Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, October 30, 1914, Image 6

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The World is Now Depending Upon INSURANCE More Than Ever Before. There are different kinds of Insurance, such as (ire, life, accident and health insurance; but the most important in saranoe to you just now is that which secures against loss your hard earned MONEY. The Hank of Maysville lias Til AT KIND OF INSURANCE. It is known as DHPOS J TOR’S INSURANCE. It is composed of a fund amounting to $87U,(J00.00 made up by the banks composing what is kuown as the Witharn Hanking System. The Bank of Maysville Is a member of that system. The fund is on deposit with somcof thestro -gest banks in the U.H. and is available at all times to protect our depositors against the poasib'lity of loss. The Cashier will take pleasure in explaining this IN SURANCE TO YOU. We Solicit Your Business .1. A. Sahhar, President, H. P. Camp, V. P. W < Hanoi km, Cmhier, l>R. K .lackhon, V. P hMNK OF MAYSVILLE, Maysville, Ca. It Always Helps says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., in writing of her experience with Cardui, the woman’s tonic. She says further: “Before 1 began to use Cardui, my back and head would hurt so bad, I thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles of CarduL 1 began to feel like anew woman. I soon gained 3d pounds, and now, I do all my housework, as well as run a big water mill. 1 wish every suffering woman would give Cardin The Woman’s Tonic a trial. I still use Cardui when I feel a little bad, and it always does me good.’’ Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman’s tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fifty years. Get a Bottle Today! USEFUL HOLIDAY GIFTS This is Also Headquarters TOYS TOYS TOYS TOYS The Best Assortment Ever Seen Here In Our Big Stock You will Find an Immense Showing of the Finest Kind of Christmas Gifts. Cravats Hose Shirts Umbrellas Caps Hats Mufflers Gloves and Hundreds of other articles that will make USEFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS DRESS GOODS Of file Highest Quality Will be Sold at RocK Bottom Prices for the next 30 DAYS j Kirs. J. V. gaiith, 31AYSVIJL.IA0, • - OiEOttGlA CAN AS CdUNTT lUUKNAL, HOltf K.GA., A WARNING TO MANY Some Very Interesting Facts About Kidney Trouble Few people realize to what extent their health depends upon the cui dition of the kidneys. The physician is nearly all cast's of serious illne s, makes a chemical analysis of .lie patient’s urine; He knows th it unless the kidnCyS are! doing their work properly, the| other organs cannot readly be brought back to health and strength. When the kidneys are neglected or abused in any way, serious results aie sure to follow. According to hea’th statistics, Itright’s disease which is really an advanced form of kidney trouble, caused nearly ten thousands dea D> 191:4, in the state of New York alone. Therefore, it behooves us to pay more attention to the health of thes most important organs. An ideal herbal compound that has remarkable success as a kidney remedy is I)r. Kelmer’s Swamp Hoot, the great Kidney, Liver and Bladder Kemidy. The mil l apd healing influence of this prepratlon, in most casts, is soon realized, ac cording to sworn statements and verified testimony ot those who have used the remedy. If you fed that jour kiduejs re (juire attention, and wish a sample bottle, write to Dr. Kilmer & Cos., Binghamton, N. Y. Mention thi > paper, enclose ten cents and they Madly forward it to jou by pare* I post. Mvamp Boot is sold by evei druggist in bottles of two sizes— Soc. and 1.00. 'iw To Clive Quinine To Children BRIIJNH I* thetrmlr mark name given to ai proved Quinine. Itin iT* u-U • ,* syrup, pi: l to take and <loe* not di- turt the M winch. 'Mr* n take it and never kti'*w it in Quinine, o especially adapted to adult* who cannot j -c ordinary Quiuine. not nauseate nor j \nc nervouauesH nor ring*i'C in the head. Try he neat time you need Quinine lor any put se. Ask i or 2-oum.e original package. The < tame hI.DKILINK is blown lu bottle. *5 cents. Ca' e Send Thrashed At my house < wry Saturday J.H Aiiui;, Ashland, (la., Bt. 1. lEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Ix.gsl ads are tine and must be paid tor iu ad\ ance. II n t paid, for alter inserted one time they they will be remivei from the: form. Admtmstkatob k Sai.k. Dkorc.lA —Banks County By virtue of an order of the: I <’ouit oi Ordinary gianteil at Chambers 9th day of December j 1914, will be sold at public outcry !at the Court h, use door in Homer on the first Tuesday in Jauuaiy 1915 w ithin the legal hours of sale, the following descrilied land of the estate of I I). Lane deceased to | wit: Sixty seven .teres of land 1 more or less lying in Banks county. Columbia District, adjoining lands of John Lane on the North East, A. 31. Lane, South East, It. C. Moss, South East and F. M. Cash, North West and known as a part of the old Turner Lane land. A plat of said land may be seen in Ordinary’s office. Terms cash. W. C. Lank, Administrator. Bherrim’s Salk. Georgia —Banks County. Will be sold before Court House door at Homer, <ia. in said couti ty on the first I uesday in January 1915, within the legal hours - fsale ,to the h ghost bidder, the follow ling described property, tow it: ; One good top buggy, color, black, [ White Star, make. Said property | levied on as the propuoty off. D. I’avoe, t satisfy an execution is sued on the 2nd day of Nov. 1914 from the Superior Court ot Banks county in favor of Hodgson Cotton Company against T. D. I’ayne. Tei ms of sale cash. Gyp). M, Barden. Sheriff. Siiekikf’m Sai.k. Gi.oni.iA—Baal s < utility Will be sold before the Court House door at Homer, Ga. in said county on the first Tuesday in.lan uaiy 1915, within the legal hours ol -ah- to the highest bidder, the f>:!■ wing descrioeii pro|)erty, to wit: One black horse mule aboul j live yeais old, weight about one thousand pounds, also one ba,\ horse aliout nine year old, weigh ing about one thouand pounds, ! known as Kdd Mosel.v s he Said piopcrty levied on as th property of J. O. W. L. Wash bum, to satisfy a mortgage KiFa issued on the Ist day Dec. Kil t from the Superior Court of Banks County, in favor of Dockens and Wells against .1. O. and \V. J.. Washburn. Terms oi sale cash, This loth day ol Dec. 1014. Geo. M. Bakden, Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. (IkorgiA—Banks l ounty Will be sold before the Court House door, Homer, Ga. in said the lirst Tuesday in January 1915, within the legal hours of sale to the hie best bidder, the following dcserilied property, to-wit: Six hundred pounds of cotton in the field, more or less, ten bushels of corn in the field twenty bush* Is of cotton seed, about one horse load of corn tops and lour stacks of cine hay, said property 1. vied ouas prupety of Noah l.ewallen to satisfy aMortgage execution issued on 17lli day of No vember 1914. from Superior Court of Hanks county in favor of Gil lespieCompany against Noah be wail eu. Terras of sale cash. This ICth day of Deo. 1914. Geo. M. Barden, Shu 11. Leave to Sfli. Land G EORGI A—lt aN KS COUNTY To all n hom it may concern: Not ice is hereby given that- ap plies* in- 1 will Ire made to the court of Ordinary of Banks eon try Geor gia at the January term 1915 for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of W. S. Edwards, de ceased. This Dee. Ist 1914. J. H. & S. X. Edwards, Administrators. Cures _• j i tar Rsmeslss Wca't Cura. The worst cases, no mattci of how long standing, nre cured by the w. nderful, old reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Pain and Heals at Ue same time. 25c, 50c, fIM : The Finishing Touch Of a Man’s Education is EXPERIENCE And the mere expeiience he has the more finished is his education So it is in the Ding business, and years of experience added to a thor „ugh knowledge of Pharmacy make a druggist more proficient, and of ihe amc proportion add ro the >afe y and aecu.aey wi’h which Phy ,-icians Pn scriptious and Domestic Receipts are couipouudeJ. Our Drug Store is a Model One Conducted on a Model System Qur Prescription Department Is always in charge of a Pharmacist made competent by a thorough knowledge pf Pharmacy and years ot expeiience Toilet Articles The Ladies like to visit a Drug Store where there is a good assortment. Thsl’* why you see so many ladies in our store. Our stock comprises all the most mouSnET ***"' *** *', Toilet preparations. Bay Rum. Face Cream. Face Powder, Tooth Brushes, Etc. Persumes Did it ever occur to you why the Perfum s you buy here are so deli cate and lasting! Each perlumer excels in some particular odor which he calls his special. We buy specials from the leading manufacturers, i and arc thus enabled to give you satisfaction in this line. W. WALLACE Wtlb I SELL, Licenscu Pharmacist, Mgr. MAYSVILLE. GEORGIA “Postage Paid on Parcel Post Packages.’’ Which is the Best Way? To indulge yourself in everything you want NOW. and then when old age comes creeping on begin to lop off one by one the comforts of life? OR To go a little slow on the luxuries while young: that you may have ALL THE OO2.IFORT.S in your declining year when you most need them? THINK IT OVER. Draw a moral from this preachment and resolutely follow up some cheme of att-adly saving up for rainy day. Bank of Gillsville, Gillsville, - - Georgia. GROVES L, GRIFFIN, Cashier. WIl \T EVERY YOUNG LADY SHOULD KNOW. If you are too young for marriage If you are thinking of marriage < >r if you are married Send us seventy-five cents cash or stamps and we w ill Send you any place in C. S. postage free \\ IIAI lIN ELY YOUNG LADY SHOULD KNOW U- S. Advertising Cos. Macon. Georgia. ‘The Family Friend? FoleysHoney^Tar ; I / CONTAINS NO OPIATES f For AD T — 1 j ; t'i /~/~vw t*p m HOMER, GA, Mrs. J. N, Hill |[l <?Y JV ,1 ir| L l V says: “I cheerfully testify to the —r vy ■ * S merits of Foley’s Honey and Tara I/ I AND ■ Compound, having used it in my I*V C ■ ifamily for years and reccommeded ■*A I vULUj 9tto my neighbors. I find it always * I cures our coughs and colds and l) \ss\ For Children and it is all they ever take for*^”? and I We would not be without . ru. 'v \ r> n I Hone y and Tar Compound in VAbrown rersons 1 housc and can not say too 4 tsA\ X t fjrit " l or Sale by J.IILL & BROWN