Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, July 17, 1914, Image 3

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We Are Prepared To Serve The Bank ofMaysville is equip ped in every way for up to date Bank ing:. Our depositors are protected by an Insurence Fund amounting Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dol lars. We mail a statement monthly to all depositors so that they may know iust how they stand. All business of our customers is treated confidentially. We have money at all times to lend to our depositors. We Solicit Your Business J. A. Sassar, President, H. P. Camp, V. P. M O. Sanders, Cashier, De. E.U. J ackson, Y.P BANK OF MAYSViLLE, Maysviile. Ca. COULD SCARCELY WALK ABOUT And For Three Summers Mrs. Vin cent Was Unable to Attend to Any of Her Housework. Pleasant Hill, N. C.—“l suffered for three summers,” writes Mrs. Walter Vincent, of this town, “and the third and last time, was my worst. 1 had dreadful nervous headaches and prostration, and was scarcely able to walk about. Could not do any of my housework. I also had dreadful pains in my back and sides and when one of those weak, sinking spells would come on me, 1 would have to give up and lie down, until it wore off. I was certainly in a dreadful state of health, when 1 finally decided to try Cardui. the woman’s tonic, and I firmly Beef and Milk A-plenty them well quickly when sick, than a few doses o ST ock medicine. _i _ CTfirlT They soon ret well. T~9 /\ A I AnO olvbiv Johft S. Carroll. £>CC Lice MEDICINE Moorhead. Mias, j Stirs up the liver -Drives 25c> BOc and sj. per can. disease poisons away. At your dealer's. p B 2 Catch It With A Camera:- Get that group of friends with your earner i and y ou have a pleas ant reminder of a happy ti me. fake a picture of the scenes and places you visit. Snap the Children while at play and you secure the expressions and attitudes that cannot be recorded in any other way. A VACATION COMPANION. The ideal vacation companion is a camera. It sees and iccoids what you desire. At all other times it is your silent, unobtrustive friend, who never tioubles you, asks questions or is in the way. Nothing will help you so much to present in perfect form the pleasures of vour trip. We offer you a line camera taking picture of a generous size' automatic shutter, line lens very compact and complete for SIO.OO. With every puchase made during the next ten days we will give you two roils of lilms I REE. GOODS SENT TO VACATION LAND FREE W. WALLACE WHETSELL, Licensed Pharmacist, Mgr. MAYSVILLE. GEORGIA “Postage Paid on Parcel Post Packages.’ Rearranged. The choir wished to sing a hymn, the first verse of which ended: "The night is falling. Heaven help us as ■we’re calling ” But as they wished It for morning service, the leader sug gested that they change the wording of It a bit. A young man dutifully proposed the following amendment: —TL morn is dawning. Heaven help >1 11 we're yawning.” believe I would have died if I Itadn’f taken it. After 1 began taking Cardui, I was greatly helped, and all three bottles re lieved me entirely. I fattened up, and grew so much stronger in three months, I felt like an other person altogether.” Cardui is purely vegetable and gentle acting. Its ingredients have a mild, tonic effect, on the womanly constitution. Cardui makes for increased strength, improves the appetite, tones up the ner vous system, and helps to make pale, sallow cheeks, fresh and rosy. Cardui has helped more than a million weak women, during the past 50 years. It will surely do for you, what it has done for them. Try Cardui today. Write to: Chattanooga Mcllcln, Cos.. l.aJiea* Ad vlsory Dept., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special /n --81 ruction 8 on your ca-.e and 64-page book, "Home ii reatment for Women," sant In plain wrapper. J-<js Bird on Chimney Suffocated. A dead pigeon dropped dcwn the chimney of a Glasgow (Scotland) house the other day while an aged woman named Elizabeth Hotchkiss was seated at the fire side. The bird scattered the ashes of the grate upon the woman, with the result that she was severely burned. It is thought that the pigeon had been afitlng on tb* chimnsy head and was suffocated. iA*tS ( r-Nll JUVJKWAL tlOfltK, tA., John Burch Hilled John Burch, one of the best known yong men of the city, was shot by his brother, William Burch last night about 10 o’clock, and died from the effect of the shot at St. Mary's hospital a few min utes after midnight . Burners and reports flew thick, of course, as to the cause and the manner of the tragedy: carclul can vass of the detail seems to warrant the following statement of the erase: John Burch, who was in his nearbeer saloon on Jackson street, went to the door of the place as Bill, his brother, who was said by a number of parties to have been drinking considerable, crossed the street from Petropol <Xi Forchas' place opposite. The brothers met on the sidewalk, John stepping down the street into the entrance of a stairway leading up over the the saloon. In the dark ol the stairway exacth what passed be. tween the men no o '.e heard or would report. John talked to Bill and Bill drew fort.j onecaliberder ringer and fired when lie was only two or three feet from John. The ball entered the side just above and back of the hip and came out nearly in fronteutting an artery (it was later discovere). As John turned to gd away two si nits were fired shattering the w rist of the wounded man. — Athens Banner. Announcement fo the voters of the W cstern Judi ciul ( irenit: I hereby announce my candidacy to .succeed myself as judge of the Superior Courts of this circuit. I am deeply grateful to my friends throughout the circuit for loyal support in the past,and in soliciting their suffrage again, I renew and rep.‘at what 1 promised the people when I made my first race for the office, namely: If elected my whole time will be devoted to the discharge of the duties of this of lice. and my only business will bo io iransait and dispose oi the business of the courts. This I pro pose to in a business w iy with be coming dispatch and promptnesss land as far as is consistent with law !io the conveniences of the bar and the people generally. In the per formance of these public duties, a judge should have no friends to reward and no enemies to pun ish. lie should be absolutely lair and impartial, lie should be scrupulously .just to the poor and humble, as well as to the rich and exalted. All who have business in the courts, including jurors, litigant <, witnesses, su perior court officers, couit con stables, and members of the bar, should receive at the hands of the judge equal courtesy and consul e ration. An ancient sage and philosopher said that “Four things belonged to a judge. To hear courteously, to answer wisely, to consider soberly, and to decide impartially.” This rule of conduct embodies the wis dom of ages, audit elected, my purpose shall be to endeavor to live up to it. Respectfully, Gxias. fl. Bit AND. For The Home To live, to work, to be help and to be helped; to learn sympathy through suffering,to learn faith by perplexity; to reach truth through wonder, —behold! 1 his is what it is to prosper,this is what it is to live —Phillips Brooks. One man in the right finally gets to be a majority, you are not neces sarily right you occasion ally find yourself with the major ity. In all contoroversies, right | finally Empire State. Empire Laundry. We are agents for the Empire Laundry of Athens. Our basket leaves every week. Leave your laundry at our store. HILL & BROWN. ROBBERS’ CAVE IN BIG CITY Police of Budapest Find and Take Pos session of Rendezvous of Thieves Who Were Becoming Rich. An AH Baba’s cave has been dis covered in the fashionable St. Leo pold quarter at Budapest, within a stone’s throw of the new Palace of Justice. Following the directions of three pickpockets whom they had ar rested, a force of secret police agents came upon a vacant site, formerly occupied by a windmill which was demolished to make room for the new law courts. Behind a great heap of old bricks a secret entranco was discovered giving access to the extensive cellars which had formed part of the former building. As in the story, it required an “open ses ame” to obtain admittance. The magic formula in the present in stance consisted of a password in use among the robbers. No sooner had it been pronounced by the police than the brickwork in a wall became dis placed and entranco was at once gained to the cave. Here the police found not gold nor jewels, hut mer chandise of every description, from bags of sugar and coffee to articles of furniture, even including pianos. Most of the thieves W'ero absent, each member of the gang being occu pied in his own particular task. Towards dusk one after the other of them made his appearance, every man laden with his share of the spoils of tho day. The last lo ar rive was the chief, a gypsy who was known among the hand as ‘‘Charle magne.” lie, us well as several of his followers, made a violent attack on the police, one of whom was shot and seriously wounded. The thieves were, however, hopelessly outnum bered, and soon gave up the struggle. DIDN’T KNOW HER EITHER ——raauLj]£r~'i r~r The Lady —But I don’t know you, sir. Tho Beau Well, I’m fakin’ as much chances ns you are. DUAL OBSERVATORY. The Koval Observatory of Bel gium, at I ode, near Brussels, has been divided into two distinct estab lishments; one devoted to astronomy, together with astrophysics, geodesy, gravity and seismology; the other to meteorology, along with climatology, terrestrial magnetism and atmos pheric electricity. The former will he known as the Royal Observatory of Belgium, the latter as the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium. The effect of this new arrangement is to give tho national meteorological service of Belgium an independent status, whereas it was formerly merely an appendage of an astro nomical observatory. THE HARDEST WORK TO COME. “There! I’ve written the last line in that poem,” said the verse writer. “I’m glad you’re through with it, dear,” replied his wife. “Oh, I’m not through with it. I haven’t sold it yet." INDEFINITE. "What did your fiancee do at your request for a kiss ?” “She was up in arms at the men tion of the idea.” SOLUTION OF THE DIFFICULTY. “There are no hats worn in this theater, madam.” “Than my hat’s all right; it isn’t worn, it’s brand new.” A BLIGHT MISTAKE. Father —Your friend has a very open countenance, Sarah. Sarah—There! I told him to keep his mouth shut! GOOD EXCUSE. Railroad Superintendent What was your motive for running ahead of schedule time, Mr. Engineer? Engineer —A locomotiye, sir. Wheelers School House W e extend the deepest sympathy to the Editor in the loss of his dear companion. The children of W. C. Mooney gatnered at his home last Sunday and celebrated his 55 birthday with baskets of something nice to eat, and as peaches and grapes art' ripe at his home they feasted on these till live o’clock, leaving for their homes with a desire in their hearts to meet at this home many times in future years. Mr. Clarence (’handler spout Sunday with his sister, Mrs. J. D. Wheeler. We are sorry to. report Aunt Clementine Prickett in feeble health. IS. M. Mooney and wile spent Sunday night as guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Youngblood. Mrs. J. C. Wheeler called to see Mrs. Clem Prickett Saturday. Mrs. Addie Miller was shop ping in Maysviile Friday. Mr. Joe Mathesoii of Texas, spent Friday night with his old friend, J. C. Wheeler. He lived here about 20 years ago and this is his first visit back. Mrs. J. 11. Youngblood and mother in law, of Dalton, went to Maysviile Saturday. FA I RBANKS-lIORSE ENGINES It is useless for you to go to a city, pay your expenses, and a higher price, when you can pur chase' what you want in the follow ing line right here in Maysviile. FrirbanKs-Morse Engines Use Either Gasolene or Kerosine Electric Light Plants For Town or residences—any ca pacity Water Systems of All Kinds Eesevoiis of any capacity Cypress and Metal Tanks Feed and Grinding Mills Wood saws or any machinery that would be needed to use with an engine. li. T. PARKS , Maysviiic Oarage. I! A I’ MOSS CANOTIIE CURED by local applications, as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deab.ess, and that is by con stitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by on inflamed condition ol the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube isinflamed you have a rumbling sound or im perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result and unless theinllamination can be taken out and this tube re stored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever: nine cases out of ten arc caused by Catarrh which is nothing but an inllamed condition ol the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dol la is for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by ilull's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. Addiess: F. J. CHENEY &CO., Toledo, O. .-'old by all Druggists, 75c. 'l ake Hall’s Family Pills for con stipation. Stop In Atlanta At Hotel Empire (>pposite Uuion I Jepot on Pryor St. Renovated and refurnished throughout. Reservations made on application. Hot and cold water, private baths, electric lights and elevator. First class accommodations at extremely moderate rates. Euro pean plan 75 cents up. JohnL. Edmondson, Prop into r. Georgia—Banks County To all whom it may concern: F. M. Henderson having applied, for guardianship of the person and property of Sarah C. Henderson, minor child of H. B. Henderson late of said county, deceased, no tice is given that said application will be heard at my office at ten o’clock a. m. ou the first Monday in August next. This July Oth 1914. T. F. Hill, • Ordinary. Look! Read! $1.50 buys the best WASHING MA CHINE on earth. Will wash full tub of clothes in 8 minutes. A Two cent stamp will place one in any home on ten day’s free trial. Write to-day. Van’s Distributing Agency, Lula, Ga. dentalTnotice Dr. D. M. Hudson, of Toccoa, will be at Baldwin the first week of each month prepared to do den tal work in all its branches —office over the Bank. For The Legislature 1 respectfully announce myself a candidate for re-election to the lower house of the Georgia Legisla ture subject to the Democratic pi i inary, the date to be named later. If elected, it will be my one pur pose to serve all my people to the best of my ability. Respectfully, Tom E. Anderson. For State Treasurer. To the People of Georgia: I am a candidate to succeed myself as Treasurer, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. My candidacy is based strictly upon my record and experience in this office, which are well known to the people of Georgia, and which I trust has been satisfactory If, in your opinion, the manage ment of the; State’s finances undei my administration for the past several years has been faithful anil efficient, I would grateful ap predate your endorsement at the polls in the coining primary. Thanking you for the support and confidence extended me here tofore, I earnestly solicit your fur ther kind consideration of my can didacy in the present campaign. Respectfully, W. J. Speer. To the Voters of Banks Cos. I hereby announce iny candidacy for Congress subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held August 19th. I will apple ciate the vote and inlluenceof each and if elected will give the people two years of the best part of my life Sincerely, Thob. M. Rule. For Congress. I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for Represeuta tive in (he Sixty Fourth Congress from the Ninth Congressional Dis trict, subject to the Democratic Primary to be hcJd on August 19th, 1914. W. A. Charters. The largest bronze statute is that of Peter the Great, in St. Peters burg, Russia. It weighs some 1,100 tons. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. 6. N. HARDEN. Office at Residence Hve Miles North-east of Homer. Calls Answered Promptly. Telephone Connection. DR. J. s. JOLLY Homer, G-a. Will answer calls Day or Night. Residence call at Hill Hotel. Office East side Public Squaie. S. R- JOLLY attorney-at-law Homer, Qa. Office in Court House J. S. Chambers, m. and. Office in old Postoffice liu ii.i* ing. HOMER, QA. Ernst BrocKman Teacher of Music Maysville, Ga. Piano Voice Theory Sight Singing