Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, July 24, 1914, Image 2

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4NKS COUNTY JOURNAL • Every Krida, *> i Inirnal Publishing Cos. I ICIAL ORGAN OF BANKS COUNTY r 4 1 •• Second Clot* matter April 10. , r' the Poetolßce at Homer. Go., under ... 'rt of Concrete of March 3, 1879 u rrlptlon 91.00 a Year In Advance ■ 4 rant:ed CIRCULATION 1700 11 1 "" Homer Locals Col. Gordon Logan's announce nient for representative appeal* in the Journul L> day. Mr. Login is young and active and will there fore make an active race. The Hanks County Hardman Club ii adding new members every day. It is growing fast. 190 members are now enrolled and the managers expect several hundred more in the next few days. We are requested to ask all peo pie who have relatives or friends buried at Ml. Pleasant cemetery to meet there on July JO, for the pur* p is * of cleaning off the giaves. J)r. G. It. Adams will give a free lecture at the school auditorium to night at 8:.‘I0. Htereoptiean pictures will be shown and the lecture will be interesting and in structive. Come and bring the children. Charlie Mize, non of Mr. Bud Mize who lives in Jtushvilic lis trift, mounted a mule Wednesday afternoon with the gears on; the mule beeanv frightened throwing the boy in a manner that he be came entangled in the gears and was dragged In death. I)rs. Vomer, Adams and Holder will examine you for hookmorms at the free lispensary in Homer Haturday duly 25th. but not after that date, as they will leave for other fields. Over 1300 people have been examined to date and over 800 treated. Dr. Verner says the people of Hanks have taken advantage of the opportunity to be examined more readily than any other county in north Georgia. A South Georgia editor says “if he went fishing tor a United States senator and eauglit ‘Little doe’ he’d ding him back.” Maysville Gararge NEXT TO DEPOT. Machines constant ly on hand to carry you to any part of the country. Prices Reasonable. We also keep on hand for sale Tires, Greases, Gasoline cheaper than it can be bought elsewhere. We now have three second hand cars for sale: Flanders, 20: Studebaker 30: Ford. Fok Statk Treasurer. To the People of Georgia: 1 am a candidate to suet‘ml myself as Treasurer, subject to the action of the Democratic primal v. My candidacy is based strictly upon my record and experienc, in this office, which are well kuowi. to the people of Georgia, and which I trust has been satisfactory If, in your opinion, the manage rnent of the State's tiuauccs undei my administration for the past several years has been faithful and efficient, 1 would grateful ap preeiate your endorsement at the polls in the coming primary. Thanking you for the support " and confidence extended me here to fore, I earnestly solicit your fui ther kind consideration of my can (lidacy iu the present campaign. Respectfully, W. J. Si’Knn. SEVENTEEN REASONS FGR THE ELECTION OF T. W. HARDWICK 'T* HE Democratic voters of Georgia I will ho well to select Gorigrm;: niun Tlioi as W. Hardwick to fill tlie uri'i ■SHfc " pi. i term of the late Senator iiacon 1 Tiecauso lie is preeminently quail fled liy twelve years training and i-xp*- rlencc In ('ongress. Is In close touch with Hl* / the Democratic leaders in the Senate, with President Wilson and his Cabinet, f flßk JW*-*.,./ and can wield an Influence for Georgia / greater than nny one of his opponents l 2.—Because, being at least the equal In ■k xßair 1 r IfejH mentality of any of his competitors, he is ..A SB twelve year* ahead of them In experience as to the duties of a Senator. THOMAS W. HARDWICK. 3, —Because of long and loyal service to the Democratic party In State and Nation. 4- Because he Is the father of negro disfranchisement In Georgia, and one of the pioneers of that movement in the South. It was he who begun the fight In 1899, prosecuting it vigorously, until it was won in 1908. 6. Because ho voted for and helped to pass In Congress such great constructive measures as the legislation for the construction of the Panama Canal, the Pure Food Act, the Hepburn bill regulatin' railroads, the McCall bill for publicity In campaign expenses, the Till man bill prohibiting corporations from making political contributions, the act of 1907 limiting the number of hours of continuous service for railroail telegraphers, the employers' liability act, the Constitutional Amendment providing for an Income Tax, and for the election of United States Senators by the people and others. 8. —Because South Georgia is entitled to one of the Senator- Mr. Hardwick was born In Thomas county, and live in Washington county. 7. —Because he led a successful fight in Congress to repeal the tax of two cents a pound on sugar, thus saving this amount to every housekeeper In the country. R - Because he helped organize and lead the fight on Cannon and Cannonism, thereby splitting the Republican party and paving the way for complete Democratic success in 1912. 9. Because when disruption threatened the party over the Panama tolls question, he, with Congressman Adamson of Georgia, under of ficial appointment, rallied the shattered forces nnd saved the day for the party and the administration. 10 -Because he has always stood for sharp restriction of undesir able foreign Immigration and was Instrumental in Increasing the head tax and imposing an educational lest on foreign immigrants. 11, Because he was largely Instrumental In securing the passage of the Shackelford good roads bill through the Hou-c 12 Because he has always opposed and always will oppose most •trenuously the appointment of negroes to office. I 13. -Because although progressive In views as his record proves, he supports the great taste principles of Democracy Individualism, , rights of the states, co-ordluation and division of federal powers and I believes in upholding the ancient Democratic faith. I 14 Because he Is vigorous, alert, active and always ready to fight ) hard and to the end for the interests of Georgia and her people. 15. Because he never dodges an Issue or trims his sails to catch a passing breeze. 1 Hi, I localise he w ears no man's collar and a knowledges no ma I save the sovereign people of Georgia, whose eomm's ion lie will hold 17 Because he Is the peer of any of his competitors in ability, experience, judgment and party service. HARDWICK CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE. Col. F. M. Johnson Col. F. M. .lohnson was hit by an automobile in Gainesville one day last week and died Sunday at three o’clock. Col. Johnson was much loved here in Hanks wher® he attended courts for many years, lie was of a very cheerful and sposi tion and remained cheerful to the end. Read the following letter he sent to .the Atlanta Journal two days b fore he died. The following communication lias been received by The Journal from Colonel Fletcher M. Johnson, of <! vinesville: Gainesville, Ga., July Hi. ISH4. “Editor Journal, Atlanta, Ga. — Your Gainesville correspondent was misinformed as to the extent of my injuries, for there is no doubt of my recovery, and my friends are not in the least appre hensive as to my recovery. “The only trouble in the ease, and the only fear, is that my friends, with their generous and affectionate kindness and attention, may kill me. ‘ It almost make< me glad that I was injured to have such comfort ing assurances of the sweet affee- tious of my friends. “If dear Mrs. Palmour would quit worrying 1 would be happy, for 1 am “playing the game'—that is, ‘to be happy about everything.' "1 am happy beeause it was a light machine, for a heavy ma chine would have killed me. Then, of course, l am happy that l was not killed; then my friends drive away tvery ache and pain and that makes me happy. “I am slightly disfigured, but still in the ring, and am happy to feel 1 will be up and able to vote for our peerless senator, Hon. Hoke Smith. “Let this little note have a prominent place so my friends over the state can make me happy by doing their duty and electing Sen ator Smith. “There's life in the old land yet." 1 write this tlat of jny back. Fletcher M. Jonxsos- Advert isement Pete Greer Killed by Herman Bryant Pete Grier and Herman Bryant engiged in a quarrel Sunday night about dark at the home of of Mr. Higham Gilmer near Gillsville which i estilted in the killing of Grier by Bryant. The two men had trouble, it is said, previously about a debt over whiskey, and they met Sunday night at the home of Mr. Gilmer. They liegan qurreling in the din ing room, and some abusive lan guage was passed, followed by three quick shots. When Mr Gilmer’s family came into the room, Grier was lying in a poll of blood near the door, dying, it is said he did not speak before dying only living a few minutes. Bryant was captured and brought to Hall county jail Mon day morning by Deputy Sheriff Stylie Buffington. He willuot alk of the matter further than to say that the shooting was done in self de fense. A coroner’s inquest was held Monday afternoon, an and the veidiet was, in substance, that the net was murder. A 38 calibre S & \V. revolver was found in the right hand pocket of the dead, man, with the barrel sticking up Grier’s family, it. is said, claim that he did not own a weapon of that kind. The pistol Bryant used was not seen, but two 32-calibre blank shells weie found in the room where the shooting occurred. Grier is survived by a wife and two children, and was about 30 years of age. Bryant is a single man. about 24 years of age. For Congress. I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for Represents tive in the Sixty Fourth Congress from the Ninth Congressional Dis triet, subject to the Democratic Primary to be held on August 19th. 1914. YV*. A. Charters. BANKSfCP Y7NTT £ lOURNAL, P,GA., Honesty in Advertising We have alwals striven to win and hold the confi dence of this community. Its belief in us, its entire trust, is a prize, that above all others, we aim to keep. By our deeds and our words we seek to establish this bond of confidence between the public and ourselves To this end we have endeavored in the past to make our announcements in a simple language impossible to mis construe, and the same policy will be carried out in the future. Truth is the very soul of advertising. We wish our advertisements to be taken literally. In them we say only what we mean, and we promise only what we can literally fulfill. Advertising is one of the principal contact points with the public, and upon the quality of it. to a great extent depends our success. Therefore our announce ments by their candor, truthfulness, and straightfor wardness but reflect the salient features of our policy— If you want Dress Goods, Shoes, Millinery, or Notions, of tlie best quality at the lowest price high class goods can be sold, call on us. We Delight in Showing GOOD GOODS MRS. J. T. SMITH XIAYWMJ.I.H, - - (lEOIIOU WOODRUFFS lACTI KING CO., of WINDKK, GA.. offer their new improved Woodruff Up-to-date Gasoline and Oil Engines 2HP $56.00; 3 IIP *80.00; t 1-2 Hl* *140.00; * HP $200.00; S HP *275.00, F. O. B. Winder, Ga. We want yon to see the engine and examine it for yourself, and compile prices and quality and save half \ our money and get anew improved engine. Call at our store and let us explain our special proposition. We have the engines in stock and ready to deliver to you. Gillespie Company Maysville, Ga. U.AKN css CANOTBE CURED by local applications, as they can not reach the diseased portion of the car. There is only one way to cure>, and that is by con stitutional lemedies. Deal ness is ernsed in on iutlamcd condition ot the mucous iiuingot the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inllamed vou have a rumbling sound or im perfect heating, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube re stored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever: nine easts out of ten are caused by Catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condition ot the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dol lars for any case of Deafness (caused by catairh) that caunot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for cireul.its, free. Address: F. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. For The Legislature I respectfully announce myself a candidate for re-election to the lower house of the Georgia I.egisia lure subject to the Democratic pri mary. tile date to be named later. If elected, it will be my one pat pose to serve all my people to the best of my ability. Respectfully, . ypat E. Andersos. Stop In Atlanta At Hotel Empire Opposite Uuion Depot on Pryor St. Renovated and refurnished throughout. Reservations made on application. Hot and eohl water, private baths, electric lights and elevator. First class accommodations at extremely moderate rates. Euro pean plan 75 cents up. John L. Edmondson, Propietor. Tobacco Salesmen wanted. Erfrn #UX) monthly. Expenses. Experience unnecessary. Adver tise and take orders from mer chants for Smoking and Chewing tobacco. Cigarettes, Cigars, etc. Send a 2e stamp tor full par ticulars. Hkmet Tobacco Cos. New York, N. Y. To the Voters of Banks Co -1 hereby announce my candidacy for Congress subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held August 19th. 1 will appre eiate the vote and influence of each and if elected will give the people two years of the best part of my life Sincerely, Thos. M. Bell. The largect college is in Caiio, Egypt. It has on its register each year over 10,000 students and 310 teachers, Finds Cure for Epilepsy After Years of Suffering "My daughter was afflicted with epileptic fits for three years, the attacks corning rvrry few weeks. We employed several doctors but they did her no ECK-d. About a year ago we i heard of Dr. POT Miles' Nervine, and u certair,iy fcWßi. fa. M|-.| hi proved a 11 Messing to our Nv*" Aptt little slrl. She i* } j , ’W n0 w apparent 1 / // j V. ■ <■ :red and la en- I ( i ‘ ' > > TV j.,ylmc the b<-t I jl JI I i J■ of health. It la (’[. <1 I ,/ over a year since Mir! " Bhe has had a N*• fit. We cannet speak too highly ot Dr. Miles' Nervine." MKS. FRANK ANDERSON. Comfrey, Minn. Thousands of children in the United States who are suffering from attacks of epilepsy are a burden and sorrow to their parents, who would give anything to restore health to the sufferers. Dr. Miles’ Nervine is one of the best remedies known for this affliction. It has proven beneficial in thousands of cases and those who have used it have the greatest faith in it It is not a “cure-all,” but a reliable remedy for nervous diseases. You need not hesitate to give it a trial. Bold by all Drugglata. If th flnt bottle falls to benefit your money Is returned. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, In* Log; and A dvertisements Georgia —Banks County To all whom it may concern: F. M. Henderson having applied for guardianship of the person an l property of Saiah C. Henderson, minor child of H. B. Henderson late of said county, deceased, no tiee is given that said application will be heard at my office at ten o’clock a. m. on the first Monday in August next. This Julv 6th 1914. T. F. Hill, Ordinary. Caution Carried to Extremes. “Mrs. Westmore Is one of the most cautious persons I have ever known " "Yes, she was telling me the other day that she never kept a striking clock in the kitchen, because she thought that if she did so the cook might acquire the habit”— Chicago JUcord-Herald.