Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, June 05, 1914, Image 4

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The Functions Of This Bank "re broad and comprehensive. It receives deposits subject to check, pays interest on savings ac counts aud certificates of deposit, sells exchange on all parts of the world, makes collections in any part of the country, loans money on V approved security. Business and poesonul checking accounts are invited. RESERVE AND CAPITAL \ A savings account answers both purpose It is a reserve lor times of hardship, weakness, and want, It is a capital for use when a business proposition offers. Baldwin State Bank BALDWIN. GA. We Have Plenty of Money to lend to Farmers who prefer to pay cash for supplies. This Bank lias behind it a DE POSITORS' GUARANTEE FUND which now amounts to more than Three Hundred Thousand Dollars. This INSURES against loss every dollar deposited here. We pay inter est on time deposits. We Solicit Your Business J. A. Kahhah, President, 11. P. Camp, V. P. M < Sandkuh, < ashicr, I)K. E. Jackson, V.P| BANK OF MAYSVILLE, Maysville, Ca. COULD SCARCELY WALK ABOUT And For Three Sommers Mrs. Vin cent Was Unable to Attend to Any of Her Housework. Pleasant HUI, N. C.-“I suffered for three summers,” writes Mrs. Walter Vincent, of this town, "and the third and last time, was my worst. 1 had dreadful nervous headaches and prostration, and was scarcely able to walk about. Could not do any of my housework. I also had dreadful pains in my back and sides and when one of those weak, sinking spells would come on me, I would have to give up and lie down, until it wore off. I was certainly in a dreadful state of health, when I finally decided to try Cardui. the woman’s tonic, and 1 firmly I SB Think of the Company be hind the car—and you'll realize why Fords and Gov ernment bonds are bought with equal assurance. Strongest financially— world-w ide in scone—larg est in volume ol output. We build our renutation in to the car. Better a Ford. Five hundred dollars is the pi ice of the Font runabout; the touring car is five fifty; the town car seven fifty—f. o. b. Detroit, complete with equipment, Cet cataJog and particulars from Kovston lldw. Cos., Kovston (is., —or W. M. Thomas Com mere* It. 30, believe 1 would have died if I hadn't taken It. After I began taking Cardui, I was greatly helped, and all three bottles re lieved me entirely. I fattened up, and grew so much stronger in three months, 1 felt like an other person altogether.” Cardui is purely vegetable and gentle acting. Its ingredients have a mild, tonic effect, on the womanly constitution. Cardui makes for increased strength, improves the appetite, tones up the ner vous system, and helps to make pale, sallow cheeks, fresh and rosy. Cardui has helped more than a million weak women, during the past 50 years. It will surely do for you, what it has done for them. Try Cardui today. Writs to: Chsttanoota Mtdklnt Cos.. Ladle*’ Ad \lsory i>ept., Chattanooga. Tenn., for Sptciul Jn* fractions on your case and 64-pafe book, "Home Treatment for Women." *nt in plain wrapper. J-65 BANKS COUNTY JOURNAL HOMER, CA., Anderson Making Winning Campaign J. Randolph Anderson —Stand* for a business administration of State affair*. —Urge* Improvement of educational system. —Seeks advancement of Stale institutions. —Urges improvement of public highways. —Advocate* drainage of overflow and swamp lands. —Stand* for equal rights of property and labor. —Favor* Introduction of vital atlstlcs —Urge* safe system of rural credits. —Advocate* protection of the public health. —Believe* In public regulation of corporations. —Stand* for laws to benefit agriculture. —Would lease Western and Atlantic Railroad to yield maximum return to State, and give proper service and protection to people on Its line. SUCH favorable reception has been given the announcement for governor of J. Randolph Anderson of Savannah, In every section of the State, a* to Indicate hi* probable election. Georgia voter* are rapidly learning that Mr. Anderson Is not only a business candidate, hut that he Is really the only candidate thoroughly fa inillar with Georgia'* affairs through long connection w ith and persistent study of them. There are few men In Georgia who have more Inti mate knowledge of the State's finances than Mr Anderson. Bom in Savannah, Ga., September 4, 1861, Mr. Anderson was admitted to the practice of law in 18Vr. He is a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and a vestryman in Christ Church, Savannah; a member of Georgia Chapter No 3. Royal Arch Masons; member of Landrum Lodge, No. 48, Free and Accepted Masons; member Forest City Lodge. No. 1, Knight* of Pythias, and member of Savannah Lodge No 183, B. P. O. Elks. Mr. Anderson served Cnatham county three terms In the house of repre sentatives, 1905-06, 1909-10 and 1911 13; and in the senate of 1913 14, being unanimously elected president of that body. In 1908-09 he was a mem ber of the State Democratic executive committee, and In 1912 went a* delegate from the State at large to the national Democratic convenltion. RANDOLPH ANDERSON AS HE IS KNOWN AT HOME. The best estimate of a man is gathered from the opinion of those among whom lie lives At a largely attended and enthusiastic meeting of the business men of Savannah, on April 8, resolution* were unanimously adopted strongly indorsing Mr. Anderson and urging his election In those resolutions the Savannah business men said In part: “Randolph Anderson has never betrayed a trust nor disappointed a friend or associate who placed their confidence in him. His business record among the people at home is one of unsullied Integrity; his public, record has been one of marked activity for the best interests of progressive Georgia. “He is broad, he la big and he is capable He Is fitted in every way to give to Georgia the benefit of his wide experience. Chatham county's Democratic executive committee, in unanimously in dorslng him, said: "The people of this county know him to be a man of fine education and ability, of the strictest integrity and of exemplary character; a man who as governor would reflect the best traditions of the state.” WIDELY INDORSED BY STATE PRESS. Mr. Anderson has been widely indorsed by the State press in every section. “A fine business man and will make a good governor," says the Marietta Journal. Others say; “Will make a most acceptable governor.' Athens Banner. “Up to us to get behind him and elect him " Miller, News. “Will get a good vote In Southwest Georgia." Bninbrldge Searchlight. “Southeast Georgia paper* art) all outspoken for him.” Lyons Progress. “Foremost man of the present legislature." Macon Telegraph. “Anderson will distance all bauds.“ Augusta Chronicle. “Will carry Southeast Georgia practically olid " Statesboro News. "Would make capable and faithful governor.'' Jonesboro News. "Equal of any man who has) filled the governor’s chair in the past twenty years." Tlfton Gazette. And there are many other*. Peace Atlanta, Ga Jane 7 Senator Hoke Smith’s formal announce ment of his candidacy to succeed himself seems'to have been a sure enough peace promoter. His inten tion of not coming to Georgia at all until the adjournment of congress in the latter part of July, and his evident desire to keep dear of all factional lights and of the political aspirations of < ther people, are all taken to the fact that Senator Smith will Ih 1 returned to Washington without serious opposition and without the mcessitj of he or his fiiei.Us engaging in a heated earn paign. Political peace in Georgia, with the burying of the old factional hatchet, and eventuality which was laughed at two or three months ago by some of the political writers, became a temporary fact when Governor Slaton decided not to oppose Hoke Smith but to stand for the surerssorship to the late Senator Bacon, and there is every reason to believe declare leading politicians, that the bitterness of factionalism which once tore Geor gi v ve Would Take sn Heiress s On co more someone ta! ;be trouble to tell us that there was a real Mary with a real lamb that went to school. And when you remember how much lower nv a was In tSI4, It Isn t so hard to believe. —Milwau- kee Journe! . SPLENDJ > SCKEDU* " TC TATS tat. BACK GOING RETL'^NSMG Lv. Atlanta 6:20 r. m Lv. Trie Spring?. - - 1 * a m At. Ooltfwah m Al N r ‘ 1 2.' 10 Ar. Knoxville 2:11) p m At. Knoxville p m Ar. Morriatown 3:23pm Ar. Ooitewah >; lp P ra Ar. Tate Springs 4:11 pin Ar. Atlanta 10:43 p m All Meals on Dining Car Going and Returning. Parlor Car Accomodations in Both Directions. Low Round Trip Summer Tourist Fares. For full information ar.d tickets call on ticket agent or address J. C. BEAM, A.G.P.A. R. L. BAYLOR, D.P.A. SOUTHERN RAILWAY ATLANTA. GA. Teachers, Notice. The regular State examination will take place on Friday and Sat in day, .1 line 1” and 13. Primary and General Element iry Reading t'ourse: Manual for Georgia Teachers, from G. S. S. tree. Allen's Civics and Health, Ginn A Cos., Atlanta., Ga., *I.OO Colgtove’s, The teacher and the school, Charles Scribners Sons, i'enipie Court Bldg. Atlanta t? 1.00 High School and Supervisory Reading Course: Manual for Georgia Teachers, from (’. S. S. Free. Hollister’s High School Admin istiation; Southern Schoo Book Depository 121 Auburn Ave At lanta, 5i.35. Allen’s Civics and Health, Ginn, v to. Atlanta, Si 00. Respectfully, • .1. T. WisK, C. 8. S. Step In Atlanta At Hotel Empire Opposite Uuiofl Depot on Pryor St. Renovated and refurnished throughout. Reservations made on application. Hot and cold water.private baths, electi ic lights and elevator. First class accommodations at extremely moderate rates. Euro pean plan 75 rents up. John L. Edmondson, Propietor. Lee-iil Advertisements From this date all legal ads must be paid for iu advance. This means one and all, wheth er you are worth a million dol lars or live cents. If the ad appears in one issae, and is not paid for before the next issue, it will be removed. Georgia— Banks County. To all whom it may concern: Mrs. J. B. Hill having applied to me for permanent let ters on the estate of J. B. Hiil, late of said county, deceased, this is to ci to all and sin gular the creditors and next of kin of J. B. Hill to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they have, why permanent administra i tion should not lie granted to Mrs. J. B. Hill on J. B. Hill’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature. This ‘JO day of May, 1914. T. F. Hill, Ordinary. Georgia-—Banks county. To all whom it may concern; J. M. Nunn, of said state, having applied to me lor letteis of ad ministration dc bonis non on the estate of W. /. Vaughn, of said county, this is to cite all and sin gular the heirs and creditors of the said \V. '/. Vaughn, to lie and appear at the July term, 1914, of Banks County Court of Ordinary, and show cause, if any they can, why letters of administration de bonis non, should not lie granted on the estate of W. /. Vaughn, de ceased. Witness my official signature, This June Ist, 1914. T. F. Hill, Ordinary. Georgia —Banks County To all whom it may concern: J. M. Nunn, ol said state, hav ing applied to me for letters of ad ministiation dc tmnis non on the estate of Miss Louisa 8. Vaughn, late of said County, this is to cite all and singular the heirs aud creditors of the said Miss Louisa 3. Vaughn, to be and appear at the July term, 1914, of Banks County Court of Ordinaly, and show cause if any they can, why letters of administration should not be granted on the estate of Miss Louisa 3. Vaughn, deceased. Witness my official signature, this June Ist, 1914. T. F. Hill, Ordinary. Atlanta,Ga. J une 4—While revi valists of many donominations are working over time in Atlanta to Christianize a city which they say is so in name only, some of them are pessemistic about results. At tention is pointed to the fact that one Atlanta church, a Methodist house of worship on Boulevard, has been converted into a steam laundry; that another church build ing not far from Atlanta is being used as a barn. , An evidence of this is a tendency of falling off in going to Sunday worship and seeking recreation on the golf links, on picnic* and in the city parks, it seen in the tact | that there art today at least (our churches in Atlanta with the foun dations laid and partially erected, which have stood unfinished for years. ~ PROFESSIONAL CAROS Dr. O N HARDEN, Office at Residence rive Miles North-east of Homer. Calls Answered Promptly. Telephone Connection. DR. J. S. JOLLY Homer, Ga. Will answer calls Day or Night. Residence call at Hill Hotel. ( ft re Fast side Public Square. S. R. JOLLY ATTORNEY -AT-LAW Homer, Qa. Office tn Court House J. S. Chambers, m. and. Office in old Postoffice Build ing. HOMER. GA. For The Legislature I respectfully annonnee myself a candidate for re election to the ’ lower house of the Georgia Legisla ture subject to the Democratic pri mary, the date to be named later. If elected, it will be my one pur liose to serve all my people to the of my ability. Respectfully, Tom E. Anderson. For State Treasurer. To the People of Georgia: I am a candidate to succeed myself as Treasurer, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. My candidacy is based strictly upon my record and experience in this office, which are well known to the people of Georgia, and which I trust has been .satisfactory If, in your opinion, the manage ment of the State’s tinances uuder mv administration for the past several years has been faithful and efficient, I would grateful ap preciate your endorsement at the polls in the coming piimary. Thanking you for the support and confidence extended me here tofore, I earnestly solicit your fur ther kind consideration of my can didacy in the present campaign. Respectfully, w. 1. Speer. How s This We offer One Hun dred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Ha 1T s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Cos., Toledo, O. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. National B nk of Commerce, Hall,a Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfai'es of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggist Take Hall’s Family Pills for con ti pation. Empire Laundry. We are agents for the Empire Laundry of Athens. Our basket leaves every week. Leave your laundry at our store. HILL & BROWN. Sheriff Sale. Kalamazoo. Kalamazoo; county, city In aar.ia county, and river In Michigan. Ac cording to one authority the name la derived from the Indian word "negi kanamazo," meaning "otter tall.” "Beautiful water," "boiling water” and “■tones like otters" are other transla tions- —United States Geological Sur vey. AVOID OPERATION Get Out From Under th Shadow of the Knife, i Thousands of women on A the verge of serious ear /jl gical operations are saved | si by a timely use of C Jim*!’ SfP'W'' Stella- Vitae the E Teat female 'A/jfrrnale troubles *?*■'* P are unnatural rrn i v and unneces- Taken in time they can be cured and the operation avoided. The tonic principle of Stella-Vitae picks you up and gives you new life and hope, new desires and energy, new strength and purpose in life. For two generations Dr. Thacher has been helping Southern women to better health, to more cheerful lives. Stella- Vitae is the means employed and evolv ed by this celebrated physician from thousands of test cases. Any woman who suffers even in a slight degree can be benefited by just one bottle of this celebrated remedy. Don’t put it off, don’t neglect yourself and become old and care worn before your time. Get a bottle of Stella- Vitae from your dealer and if you find that it does not improve your condition the dealer will return full purchase price. But it will help you. It will improve your digestion, clear up your complex ion and work wonders with your dispo sition and appearance. Get a bottle today. Don’t aelay! Your dealer sells this wonderful guaranteed-to-benefit remedy in $1 bottles. Thacher Medicine Cos., at Chattanooga, Tenn. r [