Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, October 16, 1914, Image 6

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The Rose Kilian Musical Comedy SHOWS An abaolutcly unparalled Alliance ol Novelties. A model loi all exhibitions under canvas We claim supremacy and leave the veidict with the people. Every attractive feature procurable any where at any price, unbodied in this truly great show. An unprecedented an successful rssemblage of all star celebrities. Km bracing the most ac com pished coterie of .Singers, Dancersi < rmediane and Acrobats ever I*.hind anywhere. An asteriudlng conjunction of brilliant and original features and classically beautiful music. SINGERS WHO OAN SING Dancers Who Can Dance Comedians Who Are Witty And The Funniest of Funny Men to Entertain You. The dancing marvels, Rose and Mabel Kilian in the latest topical and sentimental songs ol the day. The musical artists, the Kilian family, in the latest vocal and instrumental gems. Many marvelous and spec tacular features. The Great Acrobatic Marvels THE KILIAN FAMILY WILL EXHIBIT AT HOMER, GA. Friday Oct. 16, A CHEAT SHOW FOR LITTLE MONEY The show that is clearn. One-half of our tent is roped for white people and the managememt assures ladies and gentlemen that nothing in the performance will offend in the least,but will give a hearty laugh. Beef and Milk A-plenty Cattle are kept for two purposes; for beef pro duction and for milk production. To do either right An, time any ol my cat they must be healthy. There is nothing better to tie **t anythin* wrong keep them in continued good health, or to make wiih them I *,vc them a them well quickly when sick, than a few doses of— k-w dose. oM* • •Jj^ Do* rfc ee stock 1/vC MEDICINE Moorhead, MUa. SUrs up the liver- Drives soc CMU disease poisons away. At your dealers. STATION 10 NT OF Til 10 (>\V N ERSH IF, M ANAGEM ENT (1 F( ULA TION, ETC., of Hunks County Journal published weekly at Horner, (5a., required by the Act of August 24, HM2. Editor, A. J. Hilton Homer, Ga. Managing Editor, A..!. Hilton Homer, Ga. business Manager, A. .1. Hilton Hoiuer, Ga. Publisher, Journal Pub. Cos Homer, Ga. < >wners: Estate of Mrs. A. J. Hilton Homer, Ga. J. N. Hill Homer, Ga. j. T. Wise Baldwin, Ga. O. W. Gillespie Homer, Ga. Tom E. Audersou Baldwiu, Ga. A. .1. Hilton Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3 day of Oct. 1914. T. F. Hu.i., Ordinary, Banks County, Georgia. ( My commission expires .Tan. Ist, I!*U>.) STOMACH TROUBLE FOR FIVE YEARS Majority of Friends Thought Mr. Hughes Would Die, But One Helped Him to Recovery. pomeroyton, Ky.—ln interesting ad vices fawn this place, Mr. A. J. Hughes writes as follows: “1 was down with stomach trouble for five (5) years, and would have sick headache so bad, at times, that I thought surely I would die. 1 tried different treatments, but they did not seem to do me any good. I got so bad, I could not e3t or sleep, tnd ail my friends, except one, thought I would die. He advised n:e to try Thediord's Black-Draught, and quit j taking other medicines. I decided to take his advice, although I did not have any confidence in it. I have now been taking Black-Draught for three months, and it has cured me— haven’t had those awful sick headaches since I began using it. 1 am so thankful for what Black- Draught has done for me.” Thedford’s Black-Draught has been found a very valuable medicine for de rangements of the stomach and liver. It is composed of pure, vegetable herbs, contains no dangerous ingredients, and acts gently, yet surely. It can be freely used by young and old, and should be kept in every family chest. Get a package today. Only a quarter. tees Or inußNAi, noHU.CA., Lula. [Last Week’s Letter] Mrs. Claude Oregle, of Atlanta, is the admired guest of Mrs. I’eg Woodall. Mr. Jerrell Martin, of Athens, was on the streets of Lula Sunday. Mrs. J. D. Adams spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Maud Grifliji at < learinont. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lewis, of Atlanta, arc guests other parents here. Rev. T. .J. II an it; is conducting a meeting at Living Mission this week. Born, September 2i>, to Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Roberts, a fine boy. Miss Kate Carithers spent the week end with home-folks at Kl berton. We are sorry to know Mrs. \\ ill Chapman is right sick. Mrs. Vansiickle left Monday for Florida to join her husband where he has been for the past two months, We are indeed sorry to sec them move away, but wish them tappings in their new home. Married September 2'Jth at four o’clock p. in. Miss Emmie Lein momls to Mr. Hob <>. Shields. The ceremony was performed by Rev. B. L. Faulkner, pastor of the Baptist church, at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lem monels. The bride is a noble chi istian character, while the groom is one of the many brave engineers on the Sourthern R. R. and is to be congratulated on be ng so lucky as winning the hand of so fair a bride. They left short ly after the ceremony for Washing ton, I>. After spending several days there they are now with rel atives in Athens. They leave soon for Atlanta where they will make their home. Their many friends w ish for them much happi ness in their new wedded life. Mrs. W. A. Boling was in Gainesville one day last week. Mr. W. I*. 8 nelley, one of Banks county's old boys, but has for a numtier of years traveled for the range stove company, spent a short while here one day last wee! . Empire Laundry. We are agents for the Umpire Laundry of Athens. Our basket leaves every week. Leave your laundry at our store. HILL & BROWN. ■ : ow To Give Quinine To Children FBRILINE is the trade-mark name given to an nproved Quinine. It is nTa tele ss Syrup, pleas :it to take and does not disturb the stomach, .‘lildren take it and never know it is Quinine. \!so especially adapted to adults who cauuot ike ordinary Quinine. Does not nauseate nor ause nervousness nor ringing in the head. Try t the next time you need Quinine for any pur pose. Ask for 2-ounce original package. The uauie PEBKILIXE s blown iu bottle. 25 Ceuta. - FOR SALE Road Summons Hoe pci him died, 50 for 20c 25 for 10. Pos tage paid. Journal Office. Stop In Atlanta At Hotel Empire Opposite Uuion Depot ou Pryor St. Renovated and refurnished throughout. Reservations made on application. Hot and' cold water,private baths, electric lights and elevator. First class accommodations at extremely moderate rates. Euro pean plan 75 cents up. John L. Edmondson, Propictor. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic propertiesofQUlNlNE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. NOTICE! All persons indebted to the es tate of J. B. Hill, deceased, will please call on Mr-. J. B. Hill, adm’r. of said estate, and settle at once. Bespt. Mrs. J. B. Hill, Admr. Ernst BrocKman Teacher of Music j Maysville, Ga. Piano Voice Theory Sight Singing PETITION FOR CHARTER State of Georgia, County of Banks To the Honorable Philip Coook, Secretary of State. The Petition of S. S. Carter, W. A. Boling, E.B. Chapman, Joel Cof fee and E. I'. Whitworth of the County of Hall, and J. N. Hill, L. X. Turk, R. C. Alexander, C. H. Chandlers and E. A. Mi/e of the County of Banks respectfully shows; Part. 1. That they desire to form a Rail road corporation pursuance to the act of the general Assembly of the State of Georgia approved Decem ber 20th, 1892 Code Sec. 2159 2179. Par. 2. The name of the Railroad Com pany which petitioners desire to have incorporation is to be the Lula Homer Railroad Company. Par. J. The length of the road as near as can be estimated will be alioiit Fifteen miles. Par. 4. Sad road will run from Lula, Ga., a Station on the Southern Railway Company in the County of Hall and State of Georgia, in a Southeasterly direction to Homer, Ga., in the County of Banks, Par. 5. The counties through which said road will run are Hall and Ranks, and the names of the principal places from which and to which it is to be cons'ructed are Lula and Homer. Par. t>. The amount of the proposed capital stock is Two Hundred Thousand (**200.000.00 D liars iu shares of One Hundred Dollars (8100.00) each, all of said stock to be common stock of equal dig nity. Par. 7. Petitioners desire to lie incorpor ated as aforesaid for and during the term of thirty years. Par. S. The principal office of the pro posed incorporation will Ik* in the town of Lnla, said State andCoun tv of Hall. Par. 9. Petitioners do intend in good faith to go forward without delay to secure subscription to the capital stack, construct, equip, maintain and operate said road. Par. 10. Petitioners show that they have given four weeks notice of their intention to apply for charter by publication according to law . WHEREFORE, they pray to be incorporated under the laws of this SUite. S. S. Carter \V. A. Boling E. B. Chapman Joel Codec E. F. Whitworth J. X Hill L. X. Turk R. C. Alexander C. It. Chambers K. A. Mize Petitioner’s. Oscar Brown J. B. G. Logan I’etitioner’s Attorney’s. Piles Cured in 6 to M Days Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMKNT fnil* to cure any case of Itching, llllnd. Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. The first application gives Ease and Kest. 50c. miafnhss canotbe ciked by local applications, as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cine deal' ess. and that is by con stitutional remedies. Deafness is erased by on inflamed condition ol tin 1 mucous lining of the Eustachian Tu e. When this tube is inflamed vou have a rumbling sound or im pel-ft ct hearing, and when it is entirely closed. Deal ness is the result and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube re stored to its normal condition, hearing will In 1 destroyed forever: nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condition ot the mucous surfaces. Wo will give One Hundred Dol lars for any case of Deafness (eansed jby catarrh) that cannot be cured by thill s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipatioa* The Finishing Touch Of a Mau’s Education is EXPERIENCE And the mere experience he h.i> the more finished is his education. So it is in the Drug business, and years ol experience added to a thoi ough knowledge of Pharmacy m ike a druggist more proficient, and in the same proportion add to the s.ilety and accuracy with which I hj sicians Prescriptions and Domestic Receipts are compounded. Our Drug Store is a Model One Conducted on a Model System Qur Prescription Department Is always in charge of a Pharmacist made com;> 't ■ it thorough knowledge of Pharmacy and years ot'ex per rce Toilet Articles The Ladies like to visit a Drug Store where there is a good assortment That’s why you see so many ladies in our store. Our stock comprises all the most modal u Toilet preparations. Bay Rum. Face Cream, Face Powder. Tooth Brushes, Etc. Persumes Did it ever occur to you why the Perfum s you buy here are so deli cate and lasting! Each perlumer excels iu some particular odor which he calls his special. We buy specials from the leading manufacturers, and are thus enabled to give you satisfn tion in this line. W. WALLACE WhE I SELL. License, Pharr, MAYSVILLE, GEORGIA “Postage Paid on Parcel Post Packages.” Which is the Best Way? To indulge yourself in everything you want NOW, and then when old age conies creeping on begin to lop off one by one the comforts of life? OR To go a little slow on the luxuries while young that you may have ALL THE COMFORTS in your declining year when you most need them? THINK IT OVER. Draw a moral from this preachment and resolutely follow up some cheme of steadly saving up for rainy day. Bank of Gillsville, GillsviUe, - - Georgia. GROVES L. GRIKI IN, Casiiikk. The Habit of Systematic Saving May be found at the bottom of many a rich man's successful career. Deposit your surplus in the Baldwin State Bank and it will, in time make you one of the country most successful men. This Bakk is a safe depository and has proven this fact to the people. The people have show in their appreciation of a home enterprise. The management is courteous and obliging. We respectfully solicit a continuance of your business and guar antee you as liberal treatment as safe baking will permit. Baldwin State Bank BALDWIN. GA. The World is Now Depending Upon INSURANCE More Than Ever Before. There are different kinds of Insurance, such a.s lire, life, accident and health insurance; but the most important in surance to you just now is that which secures against loss vour h ir.l earned MONEY. The Bank of Miysvilh' has THAT KIND OF INST RANGE. It is known as DEP- > t ITOR’S INSURANCE. It is < imposed of a fund amounting to -s Lop 00. made up by the Larks composing what is known as the Witham Banking System. The Bank of Maysville is a member of that system. The fund is on deposit with someof the strongest banks in the U. S. and is available at all times to protect our depositors against the possib’lity of loss. The Cashier will take pleasure in explaining this IN SURANCE TO YOU. We Solicit Your Business J. A. Sast-'AK, President, H. P. Camp, V. P. M O. San debs, Cashier, He. E. C. Jackson, V. P BANK OF MAYSVILLE, Maysville,. Ga.