Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, December 11, 1914, Image 2

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More About Foot Washing. Dear Editor:—l have studied a great deal about the 13th chap ter of our Lord’s Gospel according to Ht. John, of course we all do not see things alike and it is hard for me to tell the reason. I have heard of some great revival springing from the sacred per formance of foot washing in the church and 1 am not convinced that what I said in my iirst ar tide was wrong; and I hope that I am no more a hardshell than your correspondent. lam merely try ing to keep God’s Commandments ing follow in the footsteps of our Lord and Haviour Jesus Christ and if that makes a man a hardshell I say amen praise the Lord lei’s all be a hardshell and dabbed in the water if Jesus say’s dabbed in it. How can do we important thing’s if we neglect minor tbingsf No I am not depending on any work’s that I can do to save me but Broth er, please tell us how to keep in a saved condition after we are washed in the bloo lof the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world if it is not following alter Chrisi and doing what he says do. Jesus made the way and there is none other name given uuder Heaven wh< reby we may lx saved, and we don’t have say if 1 am able to get to lleaven or if 1 am saved. Mo he says believe on the Lord Jesus C hrist and thou shall be saved Brother don’t be lieving mean a whole loti More than just believiug, One among the meanings is to follow the ex amples and teachings of Christ look if I then your Lord and Mas tar have washed your feet ye also ought to wa-h one another’s feit. John 13th, Chapter 14th verse how can we keep our selves unspotted fioin the world if itisnotby follow ing after him that made the way. Kept by prayer and meditation of of the Holy word, because there is a gruat many way’s that seemeth light in the eyes of man. lie kindly afFectioned one to another with Brotherly love in honour preferring one another; Romans 12-10 Brethern ii a man be overtaken in a fault ye which are spirituaal restore such an one in the spirit of meekness considering thyself lest thou also be tempted Salvation 6-1, yea all of you be subject one to another and be clothed with humility for God rc sisteth thep roinl an I giveth Grace to the humble. Ist Petts f> 5; this was no miracle unless we call it a miracle of uumil ty. Mary had just annointsd his head, now Lest his acceptance of Ill's should look like taking; he presently bal ancee it with this act of abasement. But why would t'lmst do this! If the diciples feet needed wadi ing they could wash them them selrs. A wise man will not do a thing that looks odd and unusual, but for very good causes and con sideiations we are sure that it was not in a frolic that this was done. No, the transaction was very solemn and carried on with a great deal of seriousness; this was oone that he might testify his love ti) the disciples that he might give an instance of his own volui tary humility and condescension that he might signify to them spiritual washing w hich is referred to in his discourse w ith Peter that he might set them an exam pie, and 1 under stand that whenever the Lord set an example for the disciples In set one for us also therefore those whom Christ loves lie loves to tin end when those that have called themselves disciples afterwards prove false. What will become of them iu the end because when we think we are something when w e are nothing, we deceive ourselves. Let us inquire now before it is 100 late aud we begin to sav Loid, Lord ami w e hear the Master say depart from me ye that work iui quitv brethren. lam not trying to down anybody or anything of the kind. 1 only want us to follow in the foot steps of him that made the way of everlasting life. Our call ing him Master and Lord is an ob ligation ui on ns to reeeiv and ob serve the instructions he gi>es us. Christ would thus pre-engage their Homer Locals Homer High School will open Monday, Dec 14th. Rev. and Mrs. Hagan have been employed as teacher’s. Owing to a break ~in the ma chinery of our press the Journal will reach you iate this lime. Mr. i\ F. M. Furr says it pays to advertise. He placed a small ad in the Journal notifying the people that he had milk cows for >ale. Yesterday morning he sold live head, but he si ill has some more to sell. Mr. Fred Gardiner, ot Florida, spent this week in Banks, visiting relatives and friends. H. F. Swan back, of Greenwood, Mo. although aged 100 years, was an active participant in the meet ings of the state lodge of I. O. <>. F. held here last week. He claims to be the oldest living Odd Fellow as well as the oldest in point of memlrership, having joined the order in Hamburg, Germany seven ty one years ago. Wheeler's School House Mr. Claud Spivey, who has been traveling the past six months, is visiting friends here. He reports a panic in many different counties and we believe th it it has about reached here. Mils Lillian Dill spent Thurs day night at J. C. Mooney’s. Mr. and Mis. J. D. Wheeler spent Tuesday night with Mrs. Dora Chandler at Ridgeway. Air. H. B. Patterson, of Wilson, was on our start Sunday in search of a lost dog. Air. Ed Reynolds and family spent Fiiday night at Mr. J. Al. Reynolds. Home one tied the whistle e .rd down at Doss Bros, gin tiie other night just ns a wind storm was near so our people thought Gabrel had blown his trumpbet. Mr. John Wheeeler, of Com rnerce, spent Sunday night with their daughter,, Mrs. Minnie Key nolds. Miss Neatie Davis spent Sunday with Miss Ruth Non is. Miss Fay Lord has a yoodschool at this place everything looks good for a thriving school the year 1915. Mr. Waldo Reynolds was in our burg Friday ou business. We ai-e sorry to report the sick ness of little W. C. Wheeler with croup. Bi.ue Jay. School 800 Ks. State adopted Common aud High School books for sale by John C. Bell, Homer, Ga. For Sale \ new home sewing machine. Price $25.00. Apply at this of fice. Stop In Atlanta At Hotel Empire Opposite TJuion Depot on Pryor St. Renovated and refurnished throughout. Reservations made on application. Hot and cold water,private baths, elect! ic lights and elevator. First class accommodations at extremely moderate rates. Euro pean plan 75 cents up. JomnL. Edmondson, Propietor. obedience to a command that was displeasing to tlesh and blood. If Christ Ik* onr Master and Lord lie so by our own couseut aud we have otten called him so we are bouud iu houor and honesty to be observant of him let's all study more about his pi-ecious ways and whatsoever ha sayeth for us to do, do that regardless of what man may say, and I urn sure that we will come out conquerors in the end. Eternal life is surely worth working for The kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Yours devotedly, Samuki. Nobton. BANKS CCUNTY lOURNAJL, HOMER, GA., Suffered Twenty-One Years Finally Found Relief Having suffered for twenty-one years with a pain in my side, I finally have found relief in Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp Root. Injections of morphine were my only relief for short periods of time. I be came so sick that I had to under go a surgical operation in New Orleans, which benefited me for two years. When the same pain came back one day I was so sick that I gave up hopes of living. A friend advised me to try your Swamp Root and I at once com menced using it. The iirst bottle did me so much good that I pur chased two more bottles. I am now on my second bjttle and am leeling like anew woman. I passed a gravel stone as large as a big red bean and several small ones. I have not had the least feeling of pain since taking your Swamp Root and I feel it my duty to rec commend this great medicine to all suffering humanity. Gratefully yours, MRS. JOSEPH CONSTANCE, Rapides Bar. Echo, La. Personally appeared 1 esore me, this 15th day oi July, 1911, Mrs. Joseph Constance, who subscribed the above statement and made oath that thesime is true in sub stance and in fact. Wm. Moebow, Notary Public. Letter to Dr- Kilmer & Cos. Binghamton N- Y PROVE WHAT SWAMP ROOT WILL DO FOR YOU Send ton cents to Dr. Kilmer & Cos., Binghampton, New York., for a sample size bottle. It wil convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuible in formation, tolling about the kid neys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention the Homer j Weekly Journal. Regular fifty cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Cabbage Plants YVwither conditions have beeu ideal and I am justified in saying that you can’t buy any better plants, and 1 feel sure you will lie more than pleased with them at the reasonable price offered. Va rieties: Early Jersey, Charleston Wakefield, Early and Late Flat Dutch, Early and Late Succession. Price 500, 7f> cents; SI.OO per 1000; 5000 end over 85 cents per 1000. Special price on large quanities. Beet, Lettuce and Onion Plants ready after December Ist. Write for price on these. Plants by mail 35 cents per 100. Shipments are made same day order is received and satisfaction will be cheerfully given. Appreciating your lavors, Alfred Jouannet, Mt Pleasant. S. C. Only One "BROMO QUININE” To get the genuine, call for full name, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE- Look for •ignatureo* H.W. GROVE. Cure* a Cold in One Day. Stop* cough aud headache, and woiks off cold. 25c. lEAFNKSS CANOT BE CURED by local applications, as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by con stitutional remedies. Deafness is crust'd by mi infiamed condition ot tin- mucous liuing of the Eustachian Tune. When this tube isiutlamed you have a rumbling sound or im perfect healing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube re stored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever: nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condition ot the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dol lars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con gtipation. Men’s and Boy’s CLOTHING This Stock Must Go In anticipatin of a heavy crop of cotton and good prices we bought an enormous stock of Clothing several months ago. It has now arrived, but as the crop will be short and prices low, we have decided to let this stock of Clothing go at unheard of prices. Call and see it. BLACKWELL BROS. Maysville, Ga. PROFESSIONAL CAROS Dr. O. N. HARDEN. Office at Residence Five Miles North-east of Homer. Calls Answered Promptly. Telethone Connection. DR J. S. JOLLY Homer, Ga. Will answer calls Day or Night Residence call at Hill Hotel. Office East side Public Square. S. R- JOLLY ATTOR NE Yi-AT-LAW Homer, Ga. Office in Court House J.S. Chambers, M.D. Office in old Postoffice Bun i> i no. HOMER. GA. j. w. Wallace, Physician & Surgeon Office five miles south east of Homer at residence of R. J. Wal lace. Calls Answered Day or Sight Empire Laundry. We are agents for the Empire Laundry of Athens. Our basket leaves every week. Leave your laundry at our store. HILL & BROWN. The Quinine Thet Does Not Affect The Heed Because of its tonic and laxative effect. LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE U better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness not ringing in head Remember the full name and look for the signature of K- W. GROVE. *sc. To Our Subscribers If the little yellow label on your papei shows you aie in arrears with Journal please call in and settle the bill. All can pay the small amount they are due us and it will relieve your conscience and our fii naneial strain. m- A safe sure way to A I Get rid of Kidney Trouble I Kidney trouble* disappear with sound healthy kidneys, 'Sjk-. I and aick, weak, atugginh kidneys can be made strong SBcJ.'Sv I and healthfully active with FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS. I C. A. GLOSSNER. ROCHESTER, N. Y., was so broken RBfjy I down with kidney and bladder trouble that he had to I give up working. After taking FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS, j S he writes: liW-j.i, "I am only aorry I did not know sooner of Foley Kidney Pitta. HI VSul I tor I leal KXHfe baltar ainca taking them and my kidnay H ■llf* SMSW and bladder trouble! K] U . ■ have entirely dia* P^s^j) For Sale by HILL <te BROWN We Want Your Banking Business^ This Bank enjoys a position of STRENGTH AND SAFETY that is inpregnable. We so licit your banking business with the firri assurance of meeting your requirement in a business-like and satisfactory manner, and with the Absolute Knowledge that youf de posit in this Bank is SAFE. IN ADDITION to the assets of this Baijk. which are profectly good for protection, DE POSITS ARE Absolutely INSURE! AGINST LOSS. We are ready to serve and orotect you. Banks County Bank HOMER, G-A. We Acknowledge Promptly Receipt of Ail Deposit* Sent by Mail MAIL US YOUR DEPOSITS