Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, August 21, 1914, Image 3

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Banks County Bank INSUgESDEPOSL^ Pays Interest on Time Deposits and Extends to its depositing and bor rowing customers all the banking ac commodations and facilities that any well regulated banking institu tion affords. Call upon us when you need to borrow and remember us when you have surplus money. Banks County Bank HOMER. GA. L. X. TURK, Pres. R. T. THOMPSON, V. P. O. WALTON, Cashier. Acknowledge receipt of all deposits sent by mail, piomptly Interest Paid on Savings Accounts 11ml Time Deposits 100 PKR C'KNT. BAI LTV. 1 he Functions 01 ThisßanK re broad and comprehensive. It receives deposits subject to check, pays interest on savings ac counts an.l certificates of deposit, sells exchange on all parts of the wot Id, makes collections in any part ol the country, loans money on *■ approved security. i i uoness and peesonul checking accounts are invited. RESERVE AND CAPITAL A savings account answers both purpose It is a reserve lor times of hanlship, weakness, and want, It is a capital for use when a business proposition oilers. Baldwin State Bank BALDWIN. GA. MANY INJURIES Alleging in his petition thsit his mind is aifected, the back, hip, head, left fm, lelt foot and left leg have been seriously injured, the wrist orolfci, bent, and lelt in bad shape ; that brain was at tec tod by concussion md the right side hurt, that his vision and hearing are both impaired, that he sutlers now from neurasthenia, and that he is crippled so that lie cannot sleep, that he had mental suffering, and that he is unable to do the work he once was capable ol doing, P. F. Pearson, conductor of a switching crew, is suing the Geor gia Railroad fo**so,ooo damages. He says that he was thrown off the top of a car at the Hardeman £ Phiniz.y yards in this city some time ago and sustained the injuries named. —Athens Banner, Hyde vs. Ellison While the election was being held at Poplar Springs Oscar El lison used some unparliamentary language in the presence of Jack Hyde, who knocked the said El lison down.and mad*- two deliber ate passes with koite at the throat of Oscar. A bystander caught his arm bclore he made the third lie*, otherwise another story would haye to be written. So say some of the onlookers. Tobacco Salesmen wanted. Earn *IOO monthly. Expenses. Experience unnecessary. Adver | tise and take orders from mer chants for Smoking and Chewing tobacco, Cigarettes, Cigars, etc. Send a 2c stamp tor full par ticulars. Hemet Tobacco Cos. New York, N. Y- Homely Hint. When making garments for a bazar, roll the scraps that are left from the material into a neat little bundle and fasten this to the gar ment with a few stitches. The pieces will be appreciated by the one who bnys ir case patching or mending 1* seeded later. r r . ft! Georgia—Banks county. To all whom it may concern: J. L. Pepper having in proper form, applied to ine for Permanent Letters of Administration on the estate of J. K. Pepper, late of said < ounty, this is to cite all andsiugu lar the creditor and next of kin of J. K. Pepper to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law,and show cause,if any they can, why permanent adminis tration should not Is; granted to J. L. Pepper on J. K. Pepper’s estate. Witness my hands and official signature, this 3 day of August, 11114. T. F. Him,, Ordinary Dr. G-. H7DUNLAP DENTIST Commerce, - - . Georgia. 1 liters his professional services to ihe people of Commerce and sur rounding territory. Work done lay or night. ’Phone 126. MaysviJle Gararge NEXT TO DEPOT. ' vlachines constant w on hand to carry v to any part of the i: /'intry. Prices Reasonable. We also keep on nand for sale Tires, Greases, Gasoline cheaper Yian it can be bought e ’sewhere. We now have three iccond hand cars for ale: Flanders, 20; • tudebaker 30; Ford. * --j low To Give Quinine 'lo Children. HBRILINE ithetrade-m*rk nam* ffn-en to an, :n proved Quinine. It is aTnsteless Syrup, pleas at to take and does not disturb the stomach, hildren take it and never knew it is Quinine. \lso especially adapted to adult3 who cannot ake ordinary Quinine. Does not nauseate nor ause nervousness nor ring r % in the head. Try t the next time you need Quinine for any pur pose. Aak for 2-ounce original package. The name • blown in bottle. 25 cents. f k;: .; (U wTY JOURNAL HOflfelt, 1.A., F; t Con erc .al Or ch&ru iii Habersham On account ol tailing he tltn, in i the year 1592 1 moved my myself and family t<> I h’liion st, Uabcisham I county, Georgia. Two years latrr I bought HO acres of average hill land about one mile from town, and contrary lo the ad vice ol neaily all of my friends, 1 planted “Shad v V iew Orchard” this being one of theiirsttwo commercial apple or chards in Habersham county, l'his tiist planting consisted of about 500 trees and was planted on about 10 acres of lan I. The trees grew off nicely and began beating a few apples at four years ol*i from planting. When I bought this place 1 paid *2O an acre for it, and people here said 1 pai 1 entirely too much for such poor land. As nearly as 1 can remember, my little orchard brought me in the neighbor of i? 1200 up to and including the lith year. And the 12th year afte.i planting. 1 harvested 2500 bushels of apples. I got back $2,71(1.75 for what I sold, and 1 made 00 barrels of vine gar out of the culls, worth $ll.OO per barrel. For the next two years my gross receipts from this 10 acre orchard was $2,57880. By this tim ‘ you can imagine about how my friends began to sit up and take notice. At this time a gre it boom in apple growing be. gan, and many thousands of trees have been planted every year since. We still own Bliady View Orch irds and have only had one only failure since the first good crop, and that was caused by a heavy rainstorm which continued thru the entire blossoming period preventing pollination. We haven’t had an apple killing iiost si ,ee 1907. The last two years have been off years for apples, however we harvested enough to bring $l,lOO. We have now an additional 10 acres of young orchard just coming into bearing, we expect it to boat the record of our old one. 11. If. Ktaight. i’ropr. Shady v’iew Orchard. J lemorest < la., Scientists Don’t Know “What sleep is. lloiv an eye sees. What electricity is. How a firefly lighls its lamp. I low a seed grows iiAo a tree. How a rose mates its perfume. Whence the sun gets its heat. Why the com pass points to the north. What makes a bird builh its first nest. What causes the sex cf a baby or an animal. What happens when food is oxydize in the system. What change takes place in iron when it is magnetize I. What makes rain fall in some places and not in others. How a bloodhound t tacks a man by the smell of his footprints. What makes an apple fall to the ground and not fly off in the air. How a bird can fly in tho dark through a forest without hitting the trees. How glands that are -identical in structure secrete abiutely difiereut fluids. Why iron alone in particular states is capable of being magne tized: What happens when two volumes of hydrogen and one of oxygen are' combined to form water. The difference Lctwea a live man and a dead man, or a live or dead dog.—ln other words. What is life.’’ (From the Bt. Louis Post-Dispatch. Empire Laundry. We are agents for the Empire Laundry of Athens. Our basket leaves every week. Leave your laundry at our store. HILL A 1 J ( V N. Visible Evidence. One day a teacher was having a first-grade class in physiology. Sh& asked them if they knew that there was a burning fire in the body all of the time. One little girl spoke up and aald: “Yes’m, when It is a cold day I can see the smoke.” —National Monthly. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System, 50 cents. Clothing Men who really want to dress well should spend a few minutes here soon inspecting our showing of ‘ ‘Quali ty Clothes.'’ If you seek whats correct in style, pattern and in shade as well as cut, you want to come here. In every garment you will iind the ladest style tendencies, com bined with good taste and becomiimness. But the quality is what you must notice —it demands your attention. The most real value for your money that it is possible to secure at each price. Notions We carry a line of notio s that is superior in many respects to that found in the average store. Call on us before you make purchases elsewhere. We can and will please you. Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, and anything that can be used in a home or on a farm. A SQUARE DEAL AND SMALL PROFITS IS OUR MOTTO MAYSVILLE, GEORGIA. War News London, Ang. 18. —Troops of (lermany appear to be continuing their activities in Belgium, tier man calvary patrols have been sig nalled noi ili of Antwerp and the entire civil guar l of Antwerp lias been called out to defend the city. There is good reason to belive that a serious engagement in which the Herman advance is opposed by troops of Belgium and France .has been going on since Monday south of Brussels. is’o definite news of of the progress of this encounter, however, lias been rccived. The .Servian premier is authority for the statement that \usti iaii forces have suffered a serious de feat on tae Bervian line. lie tele graphs London that 15,000 Aus trian have been “annihilated” near Habac, whence they fled in disorder. The .Servians captured fourteen Austrian guns. Two Germany cruisers, evident ly seriously disabled in an cncount er with the ememy, have been brough into Hong Kong. ihe cen sorship maintained at this British port in China preyents the s tid ing ol' the vessels’ names or the en gagement which preceded their captuied. It is rumoreh persist*;, lly at The Hague that the Gent u crown prince, Frederick Wi iiam. ha- Iteeu seriously wounded and that Emperor Wrllian has hastened to the side of his s >v, who is said to be at Aix-la Chap ede. The report has be* n riceivtd also at Paris. A liomc dispatch r eports t.e ioss of an Austrian torpedo boat off Pola; only one mend,. r of the crew was saved. A dispatch m< ;-d today by the Marconi Wit-ties . Press Bureau from Berlin says in a encounter near Stall upehnni, Hast Prussia, August 17 a division of the Ger man first army corps defeated a Russia force, capturing J,OOO pris oneis and six machine guns. Many Russian guns which could not be taken by the Germans weic destroy ed. August Remedies. The Handy Clean Clean Candy Blood Remedy Ever take Sulphur, ('ream Tartar and Helassec? Will you ever forget it: New that old remedy was nasty tasting, but a wonder in acting. The n w lezenge style is great. EAT THEM LIKE GANDY, CHILDREN LIKE THEM. 10 Cent a box. Extaot of Cod Liver Oil A pleasant tasting preparation of cod-liver oil extract without the greasy oil. Contaiiic hypophesphites, the true tissue builder. No mistake can be made when you take it to the Children, invalid or weal old age. Our Wonderful Blood Remedy. Something new and desirable. Prepared with the one purpose of true blood remedy. For blood disorders, Rheumatism, Eczema, Pimbles and as a tonic. Try it. *I.OO f Pi W. WALLACE WHETSELL, Licensed Pharmacist, Mgr. MAYSVILLE. GEORGIA “Postage Paid on Parcel Post Package-.” It Always Helps says Mrs. Syl inia Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., In writing of her experience with Cardui, the woman’s tonic. She says further: “Before I began to use Cardui, my bade and head would hurt so bad, I thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles of Cardui, I began to feel like anew woman. I soon gained 35 pounds, and now, I do all my housework, as well as run a big water mill. I wish every suffering woman would give CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic a trial. I still use Cardui when 1 feel a little bad, and it always does me good.” Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman’s tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fifty years. Get a Bottle Today! ~