Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, June 12, 1914, Image 4

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The Functions Of This BanK "re broad and comprehensive. It receives dejiosite subject "to check, pays interest on savings ac counts ami certificates of deposit, sells exchange on all parts of the world, makes collections in any part of the country, loans money on approved security. , business and person ill cheeking accounts are invited. RESERVE AND CAPITAL A savings account answers both purpose It is a reserve lor times of hardship, weakness, and want, It is a capital for use when a business proposition offers. Baldwin State Bank BALDWIN. GA. We Are Prepared To Serve The Bank of’Maysville is equip ped in eyery way for up to date Bank ing. Our depositors are protected by an Insurence Fund amounting Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dol lars. • We mail a statement monthly to all depositors so that they may know just how they stand. All business of our customers is treated confidentially. We have money at all times to lend to our depositors. We Solicit Your Business J. A. Sankaii, President, H. I*. ('AMP, V. I*. M C. Banders, Cashier, 1)K. K. ('. JACKSON, V.l* BAUK OF MAYSVILLE, Maysville, Ca. STOMACH TROUBLE FOR FIVE YEARS Majority of Friends Thought Mr. Hughes Would Die, But One Helped Him to Recovery. Fomeroyton, Ky.—ln interesting ad vices from this place, Air. A. J. Hughes writes as follows: “1 was down with stomach trouble for five (5) years, and would have sick headache so bad, at times, that I thought surely 1 would die. I tried different treatments, but they did not seem to do me any good. 1 got so bad, I could not eat or sleep, and all my friends, except one, thought I would die. He advised me to try Thedford’s Black-Draught, and quit • ; vr-jjl W TI W .... $* . iN* Think of the Company be hind the car—and you'll realize why Fords and G-ov ernment bonds are bought with equal assurance. Strongest financially— world-wide in scone—larg est in volume oi output. We build our renutation in to the car- Better a - - . Five hundred dollars is the pi ice of the Ford runabout; the touringcar is five fifty; the town ear seven fifty—f. o. b. Detroit, complete with equipment. Get catalog and particulars from Royston Hdw. Cos., Kivsten Ga., —or W. M. Thomas Com meive R. 30. taking other medicines. I decided to take his advice, although 1 did not have any confidence in it. 1 have now been taking Black-Draught for three months, and it has cured me— haven’t had those awful sick headaches since 1 began using it. 1 am so thankful for what Black- Draught has done for me.” Thedford’s Black-Draught has been found a very valuable medicine tor de rangements of the stomach and liver. It is composed of pure, vegetable herbs, contains no dangerous ingredients, and S acts gently, yet surely. It can be freely used by young and old, and should be kept in every family chest. Get a package today. Only a quarter. yji BANKS CO UNTYI JOURNAL, HOMES,GA., Maysville Locals (From Our Uvular Correspondent.) Mrs. J. T. Hmith visited her sis ter, Mrs. Charlie Truitt, at Com merce Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. D. Hill and Mr. How ard Hill, of Homer, were visitors here Monday. Miss Gussie Carr, who has been teaching in Atlanta this year, is with homefoiks here for vacation. Miss Mary Anthony, who has been the charming guest Miss Maurine Sims for the past week returned to her home at Center Saturday. Misses Emma Letterer and Claudia Reynolds, of Gainesville, were visitors here last Sunday. Misses Fannie Lee Atkins spent scvaral days last week with her brother, Mr. T. E. Atkins at Gainesville. Mrs. Carrie McKee, and Miss Lula McKee are with relatives near Nicholson this week. Misses Mae Wood and Lillian Stephens, Hr. Paul White and Hr. Whitsell 911 joyed an automobile ride to Jefferson via Commerce Sunday afternoon. Miss Lois Meeks has returned from a short visit to relatives at Homer. l’rof. and Mrs. W. M. Smith left Monday afternoon for a visit to Atlanta and other places. Mr. Will T. Sumpter and family from Anderson S. C. are with rel atives here. We are glad to know Mrs. If. 1). Stephens, who lias lieen ill for several days, is convalescent. Mr. J. K. Pepper died at his home near here on Thursday of last week. He was a man of mid die age, ond leaves a large family. The interment was at the family burying ground near Commerce. Mr. Stiles Can, who attended Statement of the condition of the Banhs County BanK Located at Homer, G-a. at the close of busi ness June 2nd, 1914 BHSO PROFS Time loans 17,322.43 Overdrafts, unsecured, 18.56 Bonds and Stocks owned by the Bank 3,000.00 Banking House 2,347.40 Furnitureaud Fixtures 1,730.33 Due from Banks and Bank ers in this State 2,680.07 Due from Banks and Bank ers in other States 7,002.06 ('ll rronoy #102.00 Gold 25.00 Silver. Niekles. ete 320.22 ('ash Items 300.71 1,242.07 Fire Ins. Fund 120.00 Total 1^65,524.42 GEORGIA—Banks County. Before me came O. Walton, Cashier of Banks County Bank, who being duly sworn, says that the alwve and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank as shown bv the books ot tile in said Bank. (). WALTON. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Oth day of June, 1914. T. 1 . Him., Only. B. ('. Statement of the Condition of the Baldwin State Bank Located at Baldwin, Ga., at the close of busi ness June 2nd, 1914. Rksoihoes. Demand Loans 8 1 .‘>o.oo rime lauius 3(5,770.04 Overdrafts, unsecured 225.82 Stocks owned by the Bank * 1,000.00 Ranking house, 3,804.82 Furniture and fixtures 2.007.0.') Due from Ranks and Rank ers in this state, 574.15 Due from Ranks and Rank era in other States 1,958.76 Currency #898.00 Gold 415.00 Silver, Xiekles, etc. 300.28 Cash items 62.68 1.735.90 ('ash Collections 59.39 Total #48,092.89 STATE OF GEORGIA— -County of Ranks Before me came E. C. Addy Cashier Baldwin State Bank, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank as shown by the books ot file in said Bank. E. C. Addy. Sworn to and subscribed before me this Bth day of June 1914, J. E. KING, X. P. school at Clemson College this year is at home for vacation. Misses Kilby Porter, and Ha melie Snddath, two of Maysvilles most popular young ladies are home from Athens Normal College where thay graduated with high es honors this week. Mrs. W. C. Lock hard t had as guests last Sunday her an id, Mrs. Helen Chandler and family from Gainesville. Mrs. Chandler Eberhardt passed away at her home near town last Saturday afternoon and was enter red on Sunday afternoon at Dry Pond. We arc sorry to note the illness of Misses Elbe and Alline Sims who have lieen quite sick with fever for several days. Among the college girls from here who are at home for vacation are Misses Freddie Hendrix, Essie Jackson, Bosalyn Sheppard and A Hie Prickett. Mrs. Boone Suddath and Mrs. Doss 1 touchue and Misses Mattie I tone Hue and Inez Suddath attend ed the gra lusting exercises at Normal School this week. Among others who went to Jef ferson Monday to head the Hon. Thomas W. Hardwick’s speech were Messrs. John Hale, A. S. Smith, C. F. Bacon, J. M. Bber hart, A. B. Smith, M. P. Dead wyler, C. W. McCurdy, 11. P. <'amp and Mrs. < amp. The Matrons Social Club met at the lovely home of Mrs. W. Lock hart on Thursday of last week, as Mi s. Lock hart is prepa ring to move to Atlanta this week. She was I presented a beanti ill water or beer set. Charm In Small Courtewlew. Small kindnesses, small courtesies, small considerations, habitually prao ; tlced In our social lntercouse, give a j greater charm to oilr character than j the display of great talents and a©- compllslnnenta. LIABILITIES. Capital stock I’aid In 15,000.00 ludividcd Profits, ('uncut Expenses,lnter est and taxes paid 3,028.00 Due to Banks and Hankers in other Stab's none Individual Deposits sub jeet to Check 10.085.17 Demand certificates none Time certificates 13,371.42 'Cashier’s Checks 38.84 Bills Payable, including Time Certificates rep representing Borrow - ed money 15,000.00 Total $65,524.42 Liabilities. Capital Stock Paid In, #15,000.00 Undivided Profits,' less Current Expenses, Inter est and Taxes Paid 3.203.31 Due Unpaid Dividends 50.00 Individual Deposits subject to Check, 11,230.25 Time Certificates, 3,541.93 Cashier's Checks, 55.40 Rills Payable, including Time Certificates repre sentiug borrowed mon ey 15,000.00 Total #48,092.89 Legal Advertisements From this date all legal ads must be paid for in advance. This means one aud all, wheth er yon are worth a million doi lars or five cents. If the ad appears in one issue, and is not paid for before the next issue, it will be removed. Georgia —Banks County. To all whom it may concern: Mrs. J. B. Hill having applied to me for permanent let ters on the estate of J B. Hiil, late of said county, deceased, this is to cite all aud sin gular the creditors and next of kin of J. B. Hill to lie and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they have, why permanent administra tion should not lie granted to Mrs. J. B. Hill on J. B. Hill’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature. This 2<i day' of May, 1914. T. F. Hill, Ordinary. Georgia —Banks county. To all whom it may concern: J. M. Nunn, of said state, having applied to me lor letteis of ad ministration de bonis non on the estate of W. Z. Vaughn, of said county, this is to cite all and sin gular the heirs and creditors of the said W. Z. Vaughn, to tie aud appear at the July term, 1914, of Banks County Court of Ordinary, and show cause, if any they can, why letters of administration de lion is non, should not lie granted on the estate of W. Z. Vaughn, de ceased. Witness my official signature, This June Ist, 1914. T. F. Hii.l, Ordinary. Ukokuia —Banks ('minty To all whom it may concern: J. M. Nunn, ol said state, hav ing applied to me for letters of ad ministration de bonis non ou the estate of Miss Louisa S. Vaughn, late of said < ounty, this is to cite all and singular the heirs and creditors of the said Miss Louisa 8. Vaughn, to be and appear at the July term, 1914, of Banks County Court of Ordinary, and show cause if any they can, why letters of administration should not bo granted on the estate of Miss Louisa 8. Vaughn, deceased. Wituess my official signature, this June Ist, 1014. T. F. Hill, Ordinary. To all whom it may concern: W. B. Parks having, in proper form, applied to me ior Permanent Letters of Administration on the estate of Ossie Parks late of said County, this is to cite all and singu lar the creditors ancl next of kin of Ossie Parks to lie and appear at my office within the time allowed l>y law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent adminis tration should not Ire granted to W. B. Parks on Ossie Parks estate. Witness my hand and official signature, thus Ist day of June 1014. T. F. Hill Ordinary. Result, However, Is ths Same. Occasionally a man finds himself la debt not because he Is dishonest, but because h Is s bad hand at mental arithmetic. PROFESSIONAL CAROS Dr. O N. HARDEN, Office at Residence *-ive Miles North-east of Homer. Calls Answered Promptly. Telephone Connection. DR. J. S. JOLLY Homer, G-a. Will answer calls Pay or Night. Residence call at Hill Hotel. Offite Fast side Public Square. S. R- JOLLY ATTORNEY -AT-LAW Homer, Ga. Office in Court House J. S. Chambers, m. and . Office in old Postoffice Build ing. HOMER, GA. For The Legislature I respectfully announce myself a candidate for re-election to the lower house of the Georgia legisla ture subject to the Democratic pri mary, the date to be named later. If elected, it will lie my one pur pose to serve all my people to the best of my ability. Respectfully, Tom K. Anderson. For State Treasurer. To the People of Georgia: I am a candidate to succeed myself as Treasurer, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. My candidacy is based strictly upon my record and experience in this office, which are well known to the people of Georgia, und which I trust has lieen satisiaetory If, in your opinion, the manage ment of the State’s finances under ray administration for the past several years has been faithful and efficient, I would grateful ap preciate yonr endorsement at the {Kills in the coming primary. Thaukiug you for the support and confidence extended me here tofore, I earnestly solicit your fur ther kind Consideration of my can didacy in the present campaign. Uespect fully, W. I. SI’KKK. Tobacco Salesmen wanted. Earn *IOO monthly. Expenses. Experience unnecessary. Adver Use and take orders from mer chants for Smoking aud (’hewing toliaceo, Cigarettes, Cigars, etc. Send a 2c stamp lor full par tieulars. Hemet Tobaixx) Cos. New York, N. Y. Stop In Atlanta At Hotel Empire Opposite Uuiou Depot on Pryor St Renovated and refurnished throughout. Heservatious made on application. Hot and cold water, private baths, electric lights and elevator. First class accommodations at extremely moderate rates. Euro pean plan 75 cents up. John L. Edmondson, Propietor. Jesting and Dancing. It Is good to make a jest, but not to make a trade of jesting The earl ot Leicester, knowing Queen Elisabeth was much delighted to see a gentle man dance well, brought the master of the dancing school to dancs before her, "Pish,” said the queen, "It Is his profession. I will not see him." She liked It not where It was a master qual ity, but where It attended on other perfections. The same may we aay of Jesting.—Thomas Fuller Empire Laundry* We are agents for the Empire Laundry of Athens. Our basket leaves every week. Leave jour laundry at our store. HILL & BROWN. Sheriff Salk. MADAM, ARE YOU SICK? Here’s a Guaranteed Way of Getting Well. f Many a fine look •*ing woman already ’casts a hag’s shadow because she i3 sick and neg lects herself. Women are learning. Already thousands and thousands have found the way to relief and restored good looks and healthful condition. For two generations Dr. Thacher has been helping th women cf the South to tn ir heritage cf health and beauty. His remarkable remedy, Stella- Vita*, a purely vegetable and perfectly harm less compound, is the perfected work of a life time and is the gift of a great physician to his people. Stella- Vitae b a woman’s tonic. It corrects irregularities and relieves con ditions peculiar to women. It builds them up. It improves appetite, aids digestion, creates rich, red blood, quiets nerves and clears up the com plexion. Don’t be blue, nervous, sick or run down—don’t get ugly. Get a bottle of Stella- Vitae from "your dealer. He knows about it and he will give your money back if you’ll try a bottle and find it doesn’t Benefit you. Do you want to get well and stay well, to eat well, sleep soundly, to have a good appetite, clear skin and strong bodv? Then begin today with a bottle of Stella- Vitae, the guaranteed to bene fit remedy. You’ll be amazed at the im provement you will feeL Your oealer sell" it in $1 bottles. Thacher Medicine Cos., at Chattanooga. Tenn. _____