Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, August 14, 1914, Image 3

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Banks County Bank INBTHIE^DEPOSIT^ Pays Interest on Time Deposits and Extends to its depositing and bor rowing customers all the banking ac commodations and facilities that any well regulated banking institu tion alfords. Call upon us when you need to borrow and remember us when you have surplus money. Banks County Bank HOMER. GA. L. N. TURK, l*res. K. T. THOMPSON, V. P. O. WALTON, Cashier. Acknowledge receipt of all deposits sent by mail, piomptly Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Time Deposits 100 PUR UIINT. SAI'KTY. j he Functions Oi This BanK re broad and comprehensive. It receives deposits subject to check, pays interest on savings ac counts and certificates of deposit, sells exchange on all parts of tin wot Id, makes collections in any part of the country, loans money o' approved security. i uoncss and peesonul checking acconnts are invited. RESERVE AND CAPITAL A savings account answers both purpose It is a reserve lor times of hardship, weakness, and want, It is a capital for use when a business proposition offers. Baldwin State Bank BALDWIN. GA. A Winning Combination FROM GOLDIN AKK “While the Golden Age is not n political paper, except when some great moral question is involved, it is still the privilege of the editor to be true to his friends and at the same time “crown the worthies” wherever they are found. “Captain Robert E. Park, the late lamented Treasurer of Georgia, was one of the truly great men of the Btate. “At his side, with eagleeyeaml kinderd heart, stood Ren F. Perry, chief clerk and office manager un der Captain Park. And now that he offers for the place of Assistant Treasurer with genial and scbol. a-ly I>emuel M. Park, brother of Captain Robert K. i’aik as 1 leas ure, it is only human that Ave should wish this fine combina'ion ‘mighty well’ in their pursuit of their worthy ambition. “(VI. L. M. Park, a gallant soldier of the‘sixties’, is an ‘old time Southern gentleman’ with file yet in Ids eye and the grace of Southern chivalry in his elastic step. And somehow, all other things being equal, we feel like crowing always with our love and our ballots a man was brave enough to bare his breast for lb> country’s good, lifting a soldiei stainless sword above a heart of gold. ‘‘Here’s to Park and Perry —a winning combination.” Stop In Atlanta At Hotel Empire Opposite Uuion Depot on Pryor St. Renovated and refurnished throughout. Reservations made on application. Hot and cold water,private baths, electric lights and elevator. First class accommodations at extremely moderate rates. Euro pean plan 75 cents up. JohnL. Edmondson, Propietor. Whenever Yon Need a General Tonic Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic propertiesof QUININE ; end IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and guilds up the Whole System. 50 cents. G eorgia—banks county. To all whom it may concern: J. L. Pepper haying in prop r form, applied to me for Permanent Letters of Administration on tin estate of ,J. K. Pepper, late of said County, this is to cite all and singn lar the creditor and next of kin of J. K. Pepper to be anil appear at my office within the time allowed by law,and show cause, if any they can, why permanent admin is tration should not be granted to J. L. Pepper on J. K. Pepper’s estate. Witness my hands and official signature, this ‘.i day of August, 1914. T. F. Hill, Ordinary Dr. G. H. DUNLAP DENTIST Commerce, - - . Georgia. Offers his professional services to the people of Commerce and sur rounding territory. Work done lay or night. ’Phone 126. MaysviJle Gararge NEXT TO DEPOT. Machines constant i j on hand to carry v ;>u to any part of the ovmtry. Prices Reasonable. We also keep on hand for sale Tires, G-reases, Gasoline cheaper nan it can be bought t ’se where. We now have three ■econd hand cars for :tle: Flanders, 20; tudebaker 30; Ford. How To Give Quinine To CMidren. PEBRILINE isthetrade-mnrk given to an improved Quinine. It is a Tasteless Kyrup. pleas ant to take and does not disturb the stomach. Children take it and never know it is Quinine. Also especially adapted to aduits who cannot take ordinary Quinine. Dor-s net n .u-eate nor cause nervousness nor ringing in the bead. Try it the next time you need Quinine for any pur pose. Ask for 2*ounce original package. The name FEB&ILINE is blown in kettle. 25 cent*. BANKS roiJNTf JOURNAL HOMER, GA., Speer’s Election Is Fully Assured Basing his claims for re-election solely upon the record he has made In office and the service he has given Georgia, State Treasurer \V. J. Speer is deeply gratified over the widespread favorable press comment and the re ports coming from practically every Georgia county indicating that his election is now fully assured. Mr. Speer, though proud of his rec ord as a Confederate veteran. Is mak ing no claim to election upon that score, but simply upon service ren dered. Many Confederate veterans have assured him of hearty support. The Newnan Herald and Advertiser recently said of him: "We are as willing for him to serve us now as we were when he, as a Con federate soldier, took up his gun, went to the front, and bared his breast to the enemy, In defense of our property and our homes.” What Georgia papers say of him: "Has ft record combined with expe rience—an equipment that appeals to the voters.”- Macon Telegraph. "His administration of the State’s finances has always been most honest and businesslike.” —Henry County Weekly. "His record is without a blemish.” —North Georgia Citizen, Dalton. "Mr. Speer lias filled the state treas urer’s office most faithfully and effi ciently." Griffin Nows and Sun. "His management of the office lias been perfectly satisfactory and we sec no use for a change.”—The Nugget, Dahlonega. “His books have always shown a clean record. He will, no doubt, be re-elected by a large majority.” Sandersvillo Georgian. “He has made one of the most satis factory officials the state has ever had." —Enterprise-Gazette, Senoia. "An aide, capable and faithful cus todian of the state's finances.” —Moni- tor, Danlelsville. "He stands on his past record —a record that is hard to beat.” —Wire- grass Farmer, Ashburn. “The people know that the state’s strong box could not be in safer hands.” -Newnan Herald and Adver t isor. "Thousands of friends nil over the state will be glad to assist in ills re election.’’ -Forest Blade, Swainsboro. "His services liavo proven satisfac tory and tlie people will very likely vote to have him returned.” —Wriglits- ville Headlight. - In addition to the foregoing, the spe cial legislative committee -Senator John T. Allen and Representatives Akin of Glynn and Wheatley of Sum ter officially reported, after examin ing his office, that his books were well kept and every dollar was accounted for. The Macon and Atlanta clearing houses have both strongly indorsed him for re-election. The Macon Clear ing House, through Secretary John M. Ross, lias said to the voters of Georgia: “It gives us pleasure to indorse the past record of Hon. W. J. Speer, state treasurer. He has made a faithful and efficient officer. Wc believe it to be to the interest of the state to keep Mr. Speer in his present position." For Representative- To the Voters ol‘ Ranks County. I hereby announce myself a can diilate for the Legislature, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held August 19th, 191 I. I submit for your consideration the following as my platform: Ist. better Appropriations for the public schools, that teachers may be paid promptly. 2nd. Appropriations by tin; State for draining and r< claiming our wet and swampy lands. 3. Raying Justice Court Jurors a per dium for their services, and having a jury term of the Justice court only every three months. 4. An amendment to the pres ent tax equalization law so as to get a return of all intangible prop erty and lower the tax rate both State and ( ounty. If elected I will support all measures that will be for the best interest of my county—it will be my aim at all times to serve my people to the best of my skill and ability. Your support will be greatly ap preciated. Respectfully submitted, J. b. G. Logan. To the Voters of Banks Co s hereby announce my candidacy for Congress subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held August 19th. I will appre date the vote and influence of each and if elected will give the people two years of the best part of my life Sincerely, Thos. M. Hell. Cures Old Sores, Other 6r..idias Won't Cure. The worst cases, to matter of how lonjf standing, are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter s Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Pain and Heals at the same time. 25c, 50c, fi.OO Clothing Men who really want to dress well should spend a few minutes here soon inspecting our showing of “Quali ty Clothes.” If you seek whats correct in style, pattern and in shade as well as cut, you want to come here. In every garment you will find the ladest style tendencies, com bined with good taste and becomingness. But the quality is what you must notice—it demands your attention. The most real value for your money that it is possible to secure at each price. Notions We carry a line of notions that is superior in many respects to that found in the average store. Call on us before you make purchases elsewhere. We can and will please you. Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, and anything that can he used in a home or on a farm. A SQUARE DEAL AND SMALL PROFITS IS OUR MOTTO BLACKWELL BROS. MAYSVILLE, GEORGIA. VOTE IN THE PRIMARY FOR LEM M. PARK FOR STATE TREASURFR OF GEORGIA Lem M. Park now Ims campaign headquarters in room 151, Kimball House, Atlanta, where a hearty wet come is extended all who call, and appreciating the honor and confidence of tlic pi .pic, he will be grateful for tlu; vote and kindly influence of all in the Democratic primary on Wednes day, August 19. Lem M. Park is the youngest brother of the late Capt. Kobt. K. Park, former state treasurer. He was born in Meriwether county and reared In Troup, In both of which Georgia counties he now lias farming and other interests acquired by hard work and good business management. He is an active life member of the State Agricultural Society. He was for sixteen years salesman over Georgia. He left school to enter the Confeder ate service, and is now member Troup County Camp, No. 405, end Colonel on staff of U. C. V. Commander-In-Chief. He is a clean man of integrity and as capable, worthy and well qualified as any who ever filled the office of State Treasurer. (Read what others say of him.) While desiring to meet all voters face to face, yet, by reason of short time, it has been impossible for Mr. Park to get into all communities, al though ho has visited almost every county in the state, and is grateful for the hearty assurances of support re ceived through tlie mails and when ever he has gone. Under every administration for years the Auditors, Legislative committees and Clearing Houses have found the State Treasury department in fine condition, and Lem Park promises as capable, efficient and honest service as any ever rendered. Ben F. Perry, editor Jonesboro News and the Grady County Progress, at Cairo, will serve as Chief Clerk, which position he satisfactorily filled for nearly four years, is a guarantee of experienced service. Vote for Lem M. Park for State Treasurer on Wednesday, August 19, And have your friend* do llkewlMi CLIFFORD WALKER FOR ATTORNEY-GENERAL lH* 'jpjvliPHjffj THE APPOINTMENT WAS mJLJBI KNOWLEDGE of that Formerly Solicitor-General Western Circuit. In Active Practice of Law \ / Years. A member of the law firm of Walk’.' & Roberts, of Mcn roe. Twice mayor of Monroe. Member of State Executive Committee. Trust e* Mercer Univ".sity and Shorter College. Grind Chancellor, Knights of r*ythias. Solicitor-General Western Circuit. PRESS COMMENTS: Looks like r winner. His strength it not sectional, but State-wide!—Co ■,Fierce Observer. A strong sei.'.nent in his favor has scattered 13’ e wild fire.—V.'aycross Journal. Cliff Walker seems to have nailed down that Attorney- Generalship in a neat and unmistakable manner.—Cambridge Post, Cliff Walker is winning in a v/alk. He is eminently quali fied to fill the place because he has been found on the right side of every question.—Talbotton Era. Cliff Walker is taking the State by storm. He will go into the convention with a great plurality of votes on the first bal lot.—Stewart County Independent. Competent, clean, fine timber for the office.—Waycross Herald. There can be no do: l i: as to his fitness for the office.— Camilla Enterprise. A stainless citizen, always to be found in the forefront of any me *ment for the bet ferment of the State.—Cherokee Adv one'. Vigorous in prosecuting criminals, yet never a persecutor, his sole object was to see justice done. —Columbus Sun. The people of Jac ; son ar~ about as unanimous as his home county of Walton.— Jefferson Herald. A man of unimpeachable character, a good lawyer and an’ ideal citizen.—Gainesville 1 lereld. Mr. Walker is enui-ped in every way for the high and re sponsible position which h' seeiu.—Augusta Chronicle. Advertisement