only, giving purchaser the ad. vantage of all middlemen’s profits. STRONGTREAD BUBBER CO., Dayton, Ohio. Pleasant Hill Everybody is very busy farming at present and most everybody is about done planting in this sec tion. Misses Callie and Zadie West moreland, two of Hollingsworth’s good looking girls, visited Miss Bertie Lewallen Sunday. W. T. Sanders and little brother Guy, of Homer, visited in this sec tion Sunday. E. K. Moss hitched sit the same old post Sunday. Much to the delight of the fair sex. Condard Kesler and little J elf James passed through this section going in the direction of the Line church Sunday. Miss Nettie Pool accompanied by little Ira Barnes were out riding Sunday. By Request, there will be a sing ing at Pleasant Hill next Sunday evening at 3:00 o’clock, May 3. Everybydy invited to come. SEXUAL KNOWLEDGE ILLUSTRATED 320 PAGES Tells all about sex matters; what young men and women, young wives and husbands and all others need to know about the sa cred laws that govern the sex for ces. Plain tiuths of sex life in relation to happiness in marriage. ‘Secrets” of manhood and woman hood; sexual abuses, social evil, diseases, etc. Tne latest, most advanced and comprehensive work that has ever been issued on sexual hygiene. Priceless instruction for those who are ready for the true inner teach ing. This books tell nurses, teachers, doctors, lawyers, preachers, social workers, Sunday School teachers and all others, \ filing and old, what all need to I niw about sex matters. By Winfield Scott Hall Ph. D., M. D., (Leipzig). Newspaper Comments: “Scien ti fical ly correct.,, —C hi - eago Tribune. ‘‘Accurate aud up to-date.” —Philadelphia Press. ‘‘Standard book of knowledge.” —Philadelphia Ledger. The New York YYorld says: “Plain truths for those who need or aught to know them for the prevention of evils. Under plain wrapper for only SI.OO. Coiu or money order, postage 10 cents extra. MIAMI PUBLISHING COM PANY, Dayton, Ohio. Kalamazoo. Kalamazoo; county, city In sura* county, and river In Michigan. Ac cording to one authority the name 1* derived from the Indian word “neg! kanamazo,” meaning "otter tall." “Beautiful water,” "boiling water” and "atones like otters” are other transit lion*.—United States Geological Bur- T#y. Stop In Atlanta At Hotel Empire Opposite Uuion Depot on Pryor St. Renovated and refurnished throughout. Reservations made on application. Hot and cold water,private baths, electric lights and elevator. First class accommodations at extremely moderate rates. Euro pean plan 75 cents up. JoiinL. Edmondson, Propietor. dental~lmotice Dr. D. M. Snelson, ol Toccoa, will be at Baldwin the first week of each mouth prepared todo den tal work in all its branches —office over the Bank. For The Legislature 1 respectfully announce myself a candidate for re-election to the lower house of the (Jeorgia Legisla ture subject to the Democratic pri mary, the date to lie named later. If elected, it will be my one pur pose to serve all my people to the best of my ability. Respectfully, Tom E. Anderson. Empire Laundry. We are agents for the Empire Laundry of Athens. Our basket leaves every week. Leave your laundry at our store. HILL & BROWN. When in Athens Cali at The Manhattan Cafe 114 College Avenue An Itstaurant, where CLEANLINESS is the watchword. Everything the market affords and polite waiters to serve you. State of Ohio, City of Toledo,) Lucas < lounty. ) Frank .1. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partnerof the firm of F. J. Cheney & Cos., doing busi ness in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that can not be cured by the use of H A LL’S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscrib ed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON Nortay Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally and act directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con stipation. NOTICE Our country patrons can take advantage of the low rates of the parcel post. It costs about lOcts to send and receive your suits back in perfect condition. We are operating a dyeing fea ture in connection with our press ing club. Work guaranteed to give satisfaction. W. B. LOCKHART, Maysville, Ga - PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. O N HARDEN, Office at Residence 6ive Miles North-east of Homer. Calls Answered Promptly. Telephone Conneotion.- DE. j. s. jolly Homer, G-a. Will answer calls Day or Night. Residence call at Hill Hotel. Office East side Public Square. S. R- JOLLY ATTORNEY.-AT-LAW Homer, Qa. Office in Court House J. S. Chambers, m. and. Office in old Postoffice Build. ING. HOMER, GA.