Newspaper Page Text
Just a Few of the THINGS YOU
As the change in season progresses, so does eliange in habit become,
necessary, The things we describe below arc needed during summoi.
We offer them to you for your own selection and use on our assurance
that they're quality perfect, very desirable, and will give best results
in use.
They are worse than winter head
aches but as easily to relieve. W e
offer a really valuable remedy in
CHANADINE Headache Pow
What will you do about Vacation Needs, better buy them here now
because the “Vacation Druggist’’ may not have them. Our quality
satisfies. .
Cholera morbus, Diarrhoea, Col
ic—We have a remedy proven best
for each of these ailments.
Ask Us
No doubt a chief summer consideration regards the toilet and bath.
Let us offer you our superior bath aud toilet needs —A big, complete
line of everything for the purpose. All the regular advertised prepa
rations and articles lor lady, gentleman, and baby.
Clean teeth are very necessary to clean health,
NYDENTA Tooth Paste
W. WALLACE WHETSELL, Licensed Pharmacist. Mgr.
“Postage Paid on Parcel Post Packages.’’
What “Bee Dee” Means
"Bee Dee” on the label means REAL VALUE p— ———“ I
Inside the package, and RESULIS and SAIIS- Alter using the Bre Dec f
FACTION alter the contents have been used. Remedies generally lor l
A! vays ak for “Bee Dee” when you buy a stock
or poultry remedy. "Bee Dee remedies are pre- I giving entire satisfaction. I I
Dared from pure, medicinal ingredients, in a scien- and we cheerfully recom- I
pc way, and are genuine medicines that you can
dependon ’ , Waco. Texas.
r>ee I ice medicine
JLS ** LINIMENT - DIP You can get them at
Bee Dee Healing Powder—Bee Dee Colic Remedy your dealer's. p I
When YOU Hire
A U. S. Senator
You should proceed as if you were employing a farm
hand, a doctor or a lawyer. You should first learn
about the MAN HIMSELF. If he is not “O. K”as a
MAN, other things—such as promises and sell-esti
mates —count for nothing.
Apply this rule to John M. Slaton, the MAN. He
is a candidate —an applicant to YOU, the people foi
the place of United States Senator. He is going to
work for YOU in Washington. You ought to know
about him. We want YOU to know about him—the
He calls his campaign a “consultation with the peo
ple of Georgia.” He is one of you. He was born on a
Georgia farm. Having the capacity for hard work, he
has worked hard. He worked his way to first honors
in college. He worked his way to first position at the
Georgia bar. He worked his way to the top in Georgia
politics because he was always working for the people s
He knows the people of Georgia, their needs, their
deserts - for he has rubbed up against all classes from
all angles. His twenty years’ public career has been
subjected to the white light of publicity. But still all
of you may still not know the man. There are thous
ands in Georgia who do know the MAN—know him
from intimate personal and official association. 1 hey
know him as ho is both before and behind the formal
screen of legislative and executive work. They have
been his official neighbors.
One or more probably live in your community. Ask
them about Slaton—the MAN. We would rather you
would select one who is not for Slaton the Candidate.
For even political enemies will swear by Slaton—the
MAN. They, enemies as well as friends, will tell you
that personally and politically Slaton is fair, able, gen
erous, honest, courageous.
And most of them will tell you that Slaton is just
the sort of MAN they would look for if it were up to
them alone to select a United States Senator.
Dignified but not bombastic, progressive, not dema
gogic, slow to make promises but sure to keep them,
unaffected by hysteria but always firm in standing for
the right—he is every inch a MAN—the sort of man
that makes the best Senatorial timber.
Alfred C. Newell, Chairman.
“Send Slaton to the Senate”
JJ B Ninety per cent of his thousand or more old legisla
tive'aisociates supported Slaton for Governor. They are equally
as strong for him for Senator.
Doctor’s orders or drugs tor
home use or for your own recipe
making. High quality, Extreme
purity and— ACCURACY IN
Our Kidney Remedy gives quick
leliefand with perfect safety. Try
it now— so Cents
Maysville Locals
lFront Our Regular Correspondent.)
Miss Florence Sims is \isiting
her sister, Mis. Marvin Garrison,
in Atlanta this week.
Mis Nannie Kasdale, who vis
ited her sister, Mrs. B. M ylie
last week, returned to her home at
Mt. Pleasant Sunday.
M is< Elizabeth Wingfield, of
Athens, is with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. I’erino Boone, for a short
Miss Lula Barlter, of Dry Pond,
spent a short whilo here Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henderson,
of Gillsville, spent Sunday with
relatives here.
Mrs. Blanche Bryan, of Gills
vile, visited relatives here recently.
Miss Margie Adams is on an
extended visit to relatives in At
lanta and Norcross.
Mrs. John Gillespie has as her
guest her sister. Miss Addie Hop
kins, of Atlanta.
A number of our young people
attended the singing at Diamond
Ilil 1 Sunday and report excellent
Mr. C. W. McCurdy spent Sun
day with his mother at Comer.
We are glad to know Mis. Clem
inic Wilhite, w io has been quite
sick for several weeks, is conva
Mr. Radio Lyle, of Palmetto,
spent the week end with his fam
ily here.
Miss Leila Medlock has returned
to her home at Norcross aftci a
most successful season as trimmer
for Mrs. T. Smith. She will be
missed by her many friends here.
Miss Blanche Sims is with rela
lives and friends in Atlanta this
w eel,.
Mr. and Mis. Lon Blackwell
and'children visited mar Homer
the first of the week.
Mr. has rctunie l
to his home in Athens alter a I w
days stay with homefolks and old
friends here.
Mr. Tom Reynolds, a. popular
; alesmao for a wholesale house in
Atlanta, is spending a few dajs
with homefolks heie.
Mr. Roy Parks, of Gainesville,
was a visitor here Sunday.
Miss Belle Pounds, of Atlanta,
is spending several weeks with
homefolks and friends.
Little Miss Lois Meeks enter
tained a number of small girls at
a pretty party on last Saturday
morning in honor ol her cousins,
Bernice ami W ilbert Hill, of Ho
mer, who v. re visitors here last
Mrs. C. \V. McCurdy left last
week for a months visit to her
parents at Lumbertown, Miss.
We learn that Miss Elizabeth
Rogers, who suffered a seveiely
sprained ankle and a dislocated
shoulder when thrown from an
overturned buggy, w hile v isiting
at the home of a relative near
Nicholson last week, is recovering
Miss ueile Meeks lias returned
| from a visit to Homer.
Miss. Miriam Hill, of Horner, vis
ited her sister, Mrs. C. Griffin, the
first of the week.
Miss Lillian Stephens enter
taine 1 the you ng set at a party on
last Friday evening in honor of her
i guest, Miss Jones, of Gainesville.
Mr. Arthur Smith and charm
ing daughter, Miss Lillie, will go
to Savannah the latter part of this
week where Miss Smith will re
main for a month with friends'
Mr. Smith will probaly return
next week.
A marriage of interest to many
friends in Georgia and South Car
olina is that of Miss Georgia Mel
sie, and Dr. William W. Whet
sell which occured at the home of
the btide at Charleston, y. C. on
•Ju tu-24 th.
Dr. Whetnell has been with the
Chandler-Jackson Drug Cos. for the
past two months, and has made
many warm friends here who
are glad to know they will make
our little city their future home.
Broken Hearted Swan.
The last two swans have disappear*!!
from the octagonal basin In the Jardin
des Tuileries, Parts. They were an
exemplary couple; tho male died of
rheumatism and Ula grit i.
When you buy Shoes here you are sure of
the service you will receive because we guarantee abso
lute satisiaction in the wear. *
You are assured the newest styles in the
most fashionable leather and whether you want button
or lace you may be sure that you will find your size.
You will find just the Shoe you want
here at just the price you want to pay. A splendid as
sortment of sizes and styles in a wide range of prices.
There is a combination of good sound reasons why it
will be to your best interests to come to this store and
inspect our offerings before yon make any purchases of
things to wear.
Style, Quality, Beauty and Value are all in evidence
throughout our stock now more than ever before.
No matter what you want in the Dry G-oods Line we can
predict that yon will find just what yon want here, and
our prices will surprise yon this season, they are so low.
Make up your mind right now that you are going into
BLACKWELL BROS. STORE the very first time you
are in Maysville and see the new goods and learn of the
valuable advantages offered you here.
After a long illness Mrs. Jane
Davinsou died at her home at "t o
nah last Sunday, and was buried
at Hi llton Monday. She was about
seventy years of age, and is sur
vived by her husband and two
Mr and Mrs. Bob Pool of Colo
rado, are visiting their mother,
Mrs. M. M. Pool.
Mr. and Mrs. Lem Davidson
visited Mr. and Mrs. Jut Simmons
Kev. W. M. Slaton lilted his
regular appointment at the Pente
costal church Sunday.
Mr. Seaborn Pless of Flippen,
bus been spending a few days with
bis parents.
Mr. Jesse Stephens, who has
been very low with typhoid fever,
is improving.
Miss Bessie Donehoo of Florida,
who is spending the summer with
relatives, attended preaching at
\ onah Sunday.
Miss Eliza C'tumly of Bellton, is
spending a few days with her sis
tei Mrs. Lou Worley.
Mr. It. N. King of Atlanta, has
been visiting the home of Mr. T.
B. Simmons.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Smith were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gilles
pie Sunday.
The citizens ol 'i •mail are inter
ested in the race between Mr. Bi ll
and Mr. Charters. But Mr. Bell
seems to be a fav< rite with most
of them.
Splendid values in
the latest style in
Ladies, Skirts, Mid
dies, Apions and
TJnderwa re.
Miss ju’ 1a Littlefield
Cornelia, Ga.
H-laing “Cavie*.”
There’s a m-n rear Providence
who rnakwa a living by raising
“calves”—that is to say, guinea pigs
—for medic 1 schools and biological
laboratories The demand for the
eavie 1s such thut urfees run about on
the level vt U.ose lor chickens.
GONG returning
Lv. Atlanta - 6:20 am Lv. Tate Springs. no* a m
Ar. Ooltewali -- - .10:20 a m Ar. Morristown 1400 noon
Ar. Knoxville -- - 2:00 p m Ar. Knoxville
Ar. Morristown 3:25 pm Ar. Ooltewali J*
Ar. Tate Springs 4:11 pm Ar. Atlanta 10.45 pm
All Meals on Dining Car Going and Returning.
Parlor Car Accomodations in Both Directions.
Low Round Trip Summer Tourist Fares.
For full information and tickets call on ticket agent or address
On]? one more week
—in which you can buy a
high grade South rtend
Watch on our club plan.
This is the most liberal
watcli ofler ever made in
this city.
During the few weeks it
has been open, we have
sold more high grade
watches than ever before
“South Rend”
, ir 1 ~ B Watch
these South Bend watches
which we are offering on
the club plan.
You are sure to like Its
trim smart build im
As to its timekeeping
qualities well, ask any
one—who carries a South
Bend what they think of
it. This Is the best test
we know of.
In buying a South Ber.d
Next week Is your last chance to buy on these terms
In any period of the same
length in our history.
But everything must end
sometime and next week is
the last in which we can
sell watches on the club
If you arc not the owner
of a high grade watch of
late design come in and
let us show you one of
you are Investing in a
watch that will give you
a lifetime of reliable ser
vice— a watch that la
backed by our guarantee
as well as the manufac
If you want to own a
watch like this, come in
and learn about our plan
which enables you to buy
it at the rock bottom cash
price on easy payments so
small that you will never
notice them.