Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, December 11, 1914, Image 1

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VOL. XVII. Maysville Locals Mr. Frank Bjyd spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Boyd, in Gainesville. Mr. T. A. Henry, who has speut the most ot the year singing at revival meetings at many places, j tats, is with folks until Christmas. Col. Gordeu Logan, avery popu lar you ig man trom Homer, was on oaf Strati Moaday, but owias to the due set of t>eard he was wearing some of the girls tailed to recognize him Mrs. Grover Mason, of Homer, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Logan Perkius, here last week. A couple from here attended the dance given at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Mont Hill near Gillsville Monday nigh*. We are glad to have Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Griffin at home again after a lengthy visit to rela tives at Homer. Mr. C. A. Meeks, of Carrollton was in our city a short while •"’at urday. Mr. aud Mrs. Luther Do as on from near Commerce, speut Hun day in our town A large congreg ition heard the new pastor Rev. A. B. banders, at the Methodist church, on last Hunday, and many expressed themselves as being favorably im pressed with him. Mr. Henry Furr, of Oklahoma City, spent the week end here. Mr. Furr speaks in glowing terms of his new home, and thiuks ho will uot m ike his horn sin Geor. gia gain. Mr. Hoke Hopkins, of AtlauUis aviator here this week. Misses Miuiiue Siun au.i Mamie Barber spent the past week in At lanta, as guests of of Mr. and Mrs Marvin Garrison, Mr. and Mrs. W. M Neargiu have'as their guest thire niece Mias, (lertrule Garrird, a beauti jul and tale itel yuan ' laly fro.u Atlanta. We are sorry to learn of the ill nws of Sam, the youuger son of Bev. and Mrs. A. B. Sanders, who is reported to have pneumonia. The Time Killers Club was roy ally entertained at the home of Miss. Belle Pounds on last Wednesday afternoon, we think they have given their Club ihe wrong name, if they carry fancy w jrk, and as they disscuas the new ideas, and cst in ;th >di ot and jing work ol va riou • kinds. Mrs. Henry \V Header* was the hostess of the Matrous Club on last Saturday altemoon. On account of the disagreeable weather, and some of the members being away {pom town, there was not a very large atteu lance, but those preseat greatly enjoyed the the amusments and refreshments. Mr. Wilde, of Mi’on, assisted by Mrs. C. W. MeCarJ/ are ser ving hJt U iches, al l den oustrat ing the merits of the eternal range this week, at C. McCurdy s store. The sale at W. M. Yeargin Co’s has been well attended so far. The fifteen rierks have been in a rush all the t me, and judging from the number and size of pack ages carried away the war must be over. * On last Saturday night about eleven o cldck Marsh il Ed Sim a happened to a serious acciden t While attending to his duties he stepped around back of the oi mill and stepped into a ditch three feet deep, breaking the bone of the thigh. Mr. Sims, unable to get out of the gully, shot his pistol, which attracted the the attention of thk hands in the mill, who went to his assistance the limb was dressod by Di. Castlelow, and he was resting fairly well Tuesday BANKS COUNTY JOURNAL Two Good Boys. One miu whom we sen a st it e meat ca ne ten miles to piy the hill and another came all the way from Oklahoma, or we suppose he did. tor the same purpose. We sent Col. Henry Furr a bill about two weeks ago an 1 he came in las S ituitiay to settle. We aske l him if he camJ all the way from Okla hma City to settle that little bill, and he Slid nothing, but laughed. As silence gives consent, we pie suine he cam s for that j> i pose God bless him if tie did. How we wish that-soin; ot the boys who live near >/ would emulate Hen ry,s example. In fict it some ol them wh > are due subscription will only notify us they are ready to pay’, we will send an automobile for them aud pay the car lare our selves. Pruitt Farmers are sowing more grain than ever before. In the atteruoou of December 3rd at the home of Esq. .1. W. <och ran occurred the rnarri age of Kev. Freeman Rice and Miss Katie Kelley; on the fouith Sunday Mr. Bert Osborne and .Viss. Venia Poole tied with the neptial knot; may much success be theirs. T. E. Amlerso i aud Joe Caudelle visited the Gate City Monday and Tuesday, We are glad to know that little Momoe Boling is improving. Miss. Vera Bellamy ol Ashland was iu our burg last week she is a hustling contestant for the Com mere - Observer. [{jin to Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Caudelle on November 18th a line g‘‘L Mis. James Caudell had a corn shucking Saturday night Wash ington ca 1 boast of the ui >st corn ever raised iu years. Born to Mr. and .>li's. J. I*. Hel lers Novemoor 2Li a bjuncing boy. J. M. and L. J. Caudelle of Hart cou ity are iiuving back to thier farms near Pleasant 11 11. • Toe many friends of Miss. Ha villa Ward are glad to see her able to be out again. On account oi the inclemency of the weather there was no singing at Damascus the sth Sundry. Suuday School is progressing nicely. WarTa* StanpL ON AND AFTER DECEMBER THE Ist, 19! 1, THE G )V ER MEN T REQUIRES DOUH MEN PARYT ST A MRS PLACED ON THE FOLLOWING: Promissory Notes for a sun not exc ceding $lOO.OO, 2 cents, and for each additional $ 100.00 or fractional part thereof in excess ol $lOO.OO, 2 cents. 50 cents on D -eds or eonveyancs over $lOO.OO and nut over $500.00 or fraction thereof. Notice. will lie a special exami nation at Horner, Saturday, Dec 19, for teachers without license. Respectfully, J. T. Wise, C. S. S. Road to Success. There ie no road to success but trough a clear, strong purpose— gothing can take Its place. A pui* pose underlies character, culture, position, attainment of every sort— W- T Muntter. | Mr. Charlie Baugh, one of Athens ; popular young men, was in our town Monday. Mr. Paul Bryan has returned from a months visit to relatives near Lula. Mr. Will Hopkins, of loccoa, spent Saturday here with his brother Jack Hopkins. Devoted to Giving the News, Encouraging the Progress, and Aiding the Prosperity of Banks l ounty. Homer, Banks County, Georgia, Friday, Peceember I 1, 1914. Homer Locals Dock Hill lost a tine mule last week. . I f you want t j pay your sub scription with wood, bring it, any kind and any length. We will pay yoa a good price. Don’t come to sej wHethei or uot we want it; just haul it in. C>l H■i i v Furr is now a mem her of the law firm of Blasted S Bunn ot Oklahoiui City. He has also purchased so in *. land in llie west and getting ready to follow in the footsteps of dud; make .money. Mr. John Whelchel and Pratt Hardy wore elected bailiffs for Homer district last Saturday. Pratt his serve 1 as biiliff for a lng time and mikes a good one, but he is not much of a policeman. Hi* is too short to reach the head with his bills- and hits below the belt. Read the page ad ofNewmm, Frierson, McEver Cos. of G aines ville, is tli ‘Journal to day. They will save yon mouey if you at tend their sale. The govermeut esti mates that a partridge is worth $25.00 to a far mer, and it is just atui right that his birds should be protected. The law has been enacted for that purpose, but somebody must pros ecute. What sve need is several convictions svith heavy lines for killing the valuable feathered bug and grass see l distroyers, and the practice will stop. Some people go wild over a horse race and some think an auto mobile rvcc is the only race. Oth ers love bicycle lacing, and boat racing on the Mississippi was pop ular sport at one time. Sub i;i nines now race with the big lish in tli • cl 'i th of the ocean and air men rae • with the eagle, but they sav that of all the races that ever race I by any of the hum m race was pulled off in Poplar Springs district last Saturday when Jim Willis, John E nmet aid John Jones ran lor the office of bailiff of said dees' iek. It was hot and furious the start to home stretch, but John Unmet and John I ones were elected and are now ready to levy on you in a po ite and courteous manner. Cashier Obadi ,h Walton has been driving Seaborn Chamber’s horse for several weeks a'.tendi g to business. Last week the horse became ill. Vetinarians from a distance were called and ministered to the suffering animal but he failed to respond to the treaiment very rapidly. Allopathists were th u given a trial but the horse re mained sick. At last the parties mostly interested decided it was a case of death at best s) they turned the local horse doctors loose on the horse to furnish the job. The do *tors swarmed around, each with about six different rem edies that would effect a sure cure. The dope was brought and put to him until he could feel it, but he failed to improve, of course. Then it was deci led to let hirn die with out any more punishment, so he was turned in a dry stall. As soon as all the medicine got out of him he commenced to mend and is now eating about a half bundle ol fodder a day and is expected to re cover. Some misunderstanding arose be tween the teachers of Homer High school and the trustees last Mon day regarding tlie amount of mon ey to be paid, and the three teach ers resigned and will hereafter la bor in other fields. Miss Joe Nash returned to her home at Norwood and Miss Myrtle Cook to Collie Park- Some of the ciuidicn seemed grieved at the sudden stop, but other’s spread their mouths from ear to ear and hollowed with joy for they had rather bunt rub- AN AWFUL FALL Man Drops 10'000,000 Miles A man died recently and went straightway to heaven’s gate where h i demanded admittance. Ht. Peter examined his credentials and then began to question the won d-be guest as follows: “Have you been a truthful man while on earth!” ‘‘Yes, I have alw tys told the truth, even to giving in my prop erty at its true valuation.” “Have you kept the ten com mandments!” “Yes, even to loving my neigh bors as myself.” “Have you always paid your debts!” “Yes, most of the time. But I must confess that 1 have failed in a few little matters.” Ht. Peter then opeued the record book he was holding in his hand, and said: “My friend you arc on record here as having read a news paper for severa 1 years and then havi g it marked refused without paying for it.” “Yes, I did that.” “Wed, by so doing you have sinned against the holy ghost and there is no chance for you to enter here.” After stroking his beard aud looking down a few seconds St. Peter pressed a button and in stepped two angels with shining swords. “Take this man”, le said, “to the highest battlements of heaven, turn his head liellwards and strike his heels with light niug.” Double Tracking The Southern. Atlanta, Ga., December s.—The first contract for work noi th of Gainesville. Ga., in connection with the plan lor rebuilding and double tracking the Charlotte Atlanta line, has just been let by Southern Railroad Company. The work to be done consists of the construction of (1 1-2 miles of entirely new line lying in two stretches, four miles near Mt. Airy and 2 1-2 miles near White Sulphur. The construction will be very expensive and will give employment to a 1 irge force of men as the country which the new line will be built is very rough and heavy grading will be necessary. Great improve, inentin bath grades and cur vature will be secured by tbj co.istr ucLoi, of the new line. Stewait and Jones of Rock Hill, S. 0., have the contract and will liegin work immediately. Iu ad dition to providing better f dii ties for handling trafftj in the lu tore, the undertaking oftiiis work will mean the immediate distribu tion of large sums for labor and material. FOR SALE Road Hammons Joe pei hun dred, 50 for 20c 25 for 10. Pos tage paid. Journal Office. Tax Collector’s Notice. 1 will bo at Horner from Dec. 14 to Dec. 21. Books will close on the 21st. N* Z. CHANDLER, T. C. B. 0. Mental Satisfaction. And now Ui scientist* tell us that wt* n we rtJnft a ooltl we are just r*o<** t. <r t—l one. In ether HriU uon't know we hava it un til v.e Ul'Slu lO gel well. While this gn't perfe-rtlv eloar there Ik some lit tla emmort in the idom- —Toledo Blade bits than attend school an yway The sadde-t part of the un foituuate affair was the woe be gone expression of some of ou \ouug men around town. The Finishing Touch Of a Mau’s Education is EXPERIENCE And the more experience he has the more finished is his education Ho it is in the Drug business, and years of experience added to a thor ough knowledge of Pharmacy make a druggist more proficient, and of the same proportion add to the safety and accuracy with which Phy sieians Prescriptions and Domestic Receipts are compounded. Our Drug Store is a Model One Conducted on a Model System Qur Prescription Department Is always in charge of a Pharmacist made competent by a thorough knowledge of Pharmacy and years ot ex|*eriencc Toilet Articles The Ladies like to visit a Drug Htore where there is a good assortment. That’s why you see so many ladies in our store. Our stock comprises all the most modaru Toilet preparations. Bay Rum, Face Cream. Face Powder, Tooth Brushes, Etc. Persumes Did it ever occur to you why the Perfumes you buy here are so deli cate and lasting! Each perfumer excels in some particular odor which he calls his special. We buy specials from the leading manufacturers, and are thus enabled to give you satisfaction in this line. W. WALLACE WtIbISELL, Ltcensco Pharmacist, Mgr. MAYSVILLE. GEORGIA “Postage Paid on Parcel Post Packages.” Which is the Best Way? To indulge yourself in everything you want NOW, and then when old age comes creeping on begin to lop off one by one the comforts of life? OR Togo a little slow on the luxuries while young that you may have ALL THE COMFORTS in your declining year when you most need them? THINK IT OVER. Draw a moral from this preachment and resolutely follow up some cheme of steadly saving up for rainy day. Bank of Oillsville, Grills ville, - - Georgia. GROVES L. GRIFFIN, Cashier. The Habit of Systematic Saving May be found at the bottom of many a rich, man’s successful career, Deposit your surplus in the Baldwin State B ank and it will, in time make you one of the country most successful men. This Bakk is a safe depository and has proven this fact to th people. The people have showm their appreciation ol a home enterprise. The management is courteous and obliging. We respectfully solicit a conti unaucc of your business and guar antee you as liberal treatment as safe baking will permit. Baldwin State Bank BALDWIN. GA. Scrubs Fatten Quickly You want your -igs to eat as much as possible vrtien you fatten th‘. m. Give them a great variety lookm* hog. in the pnto of feed, keep the a- <etite keen and the and jestion in good order, and - will obtain the ce result; especially il yo j* with the grain ration a cose or whlch aet ted me over Sn TJaA STO r ;K Da H J^“w.Vi. MEDICINE 25c, hoc end sl. per can. Whets the eppetlte-Eeips dlfestioa. At your dealer-*. p r NO. 37