Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, December 11, 1914, Image 4

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TOYS--XMAS TOYS Special Values in Art Squares and Small Bugs rags&wjij ||ij||j&g| ajslppffil ||glg|jl§lj 88&Baa||i lli|§lBlSj OBpffiSpß Cut Price Sale A chance to get the greatest values ever offered by any store —new seasonable merchandise at even lower prices than usually asked tor odds and ends at the end of the season; with a full month more of wear than yon would have in in a January sale. The former prices were our actual low selling prices, and the difference in that price and the sale price is an actual saving to you. You should come at your earliest convenience to get the greatest quantity to select from. Not an article offered that would not have been a mighty good buy at the former price. Remember that YOUR money will buy more at OUR store than anywhere in Northeast Geor gia. Remember also that you get the very highest cash price in Gainesville for your cotton or produce. You make both ways: we sell you more for your money and you get more for what you sell. Clothing and Furnishings. Our Clothing Department offers you the greatest bargains ever quoted in the 20 years of our business. Men’s Heavy weight All wool Suits, in good dark pattern-, our best #lO 00 value, at only s7*so The Greatest $lO.OO Suit I'.ver offered in Gainesville. Come in all the new patterns of grays and browns; absolutely all-wool; in the season’s best styles. Suits at 12.50 Extra good Melton and Mixtures, all wool, and a great line of patterns from which to select. Cannot be matched at $15.00 anywhere else. Suits at $15.00 to $20.00 Complete assortments of Men’s Suits at from #15.00 to #20.00, made of all wool materials, in all the latest styles by the very best tail ors. Boys Suits From $2.00 to $7.50 Made with the new Norfolk Coats with Kniekerboxer Pants. They come in all the blue and fancy Serges, grays, browns, and black and white. Ages 7to 17. Little Fellows Suits at $2 to $5 Great assortment Boys’ Suits, ages 212 to ti. All the new materials, in all the uew styles. Men’s Odd Coats $2 to 3.00 Good dark colors, well made, in all sizes; heavyweights, ami at pri ces that cannot be matched Overcoats and Rain Coats They come in both long and short lengths, in light and heavy weights, ind at prices that cannot be matched. Men’s 50c Underwear only 37 l-2c Men's Heavy Fleeced Underwear, the best 50c garment on the market, at only 37 l-2c garment; 75c the Suit. Men’s Ribbed Underwear 50c The best garment of its kind ever brought to Gainesville; 50c the gar incut, or #l.OO the Suit. Children’s Dresses reduced for quick selling. They are made of good quality serges and fancy materials. (-G.OO Children’s Serge Dresses, only $4OO 5.00 Children’s Serge Dresses, only 8.50 3.50 Children’s Serge Dresses, only 2.50 3.00 Chil Iren s Sergo and Fancy Dresses 2.00 2.50 Children’s Serge and Fancy Dresses 1.50 2.00 Children’s Serge and Fancy Deessi s 1.25 1.50 Children’s Serge and Fancy Dresses 1.00 NEWMAN-FRIERSON-IMVER GO. C3fJ^.X2 nTES'VXXjXjE, GEORGIA. J-'urrs—Xmas Furrs "THE VALUE-CiVINC HOUSE” Cloves~XmaClove* BANKS CCCNTT JOI7KAAL, BOHKK.GA.. Men’s Hats $125, $1.50, $2.00 And Up to $3.00 Complete lines of all the newest blocks, in all the new shades and colors—every one an extra good value at the price asked. Men’s Women’s and Children’s Shoes Our Shoe Department offers you some of the biggest values ever. They are nil the more remarkable when the prices are steadily getting higher. Hoyden #6.00 Shoes at only $2.95 Walkover $4.00 and #4.50 Shoes at only 2.95 N.F.-McE. Co’s Special #3.50 and *4.00 Shoes at only 2.45 Men’s Sunday #2.00 and $2.60 Shoes at only 1.48 Men’s Heavy Work $2.50 and #3.00 Shoes at only 1.98 Boys’ Shoes. #2.00 and #2.25 grades, at only 1.48 Ladies’ Button and Lace #3.60 and #4.00 Sho m at only 1.00 Misses’ an l Children’s $1.75 and $2.50 Shoes at only 1-00 Afen’s Socks Men’s Heavy weight Socks, in brown and gray; the best Socks we ev cr offered at 10c or 3 hair 25c. Men’s Heivy weight Ribbed Socks, in blaak and brown, loc pair; 2 pair 25c. Woolens, Silks ahd Domestics The merchandise quoted in this department is the greatest ottered in many a year. The goods were brought lower than ever; the price more than ever. 50c and and 75c Woolens at Only 39c Plaid and Fancy Serges, Mohairs and Crepes. The 36-in. all.wool serge put him in this lot is an especially good purchase. $1.25 and $1.50 Woolens at Only 98c An especially attraction assortment of this season’s best values —they arc 44-in. to 55-in. wide. You will find just the kind of material you will want for most any kind of garment. 2.00 Woolens at only $1.49 Cloakings, Dress Woolens, Etc., in gnat variety of allurin' pat terns, 52. in. to 58 in. Possibly the best bargain ottered. SILKS Messalines, Taffetas, and poplius, in nearly all shades and black: the best #I .OO Silks shown in Gainesville, at 0n1y.... 89c Domestics The greatest values in Domestics since cotton was ttc, years ago. Some of these are priced even lower than we sold them even then: Best brands Abron Ginghams 6 l-2c Good Calicoes 4 l-2c Best AAA Sheeting 7c Beat 4-yd Shreting Qq Mottle I Fleeced Outings, in solid grays, tans, pinks, and blues; never sold for less than I Oc; only 8 l-2c 25 to 50c Underwear at only 19c We have a lot of Ladies’ and Children’s underwear in broken sizes or slightly soiled, worth 25c to 50c, to close out at, only 19C Blankets and Comforts 89c to $ 10.00 We have the best values in town in l lankets and Comforts. You should come and look them over. Ready-to-Put-on- Garments This Department comes forward with the greatest saving in prices since the Department was put in: Ladies’ Tailored Suits $12:50 t0517.5i ; values only $9.50 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $t2.50 to $25.00; vaiues only 13.50 Ladies’ Tailored Suits #20.00 to $30.00; values only 18.50 Ladies, Tailored Suits #25.00 to #35.00: values only 22.50 Satin and Serge Dresses We have a few of the best values that w ■ have ever shown at the former prizes: $25.00 Sorge or Satin Dresses at only , $18.50 10.00 Serge or Satin Dresses at only 13 50 17.50 Serge or Satiu Dresses at only 11.50 15.00 Serge or Satin Dress at ouly.. 9.50 12 50 Serge or Satiu Dresses at only 7*50 10.00 Serge or Satin Dresses at only 6*50 Bath Robe and Kiminos All Gating Kimonos and all Bath Robes put in this sole at great m ia ey saving prices: #I.OO Flannelette Kimonos, only 75e 1.50 Flannelette Kimonos, only SI.OO 2.00 Flannelette Kimonos, 1.25 -.00 Bath Robes, ouly 2-00 3.50 Bath Robes,"only' 2.50 500 Bath Robes, only 3.50 Mens $1.25 Hats only 98c Men’s big shapes, in black; the best #1.25 seller while they list, only