Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, September 25, 1914, Image 3

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HEALTH HINT FOR TODAY. Proper Clothing. The prcsouce of clothing stimu lates by friction the circulation mid If of 1 ii oi’.ductlitg mate rial keeps the skin at a normal temiieratmv and the blood from being driven from the surface of the body to the vital organs, thus preventing Inllammatious. con gestions, kidney troubles and va rious other ills dependent upon the action of the blood and Its vessels. A human bo Iv exposed to cool air soon begins to 1 >so Its bent by three different ptoc esses viz. liy radiation, by evap oration of surface moisture and by conduction. The natural heat of the body Is necessary to life and must be maintained. HEALTH HINT FOR TODAY. Hurried Eating and Constipation. Hurried eating is a common contributing cause of constipa tion as well as other Ills. When the food Is not properly masti cated more energy is required In the upper part of the alimentary canal to reduce It to the condi Hon necessary for complete di gestion, and In eases ill which the vitality is depleted this may so seriously cripple the activity of the lower part of the alimen tary canal as to contribute large ly to the atonic condition, which is a large factor In such cases. When the food is not fully mas ticated It is. held back in the small intestine as well as in the stomach, and this also has a ten dency to establish a sluggish ac tion. which contributes to the condition favorable to conatlpa tion. While thorough mastlca tion will not cure those cases which may he largely due to bad mental condition, excessive mix ing of food, lack of exercise, overwork, too concentrated food or some physical defect of (lie Intestine, it is an important fac tor. an more careful mastica tion "T ontributo to improve ment in II cases. | HEALTH HINT FOR TODAY. A Cheerful Mind. [ "A merry heart doeth good i like a medicine.” The correet- I ii; .: of this latter statement is [ seen in Ihe fact that it is mil' ll [ easier for a person to recover i n' nu an attack of illness if he is [ cheerful and hopeful than when lie is either indifferent as to his > recovery or despairs of it. This l is also altogether aside from the [ strength of purpose vvidcli often i hel|is one to throw off an illness \ by sheer force of will, \ Just as the bodily health is !m --f proved by cbeerftilbess so the | mental condition is eqGaily berie [ 11 ted by It. HEALTH HINT FOR TODAY. How to Resist a Cold. One way to overcome chilly sensations of (lie spine and hack on the least change of tempera ture is to put your hack up, so to speak, to contract the muscles of tiie hack. If you are getting chilly about the bui a <>f the neck stiffen ttn r neck and set the muscles lo work. When you are sitting still and find yourself getting chilly set the muscles to work and you will soon get over it. If you ilo not start your muscles going you will soon find them going of their own accord. Von will be gin to shiver—an involuntary ac tion of the muscles. If you will set your muscles at work before that shivering conies you will be a tile to prevent it. Contract your hands, your legs, the muscles of your back, raise up your chest stiffen your neck, then turn it vigorously, slowly, from side to side or bend it backward aud forward. This will keep you from taking cold. One need never take cold when sitting still. You can make your muscles work just as hard when sitting down as when walking about, and it may be more con venient. HEALTH HINT FOR TODAY. Carbolic Acid For Burns. Three cases have come to light recently in which pure carbolic acid was applied to burns, caus ing immediate cessation of pain, with a subsequent cessation of inflammation. The corroded skin came off in a few days, leaving anew skin and causing abso lutely no inconvenience or trou ble, not even a scar or contrac tion of muscle. In one ease the burn was very extensive, cover ing entire head, face, neck and hands, and in this case a hypo dermic injection of morphia was given. The patient recovered without a single scar, although there was sionghlng on the end of the nose and rim of the ears. Banks County Court Bauks superior court convened I Monday morning with Judge .1. ! B. Jones of the Xortheastem < ii cuit presiding. Solicitor Gamble attending to the states business and Mr. Golden Right doing tin* j s euograpluc work. All witnesses ii state eases, except one, were i ismissed until next Monday c orning at !• o'clock whcu .lodge Brand will be here to preside. Much business has been transacted this week and it is thought that court will not hold longer than two days next week. We will give the court proceedings in tin Journal next week. Visiting Attorneys The following attorneys attended Banks superior court this week: 11. 11. Perry, Hammond John s>n Kd Quilliuu, \\ . A. Charters, J. O. Adams, \V. Hobbs, of Gainesville. If. L. J. Smith, W. A Stevenson, G. P. Martin, W. I>. Martin, W W. Stark, i*L C. Stark, of Com mere*.*. J. J. Strickland, If. M. Strick land, Frank Shakleford, T. J. Shackleford, Horace M. Holden. T. S. Mell.W. M Smith, of Athens. W. If. Little, W.W. Landrum of Carnesville. Sam Ivimsey, J. J. Ki nscy, .1 L* Perkins, ('ornelia. J. C. El wards, of Clarkesville (’. If. Faulkner, of l’ellton. Ferntor Barett, C.aude bond, if DIET AND HEALTXi HINTS r.y DP. T. J. ALLEN Food .Si ~clall:.t COMPLETE RATION FOR STUDENT. A student asks advice as to the value of entire wheat bread and olive oil as a complete ra tion for one doing strenuous study. Wheat contains all the elements of nutrition in nearly perfect proportion for the aduit, except fat, which would be sup plied by the oil, a pound and a half of bread and two ounces of olive oil being sufficient for one doing average physical and men tal work. It la generally under stood that entire cereal bread anti butter constitute a perfect ration, and fresh olive oil ia not Inferior to butter, hut there Is an objection to the mining of fat with starches and prctelda from the fact that it prevents the access of the digestive juices In mouth and stomach, so the ration Is not Improved by adding olive oil, although In the easo mentioned the existence of constipation makes the use of olive nil beneficial, but It should be taken separately for the best results. It has been repeat edly demonstrated that a bet ter balanced ration Is supplied by wheat or corn than in the ordinary random diet, so that one who wishes to adopt such a diet, for health, efficiency or economy—and these are Inti mately associated—need not hes itate to do so, with the assur ance of Improvement In every respect. Of course, the bread should not be fresh, and It should be thoroughly masti cated. (Copyrljgbt, 1911, by Joseph B Bowles.) DIET AND HEALTH HINTS By DR. T. J. ALLEN Food Specialist MONO DIET AND DIGESTION. Frofesscr Goodfellow, the well-known English authority on bread, says that when milk Is eaten with bread, the digestion of the bread is 10 per cent, less complete. This would naturally follow from the principles cf the moncdlet already explained. There are few better combina tions than bread and milk, but no combination is perfect. Dr. Porter and others who have had much experience with the milk diet insist that for the best re sults nothing rr.ust be taken with the milk. Those foods should be combined which arc most compatible. Passing. “God love the world,” he breathed, tad the flesh sank from him. Death--* It was but the breaking of a rust/ scabbard to loose a flashing blades— Will Levington Comfort. EAI liS U-LliTt JOURNAL, HOMER,G/t., United States Civil Service Examination for Rural Carrier Places of examination, Homer, Georgia. Date ofexaminatioh, < >ctober -1, l'.tl l. County for which held, BANKS. Vacancy at IIOMKIf. GA. The l iiited States Ci\ it Sci \ ice Commission announces an open competitive examination on the date and at the examination places named above, as a result ol which it is expected to make certification to till the vacancy in the position of rural carrier at the place named above and other vacancies as they mav occur on Kura! loutes at post olliccsin the above-named county, unless it is found to bo in the interest of the service to till any vacancy l>.\ reinstatement, trans tier, or promotion. The compen sation of a rural carrier is based upon the length of the route and ranges from >bsl to *l,llOO per year. Age, IS to of>, on the date of the examii ation. The maximum age is waived in cases ol persons honoiably discharged from the Ini led States military or naval service. An applicant must have his ac tual domicile in the tcirilory sup plied by a post oflic - in the county for which the examination is announced. The examination is open to all male citizens of the F. S. who can comply with the requirements. Application Form 1011, and foil information concerning the re quiremeuts of the examination, can be secured Irom the s eretary ol the local examining board or the postmaster at any ol the examina tion points named above, or Irom the United States Civil Service Commission, Washington, D. C. Applications should be properly executed and lilt'd with the Com mission at Washington. As ex amination papers arc shipped direct from the Commission to the places of examination,it is necessary Unit applications be received in ample time to arrange for the examin ation desired at the pin e indicated by the applicant. The < ommis •ion will therefore arrange to ex amine any applicant whose appli cation is received in tine to per mit the shipment of the necessary papers. An eligible register for the posi tion ol rural letter carrier for each comity will be maintained. A person must be examined lor the county in which the post office that supplies his home is situated. As a result of such examination he may Income eligible to appointment as rural carrier at any post ol'liceiu such county. A i urai carrier alter one year's satisfactory set vice may be trail-ferred to the position of clerk, or carrier in a first or second class post office, to the position of railway mail clerk, on the other positions in the classified service, subject to such examination as may be required by the civil-service rules. John A. M< luikxnv President. Sept, is, 1914. j. w. Wallace, Physioian & Surgeon Office li\'e miles south-east ot Homer at residence of Jt. J. M al lace. Calls Answered Cay or Night * NOTICE! All persons indebted, to the es titeofJ. B. Hill, deceased, will ,--lease (all on Mr . J. i>. Hill, tdm’r. of said estate, and settle at once. liespt. Mrs. J. L 5. Hii.r., Adrar. r pairing High Monument. A v. !i-known London steeplejack named Larkins has been engaged to repair the monument to the first Duke of Sutherland, on the top ol Ben Vraggie (Sutherlandshire), 1,300 feet above the sea The statue Is 33 feet high and is on a column of solid masonry 90 feet high it takes the mc-n tv.-o hour:-) to e'imb to work, and they have to “dov/a tools" before dusk to allow of a descent in day- P*ht LAST Excursion ro ATLANTA Saturday, September, 26th Round Trip Fare From SI.OO LULA SI.OO Special Train Will Leave Lula 11:12 a. m. Arriving in Atlanta 1:25 p. m. Tickets Good Returning on All Trains (Excepting Train No. 38,) Up Until September 28th, 1914. Southern Railway For further information call on ticket agents of address J. G. Beam, A. G. P. A., R. L. Baylor, D. P. A.. Atlanta, Georgia. THE BIG FAIR-RUN ON A LARGE SCALE at Winder, Ga. The Woodruff North Georgia Fair OCTOBER 6-7-8-9-10 Every Day a Bis* Day. Different Program Each Day. Flying Machine Every Day Tuesday, October 6th. School Day, Dig School parade, the school children in parade go in Iree. I toys’ and < J ills’ oratorical, contest,Gold Medals offered. Speakers for the day: Governor Slaton, .Mr. Brittain. Wednesday, October 7th. Agricultural Day Boys con. club parade. Sp akers for the day: Dr A. M. Soule, lion. J. D. Price. A day of agricultural education. Thursday, October Bth Automoble Day; Good Iliads Day. We want evety ante mobile in one hundred Flying Machine every day. Fire works every night. G-oocl Carnival shows. G-ood times for everybody all the week. Read the program carefully and come every day. Cheap rates on railroads. Remember the dates Oct 6th to 10th, 1914. For futher information write G-. w. WOODRUFF, Winder. IT GIVES THE BEST RESULTS. LIGHT, „ trade W S'- The SMITHSONIAN CORRECT U. .-TTtJ^S \ IM ANY • Y \\ \POSiTION, /, "Vy?'- -vEwPwr; \ \ '' A Century Ago A scientific trust wl-i not made. Our ancestors had to endure hardships and incur risks nov justifiable now. DON’T BE ONE fILNDJi!.!) YEAB6 BEHIND THE TIME3. But use a .Smithsonian Truss, sold on 30 days trial. If at the eud oi 3d days \ u uu not think it is tue best truss you ever saw return it aud get youi money back FOLD ONLY BY &1: iartjtgj&MffisL /mw 5. W. B ALLACE Whb 1 SELL, Licensed Phartnaeigc. MAYSVILLE.I GEORGIA “Postage Paid on Parcel Post Packages , f> miles of Winder in line on that day. Help boost good roads. Friday October 6th Old Folks’ Day. Home Coming Day (>ld Solders reunion. Fiddlers convention, (iov. Fleet N. K. Harris invite I to speak to the Old Soldiers. Saturday October 10 Colored People’s Day. Speaking by Dr. Sutler, of Atlanta; Editor Ben Davis, of Atlanta, and probably book er T. Wash ington. We want every colored man, wo man and child within one hundred miles at the fair that day. A Nervous Woman Relief After Many Years Women who suffer from extreme nervousness, often endure much suffering before finding any relief. Mrs. Daniel iJntner, of Defiance, 0., had suHi an experience, regard ing whicii she says: " "I bad atornach C*' trouble when 1 was f ■> eighteen years old TjSat that broke down . ? my heaitti, and for rf ' J y' saCrSMB years l suffered I* *y with nervousness, n * L heedaello, indlges- H “'W. ! Wily tion und nervous \ *‘! l* sin s . The N. spasms got so bad /I " I would lave them /j|\\ Jtw/iv three or four times -17 J/l vMvW * After try rriviwM neari > r * very lILH' PI It 7V: ri inedy reeom- I 1 1 I'd j mi nded, I began i * taking Dr. Miles' Nervine, and X must say It helped me wonderfully. I have bad no severe nerv ousness for several years." MFC-! DAN KINTNER. 1002 Pleasant St.. Defiance, O. Many remedies are recommended for diseases of the nervous system that fail to produce results because they do not reach the seat of the trouble. Dr. Miles’ Nervine has proven its value in such cases so many times that it is unnecessary to make claims for it. You can prove its merits for yourself by getting a bottle of your druggist, who will return the price if you receive no benefit. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. • Mow todive Quinine To Children. FEBRILINE It thetrmde-mrk name given to an improved Quinine. It is Tasteless Syrup, pleas ant to take and does not disturb the itomech. Children take it and never know it is Quiuitif*. Also especially adapted to adults who cannot take ordinary Quinine. Does not nauseate D' : cause nervousness nor rinjrinfr in the head. Ti */ it the next time you need Quinine for any pur pose. Ask for 2-ounce original paexare. Th* auwc FgßßUfUtg is blown iu UUle. 25 xal|